RIAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials M A CRM CHERRIES - Tenni ..............i... ...I ISO 5i t!2 ' i'5?m' Hom Bro- .; oo II ACRES . 3-Bdrm. Horn . 13500 Dora t MM 41 ACRES janeed. barn, good l-bdrm. home elos In $34,000 CALL PETER H. OsTSETi, SALESMAN SUBURBAN RANCH-TYPE ROUE, beautifully lendUSMd llr lg,. lot. 1 Minn., llr. rm. with fireplace, tun. rm. with French dooro leading tpacloue patio, bath. It, klthen at nook with plenty of bullt-lne, dble. lum. Auto, oil hot water radiant tint. aulet peaceful eur. touodlnw. CALL J. X. LAW, SALESMAN MANBR1N GARDENS Where Mb) tnd children tro welcome. 1 Bdrma., tuU burnt, Spacious Uv. ra. with I Ireplace. Din. rm.. very con. venlent kitchen with brkl. area. Ut, oeautlliu yard. Mm $13,SOO. CALLH. B LAYJAON. SALESMAN . , CRIES BOW LOCATED CLOU TN bdrml., Colonial olyl. beta til ul yard til lum, cprlnkjlna system, dble. plbc., n.wlr decorated throughout. Foi tPPt. CALL RICHARD X. ORABENHORtTT -UNIT COURT Lete-bullt l-bdrm. home. Income HU Mr month, ((-street parkins, sprinkling tratem, call peter H. Oxibxh, SALESMAN , . ....... GRABENHORST BROS , REALTORS ; u4 a. ubntr at. - rh. f-tm Evenlnes A Sundays CaU ' Peter H. OeUer 9-9M3 J. E. Law 1-8111 H. K. bnn $-441 AS LITTLE AS tsot dean aura Ute-buUI 3-br. boat. Alt. lum. OU titer tunica, Bw. floors. Total prln $8400. . . - AS LITTLE AS ' 1T4I down bun S-yr.-old tuburban 3-br. homo. Att. ctrut. fireplace. Htr. floors. Lira, lot with, fruit and tardeu space. Total moo tnoo. - . . AS LITTLE AS 43500 down bun a lovely -br. homo. 1H- both. Dining ra. Porced-tlr ' nut. 4 rears old. Half acre, excellent tardea Mil. Low lateral. Low taxes. Pun price $19,900. AS LITTLE AS M000 down bun thla sputacular homo, t fireplaces. Basement, ratio, t-wt garage. Lam eor. lot. Butrlttod dlit. Tottl vrlo 013,009. AS LITTLE AS 7000 down bun clow la In com, praportr. Ar5d mo. laeomt phu -oomtr'o opt. with I bdrma., m. rm. PlrtpuHo. Sceollont oondltloa thru out. Complttolr flllod with ronton. InTuuioto this IX rou ro looklu for lnoomo vroMrtr, rull prko H0.0O0. These are all txcluiive lifting. . " A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 11 St BKh Asdr RalTonon Ph. tTlot A. WoUa - . . Bros, and DON'T HESITATE . 4Look at thU dandy homo now, Located north, convo&lmft to aesooli . and bui. It faaa four well-arraned rooms plus bath and inHd utUlty . room. Automallo waihr (niuii !?r rrlrc zt $T,3C5. u at, ia- ,. WEST SIDESPECIAL Look what rou tot Llrlni room, dlnlni room, kitchen with nook, I bodrooma, bath, taraio and approx. aero of land. The Tlow to the out It Included, tU for IMOO. call Ur. Paraona. HERE IT IS! i That i-bedroom home with baaement you hare been wantlnf . An ex-, eollent famllr home la. the at. Vlncentuhland dletrlet. aoe thla today at only tlo.no. Cell Ur. Andoraon, LOTS OF LOTS . Beat, off Center Street, a I 171 ,,,, .......t 750.00 : Klntwood, overalze rltw lot ,.$2,800,00 1 Xlnawood, view lot, lane corner ,,,,, ..aj.ooo.oo .Call Ur, Paraona,. I ' KENT'S SPECIAL . ' Juat lilted, thU -bodroom Xntlewood homo will please you with He loToly llrlnv room accented by a eheerful Roman brick fireplace, dlnlnv - room, convenient kltehen, fun beaement, oil furnace. Toa'll be proud ' to oak your friend! to Tfelt you la thla delightful homo. tU.iOO. call Ur. Sent MURPHY & KENT .. .REALTORS,- MorUate Lotu CoBitraetlon Plnucint ' 48S North Church ... .. Phone 4-92U Evea. and eunday: Panona a-lNt; Anderaoa, 1-17(4 e REAL ESTATE turn itutiii WIIKW ' mitiiutt iiiiium ; Muuaita ittiiaiiii FamsJJSJJSr Homes MltlltWMMUIMH IMMMU9 (1 lllltllttt llltlllt II Mllllll MMW . Willi . W . . :-. V- 'i SULLIVAN ACRXAOB Hero la the tcreaga which you've been waiting for. t acre near Prlnale. Very modem ranoh-atrle 1 home, a-bdnn. with fireplace, open beamed-celling and knotty pine kitch en. The total price only 111,200, Call - Bob Savlo, ovu, l-74. THB THRIFT? BUYER WIS Want to tea thla 2-bedroom recently redecorated tioem In the Richmond echool dlatrlct. Thla to the older typo houao that aavu you moner. Tory neat with lota f ehruba and buut-lna. Thla bouae mly 14,900. - Call Xd Bnetok evea. : a-Ml. . BUSH SCHOOL LOCATION Hero la .. the older roomy houao you've been looking tor. rull dry btatmont. Quiet, ahadr street. 1 BR and t Bleeping . porch. Price $9,900, or will trade for , a duplex. Can Rood Nelson, evea. 4-0931. NOTICE TO FARMERS We need . farma to trade for California proper ty. It you would like to live la the eunny couth, give ua t cau, Aok for . Keea nelson. 18 ACRES Turkey, poultry or datry farm. Amity At Willamette aoU. North tl Salem, close In, The houao la in . excellent condition. S bdrma. with fuU burnt. Good barn and 0000 tq. ft. ' of brooder houao. Only $35,000. Call Ur. zitiewtta, area, a-1127. . ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR IMS Portland Road Ph. 4-8531 Branch office, 391 N. Blah Ph. 4-5422 C74' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE OOOD LOCATION, on bua line, modern, clean, l-room house, cerate, lot oox.140. Will aen or trade for eeme, ouuide CUT Umlta. Price 11.800. Oen. oral Real Estate, 259 Center, Phono J-1289. Cb74 aH ACHES 80. 10 tcru oata, 20 tcrea prunoe, walnuta, l-room houee, aa rate, barn,. 30. truck, tractor, dlao, . harrow. All for 17,900. WIU trade tor tooo nous, near oua una. OENERAL REAL ESTATX tan Center Phono 3-I2M cb74 POB SALE OR TRADE for older home ta towa a-roar-old l-bedroom house ra Keller. Bee owner at 1210 Center. cbffl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ZONE 3 LOT eiiljo. On well-traveled thorotare. $4,900. 11,000 down, $15 mo. Owner wiu take lata model car. BUILDING B. llth fltrtvt. I biuineu rtnUli. apartment, brlntlnt 93U mo. Prtce UA.ooo. Owrner will aontldir Salam rasMrnea or amtu farm in trade, CHAS. HUDKINS &S0N ' - Realtora tSO 71. Blah St. Ph. I-41M . .Ph. erea.l 1-9190 ' edTS' WK HAVE a good MAJOR OIL COM PANT aervlca elation tor leua. cell 4-4491. Cd77 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Per Word, lines , lie Per Word 4. Per Word, t tlmee 10. Per Word, 1 month toe No Balande MlauaaaT I Words. READERS In Local Newt Colama Oalr Per Word - to Mlalmam II Worda : To Place Ad In Same Day's Paper, Phone 2-2406 Before 10 ajri. REAL ESTATE Ph. uat ' A. B. BKkltt Ph. litM Ph. 13711 fiundar. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNIT apartment houao, good location. Consider amaU homt on trade, termo, vnuwi Awsm vvusvr. Cd70' viir irmv.uim Bronnac baby ahote. BmaU lnrest ment big profile. Person si tnitruc- mlaa. Xicluilva ttrrltor. Write to P. O. ssox .is, tiongview. WHO, . Cd7fl. irouH ce?iT(mrrT-ajOTnriijA PROPXRTT 4 block, from downtown unbr. tea ft. frontage, s hoaua that win rant well. CaU Ohmart da Celaba. Realtora, lor further lnformaUon. 477 Court Bt. Phono 11119 - ami. cd7ie MX LEASE on cafe, en buy highway, aooQ ouameu. aeu zor $10,000, pn. J-0400. ed71 HABDWABB-.il mUae from aalom. Clean atock, tow overhead. Owner hu outer ouaineu ana wiu make a good deal ta the atock. Rent building At flxturea. Call tit evenlnia, AumrrUle, Ore. mm. "........ AUCTIONS AUCTION TONIGHT (Prlday), Uldway aucHun, joe, vnerrr. dd74 Scotty's Auction House 4840 CENTER ST. Sat., March 28, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m Hurry I Hurry 1 Hurry! 4 MORE BIO FURNITURE AUCTIONS YET TO CLEAR THIS BIO FURNI. TURE STORE OP NEW At USED FUR. NTTURX. WB SELL FOR LBBB, FOR CASH, AND PREX, FREE PRIZES AT EVERY BA1A BUY NUW ANU BAVX. 1 new tu-tone 8-pc. Chrome SeL 9-pc. Dinette Set sinaer Sewing Machine 9-pc. Walnut Twin Bedroom Bet, 12 x U wool Rug. a Oood Oavenoe New Play Pen ej ll-lt. u.a. Heiriaerator tisiej 1992 Buy Spindlier Wuher i5l Prlcldaire R.D. 10 c. Range 9-po. Crey Chrome Bet Baby Tender New Llnoleume Bode, sprtnia and Matte. Rookera Louis of Misc. Heme 1998 Ford Flatbed Truck t 1951 Wognow Manure Loader Portable l-Unlt Milking Machine $ Viking Cream Separator LIVESTOCK SELLS AT 3 PM 100 BrOadbreuted Tutkore, 10 dan OIQ. A-l'B. 30 Bred Rh. Hampshire aoura. 1 Reg. Hamp. Boar. Baby Celbea. Voalo, Cowa Weaner pub Come - Always a Big Sale! Col. Ernest E. Scott PH. 46433 AUCTIONEER dd74 AUCTION TONIGHT (Prldayl, Auction. 2511 Cherry. Midway dd74 BUSINESS & INCOME FULLY EQUIPPED BEAUTY SHOP Can be bousht with the building, or bualneu and all equipment valued at 11,500 with good leuc oa the buudlnc. Let me taow rot thla chop yoa act the price. Sea or can PRANK VLAaiO 1-4410 or 4-391$ McKillop REAL ESTATE ' 48 Center St. Balem BUSINESS & INCOME 8-UNIT APT. ThU on Is a very good InvMtmint. Ovncr thowi li troM Htura. Ntr bua. jtorM, school. ptrk-pUn round. All pt(. complttolr furolshtd. rcUle Wtwapftpar Brolctri. ROY R. COLE, BROKER WT N. Ctpttol flt. - l-Wn eT4 RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABW, 2 loti. HM). Trftdj) for truck, car. 3-0311. ecTO FURNITURE FOR SALE rDBNITUU tot (ALCPbono 1U B JdUltr. 110X9. 070 TBADDt LOOIB OP in hulMX SVKHXMO XAPUt BED, mahoionr book caoo, omtll out faihlonoo armlOM rockeri, iodio radio. (No dotlora ploaool. l-wot. d75 BABQAIN HUNTlB'f BPIGIAI, 6- draw.r hardwood choit, oaatora con atruotton, dorotall JolnU, cantor aUdaa, whllo thor laat. HT.tO. Trador Loulo, 1170 Lana Avo. 075' WANTED FURNITURE M1DWAT auction W. bur and toll. Phono -otu. oa-'o - WANTED Oood tttad fumlturo and appllancoi. Phono 1-VM. da mm FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 4 OOOD Jeri.r and Oueruey cowl. An coming frean wiuia munwi. hc urdar cam. Phono Hill. o78 FOB SALE: Vouni Tamworth boan ready for rnnci, aired or -uomm runt," and neutered, If you want good leaa meat hou that crow very fut, Tamworthe make an ucellent oroas. Priced at I7S.00, 1100.00 and 1121.00 aa. r. B. Reed. Rt. 1. Bz 09, Clackamae, Ores. Phono Oregon City 0018. 074 chinchillas Proven breedera young tnatod palre. Buy tonne, write or phono for free literature. Vlaltore welcome. Croat Chinchilla Ranch, 0090 Portland Road. Ph. -0. Ml LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BIEEF White face Hereford, 38o. Ieocker pore, b&c. noimna oown, 0 mos. to pay. Custom Kium. i-rauer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1335 8. 25lh. Ph. 3-4W8. ea RABBITS WINQ NEEDS BABBITS 3969 State. 4311I. CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doet, Phone 4-2081. 4410 Claiter Rd. eo87- BABBITS WANTED. Any alio and quan tity. Alio purebred breeding atock lor aalo. pnone 3-7107. odib- PETS .-i HOOBE TROPICAL PISH, equipment, auppUel. a mllw from Lanceater on Macleay road. Phono 4-3771. closed Wodneadaya. ec83 I HALE DOQS 1 apanlel, 1 ahepherd, to give awar. Want good home. Pond of children. Kl. a-1051. eciv GOOD ROLLER, 3-88811 oranca canary. Phono CC78' BEGISTEBED COCKE a spaniel Pupplea, from champion atock. Blecke, blonde. end golden. Phone 9-1252. ec70 CHOICE CAN ABIES 1340 Chemeketa It. Ph. 1-4385. CC84 HALE BOSTON BULL .puppy, I weeke old, $50. See at 2118 Broadway. ec74' THOBOUUHBBED, liver and white, springer puwiu, riant ace xor xaii hunting. Ill at $90. 9959 Portland Road, ealem Art Tito Co. oc76 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1938 MCCor, one block out of N. Capitol, blocka north of Uadlaon. Ph. a-8897. ac75 PART anNIATUBB Shepherd puppies. $2.50 each. Phono 1-1177. ecu" S FEMALE SIAMESE klttene, aubject to roc., 120 oach. Phone saiem oopi. Oreenwood Road. Helen Boyero. oc74 Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube eervlce, aU klnde of wood. Phone 1-9444. ee" WALNUT SHELLS, 30 eacka for 11, or ta ton. 13 ton delivered la town. Mor rla Florida Packing Co. 480 North Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 19" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Plokup Wood 1929 Edceweter : Phone Balem 2-4031 BUY ANDERSON'S handplcked alab- wood, now a corda 114.00. Phone a-7751 or .4-4251. ' ee75 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, pick up your rreaio-Loca, snqoeu and Wood. 191 So. Com'L, pbon. 1-7721. Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phono 1-SS3I 3017 Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR M DATS Plenty trlmmlnsa. It load, pnonc 37731 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEM BROAD and Mew Hantpafetr chicks, hatched every Monday ea4 Thuradar. Oar ehicfcj are feuwr, Pox i Hatchery, 1U Btata It. m. 3-49S9. f DRESSED FRYERS PH. 4-1090 WANTED Colored Stint, colored and irthorn hen. lJlht. prie. ivee a Hatchery, phona mil. f rom KALK Twka weekly, day.eld chieka in New Hampahlre, Pararntora, Red. White lf horn. Amtra-Whtte, White Rockt, While Wyandottee. Par mrnter cockereUe Lee Hatchery, phone i-im. f WHITE I.KOHORNB. Auitra-Whlte, and New Hampahlre chieka, lit hundred. Ph. J-fllO, Palmer'a Poultry Farm. Brooks. fie HELP WANTED WANTED Male or female eiperlenced dry cleanlna aol Idler and pickup and delivery. Own truck preferred. Call In peraon at seamater Cleanera, J M. Hih t. wtf HELP WANTED MALE WANT K O Ex perlen ced non-union car penter. Apply 1940 Olive fitreet be tween 1 and 4 p.m. Saturday, March 98. Phont a-SBW. i?4 WANTED Married man with collate tralnlni (aUOif. Position recently haa become ovaltabla wUh national organisation. Car neceuary. Mutt bt the type that can work without watehlnr tbt clock and aenulnely ambitious to get ahead. Phont 1-MTJ. aaT4 t MACinNMTS. Top pay. 4 hour week. Bteady Job. Phont 310 Wllleta, Cali- icrnia. aa7' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. OrcgoT .,-. : . I 11 1 i i i i j i . i i i . . m . fmttCM TRUCK PRODUCE FOB SALB Oood UOUtr loot! MloMoo. M M Mr hundrod. aoturdor ui Bua. dor. Bouto . Boi 1H, olom, 1 rollo barood lUddlo arm Bonool oa ail. nrton HUhwor. fin OBOANIO QBOWN TBBB BITBMBO oroatM and aroMlrult. Poutoaa. lotu. oaploo and nvto. Primrp BfiOaX BARM MAIUUT. Mt IiABOMUr Drla. Phono J-11H. ' fr HELF WANTED FEMALE HOUflKKEZPZB. for eouatrr. 11 mllof from aalom. i. D. HortwaB, Bhono .J-1SM. aoio- BBCEPTIOMiaY-iooratarr. soadod for dootort ottloo. irrKo Box at Capitol Journal. fz.7.im..v urn w am to lira ta. lor room aira oomru. raw gtTe VACATION WITH PAT Coaaaelora wanted for Smith Crook Olrl Seoul camp. weaka ooaaoa. Oood opportunity for college (trie tad tauhera who cea tuallty. Write Baa- tiam Arm Olrl soauu, ur wi nrai, Albeny. tb7T LADY TO CABB for throe email chil dren la aay homo part or full time t care a week whllo mother worka. oood wuee. phono t-UOt. Ib74 otBL fob oryics work. Plooao reply to Poet oinee not ew, mmww, w."- gbTV PEBHANENT POSITIONS ATATLABUI 2. Booaaoepar zor aiuna vmr . t. Credit Interviewer t. Credit Caahler Ilocoe. Oroup hupltel tad aurakal plea, oroup uio uoaroBo-i rnn. abarlag plaa. Apply Poreonnel Office jaoARJI. BrMBH-CK ANT1 CO. lit H. Capitol Sb7 WANTBD Baperlencod ttloalady for dreae aaop. rormaaeai p-wuon. pieid'e. 43S Slate., tTf stenoobaphes for ctttt office. Tel. 4-1171. Bat. 1U. goie- i.imiH W1UU ImuriUI. MM. lag P.1J. 4k Relief ehllta, Ill.M-tllAl per f hour thlft. UI. Shetta Boapltal, ,.t.e'.eoo'o-'e'0 WANTED -SALESMAN WANTED Additional man with car to aupplr low lanuuoa in ceairai joh Ion county with Bawielah producta. If rou like cutaldo work and t profit tblo bualneu of your own, write ana at ooco for laforaatloa tad Inter- .low. win so la aalom for that pur. poao. Pleaee give complete addrou and phone number If poealblo. Xd Walker, PO Bz 1915, Portland i. ta-74' WANTED POSITIONS ALTERATION WOMAN wanU work In etore. Put, good worker. I-70M. h7 DBESSMAKINO able. 3-7004. Prlcu reeaon h79 PAINTING. Free utlmatu. 39 years ex perience in Salem. Phono 1-7593. nil GOOD CHILD care, not crowded, near statt buUdlngs. Phono 4-M98.-' h75 DRESS MAKING, alio maa'a shirts, ate. Some alteratlone. Phono 44900. h79 CHILD CABB Bnslawood dUtrlct, Mrs. Bertlt Johnson, 1000 N. IS. 3-8883, h79 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, dliclng, teedlnf. Phone 9-3041. h!8. BOTO-THXEX WORK. Phont 3-0871. . h78' BABY SITtTNO Day, ay home. Phone 3-3808. n?o- PLOWINO, SERVICE, h7l' 19300. BUILDINO BXMODEUNG, PluUrlng, brick work. NO Jon loo email, t-iiee. h7$ WBSMAL'B , DAY rfUBSBEY Licenced and stat. inspected. Inlanu up to . Phono 3-5019. I biO" WILL DO BOTO-TILLEB work and traaa cutting, cau noona or avo., pa. a-ieui. h74" SPECIALIZED CHILDREN'S aewlnt, al terations. Ph. 3-8081. h83' HOUSEWOBK by hour. Ph. 3-49M. h74 CUSTOM BOTO-VATDfG $4 hour. Phone 1-7218 after S p.m. h7 EXPERIENCED LADY to menue or work In motel or hotel. Phono 33903 before 3. h74 FLOWING and discing, araver L. Ha- mann, 3495 Blossom Dr., saiem. none I-1U1. , h89 NEW lawas. Rotary hoemg. Free utl- matee. Duano wolcott. pnone a-em. hS7 PATCH PLASTEBINO, bucmenta water proofed by plutortng. Frank's Service, phone 3-8549. hal GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 2-3041 h7l GABDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, dlecint, leveling, rototlllnt. Service Center. Phont 41571. ( h7t TILING WITH now MA ROTARY TIL LER. Phone cvenlnt 1-8313. h LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level ing, grading. Phono l-ino. mt- LANDSCAPE maintenance, pranlat. trimming, planting, fertilising, serv ice Center. Phone 4-3571. hTt CUSTOM WORK plowing and disc Inc. Phono 3-4119. 1199 Blrchwood Dr. hll TEES WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 1-8828, h7l CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modeling, fret utlmatu. Call 3-8411, 4-1823. hso FOR RENT 2-STOHY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING 9tt timtr tUrvHar, alky -ustMr, aiwot 0$ KMtti Mtom, a good STATE FINANCE CO. 17 , HIGH ST, FOR RENT ROOMS BOOM, lata onwatM. afarrwd couple m lair, wtfmoov M Mfort t p.m. lew a. wuv. 1175 tlJtEFTNO klKTM fov oat OT tWC 190 N. Chnrea. Phone 3-4T1. 1X7I1 gnoix nim mm drauiat room for mint redr. Waiauvg dMMMe. aa n CaaltoL 1878' KtWI.T DECOSATED, flftt fiowr, auo Meond rlMff eleeotnt rooWL SMC eno cokI wsllr. 4I N. H1. J75 ROOM ft BOARD Emm and board Family atria Fh l-isao. jitt WANTED TO RENT covtlm. with s ameiii children desire t or .lechom anfarniaMd ittvaat. rrt- trr NX salam. mp to . rhont noil Ja7a FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL t-REDBOOM houao In Weal ae lem, with good view, $59 Mr montn. Phono 31191. im1. NEWLY DECORATED 1 bedroom, llvlnc room, kitchen, dinette, pertly rurniin ed. Attached garage. 111.10. Cell mommas, inn. Im74' NirsiY LOCATED, I room and bath home, baaement, forced air otl fur nace. 1st Mr mt. CaU Rawlins Realty 3-4S04 or 4-1781. Jm- a-BKDROOM near downtown. Clean. NIC. yard, basement. Adulta. Reason able. Phone 1-4897 or 1-9509. ImTI l-BKDBOOM unllurnlohed house, (12 Btateimaa. CaU first houe north. Im7l NEWLY DECORATED home. Ildlrly ier preierred, eouoit coaildered. In FOR RENT HOUSES l-BEDBOOM BOUSE In Brooks. Blac tiit ransc, icfrlgerator, eU Beater. Ph. 4-iaol. l"" CLEAN, NICELY PUBBISHBD 1-oedrocja boot tad twace, eoc. uss waur. I91M. cvealau Halt. Imir IX'axissTKD i-roam iwii house, gar des spot. 3917 Park Lane. 45521. tmlB 3-BBDBOOM BOUSE achool. Phone 44393. Bunnralde jmis s-BOOM FCBNTSBED houa. Adults, no Mts. BeferencM. Inquire 1109 M. 14th after 1:30 p.m. Phone 3-loee. lorn ncx, MODERN 3-bedrooia . newly re dMOrated. Adulta. Inquire 100 Donna Ave. S. before Ttlo p.m. we I .""""" sd dm Balem. Phona 4-1741 ar I-41M. S-BOOM DUPLEX, clean, uatoxnlahed. Adults when. Mala leoa a. its. . ImTH fVBNISHED OS unfurnished 1-bedroom tottuo. ear ue, laquirt ewe rm- land Rd. imlS I NICELY furnished duplexu. atrletly modern. $vo and fto Mr menu. ate. amaU a bedroom, clean nnturnlehad bouao. 114 block south of colonial Houa. Caul 88785. Wl' l-stEDBOOM furnished rental, newer, clean and neat, only aw Mr moaiu. Call Bawltaa Realty, 3-4844 tr 41711. lm OFFICCFOft RENT I OS t-BOOM SUITE. I single Onto BulMtngr phone s-ena. jo- FOB KENT: Room ta Perry Strut, aultabla for Ofllce or , ttort, auto yinenof vq. . vf. GROUND FLOOR office or store apace for real, can at Pitta saarxei. io- FOR RENT APARTMENTS BASEMENT bachelor apartment. Private hath and antrane. Clou ta. tu union Bt. JP74 SMALL. CLEAN apartment lor lady. tt N. High. iptw a BOOMS, furnished, tad bath, outside antranoe, an ao. tin, rrjona a coo?. IpTf CLOSE Df, nice modem l-room furnlsh- ed apartment, . aouita oair rnon. 18410, 1P7I' PTNBBT large I bedroom, imfurnlshod except range, mona 1-1117. nnv LABGB TWO bedroom imfurnlabed anartment except etov and rerrlxer ator. Oood deal It right party. Also nloaly furnished tletn apartment. Utilities furnished on both. III South 19th. t JP78 BUDEOOM nnfumlahod apartment with etovo, refrigerator and T.V. an tenna. 907 s. 13th. - Jp7l NICE . COVBT tntrtment, furnished. Ideal for working girl. Phone aoiu. 1p7T FURNISHED APABTMENT, $31 and $31, 1841 N. corn's, pnonc t-oooa eveamn. Jp77. PTJBNISHXD DUPLEX near Statt hos pital, oarage ana iaunary. j-non. 44989. tPTB I-ROOK FCBNISHXD apartment. 414 So. wmtar. JPie- BOOMB Kkelr furnlahed, quiet neighborhood, 1 block cut Memorial hoepltaJ. 809 So.. Summer. Jp78 NEWLY BEMODILED furnlahed apart ment, a rooma and oatn. no. sinaio peraon only. 330 8. 14th. 3-9219. STATE AT 13th, 3 room furnlahed apt. $47.90. To ace, pp. a-a to. . jpio- BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Pre fer permanent reoMent. aaa n. voa tue. Phone 3-1887. IP PBIVATB THREE BOOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. $o. iioo Portland Rd. iP7f SEVERAL furnished apartmenU, good location, inquire a. s. atui rurniiur. Phone I-M89. if BEDBOOM furnlahed, electric heat, adulta, Hollywood district, phone 38300. ' ' 1P74 FURNISHED apartment, $59.00. Just re- MQT.tMl. l bedroom, kitcnea. uving room., bath, electric heat, electric clothe, dryer, all utUltlu paid. . WALTER MUSORAVE, REALTOR Ph. 1-J10I Eve. I-9SJ9 . yp7 NICELY FURNISHED apartment, Am- baasador apertmenu. aoo . aum mer. 1p77 DUPLEX 1 bedroom, ground floor, pri vate entrance and oatn, pasemens. dose In, tdulls, 1-4175. Jp79 BOOM furnished apartment. Close In West Salem. Phona 49741 or 3478. Jp7l BOOM modern unfurnished Kent, doae in West Salem. 45741 or 34789. apart Phonc 1p75 COLUMBIA apartment'a. Furnished or unfurxtlshed. Modsrn 8 rooms, electric heat, iirua bue dose by. No Mts. Phont 3-9834: located 3111 Fairground Rd. JP79' COMFORTABLE s room furnished apart ment. Private bath ana entrance. Em ployed couple only, 3-53C7. - 3P79 GROUND FLOOR front, 3 rooms, bath, m iWUDlli 114 tilt liarwj xw. VUlUli iICJ- CLEAN S BOOM furnished apartment, private bath. 3800 N. Front. 1P711 Lee Apts. Salem'e Most Dlatlngnlshad Addrsu Following rentals can bo shown now: 3-Bdna. Available How 110.00 I-Bdrm. Available Now 77.00 For luxury living at moderate rates can at 119 N. winter St. Ph. 4-1141. . IP COLLEGE MAN will ehare apartment, too Union, 3-9248. or 1-1310. JP7B' S BOOM turn lined apartment, $, and $30. Alio 1 room for employed woman, $20: 1240 But Ave. and Oarnet. Jp78 LOST & FOUND LOST SMALL black billfold Tuesday evening, containing about in. Finder call 3-7100. k79 FOUND Olassea, rose color frame gold trim. Corner of court and university. Call at Salvation Army store, 337 Btata. Owner Identify and pay for ad. k75 LOST Chihuahua doc. south of town, Idlewood Dr. Dlsu Answers ta 'Tear'. Phon. 44114. k79 ......eeo MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF BAVB H PICKUPS ' STAKES VANS ' TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 9-1111 PAOB STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY SEMLXR, DENTIST Adolph Bids., State At Commercial Sta. SALEM PH. 1-3311 m SALEM .SAND at GRAVEL COMPANY contrect work Road Clearing Ditching . Sewer and Buement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days 3-9408 EvH. 3-4417 tr 1-7411 Salem, Oregon fa JOE PAL00KA WHY SOT MD-CM VTAH. llrLO OH YWWi CALLEY.. JIST XsT SE. H fiiMM FVALUSS. VU. SLAY tj I I XiNWllW A4USIC.. JTHE BUCKET' J CALLEY-. JIST AST FEA JERRY LEErrtY, AjU ftUSS CAUEY & TV THMKAPH. XWTA CO A POtSSONAL IWAVlEry...Trf' , I ILDNGMA HIHW i - GARAGE 14x13 compieU en your vet. lt par Baonta, at dowa payment. Yoa can fix that dea tr add latt txtrt bedroom the wast way. Tlstt with aa steal Portland Road Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY aUTURDAY . HU pertland Bd. , . Phone !,,. SHAKES - a txa.,.aUt fmA9 auiavkaa 9-M fSai altll Sim- frt Bath tubs, aceaplelt 'K?'!! wr.t na toilet ....I1IJI Miueawl. Winn. BUPPLY - B. Center, near Prultlend Ph. W3J4 GARAGE complete on your lot t- nuMveaUona. ta leer at 111 per month, no down yrment. """"" m.74' KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out -..' a.uft all. atrttlT StsSfik af MiaMhiBti. souatwear and work OMfeaiu. Airta. panta at U off whlla they lut. vth TTvtwn Taiimber Yard PMOIfT OOtTRT WB. FHOPTB 1-4)111 (Wt fflVO BffB DGORS DOORS DOORS Panola from IBS to l.M. Back doora l.. Mahogany, vertical train llr, and birch aiaba priced right. Many In srtocx, takt your psw.. A., WMrie. .11 mai In heated room. Plywood - oodlee codlee - 4x8' or cut to your 'cue. ex a anuu in ve 1.10, 1.38. carload In food relicts at tvtryoay low pric . . . . . . Booting - Thlckbutta, RoU Booting all t top quality, anaxos, vu swv mttam S1IB.00 to 89,00. ueoar rmnmi mi.w, Hemlock Panel IM.N to 15S.90. . Walfboarda. large variety, low at 1.40 thut. Hardboaraa i.b aaa.' Prat Cheerful utlmaUng Bcryjce. Mod ernise with email mommy p.rraenw nothing down. Code In tad visit. , OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Portland Road Lumber Yard MM Portland Rd. .. Phone ,44413 1 , ma Price War Ravers trap' toilet .complete ...IM-JO 30"tl8" Wuh Bulne $17.90 Cut iron bath tuba, complete ..$91.90 40-teX water heaters $73.90 New 4" SOU pipe :".!! Mew shower cabinets complete.. .$41.00 Medicine cabinets, H-xai", ..'; 100 gal. septic tanka $93.90 Unpalnted cedar shakes 1 179 Painted oadar ahakes ..........I (78 n..h. ...u. hordwaro ......111.90 WaUrproof wan board, 4xS .,..$ 1.00 Plywood, Interior A exterior ....Cheap a tab comp. rooting I 4.95 Steel garaaa doors complat ....$97.90 Ma. 1 doom. 3'8"xl'S" ....I 1-90 Haw door lambs I 3.90 Chicken house, barn windows.. special Hew picture window $ 1. 00 Mew weatherstrrpped windows.. .I14J0 Maw door looks tl.OO anterior white paint .....sal. $2.09 Mew plasterboard, 4x8 ..81.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD Imported light woods and dark wood, y" and 4". Perfect for natural color wan paneling and kitchen eat lnate. Prlcu clou to fir plywood. C. G. LONG tc SONS Phona 49091 . (1 mile North of Kaiser) .ma ROOFING Complete line. CaU Weatera Auto, 3-7177, far fru uttmate. oam ble'e Western Auto Supply Co, 301 M. Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Ho. la, 13 Inches dear. $9; No. I, I inches clear, $1. No aap wood or culls. Come and get them. Ted MuUer, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem a-H98. ma' NURSERY STOCK PRIMROSES A DELPHINIUMS 35c at toe. peonya At phlox. 10 colon tad va rlitlici; boxwood, heather, daphne, eameuiae at rhodet. MerrlU't oreen- house, Brooks, mb74 COME IN and see our lino of garden supplies, shrub, and bedding plant! Middle Grove Nursery, . 4020 aUverton Rd. , mb74' PANSIES, 11.00 doaeni primroses, 35c each. Other plant, reasonable. Mue aut Prultlend school, sllkt Oreen ho us., Rt. t, Box coo, Salem. mb79' SPECIAL PLANT FLATS ' FIB (KD.) aiVio CEDAR (KD.) 37UC M s E BOX & PALLET CO, 490 Wallace Road - Ph. 3-1191 nb74 For Solo MISCELLANEOUS SPINET PIANO Like new. reduced 1178. The Music Center, 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-9171. nit' WE PAY TOP oeah price for your furni ture tnd appllancee. oive us a cau. USED MERCHANT) IMt MART, 370 SO, Liberty St, phone 41171. Terms of courae. n79 VACUUM CLEANERS Upright, tank, aU reconejitonfrd. 830. used m eh l. hah DS3E MART, 370 So. Liberty St., phone 49171. Terms of course. n74" CHROME SET I nuM. eld, new price 8189.90. Come In end Me this one at only 171. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 171 SO. Liberty St, Ph. 48371. Terma or eourse. n74 NEW AND used chain taw for ula tnd rent. Also complete repair service. Vellir Welding Supply Co. n7S To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 NY. AVS5 w JERRY LfftTWY. jvEl U rW'.l Wit mc iTOWNr: w LUUT9.- uinc " oimrnwtr -UWi AAMi kWFI Trucks-Pickups-Tractors BUSINESS IS GOOD STOP IN ua w:ii. LwhHl ar. Jeeo 49 Chev. 4-Ton 4-ip. trani. Pckup ......... '47 Chev. 4-Ton 4-ap. PUP 48 Stude. Ti-Ton Pickup '42 Ford 73-Ton Pickup 40 Dodge -Ton Tlat Bed f 42 Dodge 1-Ton 4x4 Flat Bed 48 Int. Metro Panel - like new . ' 1 t : 'lituvtvo .; !. 48 Ford 1 V4 -Ton Flat Bed - Cattle Racki ...... 45 Chev. 114-Ton Flat Bed - Good Shape .. . . . . . 42 Chev. lV4-Ton Flat Bed - New Paint I. . .;. . . " '46 Ford Semi - CatUe Racki - New Motor .;. . . 45 Stude xfl Short Logger - FuUy Equipped , . . . '40 GMC Short Logger - New Motor - Brownlipe . '45 Ford Logger with Trailer .!.; f ''" tractors ; ' 2 Cat D8'i - Good Condition Blade and Drums Late D2 Cat Wide Gauge Isaaaon Blade , . . . Late Int T9 Wide Gauge '46 Cletrac BG Blade and Drum AllU-Chalmera WC Wheel Tractor 39 Model Allii-Chalmers Wheel Tractor ., Wagoner Scoopmobile . Good Condntion , 2-Wheel Trailer . Good Condition Bird Auto & Equipment Co. 871 WALLACE RD. WEST SALEM, OREGON ; , ' , PH. 3-6666 for Sol MISCELLANEOUS BEPSBS. Excellent shaM. $49.90 up. TJBED MXRCIIANDBB MART, Pit Bo. Liberty St, Phone 44371. Terms of eoume. HI BLONDE OA BADIO Comb. I speed, I most old.., new price II18.PI, our price tlB9.90. come tad see a reel bargain. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 170 So. Liberty St, phont 48371. - Terms of course. n74 ATTENTION fisherman. Light weight 11' boat. Reasonable. 1170 Lana Ave., 9411. n7l I USED electric calculators. Will ten or Icejuv. ruw. .-e.i. sto ENCYCLOPEDIA Brlttanlea, 11th edi tion,' leather bound, with case, 141. Eta before I at 139 H. High St. ; n79 MAHOGANY furniture: 1 Warlleld drop- leaf table, 1 Brandt coffu table, 1 pie crust table, 1 Brandt console table. 1 email bookcase CaU 3-4090. n78 S BOOMS of furniture. Including almost new teievuioa v. 3950 Portland Road. BOYS JUMOB Bicycle, 115.00: I H.P. jonnaoa motor,. 1850.00. TeL 4-5898 afterftpjn. , n74 USED RAZORS, 350 up. Frescott'g Bar 'n79' bar Shop. 1084 Oak. SWING ROCKER, 17.901 coffM tables, e.eo eten; chrome set, 125. Outboard motor, $33,901 hath chairs, $7.10 up: bird cage and stand, 89.00. AU kinds of used furniture, tools, dlsbca tnd m lieel aneoua. Snook'a Bargain Cen ter, 1291 Broadway. Phona 4-17BJ. . n74 DAYBNOS From $33.90. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 371 So. Liberty St. Phone 49371. Terms of course. n74 EXCELLENT BABNYABD fertiliser. Fh. .0.00 tr 4X907. - B79 BUNK BED, a real bur, $24.39. used aacRCHANDlKE MART, 370 Sc. Lib erty, Phono 49371. Terms of Course. ' " ':.,' n74 FOB YOUB convenience. Trader Louie on una Ave, open tin t p.m. Friday veainca. n74' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compute, the same quality as lut year, for borne- and tarden. Flagstones, red lava etont and other types for walla tr gardens. Rus tle maar fencing and tram, 'Work. PhlUlM Bros., Rt. I, Bex 493, Balem. Ph. 4-3081. . n DIESEL Roller and baU bearlnga for true lea . and tractors. 1779 SUrerton Road. n" 11 MM. SOUND PROJECTOR and screen, raont liai, ouvarton. 317 Coon die St. n75 170, DUNCAN Phyfa dropauf table, ma-, aoceny veneer, perfect condition, 140, 3-3780. n75' ETNITH Relrlsorator, seod shape, 31751. et. nib' 8-FC. BEDBOOM SET $149.90. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liberty at. pnonc 4BS7i. Term of .course. n74 HOT WATER heater: 1 Oliver 10 ft. cum arm; 1 lies Mode E MW tractor; l a-oottom Ford mow: l 1947 M. M. Model 88 combine; I hay elevator with IM motor; 1 Judaon fert. spreader; s b-ie. cover crop due; l neiaval muk. it at att.: I Ourer manure spruder; a Sac. drat harrow; 4 See. eprlnx tooto narrow. Rt. g, box 711, Balem, Oregon. Phont 43070. n74 TOP SOIL . River cut and ful dirt, delivery. Phone 2-1749. promptly n79' USED wuhlng machtnea 19,9$ and uo. imiw arriaiincB eg. 37t cne- meaeta. n $30 ALLOWED for your old water heater oa this new 43-tailon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeatcr Appliance, 379 Chemeketa. Ph. 34311. n PLENTY of twin beds, mattress and BPrinsS. USED lOXRCrrAieDTSE MART. 370 So. Liberty St. Phone 49171. Terms of couru. n74 NEW 7-DRAWIR Kneebole Deaks 34.90. Woodry, 1009 M. Summer. &02 BABOAIN HUNTER'S SPECIAL J drawer hardwood chut, costers con. BtrucUon. dovstaU Joint, center glides, wnue they lut, 817.90. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. n79 MeCCLLOCH CHAIN SAWS, WS Edaa water, West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1941. DBY POULTRY PEBTILIEEB Is very good for lawns and easy to epreed. By sack or yard. Phiuips Bros, Ph. 41081. n BABOAIN HUNTERS BPECIAL I- drawer hardwood chut, cutern con ctructlon. dovetaU Joint, canter elides. while they lut, 117.90. Trader Louie. 187t Lana Ave. n,S" POB SALE or trade 1110 Bulck push button radio, $19. ar 30-10 rifle, see it 3184 Brooke Ave 074 JUVENILE CHEST of Drawers, 118.60. UMtD MERCHANDISE MART, 970 So. Liberty St. . Phont 44171. Terms of course n74 PEBTTLlzftB Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere, a-0774 or 1-1073. n78 Gravel and' Sand Anythlnt In travel, whoiuale tnd ' rttaU. VALLEY SAND At OBAVEL : CO. Ph. 3-4003. B" Friday, March 27, 1953 Pickup $1075 945 775 695 395 395 495 1295 I 995 550 495 , 1095 1395 1095 1SD5 S3750 2500 4500 995 350 995 55 - Like New For Sole MISCELLANEOUS CERAMIC FIRING He per CU. 1220 Liberty Rd. tnoh. Ell PBEE Wutlnahouu aewlng machines on . all floor samnlu. Save up ta 40, YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 371 Che meketa. a PLASTI-KOTE requlru no waxing. For your floors or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 371 Chemeketa. n UNFINISHED TABLES-Cocktail, end. -lamp, $SM. USED MaBCHArTDlSE - MART, 370 Bo. Liberty at. Phona 4-9171. Terms of counc. n74 canaa Txi.KFHnwit .r .uwtvi. woIm. fence posts, keen . post and eteiu. Phillips Bros., Rt. $. Box 43, I tnlles cut of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. a REFRIGERATORS, NEW I nd ased. 371 Che- YEATER APPLIANCE CO, meketa. COW FERTILIZER S yard. It load. S70 Phone 39021. DEEPFBEEZE home 1 rollers. YEATXR APPLIANCE CO, 378 Chemcket. n" REDUCED! ' $10 per day until sold. TJBED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR BANDER. 140 SHEETS OF SPEED ORTT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1180. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 28 -$305 J Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT Ac COURT STB., PHONE S-llll (W Olva S&H Green a tamp.) . . no' MIGHTY MAN tardea tractor with plow and due. 3018 Chemtwa BMd. Ph. 3-1108. . ' , . n74 APEX IBONIB, excenent condition, .$75. pn. a-aois. at.- UxU WILTON velvet rug, tnd Hoover- vacuum cleaner. 3-4992. CIS Haw thorne. n74 SINGER ELECTRIC. PORTABLE- uwins machine, lata model, A-l con dition tnd guaranteed, 149.90. Stager Sewing Center, 110 N. Com'l. ' n74 SINGER TREADLE Drophead, good uwlnr condition and guaranteed. Only 114.90. ; singer Sewing Center, lit N. Com'l. n74 BOBPITAL BED for sale or rant. H. L. SUff Purnltur. Co. Phono 34118. a- - Car Radios ' ' Brand new Motorola Custom 1-plec push-button, 49-82. Pontlao apeclal price $79.95 Installed. No down per ment,' $3 per week, approved credit. S&H Ore en stamps, too. MASTER SERVICE OTATIONS. INC. n75 BOOKS LoU of good used bocks for sale al the M amine Xxchanct, lit M. Hisa St. Open UU I. n7l DAVENPORT A CHAIR Prom $31.60. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 170 SO. Ubcrty St. Phont 48371. Terms of course. : n74. PLY. MOTOR Will tit 'IS to 13. Olva ma an offer. 429 Marlon. n79 APARTMENT SIZE cu range. Apply n79 3390 So. 13th. 2-7100. ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free of weed Mode, and odoneu. saca or outx or ders delivered. Phone 3-1137. ntl Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts In shell. Highest eesh price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 480 N. Front St.. Salem .. Ph. 1-7833 na WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-8110. aa ELECTRIC 3-8110. RANGES. Woodry's. Ph. LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lenitha V 4' or ir '. Diameter " to Bawmlll Lractha 13' and longer. Diameter to M". Too prtcea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. . .... Phont till ne PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. 1088 N. Commercial. Ph. l-llll or 3-4597. Ml AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE f Volley Motor Co. .xperts will solve your prob lems and Mvc yon money. Pre. catl mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. qc TRUCKS FOB SALE 1951 "I" F-l dump truck. Mo trade, no phont calk. Best offer takes. Can be sera 3339 Portland Rd. Ojd7l By Ham Fisher qaire 1M M. Cettue. . half