Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1953, Page 21, Image 21

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    Friday, March 17, 19SS
Sport Shirts Varied
In Design and Fabric
r.iv man aom ire time I er favor for nrln Thi. i.
Wd he' bound to make a bee due to lreedom of mov
rJV. 'w.r t.Salore by .ucn
Ml tU isuiu 01 expreuion
Jn fabric, design, color and a
-ense of well being found in
, leisure shirt. And conse
ouently there are shirts to lit
every mood, occasion and per
sonality. ' ia
Fabrics range from cotton
and silk to all typea of man
madea and Mendi. Texture
vary from aoft finishes to
smooth and surface interest
types. These are expressed in
the suede and flannel effecta,
gabardine and nubby weaves,
..iirni are made in woven or
printed effects. The small
prints and very large prlnta
.m tvolcal of woven patterns.
All over native ideas still hold
Mil spacea ngures 01
(mailer dimension show great
r imnetUS.
A . very significant change
la taking ' place in stripe.
These -are becoming bold in
conception and color and run
horizontally or vertically.
: Thick and thin shantung
'weaves are being duplicated
in cottons as well as the man
made fibers. Nubbed effect
are also crowing, in uivor, w
. solid colors as well as in pat-
tern effects.
Soft flannel finishes and
corduroys are in the establish
ed category. While knit
shirts have been popular they
ere scheduled for much great-
lavoritea aa Jersey and the
many ingenious new effects
being produced on machine
uch aa the new ribbon knit.
boucle effects, new effect
terry cloth and an array of
fiber that include wool, cot
ton a well aa the man-made.
In one aspect aport shirts
are following the trend in
shirts for business wear show
ing a tendency toward collars
of smaller proportion. The
blending of snort and dreia
ideas into single garments
such a neat check for busi
ness wear and short ileeve
on white dress shirts for busi
ness is adding-new style and
comfort The trend to regu
lar shirt collar on aport shirt
is in evidence in knit ahirta.
Here demand i for ahirta with
regular type collar. Such
dreas type favorites as the but
ton-down style are being
ahown. Most popular sport
shirt collar is the spread
model with medium . length
point. . The rounded collar.
adapted from the dreas shirt
category ia appearing more fre
quently on aport ahirta.
The black and gold color
combination following the
high fashion - theme from
abroad is important iu the
cross stripes of knitted shirts
as well as in printed and
woven design.
! f
1 V
Neat apaced figures and under-the-knot designs on light
. ground colors are leading neckwear ideas for light colored
apring clothing. "
Soft Textured Sport Jackets
Are Heightened by Color
Jewel ry Marked by
Trim Looking Designs
Evidence of better grooming
" on the part of American men
J noted by the attention they
are giving to their choice of
jewelry. Currently,'- the trim
' appearance . exemplifies the
;more prevalent types.
Cuff links and tie holders
may be divided-into many dif
, ferent categories. The severely
simple designs comprise one
t srouD. which depend on finely
etched effecta at the edges or
diagonally placed. Others are
, devoid of any patternwork and
have a reflection of gentility.
- Personalized jewelry holds
Individual interest. The desire
! for initialed jewelry is great
1 so the types of designs and let
tering are many and varied.
Script a well aa block initials
t appear on gold or ailver fin
lishe. : , - -.- '
Sports' motifs encompass
many different styles that
'have a special appeal for the
; sportsmen. Birds, animals,
. cuns. fishing rods, riding crops
: and other implements provide
. the basis for the designs, These
- too. are in silver or gold finish.
' The combination of black and
gold strike a distinctive note
', in the snorts type of jewelry,
, The black background sets off
the sold finish scenes,
Large-size, bulky appearing
' jewelry has its proponents,
i Many men like to wear over-
size cuff links in all metallic
as well as stone type of orna
; mentation. These include many
different antique and tradi
! tional designs.
The strictly modern Idea
1 are available in curved and
1 straight-line theme. Their
, limplicity and good taste are
reasons for their acceptance,
i Changes in widths of ties af-
, fects the lengths of tie clips,
' The narrow tie calls for short-
' er tie holders. The come in
a wide variety of designs as do
the longer tie holders for wear
with the ties of conventional
Evening dress jewelry for
spring and summer introduce
color. The maroon and dark
blue tet of studs and cuff links
are related to the cummer
bunds and bow tie in the same
colors.. Black pearl and plain
gold finish also qualify for for.
mal wear.
Colored atone ideas show up
in sets for daytime wear a
well. Dark blue, maroon,
brewn, tan and green jewel
carries out the dominant color
of the ensemblei.
The pin-through tie holder
offers a pleasant change. This
type of fastener shows tooled
and ports design. Collar
pins are coming into more gen
eral use because the ahortpoint
collars . are gaining. Money
clip and key chains round out
the arrays of jewelry items.
Dark nabs and slabs on
light grounds give strik
ing effect to the new light
weight tweeds. A grained
pattern is shown , in the
jacket above.
Every man has at least one.
Now there's reason a plenty
why he'll want more than one
aport coat. Soft colorful fab
rics with splashes and nub
effects are giving men the op
portunity to brighten up their
wardrobes. This new sur
face interest ia exemplified in
tweeds, shelande and; thick
and thin weaves In a variety
of colorful combinations.
This new face is also chang
ing the character of auch soft
and luxurious favorites as
cashmere. . Once mainly in
solid colors- and smooth ef
fects this fabric has a new sur
face and pattern interest in
checks, plaids and diagonal
weaves. The soft nap of cor
duroy also reflects -this trend.1
Horizontal walea and tweedy
effecta mirror the nubby
Grey is moving rapidly to
the fore and browns and
bright blues are widely used
in blend tone effects. White
is widely employed to act off
other shades as well as in mix
ture effects. Wine, yellow and
mustard gold in blends with
other colors are in the cate
gory of high fashion. -
Light Grounds
Set Fashion
m . at ' -.. -' SB .1. ."tfV.
in neckwear
This spring color rate high
In neckwear. Patterned ties
are set oft ; against light
grounds with whit and grey
ahades getting a hearty round
of applause. These , light
ground rate favorably with
men along avenues of eonvJ
merce, who blend them witn
colored ahirta and light col
ored suits. Contrasting neck
wear ia considered the sign
post to a well groomed appear
ance for spring.
Bough surface interest
shows up in many neckwear
fabric. CallacS the Nubby
Touch, the variation seen
endless, never dull. Shan
tung is expected to become a
popular weave in both rayon
and silk and is noted for
sharply defined under the
knot designs similar to those
found in printed ties. .
In woven and printed neck
wear, pale grey of the metal
lic ; tonality makea fashion
news for the first time. In
printed neckwear, , group dots
and- plain white on the very
pale grey is also in the cate
gory of light colored neck
wear, ', . - - ..
At air-conditioned confer
ences, leaders of Industry are
certain to show up at the
proper place and time, proper
ly dressed in a tie with an
under the knot effect Single
and triple arrangements are
For formal wear, select a
bowtle, of , course of white
pique and it can match shirt
bo torn and waistcoat with the
White pique regular four-
in-hands are offered for con
trast with solid color shirts.
They're sure to catch the eye
this spring. ' Look for these
combinations at leading fash
ion centers in warmer weath
er,'.. ' .1 . :-.. , ;
New Hats Have Narrower Brijns
AndTapered Crown for Better Style
South Carolina lead the Uni
ted State in production of fin
ished cotton woven goods. ,
Getting around in hat i
tMMa iMU 4us,tet W
do. If an upcoming Business
man want an extra touch of
formality to create a lasting
Impression, by all means he
should wear a hat. From nine
to six, on the seven fifty-two
express, on the avenue down
town, a bat enhances nts ap
pearance and reputation, com
mend respect.
And for easy living in the
suburb on week-ends, after a
heavy work-week of high pow
ered conferences, luncheons
and crowded commuter trains,
a sports hat is an added fillip
that '. reflecte - hi restrained
country cplrlt '
Hats with narrower brim
are continuing in style tor
spring for town and country
wear became they tend to In
crease the height of many men,
create a more alim silhouette,
Felt hate harmonize with
spring and lurnmer luits to cre
ate a more natural look. jBiena-
ed tone are most prominent
Casual and sports hats feature
the Nubby Touch, harmonizing
the fabric of the hat with the
texture of casual clothes.
.. Regular hats also come in a
wide selection of felts. The
Nubby Touch is most promi
nent It pals around with
tweeds, cheviots and herring
bone . suitings. The asaocia
tion of grey, the light brown
and the aoft greenish and blu
ish blend with clothing give
them added significance in the
fashion picture.
t'oc-oa rust felt accents the
metallic tone of silver grey
back bow band. Blended tonea
with tapered crown felt goes
well with mixed color cloth
ing like tweeds and cheviots
where slub effects are notice
True, style is most import
ant in spring hats. ' But they
have also been designed with
an eye- toward comfort espe
cially for warm weather wear.
No longer can men complain
that hats are too- heavy in the
spring and summer. For spring,
hats come light weight. Some
weigh less than a handful of
feathers. '
MmKmm&imimmm)tmi8ai to ; business wiil
m v-e s .rwr.fc
I! I
New hat shape feature the
narrow brim and tapered
crown in center crease style
for a youthful look.
What; men wear on , week
end ia important to their well
being too. r Xasy living Satur
day and Sunday in the country,
they're ready to relax in hat
especially ' coordinated with
week-end clothe. In the (ports
category, the roughest textures
are apparent in the body of
the hat, and also in the trim
such as fuzzy bands of wool or
other materials. A band- of
bright pheasant feather adds
a dash of color. Tweed cap
are enjoying a revival, and
tweed hat are also related to
sports wear. More men are
adding this type of headgear
to their wardrobes.
Straw hata for summer '58
show, wider more colorful hat
bands, darker color tones in
the body, narrower brims and
the beginning of- a trend to
lower crown. The pinched
front straw ia losing ground to
telescope and pear ihape styles
and center crease models are
growing in popularity. Pana
mas, milans and coconuts are
style leaders in approximately
that order. Shimmering color
ful new Balibuntals are expect
ed to make a strong bid for
favor.- '-v ,jy ., :
-Men with-an aye to good
taste a well a a mind to snap
ongnwr ui wwui -
silk shantungs and cotton ma
dres, it they want to be a ster
ahead of the crowd. . These) '
bands can be matched wita
neckwear, handkerchiefs and
belts. They come in many pat
term, checks, plaid and solid
color. : r
In aummer atrawi, the milast
leghorn and mesh panamas are .
following through their suc
cesses of the past season. Ital
lan straws come in charcoal
tones. Tapered crown tele
scopes with center vent models
and pinched front style all i
rang aa important models te
the coconut palm hat which la
added to the eonl-palm hat.
This has the conical ahapedl
erown with the double puggre
and snap brim.
Straw hats feature a variety
of hat bands, back bow repgt
strip on a cocoa colored mllaa
with aenter crease; fish net
band; wooden beads for sun
fun on a large brim Panamas
white band on shimmering cot
fee shade Ballbuntal for con
trast. ' 1
Master Plumber
t -f
Master Plumber, David t. Fox,
lays : ' Tor a heavy-duty user, Uae
new Hveready' D-M naahlight
batteries are the greatest Thef
give more brilliant light. ..outlast .
any batteries rv ever usedf s
! Spring PJ's
Show Fashions
! In Sleepwear
' Instead of complaining
.' about the warm spring nights,
' plan on light weight pajama
I to get a good night' sleep. To
1 day, pajama designers are on
i their toes thinking up new
' fabrics and combinations of
colors to help brokers forget
, the ups and downs on the mar-ket.
: The trend in styling is to
,! ward conservative models and
lj patterns to encourage leep
fend prevent lumberles
nights. Slip over middy
types, notched collar models,
, collarless coats and sleep coats
' ere getting nods of approval
from rugged American males,
with extra hearty applause for
'' the short sleeve knee length
., pajama.
Spring pajama come in as
, many colors as there are iheep
in deep. Pastel shades are
; most conducive to tleep. Cot-
' ton, rayon and nylon are the
' leading fabric. The coolest
. cotton weaves ar lawns, ten-
1 oweaves, meshes and crinkle
,; crepe.
Man-made fabric have en
.'' tered the sleep wear act, too,
-. Nylon this snrlna come In
'. Plain and printed pattern.
. Nylon tricot pajama are ex
tra cool and also runproof.
Short sleeves and short legs
1 help keep tired masculine
4 limbs cool on the hottest
nights. Tons and bottom are
shown In olld color pllsse
fabric. Pastel shades ax
Smart rooking airy
nylon mtih for
bujineit or dross.
Ploxlblt cuihloned
comfort from too to
htol for g.tntral wtar.
Soft, light caiuoli
for thoso happy
Itliurt hours.
Let your feet know you car. Step out
of your standard winter footwear in
to shoes especially built for warm
weather. No longer need you suffer
through summer in heavy leather
r -TTTCsam-inis M. ; rv ..u a
and a tonic for your budget too!
Men's Suit
Light Blue-Gray Flannels
- Rich Navy Blue Gabardines
Flannel ore pkiylnf vary Important role
thi Spring . . . Th perfect fabric for that well
groomed look . . . and th rich navy blue gabardine
is must for avry man's wardrobe. Two of th most
versatile suits you could possibly own to bring your
wardrobe up to data . and make H complete
II Single
' II . Ireaited
Mi m
ma - . , .
m Pocket ,
1 1 lutton
mm sk sf m ir
,"' .r Complete '
is nang
Smart Clothef
For Smart Men
I WIN A 195 J