Tn CAPITAL JOTTRNAE, Saba, Orofoa' FrMty, KvS IT, MM :oats Coordinate With Suits ' In tempo with tht trend to ctsual living topcotU feature aiy 11ns for wearing com fort" The- wln( to oft tex - tured suit with surfsc inter t and color call for related topcoat of the aame charac ter. As a result, topcoatings . ml iJs2M aufcbif tenia as : aoft mixture Shetland domin ate the fabric picture. While Bubbed and mixture etfecte form striking deelgna by them ehr, ether popular pattern! re check and neat effect plaid, All of theie employ Hire and four color ldeu auch a blue or two (hade f grey hot with another col or. Mixture effect in brown and grey and grey with blue ere leading color contender. Karl ana Prevail . In Una with the popularity , . of alngle-breaMed lulu, the aingle-breatted topcoat . also prevail over other model. ' Reflecting the mood of relax. d living, topcoat feature nat ural sweeping line. Raglan shoulder and ' military bal eollan contribute to the feel ; tag of eaiual atyllng. Slash pocket and leather button round out the picture of top coats Keyed to clothing that i , sssntiaiiy masculine in con- : aept and design with tht em . nasi on comfort ! Just a amateur mate cooks ftn knprovo their culinary ' atton toy adding sn extra ln- (radiant, the creators of new l fabric for men's suit have added aplash effects . to pro : due Nubby Touch as the epitome of Spring fashions. ' The characteristic of irregu : lar surface of material starts i with the suitings and goes tight through the wardrobe. , The basic fabrics of men's ; cults for business wear are liv ened with , colorful atubs. rr- F li m4ttU Fancy Vests Give a Lift to Clothes "" j f . J w 1 nrirYi in isWi Waistcoats are considered the prise catch of the season lor every man aooui lown and In the country. For many year suits have been made with coat and trousers only, With the (wing to soft tex ture and casual styling la clothing, the appearance of gaily colored and patterned waistcoats on th scene is, therefore, timely and stimu lating to men's fashions. The newest of these fancy waistcoats arc tie silk fabrics which can be worn this spring. A forerunner of these fabrics in the established category Is th tattersall cheeks which are proving so popular and adding impetus to the wearing of fancy waistcoats. In the silk fabric th new repp atrip which ' vary in width and color catch the ay and re ceive nod of approval. Bright blue and red make up ' (bik ing combination for stripe. Other color arc blue and grey, green ana gold, brown and tan, maroon and grey. The combine. tlons.are striking and provide Rain Jackets Fashioned For All-Weather Apparel . Ideal mate for the soft tea tared salt Is this checked tweed balmacasn with full sweep, raglan sleeves, mili tary collar and leather but tons.' ; Take, for caample, me plain ftannel auti which men like. The addition of Hue aubs or stubs, which are thread of thlck-nd-thln widths, gives a different tonal cast as wall ' as a slightly roughened appearance to the sit. Th same applies to light brown flannel suits. - Soft green or bluish tone nubs create an Irregular design in pleasing shade that differs from the conventional tones. . Splash Effects Brighten Business Suits i - The flannel suit rate as a ; favorite with men at the unl k versitlsi. . From on campus t to another swing thi cycle of , fashion. . Curiously enough, , color 1 related to th fabric ' a dark grey rule th spec , trum rood. With or without ! Bubs, such flannel suits con ' form to th soft fabric idea " that to the basis for the Nubby Touch. ., The vast majority of ' ' the young men at universities show a decided preference for I the three-button aingle-brealt-' cd jacket, with natural width shoulders and straight body , lines. There Is nothing x i treme or tricky about such j clothing. r Light Color Lead , The seasonal shift in color ; of men' suits is marked by ; the emphasis on Hunt tones. While the men at the unlversl- ties may lean strongly toward ; the dark shades of grey, men In ImalnMa ami m H nut ' the lighter and somewhat i bright' colors. ; Light greys, ' bluish greys, tan and brown i are high on the agenda of this lighter tonality. In such fab- rics the appearance of nubs i In brighter colors is a fashion factor. They give new test to i the lighter shades. Simplicity 1 th keynote of cult, far as pattern arc concerned. Plain weave with nub are well in front. The stripes to be noted are of neat so-called pencil- markings, often emphasized by thick-nd-thin yirns. Checks are to be seen as are plaids, but th accepted ones incorporate the surface Interest in the form of nubbed threads. Man-Made Fibers The forward steps of prog ress In the chemical and tex tile field bring Into fashion focus new type of suits. The virtues of the Dacron fibers are apparent in -the blends with wool and also In the all- Dacron fabrics that will be more widely seen as th hot- weather season rolls around. Retention of shape and creases, resistance to soiling and lightness of weight are some of the reasons. that auch suits sre being commended. Orion which come from the chemists' test tubes by way of new producing unit has an af finity for blending with wool. Its crimp effect makes It well sdapted to spinning and weav ing. In nubbed textures, it has practical fashion appeal. The processed fabric jacket has moved far up the fashion scale from a strictly utilitarian article of apparel, as originally worn by golfers, to multi purpose garment. With thi wider usage comeii greater di verslty of styling and of fab rics. The eolor range' be come greater a an eye la cast toward th relationship of the jseket with the rest of the out fit. . The baste jacket Is the sllde faitener model In processed tan cotton poplin. It has rag lan shoulders and conveniently-placed slash pocket.. The button band at th .wrist are adjustable and the collar i ef moderate length. Th various colorful Ideas add sect to th new jackets. Chieoal grey, light blue, soft , brown and maroon offer many choices. Related to col ors sre the new pattern. Th email hound's tooth and shepr herd cheek appear In. blue and white, brown and white as well ss th more vivid maroon and grey. Many of the jacket are in combination effect sueh as checked slseves and collar with solid color for the body of the Jacket. Overplalds show up In bright colors aguit olid color background.. Just a th variation in col ors and deelgni increase so, too, do the types of fabrics. Ace tates and rayons are used in sleek-looking fabrics. Orion and wool blends have textured surfaces that are adapted to patterns. Nylon shows up in vivid colors. Gabardine con tinues to be a favored fabric for processed Jackets. Special details mark certain models. Deep sleeves allow free action. Clastic insets at Processed cotton poplin jacket double for wear In rain or ahln and la light weight and comfortable. the waistband make for a trim appearance. Some models hsvs set-in sleeve Instead of being raglan style. Fullness across the shoulder blades and the chest characterize th prevail ing types of jackets. Linings of man-mad fiber fabric make them dip on easily and add to their comfort. Thei Jackets ' are being mora generally worn for week ends and after office hours. No longer are such jacket con fined to the fair way. They ar being worn hiking, driv ing, local (hopping, gardening, outdoor sports events and so on. For all these purposes men select Jackets that go well with their slacks and sports shirts. The latter may be In solid col or or bold plaid that harmonize or contrast with the basic tone of the jacket. Similarly, the slacks of grey go with jackets blue, grey, tan or green. a tasteful dash to blue, grey and tan suits. Neat effects are also Important in solid paisleys and newly designed star checks. Many of these have added style Interest In the buttons which vary from ailver and gold fin ished replicas of old coins to brass, bone and silver. . V Th great popularity of flan nel suit for aprint I due to the fact that they carve as a com mon denominator coordinated with almost every type of fin ishing and accessories. As flan nels are mainly plain in design and solid in color, they furnish idsal contrast for brightly col ored accessories with pattern Interests. The new fancy waist coats furnish this in good meas ure and with good taste. For the first time the fancy vest I assumlnc important fashion significance for spring ana warmer weather wear. Lightarweight fabrics in special constructions are lending new style and comfort that make the vest an outstanding unit in planned ensemble. Few items of men t apparel offer this oppor tunity to brighten up appear- anca wMh a dash of color and' daign. - Linen and linen weave vests furnish men with the chance to dress up spring clothing. New 1 th scat embroidered linen walateoat which Is available In a variety of color combination in th around shade and design. Cool-looking . shades uch as pale blue, green, ten and yellow ar comeinea wtm pattern In darksr tones. Neatly designed checks and subdued plaids are outer patterns which will be in. ereesingly aeen en th best dressed men. While fsncy vests ar the most interesting as far as the appeal to the eye goes, solid colors in lightweight blends of cotton and rayon in high ihadcs also afford ample opportunity w add color. Bom vests are made with oxford back to giv inem added coolness and waah blllty. ,.' Lightweight vest also ar embellished with a variety of button which add a sporting touch to their appearance. Brass buttons are freely used as weu as (porting designs and replicas of old coins, The growing vanguard of waistcoat wearers in Influenc ing the choice of other articles in the outfit. When bold stripes or striking figures brighten the mid-section, a bit more care has to be exercised in the choice of neckwear. Solid colored ties are safest and best with the more brilliant fabrics. Very fine striped ties, which appear as a solid color from a distance, are adeauate neutralizes. Then. too, widely spaced small figures go well with the new bright waistcoats. Waistcoats are among the more causes for the continued rising In popularity of single bressted Jackets. Grey flannel lacks always look nest in these combinations along with other solid color slscks. The latest fashion addition resulting from waistcoats is chunky jewelry, Watch fobs and heavy chains are gaining in popularity. -It is a logical flash back to another era of dress, the Edwardian period in Ens land. Antique watch fobs of gold or combinations of fabric and metal may be Questioned at lint thought these days wh $ about B9 percent of the men wear wrist watches. .-: Raglans Rate Top Spot in Rainwear ; The continued refinement In rainwear styling along the line . of regular topcoat I shown In th popularity of rag lan deevea. With sleeves cut so mat the ssams run 1 armhole to nsck In front and back, the raglan model I ia Teasing the dual function of many coat that now fit Into tha ram or hln atexojrr. Tn raglan model lend free dom of movement and y ap peal to what was once prosaic ally designed merchandise. The raglan lends Itself to the full sweep and easy lines character istle of the turn to more na turally styled clothing. Carry ing a military collar and single breasted front raglans achieve trim long look becoming to masculine figures of all types. Stripes Gain Renewed Favor in Sport Shirts Because stripe flatter moat man and ar adaptable to i variety of design interpret tlon thsy ar assuming new importance In spring and cum mer (port shirts. Th richness nd diversity of eolor produced by stripe ar particularly suit ed to vport shirt Styling where design is of prim Importance, me two broad cxaaauica- tion ar the horizontal and vertical (tripe. - Variations stem directly from these groups. Effects run tha gamut from th subdued and subtls, to th bold and striking. Many shirt employ th strip as trim on tha collars, sleeve, pocket, placket and at th wslst. - ) Spacing is an important fac tor In giving stripe 'Indivi duality and versatility. Stripes may be closely set in multiples for a neat effect or widely set for a bolder look... The em broidered (tripe is a new ef fect which Is being employed in the letter category with great success. A single stripe of wider than usuat dimensions ia often used to form a panel down the front of th shirt. Concentration of stripes in clusters or boldly set In multi ple colors and width may be ! v ::ii m - . 1 1 , rin til' m i, nt,i t 'w If I M rrf &?"-et-'.i lit' (iiVI'i . All ever vertical stripe re giving fresh impetus to the popularity of atriped port shirts. Up and down add to the Illusion of height used to empnasiz a particu lar part of the body auch a the chest. , All over stripes ar another elaasificatlon which also vary In direction spacing and width. White plays a most Import ant role In all atrip since this had ' give prominence to other color la striking son trait ..v.: Patterned Jackets and Slacks Add to Appeal of Sportswear mm lie? II Easy does It Is th new de sign for living, Consequently men's apparel is taking on a new fashion note which re flects the modern trend to re laxed Informality. As a result, the sport jacket and slack are playing a larger role than ever in men's dress in leisure hours. Mix and match combinations of various fabrics, colors and patterns are Increasingly popu lar. However, the swine to Whereas the sports jacket usu ally was the pert of the outfit to carry a fancy effect or pat tern, slacks now have taken on new color and design. In ad dition to newly designed checks and plaids in neat ef fects, splash, slub and nub ef fects in contrasting colors to ground shade, are giving pat tern and new color Interest to slacks. This tact calls for a revision in coordinating sports nuDoy touch cloths is evolving jackets and slacks. It gives a new enaracter lor slacks, the wearer th rhnir. n whirh Footwear Being Coordinated to Spring Outfits ,. Shoes ar lighter weight for ; town wear', when your schedule ; doesn't call for extra walking t or heavy footwork. It means i comfort In the long run, of ) course, for you with less weight to haul around on your feet and ' a neater, smarter feeling and ; look you'll appreciate. The , great importance . of lighter i weight fabrics in men's clothes, j both business and sports, has ; shifted attention In footwear ' toward these lightweight mod . els. t. Leading are brown ahoes, slip-on shoes, sports shoes and : nylon mesh combinations. The ' moccasin pattern and the plain i tip shoe continue strong. ,i The importance of grey in . clothing offers the possibility : of grey leathers particularly in ) combination with smoother f in ; lshed calf. These make fashion news and ars keyed to the mi- jor color trend in business suits and sportswear. Grey brushed , leather is keyed with black calf ' In regular wing tip models for - city, for business and dreis. 'Grey nylon is contrssted with blue calf for casual wear. A 1 popular U-wlng tip model har monizes grey brushed leather and grey smooth calfskin. Grey moccasin models with crepe soles are sure to help you look your best on lazy weekends. Nylon mesh inserts rate nodi of approval. They are porous and cool, noted for their com fort. Blue, reddish brown, dark brown, light natural tan, all in nylon mesh, add interest to shoes. Fabric mesh and leather combinations show a tendency toward greater depth of colors of the fabrics based primarily on appearance, The all-white shoe gets top grades with the campus crowd. Storm welts provide novel trims. These are present In many models, particularly blu ehers. Fabric ahoes for casual wear are knocking around beach clubs. Dark blue, brown, ma roon, tan and faded blue to match denims are favored col ors. Th new padril shoe which is patterned after the espadrllle is a prominent fashion feature, Not only do th upper of the shoes provide fashion Interest but so do th man-mad cush ioned sole. aiioes lor auierent cloth ar shown abov. Left to right, wing tip, brushed leather blucher, fancy moccasin and mesh U-wlng style. Hosiery Highlights Sports, Dress Clothes When a woman crosses her legs, it's 10 to one her hosiery flatters her ensemble as well as her legs. While men can not compete' in leg crossing, few items in male apparel give a man the chance to ex press his taste end brighten his outfit a a pair of hose. Nvlon. Orlnn. flncron. Tto. nel, and some of th man made yarns that give . long wear, fast drying, and will not shrink or stretch. Cot tons, lisles, wool and silks form th natural fiber group. Patterns Tange from fancy embroidered clocks and fancy ar gyles to plain ribs, fist knits nd self designs such as cables snd basket weaves. Colors run the entire ranee from black to white. . Styles are available in anklet, half hose, and knee . length for wear wtih walking short. From the above It may be aeen that hose bear a definite relationship to clothing, shirts and neckwear ad are part and parcel of good grooming. part of the outfit ha want to emphasize. Pattern and color in slacks would necessitate a more subdued jacket, in order to blend - both ' units Into a whole correctly coordinated. In instances where slacks have a Nubby Touch or raised surface effect without color accents. the problem Is on of blending textures. Soft textured fabrics domi nate jackets and lend them selves to the casual styling ex pressed in the single-breasted model. The two button style with easy lines, center and side vents, and with welt stitched patch pockets are features proving increasingly popular. The extra cash pocket and slanting pockets are style fea tures found in- more highly styled garments. The belted back jacket is evoking consum er Interest and is expected to grow ' in favor with ' bellows side pleats. All thi spells sreater com fort and fashion significance Slacks too are showing new de tails that should boost their fashion appeal. High colors such ss red. rust. yellow and pastel tones give them greater scope. Flannels lesd the soft textures while gabardines, and man - made fiber blends make up the bal ance of fabrics in demand. More light-weight in both slick and jacket will be available in blends, linens, and silks. Forward set pockets. saddle stitched and welt seams sre importsnt, IftvcnAity! So smooth h leaves you breatbtess " -VODKA 0proof.Mvlrfroml009B tninneutnliBirhE St. FitfTtSmii not? Fit. lac., Hartford, Coatv srn Xr-i Hs , yw ttont Www. for ( WWrasi's feat or, oSonglng (hog ovor, day, . vtty foot dhonaos preportkwt o wJ s . som tending to become narrow, omo irld. on with high Instep . . . 4pm6kQ m ho ktdhdduol child. That's why Wt hnpostass) o hove your child, ho frtted only y highly qualified Otters. Wo have mis skirt oblllty to gfvo th fit w - s . your doctor will approve. ' &4d cotsrt street tr A TTEUm ON Hi EM! Sunbeam Shavemasfer Clinic al Roberts Bros. Court Si. Store Saturday, March 28 See the new Shavtmastm on display. Bring in your electric ihaver for FREE oiling and sharpening service. HOUSrWARi$--DOWMSTAIRS COURT STRICT $TORI COURT STREET STORE NOW AS ALWAYS AT KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE! Our location Is aut of tha "High Rent Area" . . i This ava you $ Dollar $ . . . Stop by today ond see how much you can cava an Nw Spring Merchandise! MEN'S 100 Wool Fabrics Expert Tailoring As Low IS ' 39 ' Men's and Young Men's Sport Coots 4:1 995 Slacks a low a 995 Kay Woolen Mill Store SUITS 50 f Opan All Day Saturdays! 260 S. 12th 'Th Street the Trains Run On" ''-"'-, V? ..., -y .