Friday, March 27, 1953 Pm is THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Gunf ighter's Return ly USUI ERNENWEIN IAJ Rewefeetiiies) '.r , CHT AFTER U em Maiben made a tall, lean - shape standing there In front of the cmve with a grin creatine his darkly stutJO.O. oheeks. Ramemocrlnc how frequently he bad been mlstae-an lor this man, Rimbaud ttwucht: Bo that, bow I look. Re wat pot pleased by the knowledge. - "I've brought you something to at," Delia announcing, going to Malben at once. "Oood girl," Bam praised, but . hie chief attention was to Rim baud. He came out to the trail and offered his hand and aaid, "I met Charley Bonn over on Big Mesa last, nigra, us tota me you naa agreed to guard my place. I'm cure . much obliged for your help." Rimbaud shook hands, taking a leisurely look at the man who had won Eve Odegarde'a affeotlona. ' "Just a east of paying off a debt," ns earn, ana recsonea MAioens age at twenty-four or five. Delia aiked, "Did you have any Barrow escapee, earn?" r "Half a docen," Malben aaid and grimaced. The almost nock ted me in the roughs aouth of Canteen Creek, and again when ; I tried to aneak Into 8wed 8eve ride'a place. Booger BUI stayed at uur uvcm turn w nvm" Malnben hadn't slept and show ed It in the strained bloodshot condition of bis eyes and In the nervous way he kept glancing up the trail. He said, "I dislike to shoot man, but 111 put a bullet m that Booger Bill If he pesters me tonight." "Serve him right," Delia agreed. Observing the way she looked at soaioen, nunoaua was muaiy amused. Delia couldnt keep her ayes off him, or her hands either, for Just aow she brushed dust um his shirt sleeve. Her eyes held trie look of a squaw waiting to serve her brave. "I wont need to worry about my place, with you there," Malben said, "I'm sure pleasured to have you siding with me." ' . Rimbaud shruesed and saM frankly, "I had no choice, con- slderlng." .',,. Then Delia asked poutragly, "Aren't you glad to tee me too. cam r . ' Sure," Malben said. "Sure I ' am. japeclauy IT you brought MJ0Y A UTTU UFTl something to sat. . I'm hungrier I uiau aia eooora sieers." Delia turned oulckly to the sad dlebags on her hone, bragging,! i ve got oeei sanowicnes, ground coffee, a canteen of water, and a I coffeepot. Also three airtight and some sacs, sooeoco. i "Buenol" Malben exclaimed. He I grinned up at Rimbaud and said. "Light down, Jim. We'll have ut a picnic." Rimbaud glanced at Delia, who was ouuiy umoaomg tne saddle bags, She dldnt weak, and so he said. "Reckon I'd better esse on over to your place and take a look around before dark." Presently, when Malben had made certain suggestion!, Rim baud rode up the trail. It seamed significant that It was Sam, not Delia, who had invited him to remain. She hadn't wanted a third person at the picnic; she'd shown that by her silence, and by the sprawr mok in her eyes. But Mal ben bad seemed more Interested m the food than In the girl who "Good country," Rimbaud mused , with a cowman's eye for grate. Then be added cynically, "Too good." For that was the unchanging history of cattleland. Oood craze I had invariably spawned trouble! ever since the Israelites ran their herds on the hills east of Jerusa lem. There had been greedy men men, wanting to spreai out ana wlUlrsr to fight far that privilege. Tunes had changed, but human nature naant. - ? Dec est dog." Rimbaud mut-l tend, and focused his sun-saulnt- ed eyes to search for Malben's place. He glimpsed a windmill I above the brush to the northwest, I and presently, riding down a deep-1 grooved ball,. caught a metallic glint a trifle to the south. It seem ed to come from a low ridge, dls- SDoesrlne- and returning, as if a piece of moving metal were re-1 uecung sunugnt, ,, ,,. Rimbaud gave the ridge a coh- cnetrated attention for fully five minutes, detecting no sign of movement save the occasional flash. There seemed to be only one logical explanation: A hobbled horse with a silver-mounted bit would make a flash browsed on orusn ox tougnt mes. . So Strom berg has sent me al visitor, Rimbaud thought, and put his mind to devlslne a nroner method of entertaining the Ro man Four trespasser. This, his Initial act as host, might be an important occasion; future rela tions would nrobshlv denend on how he handled the first caller at I Boxed M. Rimbaud grinned.' bellevlns he Had hit upon a fit reception. When ne reacnea tne lower siones 01 tne divide he turned south and rodel for upwards of an hour, takincr a rounaaoout course tnai even tually brought him to a mesqulte- inngea wssn a mue souui 01 Mal- oena yard. (Te Re Centlnaed) Fesl nfttfSicif : Chew Wrigley'g Spearmint Cum, Lively flavor cools your mouth. Fresheni UiU-moUun. throat. " atiirymf.Wl,t,n hMpapacltafghandy in pum or pocket CMIWIWO OUM r. I I By Ahren ROOM BOARD . 'T I AS TWINKIrJG ABOUT THE VOU THOUGHT THAT H jj W1DE GAP BETWEEN 'lOUK CLASSIC If MOULD NETTIE ME, EH? I k PERFUME IDEA AND THE CLOWN W ...WEIX,THE EARL PAID k W FINISH IT CAME TQ..VOU STARTED ME J 100 FOR MAKING N? W TO CREATE A PERFUME FOR MILACVJ AN AROMA TO GIVE HIS Y DRESSING TABLE, AND WOUND UP BZ LINIMENT A PLEASANT MAKING A FRAGRANCE TO PUT IN V SMEU....7HE MATERIALS ' A LINIMENT FOR. WRESTLERS' ) ' ORIGINAaYC0ST7Q : VmUSCLE .RINKS AND SPRAINS 'rjy SO I MADE A L lAiniLisr P E aJdIA B LEt N I V E EZZEE IlIIlA N 0 E R lf ME BBC Ami R&k P ANAD A.D4UDCZi PINE fRliNltkEA ACROtt 1. Likely 4. Girl (.Nat strong ILSsrearhc It. Irish It. Large knife ' 11F.11 lS.Serptnt -l.Goy sir 11. Ardor K.And: Latta 9t. That man H. Lick up 18. Oloomy , SO. Finish ' aiAnlmsl'f foot It.SmaUplM 18. Destroy M.Label 40. Labor 41. LIT coal 4S. Catch sud denly 48. Court 4.Bsr legally 48. Place 80. Northeast 81. Alternative It Cleansing substance St. Affirmative 86. Black bird 88. Run 0. Light tan (9. American Indian K. Huge 87. Stagger 8. Unit of tore (9. Tiny . DOWN 1. Donkey I Open dish golutlon et Vesterdsy't Puxxl t. Unclean: Hebrew law 4. Behold 6. Besides .Father T.Chlda (.You and I i i 15 H4 15 I p EM ft Ii6il is fr pis y-&z s-ir tip? a- T H !8" T " f T p Rr-rjr-sw" r ir - t - W p t W i r - rr.W -flTTT-t5Q-- 5iH-T tT-V-Kzh- it itpr" btf -7 : .Age 10, Afflrmatloo 11. Retained 13. Small valley 17. Not all JO. Shrill bark SI. Orderly 14. Present i . IS. Count : 17. Gentle stroke M. In a line 31. Lets bait drop 33. Pale 35. Wild plum 37. Tennis appurw nances SI. Opening 41 Covering of a building 44. Purchase 47. Grew whit 4a. Abound 1 81. Scent 53. Small horse S3. Broad Bat bottomed boat ST. Misery 59. Conquered " 61. Regret 6J. Employ 61 Letter of the alphabet 66, Concerning I STKVE ROPER . ' . , V: . . - ' pLlfflSSS'ilTr' TO Mtsiat e MtPt; TWAtM i K rwts, nw; J 1 ucv tutrr vs enpfinr TUE-UH- s. I f -atjss. t, ! e JIMMY "fiEPORTS OF MV FOLLOW HIM 1 I SUPPLIES' VA HAD US BUV FOR YOUR Xl ,11 WAS JU8T BEADING J ATE D--HOW ABOUT A TAXI? 1VE K ZIL. -XV?nk. - J 5a irv" tw 1 m i ii i r tti i a Ufi e TvriM mv t vJ sTr.gV , I D-U ii i '''' ' " I '' fmsSZSfjmtrf Hautnont iiommiu (cauatjmt no wirf w imn.vai can un wiz UrTi Sniki" 0LC,, l""w hXfuVmMmCANy zJ t "fcwr & Attjnam J eMtiocxtjPOL'o KGW KOIN 1-77 I KisiT? fSSaSa I F-Tid ills Sid's- ORPHAN ANNIE ,' , . : .... ;,.;, ,-.v.-.v - " 4: io xitu . . . .. aaaaaBBBM :S Bjrmpnoav ram I "NEVER TOLO ME WHrtT CT1U- HAD 11 f ..'A II 4:4; a..rt A.e T. 1 LOMC A RICH MAN-WR A NUM8ER BV TH6 nMB OF Mr J I RECN3N, I KNEW HJM, I MWW MOHCV I I At"L Mic Jn" ai,V.' OF VSARS HE HAD MADE RHaty I M OeATH HE HAD VERY i , Jt5TX I H MR. BAKWM? I WENT, TOO 7 II f iKlv.i. N rVk I I LAkQC WrrH0ftWAL8 OF 3H. . II V UTTLO LEFT- , V i S l fc- fcrr VBWH Hr8 FUNP9- - lOWk. I JiJI tZ i i3 Mu & WV l-HST 5r LIL ABNER . - . - - ( - ,-.'.' . . -.i-1. . ie:n sat rtnai ' 1 - - ' - - . -...... .- . -. fa. mhu, LMk AH..1 JP"?! sS-(SagSMlSk. TRUSTEOUiwiF A HONSN 1 1 JOB,BCUZTHARSOie U't I I ftUJT.; jWofiSwilfMar ir1?? ,cll"',,, ri FI sS Tail r UJ sjJ-fQK . wmm W 1 1 C?W VK3J I I W . , r, aWesTam K M M w sUT-3r' I I , JTh. , Vl U J ( . r xm' y n . nyjiom mBsn i i A-rr nm i r. m iil . ssv r v . t u .n x v sasavsiKsj ' ' i ---uminni i Ikj m f, a i inmiii ! rm ri Jf X. I 1 al ' HOPALONG CASS1DY ' I 9V i TT - 1 I 1 1 I m ' 1 1 1 1 gp-esjajj, rk yiyw-siii.iM.n.j.a.y.n .N!,.,... TP KNOW HOPrV AND f SADDLE UP, EVERYBODY 1J I 1 - " I " I TH06E H065E6 MESOUITE I WE'VE 6OT -SOME N.KSHT ri I s , IF THEY WA6 I CANT BE TOO L PROWUN TO DO JgtlJ frJ?S 11 I MIXED IN WrrH' FAR AWA.Y.'' I..- " 1 ,Tt3 I rr J rll J a usonl y AiMcruitjick ' I " "asSjaaBEa lL 1 I in. mW'A nra nsii , &. sii . ?riiT MUTI t JEFF ..:;'V.'- . r ::;;;,' ;' - c--c ,if i , ..; Igyi , I -""ATi? THE W wcu -ruartm . ICTFU. T'AA VOUB. -v I II p 1 1 I J T 11 au JEFF, LEND ME U!&JLH0U) X BEST RU. AIN'T I ?1 SECOND k. KNOW ? VOU'RE ; fpu? g REX MORGAN, M. D. ' ! : , ,' - " - pBHJSlTl SZIP ieSoTrIF DONALD DUCK : . - ' - I, :. ?feL.ffl;(?n.'1 iHp'! ' ,V;.t'5iiL, " .i : tow1 J.,?" ; ?. " ss; I ll - , . ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' 8:80 MwU Bi W. sr.rrta Tfcv" T MR. MITCHELL! I CAN C so,., , MUST BC IN BY MONDAV.OR I A Ci05 SHAVE A1V li I 1:45 V. Llntukr Oil inin COULDNT WE. -WALK fm fiirf 'i . .1 WANT I QRANT " ADD- IJZ I S" TAKE 10 POINTS FACLS BURNING ! A I THTiT . ' ... JUJr J'MINUTiLsl DEAR!...AWB.. Jl ' , . tVtR-' lllilaj rmif ST 1" tMI I I f MS .Kit !' " 6WEN? it we.... Jyi . lAs r'lng'lMa I y sl 1 1 l !?i45 rtk. ai. o.u. ti,ht i r t jrw i. - x . aaawa g t 11: uw -pm m aw .saaam a i.x-sr 'ts. j m i KaDIO prog rams FREE TV THEATRE . Watch TV at our Television Theatre. See them in action before you buy. . ' Packard-Bell, Imirson, Raythgon, WtrtinaheuM - OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Opn Other Eveningg by Appointment YEATER APPUAKCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa Pheri 34311 SATURDAY P. M. Selanc Oar T.wa (N. SekMl Mar ' What'! Na Nawa KEX M.t. Oeara Hat, Om Hak Oara Mat. OH" Mat. Opara Mat. Osara Mat. Opara Mat. Opara Uar IS Icka Maws M. n rarai Maala Muila ralka T1 ralka Tin Mat. Opara Mat. Opara SlarTlma G. T Tawn Walter .. rraalaa ISha- Sbaa She 8fl.p (Mac . MaOalra Ml Baaah Bora iMaale Haminswav CIO an! yaifcarlar Shaw laaaalrp Navp Baar Navr Haar ABO Nawa Maris BaU Saarli idltar Basra ISllar OaaS Llatnlas Varlalr . Tka Advaatarar Laaa Baasar Lona Banser Harltasa. Hetllare Dandnr rartr Oil Warn Oaaeet Vlaal loll. Danas Tlaio Daaaa Tlma Dsnao Tlma Daaeo Tlraa Daneo Tlraa Daaca Tlraa Dana Tlraa Daaeo Tiara KSLM ism arxH Llllla Shaw Lima Shaw Lima Shaw LItUs Shaw Maala Ch. si iMoala Hawaii CaUa BawaU CaUt waaura Baraklara Maris Lrla aa Waatrratrs Mailt Calhn Choir Lombards Land USA Nawa Barter Show Nawa Mailo ' Mavte Qala iMarla Qala Trae or .- Falsa ' Danaa Fartr Danes Party Daaao Partr paaea Party lOpaa KGAE Soraaada Saroaado " Naoa Nawa Soraaada Baa. Booas Boa. Boom Roc' Boom Boo, Boom Jlaa Daadr Show Jim Daadr Show Nowo " Slrlass : Striata ' rat. B.aH atardar MaUan Bataraar 4 Matlaaa atardar Mallaao Satardar Mallaao Jim Daadr Show Jim Daadr saaw palardav raailaaa,, alardar mallaaa Ullla Shaw Llllla Show Lima Show Wltla Ihaw luilla Shaw Slta oil Koca ""in Maala Maala oh Croasp Nrwa Bhrthm :; Baaah Maala Navy Baad ' Dlaaar " Maala Waa Maala rpaahar al Waak . Maala ' ' 4 Maala Bparla Basrt, ru Mu.i KODI IS 1.1. s a-m. la 11 p.m. BIZ Pt.l, s as I p ar. Don't fret over a down payment. We take most anything on a trade I tor a beautiful Baytb Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 187B Lsna Ave. :' Phone 3SSSS Open Monday and Friday Evenings SUNDAY 7:M Chnreh la Chareh ef Contort BaU 5:15 Homo Air '' Conaart Ball 1 . 7:30 Maala for Chareh of Gaeat Starr Molodr 7:45 Bandar Air Horo'a to Vat Joarnep ' " !-00 Nawa Beam Salt Lais . Nawa First Bapllal Ooepal ol Ore. Wrlsht 5 Marie far Tabernuclt Beraarch First Baptlatl Christ . Nawa :3t Sanday bvlUtlon to Llsht a Ufa Baeh to God T. FoweU Caatral :45 Maala Mooda Uarnlna Llsht a Ufa Baeh to Ood Chrlatlaa Latham 'H Nawa Earapa Starr Dnelo Boh Blhlo Olaaa T. Baharts Bible 15 Radio Palpll Earope Story Top o' Mora. Blhlo Olaaa T. Boaorta Orsaa Left :30 Glenn Shelly H. K. Smith aaaaaso ol Voleo ol Waffle Clah Ave Maria . :45 Olrnn SheUr Nam Israel Tray baar Waffle Clah Beai ("iifl Bridal Hr. St. Fran. Neera CoL i,ws roateseeatal 'rae. Sarvlos ' a:Te Shower Univ. liplon Chair . renteaeoetal "aared Baari t-ii rraadly BaU lawlrh Faith National Lalhoraa Waff la Clab Serrles Q;j5 Frendly Ball Medal Honor Voapars Hear Waffle Clah Bememeer II .M Art Uvlns SymphonetU Parade al Franh-Brneat calvarr let Bapllrt J:?! Nawa Symphenarte Blla Jasls ., Baptlrl Ul Bapllal ' ,:jo Eternal Nawlerh Parade at T,"' Calvary lal Baptlal JliSS Llsht PhUharmonlr Hits ' Melhodltt BaptUI ' let Bapllrt iVTaa Crllla al Lei New lorh News N. W. News Bandar Nawa 4e. V Never No Phllharmonle Oard, Talhs Canaries Serenade Mai. Leasee B. Conaloine aw Yorh OhrUtlans Maala . . Sanday MsJ. Uasas faM Elmo Bjper Phllhannenlr In Aallon Marie Serenade Mai. Looses 1-tn "awa News , Bovlval Hoar Bees Bandar Mal. Leasee 15 Gay N't rieatare ' Bevlval Hoar Mu'o Soronada MaJ. Leases :3n Meredith Gadlray's Revival Hoar c, Beatly gandar Mel. Laasae :45 Wllren Dltrat Revival Hanr01"1' Boatly s.nn.da Mai. Laarns !.a Gl Joa Qadfrev'a Voleo of the Shadow Sender MaJ. Leasee :Ti GI Jes Roandtaele Prepheer rh Shadow sereaada Mai. Leasee :a Mind Hrd. story Grealeat Tree Sanday Mai. Leans IS Manners Nawa Btary Datoetlve Beraneda Mal. Lraeae ae By Gardner Btar Theater Billy Nleh Carter Teolh Hear - . . 15 Meet Veep Show Graham Nleh Carter Teath Hear :30 Cbellanso of Wehely Herald of Offielal . Retard Beoa . :45 Prlaena Show Troth Dalaatlvo Retard Boon) 4:00 Cballenss of Jaeh Benny Chareh la The Faleom IBoeerd Boom , !:15 Priasns Jaeh Benny Heme The Faleom Beeerd Room :30 Aldrlth Amoa a And)Great Prand N.W, Artlata Baeerd Boon - ' :45 Family Amoa a Andi Sanday Edit. N.W. Artlita Raeerd Boora 1:04 Voath WantjBersan and Top Gay News Baeerd Boor World News :15 to Know MtCarlhy Top Gar Cannlnsham Beeerd Boor UN Story :30 Theater CBS Nawa Mat. I) Never Kae Beeerd Rooa Maala for :45 Gain CBS Nawa Aadltlona BIMo Hoar Reeord Boom Amtrlta, !:H Theater Radla Hall winthell Conaart Retard Room Warwlte :1S Galld of Fame Jimmy Fldlar Mnale Sian Off Warwlek "I! Vlewa oaeal stars Taylor Graal Concert Newt !s The Nawa Mnaie Man in Balam Maalo Bt. Fraaala ? :H Drasnal Farlland , Paal Harvey Mario Mario :ll Drasnet Symphoay By road Never Knew ' Mario 7:10 rbll Harris- Whlrtlar Inlorcolltia V. Norblad Honor Mrdal ''45 Alleo Fart Vtblnltr Foram TV CUnla Nat'l Oeard . !:J4 Starllrht Oar Mlrs Drew Pearaen Onealiena Prodely BaU :ll starllrht Breaks Mao. Nawa to Qaesllons Prondly BaU ill ''""hear Utile caal Banlly Moon Gard Don Slower! M Hoar Marrlo Maala Hall g., Den Stewart !:ff Symphaay Bersan and Careera News Den Stewart Boor MaCarlhy Sac. Heart Land We Levi Don Stewart : J! ,ralr 'k Bnap Parlland HI. Edit. Speak. , V Noror Na i JS Symphony Jaeh Bonny Time News Health Caea. 1a it! orter Star Final Final Edit. Paaea In ' Ave Maria T'Uor Moale Faith Timet the Valley Ava Maria !:;; c"nollo Slaart crals t. Caoko Charth of Reverie Boar ' Bdy. My Baal Iconeert Hr. Air - . BovoHa H:KNaws iBdr. My Boat Contort HaaiConeerl i . Isisn Off i i!:!5 )tr Coanell Mnalo Canaarl Hon Coaaart 11:31 "'r Caanellhrreararr Contort Haajcoaaort I "!'r Caaaelll Band Contort Honiconoorl I I MONDAY S A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. IFarm Hoar Farm Boar Farm Boar Verm Br. Irt Edltloa lAsronaky Kiarred IHaren Mre. Barte. parry Maao. hier.h Drat, wrttater Dai iNowo Tlmehoopas Nawa Newt Brkltl Clab Rrklrt Cleb Brkfrt Clab Brklal Clab S a.m. IS. Starr Taday nraaa Beak Break Bank Pon Gardntl! nv. rraniu trao Story Tree Starr Wklasoria. plrl Marrlea v. uadlahr IBroUfast Naoh LBreahfaal Naoh Harmony Hot Brkfal Gans Brhfal Gans Wait, Maala Braakfaat Neeh hrookfasl Nook CeoU Browa Family Altar nibio Bible NW News ICep. Com. ratter CaUa Bar. Caaateii Newa Valla Teat Answer Man Utaala Udloa Pair Baek rtm uaioe Fair Serenade aaoPHa. lee Day Serenade iWaarora nsaetora Farm Newa Maws Dandy Dandy Dandy Dandy Sack. Poaoa Serenade naak Panes Serenade hack Penee Soronada ttaak Paaea Soroaodo Madllellaaa KOCO Bletk KOCO Rloth ROCO Rloth KOCO Klerk KOCO Klerk KOCO Kloek News Happlnaia frnne Tims triaao Bssy Leo . Rays Rerords Rare Recorda Rave Ra rarer Bay Beoords Honeymooners Travel 4387 Miles on Scooters Longvlew, "Wash. (U.B a young couple was resting here today after a 4,387-mile Honeymoon" trip across the United States on motor scooters and said they were thinking of making another tour. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Merts ching arrived here yesterday, 68 days after they left Burke vllle, Va.