Pf J In the Sdited 17 Willamina Thar war 41 prcatnt at th meeting; of Prtanroaa Ba- bekah lodge, when Thelma . . Stroschln and Mary Jane ,." Thompson wera voted Into - atambarabip. Initiation It scheduled lor April 2, whan Tbalma Sdwarda, tba newly elected drill captain, will be In charge. Eight membera of the Com munity Garden - club made a - visit to the Dallas Garden club thli week, including Mn Dave Pain, Mr. Karl Lenta, Mr, Bessie Lamaon, Mn. Karl Richardion, Mrs. Cliff Bugg, Mn. Josephine Kumrill, Mra, Dixie Weber and Mri. Helen Mawblrter.' Mrt. Karl 'Lentx . gave a birthday party thia week for her iliter, Mra. William Lenta of Grand Bonde,' Gueata were Mn. W. C. Trembley, Mr. Karl Richardton, Mr. Frank Smelier, Mr. Art Moen of Sheridan, Mra. Oscar Benefiel and Mr. Beaal Lamaon. . ,. Mr. Boy Z Ira brick, nee ' Joyce Huddletton, waa given a bridal (hower Monday by Mi Bay Bbatterly, Mia Judy Shetterly, Mia Xlolf Moody and Mis Nancy Butwell, at the Shetterly borne. A game was played, after which the guest of. honor opened her fifU. The hostesses served re freshments to Mr. Zimbrick, Mrs. Jack Shetterly, Mr. Ar nold Huntley, Mr. Garland Huddleston, Mr. Floyd Zctter- berg, Mrs. Harry Shipley Mra. . Al Zndrti, Mrs. Clair Moody, , Mrs. Roy Elliott, Mr. Kenneth Shetterly, Mr. Carl Blackwell and the Misses Margaret Cun- llffe, Melva Kiblitedlus, Shir. ley Kasnlck, Jeannln O'Riley, Beverly Gill, Linda Beck, Joan Bower and Susie Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benefiel talebrated their S3rd wedding anniversary tnis week with a dinner. Also honored were the birthday of Mr. Benefiel' twin titter. There were IS adult and 11 children present at the dinner. Cant and Mr. Tom Kanell of Terrene, Calif., will arrive here early next, week on a short' furlough, Kanell was recently mad a captain, and will go to Ft. Banning, Ga in the fall for more schooling. , Mr. and Mr. Vic Wahlman and Kriiti of Iugene are visit ing her this week with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Antonl Hanson. , Mr. and Mr. Hanson have Just returned : from a month's vacation in, Tuscon, An. . ' - '" John Butwell it horn from .the hospital after undergoing aurgery. H I recovering alccly now. 'S -. . Mr. and Mrt. Howard Schar aehmMt visited Monday In a Salem botpital with Mr. J. G. , Penland. .. . Mrt. Ira McKlnley under- ' went surgery in Portland Tues day. Mr. and Mrt. Paul Loop fit . Grand Ronde are the parent t a son, born, March 18 at pr. Barr's clinic. , Capt Richard H. Wood of Sheridan returned to the Unit ' d State Tuesday on the navy transport Gen. Hugh J. Gatfey, which docked at Seattle. Jefferson Jefferson The Jefferson Lions club met at the high school for their guest night, with Albany Lions aa aueata. ' Dr. Clifford Maser, dean of the commercial school at OSC, ' waa speaker, taking as his - topic, "Refugee Problem." He . spent a year in Germany work- ing with refugees. The girls of the Home Icon- amies department served din- V AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE nd DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Mask by Stubby Mills and Hit Band SPECIAL 5UXDAY $4 00 CHILDREN . DIKXER i 65c Hum vm twin with touww wm ISM 8. COMMERCIAL FBONE 4-3K8 Legleanalres, Aoxlllary and Their Gnest lavlted I I WtlwttlNtarrrMlMktlsl TNlhOsallh; Tony Dolph Valley UVU FOSSES ; Preceding the speaker were instrumental number by John Wright, Claude Meyers, Lyle Adams, Jennie ' McGulr and Eric ntxsunont. The Jefferson Lion club will meet Monday night, April a. Mrs. Fred Wled (pent the week-end with Miss Ruth Reed in Salem. . Mrt. France Wolf and chil dren, Pat and John Mangis of Coo Bay and Mrs. Ralph Wed' die of Salem visited Mrs, Ksth erin Warner Friday. A. J. Stansbery told bit tract of land north of town to John Bostrack Thursday. The Stans berys will liv In the apartment at the Sax plant thia summer. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Klampe and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Avery W. Oliver and small grandson of Corvauls vis ited Miss Anna Klampe Sun day afternoon. . Grand Ronde Grand Bond Mr. and Mr. Brnast W. Barnes entertained thia past week for their grand son, Richard Glover, XN3, who la stationed with the submarine service at Pearl Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. John Z. Taylor had a family reunion at their bom In Sheridan last Sunday in honor of their son, Richard Glover of the U. S. navy. There were 14 guests present. , Mrs. Carl Titus of Stay ton! unugoint snuit lauuii . "u Mrs. Edward Strode. Mr. and Mrt. Rdnald Strode, had at their guests last Sunday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Foster of Scio. ' Mot Hudson It very ill with pneumonia at the Mc Mlnnvllle hospital.. It was learned today that complies tlons had developed and hi condition la very critical. Mrt. Cora Good of Sheridan la at tba bom caring for her daughter. Mr. Robert Jones, and new grandson, On Saturday, March 21, the school children of the commun ity, with the aid of the Scout unite under the supervision of James Raid and Dean Nichol son, planted 2300 tree in the Van Duxer corridor. Thia la the second annual re forestation project sponsored by the Grand Ronde Woman's club and was carried out -under the tuoervlsion of Law rence Merrlam of the state 1 park bureau. I Tb transportation for thljuvision oi the American Can- won waa lurnisnea nv Mr'" . Zlwin Llttlejohn, and the Woman'! club membera pres ent war Mrs. Ralph Reid and Mrs. W. D. McMillan. St. Michael's church is the recipient of a new electric or gan, which was installed last WMk. : Mrs. John H. Smith has re turned to her home here after asthma attack in the hos pital at Milwaukle. The Lucky Eight chanter of the War Mother of Grand Ronde, a newly-formed organ isation In November, held a regular business meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Cornelia Pearson, president, presided. Each Wednesday afternoon the group meet in their newly furnished club room in the gov ernment building to tew and assist In making gifts for the veteran In the Medford and Roseburg veterans hospitals. TURNER DANCI Turner The Three Links club Is sponsoring a dance In ; the Odit frllnwi hall ni,rri March 28. It will be a hard I times dance and prizes will be ' given for the best costume. Don Way and his Rhythm Dusters will furnish the music. 25IU SKIe SI. Phone 3-6997 Free Perking s Independence Independence Rev. Paul Z. Boomer has received word that he and Mrs. Boomer are the grandparents of a baby boy, born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Vihlen of Long Beach, Cal ifornla. The baby, weighing 10 pounds ana iz ounces, was born Wednesday, . March M, and nas Been named Bnrson Al lan. Mrs. Vihlen is a daughter of Rev. and Mr. Boomer. A meeting of the executive committee of the Oregon Con grew or parents and Teachers was held in Portland on Mon day, and waa attended by Mrs. C. A. Fratzke who la chairman of the high school service. Mrs. Roland Turein is recu perating at her home on Wal nut St after being confined in Salem Memorial hospital for tne past few days. A skating party will be held Saturday evening, March 28, at 7:30 p.m.. at the elementary school gymnasium. , This party is to be held expressly for the adult of the community. Skat ing parties have been enloved by youngsters of the commun ity for the past two months. and have been sponsored . by the Elementary FT A. A cabinet meetina for the Central Wilamette Baptist Youth Association, waa held at the home of Rev. Paul Boom er Saturday evening, with Miss Muriel Boomer, secretary of the association, aa hostess. me meeting waa for the nur- pose of making plana for the spring rally which will be held at the First Baotist church in saiem April 9. Ffc. Melvin J. Revnolda. Uni ted States Marine Corps, and Dm rt4 Un and Mrs. w. X ' rraffl . f 'amn DMillatn-n r-Mt After bein hnm. f. ih a.. he will return to Treasure Is- land where he will attend an electronics school. , "Youth's Quest for Religion" Will be presented to the PTA Monday evening, March 30, at t o p.m. jms program has been T3L.h' tefM"w'i Relations League of the Cen tral High School, under the direction of John Chamberlain. A panel of foreign students from Oregon State College will speak on Great Religions, and special music will be furnished by the choir of the Calvary rraoyicnan cnurcn. At this meetlne deleeat will be chosen to attend the State' pta convention, which will be held in Medford, Ore, rll. in Ap- Refreshments will be In ' charge of the mothers of the sophomore class, Mrs. Stanley Krueger nat ben appointed chairman of the Cancer Fund, for the Oregon Mrs. Krueger . previously worked with the Cancer Soci ety in Marion and Wasco coun ties where she formerly resid ed. She served Polk county in 1952 as vice-chairman. - In the Monmouth area, Mrs. Clarence) Gruend will assist Mrs. Krueger, with other chair men being appointed in the near future. .; , , April has been designated for the cancer drive, and special effort will be given to fund raising. Mrs. Angle Bradway is con valescing at her home follow ing a time in the hospital. She Is recovering (lowly, and re Ports for work in her beauty shop a short time each day. Mr. and Mra. Keith Mitchell have Just returned from San Francisco, Calif., where they were caUed by the passing of Mrs. Mitchell's father, Thomas Nugent. Mrs. Nugent returned with the MltcheU's, and will stay with them for an Indefinite time, Under the suDervialon nf tha Youth Fellowship of the First Baptist church, four rtnrf.n. trom th Western Baptist The- j ological Seminary will conduct n vices at the church Sun- dy evening, March 29, at 7:30 ,p.m, Mr. and Mrs. James Cook will be two of the young peo ple taking part. Mr. Cook was born in India of missionary fiarcuia. Special revival meetings are Ronde held Its regular monthly tained the boys at his home Fri being held at the Assembly of meetlnr last Thursday evening day March 20, after school. God church with Evaneellst Clayton E. Beisch conducting ; me meetings.. There will be special music and singing. Object of balsarla, a game played by Indians In Panama, Is to disable an opponent by hurling a heavy six-foot pole at his legs. Dangerous Trees A SPECIALTY Topping, Trimming and Removing Insured . . .Ph. 3628 Journal Want Ads Pay 40 40 10.00 Full Price Special Paul Armstrong Studios , pMlOm'HIOtJa. iss s. iKwtr 9k i nn THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ongoa Woodbiirn Sets ing Wood burn Marlon county farm crops meeting will be held In Woodburn Saturday, March 28 at the American Le gion, hall ' on the highway starting at 10 a-m. Grain va rieties, the grass seed situa tion, com and alfalfa produc tion and fertilizer for these crops will be discussed. Grower on the alfalfa panel Include George KUlott of Au rora, Mike Bronec of Hubbard and Jack Chapin of Mission Bottom. Dr. William Foote, professor of farm crops, Ore gon Stat college, will report on recent grain variety trials. Market situation, production and weed control in grass seed crops will be discussed by Rex Warren, extension farm crops specialist at the college. Dr. R. Z. Fore, professor of farm crops, Oregon State col lege, will discuss corn produc tion. Concluding the day's discus sion will be Tom Jackson, soil fertility specialist, Oregon State college. Hollis Ottoway, Marlon . county extension agent, - will review present county crop acreages and yields. Chairman of the meeting la Robert Miller of Woodburn who is also chairman of tb county farm planning commit tee. Time will be allotted each speaker for questions and ans wers. Falls City Juanita Hicks and Bill Worthlngton of Valsete were ; married at Rockaway Friday evening by John Paul Frank. Mrs. Ethel Guthrldge Is home from Salem. Vernon Poole la working at. Springfield. Mr mA vr ismi si.- were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. James DIcMn ton. ' - Recent dinner guests of Mrs. M. L. Thompson and Mrs. El don Frink at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Zldon Frink of Brldaenort went Mm. Fran. cet Speerstra of Springfield an.4 M m4 Mm T-.l- o-iL Elbert Durffee of Fort Lewis ; was a Sunday caller of his ' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper and family of Dallas were Sun day dinner guests of his par enta, Mr. and Mrs. Lbren Cooper. Sublimity Two but loads of members belonging to the Young Peo ples club enjoyed a day of skiing at Hoodoo Bowl Sat urday. The group left home at 8 a.m. returning at 7 p.m. and although a blizzard and Inclement weather was ex perienced a very good time was had by all. Another trip : Is being planned for the near future. The group was accompa nied by Father O'Hara, Sister M. Regina, Sister M. Victoria, Sister M. Colesta and Sister M. Agnetta. March 19, was fittingly observed aa the namesday of Rev. Joseph Scherbring with a program presented in hi honor by the grade achool pupil. Mrt. Mary Zuber, former resident Is a patient as Em manual hospital in Portland. Mr. and Mrt. Leonard Doerfler have returned from a trip east They visited relative lr. Ohio and other eastern states, mmm J DJ VJlUflU fxOflUC? ' Mrs. William A. Murray and children of Salem visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Houston this past week. The Woman's club of Grand I with Mrs. Walter Murray, president, presiding, After the regular business meeting a film entitled "Stair steps to Happiness" was shown by Mrs. Ruth Chandley of Hillsboro, the vice president of the Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults, and Mrs. Bertha White of Baker, the president of district No. 6. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Mina Moffett of Clacka mas, and Mrs. Ted Lockwood of Cuahman. Hostesses tor the evening wer Mrt. Harriett House and Mrs. Maria McDou gal. Mr. and Mrs. John Adamt of Driacoll, N. D., visited this past week with Mr, and Mrs. L M. Murray. DANCE SAT. NIGHT MODCBW MCSIC DOOK PKIZB US03 TEMPLE HALL as mmtm sr. nrra rr Ki r rrtalai Crop Meel Pedee Pedee Recent guests at the Charles O'Neal horn were Mr. O'Neal' two sisters, Mr. Ruth Hanson of Independence, Mo., and Mrs. Dowel Gorrell of Atchison, Kan. , Mr. Gorrell accompanied them. The three teacher of tb lo cal school, Mr. Alloa Murphy, Mr. Wnona Sediry and Mr. Ivan William, wet re-elected to teach for the coming school year. Mrs. crac una, woo re cently sold her psuperty at Bend, and bar daucbter. Mra. Tbalma Smith and small daughter, have moved into a house near the Tom Tharp family. Mrt. Tharp as also a dauchter of Mrs. Linn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asteen are the parents of a sdrL She has been named Gertrude Nina, and weighed 4 lbs., 12 ei Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blan- kenbaker, Gregory, Pamela and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spinney, Kirk and Bobble, were guest of their parent, Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Bur bank, honoring their mother' birth day. Ten club member met Thursday and tied a quilt for i the Rocky Johnson family. Mr. Nelda Burria and email daughters, Marda and Tamara, and her mother, Mrs. Lura Trueax of McMlnnvllle, spent the week-end with the Roland Trueax family. Tommy Trueax and Mark Baxter enjoyed a birthday par ty at Totnmy'a bom Tuesday afternoon. Invited gueata were the first and second grade at school and their teacher, Mra. Ivan Williams. The WSWS met Tuesday atj tne nome Mrt. Rim Kerber. Re. Dow had charge of the election of officers for the new year. Mrs. F. M. Dyer waa elected president; Mrs. J. W. McCor mack, vice president; Mrs. Them Womer, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Dyer was re-elected leader of the Mission band; Mrs. Delbert Dow, adviser of the Youth Fellowship. The following chairmen were appointed by the. executive committee: Spiritual life, Mrs. J. W. Mc Cormack; mission education, Mist Nola Womer; Christian social relations, airs. i;. ju our- hank. . . it n.hMt idniu, Vn Frank Sheythe presented the lesson. Miss Nola Womer gave current events, and Mrs. Tbera Womer ; had charge of the business meeting. Mrs. C. L. Burbank was elected delegate to the WSWS convention to be held at Jen nings Lodge in May, and Mr. Thera Womer alternate; Mrt. Dyer will go aa a delegate from the Mhnion Band. Mrs, Wom er, retiring president, has not been absent from any meet ing in the past three years. - Pleasantdale Pleasantdale Mrs. Rodney Wiser and Mrs. Marion War ner entertained at the home of Mrs. Ed Richards Sunday aft ernoon, March 22, with a brid al shower in honor of Wllla Jean Slsco, who is the bride elect of Louis Cockerham. The guests were Betty Min or, Betty Davis, Joyce Wiser, Mrs. Gene Weldon, Mrs. Dentil Wilson, Linda Benedict, Joan Lehman, Mrs. Zane May, Mrt. Marlon Sisco, Mrs. Hale Hen drickson, and Mrs. Gladys Johnson. . Joan Gubsernd Donna Fln nlcum entertained at the Gub ser home Saturday evening, March 21, with a party for the young people's class of the Un ionvale United Brethren church. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson of iDepoe Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grabner and Jerry of McMlnn vllle, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Edi ger and Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat, Mrs. Clyde Dol lar and Skippy, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bell, Don Bell, Rosle Ward, Donna Edwards, Jimmy Thom as, cene stocxoii, iois noc hill and Jimmy Richardson. Adolph Schutz, who is leader nf a 4.H livestock club. enter- The club has three new mem ber, Grant Jones, Daniel Downey and Allan Zupo, bringing the total to ten mem bers. On Saturday, April 4, the boys will have a skating party 9a thu IT MAY WELL BE It Will Belong to 1 Someone- ! It Cculd Be You! i IL'tfH JBWJaw jaSUuaiMiatMNa CORONATI ON DAYS NOW IN PROGRESS AT CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER FREE PARKING in McMlnnvllle, with Mra. George Webster's 4-H garden club as their guests. Allan Ben edict ha been appointed to prepare a lesson on "Feeding Livestock" for a fufur meet m- ; - :..:.. . -, t . , ' .. '.'.!, ,-. . Home Rebekahs at Woodburn Hostesses Woodburn Members of Horn Bebekah lodge No. 88 were hostesses at a party Wednesday night at the IOOF hall for Odd Fallow and fam ilies.' Card were in play during tb evening with prize going to Mra. Earl Allison, Mrs. Maud Scott, Guy Zngle and Frank Wright. A gift waa presented to Mrs. J.- B. Gay in honor of her birthday anniversary. Mra. Archie Murphy and Mrt. Al fred Moon were in charge of arrangements for tb party and refreshments were served by Miss Laura Bokney, Mrt. Maud Scott and Mra. J. B. Gay. The tablet wera at tractively decorated with spring flowers and tapers and wera centered with a decor ated birthday aa a surprise to Mrt. Gay. The cake waa pre sented by Mr. Addle Doud, Mr. Nettle Johnson and Mr. Edward DeHaan. . . Aumsville Aumsville Miss Margaret Ann Nicholson, daughter of Mrs. Jan Nicholson, is home from Oregon State college for spring vacation.- . The Aumsville Mutual mn- evolent society will meet Mon day evening, March 30, at p.m. for a business and social meeting. All members are urg ed to come and bring a new member.. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alban and children spent last week end visiting friends and rela tives in Yacolt, Wash., and Vancouver, Wash. Woodburn Woodburn Keith Low of the Stuart -Low Orchid, Co. located in Sussex, England, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrt. George Tlmm at Woodburn.- While in Portland Mr. Low was also a guest of Oregon Orchid society of which Mr.' Timra is vice-president. Sunday, March 22, about 28 members of the Oregon Orchid society met at the Tlmm home from Portland, Vancouver and other towns in the area. Refreshments wera served by Mrs. Tlmm. Mrs. Anna B. Smith of Philadelphia, mother of Dr. Gerald B. Smith of Wood burn, who has been spending the winter at her son' home here and who will leave soon for her home, waa honored at a party Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Austin. ' Three tables of can asta were in play with the first prize going to Mrs. Hazel Chatfleld, the second to Mrs. Eugene Stoller and the guest prize to Mrs. Smith. Out of town guests Included Mrt. Clark McCall and Mrs. Wayne Gill of Salem. The regular breakfast meet ing of the Woodburn Toast muter will be held Saturday, March 28 at 8:80 a.m. at the Coney Island restaurant. Mel vin Bilyeu will be toastmas ter, and Jack Bush will pre side. FREE! DANCE LESSONS na9JAi.MnE (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional instruction by ' Mr. Triplett and staff of specially trained teachers . from the jon mi STAff Flos Gala Floor Show J A- Modem and JM I "tC Old Time C 1 Willamina Willamina Mra. Karl Lenta left Tuesday to go to Pullman. Wash., for ; th funeral of her sister, Mrt. Ella Lybecker. L n d a 1 Thomason waa honored on his birthday Sun day with a dinner given by Mr. and Mrt. Dwight Hadley. Other guests were Mr. Thomason and Connis and Penny Hamrick. Alan Green, son of Mr. and Mra. N. L. Green, celebrated his 13th birthday this week. Mr. adn Mrs. R. Lee Norrlt and George have been 111 with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sey mour of Portland were week end guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Drill. Carl - Blackwell is home from Bremerton, Wash., this week, on a seven day leave. Helping Mra. James Still- well i celebrate her ,; birthday this week were Mr. and Mra. Will Hantze, Mrt. Don Hantze and children and Mrt. Roland Hantze and children of Mc Mlnnvllle, and Mrt. Wlllard Emerson. Virgil Spangler Is In the McMlnnvllle hospital this week. Mr., and Mra. Don Hurd and son of North Bend were week-end visitor In this area, Guests at the A. J. Pearson home during the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helgerson of Bremerton, Wash. . ' Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mode visited bis uncle, Henry Raf- lerty, in a Salem hospital this w Cdnnie Thomason, Patty Sev erson spent Monday night with Luann Stoddard, to help cele- Drate Her birthday. Mrs. Myrtle Adamt and C. A. McKinney of Santa Barbara, Calif., are visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Green visited in Sheridan with Mr. and Mrs. Just LePage, and re port Mr.' LePage improving from his recent illness. - Frank. J. Smart of Santa Barbara, Calif., suffered . a stroke this week. , - Wendell Wooden underwent surgery Monday in a Portland hospital. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Carveau and son of Seattle, Wash., were week-end guests at the Melvin Klhlstadlus home. Mrs. Orley Brock, Jr., and children spent the week-end in Reedsport visiting her mother, Mrs. Roy Mundt. Union Hill Union Hill Membere of the Union Hill Grange Commun ity Betterment club met at the home of Mr. and Mrt. A. N. Doerfler Tuesday evening for the March meeting. Henry Hansen presided dur ing the business meeting. Plans were made to sponsor a better roadside contest. This will include the painting of mall boxes, putting names in plain letters on the box and beautifying the roadside around the mail box. This is a contest open to ev- Now Shewing Open t Vt Stewart Granter-Deborah Kerr "PRISONER OF ZENDA" Abo Stanley Clements "ARMY BOUND" BOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Tomorrew l:M to t:M TM. City Cbaaaploaship fe-Ya Contest Special Matinee Feature "YOUNG TOM EDISON" i Carteans Serial AIM BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Tommy MeCarty, Lynnejs Bas welL Ralph Morgan, Robert Whitman, Marl Bepner, Terry Johnton, Dorothy Mets, Badger Camp, Linda Erstgaard, Marie Jones, Linda Frieklln, Tim Marsh, Norman Newberry, Sharon Fknlnger, Bobby Ernst, Joann Baldwin, Bobby Panger, Susan Marsh, Larry Hem per, Jerry Halseth, John Wesley. ACORNS FROM THE "You know, when I was at the Multnomah Hotel In Portland we hit on the idea of havlna- an tes ter Breakfast. This feature proved very popular In many ways. The people who attended the Sunrise Services liked It because they could tro Immediately to breakfast and have a leisure visit before regular church time. Other folks who were entertaining at Easter time found It exceedingly convenient to have their gueata attend the breaklaat at the hotel and then go to church. In view of the Portland popularity of this feature we are going 'to start the same thing here at the Marion this Easter. Breaklaat will be ready in the main dining room starting at 7 A-M. and continuing throughout the morning. A selec tion of six or seven club break fasta will be available or prear ranged groups may arrange for a special breakfast served as It would be served at home. (Except you will have no scurrying around get ting It ready and no dishes to wash.) Everyone could "go dutch" as far as that Is concerned and nobody would "get hurt." Anyway, w would be glad to have you ea' your Easter Breakfast, or Dinner. at the Marlon." h SaUsj tfi th fetal Hart, UU WITH DEL MILNE V Friday, March 27, 1953 eryone in the Grange commun-.. ity. A prize will be offered to v th on making the most Ira- ( provement, . ., ; This month marks the 60th t anniversary of enactment of th first measur appropriating funds for rural free delivery of mall, a project which stands ! high up in the list of Grange achievement. , i Present at tha meeting wer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen, ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, i Mr; and Mrs. Julius Krenz, i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenz, Mr. ' and Mrs, Verny Scott, Mrs. tlan, Richard Krenz and the hosts. Unionvale Twenty-nlne members of tha Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church WSWS held the regular monthly meeting at tne anurcn witn Mrs.- Loren Zdigen, a returned missionary from Mexico, the guest speaker Tuesday afternoon. The morning waa spent fin ishing a quilt. ; Dinner was served at noon. Officer elected were: Mrs.' Clark Noble, president of WS WS; Mrs. Ari Launer, vice president, WSWS; Mrt. Wilbur Stoutenburg, president of the Ladies Aid; Mrs. Fred Withee, Sr., secretary-treasurer, Ladies Aid; Mrs. Maurice Goodrich, secretary, WSWS; Mrs. Fred Stockhoff, treasurer, WSWS; Mrs. Owen Turner, secretary of mission band; Mrs. Marion Sisco, secretary spiritual life; Mrs. E. J. Wilder, secretary missionary; Mrt. .. Raymond Palmer, secretary social rela tions; Mrs. Arnold Diaai, sec retary, young peoples' work. Installation of the-, officers will be later. Mrt. Louis W. Mage left Saturday to visit her son-in-law and -daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Clark Robb and family at Spokane, Wash. Rebecca Robb, three-year-old daughter of the Robb, it in the hospital there with severe body burnt. - ; Thomi 2-7829 UIISH 4AIDIHJ, HIGHWAY t v Gates Open :S . Shew t VM Ends SATURDAY! , In Trnealor "MONTANA BELLE" - Jane BuseD. Flu -TAIWAN'S ' SAVAGE FTJBT" . Tonlte (Frl.) at 7:15 : Our Begalar Color Cartoon Carnlral They Are Coming! PHOWg S-S7S James Stewart Janet Leigh "NAKED SPUR" Mickey Rooney Peggy Eyan - In Technicolor FttONI s soao Academy Winner , Anthony Qainn In Technicolor "CITY BENEATH THE SEA ' Dale Robertson "SILVER WHIP" PHONg .72t Tony Martin Ann Miller In Technicolor "2 TICKETS TO BROADWAY" Wendell Corey In Technicolor - "GREAT MISSOUF' RAID" PHONg S.S4S7 Randolph Scott In Technicolor MAN BEHIND THE GUN" ' .' Jennifer Jones "RUBY GENTR"" Hey Kids! TOMORROW At Noon "BOYS' RANCH" replaces "Ruty Gentry" . -- Serial! Cartoon l! Prii! Plut - Lorry Wood and Hi Ventriloquism!