Friday, March 27, 195S M.t l . ...... 1 -THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8eJm, Orofta ;" .s',i"v ?.f':""'" n 7?"" for Real Boating Pleasure SEE THE MEW 1953 WIZARD PLASTIC LAMINATED WITH MBEtGLAS v The Best All-Purpose Boat Built! UGHTAM Light Tough-Durable No Stomt No Jointt No Caulking No Dents No Water Logging Available in 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, IS l 17 ft. Sin BUILT BY WIZARD BOATS, INC.. COSTA MESA, CAL, ' Also TRY 'EM . TROLL 'IM CLOCK IM TH1 CHOICE Of IXMRTS , CHUt-CMAFt Outboard Moton SV4 and 10 h.p. hit a new high in outboard dependability and al-around performance! Lt tM sbow them to you today) For erry outboard motor need, boy Chris-Craft, world's finest, bar none! Welcome: Be sure to see our booth at the Sportsman Show, Salem Armory Fri., Sat. .450 Center Phone 2-2476 I za a k Wa I ton League Show hiieIcia n cl Salem Chapter Starts Spring Sports Season In the spring son) young men's fancy may turn to love, but in more eases It turns to outdoor sports. The Salem chapter of the Izaak Walton League of Amer ica can't supply you with the former, but if its outdoor sports you're interested In, the IWLA la ready to get your spring season off to a flying start; The third annual IWLA sponsored spring sports show will be conducted at the Sa lem armory Saturday and Sun day. . ' - . ... x Demonstrations of spin and plvtg easting, archery, duck Soap Box Derby Film For Garfield School ' A film about the Soap Box Derby will be shown at Gar field school by Dick Rogers who will also talk to the stu dents. The title of the film is "Where the Son Shines." , March 31 film on . the YMCA, summer camp will be shown. The fourth grade, children are making colorful sewing baskets for Mothers day in their Art activities with Mrs. Mary Lou .Nicholson their teacher in charge. The second grade with Mrs. Elphle G alia way as teacher gave a program during an as sembly, which Included four creative puppet' plays made by the children. Garfield school again receiv ed recognition in the art con test sponsored by KOAC as Halph Eyre received honorable mention for the third grade. His teacher is Mrs. Ethel Ca- rothers. ; " ' Mrs. McCulley to J Daughter's Bedside A heart operation in which an effort will be made to cure the leakage in a valve will be performed at Long Beach, Calif., Tuesday, March 31, on Mrs. Maurine Garcia. Her mother, Mrs. John Mc Culley. 1155 Nebraska street, Salem, will leave by plane this week-end to be at her oaugn ter's bedside. The operation will be per formed in Seaside hospital at Long Beach. '-' .'(! calling, retriever dogs in ac tion, etc., will be Included in the program. In addltiou, a continuous movie on outdoor sports will be shown. The Capital Journal Soap Box Derby film la a. part of the cinema program, i Some 80 exhibitors are set ting up booths in the armory, and will display the latest in hunting and fishing equipment. Equipment on display will include boats, guns, fishing ap paratus, camping gear, sports clothing, etc. A highlight of the product display will be the first Salem showing of the Mitchell salt water spinning reel. . The sports show will run continuously from 1 to 10 pj. on Saturday, and from noon to 7 -pjn. on Sunday. - . Salesman Will Talk On Oriental Situation ' Duncan McRoberts, a sales representative from San Fran cisco, will talk to the Salem Chamber of Commerce Monday on The Orient as I See It." Huberts rpc-t Elgut ci in the Orient and is said to be well acquainted with the busi ness situation in the far east and with its social condition as well. Quito recently he inter viewed Chiang Kai-shek on Formosa.' McRoberts is a ladies ready-to-wear salesman for Alice of California and has been a fre quent Salem visitor. Dallas Reports Crew Of Phoney Salesmen Dallas It is reported by the Dallas Chamber of Commerce that a team of salesmen wrong ly representing themselves as representatives of a nationally advertised building . supply company have been operating in Dallas. The salesmen oper ate on a house to house basis offering the household a "spe cial introductory offer." Upon comparing bids made by the traveling team with bids made by a local builders' sup ply house it is found that the same job done locally would cost as little as one fourth what the fast talking outside tales men ask. .ss. ......v '.- v ;-i :? Alamogordo, N. Mex., where the first atom bomb was ex ploded, is in the Rio Grande valley, , Plan Refugss For Wild Fol Washington California duck hunters and the Fish and Wildlife Service joined forces Wednesday in an effort to pro tect flights of migratory water fowl. ,".;;: : They backed a bill before the House Interior-Committee to authorize expenditure of $830, 000 on the Central Valley Rec lamation Project to provide wildfowl management area in the San Joaquin Valley. -Albert Day. Fish and Wild life Service director, said the lands proposed to be flooded with- Central Valley Project water would be state and fed erally. owned.. .-. He told the commute U is hoped eventually to establish wildfowl management areas in the state totaling 27,000 acres. ' Owners of private' duck hunting areas, who also are supporting the bill, said they are now buying water from the Central Valley Project at the cost of $1.50 an acre foot, and would not receive, any free government water under the bill which was introduced by Rep. Hunter (R., Call! ). . . The ancient ehurch at Val ine iana, Mexico, ia said to have been built with mortar con taining powdered silver and wine. f Visit our booth at the SHOW See a wide assortment of 1 Guns, Ammunition and Supplies. EN GRADER SMHIXG GOODS Phone S-6594 Council Yi!l I !::t to Sell Bsnaoft Bonds Xalman & Co. of MinneaDo- lis will probably be the buyers of over 9112,000 Salem street Improvement bonds when the dry council hold's a special meeting at 7:30 Monday night to sell the issue. Bids were received from four concerns at the meeting last Monday and a committee asked time to flvo thaan fur- . ther consideration. , The bond deal and an appli cation from Edwin H. Tehee. ;.. of Village Inn for a liquor pert mlt wlU be the only business -y before the special meeting, but ,' it wiU be followed by a meet ing of the city budget commit tee. -.. Cotton processing canter. la South Carolina Include Lauras ter, Rock Hill. York, Spartan. burg and Greenville. Soq Oar Train LavoEiS 3arcfescfTrtck OlhtrTrilMDbpljy f m Ai lliD Sprtsn::ii Shov; Toy a lip bby Shop Annual SP0BTS SHOW SALEM ARMORY Saturday, Sunday, March 28-29 FREE b FREE d FREE NEW 10 H.P. MARTIN. "100" OUTBOARD MOTOR $275.00 Value Visit Salem Hardware's booth. Sign your ticket drop it in box. Drawing to be held Sunday Evening, 7 p.m. You need not be present to win! (NO STRINGS ATTACHED) l See the Hew MARTIN "200" 20 H.P. Silver Streak en display if Alio the "20". "45", "73" and "100"! I Coma and tee the new Royal Chef Barbecue equipment en display! .... i . Coma end tea the new Hydraulic Steering Unit for all outboard bears! SPORTSMEN! Record Those Big Ones with Cameras Films Supplies See Our Exhibit at Sportsman Show -' Saturday Sunday Salem Armory : KLASIC PHOTO SHOP 546 State . Ph. 3-8996 Watch for Opening ef . Our Second Location 1146 Center St. II 154 S. Uberty la ' ' "I Ir-U,"II1HHIH" I r A :rl ,JU ,1 in. s i u b , Hill, jr m mm ssaa. ' jfw II 1 H H HI" )' i HUU ' I II I 9 1 H I . .. Ill HU II .K- iiihnr"v win il i hi ui art . .i i i ww mil l a WW d 16J N. Commercial . Ph one 2-1515 3rcl -nriiiat, . - ' (HI W SALEM ARMORY Saturday and Sunday MARCH 28 AND 29 Saturday I PA4. to 10 P.M.-mday fSNeo) l7 ? TO EXHIBIT: 4,000 eqmire feet of exMbirs Ineluding Meet koat, moron, ffihlmj tackle wfrh newcet ephmMf teeb. A hlthllgtrt o rWe wlH be the firer sAewmf ef the MftcheN Salt Water ipmning real. Latest reloadimj teeh, eamplng gear, aperh cleHilnflt "eweet geM. ENTERTAINMENT: Pishing and hwnring inoviee ehewn aemimially dur ing tha show. Archery demonstration thawing new est technique!, trick ehett, etc. Owck eotling dem on irration, a program ef thawing retriever dogt in actual field type tesH. Demonstration ef spinning tackle thawing methods of casting, trick easting, etc. See fishing lines being braMed. , 1 1 f u ADMISSION: ADULTS 25c (HILDKEN 9c TMt idiylUiPJitnl b tMMif d by tfci ftfftwtiif spfMlMid 1W! LOOERMOS. , ft Cnkr SL WALTttZOSELCO. Cktwk O Bteh Capital City Transfer Co. Ml tnmi ! VALLEY MOTOR CO. SIS Ontar St, Rax Sanford Finance Co. OrtffM BlIISlM SMOKE SHOP SW SUtt Si. PITT'S MARKET tt N. CmmM SNYDER ELECTRIC CO. im s. ckmk Keye Radio It Television SSI N. Ufett . W. J. traun Marine -Insurance . ' .,. US t. Ckfh MOOTRY'S PHARMACY' ISM M. ChIM OTTO J. WILSON CO. est N. Ctumlil MUSGRAVE and CLEARY . nil timwatar Matter Service Station I SW N. Camambl 'J HOME FUEL CO. ! WtN. OraunnUI , ' .' ' Willamette Vallay lank ll rawmk S4. FronkDoerflereVSont , ID K. bwnir Drtr Charles Mutter Used Can SW R. Sflsh