vtuv CMC r ft fwk J J Friday, March 27, lss AL Unit Meets on . ThursHnv Twenty women were pre tented B year honor nurd nn. by Mr. Harry Humphrey of Stayton, district 2 president, at . the Thunday meeting of Salem unit mrl!S2 Isluu auxil iary. They are Mn. Clyde Beat, ty, Mr. Mildred De Armond. r T n.vun . w wciuifpi, mn. Je rome Hansen, Mr. Jack John ton, Mr. Harlan Judd, Mr. Dow Jjovell. Mrs. Loll Keener. Mr. WUbur Lytle, Mr. Joe Matujec, Mr. Wayne Perdue, Mr. Donald Rasmussen. Mri. Carroll Robinson, Mrt. Jack 6imkins, Mr. Jennie Slater, Mr. Harold Streeter, Mr. Jo- sepn aompauns, airs, 'fneodore TJllakko, Mr. Bert Walker and Mr. Walter Wood. Guest at the meeting lnclud. ed Mr. Verne Axelson, Mr. E. M. Hoffman, Mr. Earl Foltom and Mr. Karl Mobley of King wood unit; Mrs. Harry Humph rey of Stayton, district 2 president; Mr. Velma K. Da vis, Pioneer pott. Mr. C. W. Swigert was re ceived into the group as a new member. .. . The five past presidents, of the Kingwood unit were hon ored on Thursday, each of them giving a short talk. They are Mrs. Harold Streeter, Mrs. Har lan Judd, Mrs. Bert Walker, Mrs. Theodore Ullakko and Mrs. Joe DeFilippi. . A program was presented by Marion county' health depart ment member. Mr. Vernon Ol sen showed a filmland Miss Claudia Donnelly and Miss Ruth Ingram gave short talks on community health problems. The tewing group will meet March 30 with Mrt. Bert Walk er. Mrs. Jerome Hansen will be hostess to the executive board on April 2 at her home. Mrt. Charles Driver will ac company several members of the junior auxiliary to a con ference in Corvallis on Sunday. The social hour committee Included Mrs... Kenneth Deca tur, chairman,' Miss Kay Lov ell, Mrs Dow Lovell, Mrt. William Sierp, Mrs. Bert Walk er, Mr. Augusta Allport, Mr. TnwiH t- Ytri.u W T - ircit;ut- xvixs .. James Wolfe and Mrs. James Fitts. - i ,., Menhehnett-Hicks I Wedding Recently Woodburn Aff event of Saturday, March 14,' was the wedding of' Mist Gwendolyn Hicks of Vancouver, ' Wath-t and Everett Menhennett of Camas, Wash.' The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her man ,E. Hicks of Woodburn and -the bridegroom' parents are Mr. and Mrt. H. E. Menn hennett of Indianapolis, Ind. The Rev, Lyndall Logee offi ciated at the ceremony which took place in the Camas Bap tist church in Vancouver. Herbert Runyan of Van couver was soloist, accompa nied by Mr. Runyan. . The bride 'wore a blue faille street length dress with navy blue accessories and a gardenia corsage. Mrs. Ralph Bryan ot Van couver was matron of honor for her sister and wore a navy blue eoat style linen dress, blue accessories and corsage of yellow carnations. ' ' Serving a best man for Mr. Menhennett was his brother- in-law, C. R. Porterfield,' of Camas. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and. Mrs. W. L.' Runyan of Vancouver. The three tiered wedding cake centered . the serving table, and was circled with pink, camellias and daphne. Mrs. Eugene . ' C. Richet of Portland .cut the cake and Mrs. Gerald Runyan presided at the coffee urn. Misses Geraldine and Ann Runyan had charge of the gift table. ' - ; Following a wedding trip to the beach the couple is at home in Camas. The bride is native of Woodburn and graduated from the Wood burn schools before going to Vancouver. :. SILVERTON Mr. Flor ence Schlaebitz 1 to be host ess to members ot the past president's parley of Delbert Reeves unit, No. 7, American Legion auxiliary at the club room of Legion hall on Friday at 8 p.m. Vhat eyaiyone should know about WER What tautss eanetrt It It bared. ItaryT How dots It BUT Dots being married bear any relstion to getting cancer! Can ehildrta 1st cancer? Why can't tdentlrtt prrrant UT Is tber a sura? la She bag, new April ladlta' Home Journal are th latest arTewsi M the 45 moot frequently esksfl questions. Get your copy of th Journal aad read Yea Skouli Know Att Thit A Cawr' .VS3afcr..a "' "WW VI . Goldenweda Honored Mr.1 and Mrs. William' Wester,' ,- above, recently observed their golden wedding anniversary ' at an open house at their home in Four Corners. -Married . in Kansas, the couple have lived in Oregon since 1840. (Mc-' ' Ewan studio) :- .:J. y.. i-j - .!..? ,v:- '... .H AL Auxiliary Is Entertained r :; - t ' '! . . ?' Silverton Delbert Reeves unit, American Legion auxi liary, honored past president and past post commander at a dinner this week. The 34th anniversary of the American Legion was also observed. Mrs. Charles Mason, ' first vice-president, : presented the cake to Earl Baker, post commander. Honored guests ' included Dallas Nollsch of ' . Sauvies Island, vice-commander - of the Oregon department of the Legion, and Mrs. Nollsch; Mrs. Malcolm Cameron of Salem and Mrs. Fred Lucht, child welfare district chair man, both members of the past president's parley: Mike Castellano of Salem, 'bugler for the. initiation ' team from Capital post in Salem, and Mrs. Castellano. " , " ' During the business meet ing, it was announced that the state convention will be at Seaside, June 16-30. Mrs. Ralph Francis 'reported 'on the Dlnty Moore dinner and Mrs. Mason announced plans for the ' poppy -poster' - campaign. There will be all-day sewing at the: home of Mr, v Nettie Noren,427 South. Second, on Thursday. Mrs. Mason con ducted the- meeting In the absence of Mrs. Robert Allen, president. ' ' . ' ' . ' i Naomi Chapter . . Of OES Initiates Dallas Initiated into Naomi' -chapter,' ' Order' of Eastern . . Star, . on. . Tuesday were Mr. Walter K. Steele and Mr. Joe S. Simmon of Rkkreall. During the cere mony,, the choir 'tang several numbers." '. ; ; :.. " ' s " . . ' Escorted to the east were Mr. and Mr: Arthur Kopp leln, worthy patron and nat ron of Rhododendron chapter in Fall City.; Other . visitors Included Mr. and Mrs. Doctor Eby of Trinity chapter in Salem . and member of the Fall City chapter. Decoration for thi friendship event were arranged by Mr. Harry Demp ey and Mrs. William Cadle. . -For the program, Marjorle Nelson gave a reading. .- si Members , of Fall City, Independence and Dallas chapters will attend' the dis trict meeting to be in Dallas CHICKEN GIZZARDS AND HEARTS 29c SIRLOIN T-BONE RIB R-RANDEO STEER STEMS STEER BEEF POT ROAST GROUND BEEF 3n.$llM IOIUNG BEEF SEXTANT Salmons "I v ' 1 1 Today's Menu V SATURDAY LUNCH . Green Salad . Hot Roll Fruit Sherbet with Crisp . Cookies .'. Beverage.' . Lobster A La King Ingredients: , 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 table spoon flour, one 3-ounce can chopped broiled mushrooms, 1 cup milk, Y teasppon salt, Vt teaspoon . pepper, one 7- ounce can ' rock lobster . (cut in fairly lage- pieces), Vt cup sliced stuffed olives, 4 large patty shells (heated),-parsley sprigs. -...,-.- v i , Method; ' Melt butter in saucepan; stir in flour until blended. Add ''broth drained from mushrooms, milk, . salt and pepper. Cook and stir con stantly over low heat until thickened and. bubbly. Add drained mushrooms, drained lobster and olives. - Heat thoroughly.- stirring carefully a few times so as not to break up lobster too much. Serve in patty shells; - garnish with parsley" sprigs. , Makes servings ':. ' "i ; " Amaranth Grand - ? j Officers Elected) 7 " Officers for the grand court, Order of the Amaranth, for the state of Oregon are being announced thi week. : , Mrs. Gale Jane of ; Port land is the grand royal matron, and Don B. Patton of Salem Is the grand royal patron. ' ' Other Salem people serving during 1953-84 are Mrs. Wil liam Wilson, grand standard bearer; Mr. Stanley Dilatush, grand faith; Mrs. R. Lee Wood, assistant grand lecturer; Ray Johnson, grand representative to Minnesota; Mrs. James Bar- re 11, grand, representative to Massachusetts; and . Gordon Herrig, grand representative to Pennsylvania.: ,' t- ' ' - THE SOCIAL afternoon club of. Alnswprth chapter, Order of Eastern Starmet for lunch eon Thursday at the Masonic temple. Hoetes chairman was April 14. - ' Mrs. C. L. Foster was chair man of the dining committee, and assisting were Mrs. Laird Woods, , Mrs. Bud Kessler, Lloyd Hodgson s and Jim Jackson. y . Pan-Reedy Colored Lb. t a ,, 29' 39' TEBCAffZAL' JOURNAL, Balm," Ortgoa THAT SVELTE FIGURE Processors Fight Back At the Dieting Craze By SAM DAWSON. , New York ) That llm volte figure which ao many they've lost it is causing the tale of some foodstuffs to drop. And now tome food pre ssors are lighting back. Some tout the health value of their product and view mal nutrition with alarm. Both but ter and margarine producer fall into this clan. And there is talk that they may become strange bedfellow in a cam paign to gat American to use the ly. e ipreadlng ami more xree Other' food processor alarmed at the inroad on tales mad by America' changing food- hsblts advertise that their product are no more fat tening than - tome other food that the dieting public has turned to. -. - A big sugar refiner has come to defense of the aweet, for ex-, ample, with the contention that three teaspoons full of its brand of sugar contain no more calo ries than a half grapefruit. ', , i But, of course, stiu others Thompson-Hansen Wedding March 20 Woodburn Miss Lois- Ann Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen, was wed to Sherwood Thompson, son of Theodore. S. Thompson, on Friday. March 20, at the home ot th bride's parent. The Rev. J. William Carlson, pastor ot -the : Immanual Lutheran church, ' read the ingle ring ceremony which was witnessed by about 30 friend and relatives. ' ;! s The bride wore a petal oink butcher linen- dress with a corsage of pink-throat ed white orchids. :s; I -. Miss Wilma Jean Hensen, maid of honor for her sister, wore a pale blue embossed organdy dress with a red rose bud corsage. , Don : Thompson erved , a best man for his brother. i For -her daughter' wedd lna. Mrs. Hansen wore a gown of Bold taffeta with a red rosebud ' corsage. " i A reception followed tne ceremony with the wedding cake and blue ana wnite taoers centering the lace covered table. Mr. Ray. Dry- den, cousin of 'the bride, 'cut the- cake, Mrs. Iva Twitto soured. coffee ' and another cousin, Mtsa Jean Hove, er- ved punch. After a wedding trip to North Dakota where they will visit relative. Mr. and Mr. Thompson will live in Wood burn. Mrs. Thompson la I senior at Woodburn high school where . Mr. Thompson graduated with the class of 19S2. Mrs. Mors Stewart, attlited by Mesdames L. J. Stewart, John Wood,. Russell Krueger, R. U Tower and V. Huff. The afternoon was tpent playing bridse and canasta. Mrs. Maude Sieber and Mrs. S. A. Wheatley were guests. T iGSX3SS33 Ph.-333,3 I l,5t 1,39' a t FREE DELIVERY On Order Ovar $4.00 ED'S Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1120 S. 12A St. Ph. 26403 are cashing in by bringing out non-fattening food line eater- !&2 ts t -ess v.-: iilU iU eating hour to dropping a pound or so here and there mostly there. 1 . Every dieter hat hi favor ites. . , - -New diet habit have chang ed the food picture consider. bly since the war. Average an nual consumption of sugar in 193S through 1S3S was M.2 pound per capita, the Agrlcul. ture Department aay. Thi year consumption la estimated to be between 82 and 88 pound per capita. Joseph F. Abbott, president of American Sugar Refining Co., 1 urging his talesmen to campaign to get the dieting public to watch the total in take of an food instead ot Just reaching for a eigaret instead of a sweet. '- . At the same time a beer com pany's advertising campaign stresses that a bottle ot its brand contain less unferment ed sugar than can be put on the proverbial head of a pin; ; Boots & Spurs By CHARLEN WOODS . 'Friday night fun night was put on by Mrs. Ethel Roland and Mrs. Roy Stender. Ervln Ward, announced and Glen Southwlck won the prize. An obstacle race was played where the horses were taken through the course then the riders were blindfolded and taken through. The regular Monday night drill was called by Floyd Seam ster. '- .- .':,: Wednesday night coffee was served by Mrs. Jack LIndeman. The full drill team attended this practice and since all the mem bers have been coming out tor the practices so faithfully: and practicing so hard they are go ing to get a rest. . : Wednesday, April 1, will fea ture a no-host dinner at the Fair Grounds, starting at 6:30. Moving pictures ot the St. Paul Rodeo , will be shown starting at 8:00. There will be no drill but anyone wishing to ride may do so.-,: -v .5 ,-, -,v. A short time ago a house- warming was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Unde man. : Many of the Saddle eluL member attended, v r ' ' LEGALS - BIDS WAKTKD Tb Aurora sehool OUtrfol Ko. tU Board of DurMton will tmlr Mat un til 10 TM. on rrldar AdtU 1Mb, IMS for on IMS. 4t nwsaiffw School Bui. Bpoollicfttions tntvy bo ob(atBd avi th Aurora oradt School from Mr. Ue Lin. Board rtMrrat tha rltht to vajatt aar ar. all bldi. . - ' Wm. jMuan, Clark, Rt L Anrora. or. I lCar9TrM,l0 - ft '-SfeiV I 4a MTa . VvV " kajLka- : a. - a.- , V 1 I : aMwhM wMH (Atae ffi'Xt. . '. TaTr ' r- I fclN. Wfciw) aWaaVBMf ApHJ WWA fhl .' jaiVW f "V -. . ..,:,"( v "v laatkar Mai. Waa, 44 aerww IkHA ' -:' ''' ' ' rys-'..--:- . v : aw ' ' ' ' 1 ft .J' ' "" tewtwfcif fcVilaW fcaW ViifekSS. ffkk ' i yi tJ" V . . Brae" awt. laaar pltWiraa. - m FOR CHILDREN, T00I 1 rrrvz-'W i win Election at ' Sojourners At : the ' biter ' party for Saleaa Sojourner . el ub, Thursday afternoon ' at the Woman't club, .new officer war named. :,..,'. iii Wr - Vliet - Wchw pretldent ior the 'new term, succeeding Mrs. Karl Olson. Mrt. Robert Parks 1 vice- president for the group, Mrs, Sidney Stenerodden, the sec retary; Mrs. Everett Day, treasurer.-". 'i'""' . - New member - welcomed Include Mrs. Leon Gonlon, Mr. Paul Van da Velde, Mr. Harry J. Van Horn. Mn. Delvin Plaisance. The house guests we're Mr. Chldley and Mrs. Joseph de Loretto. Other LIGALS caix roa ooKnsooTtoM ama aehMi IMrtrtot k. a. Mi Ciulr, aala ktaa HI ) 'taaatTa kg Oaila Sbaaaa. Clark, at ma tt Sa parlataaMUat. at Bihaali. OaUaa. Oras on. antu SarU in ant. : -aiMt, r. M. Sar Ik roUavku aaHtnl nlU: AS 4mm Lata 0)id ackoali Maw Blah akaal SMIMins aed OU Baralu Bauip- mml m mum aau auaai muoibs, far Oakaal niaHHt a. SO, Folk Cmibit, Sanaa, oraeaa u UI Ikaa aat Itn k pud a Mkllelr raaa alrat. 14 raealvad attar taa lima tuad lor apaa tns 1U aal ka eonaldarad. i- Plau, aalttcatloiti aad Coatnet DoeumtBta Bar ba axamlnad or var ba obtalnad at toaimo ef SvaaoiaB. HirtllP Tult, Anoo. Archtt.. SOW S. W. Third A?anna, rortland 1. Ora aon. ape a dapoalt f for ek at f doeuataDta. Up to tw aata Ut ba famtakad ack artma kMtfar at th Mtpalatad dapaait aaaa aar aal. AddltMoal aala wui a aro ndad apaa raaaoat kt Ik ktddara a panM at 111.00 par aal. Dapoalt aura wui a ratundad apon rat arm of u dooaaionta vlthla a raaaoBablo aaa. . AttantloB U aaHad to aiddara rra auaunaaUaa. Soatlaa N-1M to ta-10(, O.C.UA.. vfclek aul ba Mod wlth tka Clark la dara hafor dot for paoJna of bldi. Forma mar ba oktalaad at th, olllea of to Arohiueu. ho aropoaau wiu eo eonaworaa aniaai aicompaalad br a oorllflad ahaek, aaah- lar'a ahaek ar bid. aona twita aaworuaa urotr aompur aa aural) atado par abla to tho Ownar In an amount at not lau than a ai u amount oc mo bid. auratr bond wui bo rooalrad In aa eordane with terma at doatraot dooa- vaata. Th, School DUtrttt. rawa in nam to ralaot aar t all klda and to wain Informautlaa. - na aiddar may withdraw hla aia aiiar tha hour oat for Ik pnla tharaaf Man award f tha aonlract. aaloat aald award la dalarod tor a parted a oaadlns M dart. ji. OATLk KABKH1. mars. -V IX(OTJTBIX' MOTIOB TO CBSMTOkS NoTlcn la hzumt OXVan that BSL- ua V. 1JLHD kaa kaon. br trdar at tha Otrtult Court at tha atat ol Oratoa for Ifarlon Oountr, appoint aaoaatrix of th, satato oc satinaia w. none, ua- eaaiad. An? paraaaa nanna ataima aaainat aald aatata ar raaooatod to nraaan tham. with KOPar rouohara. to aid ,iicumx a in rionaar nut BaUdlas. aalrn. Onaon, within ate month, from th data of thu kotleo. oata wii, uin oar oi aun, waa. . MBLUC V. um, Szaoatrla ol tha Vatau t ' ' maamald W. iba. Daeaaaot. hotbi. hhotkn Si tTsxaarniA Atunara at Law SU rionaor Trul BttUdkas ' . aalaaa. Omen .AttMUM far Saaiiilllll ' ' Uarok II, , ST, Apr. t, la. UU, umum ttMHaisnlilwt FOR MOTHER . . . BIG SISTER . eeeese (aaalwrtl Crae aal. IMuwal eafaiw. rawa r rat. tlm 3" 7 rj. si Hrrp aaatat. WkIM a . ar i 399 My4a Motk ta4fy mm?I laUtl lalawakalil maa) awrnl aaim Itm rWntm WwTTrW WW fjn WnlrfJ. $ALEA MEICrfANTJ guaatt war lira. Lyaa Woods, Mrt. JohavMeCrae, Mr. Roy Robarte, Mrs. Alice Idtos, Mrs. Joseph Klnxrr, Mrs. Al fred Lerton, - Mr. Jerry Monaaaav ; - ? r-' " ' -' -' . Honor at bridge want to Mrt. J. R. Hughes, Mr. Leon Gonlon, , Mrs. C, T. . Danen, Mr. O.i A.- Olsen, ; and at ..;u.'jM,...i.-Vl. 1 :V':'iii'i.i):iii' Min!strs' Wi ves At .Woodburn Elect : Woodburn Mr! ' Edwin H. Baldwin waa elected president ot the newly organised "Minis ters' Wives," at a luncheon meeting Monday of thi week, held at the Coney bland res taurant. Mrs. George Nora worthy was named vice pretl dent and Mrs. R. Brandler, eo-ratary-treasurer. , n j.r ; Other members present were were Mr. T. M. Baxter, Mrs. E. r DEMONSTRATION OF THE -.'.. , Exclusive COOK-9MtH ' V-v . a Accveste ThatwtaataiPt ....... t I : B . r-.i u.ua. . .. . . - I I .-' "Sraimar1 Renge (:. v-,"!:.-.vi I .. I UaWwreigJif-, .1 I Ue, Nw-ype ' 'A -s I f - I v IS'-..; ! II'.' I 1 : u i 1 1 I J March 28 - . r- Triple rS an enkltla. Nyta rlafra .' kaal ea kM. OUAJANmO 4 awMftt aw. tlm T WW ., 4 pair r 299 Corner I Opaa f Kay Fenton, lira. Err-ft f . and Mrt. Arthur of 1 t, George Springer and L. . . t worthy were unabia to attend. . The next meeting ol the group will be luaeheott meet lag Monday, April 20. , , - A hippopotamua . Normally tay under water three or four minute. , LKaALS r Hot to la tantr arao ate X p . ton WUUuu W kaaai aj ! k- a' ar W tka cimH (Ml 1 tMaaaa Coal MainlatnUar 1 lka eaaaa ft. lau Hasp, fonstrl MM WW. aainat' aal aitala at t-Saattan raaant thaa vlttl SVOPOT 1 aid aAmMjjtmlaar artlhaa aka ha tka t thla aww MM PnbUa Samoa axUdte. til aliat -: w. . .' - ' l.l Btw at am lilllliHl- Marak K lau. .. j. MraaklaB at la aMaM : ( formarlr WUUaa at. BaUad . Attonar l 9av . . 1101 riwUa Santa 8M. rorUand, Orasaa . Mank . astn a SS. IT. M. UU NZW ATHA Aim SUNBEAM Products Co, ' will a i Mir ". Houaaworai Oat, . .-t all day Sartvrway ' cocxu v.i DEEPER aadatter S&uwSSul Uaaaawt 236N.Cormtiercwl eeea 1C9 State and Commercial . ridtf Night TM 9 fM. , i