Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    rcaay, Diarcn 27, IMS
tilverton Methodists to
loco Cornerstone Easter
i in H ill
lllvtrton Within th 4hr..
inference yean of the
fcthodlst pastorate, the Bev
figlas HarreU hai promoted
building of the main por
1 of on of Sliverton.
ist churcbei.
The sanctuary will be com
If ted for tint service on
If ter Sunday, April . ,
Hie day in
(begin with
first wor-
klp aervlce
8:30 a.m.
ih ( com-
ttinlon cere-
venial . The
; ttond serv-
w e oay
15 to be the
EE o ' e 1 a e k
urmon: "We
dive in Immortality," Rev.
rrell, apeakini. The aenior
iolr, directed by Mm. Knute
tferness, will apear In spec.
numben. '-v.. ,.
,fhe climatic aervice of the
liter day, will be the corner
one laying aervice at 4 p.m.
R George Roieberry, auprin
ndtnt of the Salem diltrict
Ithe Methodist church, will
liver the aacred address at
da hour. , ' .
jfAssistinj Dr. Roieberry
01 be the Rev. HarreU, Nor-
n Naegeli who it chairman
U the building committee,
ft Sprick as chairman of the
Ujrch board, honored, older
ambers, personnel of the
Jet. committees, and Harry
lehai rnrentl!g Sl!vsrt53
edge, 145 A & F. M, .'.'
Representatives m e m b en
reive neighboring Methodist
lurches and nation of thai
lissionary Film
Jngwwd Bible
v. Peter Becker. Amer-
an Sunday school union mis
onary in Marion and Polk
mnties, will show a moving
Icture of this missionary work
t the Kingwood Bible church,
1?5 Elm street, Sunday eye
ing at 7:45 p.m. The ASSU
jssion conducts a children's
Ible camp each summer at
je Turner camp grounds.
jjRev. Alex. H. Sauerwein will
each at the 10:45 a.m. service
1 the subject, "The Veil of
fe Temple Was Rent." Mr.
iuerwein has been conduct
ik Bible meetings at the Bap
at church at Lacomb, and
ises the meetings there on
Unday evening.
churches and other churches
will have a part in the
ecclaslastlcal procession and
ceremony. :
The cornerstone of the old
church will be removed,' open-
a ana contents discUved.
prior to the laying of the
new cornerstone.
The sanctuarv la now rariv
for occupancy and the fur
nishings are expected this
week, v.
Learn How
Prayer Can
Help You
IH o w does Christian
Science heal? How does remove fear, solve per-
Jsonal and business trou
bles? If you want to
know something about the
jhealing power of prayer
as taught In Christian
Science, come to
A free Lecture
Music Festival
At Jason Lee
The Jason tee Methodist
church choir is presenting
festival of sacred music Palm
Sunday morning at the It a.m.
service. The choir, under the
direction of Miss Rosa. Zim
merman, will present choral
and vocal numben of Palm
Sunday music.1 :
" The pastor, Rev, Krnest
Preston Goulder. will also of
fer the sacrament of Holy Bap.
tism lor infants and adults ana
receive new members into the
church. The Sunday school
also will have their annual
Palm . Sunday Triumphal
march. A apeclal committee
oi tne cnurcn school, under the
direction of Mn. Helen Ready,
general superintendent of the
school, have , been preparing
the children and making the
arrangements.' . .
Tot the past five weeks the
pastor has been conducting
membership , training classes
for children, youth and adults,
in preparation for their unit'
ing with the church.
Another committee from the
church commission on worship
and evangelism has planned
the churcn floral decorations
for both : Palm Sunday and
Easter when two services of
worship will be conducted.
. i ' t
SA Leader Here
Next Sunday
i Theodore Wallach, C.S.
of Chicago, 111.
letmbtr of the Board tt Uotureehlp
it Tha Mother Church, The First
jkurah Christ, Stlsntiit, la Bes
m, Hsu.
Hontky Evening, March 30,
.M., In SMlor Hrflh
Sdwd ktWnm
14ft sad DJtrieh
First Ohuroh of Christ,
Bclentlst, salem, Oregon
.ordially Invites You
The Salvation Army Corps
will be host Sunday, to their
tentorial commander, Com-
clssloner Claude E. Bates of
San Francisco. .
The commissioner will be
speaking in the morning Holi
ness meeting at 11 olclock,
This is the first public ap
pearance of Commissioner
Bates in Salem. He will be
accompanied by Senior Major
Harry L, Lorsen, divisional
leader from ; Portland. The
commissioner will also pre
side at private soldier coin
ell at 4 olclock in the after
noon when the local corps
I will present ' him with their
I I t M .1 . . .
missionary conixiuuium.
Commissioner Bates is re
sponsible for all Salvation
Army activities in the 11
western states, Alaska, the
Territory of Hawaii, and the
Philippine Islands.
The choir of the Hubbard
Community church (Congrega
tional) will present its annual
Easter concert, Sunday even
ing, March 29, at 8 p.m. in the
church. Mrs. Don Miller di
rects the choir.
Lutherans Set
Silverfon Rites
Silyerton .'-' Palms Sunday
special - announcements by
pastor Joseph A. Luthro at
Trinity Lutheran church are:
10:00 a.m. Sunday school
Bilbe classes. 11 SJn. Divine
WorsMp. Sermon: "Worship
The King." Junior choir, 7; JO
p.m. Luther League, Friday
March 17, I p.m. Trinity
Brotherhood, guest speaker
Dr. Stanley Moris. Wednesday
April 1 Ladles :Ald, I p.m.
Mn. Silas B. Tor vend.
hostesses, Mrs, Adolptt Hau-
gen and Mn. Ella Harmon,
Wednesday April 1, choris
Junior, 7 p.m. senior S . p.m.
Thursday April S, Holy Com
munion Worship I p.m. Fri
day April I, Holy Communion
Worship. 1080 as., Good Fri
day ..... worship, 8 , p.m. at
mmanual Lutheran church
with Calvary. Trinity and
Immanutl congregations
Participating. .;;
- Dorcas Society meeting Is
postponed to April 10.
Easter Sunday A'.l-
6:30, s.m., eerly 'worship
sermon: "Easter ; Surprises."
senior choir.
Easter breakfast follows
this worship. . SerVed by the
Luther League on free-will
offering basis. ",'
- 9:45 , a.m.,' Sunday school
11 a.m., Festival wonhip.
Sermon: Empty Tomb Eter
nal Life. Junior choir,
Marzieh Gail Speaks
Baha'i World Faith
Marzieh Gail, M.A., will
speak at the public meeting of
the Baha'i World Faith, in
Room C of the YMCA, at 8,
Saturday night '
When she spoke here Janu
ary 24 her 'subject was "Com
ments' on Modern Iran." For
this meeting she will review
her book, "Persia and the Vic
torian," recently published in
England by Allen and Unwin,
and recommended by the Book
Mrs. Gail's, book shows in
even a cursory reading that It'
is well-authenticated and au
thoritative. There is a fresh,
original viewpoint, spiced with
delightful wit. It. is a perfect
introduction to the poets and
writers of Persia, who were
translated by the Englishmen
of the 18th century. .
First Church of the
' Nazarene
. Oenter at Uth
1 ' Rev. and Mn.
C. William Fisher
errless Bach ETtnlaf at 1:M
Except Saturday
U us tirrti MmU Mums S,
l: 1:41, IS SM 1111 m. CMfN-
11011 mumia. :t t S:9 us 1 l
antmliiS ttank af laa Ckrial
ti ittw Br SsHH siftcinth tad
CSUDttlU Oil. OMtn W. SPMS. ss-
ttf. raiana siiwu s;tl Bsraiu t
run. ik wiuws i suuui autr.
meas wwuusk wuiiut o. shis,
Theorode Wallach, O.I.
tint Ckpnk at at-Mtm sa4
StM. H. 4. aunur. aloUUt. "CkfU.
Uu Brotb.rliMd" SuadkT Mornlncl
SOU S:S-S:M. SimSU HSSOl is:ts.
nuas mau li st, own sssuw,
Mkm WUUuuu ol PuUls alkls Col-
i. t. v. Mrvico s:w .. anaias
wm tiss, jsoa wuuuuoo. ntuu.
Salem First
Church of the Nazarene
Center at Thirteenth ,
' Rev. and Mrs. (. William Fisher
Each Evening (Except Saturday) at 7:30
The Public It Invited. William F. Clay, Pastor
Guest Soloist at ,
Good Shepherd
Guest soloist of Good Shep
herd Lutheran .' church for
Palm Sunday, at the 11 a.m.
morning worship service will
tie Sidney Sinclair; who will
sing "Truth That Rolled
Away the Stone."
Rev. Harold E. Hamilton,
pastor of Good '. Shepard
church, will continue his se
ries on "Persons of the pas
sion" and will speak on the
subject "Mary the Mother of
Jesus." -
'Good Shepard. Lutheran
church will participate in the
Holy Week services by the
YMCA YWCA and the
Salem Ministerial Associa
tion, the noon-day' services,
the S hour Good Friday serv
ice and the 8:00 a.m. Easter
sunrise service.
Confirmation at
St. Mark Lutheran
St. Mark's Lutheran church
will hold its annual Palm
Sunday service Sunday morn
ing at 11 a.m.
A class of young people
who have had a two year
period of special Instruction
in the Christian faith will
take their vows of confirms
tion. Prior to the adminlstra
tlon of this rite, the pastor,
the Rev. John L. Cauble, will
deliver the confirmation ser
mon on the subject, " Our
Growth in Grace." Special
Palm Sunday music will be
sung by the church choir,
under the direction of Herbert
Brower. Maurice ' Brennen
will be at the organ. A cordial
invitation is extended the
public to' come and take part
in this Palm Sunday service
ond Confirmation rites.
Wallach to Spssk
The rules and principle by
which happiness can be won
will be. the topic of a free pub
lic lecture next Monday, March
10 by Theodore Wallach of Chi-
cigo, a member of The Chris
tian Science Board of Lecture
ship. .',',',. ,r;-r'?.;-;'A
Mr. Wallach will spean at a
o'clock, under auspices of First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in
the Senior High School Audi
torium. 14th and "D" Streets.
The local membership has in
vited the general public to at
tend. Mr. wallacn's topic is
Christian Science: The Key to
Calvary Baptist
Conducts Bapthms
. The two New Testament ord
inances observed by Baptists
will take place Sunday evening)
at the Calvary Baptist church
South Liberty and Miller
streets. Participating in bap
tlsm will be Mrs. Lester Eve
land, Mrs. Dolly Buffum, Mrs.
Emma Looney, Miss Pearl
Moore and James Cartwright.
Two Navajo sisters attending
the Chemawa school, Mabel
and Katie Badoni, will also be
baptized, ! .'.' ;
Along with these, Lester
Eveland and Rev. and Mrs. Lee
Wiens will be received, will be
received in to the church. The
welcome of new member will
be given by the pastor, Omar
N. Barth, at the Communion
service, which will follow the
baptisms. . ;j': v.'.'.f.w-
. In the morning, tne pastor
will give the fifth message in
the series of the Great Ques
tions of the Last WeeV. . The
topic , on Sunday: "The Cry
from the Cross." ' -
Next Wednesday night the
church will conclude its six
weeks School of Missions with
an outstanding program.
Holy Land Film
Halbert Memorial
? A sound motion picture of
the Holy Lend will be shown
at 7:30 P.m. Sunday, March 20
at the Halbert Memorial Bap
tist church, 4290 Portland
Road, according to the pastor,
Rev. Robert E. Sanders.
A second feature film "Bible
on the Table" will be shown
as a' highlight of this commu
nity Bible rally. It presents the
story of two Christian families.
At an added feature, L, U.
Mendosa, the leader of the
Bible rally, will present to the
church a pulpit Bible if 100
adults are in attendance.
The choir, under the direc
tion of the pastor, will sing the
choral classls, "God So Loved
the World," by Stalner.
Young People to
Be Confirmed
Fourteen young people will
be honored Sunday morning at
a confirmation aervice at the
Englewood Evangelical United
Brethren church. Having com
pleted their catechism training
these youths will be question
ed by the pastor before the
congregation, following which
they will be consecrated to
God's service. v
The youths to be confirmed
are: Carol Bellinger, Barbara
Cone, Gary Dourls, Sandra
Johnson, Duane Kent, Dick
Oglesbee, Eddie Page, Marilyn
Page, Carolyn Pepper, Judy
Powers, Judith Query, George
Read, Carol Springer, and Ev
erett Stewart.
Okmk 1 tmm CkrW Lotto Do
StM Ilium-tit ul M41ta stt.
Mia a. SttUikw. BUhoc VtImUm
smsUm I aa. Soadu sxhoal 1:M
n. smauts Mm :J p.m. , ,
Swl Bop SSroBUtl Sumrur
oo4. SoOsotk SMttol SIM. Topic: "Tbo
oamuTM of u Ckuna ! cantt
km .. kr Sailor n. O, Salwl-
St. Mork'o LaUuna ChanS-IU If.
Church St. Rov. John L. Cftubl., pattor,
Palm Sunday Mrvleoo II Canftrma-
uoo. Bormon by tha Motor. Sunday
school eonnvonot at t:30 ' Youns
Ptoplo'l Loasua rnoita at S:S0 p.m. Bolr
wna itrricoa woanMOay, Tnuraaay, ans
Friday at liW p.m.
Calyary a.otUI Caank-aouth Lib.
arty at MUlor St. Omar N. Barth, pas
tor .:w, Bioi. tKnoai. ii:tw: -tbo orv
from th. Cion." Braaanut otu (Oil
UK kc. :., au youth srouw. t.k,
otui,(r,. mm bora-a nuvpar,"
Christian ft Missionary
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Dedication of
Communion Service
Sermon by Pastor:
KING"- .
6:30 p.m. A. Y. Fellow-
7:30 p.m Water Baptism
Sermon by Pastor
i leglnninj m Eartsr Suirdsj
loanuel Plan
For Holy Week
Sliverton Hory Week In Inv
manuel Lutheran church, Rev.
A. W. Nelson, pastor, will begin
with tha worship services on
Palm Sunday at which the pas
tor will speak on the theme,
"Crown Him Lord or All!"
The senior choir will sing.
Two communion services will
be observed during the week,
one on the evening of Holy
Thursday, at I o'clock - and
a second, i in tha Norwegian
language, on Good Friday at
11 a.m.
On Good Friday evening at
I o'clock the three Lutheran
churches of Sliverton, Calvary,
Trinity, and Immanuel, will
join In a special service in Inv
manuel church. .
The pastors of the partlclpat
ing churches will spesk, each
taking a division of the cen
tral theme, "Three Crosses on
Calvary.': -
Choirs and music groups
from the three churches will
sing. At the suggestion of the
Sliverton' ministerial associa
tion an offering . will be re
ceived at this service for the
Sliverton w e e k d a y Bible
ialk Baal.. Ill Cnaauaota.
Stutday Sanaa! (a. aanlaa II. Took,:
Tat Mar Hut osttlmy a! a smataa Ba
ns, dinars parsnsaa, stnst apaaaor,
mot, uur. ataiatta,
St. Jakas LMkaraa fSnrak (Ma Sy.
aas-loth and A Sis. H W. Orooi. pat-
V., . 'V.W HI .,W.
Ckrlattaa aad islaalanary '
OkankN. Sth aad OalBW, Foul
Ouathar, PUMr. Suaaay eahoal. S:U
a. at. Montins worth la: DMIaauan ol
i!!"'. S55."!"',lLSr!!M' !Sml NEW CHURCH MEMBERS
a evs wajartasja 4TwNi wmt ' asatij v . , . ,
xins." ii:o a.m. aiiianea Touth oi. Hubbard New members
" p.. aonriea . oi wator .mftn be received into tha Hub
kaillam Mut MkTSrnta h ui mMim l -
Children to Givt 1
Easter Christ Ploy
Woodbum Six scenes, de
pleting the life of Christ be
fore and after his resurrection
will bo presented fay the third
grade " class of St. Mary's
church school, Sunday, March
30 beginning- at tha Sunday
school hour at : a.m.
The scenes were msde by tha
following children who will
give we stories: warn tjener
green. Florence Rltter, Becky
Taylor, Trina HUdebrandt,
Louise Stage, Joan Magnuson,
and Bruce Brown who will an
nounce tha program, ,
Bible Studies by"
Dr. Lloyd Anderson
- A new seriea of Bible, studies
will be taught by Dr. Lloyd T.
Anderson, pastor of tha First
Baptist church, on Sunday eve
nings at 7:30 o'clock. The
series will deal with tha sub
ject, , "Rightly Dividing tha
Word of Truth," Theme for
the first In this series wlU be
"The Difference Between Law
and Grace," and will be pre
sented this coming Sunday eve
ning. , , '
. Wednesday evening at the
Easier S:n;i:;
Services Skied
taster sunrise services, spon
sored by the Salem .Ministerial
association, will be conducted
at MeCulIoeh stadium, Bush -nark.
a m., 8' April;
The speaker will be Dr. Wei--don
Wilson, pastor of tha First
Baptist church of Portland.
Special muale will ba pro
vided . by Salem aenior high
school students, directed by '
Howard Miller. ., ,,
Other troupi : taklnt part
wlU includa tha National
Guard and Boy Scouts. . ' V
Services wilt be conducted
from 6 to T a.m. :''.
regular mid-week service, tha
fUm, "We Beheld His Glory,"
will be shown, depleting tha
passion events in the life of th
Lord Jesus Christ. ' '
The Elerl clan, one ol tha
adult Sunday School classes of
the church, .will celebrate its
annual . Easter " banquet 1 on,
Thursday evening. Rev. A. G.'
Jamieson will be tha speaker,';
bard Community church (Con-1
gregauonau on faim sunaay
and Easter Sunday, the Rev. E,
H. Hastings has announced. .
Caul stmt Ckrisltaa Chanh Court
Stmt at 11th. W. Barole man and
O., FhlUp nurd, stlmutors. Blhla School
aaumaly. :M a.ra. afornins wonhip.
M:s o'aiaai. MratM ty nr. Lyman,
liial OkrUllan Ckank Marlon an
ooitaas. Miautar. mamr strain. Hin.
Itlar ol Christian Mutation, Sonala
Paint. Church Softool, ,l;tl a.m. Morn.
ins woraniD ana aoatmwuon. loiaa a.m.
Barman hy Dudlty atnln. Taulh iallov-
ship tlmt, S:3S P.m. Saaak Una. S:1S
p.m. FUm. "Jotunoy Into Valtk,"
P.m., chapel. Bronlns worlhtp aarrlea,
7:30 p.m. Sermon ky Dudley Strain. Spe
cial mueic. . -v,.:.
Sunday school S:M. Monilu orahht. It.
Can tats, I.
Faltt Lalkaran-W. Hlnr ad. at Cum.
ntnss lane, Oeorsa L, Hounaulel, B.P.,
poator. Fairs Sunday eorvteoi, yith child
hapllimi, II, Faitar F. W. Brlckaon will
conduct sarvlaas aad preach. Factor
Oaorst IV Molmqulil wlU admlnUttr the
kapttemi. Ilueta by Faith Lutheran choir
and Junior choir in anuphonal etylo ana
Faith Lutheran orchestra. Sunday school
with all trades, pre-acheol, nureery cleee
and adult Bible study oleu, Silfi s.m. .
n I a k Memorial CoatrasaUaul
Oharoh sss South ltth street. Lou a B,
While, minister. S:4 a.m., Sunday
School. 11:90 a.m mornlns .warahtp.
Sermon or the minister, "Kins lor i
Doy.'- diurch-Ume nureery. S:1S p.m
youth troupe. li p-m., famuy Blsht.
Film. "No Other Ooda." . . :
Flrat CoaurranUaaal to Marlon, aath
R. Huntlnston, minuter. Church echool.
si. Morula, worship serviee, u. ru.
rim Fellowship (hlth school tse), SiM.
Foareaaara OkarohUO K. IStb St
Bar. Roy ' Worthtncton, pastor. S:4a.
Bunaay ncnooi. atornins woronip ai mm,
Sermon suhlectl "Thc Klnt and His
Klnsdom," hy the pastor, tit the Cm.
eedera meet At 1:45 Re?. Ban Larae
will Uluetrata tha meoeata ol Iba ara
nine, at guest apaaker.'4, .
' Flral Molkadlet Brooke H. Moore.
minister Serytee In tha Blsraara theater,
lit eerman. "We Bclleva la Oomeletont
OhrUtlanlty,' Brooke H. Moore, mints.
ter. siueioi awio. -rna l-aime" irauret.
Brrla Fatter, Anthem, "Ride. On, Rids
w" wcatti,
Oraaa Latatraa WC) Su&nyviaw
and Laneint. L. W. Helta, parlor. Sun
day school, t:4l Dlrlne worship, 11.
Faaalon cantata, "The crucltlalon," t.
oood Friday communion eerrloe, l;S0, .
Salraltea Amy 141 Slate. Major
Charles Bennett, ameer m cnarco. sun
day achool. Si4l. Hcllneu rMttlu. in
Commlulonsr OlSudo B., Bales, tueet
apoaaor mm awn rraneieao. sount reo
Plo't Lotion, S. SalraUoa moeUns, 1:M.
' Flrat Okarak at OkrUli Satenllat-Uh.
arts nnS Ohomafceta. Sunday school. 11
MoratM tor, let, m letean-atrmon sua
last, Tloallty" Sv tains Hrrleo, SI lot
eaa Barman annitei. "taauty."... .
Flril Bapllil Ckarek Marlon and
Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Andoraon. pastor.
Rot. Thornton Jantma, aitlitanl pastor.
Sunday School, S:4I a.m. Mornlnt wor
ship, 11:00 o'clock, "Spiritual Dedica
tion." Factor Lloyd Andorton, Touts
meotln.t, t:18 p.m. Rvenlm totpol eory
Ict, 7:30 p.m., "The Difference Between
Law and Grace." Mid-week eerrlee, Wed
nesday, 7:S0 P.m. Tha fllm, "We Beheld
Hit Olory" will be ahown. .
Faar Cernerr Vaptlel Chore b BUto
and Elm straott. Rer. Victor L. Louckt,
pattor. Sunday School, S:4I a.m. with
elatiee for all atas. Mornlnt worthlp,
11:00 o'clock, pattor epeaklnr Touns
FeopUe Leatus, 1:3 p.m. Sronlnr eoi-
poi eerriee, Tito p.m. ana-weea prayer
tenlee. Thunder, 1:J0 p.m.
Central Assembly to
Hold Missions Rally
. Missionary evangelist Rich
ard Teeter and family will be
showing pictures of their work
in Alaska. They have travel
ed hundreds of miles by dog
team, airplane and on foot and
have in their possession most
unusual pictures from the far
north. The public is invited,
First Presbyterian
, Chemekets at Winter
, Salem, Oreron
Ittiuon try Dr. Follnf
Identical terriers .1:45-11 svm.
KOCO (1490) 10 to 10:S0
Faal llewtew Feint, D.D., Feeler
B. I. BalUnS, Aoelilant Feeler
Ckrltt Lalkaraa Okarok (A.L.C.)
auta St. at Jttn. the Ror. T. w. oeb.
hard. pattor. Palm Sunday eervlceit
S:4S and 11 a.m. Reception of members
and Sacrament of Baptism, etrmon by
the pastor, "Ohrlet My All." Bunday
Bible elatiti, 10 a.m. Luther Leasut
Plretlde Hour, T P.m.
First SelrilaoUot Chareh 4SD N. Oot
taae. 7:30 p. m. apeaker, Dr. V. Mallatt,
Tople: "The Beslnnlnts of chrlttlsnlty.''
Si, JoHpk't Oolkollt-CliomrtsU and
win tor. Ray, joeeph B. vandarbeok. pas.
tor. Sunday matset. t, 7:11, S:J0, Sill.
11 and is:it. contesilons Saturday, 3:10-
o:st ana r;-t.
! Before yoii; buy
any hearing aidyou owe it
- 195375
; under our iO-day
money-back Guarantee!
ZwvWViH fsfiiWMi owl itKrtlo tt&$
lanartas far AU Makes mni MaaJali of Heorlnt Aids
'i i
444 Staff Sf.
Kiorwo4 Blblfr-112B Kim St. 1:41
.no. Bunday ftenoo. xor Ml mm. :
i.. mornlnt worship itmca. Jh,
Alex B. 0urwtln preicblnt: "The Vll
of th Templt Wu Rant." : p.m.,
youth meetlnti, 1:it p.m., IUv. PeUr
Becker, morle of tht mlMlonwr work.
AMITY CBURCHM .. ....C ...e
tiuiwwiiuftm Btmr, pwtor. aon
dy Bchftfll, 10 .m. Mornlni wonhip.
11 ft.m. Svtntaf enrict. p.m.
Chareh of OhriitRobert V. Powell,
putor. Bible ichool, 10 .m. Morning
worship, 11 t.m. HerUdi of Filth, f pm.
KUCM. Tount Peopiti moeting i:n
p.m. Bvonlng mttIco t;0 p.m.
Meihwut D)d PolndeiUr. mlnU.
Ur. Snndor tehooJ. 10 v.ra. Mornlnt
wonhtp, It t.m. Touth VtUowthlp, f:30
p.m. STtnlnv trrlce, p.m. .
Oak Orete Chapol IHtW polndeittr,
minuter. Mornlnt wonhip, 1:41 a.ra,
untter school 10:41 t.m.'
Amtmbly of Oe Frank X. Mapei.
paitor. Bunday School, 9 AI t.m. 'Morn
lnt worhlp, 11 a.m. Zvenlnt Mrflce,
T:M p.m.
rirrt PreeDriirian kv. nooie Btrtei
tr. minuter. Bunday ncnool t:4S t.n.
Touth Feilowthlp 4 p.m. Churoh terv
Ifltl 11 t-m. tn 9:30 p.m.
Senior and Junior "Air. Salem11
The Capital Journal
Presents the
Latest in
P. : .....
Men's and Boys'
drat Obrl.llen Rot. Hush Jull. pat
tor. Bunday tehool S:4I o.m. O. ., t:30
p.m, chareh tervlce II a.m. and I
SI. Oatkerlae CaihaUo rether Robert
tynTera. paitor. Mornlnt matt t a.m.
Conftttlons hoard before maae.
Free Hotkodlel Rer. C. R. Brewer,
pattor. Sunday echool t:4l a.m. Church
strrloea 11 s.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Ceatmaaltr Rer. Ua Jointer, pattor.
Sunday tehool 10 a.m. Chunk sorriest
II s.m. and S p.m.
Aeoemkly of Ood eundar tehool It
a.m. church aorrieeo 11 a.m. snd t:30
p.m. Touns people 1:30 p.m.
Christian Solonoa-Suaday 11 a.m. 4Ui
Wednesday S p.m.
U.I.B Commaally-Lablsll TUIass. .
It. Books, paitor. Sunday aehool, 10.
Proaehlnt worihlp, 11. Touat People,
T:ll. Prteehlnt, 1:30. Sprint council,
1:30 p.m. , - .. . ,v.,.
Salal Faal't Spiw.pal church and
Ch.rn.ktU. Rer. Oeortt a. Swift, ID,
I rtetor. Holy eommunlon, :30. Femllr
serrlce and elaatei. S-.M. Nurtry echool
I hs parish has, II. Holy ouoharlit and
etrmon, II,
Cealral Staeeiblr-IIIUi . Commer
cial. A. C, Phillips, paitor. Sunday
echool, t:U. Storntns worihlp. 11. Sun.
dty erenln. ttrrlct. ?:4S. Sptelsl mls
tlonsry rslly.
Central tath.raa K. Capitol and
! Oornee. O. B. Rundttrerffl, paitor. Cn
I tral luthirtn Hour, KOCO, l:K. amlly
I i JSuui I " A , : i?"
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You'll discover what the well groomed
man and young man will be wearing for
Easter . . . Spring . . . and Summer!