Saturday, March 28, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salt, Ortgoa rsa II SIGNS OF SPRING I " tM tfJ scJ h': "( i HrAK y II it i i On Television KfTV (Channel 27) ; TELEVISION INC . : and ' MARR RADIO Salam'a Most Complete Television Center 2140 S. Com'! Phone Day or Nlfht 2-1411 or 2-4728 i - . imui M:W a.m. ProalUn f Faith 11:00 uliA Caralral 11:00 a.m. TM Jj U UI U:0 p.m.-Llr Bwlaa M N 1:00 Art LlnaU'ltr l:l Hear of OhUMB SATCBDaT ll:33-KMa tat C. I:a-Taat ratm . , l:a-Ur But 3:3a viator it l 3:00 Ido Rftnttr :M Arthur Mm . - :0-TV 'ftra Cluk . . 4:W-BU1mr Sna , t:0 AU SUI Bitut :0aho al how , 1:W Hit hild . v 3:-Jacal OlMWB :00 Duwni Aaalramaat - 1:00 Turaamaat Flaala i . 13:oo Salaac Toar Sudxii 10:30 lloekr King ll:o Hot too Blaeklo lt:lo-Nuk Tbaaiar 13:aa Aaarox. staa Off - 3:00 Tor Oommo 3:10 kiadlaoa Sour Oara'aa 3:)0-a It How . 4:00 Imitation to Laaralnf 4:30 Prlrata Btcrttwr 0:00 Comtdr Hour 00 Ft Ml Warlas 30-Hr. mawa 1:03 B4 Saaltea 'i - i l:J0-Wh'l Mr Unit 1:00 Studio On . , 0:00 TV PlorhouM 10:00 Tho Dottw 10:30 Ta Wtb i 11:00 Taleo or Tomorrow 11:10 Ulu Chlckaa tMlUM 1 13:00 Ranutl Sana 13:13 (Apprax.1 aura on MONDAY 13:00 p.m. Bit layoff 13:10 p.m. ThU la Lllo 13:10 p.m Wilcomo Traraltrs 1:00 p.m- Kau smith 3:00 p.m. Douhlt or Mothlaa . 1:30 pm atrlkt It Bleb . 1:00 pm alalia. ThMtor 4:13 pa eaarch Tomorrow 4:30 pm Lor Llf t:00 BUI Blekack " :I0 p.m. Hopalaatj Caaaiaj 3:30 p.m. Tclcntwa 3:43 p.m. Tim tor Baaar 3:00 p.m.-inane si Litallta. :10 p.m Short Dromk 1:43 am. Cararaa Nan . 3:00 p.m. Charroa Thttr 3:30 P H. ToW W Tlrtatcma :00 Pm. I Lot LMf 3:30 p.m. Rd Button Bhow 10:03 p.m. Bort Montnaurr 11:00 p.m. Candid Camara 11:30 p.m Nil owl Women's Prayer Fellowship Meets at Foiir Corners Four Corner The quarter ly meeting- of the Willamette Valley Women"! Prayer Fel lowihip wai held at the Four Corneri Baptist church on Wednesday with the mission ary group of the local church as hostesses. ' Mrs. Milton Coe of Salem conducted tho busi ness meeting. Devotions were led by Mrs. George VanLeeuwen 'of Four Corners. Soloist was1 Mrs. Peggy Rlclc- ert of New berg. Tbo annual election of officers was held at this time. Elected for the coming year wero president, Mrs. Dorothy Vandeberg of; Lebanon; vice president, Mrs. Chris Seeley, Salem: secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Roy L. Graham of Carlton. -Luncheon was served at o'clock with covers for eighty- five, v ,' ., . Afternoon soloist was Mrs. Curtis Coo of Salem. . Guest speaker was the Rev, Tom H. Major from tho Ko thara Leprosy homo in India. He spoke at length on the work there. Tho meeting closed with prayer time. Churches repre sented were Albany, Newberg, west Linn. Buy ton, corvatus, McMlnnvllle, Carlton, La comb, Salem First Church and Hal- bert Memorial at HayesvUle. .Felicitations go to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sparks (Ramona Butlck) upon tho birth of a son, Thomas Edward, March 23 at tho Salem General hospital. He weighed seven pounds and one half ounce and has a broth er David Wayne. Tho grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sparks, Salsm, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Sharp, Oregon City, and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Hen rietta Gatllff, Dayton, Ore. The first graders, with Mrs. Emily VanSanten aa teacher. presented the assembly pro gram on Thursday at Lincoln school .before tho students, fac ulty and room parents. Leading tho Sag saluto was Jon Burnham. Other numbers were: Puppet play, Jan lor Decker, Jon Burnham, Robert Koch and Helen Xoehler. Denis Ring, Alan Scott, Bob by Koch, Billy aweartegen. Chuck Keller, Billy Shlpman, Don Reynolds, Jon Burnham, Allan Klub, Tonl Bathurst, Jimmy Cooker, Dennis Mess man, Jay Reynolds, . Johnnie Fox, Michael Roberts. Vocal solo, Robert Koch. . Vocal solo, Karon Knedler. Rhythm band, tho entire frade. ; ;. .;;', ; :, ft- POLISH REFUGEES SLaJN Philadelphia W A widow ed Polish refugee and her two small children wero found mur. dered in their homo yesterday. Police discovered the body of a fourth person, a boarder in tho .house, hanging In tho cel lar. '. . Ti Willi' rtMmi.m-snX'ri. fELEMlEM Radio-Television :. ; Sign? ef spring were on cshltiiUoa tiosk Via wluvwwa ut Sigma. Chi, men's fraternity Willamette university. In, ... reality it was a 'rap at the dean of women's regulations to be observed by the so-called gentler sex. , College Men Poke Fun At Rul ingon Campus The blankets suspended from the windows of the upper ' floor of Sigma Chi, men's frat on the Willamette university campus Friday afternoon were not a sign of, spring house Cleaning. The activity was nothing more than evidence that the boys were poking a bit of fun at one of the. conduct rules Issued for the benefit of wom en students. '. Commenting that "certain problems arise with the com ing of spring", a bulletin issued from the office of Dean of Women Regina Ewalt as quot ed in the Collegian, campus publication,' prohibits women from lying on blankets with "gentlemen friends" in public places, such. as parks,, beaches and sun bathing. . Another ruling informs the women that they should con fine sun bathing to the back yards of their respective or ganizations and - that they refrain- from such conduct in parks,' - front yards and other such public places. ' In addition to the three blan bearing such labels as "For "gentlemen friends .only", and "For sale, no use to me now", an inflated rubber boat and a sleeping bag, designed , for single occupancy were sus pended from the windows. Whether by. design or just mere coincidence, an editorial in the same issue of the Col legian, says in part: "It might be to- everyone's good to remove, the walls that 'protect college students and to allow them to live like adults who must some day leave school and be citizens, "We are referring to rules which, we believe, are crip pling our growth. It is our be lief,., that .the., more rules-ron hours, smoking, drinking and the like that could be elimi nated, the more mature and re sponsible we would become and the easier it would be to make the readjustment from college to real life." By DAVE BLACKMKR Two From Here Will See Test Two men from this area have been listed by the army as being at Camp Desert Rock, Nev., for the second in the cur rent seiies of atomic tests. . ' The two are CpL Robert A. Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Park, 251 South Whitman street, Monmouth, and Pfc. John P. Schultz, son of Mrs. Exilda Schultz of Chemawa. .. Park, a graduate of the Mon mouth high school, entered the army In April, 1951, and has the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Korean Service Rib- DDr. 7. T. torn, M.D. Dr. O. Chin, HJ3. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS CpsUlrs, Ml North Liberty Offlco opn Saturdar onlr 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 3 to 7 p.m. conaultatlon. blood proaiure and urlna tata ar fm 01 chart. Practiced line 1011. writ lor attractlro lift. Mo pulsation. bon and the UN Service Rib. bon. He is regularly assigned to Headquarters Battery, First Field Artillery Battalion at Fort Ord, Calif. -Pfc. Schultz, who is regular ly assigned as a driver in the First Field Artillery Battalion at Ford Ord,' Calif, is a former employe of the Oregon state highway ' commission. He en tered the army in February, 1952. MILITARY MEH AND VETERANS Monday, March 10 . i Company B, 162nd infantry regi ment, and headquarters detach ment, Oregon National Guard at Salem armory. Organized Marine Corps Reserve unit, at Naval And Marine Corps Reserve training center. Oregon mobilization detachment No. 1, at ORO armory. M14 AR rquadron at ORC armory. - 1 . Tuesday, March 31 USAE school, staff only, at ORO armory. i In School ' Port Bliss, Texas-First Lt. WU 11am R. Porter, whose wife resides in Salem, Oregon, at 1630 Madison street, la enrolled In the anti-aircraft and guided missile branch of the Artillery School at this post. He will spend 16 weeks here taking a course in antiaircraft artillery tactics, gunnery and communications. What a life . . . Yesterday we were happy because Milton Berle lost his sponsor . J . Today we find out that he has almost cinched a new one ,-. ; . , . ' .:' V , y" According: to Dr. Allen B. DuMont, President of the DuMont Laboratories, Inc. "color television is five to ten years off before they can get it perfected for the average home." He continued, at present or in the future it wpuld cost a small fortune to install color; So accord ing to Dr. DuMont, and they call him Mr. Television, five to ten years it'll be for color TV . . . ,' . March 28 (Saturday) Kids and Company at 11:00. 10-year-old Jim Kpnard of Milwaukee, Wis., is honored, being victim of hit-and-run car, being hospitalized, and amuses fellow invalids with songs. Victory at Sea at 2:80. Capture of ?eleliu and Angaur in Palu Islands. You Are There at 3:80. Duel between Alexander Hamilton, the nation's first secretary of treasurey and Aaron Burr, ex-senator from New York. n AU Star Revue at 5:00 with Martha Raye as mistress-of-ceremonies. Rocky King, Detective "Abandoned House," starring Rosco Karns. ;- YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING SUNDAY Omnibus at 1:30 Ethel Barrymore will start in Ten nessee William's ; play, "Lord Byron's Love Letters. "135th St.", Geo. Gershwin musical with all-Negro cast. Guests, Allen Nevins and James Agee, discussing histori cal relationship bewteen Lincoln and Ann Rutledge, "Lonesome Train" from Lincoln esries will be repeated. Private Secretary 4:30. Under spell of French chan- tuese Ann Sothern signed for her boss in error, and warbles a sultry song, getting further involved. Fred Waring Show 6:00. Tribute to Palm Sunday. Soprano Frances Wyatt as guest. Mr. Peepers at 6:30. Murray Hamilton of "Mr. Roberts" cast will por tray a former beau of Nancy's who appears much to Peepers aismay. Red Skelton at 7:00. Red impersonates typical persons found in hospital waiting room. -i Studio One at 8:00. "A Breath of Air," starring Mar garet O'Brien. Tale of young playwright and actor who sets his plane down in Pacific island retreat of philo sophical recluse and his daughter. . - . Television Playhouse 9:00. "Wish on the Moon" with Phyllis Kirk. . The Doctor at 10:00. "Treasure Island" featuring Joey Fallon. MONDAY ' Kate Smith Show, 1:00. The Kateds; Nat "King" Cole, Story Princess, and musical segment with circus theme. Matinee Theater at 3:00. "The Leavenworth Case." n i i ci i n i rr . r rt iirm n i 1 ir i i onon, onuri urguu ai, i ;ou. xne uamuier. vauKiin Taylor and Audrey Christie in story of mathematical genius finding new system to "beat the house." I Love Lucy at 9 :00 Lucy puts finishing touches on a love letter she started to an old boy friend years ago. KrincH back aecment of rinst that cause, complications. 1 Robert Montgomery Presents at 1Q-.00. "Tomorrow Will Sing." Robert Alda and Theresa Cell!. GI airman station ed in a section of occupied Italy during World War II I main problem is overcoming the supiclon and resentment I of the native populace to American soldiers. ' ! lilK ' ' laW : . ' ' e - nUMOfft wow QUALITY TELEVISION Offers First With the Finest in TV See the Sensational NEW DUMONT All Channel Tuner GUARANTEED TO HAVE: Leu "Snow" than all other models Clarity, clearer picture Tone Unsurpassed Installed in Your Home for as Low as 2.95 per week Valley Television Center UTklf VAI I CV CTADtC" I TTW T MULL I tar I sma Complete sales, service and Installation. instauea carry lull nu-nay service. All sets sold and IN SALEM Baiglcy Bros. Furnilure 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 INWOODIURN 171 Gnnf SI. . Phono 3611 Bon't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain OPEN SUNDAYS! Now . . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. T0 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON CALL 11 P.M.TOSA.M. Just Phone 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment ...... ( Soles I Rental Servlco 1185 So. 12th Phona 3-344 Salem, Ore. Chicken in a Box . Delicious Pan Fried . Chicken Dinners ' and Hamburgers to Go 21905. Commercial Pkeat 4-1452 , : Delivery Servlco Open Sunday - - For Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOB EMIKQENCISS Can ' 31543 39379 CAPITAL DRUG STORE ; State ana Xlkerty - "Year PreseiietleB Stere" LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Dally, Inel. Sun. Senator Hotel ; Coffee Shop We SBeeUlUe la SUPER! SUNDAY ; DINNERS V Open Soadey , 7 a.m. to 9 .m. Dally 4:30 a.m. 9 p.m. tahaa' PiamJ OWt SIM . Corner Ceart et Hl;h . rarae 1 4151 . Pay less Brug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Hockor Hardware 990 South Commercial Wall Paper, Points and J Y Sporting Goods Ph. 37031 Ferrill's Nursery Sines, iHtst , flewtrlag isd ImH Itns. OPEN 10 A.M. SUNDAYS j Mi. East of KEIZER Phone 2-1307 BERGS ' In the Capitol Shopping Cantor 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN ' If Noon Til lit! SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY til North Liberty Phone 3-8733 Phono, 22406 To Place Open Sunday Advertisenenfs 1$ Open Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 D.m. iWf GREEN STAMPS . 1240 N. CiuiM SI. SAFEWAY OPIN SUNDAYS 124S 2120 935 Center Fairgrounds Rd. S, Coml MO 9-6 9-9 SAMI LOW PRICIS ALWAYS UDD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Houra Dally, Inel. Sun.