Ma A&M Has 30 Days -Or THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Oregoa friday. Mirth 17, 1H uo Chlcajr. (UJ0uOklaluaa a aad M today had H days U svnivrm i atnietle require ments at tlw North Ceatral MMeUtlM before the NCA m mother step toward re moving the oehool from its accredited list Mllo Ball, NCA president, aid the executive mmmlttH (reed last night to poitpono wi removal action after the college laid It would meet re , quirements. Bail aald a telegram from A&M President A. B. Wlllham "After returning I have oaf erred with the board of regent of Oklahoma AJkM College. We will comply with all criteria goremlug Intercollegiate athletics and expect to Improve faculty salaries and competency. Immediate steps will be takes. Be litre the eommhw ton misunderstood oor In tentions." . Else The NCA committee had I ! Anuered bv the NCA artlnn recommended that A&M be I the Home had voted to lend uiuyiiw irora we acereeatea l a wee-man delegation to Chi FAN FARE By Wok Dftse list for allamtlv m..n phaslxinf athletlea and mb- ldizing players. The commit tee also laid the muhnnl weak in "faculty comDetence" ana in "financial aunnnrt hp the educational program." X Z. fellow, riaan n mA. mUalonf at tho University of Oklahoma, said he thought "too much Idealisation" of athletle nracticea miaht "rfrlva unaer tne table many practice! which are now rarrlut ih honor." ., . , Ball said the decision to postpone the action was or dered "pending the receipt of doemmentary sabetantia tlon" that the school "is la conformity with NCA ath letic requirements." Meanwhile the Oklahoma House of Representatives IH1 tna NCA trt arinnt iha presence and philosophy of the wouwn nuie m its policies CaCO to lnvaatlvata k n t cnanged its mud when Speak er James C. Nsnce said the MCA mlffht ennaMaa M.VM. "bunch of politicians." Leo Soys Giants Could Win Pennant It They Had Mays GREATEST FIGHTS of the CENTURY AtATATrAJtrm mjim mltlmm; I I M . . at 5n iM Danny Johnston In Hospital After Injury Corvallls (ff)The Oregon State baieball team will play the remaining two games of its -uurnia tout witnout second Baseman Danny Johnston. opec Keene, athletic direc- OBOl !g; tor, said he had been advised lonnsron sunerea a raud con cussion in a collision with Out fielder Bud Shirtdlff in a game Tuesdav. - Keene said hii oniuiiMn.. ..... not neueved aerloua. tint Tv Ston will remain In - n..ll. I hospital until Saturday. The team meanwhile will play Fresno state rrM i c. WHW k. uraay. , . TRAINING CAMP NOTES AriathftlM aftalir iibim.. a ... Antlr. will i tmkt a th Hollywood" 1 ". auiirui man imu gun t sprint. Th Autki tlrMdy b-T w Rt&dr Oumptrk vtu opa m Thai ArlaTkta iuulu H tw.t- : a. vlnatrtftk, tiplodcd for 1 hiu rattr. "w"w, Tie wry Ofwt tut i loraoeaj ' aa Dia, oUf. luo-eaa m... k. EJv "iS;""1 P" th,n n ol m4 n ata oi,. KtTa) j, a. SCORES In the Alleyt University Allevi coaofnrrAi. i ,u! , . (4 Oordlir nt, CHbata " ' o. aon H. emtlTu , vrw iifvaila aai ra-eiiirsaa'ai BsautVa CM-MUlar L Mam aja Maral Ah- raallHr (it InZ 2 "linn 4U, aabaaa n, aaal na Wainami-i OD-aawa OH WUUaau 1. Rout til, KotTU wlnnw aaaaJa OO (t WlokWt 4N, ing Ul Btarat . wurr na, tttiut tit, i kai Mr,kaal Plr (4)Ktah7a eu m Jli and Ml. Hlih torn Mai aa MrlM. ealra Iron Work, au ud tm. Why Suffer Any Longer Wha alhm fall, dm (or ehhtn nnMOltt, Anulna iucxwu for lot nan la China. Mo nttlir IUi ami ailmtnta ro ata ariueud, dlmrOin, unuwtH hrt, laau, Htw, kMatra, ai, aoiuuaattaa, aleoia, anktwa fh;aillini, nil aad kladdti Imr, mm. imM oovpiaiaio. CHAKLII CHAN anNMaaaaaoa, Ofllw n.ora a s Tm. . ' a. I h). N. Caaawrtlal nm ii aw SALaii, oaa. 1 radro hurl.. II ..i. ji... .. . hll i la lao lut tout Innlnii and Buddr . aauoro a? enaklaf nia Mpla, OMadala, Ollf. dUo-Ror Wdnakar ad Frank Chaw wtro erodltod today lor Itadlni PorUand la a T to I win """ t ( aiiowus ano Trojan ooUaio nlno only s bin """wui ma oaura una iramaj. Wohnakar tan u two rum and a nil la tho tint OTa Innlnii ot Iho till mtirdar. and Chaw fluUhad up. Prank AuiUn hll a buoi-onptT ho. f and a alailo (or Uu Batrin. karkalav aiif ainwbi.. tood oa alz OalMnltr of California or .ws m wi.m wit aira a to in an aahlblUoa kanaall amo hora raitordar. Oak, Urat aanmaa Am aainhall aai IBO im. hatk.. .t iiu . ... m villi Umo hiu, Intladlns a trlpla. t-w. 1UI Ul win. Al vuttMwi, who lan up It hiu, waa klaaod for Uw low. T . fr-il.LfM.. ' r.n. -IM h . Blppod eoottlo 1 to In a Paolflo Ooait Hipa Countr town laii auht. uaiTinitT atwirat Wallor Clonth waa ortdltod with tho win. Hi Mfehtd ola hi inninia u a Mint karlor. Tom lamab waa tha lorn. esn Vihi.Iim aim - ... inn U1H110. IU Jltum loan to hold opilat tram to CalUornla, won to fir to Hono InlB lodor a Bonth'a aUr la which tntr pund n tuubuioa ! tail li and won mtu. Iw nt u .ii. .n.iy anon. aloar aa a lad nolo lait altht kr "ooranianio Soloai af tha Paalfto coait imm By QAxXI TALBOT Fhoenlx. Aria. iMt i Army had let na fcawa nrnii Hays back," said Manager Leo viu-wner oi me New Xork Giants. "I Wonlrl liawa k . ready right now to tell yea we wonia wia we pennant I Would have bean wllllna- nt it down on paper. Now I Just ova o now. . . .v The lame's loudaat mm.... was trying, as best he could, to wxpuuii tna proDiems be now aacra m putting togetner a line un which wrin itiiui oh. k. chance of overhauling Brook- v um coming national League . uB mit hi on the table. "With Willie in center field We WOUld have hen all mm . Said. "Boh Thfimuwi llkA- - piay uura base better than cen ter, and ha hlta haH- -k. he's there. Fm trim nin try to keep him there and play Henry Thommon In ...... t - T " W-UM3, mieht have in hanaa Ui W. that's the way I intend to go iim now, - It waa ausmatait 4n T t. his pitchers preferred to have oesi uyenaser available out were in ui open spaces. " thav he said. "Pitchers also Uke to have a good man at third, a tall, rangy fellow like Bobby who an knock down those drives and field those bants. I want myself a tight Infield, even If it means I'll have two com-1 paratively weak outfield ana la with VTn-w h. -. I, and Don Mueller In rla-ht. A-ve ust got to wait and . If Qavev -William.' comes around It mlaht ha might be, I say that I'll play nua ai aecona, Al Dark at Short and mv wnnlrla rt..i Spencer, at third. That's my uncup waay, out you 11 notice that Hank Thnmnann mm tm J...WM playing center." a lew momenta later this no longer waa the Giants' Ilnenp. Ferris Fain, the Chi cago White Sox' new first baseman, thvawr - a 4a1Mm block Into Williams to break ap a potential double play at second and hart the little gny'a back all ever again. He was renlaeed h Winnla Ban. ford, and the neat time Fain eame in hat ha naavlv k4 his head taken off by one of pioner nave aosio'S fast balls. ' Thoaa two dava aaln n San Francisco last week set us hack badly," Durocher said. 'We War III. I Mimilln. 1a -- -' . . ...,1.11111 1 shape and I was able at least w ass wnai some or my boys COUld dn. Nnw I'm change all my training routine nu win taite anotner two weeks to get back where we Tommy Collins Moves to Lightweight in Ratings New York OR Tommy Col 11ns of Boston has been moy ed from Hie No. t snot In the featherweight list of contend en to the same position among the llghtweighta fat the new monthly ratings of Ring Magaalne. . The hard-hitting Bostonlan gets his chance to top all of me iia-pounaers on April 24 when , he maata hamnlm. Jimmy Carter In a title flvht at Boston. Bin Editor Nat Ilalaha said he shifted Collina tn tha heavier division because the ognter told him he can no longer . make ' the fcathar. Weight limit of 128 nnunda and because of Collins' suc cess against liehtwelshta. Tommy's V i t m a lrulnrfa uuro Bslai, the former light weight, champ. , . Georgia Aranjo of Provi dence, B. L, who is suppos ed to get a shot at the Collins-Carter winner, held ea to his Ne. 1 annl hat th rest of the top ten were re shuffled. Behind Collins comes Paddy DeMareo,. Ed die Chaves, Johnny Goa Salves, Armand Savoie, Arthur- King, Henry Davis and Frankie Johnson of England. . . . : The l tnn hanmnlrfil. 1 . I 1 1 . . - maiauuiiea meir lony perch' ei hut Bob Baker of Pitts- DUmh moved Intn tha Vn spot and veteran Jimmy Blv lns of Cleveland fell from fifth to ninth. , - Danny Nardiee of Tampa third, la the light heavy weight class, changing place with Barry KM Mat thews of Seattle. In the muddled mldle weisht ' division. ' Enaland'a Handy Turpln, Carl Bo bo Ol son of San Francisco, and France's Charles Humez and Pierre Langlois were con tinued in the 1-2-8-4 spots. nilM&ln'a Jiim fl 4 m m h. vaulted from eighth to fifth. Sncad Favored At Greensboro fl...inWn Vff III PI T Jn a .41 ..In fi.n. Bnaad mt Whlta Sulphur 'Springs, W.Va., led a field of 168 of the nations top professional and amateur io7 en Into tha ananlna r uiun aa the 18th annual am nnn w er Greensboro Open Golf Tm-7 namant lrwl- , Snead. four.tlma ni. ''' J ' ytn big faj" afBaBaWaaBtaBBta I ov ncuaoLo noun y wiaalltor.llCiaa,tt44 . , Expert Watch Repairing All Work Guaranteed CLAUDE MIX ' N. Oaowaralal SI (Opotaln) APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 wm i aw KLrAin ,j.J,3a n. lmbhTT Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and AH Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on T . r tA innliftn,M Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners never used such ffoefuel. 1 PrOO'tft'lOfltUof coiwel CAPITOL LUMBER CO. - rflONB 3-BB62 APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING I APPLIANCE CO., 183 N. HIGH ST. ' "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT" ' 'v New Star Arrnu frnm Court TTnuaaa Rmio-A . . Small Appliance Lighting Fixture of All Klndg AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT li AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY : Canvas Goods of Every Description ' "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" . - BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 1 Young Meets Ourando in Elimination Bou New York UPi ! boom boom hnvn, Paddy Young and Ernie (The noca; vuranoxi, coiuae for the fifth time at Madison Square Garden Friday night in a lemirniai ox tne American middleweight e 1 1 m 1 n ation tournament. The winner of the 12-round bout wll.laarn tha vlahf 4 face Carl (Bobo) Olaon ot San rranciaco lor tne U.S. crown. The flffht will ha hm...l ana telecast. The National fl . aaavatauuiv aJVT- CietT ftaaVal halMT-l. a - . A Played by Indiana in Panama. u am ok mm worid t roughest limn. j Has tb high cost of iMng prevented you from amine ! I things VOU want and omJ) a .t. i r,. .L I - Mvmn win proTiat me noaer to sdvsntsg. of cash purchases and you can J I stiect front many Dirmonr niIM tka a. i I , ' ' f w-iw W HI JV1U 0UHSVI. CASH LOATJG Si- to 11800 In 1-TKIP Thoae irat, aa tjow the J yoa Brat com aa. A a. wautn. law. CAR I TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 Bean Acreage Wonted On Stringless Pole totter prices warrant planting, for ; a good return this year. For coro plete information and our help in setting up a yard, contact us at once . . . Write or phone. Hudson House, Inc. (Dundee, Oregon) ' R. A. Howell ' Field Dept. Homo Phono Sherwood 4343 : Off ice Newbera 64 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE mnA OIITCin Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc Also patch . plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods ! Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" Bring the Tamil. Poll Aa TJaa.-!!-. At Vol . .. 'J avcact vsiuuns mr jinners ana rarttei CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 . MORTARLESS BLOCK CO 14th 1 1. HOYT Ap5?)vel.Reimroc.ed ' Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks ' Mamrfacturers of Mortar BlocTu - Interlocking Blocta ' - ZL w.awora, - .aovi viiumicy OlOCKB Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS.-.1185S.12AST. ' Garden Tillers . Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers - Air Com. pressors - Sanders Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening .Repairs on All Small Gas Engines , : FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. A"n?on? f Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile . Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpet ' " Eatlmates Gladly Given! tsin Is! "fllT til eaW UaaS . II .aMaaaa'aa. . BRAND I ... arw- aj 9 0AJ?, &mO ram BRAND; 4S A . Af FULLY AGED ! IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 26038 9TCTTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 UNA AVE. , Water Systems Deep WeU Turbines " t Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe ' . : i Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment 5 MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RD. BrSi?lh Motorcycles . Indian, BSA, n it t... j 1u"" k-n scooters It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT Office nan v A,mf,eteSn,PPii Service" Office 1120 W. Liberty Wh. aon R T.n-. OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 lypewriters, Adding Machines. Calculators, Accounting """-SALES SERVICE RENTALS ' CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD OILING Ph. 2-4151 STANDARD OIL DEALER Painting Contractors Ph.3-4783 mt a PHtetlaloa -m. 1 r. w. rireECO.2585 PORTLAND ROAD ntia1, Co"""fl. Sproy o Brush WE GO ANYW1TRPW alrV,.-- ." " Can U. for Estimate, and Color Pl.nnin, .i PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING I HEATING PWn, 5Chemeketa .Contract, ResldenU.1 Commercial IndurtrlU . . PRESCRIPTIONS m Ph. 3-9123 ISO 1 laarh ii fZT . rnARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 ii J. laMrtf 310 (ovrt, Downtowa inn t u.a... .. uonr;?a-ryD.ii, ms.UbeSton ,ajo to 2 00 Pand :00 P.M. to Radio Repair A . WftS- Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'SRadro-T.Il.i-iaaa- I.. iwwrefi , Motorola Deal. in. Bar- . uenerai tiectnc ' Pick up and Delivery ' TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO . TELEVISION S9S N wTf H Home and Auto r.hi lTmlrr . N- HIGH Wiuimeue "7. " WVICE . INSTALLATION . SALES t