,WskDftsM einitiirs Arrive Eikl BADE ; r a" -ee .. . .', ..:.,,".,-....-,' .' "' i t ft - t r.. Players Await Start Of Practice Monday Odbton. CIlf. (gpeelal to fae Capital Jearaal) A Tarn gaard at Balm Senator aaae- kail players be ran ehaeklnf to at Hit Flor V Italia hotel here : ever ; the week-end. : Sprint training for tba team gets aaderway Monday. Manager Hugh Luby boon Kara for aavaral dart. Jtookia outfielder Bill NtUon moved In Friday. Pitcher BUI Sevens and rookie inlialder Lou Serivena left talem by ar Saturday morning, and ware to anivt here Saturday night -- ..-. Traveling aoath with Bar ana and Serivena la Larry .-. Bo rat, a right-banded pit cher from Foreet Grove, who will try ant with the ' Senator. Luby aaid here Friday that ba had aaen Bortt work out, and waa lmprauad with hit stuff, but wanted a batter look t aim ' fecfora offering any contract. Bar era! other player are - expected to report to camp - headquarter Sunday. They Included pitcher Jack Hemp hill, who ha not yet signed hi 1958 contract, lot plana to go ahead and work out, - dickering with- Luby aver tba eontraet la the mean- time. Wayne Rick, lanky right handed pitcher from Malin, Ore., who Joined Salem late in the 1982 season, la alto expected Sunday. So la' Jim McGeo, rookla hurler, latest Senator to ign. Xnflelder Freddy Hsllsr and Dick Sabatini are , alto ex pected Sunday. . Bacrameato may drop aft a aaaple ef ptteetaaa Bar Saaday, La by keUeve. Bab Nslsea, Batcher cold by Sa lem to tba Saetoa aa a trial basis, will prefcably ba rarned, Laby belivae. Tarn Agosta, center fielder aim ed by Baerameato, will likely ba left at tba Saleea Junction City 'Noses Sweet Homers, 1-0 Sweat Homo Junction City nudged Sweat Soma 1-0 In a hlghechool baseball game bare Friday. Bob Morley, Sweat Home pitcher, gave up only two hit In being nicked for the loa. Both hit ware by BUI Pol lard, a double in the eecond and a elngle In the fifth. Pollard acored ' after hit double. He went to third ea a pened ball and eame In on a fielder choice. ,. Sweat Home, got five hit off two Junction City pitcher, but they came too ecattered to do any damage. - . v Jntun our ........tit tot a', i avMt Hoau ....ooo m a-a i rnllard, aahlnur (I) and Jaoabaoai Mono iM Ahrarl. Outfielder Connie Pam and Henry X. Withartpoon will aoma in a few days la tar, They have been tent traveling expense from - Cuba and Florida, rafpcctlvaly. Salem Enters Consolation Finals In YMCA Tournsy High Point, K. C. VP) I em. Ore.,, which defeated Chattanooga .t-7 .Friday night, will meet Soath Bnf. falo, K. T Saturday for aon olatioa honor in tha national YMCA basketball toaraamaat here.' ,":);:. Defending Champion High Point will asset Ghristiia Street of Philadelphia for the title. Salem, paced by Wally Boa with 17 point, held a three- point margin over Chattanoo ga at tha half, then acored 17 point In tba third quarter to Chattanooga' IS. e (1) cMuMf ta ft pf la fit ft at to zauika,f t 1 11 OObrM IU a BOa,f U 1 IT acur.t 1 t ID BmiiM I I II corr.ua a s (HKU I I IU Prdnu ( 4 BH.M I t I iamMe a i 411 um,i a a a abhi.i 4 1 Kiiki.i a a letarnu a 1 a Bottnaj i i 111 wot e e a e ToUb H NBH To tall M SI W Btum , IT 4 1 Chattaaaosa at at l Salem Team Playing in Volleyball Meet Tha Salem YMCA volley ball team, eomprlatd of Har old aUnitners, John Courier, Douglai Hay, Erlo Schubarg, Larry Rich and Pappy Lyon. is competing In tha Northwest volleyball champions at Read college in Portland today. Other teams In tha round robin tournament are Fort- land, Walla Walla, Seattle Olympla and Wenatchie. Baseball Scores Unfla (TarUand) a. Wat Una i, at. Haltnt 1. Oaaaada LocU 4, Wr-Bait I. Oral (rartland) I, Porast Ototi a TUCI ilUwaukls l , Bataeada It, UtWISO 11. PIN PATTER By BENN VALDEZ LOCAL UNITED KISS ASSOCIATED HUBS NIWS AND FEATURES SaJcm, Oregon, Saturday, March 28, 1958 Page 10 Early Mist Wins Gruelling Grand national Chase Alntree, Ing. W) Early Hiat was tba lllta rmaninr of the famed Grand National steeplechase Saturday with Mont Trotnblaat second and Irish Liaurd a distant third over the fear miles and S56 yard eourae. Thirty-one horses started, one of the smallest field in re cent years. The gruelling race waa run In light shower. Early Mist, ridden by Bryan Marshall, carried 198 pounds, and paid 30 to 1. Mont Tremblant started at 18 to 1 and Irish Lizxard at 31 to 1. The eight year old Irish horse took the lead at tha start of the second lap of tha beU shaped ssurss a Ordnance, tha early leader. fell at tha 17th fence. Tha winner Is owned by J. n. urtrun. Early Mitt wen by II lengths and there ware four lengths between second and third.',''-..- . The. results of this race de termined the winner of the huge, world-wide Irish hospital Four Records Written at Texas Relays Austin, Tex. () Four rec ord, one of them bettering a world's mark, were in the books and a half dozen mora were due Saturday as tha Tex as Relay' greatest field moved Into its final session.; Tall, lithe Was Santee, mighty roller and hell-mil er of tha Kansas Jayhawks, was the big star and the man depended upon to give his team it third relay championship.. . Santee Friday whipped up a 1:49. half-mile in anchoring Kansas to victory in tha fastest spring medley aver run. The time 3:31.8 nipped nine-tenths of a second from the recognized world's record of 3:32.7 that New York University hung up at the Perm Relay in 1S50. It battered tha Texaa Relays record of 1:24.0 set by Texas in 1941. sweepstake. A Balding, Early- Mist Is by Brumeux out of Sudden Dawn, and was trained by Vincent O'Brien. v.-'-' ' ; " XJttly Yid, a favorite In the pre-race betting, stayed with the leader most of the way, then refused to Jump three fence from home. . -Only five of tha 11 starters finKhed. .' .v.; A crowd estimated at 159, ttS overflowed Into iha sprawling course which lies on the outskirts of Liverpool near the Irish Sea. In tha stands were thousands of American servicemen, most of them from nearby Burton' woes, ts t& v. E. Hi base In England. " ' . Overshadow, a 33 to 1 outsid er and Senlac Hill at 68 to 1, were the only other finishers. : The winner' share of tha pure was 9.808, $27,458.20. Mont Tremblant, owned by Porothy Paget and carrying top weight of 173 pound, received 1,184, 3,231.20 and Irish Lizard owned by Lord Sef ton, won 677, $1,618.80 for fin ishing third. The time was 9:21, a full second slower man last year when Teal won it. . ' Because of the. death of Queen Mary Tuesday night, none of the royal family was in attendance. Flag of Eng land, Scotland, Ireland, Wale and-the United State ware flown at half ataff above the exclusive county stand. " Dallas Dragons Receivo Plaudits FrcsnCkanbsr ' Dallas The Dallas Cham bar ef Caantneree Friday paid tribute to the Dallas high school basketball team which last week in tba state tourna ment at Bog ana advanced farther than any ether Dal-' las team in history. . The Dragons, coached by Oordy Kunke, wen their first two games, over Hillsboro and Cleveland, in tha .state tournament, then lost to Eu gene and The Dalles In con solation games. That gave Dallas sixth place. Dallas was awarded ' a plaque at Eogane for display ing tha beat sportsmanship among tha 16 schools at tha tournament. Kunke introduced members of hi team. They were John Ktismiller, George Curtlsc, Dave Harra, Ddbert Wade, Donne Hoffman, Was Wlldt, Harold Holdorf, Rob Olson, Herb Brandli and Phil Hos ier. Bob Joy and Rex Doma sehofsky, also members of the team that waa the Wil lamette Valley league cham pionship, were not- present for tha luncheon. ' . Ken Jacobean, who coach ad tha Dallas Junior varsity team to the WVL Jayvea championship, waa also hon ored at tite luncheon. John Lewis, head basket ball and baseball coach at Willamette university, spoke to the group on the develop ment of the game of basket ball in the last 20 years. gh Wrestlers and Paddy Young, After Year's Layoff, Defeats Durando J Really amazing how much the score have improved at tha U-Bowl thia year over the sat three vears. In times naat. nearly everyone who bowled in both houses carried a much higher average in tha Canltol Alleva. Now the revers u trim In many instances. Last Monday in tha Classic League Frank vn wa a Dig evening wita a 080 series, followed by Willie West with a big 642 with several others havlna six hundred eerie. Lots of big game being rolled there now also. In me mercantile Magua on Tuesday nlte, John Nuber rolled a 187 hi last game and needed only one more itrlko to win a new wrist watch from Alexander's Jewelers. No one has rolled a 700 series there yet, closest being Art Upturn's 688 there last year, but the first guy who doe will be the recipient of a nice little token from the house. Mgr. Frank Evan would like to be tha first but on never knows in this game. ! Twenty-four mora team will fire tonlta In h. .it, w nament seeking to knock off the leaden and tomorrow doublea and ingls action will conclude one of the larger city meets to recent years. Handicap leaden In each event are Trailwayi Cafe with 3008 In team. Ed McChuker mnA nn w.t. with 1279 in doublea, Gene Kltrmiller with 697 in singles and 1937 In all-event. Kltrmiller la also leading the icratch di Villon In singles with 630. Alreadv two ev.nt. i.n "I1'?. l"-i 697 in singlee and tha doubles score of 1279 which are still not positive winner a several an shooting this week-end who could erase those mark. Have received several cards from those interested In the proposal to move the city tournament ta the and the opinions are mostly in favor of such a move. Would like to hear from more of you, though. Write me a post card in care of Raulus Bros. Packing Co., expressing your own views on the matter. One thing is definite, the city wlU go back to the team membership plan next year. The experience with tha individual mambenhipa just will not worn in Silem. Laugh of tha week is on John Glodt, rotund anchor man for hi own Cupboard Cafe team which failed to place in tha city tournament so far and mostly because of brother John. Seems he bowled anchor tor Barb's Sporting Goods on the first squad of tha city tournament and smashed a 608 while hitting for about 680. Then,, on tha next squad ha bowled with his own team who were defending champions. What did he do, why he checked In with 801 Just like 4 little champion and the only consolation he ha la that no one else on his team ahot much so no didn't hurt them too bad. Barb'a 1 leading the team event with 3744 but there are several solid teams shooting tonlte who could go ahead of them. Among ' tnem are rrea Karra urea old men, the Marion Car Park, Gardner Grocery, Valley Oil Co,' and Brennan Tree Service, any one of whom are capable of putting together tnree big games. Not much mora than a month to go 'before the big city association meeting to be held at tha Tnllway Cafe on Sun' day nlte, May the 3rd. This it an open meeting for dinner and a party alterwarda and ail members of the Salem Bowling Association are invited. Admittance will be by AJB.C. mem berihip card and a team sponsor shirt only, you must have both to be admitted. Business will consist of electing a new set of city otflcer. holding a constitutional committee meeting. Voting on moving the city tournament to the fall, and various other item of business. It will be a short business meeting . If possible but every male bowler In Salem who has a gripe or a suggestion should be there. Mark that date on your cal endar and be sure to attend. Our suggestion for city asso ciation secretary would be either Art Upston or Floyd Gould both of whom would be wall qualified to handle a big job. Cougars Edge Out Convicts Walla Walla W Second baaeman Glenn Kranc stole (pardon the expression) home Friday inside the atate peni tentiary walls to give the Washington State Cougars a 6- win over the inmate Mavericks. It waa tha Cougars' first baseball fame of tha season.' Kranc also waa his club's hitting star, with a double and two singles In four times at bat. promised today. Til ba a lot better from now on." He said hi year's lay-off had hamper ed him last night although he woa a ananlmoa 12 -round decision aver slugger Ernie Durando. 'And now I want Raridy Turpin of England for a world middleweight title, fight," de clared the battered, brown- haired New Yorker who took a five-round beating before 8, 188 in Madison Square Garden and then cam on to lick Dur ando of Bayonne, N. J. It was bis third victory over swarthy, dark -haired Durando la their five fights. It also was their bloodiest OSC Beavers Lose Fresno, Calif, (ff) Oregon State's touring baseball team suffered a 6-8 setback Friday at the hands of Fresno State college, which posted it fifth straight win of the season. John Thomas hit two triples for the losing Beavers, who scored all their runs tn the ninth Inning. Deke Walker to Talk to B-Club Monday A. M. Deke Walker, Salem Sena tor business manager, will talk at tha regular Monday morn ing session of the Salem Break fast club. t The club meets at 7:30 at the Senator hotel, and all male sports fans, whether or not members of the club, are in vlted to attend. In addition to bis remarks on the Salem Senators, Walker will (how tha 1953 world aer ies movie, j SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys oarriAi, macANTiLB (41 ThiM Ml. B. TluM Otthua US. Cluk 441. Bl lot. nn.B-rk ) aibiii sn. Bom jti. TtalIMB 114, P14U4 4tl, B Bhllton IIS. HirtHM atwnr It) juin oi. OonM us. otrtfnn lis. Ottsn HI, Lotu no. chaertM (s) wuaun 4M, CB4PM114 4U, Bart 4M, WleklHr 414. Jorr 110. nmu ) Trans ui, Turnout 447. OIMH IH. Wtbb 4TI. OtntT 411. bMwn ( Lunliu 414. BUnUr 411, Montr 4N, omtlMr 4r, wiu U4. Tka l OntnlWM 4T?, Montr , Bortrsn 444. MUIar 419, W4tur 471. M414T III uiwiutr iw, Hut Its, BmuC 474, (u 414, rosltn 410. rtrtmMm KatrvlM (I) aoblnoon 410, An 444, Dla 417, BlHitoa 414, DlTtl 144. HTtKt (1) Coktc 404, Lulr 441, WIUU 414, Drat 4U, Bras 411. Rlah toast sama an4 aarlaa North watt Oraaarr with III and M7. Blah lad. aarlaa Bar Ona with 141. BJsh tad. saw Jack ou.tr, in. armoBarrs Luori Vara "a riaaa (I) II. Voat Ml, O. Hout 117, O. AmnxU 140, 14 Adamt ITS, J. Walkar 111. Saldar Slaatrla Hi ll. Boerar 110. J. HeKrtra M7, D. Baala ill. F. Bolton 3. L. Draaa tai. CMtalMala rraliktwara ( L. Varlar 10, r. Wattur m. B. Lou in. B. Slawart IU, C. Black 441. aha a4 Jaaaataw ra4 Baa (I) BUnd Im, at. Moaoar aio, M Kaatnumn ill. r. Waltltr 111, II. Wlllalt III. Udl't Marktl (I) B. Pruaa 144. C. Uaattrt Ml, B Pltaeelalo 111. a Bom 104. a Blatltr ). Aaallr Meat Blarkal (I) M. Ilarrall Mi. A. Srhad 434. L. WHeoa 144. L. Caaa in a Hauv. onan aai. Mariaa Craaaaarr (41 a Baian 144, V. sirlllar Ml, 1. Schanakoom M4. a. UPlana Ml, a Wtola 111. TaVaahaaa ofiH ( a, Tomaou 41s, 14. Daukv artr M. si. Burab Ml, O, raanan 141, 31. ssuiiar 131. ' IMaral Otaraa Araaar IS) D, Ooolar 340, M. Blrk 414, it. Mekart M4. I.. Tatka ih. 1. oraniu its. Dlek. aaaiw atarkrt 111 C. lIoMan M. II. Chaaar 111, J, Mahan 400, r. miClpa 110, r. rraiaa iu. r. 0. Drar aa aaa in j. rwrla in. is. Beott 41a. a. cmtiama 11. A. Datla SS4. a. Josat 101. salaaa Urm 111 . juaaa na. b. naku 41s. if Daoaar 144. P. Nalaa 414. o. dam aia Hifn taam aarlaa radaral oraaoai Aa tncr. ins. Blah taam a ana Con- aolMatad Pralshtwara. S73. Blah Ind. aarlaa Aaaaa sohao, 4M. BKh tea. lama Laona Taaka, 1T1. and beat brawl. Do Turpin title fight," snap ped Chairman Robert K. Chrls tenberry of the New York State Boxing Commission. 'Last night's winner was supposed to fight Bobo Olso of Hawaii for the American title, perhaps in May. And If 010 is willing, that's the way it should be." Because of his one-year lay off, Young explained he "could not get going" In the early rounds "could not find the target with solid punches" un til after the fifth. Mill City Opens Baseball Season With Two Wins Mill City Mill City high ichool bunched three hits In the fourth Inning for two runs and a 3-0 victory over Cascade high school in a baseball game bare Friday, Jack Melting. Evaret Brew er and Elton Gregory got the run-producing hits. They eame on Jiauaeu. cascade's second pitcher of the game. . Gregory limited Cascade to two hits In tossing the shutout win for Mill City. They were oy speer in tha first Inning ana tower in me ruth. It was tha second win of the young baseball season for Mill City. The Timbcrwolves de feated Sclo 8-3 at Seio Thurs day. Caacadt 300 004 4-4 a Mill CltT 000 104 aa 4 BattarmaB. randan (41, Pallor IS) and wmn ami ajtowaia, BtUl OUT 440 Ml 4-4 Sals 000 400 a 3 Chaaa aa4 Ward: Caaaar aad Brian. Salem Hi toslietballers Get Salem high aehool wr4ling aad bavkatball teesas wars pre sented awards bor tha stn dant body Friday morning. Coach HanX Juran praaemaxi IB vanltr wrestler with let ters. They were Jerry Booxe, Jim Berger, Bob Cameron, John Chimmings, Bill Idwards, Jack Stryffler, Bob Franklin, Harry Juul, Joe Jayne, Fay Ladd, Arnold Temple, Bob Engle, Terry Salisbury. Frank Williams, Don Phillips, Pat Largest, Roger Morse, Fred Stepper, and George Meyer. The Viking wresuers nn tahed fourth In the atate meet at Corvallis, first in the dia triot meet at Albany, and first la tha Big Six Meet here. Fred Stepper, team captain, was the only state t!!!!st ffBta f am, . fcnt George Meyers war third and Boger Morse was fourth. Stepper remained aadefeated all season.' Wrestling manager Jim Brown and trainer Jack OorH man both received wtiers. . Aaistant wraailing eoaah Al Gray presented 19 boys with junior varsity awards. Those receiving a w a r d s wera Dave Adami. Cliff Brassier. Tern Coates, Ronnie Coon, Jan Cren shaw, Courtney Jacobs, Jack Johnson, Torval Klein, Forrest Loban, Dave Morgan, Larry Newsom, Wright Noel, Don Pack. Dick Pearson, Bob Wrlaht. Xd Wright, Ken Schre- eongost, Elmer Seay, and Jer ry Walling. Stepper, on ' behalf of the team, presented the school with the fourth place state trophy and . gave coaches Juran and Gray gifts from tha boys. ' Nine members of the vanity basketball team were given tettm tvr their coach, Harold Hauk. They were Captain Jack Bishop, Jim Rice, Jim Knapp, Oordy Domogolla, Dave John son, Herb Triplett, Larry Springer, Bob Miller, ana Tom East, West College Teams Clash at Garden Tonight New York VP) Two hsnd- nlcked collegiate basket ball squads, directed by the coaches of the NCAA and National In vitation Tournament champ ions, meet at Madison Square Garden Saturday night in the annual East-West game. The Eastern team is favored largely because of the presence of six-foot, 11-inch All-Amet ica Walter Dukes of seton Hail, the NIT champs. Dukes tow ers four Inches above tha tall est of the westerner All Amerlca - Bob Houbreg of Washington, Chet Noe of Ore gon and Jim r rltscne 01 Ham line. : ' - Honey Bossell ef Seton Hall is coach of the Eastern team and Branch MeC rack en of Indiana, winner of tha NCAA title, directs the West ern outfit. In addition to Dukes, the East iquad include, All-Amer ica Ernie Beck, Pennsylvania: Norm Grekln, La Salle; Larry Hennesiy, Villanova; Earle fights lost Wight Haw Tar Paddr Tan. 140. Bow Tack, eutaolntad Bmla DeraBds. UTVt, Baronna, 31. u. OBO II Marker, Holy Crow; Niel Gor don, Furman; Frank Reddout, Syracuse: Andy McGowan, Manhattan; Jack Molina, Co lumbia and Richie Regan, Se ton Hall. a The west team, In addition to Houbregs, Noe and Frltsche, is composed of Joe Clpriano, Washington; Norm'Swanion, Detroit; Joe Richer, Brigham Young; W. Shackelford, Tulsa; Kendall Sheets, Oklahoma Ag ile; Ron Felerelsel, DePaul and Herb Thompson, Iowa. Five Salem Women Win in OWGAPlay Five Salem women won in the first OWGA meet at tha Riverside Golf club in Port land on Wednesday. The winners. Include Mrs. Seth P. Smith and Mrs. Myrtle Watson, winners In Class C for low gross; Mrs. Thomas Hill and Mrs. Chester Loe, Class C. Winner for low net; and Mrs. Fred Anunsen and Mrs. I. I. Stewart of River aide, who won in Class B for low net. I0B301 TRAINING CAMP NOTES Pickens. Knapp, Domogoua, Triplett, Springer, and Plekeng art all junior. . Salem high Bchool princi pal Id Carietoa eamgratalat ed tha stadant body lor then? ' behavior at tha atate toarma snent and Coach Hauk oa' gratolated tha yeU sqaad as their fine job. :. - : . : . . Manager Jack Phillip and statistician Ray Terhune both received awards for the work. " Sophomore basketball coach Lee Guatafson presented IS members of his team wita awards. Those receiving them were Phil Burkland, Don Zen, Nick Error, Dan Luby, Dennis Olson, Curt Jantxe, : Norbie Langeberg, Neal Scheidel, Herb Juran, Jack Marshall, Jim Whltmire, Marvin Rhine, and Bob Wult Rav Holmauiit. the team's manager, alio received an award. Ken Brophy gave another Salem high school basketball team award. They are tha , Salem junior varsity wha played for tha first time fa tha strong Salem City Laa- . gue. b earlier years' this team played tha prallmlna-. lies bnt this past aeasoa tha sophomores did this. Those receiving award wera Jerry Olson, Wayne Carr, Gary Patterson, Marv Strain, Bob Myers, ' Delmar Funk, Pete Paulus, Vera Blbler, Harry Santee, sick Anderson, joal Blaco, Don Crothera, Roger Morley. Stan Fawley and Bill Garrett - Tha Junior vanity bad tha distinction of winding up in the cellar but they wera play ing against player leveral year older than they. All these players are either sopho mores or juniors. . ANNOUNCING THIS WEEK'S BUDGET BARGAINS MiHiU'sfl mm mandate. Calif. 4US jahoala Baard! and Lmu Linda sa la tha atonad tor tha Portlaod Baarara lodar k an aahl blUoa aontaat with tba Ban Ditto Karal sar Balderi. Koraa Uat and Olau El liott want Iha rata at an fcataranad sama raatardar aa the Bttrtrt tamad as (or tadan Hit. VnlUrlan. Calif. 4U0 Tha Loa AB- saua Ansala, racotarla from thalr mat treuclns tbla aaaaoa at tha kaada at tha Hollywood etara, a tat tha Loa Ala mi too Mary taam today k an arhlblUoa olaah. Tha Bun, yaaad kr Tad Baard'a u,th nu with a artsla and a atnala. took tha Aosaki I ta 4 raaatraar at Ban ZHaaa. Oallf. 4U4 The Saa Han Padraa alalmad 14 wlna, a waaaa annua MMbiUaB taaord aadar attar alapstas down Iha Marina Bacralt Dapot 14 la 11. Vataran aatllaldar Laltr OTHmL ts a alamp awat at aha aaaaan, aoninoaiao thraa at tha Padraa IS Blh) tram two Manna Mtahara lait aunt. etantord. Oallt. am- Tha wiiBtad Oakland Oaka oat thalr Itrat araaa at tha aaa PranaUao Baala tadar In tha igal axhtkltloa haaaball aarlaa. Attar dataathw Iha aaaraBaata aauu I to I ! ta rttabmrt. laal Bkht, aha Oaka arm alt earn vraaaioao aura aaa jowk h pitohar Con Darapaar whan ka takaa tha SMwad as tha ataalard dlaiiwd. Wlnslat altohar lor laat narht'a aajna waa Allan oattal, wha eara bp alaht hltt. Tha sum waa at ran taalran loos br aroroal aartamant. BABBBlllOrt BlinUlli rAOadalphla OO 4. Boaton 1A) S. : OUraaasd (A) a. Onleaas (. 3Ttw York (A) (. Datrall U) a at. Laala (A) , OhloaM CM) 4, waaluuMB A) 1. at. Loala Ofl a VhUadalphht (l f. Balttmora OMT) I. ajuwanklaa 00 . Broakm Of) . CtntlnnaU Of) 4, at, tarala "r (A I. Xanaaa Clar (AA) T, Slav Tark "B" (A) I. Mswaakaa IT al) Atlanta ISA) I. Mauoaa ABHBiara la Baw Tark ) I. University Alleys inrra cm iauoitb Maatar Braad (11 o. Smith Ml, . Oardnar 411, F. Junta 411, M. Brown 144, W. Fauna 417. Cadwall OU (I) n. Luka 11, O. cootar its, o. anrraa 449. J. Oansoa 441, o. Orabanhartt 441. OS Warl-a (I) 4. paUan Ml, B. KaUar 444. a. aohua Ml, a Praia 431 n saaraa), a Borratl 434. Maaaa Ladn (11 J. MeCalUitar 433, o. Alaiaadar a Htdlaa 404, a. Darar laa, J. Otekard . Tkar Ladta (1) J. johaaaa IM, J. Norbr 417, K. Johnton 313, a Antund ion IM, O. Jaataa 404. Bardaa-a Capital ciir Biadarr (I) M. Nlchola Ml. W. nardan 444, B, Babola 441, p, Adt 447, B. WllUar 441. Ua'a flaa Cara (I) L. Elutniar 47a, 1. Colrla S7I, M. Lawli 441. IB Cadr 447, B, Buibr 4M. Malkla Braa. (1) T. ruimtr tu. A. Todd 411, B. Knolh M4, A. Mtrar 174, B. Ooodlt 4M. Oantral Mnaaaa Carp. (I) II. Sev en t ill, u oratnlaa 411, i. Malar 444, O. SttTtna 431, t. Oahladort 14. aaa Uaai Bardwara Oa. C3) a Baat 444. O. Phlllrna ill- IX SehaBlital.k 44L T. Maaatr 111, i. ChrtltanMa III. I hub isd. sana c. am th nt. Bhth lod. ttritt a. Boa a4. Blah ttan ! tamt and atrial aanuaa Bardwara I Co 111 and SIM. I DON'T BE FOOLED about your LOCKER BEEF Do not be influenced by meat grading such e "AA," "SUPIR," "FAMCY," "SPECIAL," Etc. Stfck with U. S. Covamment tradlnf term "UTILITY," "COMMIRCIAL," GOOD." Imist en STATE INSttCTED, FEDERALLY GRADED IB. 32 I. S. RDBUUIT IliDa UTIUTY BEEF I. S. RDBAUT IUDD . COMMERCIAL BEEF GOOD BEEF No ertrecKerg for quick f reeling. Cutting and wrapping, smoking, curing, custom killing. SALEM MEAT CO. U25S.25HiV Phone 3-4858 LARMER LI VAN Ltt 9 ' At YourServicel TOR YOUR... 1 Storage v Hauling ; Fuel I ...NEEDS' DIAL 3-3131 i OR SEE US AT.., ! 889 N. Liberty ' "OCR REPUTATION ; is l IOCR SECCRITr.M ALL-IH-Otll Wmf&itot IB MW wMBpMt Hilt ttwt wM paitisUr Bao row ear! Clear, trae tea, with the' tajlaaiUj IBBBpBaBBwaBaW aBBKaBaaaw - KWwwel " Jm&BwU WmMOm llfJaVJV niter, aaw power vabea for aotaaiaue volame and aosB) swsbfilry. 1 25 Par . Wetfc KO HONEY DOWN H VwrVkiMajili aaiMk WE INSTALL WHILE YOU WAIT MASTER Service Station Inc. ; TV A R.dia Sales & Urrtf 33N.Com1 Ph.MU3 fth, foni ?nay fears toon, Kin ice I be The brlst ' Wch use Sfol. fwid lat-1 t the I1 on pes. 'the hlch . '.was . Mr. . i: ' the tally ted er- ihl Pi! 0 h