It v. ft--! 8s I Friday, March V, I953 ' ' , ' . . AUTOMOIrUS AUT TOT 'CAPITAL JOURNAL, Half, Ortgwi CONFIDENTIALLY YOU'LL DO Buzz Chef fings Motor Co. 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon . xaz ,i; 1950 Studebaker Rtr1ft ."-..v.v:.':: .. 1949 88 Fordor ' Hydra:' 2 CheSwdd 'p'FoVdor Sed.' iiS Plymouth Fordor Sedan ........ 1195 1949 Mercury Club Cpe. .... ' S ImI 3 SftSr odriv;-:: S 1949 Ford V-8 Club Cpe. ... o, 1949 Ford V-8 Conv. New top .' '. '. '. '. . 895 1948 Chev. Tudor Sedan. Verv eood fifis . S1 Cll?b, cr- HydTaS: m W46 Buick Special Sedanette . ... .... 565 1946 Chev. Fordor Sedan ........ . ; .. .695 Stude VrTon Pickup . . . . ; . . . .. .$1095 2 SS PlV : m .1195 t wu yj 1 on riCKup h?v; SPecial Dlx- Sed. .';.$ 845 ' 1941 Buick Special Sedanette 295 .: 1941 Pontiac Fordor Sedan . 195 1941 Olds. Fordor Sedan. Hydra, trs.. . 195 2h' Tdor Sedan 69 -1988 Buick-Special 2-Dr. ...... . . ; . : 39 Most of these 'car can be bought without any down py- '.' V - 'nt ' ' ' 08 ApProved Credit . Moat Can Equipped with Radio & Heater. ' ' : Quality Automobiles Need No Free Premiums Buzz Cheffings Motor Co. "Pop" Chefflngi & Gordon Sines are' now associated with Chettingi Motors . : ; acrom amd bouts of a wire man uojom curs 2646 8. COM'L. ST. , PH. 4-1621 RON'S Prices Are the Fairest in Town! Drop In and Let Us Show You s These Exceptional Buys! 1851 Plymouth : Cranbrook - Club Cpe.;. ...... - This' U a oae-owner ear and m tood conoiivra. . . WJtrt. wan Urw. Deluxe alr-exmdltlenra. bnler. 1950 Ford V-8 Custom 2-Dr. Thl. popultr model Is cle.n and la ' nrr food condition. Bu roar popular UTH, . Or.rdrlvt ' " . Whllt U Uru , 0 Cliu. .Ir-comlitltmlnE hi.Ur 1950 Hudson Six Sedan Thti low-taMMt caf U ml tltin tnd n. ownw. Bnatuoi twtmit finun. ' n, .T.rdrtv. . . Ha.ttr IU41. . . Whit, wtn tint , ' 1949 Chrysler Windsor Sdn. Thl. lat. mtIu nodfl cu'C b. toM from '50 mod.!, tod 1. on. of th cl. .nut tin w. hv hid th. prlvl , 1.,. of handling. You- muat ... thU ' ear. . .: Radio,' H.aUr V Whlu waU tlra. . Dlrctlon.I tlcnaU ' Manx oth.r .lira. . 1947 Chev. Club Cpe. Hie. palm ma tmwi with ku M ' m appal. Almost n.w whlU vail tlru Radio and knur 1948 Chev. 2-dr. M.v 1MI motor, juit waltlnt for a 4rrr.r. . Hat fcal Two 1841 Chev. Club Cpea. ; loUi la to. eondltion, nadr t. m. RON'S Is the Place to Go and Save PHONE 20808 BONESTEELE 1881 Stude. H-Ton Pickup. R4H ft O'dr. . . . . S1535 1950 Stude. Champ. 2-Door. H. ft O'dr. ...... 1395 1880 Stud. Champ. Club Coupe. R., H. ft O'dr. 1295 1950 Dodge 4-Door. RAH, Gyromatic. 1595 1950 Buick Special Sedanette. R&H, Dynaflow, low mileage , 149B 1949 Stude. Champ. Club Coupe. H. ft O'dr. . . . 1095 , 1948 Willys Panel. RftH 795 1947 Stude. Champ Coupe. H. ft O'dr 765 Bonesteele Sales 6?Service ; ; , 865 N. CHURCH ST. j PHONE 21808 PHONE 39277''...e.eeieie;e FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 oa SktnnLar, rurnltun. Or AT PSMONAL tt'i Ti" IVTOBPtt to mpMrt-fl mn or worn in. 1-Tkttt loin . . . phono flnt. STott itleot but p-ymtnl ditt. Bttwttn ptrdtr louu. PbotM, wiiio or oomo la TODAY. Personal Finance Co. . ios e. hioh arr alxm IUU LlMMO Not. S-132, It-1M Lout ovir lioo vp to tlBOO ami bp to so BMntbi to npov -nodt by ptrionu efuiuteo Oo. of Motion Conaty undor tho tndoitrlol Xsooa Compontoi Act of Ortton, fit AUTO LOANS WILLAMHTTK CREDIT CO. lta South Church Parkin. .-Pleatr Ph. I-1U1 Uc ae. kl-IM, a-IM BETTER AT 1950 Olds. Holiday Cpe. Hard Top . .. ThU popular M model Is la top con. onion .aa eiaan. y Premium tire. KMtrle wind... t) DlraetlotiaJ aiaaalf Pea4er aklrU .) StMllo and delui. b..t.r Hydr.matlo drlv. 1950 Chev. Styleline DeLuxe Sedn. ' , Thti 1 another el.aa one-owner ear. Hal radio Deluz. alr-condltlonlnc heater , . Pender iklrt. Baallj a wonderful hur 1949 Ford Custom V-8 2-dr. 1 Another clean local car with tneie wonoenui traa , Overdrlr. Radio Alr-condltloahn heater Another wonderful bur 1949 Ford' Custom V-8 Sedn. None like It In town. - Raa keen mi loinuM from Trout bumper to rear Dumper. IiMtrlo doore, no euteide hantSaa. a uiaiomiiea arm ana utdllinu Orerdrlv. Heater and radio - Pender molded la and maar oilier ica.ur... 1947 Ford V-8 2-dr. Orlilnal black flnUk en thli c mm tar. eee thl, and hur. 1939 CadlUac Fleetwood Sedn. Ha. mile, and enow, eueep- 1938 Chev. ltt-Ton Truck Ail-metal boa. Akj rtaar k .It, 1245 BROADWAY ' FINANCIAL PRtVATB MONrr Special Rate, and Termi Oa Laner Loan. Lent and short Tim. Payment. ROT B. SIMMONS LM Sa. commercial at, pa. I-tlll "wlAU I AUTOMOBILES ' ' It ilHAUMIUf UllTAUiMUN STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAT TO END TOCK ; ' MONEY WORRIES, lPrattan Uu 1 ' ' S-Aut. Uu e-Oe-hfekee Lena I dleutaro Uu Maximum Smell Lna UN Maximum Aute Uh MM ' Ml to. Blik St. f-ill a ui pob parm. cttt on Annual . . ww-wn or TUMI wa 1CT Seal HUH Mltuw State Finance Co. in a Bin at ph. mm ... ...... : . ' M.. VIM MM M-BS ' or . simmons - mUKAXCI AND LOAJTS . Bear 'To. TiUm" U:M DeOf BALM 1M Be. ' .... osriral pibahob co. LOANS 1M a wuinw at. 1m, J-tltl 5fo Interest , n rra bee. mm fmai aeetmc la- Tenmeat, taea roa are the trp. ef awaiB to whom w. ean be ef ear. lea. Per erer (wmtr-ftn tan we ka.e wen kelpla. peep), ta tkk MmmaaHr iuw pniiiau. wore tar their eaecar. tarts, thu period w. hare anmptlr aau t. aeadamal lateraet araaeat. waauia. maar Tnasaaadt f DeJlan. W. an eamaUr parts l nrraaan am luaoa irem ate. to toowe, Oeneral Finance Corporation 13. a. imiaiAvmnAi. arr. Saaam, Oral en . . rkw S-MIl re TiUrUKS FOR SALE 2-HORSS TANDEM TRAILER mil. Mat 4 Corner a. renweod An. aatudrar and Sunder. Ml HOUSC TRAILERS n-rr. in; iuu trailer taw, phone won. tan Bur . . Banalaj . . . aeQ LAMA LABI TPtAZLXB PLAZA Trad. . lie. Uaeaeur Are. , Junta! . . ten SQCfTI mi ll-la, Ukertr bmm trailer. pa. .-ilia. un AUTOMOBILES '47 BUICK Sedanette. Vadk. heaur. at .eat . , an thta for walr . $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. MWl)Ma Cbtmeketk Qoet to Church" q74 S A T I WILSON'S a '.;v- .;'; I o ' . . N 1951 BUICK SUPER . . . $2450 minora eedan. Kadlo. BZI tlau, eolr 1I..M eallM, Drnaflow. 1951 BUICK SPECIAL. 2195 edan. Draaflmr. heater, 1952 PLYMOUTH CPE. 1995 Bittedere. Ball., he.Ur, Ilk. n.w. 1950 BUICK SUPER. . . 3095 RiTMra, Dmaflsw, cood naeUllea appearance 1851 PLYMOUTH CPE.. 1495 oambrMta. H,tM mllee, eetra alee. 1950 FORD 8 TUDOR. . 1280 Mum. Heater, cood. . 1949 BUICK SUPER . . 1595 conrewtlole. automata) top and window., radio, heeler. 1949 OLDS. 98 SDN..;. 1595 Hrdramatlo, radio, heat er, Rood condition. 1947 CHEV. AERO . . . ? 795 Xmawalet.. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 .74 SIAUO BIDS will be rec.lred until 9 p.m. April ttb. at the Department of Plnance and Purchaalnt Dlrliton, .31 State Hlihwar Bulldlnt, Salem, for .ale of one l.U Oldnnobll. tf. t door edan. Uetneo No. MMel; motor Ho. IA1SI41IH. Vehicle mar be Inapected at the Penltentlarr .ara.e, Salem. Contact lar. Oeom Al.iander at PenlUnllarr. Vehicle to be uld n la, Term,. Certified or oaahler check for 10 of bid amount muat accompenr bid. Balance cam la form of certified or eaihier cheek upon receipt of vo hielt. aid. etiau be In . wiled en tel. op. marked on th. ouuid. "Eld on Oldamoblle Sedan, fee opentn. :00 p.w pru ein.' are l CHSVBOLST. l-door, -TweTofide? delun. See el SheU Serrlee Station. lath and Mteilon. .7t IN. CHEV. coach. Phone -tlot. 1171 Third. Wa.1 Salem. ait 1M7 PLTMOUTB ooupe. cleu and itur- or anrouinoui. caa ae teen at ItM W. tth. . . .q7t 1. CRKVROLET '-dr., n.wlr .nr. hauled, tood paint. Iota at extra.: bl.; muat Mil, point to aerr. lee. Mermen Wuffele, Rte. s, Bam 117, ONE YEAR'S INSURANCE FREE! with Each Used Car Purchased This Week MARION 333 CENTER IEELES SEE JIM rlMM 1-I41 253 UNION STRUT I ACROSS 7R0M fevftMrt 5UAM(t : 1951 Plymouth Belvedere. "Real nlce' 1931 Mercury, Mercomatlc, Four-Door Sedan 1931 Ford Custom Tudor. Overdrive i 1950 Ford Dlx Tudor V-8 1951 Kaiser Four-Door Sdn. Overdrive 1949 Lincoln Four-Door Sdn. Overdrive t ' 1949 Olds. 88 Four-Door Sdn. Hydra. 1948 Chev. Fleetmaster Clb. Cpe. "A honey!" 1848 Ford Super Dlx. Four-Door. R&H , , 1947 Stude. Cmdr. Four-Door . 1948 Nash Amb. Overdrive 1942 Ford Sdn. Cpe. Loaded 1941 DeSoto Four-Door vt 1939 Chrysler Royal Clb. Cpe. A beauty ; 1941 Buick Super Four-Door ..... 1941 Stude. Champ. Cpe. ' Overdrive . . . . 1939 Olds. Four-Door Sdn. ........... . 1935 Ford Cpe. "Good" . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 1938 Chev. Std. Tudor ................ SEE JIM. SEE LES - ANOTHER COMPANY GAR READY TO GO AT A TREMENDOUS SAVING TO ITS OWNER! ' ' (The company cars we had last week are now in the hands of two happy, satisfied customers. You can be ' next!) ;: ...'- 1952 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR DE LUXE SEDAN. TWO-TONE FINISH, FULLY EQUIPPED, WITH ONLY 6000 MILES This car is In A-l condition and carries new ear OK ."f''''; - guarantee.' Many Other Good Buys ' '51 Chevrolet Panel. R&H,, only 1600 mllee. with an extra seat . . a. and really nice. CHEVROLET'S from 1952 through 1948 . . . several of these all with an OK guarantee. One 1940 model. In addition we have: Two 1948 Fords, a 1946 DeSoto, a ; 1941 Oldimobile, a 1940 Dodge, a 1942 Siudebaker, two 1950 Studebakers, a 1947 Dodge, and a 1947 Ply mouth club coupe. These come in a variety of styles ana colors, see us loasyi THKY'RS M TIPTOP 8BAPB Buy from a dealer with a long-standing reputation for dependabUity, fair price, service and satisfaction. DOUGLAS McKAY - ' CHEVROLET CO. V 635 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE 33176 EVERY CAR ' PRICED BELOW MARKET SAVE! BANK FINANCE 1811 Ohmrol.1 Bel Are Low ?,, Uk. BfW. 1H1 Pord Sedan. BaB, . aln ea ItM Bulek Sdnette. ' BsrB, aharp ISM Ohrrilw Wlndeor Bewport. Leaded. UMCherrolet Cost. RB. A .leu ear KM rord Ste, Vn, BetH, iharp i...... 1MT Chnreltt Aero Sdn. RAH, el.aa ,, INT Old., , RAH, hrdra, real alt. HIT Plrmouth Sdn. Bddf, arw motor IMS Bath Sdn. . ReaB, O.D real ale INS Reeh Sdn.' BAA, O.D. a dindr .' Itxatude tt-Toa. BdrB. Ilka new '. MM CheTroJet ada. RsH, new motor 1.U Cher. i-Dr. RH, rune eood IM1 Dodt. Sdn. RAH, a,w motor 1.41 Pontlao Sdn. RAH, ale. 1MI Plr. Sdn. RAH IMS Naah Sdn. O.D Several older cars Anderson's 240 CENTER ST. 1MI cnar. V-t club coupe, lto-h.p. toreue conrarter, power ateerlne, pow er oraka., new whlta eld. wall tire., radio, heater, cuitom Interior. Otto. Low mllewe. km. at Walker, bit. AnreL Phone SBt. .It M FORD SPORTSMAN-OOOd condi tion. Radio, heater. JS071 alter t. .11 t. POID, tt ton pickup. On. of th. be.t. Phon. 4-IW7. j7. POB SALS OR TRADS -Oood ItM Buick aedan. Heater, rMlo, defro.Ur and epotlUht. IIM. mon. t-i70i. .77 '41 PLTMOUTB Club Coupe. !H mil., of Totem Pol. at Rl. 1. Boi 411. 71 LATS IM. Stude. I ton pickup. Pullr eoolo-ed. Baeallaal eoodlltoa. phone MUS IMM, . aia MOTORS ; PHONE 8-9286 -.SEE LIS SEE JIM .$795 . 895 . 185 . 288 . 288 .195 . 65 . 85 . 85 . 68 SEE JIM . SEE LES Wt aUABABTBB OCR POST-WAB uacmm SAVE! .114. . 141 . . ItM . ItM . Set t Itl 3M ., Mi ,. let m ret that run good. Used Cars PH. 3-3734 INT BUfCB SIDAN-clean, tood con dition. Phon. i.ttet .Iter 4. a7e 'M CHIT. COUPE Oood rubber, heater, defroeter .motor rood condition, fair tire.. 4-m. Mak. offer. Call after .71 BLta It4l DE SOTO aedan. Clean ear. he. .f.rrthlnt. II.IM. Phon. mil evenlnee. .7t 1MI "tew DB LOXB Packard t-door ae dan. tntremalla drlra, nd.r 17,00. mllei tM. MM BUhwar A,.. ' ST OODaS SEDAN Bew '47 motor. In Id. Uk. sew. tut Park Art. n WILL MABE I nod deal on ittl Chrral.r Hlihlandtr. Betrr acceaiorr, perfect condition. Win take alder tar la trade. emu Mitt dare, mmm err '46 Ford V-8 lefci sad a M.tomlaed bedr With . etual pipe.. ' $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. "Wheee Ohemekeia Oee. to Ctuireh- ISat STpntBtBIB. .ten e e a d 1 1 e n. radio, anter. leee, sum batweea iii-ir or tte.. WE WANT YOU! TO READ THIS AD I 80 CADILLAC 62 I fir eedaa. s-tea. ereen . leeM with arrniarlaa, 1 real aln eoexatlea earewshnt. 83098 II CHEVROLET edaa. 1UOI. aparalm. Jet Muk, ewaa war a. $1891 ; tO PLYMOUTH Iwaot eedan. Utbl blue tbalah, m ."feat ahape, renea.blr priced $1295 '4$ OUJ8MOBILZ $$ edaa. Jet btoek fmlah tnlh watte xte wall tlrn, and a hems? at wr . ... $1898 i 80 CHEVROLET ctb eewpe. Orkitaal neea feaUh. aaare a a real am a fee aalp . . 31398 .. '4$ CHEVROLET . . awMsr. la eaeenent ahape a werth moro thaa ' $995 '. 'II FORD V-8 whit, atde wen awkltae sreea Uiee, ertftael 164S :w '49 CHEVROLET Oetui. e-deor aedaa. I a I. l mer, rn tip-top ahape la rrerr " ' $1198 CAPITAL AUTO SALES Otwaeket. at OoanaertMl Phoa. 4-ia.i '46 Hudson auper f eeden. Radio, hatter, aaw '. patat, . $645 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Whan Cbemeketa Ooaa to Chunh" ROCKET '60 OLDS. 88 CLUB SEDAN Famous Hydramatic drive Air conditioning system New Motorola radio All 8.20x15 whites side walls Beautiful interior, plush rugs . . (Finish) Gen. Mot. famous chariot red Sll THIS TOP ADTOafOBILB AT DEWEY'S 8080 Market St. Ph. 84061 PALWAYSO GOOD f BUYS ' . X '4B Hudson Super 6 Sedan Radio, Mr., new paint. $545 47 Chev. Club Cpe. Radio, beater , . 795 48 Ford 4-door. Radio, heater, spotlights ... 795 49 Ford Club Cpe. Radio, neater, reconditioned mo tor 995 48 Merc. Club Cpe. Radio, neater, uoiumbia over drive 925 Cleanest '41 Buick Special 4-door in town. '48 mo tar 395 MART 1IORB TO DHOOaa MnU A BAST TBRUS t I LOW DOWN PAYMENT ARROW A B USED CARS . TM B. Riih Ph. Mtn '46 OLDS Sed.n.tte, radio, heater, a durable eer for famllr traneporttlloa $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. "Where Chemektt. Ooe. to church" .14- AYNBEE MOTORS NO DOWN PAYMENT On Approval of Credit IMl Cher. Aero Sedan. BAH., ..Ittl ltil Buick Sedan. BAR lit 1.41 pontlao Club Coup. Mb Ull Cher, Olub Cm. RAH it 1141 Pord Club Cpe. BAH It! IN. Desoto Count. RAH, O'dr., tt IMl Cher. Coach , ', 4t HIT Cher, coach. RAH 1 LIT Pord coup. a. HIT Pord Coup. at IMS Plrmouth Coaea Tt IMl Chtr. Pickup t AYNBEE MOTORS 40 Union Phon. 1-0701 ' Nleht phonea l-Msl, 4-1011 a74 IMS P7.TMOUTB I -door, ood tfanapor. ' ". raw. e-TTWe. MONTH -END ; CLEARANCE SALE! A LOT FULL OF REAL. BARGAINS , ' IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT TRANS- , PORTATION COME IN NOW TAKE YOUR PICK MAKE US AN OFFER ..V: EXCLUSIVE, ' WITH EVERY CAR YOU ENJOY i S.E.L Wsrranty in writing-. good for 6 Mm. w 6,000 MUcb ' EsUbliehed Dealer. Rexcmditioriing tbat Mtisfies ,f A H Green fltanpi with " " jour pvveJuaM (this week only). - ; - ir TEyo Opening Low - f HURRY! HURRY! VALLEY MOTOR - f USED CAR MART CENTER AT HIGH V PHONE t147 ' VALLEY MOTOR CO. Jf TRUCK DEPT. - Jm We have art overstock of late model used pickups. These units will be reduced in price ' .for the balance of this month. ; 1 1951 FORD H-TON V-8 PICKUP. 4-BPEED I 1850 FORD H-TON PICKUPS 1 I860 FORD yd -TON PICKUP , '".K . 'W ip80 STUDE. H-TON PICKUP 5 ; 1 1949 STUDE. 1-TON PICKUP ' ' ; , 1 1949 FORD H-TON 6-CYL. PICKUP : , 1 1948 FORD H-TON 8-CYL. PICkUP. 4-SPEED ' 2 1948 FORD H-TON PICKUPS , . ALSO , ' ' r 2 NEW 1953 H -TON PICKUPS. 1 8-CYL. & 1 8-CYL. ; VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCK DEPT. ' ' LIBERTY & MARION ST. PH. 3-3147 . . WE OFFER YOU GUARANTEED ONE-OWNER USED CARS I Priced Below Actual Value ; with Low Down Payments, 10 ?u xaontns to ray Come in, Satisfaction Guaranteed 1951 Chrysler Imperial 4-Dr. Sedan ..... .$2995 1951 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan ......... 1895 1951 DeSoto Custom 4-Dr. Sedan 1795 1951 Henry J 6-cyl. 2-Dr. Sedan . . . . . . . . . . 1095 1950 Chrysler Royal Club Coupe ........ 1795 1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan.: 1395 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe 2-Dr. Sedan ...... 1295 1949 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan 1295 1949 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan . ; ' 1195 1949 Oldsmobile "98" 4-Dr. Sedan ....... v 1795 1948 Chrysler Windsor 4-Dr. Sedan ...... 1095 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan 895 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club Cpe.. 895 1946 Chrysler Royal 4-Dr. Sedan ,.: -895 1947 Chevrolet Stylemaster 4-Dr. Sedan . . 695 1946 Ford Deluxe 2-Dr. "V-8" Sedan ..... 695 : 1940 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe ........... 245 ' EXTRA SPECIAL 1 1948 Dodge irTon Pickup, only $895 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER (Your Dealer) Plymouth 435 North Commercial Phone 3-4117 ' ' ' .14. 'II BVICB Special Sedanette. Top ihane. an at M0 Center or Phon. 1-1411. 74 MUST SELL II ak. tnr ofler. '41 Bauer Traveler. Radio, heater. I-698S. .71 1PM DELUXE CBEV. l-door eedan . Pullr equipped, dean, perfect eon- dltloa, Cheap. Tonal .reliable. Phone 17111. AUTOMTflUS USED CAR-wQ?-7V T Low Interest Rate, up Mil BUICK RIVIERA 4-door aedan. Ra. dlo, heater, drnaflow, beautiful Hint erer 'tmuh, excellent condition , throuthout, Tou MOST im thu on. to .ppreclat.. Ml Chemekela St. Phon. 4-1107. (Tt IM. BUICK RIV1IRA eedaa. Radio, beater, en-en, beautiful 1-ton. blue flnl.n, low mlleaie, MS Chamek a At, Phone d-lMJ, ,5.