i tl t 8 i t a rage 12 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MARCH 29th - 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.. 1265 NORTH 23rd STREET , , Come rod see this ntw S bedroom holue with full bssemont, 9 flreplseeo, double sarase. AU plastered, bath on mailt floor with provision lor belli la basement, kitchen vlth breakfast sook. Urge living room, . separate dining room, ell herdwood floors. Lou of closet storese. Located between "D" etreet end Enslewood avenue with eicellent bus service, only J Mi blocks to Englewood school, price la IU.1Ml.00. Will finance P.H.A. . ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Masonic Building Insurance Ileal Estate Phone: 3-9317 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 1435 Evergreen Ave. - East Moreland District BRAND NEW THREE NICE BED BOOMS DINING ROOM PLANTER BOX IN RECEPTION HALL ALL BIRCH KITCHEN EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP 1430 North 24th Street - FIVE BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME. THREE YEARS OLD. MAPLE FLOORS. BATH AND HALF, YOUNOBTOWN KITCHEN. DISH WASH- ER. 100X100 LOT. HOME IS TOO LA ROE FOB PRESENT OWHEflA. WOULD CONHIDER SOME EXCHANOB WITHIN REASON ON SMALL ER HOME. PRICED AT 8l,O00. THE SALESMAN ON DUTY WILL ALSO SHOW TO AN INTERESTED PURCHASER CUE OF THE NICEST 9 BED ROOM HOMES IN THIS DISTRICT ON A LARGE . CORNER LOT PRICED AT 118,000. , Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. HIGH STREET 17 . Years . . f ' Satisfactory Service SEVERIN REALTY CO OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY - 2 TILL 5 895 SALEM HEIGHTS ROAD GO TO TOP HILL NEAR CREST VIEW OANDALARIA LOCATION PRICE REDUCED OVER $7,000 Charm and gracious living In this lovely Colonial homo that you may ,. own under appraisal value. Large cheerful rooms. Central entrance ' hall leading direct to kitchen, you don't bavo to walk thru other rooms to open the front door. Downstairs alio contains large living room, ample dining room. The kitchen Is deslaned to take the drudgery out ot feeding that lovable family of yours. Yes, there Is ft breakfast .it nook, too. For the man of the house, there Is comfortable den. . Extra large utility room. Upstairs there, are 9 large bedrooms, ft nursery and Continental baths. Closets and storage specs thst will , deliiht every wile. 3-car garage with ttorageoverhead. It you are : looking for a quality home at below today'a market, your Inspection . of this ehertnlng home should come first. 910,780. MR. MOON AT YOUR SERVICE Severin Realty Company 335 N. HIGH ST. FOR SALE HOUSES CREEK PROPERTY Now It the time o' year to appre ciate this type property. 198 ft. along wooded creek bank, 9-bedroom ranch homo with full basement and party : room, 3-car garage. Here Is real val ue, call Ralph Maddr for appointment anytime. Eve. 33488, OHMART As CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 34118 - 14US .......... a7- FOB SALE, by builder, new 3-bedroom home, off Booth Lancaster, 1 blocks east on Munkers street. P.H.A, com mitment. Phone 3-3735. - a7fl 3 HOUSES 955001 HALF ACRE I At 1130 ORCHARD Hts. . Rd. I 1 foot outside CITY LIMITS! CITY WATER I Smart new district! Ill Ft. frontage I VIEW I Cute. . plumbed and wired 4 r. sarage-houaet Semi-completed 3 b.r. ranoh house to ' boot I BARQAINI ' f. w. ATULLER, Rltr 053 Edsewater St. Phone 3-5557 or 4-0783 eTV ALL ELECTRIC, 1 bedroom home, 3483 Ferry, Phone 3-1013, 3-373. a75 By Owner AND BUILDER ttJ&OO. Will tooept Utt model car u down payment, Ntw, insulated, 3- bedroom who kttaoneo tarkue. xan. U plastared. hat hardwood floor, au- tomitlo oil heat, larte kitchen, 1 ' bloek to but and ichool. Reatrlcted , arw, Phone -333? after 4 .. or all day aaturdar and Burtdar. aid' 4 BEDROOMS ll'a new and In top trade location I bedroonu down and S up, extra nice fireplace, oil heat and att, aerate, .slow to Khool and but. CaU Maddr OHMART A CALABA. RF-ALTOHA 477 Court St. . Phone 24115 - Kill a7lV ENOiLEWOOD DINT.-Wew 3-bedroom hense. Utility room, double aerate, 1600 an. ft. Phone 3747S. a76 BY OW?lR, B room home, basement, aawduit furnace, 1097ft, HBO Hood St. Ph. SflSBO. a7e IslUVINO BALEM. Must eell 3-bedroom home in excellent residential district. Phone 2-7707. 6fm Rose St. a7S KING WOOD 11 El O HTS For sale by owner. Beautifully planned and built. View, specimen planting. Prlie-wtnnln rotes. White shake. DR., L.R., S R . bullt-lna, modern kitchen with tadsets, fireplace, pto ture windows! basement, hot air oil furnace; city water and sewer. Paved St. Near schools. P.H.A, 301 Cascade Drive. Corner Long view. a7ftft BY OWNER, 3 bedroom, full basement. ood location. Priced right. Phone 3-tWBtt. ' a77 BJIVQWOOD H RIO HTS. Corner lot Ifti 90. Paved streets, city services. Taxes 120. Hot air oil, annual fuel, S-yr. .Average IDS. Repainting living, dining room, installing new Venetians. Buy . now. cnooee your ooiors, aiu uasraoe Drive. a79 FAIRMODNT DISTRICT 11. too. bedroom and den. Two full bathrooms, Sawdust heat. Bus by the door. Baker-McKlnley school district, Open Sunday 3-6, 3-M27. a73 ClsASMFlKD ADVERTISING Pur Ward, limn . Me Per Ward Per Ward, 3 times , 1Ae Per Ward, 1 month toe Ne Refund Minim e,m 14) Words, REATiKRH In Local Newa Column Only, Per Ward V Minima n II Words T Pines Arl In Sams Ty Paiwr, Phon 8-8406 Before 10 A.m. FOR SALE HOUSES Mortgage Loans . Evenings 3-4109 NOOK TILE BATH PLASTERED 2-CAR GA RAGE & PART BATH LARGE LOT, EAST FRONT' OIL-FIRED IRON FIREMAN FURNACE GOOD VALUE AT $18,000 DIAL 4-5943 FOR SALE HOUSES St, VINCENT dLitrlct. New l-bedroom houat, Hardwood iloora, wardrobe cioi ti, tile batb, fireplace, forced air lur nactt. 3020 N. Church. Phono 3-340A ertnlnts. a7B WE NEED v $10,000 ' to $20,000 HOMES T CM SEVERIN REALTY 37 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY . - . SERVICE . OPEN HOUSE . I - Sunday 2 to 5 539 N, 23rd OFF CENTER Walnut Park 4 Bedroom Among fine homea. S bedrooms and bath down, 2 bedroonu and bath up. Large living and dining room. All floors carpeted with 436 per yd. ear petlnr. Finished basement and 2car aarase. Here is a fine home, built prewar with best material. It is yours xor under cost, substantial mortgage can be arrasged. 217,000. Mr, Klang at your service. Severin Realty Co. 25 N. Hlth Ph. 45942 WE NEED $10,000 to 20,000 HOMES kW SEVERIN REALTY 37 YEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE OPEN HOUSE ; Sunday 1 to 6 p.m. 365 EAST RURAL (This pre-war-built English type Nob Hill home should appeal to a home buyer wanting a real well-built home of lasting architecture. 3 bedrooms or 3 and den. Living room with fireplace and dining room vlth bullt-lna. There la a -full-stae basement with laundry A party room. Automatic heat. Newly decorated vhruout. Qarate and lovely landseaved corner Vot. Can you dupli cate II at 111,600? Mr. Severin at your service. Severin Realty Co. 339 H. High Ph. 43043 a78' SPACIOUS 3-BEDRM. hone lost I block outside olty limits N.I. 11131 11,. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., Ite. kitchen At nook, lee. bethrooro with colored tub and sen. ahower atall. utllltr rm. A attch. garage. Many more features to numerous to mention, price, 913,000. Call 3-7434 lor appoint. Is see. a7S ni.TU VIII . .1. i room, breakfast nook, fireplace, euto matte utility room, attach, double .., , u.u... w.mi, i.nvm sees. yard, patio, shrubs, hedges. Phone TV ": " . s,bjl''' FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE , SUNDAY 1 P.M. TO P.M. ' HI ON THE HILL TOP EAST OF K. S. L. M., OFF K1NOWOOP TO on KIVKKVIEW AT ONCE POSSESSION ' Bull! Ins salore, mahogany paneling, Brlsga plumbing, are a few reasons you will enjoy our T. V. In UiU lovely 1 Br. Home, Just a Bitten by the fireplace, comfortable, or course, oe cause of ft good Iron Fireman furnace. All this on a good sued lot. ah. sar. Reduced to P. H. A. appraisal, !i.J 30 down, JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR MS Edsewater, Ph. 49741, Sun. 1478S FOB SALE, I bedrooms, unfurnished attic, KS00. Low down payment, ta acre, steiser . oieirwt. v."-' Dr. OPEN house, lie N. llrd, 1 to i Sun der, Br owner, new weonwa uuuee. with hlsh windows, recessed Ushllna, Pulman bsth. hardwood floors, Roman brick fireplace, plastered end heated garage, lawn, trees and anruos. nus at each corner, WU1 consider lot In trsde. era- FURNISHED I bedroom, electrlo beat tanco to town. Corner lot. Immediate possession. QOtOO. CaU 1-9339. a7t FOR SALE by owner, 10 acres with creek end spring. peoroom, uiw room, dining room combination. Part ly furnished, aeoo down, e-ooe saiano.. South, cauje-Jeio- " CANDALAKIA, New I bedroom, double fireplace, douoie garase, basement. 910,(00. 911 Holes. Ph. 351(8. 077 hy riWNKH AND BUILDER Now la the time to choosir your color schemes for this new l-bedroom Plas tered home. 1 block north of high school. Fireplace, oar, floors, auto matic furnace, large lot, t stor age room. Located loeo k. win. . WM. T. J. FOSTER ' , Home Sulkier isa olive Phone 1-3800 .. ' a75 BY OWNER Acreage, l-bdrm. home In excel, condition, etas, pipea on fur nace, cloes to school. Fruit and nut trees. Bus by door. 1 mile east of Lanesater Dr. on SUverton Road. Rt. a. Tl. 485. Ph. 3S09B. S18.700. 075 FOR SALE LOTS ON PAVED ST., View, go. district, 75 I Ifl3. 82490. Ph. 3-SW0, waft BOCOiOISsr. Real Estate. aa75 llTH A MADISON 3 lots 100X100. Ph. 3-8339, Walt Soeolofsky, Real Estate. eaio BY OWNER Lots, 918 down and 930 per mo.. 4-5B33. . , ' r SS77 t.awnl! LOT. lni. In. terms. Owner. 1935 Center. aa7B" FOR SALE FARMS ATTRACTIVE FARM ; .... Located 6 ml. ait. Thla IT ac. haa a lood let ot buUdinKg and creek. Out of atata Interests forcea aale ot thU nice Place rou would look a long time for a nicer setup for stock or trade A dairy. The price Is right, and terms avauaoie. WM. BLXVSN ft CO., REALTORS 447 North High St. Ph. 23817, Eve. 34773 ' h'Nt FOR SALE ACREAGE , BY OWNER - Two acres best soil with 4-room modern house, call 37782 evenings. bb75 BY OWNER, 4 acre. Close in Wallace Rd. Fertile sou. 80 ft. well with pump ing ytera, 3 acres fruit, nuts. Good building site. Good terms. Phone 4-4727. 6b7tV NORTH , 10 acres near Woodburn all eult. t ac. eaneberrles bearing good. Fam. fruit, best of soils. J. D. tractor and attach ments. B-rm. mod. home. EL range, 011 circulator, Barn, henna., etc. A dandr little farm seldom available. Illness forces sale. ONLY 9,000, $3,000 oown. AL HAUTH RSJAli ESTATE . Main Street - Mt. Angel Phone Oreen 44 or Blue SB Wis WANT GOOD trailer home ae part pay ment on 8 acres. Sea Wells, 353 N. Hlsh after 5 p.m. bb75 REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES ; ROOMY INEXPENSIVE I Bedroom borne. AU rooms on, one floor. Pvd. St. Insulated. In very good condition. Owner leaving state. Very easy home to heat. Only $1413 down. Full price (WOO. Better hurry. JUST ON MARKET 3 Bedroom home near hospital. Fire place. 3 bike, to school. 1 blk to bus. Several trees. Lawn and shrubs. Att. garage. Shown by appointment only. Full price 18360. Thla Is less than P.H.A. appraisal. YOU'LL WANT THIS HOME Because it's completely remodeled In-! aide. Has new oil forced-air furnace. Fireplace. 4 Bedrooms. In very fine location. Walnuts. New wiring and plumbing. Full price la only 38930. Terms. LIKE A BASEMENT? Plus a food home only 4 yrs. old. 3 car garage. Oil furnace. F.H.A. terms. 3 blks. to school. But by door. We con alder this a very good buy for ll.boo. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-3020 or MR. KIQQIN8, EVE. PH. 4-3404. ir no answer call 4-224B. EVEN A PESSIMIST Could make good money with this well established restaurant. It's In a select location. Equip, is in good condition. Rent Is only 2103, which inch an apartment plus a full basement. Own er muit eell. Full price 118,600. BUSINESS TRADE Very clean operation. Do-nut factory. We think this has good Doaslbilitie.. The Hint man can really get .the Job done. Owner will exchange 'for noma or acreage, run price only 24883, 3 HOUSES On 1 lot plus room enough to build another. Almost new. This it an Ideal Income property that doesn't require a larte Investment. Well conntructed. Shown by appointment only. Full price vit.ow. vrrms. CALL FOR DAN IStAE, EVE. PH, 4-3B33. It no answer call 4-221. 10 ACRES Located north. Very good soli. Good 4 bedroom home. Machine shed. Pvd. Rd. Only 42000 down. Full price only 6 ACRES PUTS Close In north, with modern 3 bed- wwt glume, vrarr ,jpts out in very good condition. Barn, brooder house, 9 Ahlpatttti riniiftsift. . TrvtKa it . SSAH as, tisj wj si 09a- room houie which Is rented. acres .tvviiics. ijou oi iruu treea. very vwia gjwi,. a-uia uricw oniy eiB,OOQ, FIR fJRfiVF. Setting with 5H acres. Modern almost - .,ui. ..w s.rn, cnicsea noust Oood well. Oood soil. Near school. Owner leaving atate. Full price taoso. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 9-4738. If no enswer call 4-3313. MORTGAGE LOANS Al Isaak & Co., Realtor umce r-nones: s-3311 or g.7830 3033 PORTLAND ROAD Ere. Phonre: 3-t735, 4-5404, SRft.A - - ..Mt.. i It no answer, phone 4-3349 C78' QUICK WORKING UTeetment property" n union otren oetwtsn Church and College. In the shadow of Ueler A) Frank. 1 will eell for 913.500 (loll nice) Box 33. Capital journal. T5 ami mtd Journal Wont Ads Poy THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials CLOSJX Of SUBURBAN Five rears old, 1 bdrms., unfinished upataus, hdwd. firs., fireplace. Venetian .blinds. Attached dble. (area. Let. fenced yard with patio. CALL H. K. laymon, salesman. ' AFT. INCOME 1170 per mo. S4s apartments. House In vo. I son..' PrtCO Ill.MO. CALL PETER H. OEISsTR, SALDBlfAN. AROATNI Four bdrms. owner transferred. Meiit Ur. rm. with fire place, din. rm.. kitchen with dining ares. Nice lse. utility rm., I full bains, esbeust fana In kitchen and bath. And to make the, an extra bargain Bondii washer and 4rrer Included In price of I1MN, CALL J. B. LAW, SALESMAN, ; closs IN BOM! full kasmt., wlUi oil steam heal. Llv. rm., din. rm kitchen, bath At bdrm. down. 4 rm. apt, up with bath. Very nice location. CALL Q. H. OIUBENHORBT, JR., CO-OP BROKER. . FIVE UNIT APARTMENT Completely furnished. This Is l properly for an lnvastment-mtnded purchaser. It is In good condition, ready to occupy, and will make you a good horns and a profitable Income. Akw potential increase In site value. The Property Is Priced for Quick Ssla. CAD a. r. LAYMON, SALESMAN. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit t. liberty St. Ph. 1-1171 Kvenlngs at Sundays can ' Peter H. oelsor 1-tMI J. E. Law 3-5111 H. St Laymon 3 -34 to AS LITTLE AS toot down buys late-built 3-br. home. Alt. garage, oil sloor furnace. ' Hw. floors. Total price MM. . AS LITTLE AS 1741 down buys l-yr.-old suburban 3-br. home. Att. garage. Fireplace. Hw. floors. Large lot with fruit and garden space. Total pries 99300. AS LITTLE AS -, 93900 down burs ft lovely 3-br. home. 1M- bsth. Dining rm. Forced-air ; - heat, ! years old. Half acre, excellent garden sou. Low Interest, Low taxes. Full price 118,500. AS LITTLE AS I90M down buys this spectacular home. 1 fireplaces. Basement, Patio, 3-eer garage. Lerte cor. lot. Restricted diet. Total price 933,000. AS LITTLE AS $7000 down buys ft dose in Income property. 1380 mo. Income plus owner's apt. with I bdrms,, dn. rm. Fireplace. Excellent condition thru out. Completely fined with renters. Investigate this If you sre looking for Income property. Full price 930,000. These are all exclusive listingj. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor .101 St. High , ph. 194.9 Andy Hslvortsu Ph. 171(3 A. Wells - ph. 33739 A. E. Beckett . ph. MM1 .. Eves, and Sundsy . DON'T HESITATE Look at this dandy, home now. Located north, convenient to schools . and bus. It has four well-arranged rooms plus bath and Inside utility room. Automatic washer included at low price of 47,1)60. Call Mr. An derson, .., . ' WEST SIDE SPECIAL - Look what you get Living room, dining room, kitchen with nook, 1 bedrooms, bsth, garag. and appro. acre of land. The view to the east Is Included, all for 37,500. Call Ur. Parsons. HERE IT IS! That 3-bedroom home with basement you have been wanting. An ex cellent family home In the St. Vlncent-Hlsbland district. See this today at only $10,030. Call Mr. Anderson. LOTS OF East, off Center Street, 82 x 171 Hint wood, overslse view lot King wood, view lot, large corner Call Mr. Parsona. KENT'S SPECIAL Just listed, this 4-bedroom Englewood- home will please you with Us lovely living room accented by a cheerful Roman brick fireplace, dining room, convenient kitchen, full basement, oil furnace. You'll be proud to ask your friends to visit you In this delightful home. 113,000. Call ' Mr. Kent. . MURPHY & KENT REALTORS Mortgage Loans construction Financing ' . 4SS North Church , , phone 4-3293 Eves, and Sunday: Parsons 2-1608; Anderson, 2-1744 c7S REAL ESTATE $2750.00 Full Price for a handy man special. Small home inside city need a little ruin up. CJOto to ous una. 1 400 will handle, DOWNTOWN RENTAL Only 18600 bun an older place, close to new-sseier s rranc anoppini cen ter, oood corner lot. Let this pay for Itself and you have a rood Investment. $750.00 DOWN New 2-bedroom home being built now. F.H.A. inspected and low month ly payments. Inside city on paved trees, elosa to bus. Order now and enoose- your own colors. . REIMANN REALTORS LOANS & INSURANCE :. 301 south High Stret Phone No. 3-9303 Phone .Tunings: 4-1671, 3-3959, 4-1339, 4-5319, 3-3304 .75- 1138,3 93(99839 93943113 93183818999 9398333399 9939393339 tttlllllll LlSt 93889333333333 BUY 9884383333 98 8311388883 83383818 33 9(888139 9 . (33818 (8 SULLIVAN RAILROAD FRONTAOE. Three acres of Industrial property on Lancaster Drive. Plenty of room for storage and approx. 318 feet of Hlway frontage. call w. o. suiiivan. 3-arroi. FIVE ACRES near Frultland school. Must bs sold by 1st ot Msy to settle an estate. Onebedroom house 4Mi yrs. old. 95,000. Call Mr. Bristol. Eves 3-8314. THREE BEDROOMS and only els yrs old. 1453 Ruse St. Outside patio and iirepiace, S7.SOO. van sir. Bristol. Eves. 9-9814.1 DUPLEX FHA gonstructed. This line duplex roosted on paved street nesr shopping center. Two large bedrooms In each. You get an extra lot and a very substantial loan may be secured. 913.50O. Will take a home In trade. CaU ur. Dart,. Ires. 3-9794, EAST MORELAND. Three bedrooms. i-iose to Baser senooi. psved street Approx. 1800 so. ft, A totsl of seven rooms. rs;ooo down. 918,300. Call Mr. Rice. rvss. 1-4900. TRADE. Story and a halt four-bedroom home near Leslie for smaller three bedroom. This la one of our best usirnsa loosy. (19,000. call Mr. Hal. son. Evas. 4-8441, 33 ACRES near Brush College oft Tf.uac mh. s Dearm nouse bunt In 1951. Wonderful Income from pears apples, cherrlea, and prunes. Owner will divide to suit purchaser. 314,000. Bob Davis. Bves. 1-97(4. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 1388 Portlsnd Road Ph. 4.99,1 Branch Office 987 N. Hlth. Ph. 4-8433 e78- NORTH BUS. CORNER Close In, comfortable 9 bdnn. home with basemsnl At oil heat. Bt's. at allay pared, lot 70x134. Only 1 17, too. WALTER SOCOLOFsKY Real Estate Ph. 1-9333 ' e79- OPEN SUNDAY 1940 NORTH 918T 1 t P.M. SUNDAY . Beautiful I bedroom or basement. Dou ble garage. Patio, 1 fireplaces, separ ata Brk. nook At dmtng room. Really ft Deeuutut home. 19.500. BOWES A WOOD REALTORS) REAL ESTATE LOTS ..9 750.00 ,.93,300.00 ,.93,000.00 REAL ESTATE NEAR ST. VINCENT A good 4 bedroom home with base ment and 3 sets of plumbing. This Is a wen sept noma, and priced low. 3(000 3000 dn. ' TRADE OR SELL , l-bedroom home south, on paved road and near school and store. Owner wishes to reduce his lnr. and will trade for livable home on smsll aeer age. Better see this today. Pr. (13,000, terms, WM. BLTVEN Jr. CO.. REALTnfUt (47 North High St., Ph. 33017, Eva. 34773 c7B WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE) If your property Is for sale, rent or exenange, list It with as. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 133 8, High St. CS WE ABE badly In need of 1 and l-bed room nomes, in Leslie Dlst. Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have your AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 43311 It no answer, ph. 4-1341 on" JIM BAM8EY will formally open his rtamsey Real Estate office Wednesday, April 1, at 3094 North Commercial. Listings ot sll kinds being tsken now. Phone 4-1898. Prompt and courteous service. ea77 WANTED HOME or acreage In Salem xor ear s cash. 3310 Stat Street. ca7! GREAT BUYING DEMAND tor farms ana acreages. List yours with ColDath L;nd Co. flee T. T. Anderson. Farm Agent. Phone 4-4494. Ere. 4-1714. ca CASH Wanted to buy 2-bedroom and den, or 3-bedroom home with basement and double garage, call 3-8020. ca75 WE ARE In need of good houses to sen, m or near sclem. If you wish to list your property for sale, tee GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 S. Llbertv Ph. 9.-Tt d EXCHANGE REAL E5JATE FOR BALE OR TRADE tor older home in town 2-year-old 2-bedroom house In Reiser. See owner at 1320 Center. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ZONE 3 LOT 93x110. On well-traveled thorofart. 4.000. 91,000 down, 935 mo. Owner W1U take late model car. BUILDING I. 12fah Street. 3 business rentals, 8 apartment., bringing 37& mo. Price 135.000. Owner will consider Salem residence or small farm in trade, - CHAS. HUDKINS &SON Realtors . 150 H. High St. Ph. 3-4139 Ph. evet.l 1-9190 6d75- WE HAVE a good MAJOR OIL COM- rarir service station for less.. Call ,-,. ed77- a tivrr .,... . . . . .. ' . iiouh. gooo leeeujn. .m.ii nome on traoe, terms, Owner 1939 Center. ed71 JOE PALOOKA r I I -ssy He-s m I am. loofA uh... VT. rn miss cAxi.tx..Kr 1 1 ws risht in X vhy. i yts to sec T rt I5S CAUV 0X t 1 8CRAW...TH1S VVcSM?ISS V7 AHO TOO rVtR SO SWBT THERE. IIKJIST MR. UttS.1 If 1 ASnELEGrWHTI IrwVTtrr I BAitVVATI CAOEy.-ITHOT f TO twiT TO VH M TH' ATT6NDUNT r HW CTWH6t5 d T y REAL ESTATE Colbath's . HAS THE BUYS $850 DOWN PLENTY HERE FOR THE MONEY ... . r, .i,. rm, T.W T)R. bath kitchen Door furnace, upstairs with bsth. 1 bdrms and kitchen. Attached garage. Urge lot. IDEAL LOCATION on if, setn Bt. trues 10 eovov. FSL aiTOX, OAVIU IAJUS. Srt.. W. ' ' $3500 FULL PRICE THIS IS A DANDY OLDER LARGE 3 bedroom home on lot 90x138. Located on Hyde St. Small down parrot. Buy this and rent it for Sfto per montn. CALL DAVID COOK. EVE. RT. 41701. rj.t Mil. U.9 . , BUSINESS ZONE A LASOI HOME IN BUSINESS BONE ON N. COMMERCIAL. 9OTO0 FULL PRICE and worth a lot more. I large bdrms, lane LR with fireplace, hdwd floors, lovely DR with china closet. Kltohsn, brfst rm. Foil burnt with ell furnace. Double plumbing. Large lot, garage on paved alley. TERMS. CALL DAVID CtXSK. STVSt. 3H. 41709. List No. M-3. 3 BEDROOM HOMES Ho. 1 Lerg. living rm, with dining rm. modern bath and hug. kitchen. Full basmt with automatic oil floor furnace, aaraca and vary close In lo cation. PRICE (750. Possible (950 down. List No. M-4. SEE HARRY VAN HORN. EVE. PH. 417(0. NO. 3 SMALL RANCH STYLE SU BURBAN SOUTH BEAUTIFUL VIEW. Hdwd firs, attlo bdrm over attached garage. Auto oil fir furnace. Hue. lot. TAKE TRAILER HOUSE IN TRADE UP TO 91000. List NO. ts-t. so. Van stora. sne. ra. 417U. ONLY $950 DOWN OLDER BUT MICK 1 bdrm boms with comfortable large llv. rm, DR, bath. attached garage. WELL LOCATED TO STATE SHOOS. TOTAL PRICE gOSOO, : ALL FURNITURE INCLUDED. List No. M-0. BEE O. OLOESBEE. EVE. PH. 15371. $1000 DOWN BUYS THIS ALMOST NEW 9 bedroom horn, with combined LR At DR. Com pact kitchen, eeparate utility rm., oil heat, hdwd firs, garage. Larg. lot for (anion. LOCATED NORTH IN NEW AREA. Pries 98350. List No. 11-9. SEE V. OMMBBEE. EVE, PH. 10373. TRADERS SPECIAL THIS ALMOST NEW 1 bdrm charm. lng suburban horns Is too .large for present owner. WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER 1 bdrm home. WHAT HAVE TOU7 List No. M-7. SEE O. OLOES BEE. EVE. PH. 35373. ALMOST 1 ACRE with 3 bdrm modern shake home, garage, chicken coop, flowers, fruit trees, miles out on paved road, FULL PRICE I39M. List No. M-8. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE, PH. 42714. , 2 LOTS PLUS . Semi-modern home er garage. Vk miles N.E. PULL PRICE 13000 POB SErsSION NOW. 9500 down OR TAKE LATE MODEL LIGHT CAR. List No. M-9. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE, PH. 41714. . 26 ACRES tt In cult. BaL pasture. On paved road. 3 bdrm modern home, large barn, 3 A. 1st crop strawberries. A good buy for 16950. List No. M-10. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 42714. . 40 A. ON PAVED RD. 14 A. oats 4, vetch. BaL pasture. I bdnn mod home, large - barn, live creek, owner wants to come to town and will take 1 bdrm home In trade or 410,500 on GOOD TERMS. List No. M-ll. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714. ROLLER SKATING RINK TO TRADE ALSO OOAST CABINS Al APTS TO TRADE FOR OOOD FARMS. WHAT HAVE YOU. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714. COOK 41703 VAN HORN 417(5 OOLES9IK 23S73 ANDERSON 43714 ornct DIAL. 44494,24552 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FAST MONEY-MAKER Bronslng baby shoes. Small Invest ment big profits. Personal lnitruo tlons, materials Included. You csn't miss. Exclusive termor. Write to P. O. Box 811. LotUTlew, Wash. 0d7( YOUR OPPORTCNITY-tBUSIrriSS PROPERTY 4 blocks from downtown center, 1(5 ft. frontage, l homes that will rent weU. CaU Ohmart tt Calebs. Realtors, for further Information. 477 Court St. Phone 34110 . 34119. od77- MY LEASE on cafe, on busy highway, good business. Sell for 911,000. Ph. -eW. , ed78 House and lot near new Meier A Frank Co.'s new location. 913,500. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 150 N. High St. Ph. 1-4139 Ph. Eves. 9-91(0 . Cd77- HARDWARE 13 miles from Salem. Clesn stock, low overhesd. Owner has other business and will make a good deal on the stock. Rent building A fixtures, cell 339 svenlngs, Aumsvllle, Ore. cd75 BUSINESS ft INCOME FULLY EQUIPPED BEAUTY SHOP ' Can be bought with the building, or business and all equipment valued at 93,800 with good lease on the building. Let me show you this shop you set the price. ' See or cell PRANK VLASIO 1-8030 or 4-1870 McKillop REAL ESTATE 492 Center St. - Salem c RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, 1 lots, (1490. Trad, for truck, car. 3-0331. ce70 FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE FOB SALE Phono 13030. 140 E .Miller. d7 MAPLE BED, mahogany book case, small old fashioned armless rockers, table radio. (No dealers please). 3-4401. d7t K AUCTIONS . MACHINERY LIVESTOCK AUCTION MONDAY, MARCH 30th - 12:30 Sharp ,. i Located 3 Miles South and M MUe East ot Mt, Angel or 2tt MUes Northwest ot SUverton . MACHINERY : lata 1(91 WJ. Case Trsetori Ilka bs. W.D. 1-boltom 19" kydraullo Plow. W.D. Disc Plow. U4f esse Hay Baler, att rubber: good condition. . . . 1949 ( ft. Case oraln Drill, an rubber. I ft. W.D. AJlis-Ohalmers hydraulic Sprtngtooth Harrowi stew, . ft. Case Tandem Disci h.svr duty, mellsy Ensilage and Oraln Blower; ; like sew.- ,- ,; , too ft. 1-ln. Aluminum Irrigation Pipe, it Ralnblrd Sprinklers and Coupling. Pickup Attachment for 1(91 Interna tlonal Combine... Co-op Electric Cream Separator, t K.lvlnator Refrigerator. y, 100 pounds Bean Win. : lot bales straw. Other Small Artlclat. E. MARTINSON, Owner ' LANE SUDTELL AUCTIONEER Phone 3-6098 Salem, Oregon, ...... dd73- seweMeeeeeeseeeeessewesese,iessesfwiee.sswiww FURNITURE FOR SALE aVUlMIN (TUNTEB'S SPECIAL 5- drawer hardwood chest, eastern eon. struotlon. dovetail lolnts. center slides. whlli they last, 917.50. Trader Louie, 1970 Lena Ave. 475 WANTED FURNITURE MIDWAY AUCTION- -Wa buy and sell. Phone 4-U511. da7( WANTED Oood used furniture and appliances. Phone 3-9039. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 4 GOOD Jersey and Guernsey cows. All coming fresh within month. No Sat urday calls. Phono 3-3163. c73 9 YOUNG Gaernser cows, to freshen In May and September. Milk over. 5. , .Phone 38373. e70- CHINCHILLAS Proven , breedera or young mated pairs. Essy terms. Write or phone for free literature. Visitors welcome. Crest Chinchilla Raneh, 0000 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4089. .31 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford, 18c. Locker pork, 35o. Nothing down, t mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1339 8. 35th. Ph. 3-4808. ea- RABBITS WING 43(11. NEEDS BABBITS 3989 State. eb90- CALIFORNIA BUCKS and does. 4-30(1. 4410 Claxter Rd. Phone . eb87- BABBITS WANTED. Any site and quan tity. Also purebred breeding stock for ale. Phone 3-7107. cb7( PETS MOORE TROPICAL FISH, equipment, supplies. 3 miles from Lancaster on Macleay road. Phone 4-3773. Closed Wednesdays. ecSB GOOD ROLLER, orange canary. Phone 3-9089. CC79- REGISTERED COCKER Spaniel Puppies, from champion stock. Blacks, blonde, and golden. Phone 3-1353. eo78 CHOICE CANARIES 1340 Chemeketa at Ph. 3-4385. .-. . CC84- THOROUGHBRED, liver and white, Springer puppies, right age for fall hunting. 835 & 990. 3055 Portland Road. Salem Art Tile Co. - ec7S- MONROE red dachshund pup. Regis tered A-K-C. Touse trained, sits up, likes eats, too. Phone Wolfe 3-4883. . 0075 BOXER PUPS reduoed 935. Champ sired. AKC registered) brlndleg and fawns. Phone 33533. 750 Hawthorne. oc77 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1938 McCoy, one block .act ot N. Capitol, ltt blocks north of Madison. Ph. 9-8897. ec79- Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kinds of wood. Phone 3-6444. ee' WALNUT SHELLS, 30 lacks for 81, or 93 ton. 33 ton delivered In town. Mor ris Florfeln Packing Co. 480 North Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 18" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1530 Edgewater ; Phone Salem 3-4031 . BUY ANDERSON'S Jiandpicked slsb wood, now 3 cords 314.00. Phone 3-7751 or 4-4353. ' eeTO Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Presto-Logs, Briquets and Wood. 198 So. Com'L, phone 9-7731. ee' 1 Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone 1-5631 1097 Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 90 DAYS Planer trimmings, load. Phone 17731 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hstched every Mondsy and Thursday. Our chicks grow tester. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4(69. f a. Saturday, March 28 , 1953 AUCTIONS LIVESTOCK Two 9-rr. old Brown swim Vaifenj bred Sept. 19th. l-yr.-old Brown Swiss Hellerl sailkls 1 gsls.i bred Nov. 18th. ' l(-mot.-old Brown Swiss and Omen. sey Heifer, l-yr.-old Holsteln Heller, l-yr.-old Ayrshirs; bred Juno 13th. Jsrsey and Ouornsey Helton bred. Durham Helton 18 mos. old. 1-yr-otd Registered Brown Swiss Bull. Farm is up for sale and I mutt give possession. AU my machinery and cattle are in top condition. LUNCH ON GROUNDS TERMS CASH FOR SALE POULTRY DRESSED FRYERS PH. 4-1090 . WANTED Colored fryers, colored and lsghorn hens. Highest prices. Lee's Hatchery, phone 1-1881. f FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In Nsw Hampshire, Parmenters, Red, White Leghorns, Auttra-Whlte, White Rocks. White Wysndottes, Psr. mehter cockerels. Lee Hstchery, phona 3-3861. ! WHITE LEGHORNS, Auttra-Whlte, and Now Hampshire chicks,' 914 hundred. Ph. 1-0343. Palmer's Poultry Farm, Brook.. f7t PRODUCE FOR BALE Oood quality local potatoes. sj.Bu per nunorea. Mturday ana nun day. Route 8, Box 1M, Salem, 1 milt beyond Middle Grove School on SU verton Highway. ff75 ORGANIC GROWN TREE - RIPENED oranges and grapefruit. Potatoes, on ions, apples and nuts, PHIPPIP BROSi. FARM MARKET, BS00 Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-1198. fl" HELP WANTED WANTED Male or female experienced dry cleaning solicitor and pickup and delivery. Own truck preferred. Call In person at seamster Cleaners, 320 N. High St. s76- HELP WANTED MALE TRUCK MECHANIC, heavy duty, steady worst, pnone Mr, undani, independ ence 333. sja77 HELP WANTED FEMALE VACATION WITH PAY - Counselors wanted for Smith Creek Girl scout camp. 9 weeks sesson. oood opportunity for college girls and teachers who csn qualify. Write San. tlem Area Olrl Scouts, ,133 West First, Albany. gb77 GENERAL OFFICE girl, with bookkeep. ins ann typing experience. .Apply m person. Rawlins Realty, 3000 N. Capitol. , . ,i - . . , ,;...,,. (h GIRL FOB OFFICE work. Please reply to post Office Box 309, Salem, Oregon. . gb75 WANTED Experienced saleslady fof oress snop. permanent position. Field's. 430 State. tb76 STENOGRAPHER for state office. Tel. 4-3171. Ext. 383. ah7e WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE ssiesmen wanted. Must oe qualified lor netter class property. ' Man requiring 97SO to 1,000 monthly Income Is type best suited for our ex clusive office. Snappy, alert office. Production advertising. Only wlda awake experienced man wanted; Our present staff knows of this ad, Severia Realty Co., 330 N. High St. No phona calls please. gg78 WANTED Additional man with car to supply 1500 families In central Mar. Ion county with Rawlelgh Products. If you like outside work and a profit able business of your own, write ma ot once for Information and Inter view. Will bo In Salem for that pur pose. Please give complete addresa and phone number If possmle. Ed Walker, PO Bx 3919, Portland t. MVS. WANTED POSITIONS ALTERATION WOMAN wants work lit tor., fast, goon worxer. s-7004. h79 DRESSMAKING A) alt, Prices reason-' aPle. 3-7004. h79 BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT, many years puono practice in cauiornla, de etren locate In smsll Oregon com munity. Write tS03 S.E. Gladstone, Portland or phone SU0376. h75 SERVICE STATION attendant or odd jods. ran time, pnone 4-3149. h77 JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER, state li censee. . wants ateady employment.' Box 30 capital Journal. hT7 PAINTING. Free estimates. 30 ysars ex perience in ssiem. Phone 3-7563. h(l GOOD CHILD care, not crowded, near a.-.- MMnum.a. ruun. ."DODO. n0- dress making, also men's shirts, etc. wa. alterations, rnone 4490B. h79 CHILD CARE . Englewood district, Mrs, uerue rioonson, low N. 19, 3-6863. : h76" CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Phona 1-3041. o.. koto-tiller work. Phone i-87o. " h75 BABY SITTING Day, my horn.. Phona --jo... 75. PLOWING, IMMEDIATE SERVICE, hit' BUILDING REMODELING, plastering, -.v -mi sod too emau. ,-1340. D7I WBMAL'l DAY NUBtEBT-Lloenaed -.-. wammi, ssuanis up so s. Phone 1-5010. hOCr" SPECIALISED CHTLDREN8 sewing, el- cv" ROTO-VATINO 94 hour. Phona -(wit i.er p.m, H7i FLO WIN ft 9.1-1 rtlaAlrxt nUee t. TY. asj.uu, an,. oioMom swr., oiiem. rnone 1-lllL x hSI By Ham Fisher Ph. 413311 134 It. High, Ere. Ph. Mm siw.