THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Orega Friday, March 17, 1951 f. Nairobi. Kenya W) Fanatic Mau Mau terrorist! massacred at leut 100 pro-British Kikuju tribesmen, their wives and children In a wild raid Thuri- day night at a village almost on the outskirts of Kenya's capital... , .-. - They also attacked a police station about 40 miles away, killing live African and re leasing all prisoners from Jail. The village attack wa the faflafl iwuimiy u AMARANTH OFFICER ; frv," (ij: r" r ' y . OeaaM rattan, Salem, who was named grand royal pa tron of the Grand Court, Order of the Amaranth, Stat of Oregon, to serve gross Kerch, 19S3, to March, 19S4. : i ;-i . biggesi yet by the Mau Mau in Its campaign of terror aim ed at driving the white men out of this agriculturally rich British colony in East Africa. In the past year the terrorists have murdered nearly 300 !rw,-'- ' ; . ;. ' ;' ." , Thursday - night's "' attacks followed a British crackdown last week-end which netted about 1,500 suspects. It was an apparent show of strength in the bitter struggle between primitive knit e- wielding tribesmen and the white rul ers of Kenya. In both raids the attackers mad thetr escape in trucks after seising quantities of arms and ammunition, i Lari, a village 10 miles from Nairobi in the Kiambu re serve, was the scene of the big massaer. Officials gave this account: About 40 Mau Mau raiders, disguised in black overcosts to resemble ' policemen, slip ped into the village outskirts. They opened fire on unsus necting police sentries, then put the torch to native huts. Although many died in the flaming - huts, others rushed out to escape the swiftly- spreading flamos. They were met by the Mau Mau raiders, who hacked the villagers to death with axes, knives and short swords. Preg nant women were disembowl ed in front of their children. The attackers then slashed the children to death, i . ' NEW SCHOOL FOR STAYTON 1 . t (:' if;?!. r t 1" AVrt 160 N. Liberty Salem, Oregon 4 You're Been Waiting for These YARDAGE .BEMflAflTS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Seme As Much As Vi Oft Shop and Save Penney's Mezzanine Seek Bids for Sfayton School Stayton Construction of Stayton's new $250,000 grade school building on 1st St., came one step nearer Friday as the school board advertised for bids on the project. ; , The bids will be received by Edward J. Bell, clerk of the school at Stayton, until 8 p.m April 8. Specifications may be obtained from Louis Schmer ber. architect, S085 N. River Rd., Salem. The new building will be around the present gymnasium, It will have 12 classrooms, a cafeteria, kitchen, library, of fices, and many special conven iences. ' The building will be of con crete with brick veneer, and of the modern flat roof type. School board members hope to have the bui'ding ready for use by next winter. Enfield Barn Near Silverfon Burns . Sllverton A barn belonging to the Glenn W. Enileldi on Steelhammer Rd., was destroy ed by fire Wednesday evening. The volunteer firemen, di rected . by Larry Carpenter, chief; arrived in time to save the Enfield residence and oth er buildings including the 4 C HVICUMFU 11U ,uu Mill 11 within a few yards of the burn ing barn.' ' The Enflelds reported that no feed or hay had yet been stored, nor were the lives of any animals endangered. There was concern for the Sorenson's stock, however, in. the. near-by lane. " ' v . 1 Albert Baker Albert C. Baker, 49, em ploye of the state of Oregon, died Friday. Albert C. (Jack) Baker, wa born at Marion, Illnois, August 20, 103, and had lived In Sa lem since-1822. He was a mem far of il5i riia liii.. Vi. 336. He had been employed since 1043 in the state treas urer's and secretary of state's offices. ;'. . He was married to Harriet Patterson In Salem, July I, 1927, who survives. Other survivors arc sons, Gerald M... student at Willa mette; Jack L., atudent at Les lie Junior high; his mother, Mrs. Bessie A. Baker, and brothers, Andrew O., Donald M., Robert S., all of Salem; Clifford A., of Eugene; sister, Mrs. Elisabeth Warden, of In dependence. '" '' ; w ; r Services will be held at W. T. Rigdon'i chapel, Saturday, March 28. t 2:30 B.m. Rv. Omar , Barth, Calvary Baptist church, will officiate.' Intern meht at Belcrest. . ' "-.' 'v. Most of South Carolina's cot ton textile industry is located In it. Piedmont area. . i Architects drawing shows proposed new grade school to be constructed at Stayton soon at a cost of $250,000. The new building will be of concrete with brick veneer and will be built around present gymnasium. Old grade school on the school property eventually will be de-. molished. . Pearl Esther Kuhn Dies at Hospital Here - Pearl Esther Kuhn, late res ident 170 Gerth avenue, who had been ill for the past sev eral months, died at a local hospital Friday. Born October 17, 1879, at El kader, Iowa, Mrs. Kuhn lived in that state until moving to Sslem in 1939. She was a former member of the' Grange and a member of Hal Hibbard post, ' Spanish-American War Veterans auxiliary. Survivors include her hus band Fred Kuhn, to whom she was married in Salem In 1943; a daughter, Mrs. Clyde ' G. Stone of Mankfleld, Ohio; and a sister, Mrs. Mae Needham of Salem. ' ' . Funeral . services will ' be held at the Virgil T. Golden chapel Saturday, March 28, at 2:30 o'clock with interment in the City View cemetery. Rev. H. W. Black will officiate. Ritu alistic services will be by the auxiliary to Hal Hibbard post, Spanish-American War Veter ans. . :. '.',,-.:, ,. Mrs. Maude Eckman Passes in Portland Word has been received in Salem of the death at her home In Portland Thursday of Mrs. Maude G. Eckman, 63, . who formerly lived here. She had been ill for some time. An X-ray technician for Dr. J. H. Garnjobst while in Sa lem, Mrs. Eckman retired two years ago and moved to Port land.'' Her-husband, Herbert Eckman, died two years ago. - S'urvlvors Include a son, Bruce Eckman of Portland; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Kleger of Clatskanie,' Oregon, and a ne phew, Jack Friable of Salem. I Funeral services are being' aranged by the Little Chapel of the Chimes of Portland. AUTHOR TESTIFIES A V c " V Dashiell Hammett, author of "The Thin Man" and other novels, testified , in Washington, before the sen ate investigations subcom mittee headed by Sen. Mc Carthy (R., Wis.). He re fused to say whether he is or has been a communist. The committee is seeking to learn who . chose books by , communists for the overseas library program operated by the state department, (AP Wirephoto) SCHAEFER'S COLD TABLETS Far simple headache and simple neuralgia caused by common cold, headache, nasal congestion, fever, muscular achat and paint, temporary -conttipc Hon Only at 50c-$1.00 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dalljr, 7:U ML - I pjn. Sundays, t a.m. - 1 p.m. , 135 N. Commercial tTllAACO VWI IIIVIIIUI v The tcienca af Mind , 7 EVERY PROBLEM CAN BE ; SOLVED : ' ; ' Learn Hia Law ef Mind In Action . ' Why you think. Hew you think. ! . . ; What to think. J ; ' - ' Clattea conducted by : .. .,'c Toni Arloa Van Ornum - Friday, March 27, Salem ' 1320 EOGfWATER . : 1:00 P.M. ersonol Charm 2:30 P.M. Talent Development , 7:00 P.M Law of Miracle , 0:30 P.M Your Unused Power PI P4T CLASS ATTENDED FREE Classes in. Eugene, MondoyEugent Hotel , Classes In Portland, Wednesday, Congress Hotel . mar Ha't a tiit ol Wo vo emty Mcewy ( bout, tfs Woof carefree mototing-wsm power mar eaos y kwfiog along w4m me immt - Uigk ancj ocewomy that lynm nWieoo. Urn ewy orejmb HLTh driva is My ovomaic If yo oWire... Moft-O-Matic Drive offers the lent word In smoothness, efficiency and note of operation. And this glooming Ueaty b buiH to hsttt fetfted Design p, yem yean ahead In tfyng-mmM ahead m piormeK9--4omt ahead m value. Rood test a Mercury thit wee! WARNER MOTOR CO. EFFECTIVE MARCH 27-28-29 FAMILY CIRCLE MAGAZINE . 5c GOLD MEDAL or KITCHEN CRAFT. ........... i . , .10-. S9c VEL VEETA . . . . . .V. . . . . ........... . . . . :. :. . .Mb. 79t breeze .ii.....-.-.i.;'...;....v..;.'..'V..;.;:.;. 7Je CAKE FLOUR . SOFTS-SILK . . . . : : , .... ... . . . ... . . . . . .40-ot. 37c " BETTY'CROCKER CAKE MIX... ............. pkt. 3Sc PEANUT BUTTER SKIPPY 14-oi'. 45c BEVERLY ...... .... . . . . w w. . . . . . ..... . . 12-ei. S5c . MARGARINE NUCOA or SUNNY BANK . M. 25c TAYLOR SWEET POTATOES . .No. ISqtutCan 25c WH IJE S ATI N SUGAR ... ... . . . ... ...u h 99c SPAM LUNCHEON-MEAT A 1 . ... . . c 39c BLUE BELL POTATO CHIPS . 19c ZEE WHITE NAPKINS Z.l': 10c CAMPBELL'S SOUP . , W 8i.OO DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW;.-..;.. 49c WELCH'S GRAPE JUWE..;..;..,.,.;.., 29e .-C-r?-; SOAP WHITE KING ................... .... ... '..U, . . . -Giant 85c WHITE MAGIC , V. . , .Giant 50 PRODUCE DEPARTMENT RED RADISHES & GREEN ONIONS ,. 5c RHUBARB Field Grown.....,....',,;., , , lbs. 29c MEAT DEPARTMENT FRYING CHICKENS Swift's Premium Each M.00 POLISH SAUSAGES ,. .; .... . I!or 1.00 -V I ilia If mm II . I V ' 1 iamm-jfji MSB 2120 Fairgrounds Rd. 245 Court St. . 0 935 $. Commercial 430 No. Commercial St. Salem 126S Canter St.