Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    I rrrt u
United Personnel Here
Convair Plane
- Personnel at the local United
Air Lines station Friday show
ed representative! of the civil
aeronautic authority bow pro
ficient they were in tervlcinf
United1! new Convairs.
On Thursday the men had
bad a test -run on the plane,
- which came here shortly alter
noon with several United of
ficials aboard, i K ; ...
. Salem personnel are beinf
run through these tests now so
Four Jerseys
Tour registered Jersey cows
in the Westwood Jersey farm,
route 1, Woodburn, completed
records on herd improvement
registry, test during the last
two months which entitles them
, to special recognition from The
American Jersey Cattle club,
Westwood Jersey farm is
owned by H. Mlkkelson and
The high producing animal
in the group was Standard
Fauvic Ob Fansy with a mature
record of 15,059 pounds milk
containing 853 pounds butter
fat The other cows all exceed
ed 550 pounds butterfat on
twice-daily milking, 305-day
, maturing equivalent basis.
The official HIB tests were
made under the supervision of
the Oregon State college in co
operation with The American
; Jersey; Cattle club, national
breed ' registry organization,
Columbus, Ohio.
Ncutarger Article on
Morse in American
' Richard JU Neuberger, na
tionally known Portland writer
' now In Salem as a member of
the state senate, has an article
en Wayne Morse In the April
American, now on local news-
tanas. . ,: -
"Morse's political trail Is
dotted with the snowshoes of
broken alliances," Neuberger
writes of Morse, citing his sup
port and subsequent criticisms
of Presidents Roosevelt and
Truman , and his break with
Eisenhower, whom ' he early
supported. . .
. Oregon newspapers get more
letters about Morse than any
one else and more senate, gal
lery visitors ask about Morse
. than ask about any other sen
ator, the article says.
that they will be able to serv
ice the planes should they be
xoreea to come into Salem In
stead of Portland because of
bad weather. . Later when more
of the planes have been dellv
red to United, the Convair
mar renUcw the DC-Hi romlne
Into Salem. i ..-
The Salem men. who have
been used to servicing DC-3
and with now and then a DC-4
or DC-6 when weather prevent
ed their landing at the Fort
land airport, found the new
plane entirely different from
the soil.
The Convair has two engines,
the same as the DC-Si, but
there the similarity ends. The
engines are more powerful. The
fuselage. Is longer and larger,
having mora room for passen
gers and for cargo. -
While the steps for dismount
ing from the DC-S had to be
run out from the station, the
Convair has Its own set of steps,
folded . Into the fuselage.
The door to the plane, lo
cated In the nose, can be op
ened either from the inside or
the outside and the steps low
ered Immediately.
Whereas, the DC-S has room
for only 21 passengers, the
Convair has room for 44 pas
sengers and much more cargo
space, with three compartments
for cargo and baggage. One is
located in the nose of the
plane, one In the middle and of
the fuselage underneath the
passengers and one in the tail.
There is a difference in
speed, too. the Convair travel.
lng about 100 miles an hour
faster than the DC-Si.
In the back of the plane is
a compact little service kitch
en, holding 44 trays with meals,
with extra apace for the other
supplies needed for meals, such
as not coffee and milk.
Cleat Lake
nasaertlfsal Wm "1
ft tott MaTt StaAfp J.
tfwMyv eiiwsy lMfvs
1 um tM
St" 4-Yr.-Old Trees iM Ba. j
ruaiwiu .
(rn.ip Tnia am t
Clear Lake The E.U.B.
church will hold its monthly
fellowship supper Friday at
4:80 p.m. There will be a social
hour following.
The church choir will give a
wiener roast at the T. C. Ma
son home Saturday. The choir,
wnicn is composed of students
and Is under the direction of
Mrs. Mason, has grown in
membership to 18, who meet
weekly: at the church for re
hearsal. They will appear in
new robes for Easter services.
Here for an indefinite visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
T. Asbury are their daughter.
Mrs. Thelma Rosen, and her
three children, from Arlington,
Texas. Bonnie ..- and Donald
Wonderly are enrolled in
school and Carol is at home.
Another new student at Clear
Lake is Gail Haworth, fourth
grader, who moved here from
Florence, Ore., with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellison.
Arnold Eicheiberger, cox
swain aboard a coast guard
geodetic survey ship berthed
at Seattle, is spending the week
at the home of his brother, A.
A. Uchelberger. After he re
turns to duty, his ship is sched.
uled for a six-months' cruise
to Alaska.
Three Lead in
Bridge Series '
Walter M. Cline, William E.
Kimsey and Mrs. Donald Dun
can are the leaders In three
separate series being conducted
by the Salem Elks Duplicate
Bridge club. Two weekly tour
naments remain in each series
represent Salem at the Seaside
sectional meet April 18-19.
At the mid-week tournament
at the women's club, Mrs. El
mer O. Berg went Into second
place in the series by winning
with Mrs. Asa Eoff as a part
ner, While Mrs. Robert Mc
Kesson and Mrs. Arthur S
Blnegar were next
At the Monday senior tour
nament Mrs. Paul F. Burris
and John Pugh of Shedd were
tops north-south, while Miss
Marguerite Drysdale and Ellis
H. Jones were high on the
other side of the boards. Mrs.
Duncan and Lloyd Jones won
in ; the Junior competition,
while Mrs. Carroll Ford and
Mrs. L. P. Ahsenmacher were
next Second among the seniors
were W. F. Leary and Mrs.
John S. Bone, and Oliver Hus
ton and Waldo Salrains of Eu
gene. ' :
Almost half of the ISO mem
bers of the club were in Port
land last week-end for the Mi
Hood sectional meet of the
American Contract Bridge lea
gue. Trophies were brought
back by Mrs. Walter A Banco,
and Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, and
Mrs. Donald Duncan and Mrs.
F. C. Lute, while Mrs. Burris,
Mr. Leary; Mr. Jones and
Ralph S. Dannen of Browns
ville placed in the champion
ship event
Other members attending in
cluded Mrs. John S. Bone, Mrs.
Leonard Ahsenmacher, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Boring, Mrs. Arthur
S. Blnegar, Mrs. C. B. Bentson,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cline,
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Frailer,
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ford,
Mrs. Ward Graham, Mrs. Wil
liam F. Lieske, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Lloyd
Jones, Mrs. Ellis E. Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kimsey, Mrs.
Frank Mohlman, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Newsom, Mrs. F, T.
Munger, Mrs. W. R. Newmyer,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis,
Mrs. W. F. Leary, Mrs. Robert
McKesson, Mrs. Bert Osburn,
Mrs. Milton D. Parker, Mrs.
Rupert Park, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Moore of Scio, Lin Miles, Mrs.
Leona Taylor, Mrs. R. H. Tok
erud, Mrs. Georgia nne Thede,
Charles Tambling, Mrs. Mona
Yoder, Jack Neilsen, and John
Pugh of Shedd. ; j
Morion Post
M. E. Clemens was elected
commander of Marion Post 681,
Veterans of Foreign wars, this
- Other officers elected were
Senior vice commander, Don
Stupka; Junior vice comman
der, James Muckridge; quart
ermaster, John L. Burton;
chaplain, Lloyd Evans; judge
advocate, Ernest Luodeen; post
surgeon, Kenneth Smith; trus
tee for three years, W. L. Barn
Appointive officers announc
ed are: Officer of the day, GUI
Bannister; adjutant Karl Val-
leau; guard. Dave Holweger;
color bearers, Dan Slebold and
James Bowman; service offi
cers, Vere McCarty, past de
partment commander, and Le
Roy Simpson. Gill Bannister,
W. L. Barnett and George
Rahier were appointed Sea
Scout committee with Bannis
ter as chairman.
Unitarians Will
Hear Dr. Russell
Dr. Robert T. ' Russell will
speak on "The Search for Re
ligious Expression" at the serv
ices of the Salem Unitarian Fel
lowship In the Woman's club
house at 10:45 a.m. Sunday.
At 8 pm. the first anniver
sary of the Fellowship's church
school will be observed at an
evaluation meeting in the club
house, with members, teachers
and parents present The school
executive board, Alan B. Berg,
Dr. Charles H. Derthick and
Carlisle Roberts, will make its
report A social hour will follow.
15 Prizes on
Saturday List
First drawing will be held
Saturday evening for the
Spring Festival sponsored by
the Downtown Salem Merch
ants association, with 15 prizes
listed for. the drawing.
The drawing will be held at
SO at the portable platform
on the west side of Courthouse
The announcement was made
today by Andy Foster, associa
tion president Master of cere
monies will be Bill Ross of
KSLM, assisted by Chief of
Police Clyde A. Warren.
All tickets are to be depos
ited in the yellow cans at down
town business corners. When
collected they will be deposited
in the cement mixer on the
cement mixer on the platform
Just before the drawing. Lucky
persona need not be present to
receive their awards.
Following the Saturday night
drawing this week another will
be held Saturday night April
4, and again April 11.
Following Is the prize list for
this week:
Admiral combination TV, ra
dio and phonograph.
Toro 21-in. power lawn mow
er. Northwest Metal Products
Beauty wheelbarrow.
Sunbeam Shavemester.
Two Parker pen and pencil
Westlnghouse steam iron.
Westtnghouse .combination
waffle iron and grill.
Norelco electric shaver.
Mirromatie automatic perco
West Vend electric corn pop
Pendleton robe in carrying
Portland Woolen Mills siesta
robe. -
Cascade ham.
Case Del Monte pears.
Berns Electric window ven
tilator. ...... , ,
St. John's Church
Lists Services
. Members of Si John's Luth
eran churchettandAsbeets,
will observe Holy Week with
special services on uoou -day
evening at 7:80 o'clock.
Holy Communion will be cele
brated, and the choir will stag
special music. The Rev. H. W.
A in,.! mrinr. will be the
WW) .v ' .
speaker. The Rev. Henry Hart-
wig will assist.
On Thursday evening at 8,
.v.. u... a a Schmidt of Port
land, executive secretary of the
northwest district of the Luth
eran church, Missouri Synod,
will be guesi speaaer w
-k.Mh Tk Pa Schmidt la
a well-known speaker in the
Pacific nonnwesi.
Toastmistress Club
At Lebanon Soon
Lebanon At the Toastmas
tors' breakfast meeting on
Wednesday, Ralph Scroggin
announced that a Toastmis
tress club is being organized
here. Making arrangements
for the new group will be
Peggy , Hatfield , and Grace
New officers for Toastmas
ters will be installed next
week for a six-month term
with Merl Wiggins taking the
president's chair. Other of
ficers are Ralph Scroggin,
vice-president; Chuck Wilson,
secretary; Kenneth wrignt,
treasurer; Delmar Clem, ser-
geant-at-arms, and Dewey
Rand, educational chalman.
Retiring President Jack
Foster, will serve as deputy
governor for the Lebanon
group. Visitors at this meet
ing were Carrel Bennett and
John Buck of the Corvallls
Toastmasters. Buck outlined
the pro garni for the Toastmas
ters speech contest to foe held
in Corvallls, May 9. .
Sllverton Mrs. Knute Dig-
erness, director of music for
the Sllverton Methodist church,
has announced that the Annual
Choir Cantata will be present
ed Sunday,- March 29, in the
old church sanctuary at 7:30
p.m. '
Salem Student Takes
Part In Tournament
hli-lcv Pan. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Page,
8225 Fisher Rd Salem, Ore.,
participated in tne zara annual
intercollegiate tournament of
champions held at Linfleld col
lege, McMlnnvJlle. recently.
This tournament i one of the
largest held on the Pacific
coast . .' '
2i!ss VtS- ' TTMhman
home economics major at Lin
field and entered debate after,
dinner speaking, and Interpre
tive reading division at u
The Llnfield squad placed
second in the senior division
Call as far prompt and expert
work en an appHanees
Hayes AppUanee Repair
Phone 4-5911 2J8 State bt
Beware of the
By J. H. Wlllett .
When someone tells you of the (are
IndMdual who has a vestal way of
treating certain IHnim, or of a doe
tor who achieves miraculous results
by little pubUeuwd method beware!
Advanees in medicine and surgery
are not secrete kept from the medi
cal profeatlon at large. Doctor s, -ethical
ones, are quick to meal -'
the remits of their research which
may benefit mankind,
' True there are specialists highly
successful In treating the unusual
: illness, but these men are well
known in the medical profession.
If you wUh to seek the adriee of
another physician, ask your own
. doctor .drat Be appreciates your
anxiety and will recommend anoth-
', ar doctor. ...
This Is the 787th of a series of Edi
torial Advertisements appearing in
this paper each Friday.
-is-. m
i Capital Drug Store V5
Stote A Liberty Phone 1-311
We give JMf Green Stamps every day
. en all cash sales of prescriptions
(AD Uvtae Mm fvaltm MfriN S-nar nmatM)
Daveno and Rocker, reg. $1 AA9S
1141.95. Asst colors. SPEC.
Daveno and Rocker, reg. 94 30'
17.S. Asst colors. SPEC.
Daveno and Becker, reg. - 4 JQ 0S
$189.85. Asst colors. SPEC.
Daveno and Chair, reg. $229.95. Assort-
eo colors, new nylon 1BQ8B
i v
Daveno and Chair, reg. $239.95. i 7Q9S
Fibre E. cover, grey .... SPEC. " '
FoId-a-Bed, turquoise. 94 ?Q9I
Reg. $189.95 SPEC.
Davenport and Chair, green. 94QCOO
Reg. $289.95 SPEC. I"J
2-Fc Sectional, red. 911 COO
Reg.' $849.95 .....SPEC.
2-Pc. Sectional, green. 911 COO
Reg. $280.00 .SPEC.
2-Po. Sectional, brown. 911 COO
Reg. $179.95
DESKS . . . M.K.N.
No. 211112, walnut Beg. $129.50. .900.0s
No. 211222, blonde. Reg. $99.50. . .9BO.OB
No. 211222, walnut Reg. $89.95. .993.09-
Davenport and Chair, Monto's foam rubber
construction. Beg. $885.00 Special 9100.00
8-Pe. Sectional, Magnnson. Brick color. Beg. $272.00, Spec. 9199.00
2-Pe. Sectional, Crown. Lime green. Beg. $384.50, Special 9289.00
8-Pc. Sectional, Magnnson (foam constrnetlon). Brown.
Reg. $299.50 .Special 9220.00
2-Pc. Sectional, Magnnson. Gold. Reg. $489.95 -.Special 9310.00
S-Pe. Sectional, Sellg. Persimmon. Reg. $179.95 (as is) 9119.00
sola, vrown. Fresno, cocoa color, neg. sz8.5, special S19V.OO
special suv.oo
Sofa, Sellg. Saede, olive green. Reg. $174.50.
Sofa, Crown No. 5101. 8-ft long. Reg. $229.95
Special S18B.00
....Spectel 9 09.00
Special I350.OO
Daveno. BUtwell (1 only). Reg. $89.95
Davenport and Chair, Monte's Continental grey,
constrnetlon (a real beantv). Rer. $439.95 .
Love Seat, BUtwell. Green top grade cover. Reg. $179.95 9130.09
Fold-a-Bed, BUtwell. Rose. Reg. $189.95 Special 9139.09
Davenport and Chair, Magnuson Bel-alre. Green. Foam
construction (what a steal). Reg. $321.50 Special 9219.00
Davenport and Chair, Crown. Brown. Reg. $369.95, Special 9109.00
Daveno and Rocker, several colors. Reg. $149.95 Special 9100.99
Daveno and Rocker, wool frlese covers. Reg. $179.95, Spec 9139.03
Daveno and Rocker, Fibre E. covers. Reg. $189.95. . .Special 9149.09
Daveno and Chair, asst colors. Fibre E. covers. Reg. $229.95 9199.99
Chroma Table & Chair Sets M.K.N.
TatM arlaw tr all 1m al rkM imr, atNM
Mi4 I kttvwMc ka WM WtMnl l
ach anlMmrS r rSicllii. N4 a ifclil aarchftM.
. . Baealar lick MtrthaaaiM at law tan ,Mt
No. 2570226402 Table and 4 Chairs.
(Wood grain.) Reg. 90000
$159.95 . SPEC. "
253522L12 Table and 4 Chairs, 97 COO
red. Reg. $125.75 SPEC.
TB22822K2 Table and 4 Chairs 9X0
treen. Reg. 5116.95 SPEC.
2566226062 or 2L12, Table and 9CQB9
4 Chairs. Store special J'
2589226212, Table and 4 Chairs, red,
yellow or mother of pearl. 914QOO
(2 leaves.) Reg. $165.00, SPEC. I '
ail baaa anuUullr niaS. SMia mt M.
Table Lamp, No. 5700 MUo . . . Reg. $52.95
Table Lamp, 3-Way Deena . . . Reg. $12.50
Table Lamp, C-O-l Beglor . . . Reg. $27.95
Table Lamp, Modellne No. 285 . . . Reg. $39.95. .
Floor Lamp, Aladdin No. 3605 . . . Reg. $28.95..
Floor Lamp, Aladdin No. 3608 . . . Reg. $28.95. .
Floor Lamp, Aladdin No. 3606 . . . Reg. $23.95. .
. .Special
.. .Special
,. .Special
.. .Special
. . .Special
. . . Special
9 0.09
5-Pc. Dining Set eelld ash. L. Ronney.
Reg. $189.95 Special 9109.99
Buffet veal, No. 215502. Mahogany.
Reg. $189.95 Special 9100.99
Drop Leaf Table, mhg. Veal No.
215242. Reg. $124.95 ..Special 9109.99
Drop Leaf Table, mhg. Veal No.
218282. Reg. $94.50 .... Special 992.99
Dining Chairs to match the above drop
leaf tables. Reg. $18.50, Special 919.00
Chair, Crown Hillcrest Gold. Reg. $108.50 Special 979.00
Chair No. 34, Modern. Brown. Reg. $41.00 Special 929.00
Chair and Ottoman Server, Magnuson. Foam con
struction. Xou'd be proud to own this beautiful . . ......
combination chair. Reg. $189.95 Special 9110.00
Chair, Snperbllt; makes single bed. Beg. $103.50 ... Special 9H.99
Rocker, Monte's, foam, several colors. Reg. $99.50. . . Special 979.00
Rocker, BUtwell No. 362. Asst colors. Reg. $49.95 .. Special 939.79
Chair, BUtwell. No. 2902, rose or green. Reg. $87.50, SMclal 99.00
Rocker and Ottoman. Berkllne. Choice of colors. Reg. $97.00 974.99
Chair, modern, plastic covered. No. 92. Reg. $49.95, Special 929.99
Armless Chair! Sellg. Reg. $54.75 Special 939.99
Chair, Swedish modern. Sellg. Reg. $99.50 . 8pee al 908.00
Chair, foam construction, Magnuson. Reg. $69.95 Special 933.00
BEDROOM . v . M.K.N.
Bunk Beds, complete with
springs and mattresses.
Reg. $159.95, Spec. 9129.00
. Mahogany Bedroom Set, reg.
$379.95 . . .Special 9279.00
Solid Ash, L. Ronney.
Reg. $173.50, Spec 9190.00
l-Pe. Suite, L. A. Period.
Flamewood. Reg. $329.95.
Special 9229.99
tEDDING . . . M.K.N. or SHAW
Mattress and Box Springs, reg. $39.50 Extra Special 927.99
Mattress and Box Springs, reg. $59.50. Speci",1-V,B0
Englander Foam Set 999.90 Coll Springs 910.90 up
LAMPS . . . M.K.N.
All lamps drastically reduced
here's a few examples:
No. 115582, Golden State Floor
Lamp, reg. $36.95. .. .919.99
No. 216832, Golden State Floor
Lamp, reg. $26.95. . . .914.99
No. 216812, Golden State Floor
Lamp, reg. $27.95. .. .914.99
No. 21583, Golden State Floor
Lamp, reg. $12.5. . . .9 9.99
SHAW and M.K.N.
Furniture Stores
have a wide selection of used furniture for
the weary budgets. Crop in and sea Hi
outstanding value.
1425 Idgewotsr
Open Monday and Friday' Night
Capitol Shopping Center
For functional disturb
ances, nervous headaches,
nervous, irritability, excita
bility, sleeplessness.
Open Daily; 7:8 ajn. - 8 p-m.
Sundays, ajn. - 4 pjn.
135 N. Commercial
Friday, March 27, 1988
sweepstakes of the tourna
ment :.,
: Mexico has had to Import
corn, its staple grain, In re
cent years because of increased
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So smooth
it leaves you
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That s right fellows I The first five place-winner
in this year's Ail-American Soap Box Derby will
win scholarship awards totaling $15,000, making
this the bi&Spst national prize list in Soap Box .
Derby history!
It you win your local Soap Box Derby, you can
,. compete at Derby Downs, Akron, Ohio, for one of
these worthwhile prizes.
Take Mother or Dad TODAY, and register at
your Chevrolet dealer's, where you win get your
free Rule Book and driver's license. Then start
. building your racerl . t.
For all boys 11-15
Co-SDOnsored bv Chevrnlvr
Division of Oeneral Motors
Capital Adjournal
Douglas McKay Chevrolet