Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1953, Page 19, Image 19

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Pag ll
Colorful Nub
. The steady shift of popula
tion from urban to suburban
centers is having its effect upon
men's fashions as more men
take up the custom of wearing
light weight tweed suits in the
iprlng. This type of apparel
Belts Work
' With Suits,
In the course of your day
' at the office, club, conference,
drafting table or what not,
vnii'll want to wear helta that
stand the most scrutiny espe
cially U you have to take off
your coat and really buckle
down to work..-
Elastic belts get the green
light for spring. Many of the
leading patterns are imported
Imih Vranpm ind Tfalv Amt-
ican makers are turning out
nylon ana elastic . cora belts.
Thpjti belts ar enmnllmani.
to both business and sports
wear ensem Dies, for busi
nans, herringbones and hM
ron patterns rate high, give
variety. Belt designers are
dressing up elastic belts with
i-tancy buckles in , leather,
suede and metal. Double ring
buckle li new treatment for
an elastic model " that comes
in solid color blue with simu
lated alligator trim.
Another style, leader is an
elastic from Trance styled
with diagonal stripes in sil-
' ver and blue. The blue ground
; matches the calfskin buckle
and loop. V v
There's nothing like shoot
lng a hole in one with a nar-
: row width leather belt buckled
around the middle. They're
casual enough for slacks; neat
enough for suits.
And while enjoying a cool
tall Tom Collins in your fa
vorite rocker, a leather belt
ham - BnAAlnt .
"h"i Mimon signifi
cance this season because the
new tweeds of nH ,iov,t
s Liven Liaht
weiqht Tweed is
i"; ) i : : :
Ai '"n V ' S
3 v
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show colorful . nubs. These
bring the Nubby Touch to the
tweeds for town and for su
burban wear.
The tweeds are not only
light weight but also light in
tones. The plain weaves of
woolens comprise combinations
of two shades such as brown
and tan, which result in light
brown. Against this appear
nubs in soft blue, Ted and
green, Similarly blue and
light grey threads are woven
into the basic soft woolen fa
bric and set of rubs of blue or
maroon. .Llght'grcy, the blend
of two shades of grey, takes on
a brighter cast when decorated
with gaily colored nubs. -Tweeds
Have Sarde Interest
The. soft texture of light
weight tweeds has a charm
that, appeals to many subur
banites as well as those who
live in the city. .There is a
semi-sports character to tweeds
that is expressive of a casual
manner, in modern-day living.
The fuzzy surface spells ease
and comfort in the minds of
many men. -, Now that these
tweeds are available In light
weights, the fear of discomfort
on very mild days Is dispelled.
These fabrics in some cases are
all-wool. Many are In blends
of man-made fibers such as
Orion or Dacron with wool,
Jacket Models Allied to
Tweeds....,.., , .... , v
For some time the trend in
jacket models has been and is
toward single-breasted Both
the three- .; and two-button
jackets are adapted to tweeds.
Many - have regular pockets
with flaps. Others with patch
pockets have the versatility of
doubling as a sports Jacket for
wear with flannel or gabardine
slacks. Vented jackets are
more prevalent In tweeds than
in other fabrics.
The Nubby Touch receives
a colorful treatment in this
single-breasted three button
suit with multi-colored silk
splashes, slubs on worsted. ;
with stretch .'attachment
sure to .bolster v,,,.r
They come in calfskin and alligator.-.
We used to call It suede,
DUt todav'l
f r ...w -iiiiii u ic
fashion .exrjarta 4 u
brushed leather. The soft
texture of sultlne- fahr. ...
suits in suede flni.h hh. -j
soft finishes in leather which
are keyed in color to the lead
ing colors in clothing. Prom
your waistline to th -
your toes, brunheri loath., i.
gaining importance with firey
me numner one shade. -
Shirts Show Collars
With Shorter Points
The movement of men's
fashions is synchronized these
dsys. The shift in types, of
shirt collars is toward smaller
proportions to conform to the
lessened width of lapels and
snouiaers.oi Jackets. . More
men are wearing foiir-ln.hnH
knots of less bulky appear
ance, so the whole cycle
manes some sense.
The short rounded collar, is
: movlne ahead at a ranM n
More and more men find this
emsller proportion of collar to
weir lining, it is always fas
tened with' a gold pin. The
; shorter spread collar takes on
new fashion significance with
this reduction nf nrftnni4.1in
The spread between the points
wen as tneir length is not
: as great as formerly.
i, IDL. - .
1 ---. -WM,. 111 I . .1.1
ate wearers of , button down
collars. They are mainly
among the undergraduates at
universities and the alumni
from the east to the west
coasts. Some of the newest
button down collars show
shorter points. ,
Solid Colors Dominate
The preference for solid
colors in spring shirts Is defi
nitely apparent.
Pale shades of blue, grey,
tan and soft green account for
widespread popularity Fine
stripes, especially the close
set hairline type, appeal to
men who like variety in their
apparel. ' Pin checks .are in
the same category. In the- fab
ric for shirts, the fine broad
cloth - leads over all others.
Oxford rates strongly with
button down and pinned
rounded collars. Dacron is
making forward strides.
The custom of wearing jew
elry in novel designs is caus
ing more attention to be
drawn to shirts with French
cuffs. So many of the Ideas
in jewelry and the desire for
the well-turned appearance at
the wrists is giving shirts
with double-cuffs the green
light. .
Thin Fabrics for Summer
The male consciousness of
lightweight apparel will cause
a seasonal shift in shirts to
ward those in open weave
fabrics. As soon as warm
weather arrives, men will
switch to thin shirts of batiste
madras, lenos and dropstitch
fabrics. All these are cool in
aDDearAnca and mnr, com
fortable than the close-weave
These come for the most
part, in white, blue, tan,
grey, yellow and green Open
weaves are being done In
man-made fibers, which have
a sleek cool surface.
Short-Sleeve Shirts
Looking ahead a few months,
it Is possible to detect anoth
er change in hot-weather
shirts. Many men learned by
experience that short-sleeve
shirts are aids to summer com
fort. These have elbow-length
sleeves and one or two chest
Pockets for pencils, pens and
Papers or cigarettes. They
also are atralght cut at the
bottom and double as sports
shirts when they are worn)
utside the trousers. Collars1
on these shirts are of the low
ironi variety.
Related Accessories
' As men make additinn
their: shirt wardrobes, some
thought is given to th
and types of shirts, with what
iney are worn.: The prevalence
oi grey suits is causing an in
creased popularity for grey
shirts. ,; These combine with
blue suits as, well. Light col
ors' in neckwear are causing
more 'men to adopt colored
mris. -
The Continental Touch
Men with an eye to fashion
are tooKing abroad for the
very newest ideas in men's
smrts. . continental fohrU.
are esneciallv tinted far th.i
sheerness and unusual pat
terns. Cuff details, honrf.
sewn pockets, pleated effects
ana newer ideas in collars are
other imnortant feature, ni
shirts from abroad, England
ana x ranee in particular.
Strike Match
High fashion nntaa lnIu,1.
oxford cloth shirts ' matched
with . suspenders. These are
favored for warm vnthu.
wear when it's necessary to
take off jackets. The shirts
have button-down collar- th.
suspenders come in the same
color and fabric. Light tones
of blue, grey and tan are fa
vored for spring.
Checked Shirts .
Checked shirt iuUm r.
also shown with hnrt Mini
collars. Small checks in blues,
greys and tans are shown
aganst white grounds. Some
checked shirts even ; come
with rounded button-down col
lars which represent an im
portant note in the vr
changing cycle-of men's shirt
lasnions. Against these check
ed shirts are worn solid mini
fies, silk shantung under-the-
noi exiects against solid
grounds lead the fashion pa
Shirt . Styles from California
California is a wav nf life
that finds exnrejulnn in th
appealing shirts designed and
created in the golden west.
Shirts designed n ratlfar.
nla csrry on the tradition of
coionui snirts Keyed to casual
living. Fashion leaders in
other climes have taken in
California styling in shirts
that have the magic touch of
individuality and inspiration.
These casual styled shirts csn
be worn for business and
leisure since they incorporate
many features of regular
shirts. The fabrics are espe
cially noted ' for their neat
patterns. Even the far west
gives nods of approval to the
shorter point collar, because
nf the tact that It tcndi In
create a neater and slimmer
Napoleon III ruled during the I
Second French Empire.
Cherry City
Hi Chemeketa
hM 2 6762
Color and . Comfort
In Swing on Fairway
As every golfer, whether' he
be a low scorer or a duffer,
searches i for ways to keep
down the number of strokes,
thought is invariaoiy given to
the types of clothes that are
easy on -the swing and, hay a
touch of color. . Shirts . are
chosen with adequate roomi
ness in mind. Knitted cotton,
man-made fiber fabrics and
wool jersey, all qualify be
cause they have give. ., Woven
fabric shirts are also in the
running when they have full
cut sleeves and a pleated or
widely cut back. Cottons in
plain and even weaves have
their proponents, the tatter
best for very warm days. Tan,
light blue, navy, yellow, rust,
orown, maroon and green, aii
are in the golfwear spectrum.
Flannel, gabardine and .light
weight fabrics rate best for
slack ta tan, brown, bluish
grey, grey or blue. These are
always widely cut for free ac
tion. Some type of head-piece
such as a lightweight cap,
bucket snap cloth, hat, venti
lated tap, or straw hat, shades
the eyas and protects the head
smartly. Pullover sweaters of
soft wool 'and spiked sole shoes
of moccasin or plain tip com
plete) such outfits. i,
1 New processes have been dis
covered to .use lignite, a low
grade coal, for cheap genera
tion of electricity..
Phoiw t
195S.(cfflsrd:l ,
t -l I ' '
Get Your ..
Prixt Tickets at
I 3 1 1
H .
a " I 3;Vv!
$ 3 ' if
flruu uc7
o o o
You'll be ot the head of the Easter Parade this year in these handsome new Spring
togs fromTHE MAN'S SHOP, It's easy to be well-dressed when you choose from
our outstanding selection of men's clothing . suits, sport coats, slacks, and com
plete men'i furnishings. Come see them today ! , .-, .
Slacks Sport Coats
good looking, long
Well-tailored slacks
wearing, in a wide choice of smart fabrics and
styles. In Spring's new shades to team with
Sport Coats, Sweaters, and Sport shirts. All
sues. : , - V '
Handsomely styled, beautifully tailored sport
coats to team with comfortable slacks.
. very latest and finest in new Spring shades and
pattens , . , Tailored for smart rood look
. ana long, long wear. All sues,
good looks.
'r V
Sparkling whites in fine,
high-count broad cloths.
Choose from the newest
collar styles . . . plus that
dependable Arrow quality,
" From 3.95
1W ta!.' i
Socks for all occasions . . , whe
ther it's to lead the Easter Pa
rade or for sports and casual
wear. A complete array of col
ors, patterns and sises to ohoose
- J 11 4
r. Vss5i
From$2.00 n LJ
To set off that new suit, or for
Just a brighter Spring . . .
enoose from our smart, new pure
silks. Foulards, wovens, and
repps for every occasion.
. cnJtU iatuoned.
For the tops In qual
ity style-right shoes,
choose from our com
plete selections to
complement your
Easter-Spring , wardrobe.
rom$2.00 '
A most In every man's Spring
wardrobe. Choose from our ex
cellent selection of famous ray
on acetate and cotton sport shirts
In the latest Spring shades.
The final accent to the complete
wardrobe. So small , . . yet so
very important and Just right.
Bells plain and fancy, Jewelry la
acia ana singles.
k A
tl tn
From l.W
"The Store of Style, Quality ond Value"
41 6 STATE ST.
SALEM ,' ,