. -v., '.x ft - -r . .. W. Mirth 17, ms ( ' - : l ENNIS the MENACE I w ' ' Mm nbu mm heipme squash a subsmi? STOCKS (Br Tbt Alloellted (1 Corporation Chemical Thalmoro u Airline! mM LUU... a Tel e Tel ,.., ran Tobacco ..., sdl.Cuipr .....,., n RaUroad awn steel I Airplane Co. ffarner tt Adding Uachli.... ia Packing Mn Plclllo War Tractor Corporation ar Corporation Service , m dated Edison ....... dated Vultt, i-BeUerbaeh I Wrlibt Aircraft 4ttde Nemouro Kodak a Radio al Eleetrlo ' 'al Foodi Motor, tg Pac. Plywood far Tlr, .... intake Mining Co. ..... :: (national Harvester..., national Paper ....... it Usnvllli uteott Copptr n McNeil teheed Aircraft ......... .wag Incorporated i.,... t Bell algomerr Ward ..,..... ab Kelvlnator 4 -.Mr1. York Central v!;vfrthern Paelllo peoirie American rah ' pmUIc c-m & Electric ..... . paaitw Tel Tel .......... tteSard Motor Cm ....... Pennor, J, c. ., ,M Penniylvenia R. R. ....' . ': Papal cola Co. Pallco Radio Radio Corporation nearonler Incorp. - nlaronler Incorp. PId elepubud Steel... I Jternolda Metal, ..... filch Held on Alienor atorel Inc cott Paper Co . Start, Roebuck h Co. ..... Soconf.Vacuum Oil ......... :. f southern Fadflo .4 standard OU Calif ? standard OU K.J . ; .Btudebaker Corp. ......... , sunahlna Mlnln, ......... svlft & Compenr ' Treniamerlca Corp. :' ITwentleth century Foa. " J Union Oil company f Union Pacific United Airllnei United Aircraft , United Corporation I United State, Plrwood ..... I United fettle. Steel ....... t Warner picture, 4 Weatern Union Tel Press) ., ', iy UH H IH J57H ,t lVt ..100(4 MV, 1 ie !'.!!!!!! im n , i i 3t IV. It IK Ntt tu ........ Ufa u , 13 , es4 .'. uv, CSV. ItYi 30 ', HV. UV, eta 9 14 3314 1. 3Ti ,. m ,. 7ISt 1114 StM ....... .UIH lit , em ,. ail 13 33ti 371 SI IW, , It 14H S74 i 11 . 31 mi HVt 114 JIV4 IVk 3144 31(4 irtt ..113". 31V. ; uv. 1(4 , 31 4iVe .. II , 17 4114 IWestlnghoueo Air Brak.... Weatlnehouia Blectrlo Woolworth lock Market New York W With unuiual ouleU neu, the etoek market TTlder made modeit proflreaa. ' The advance wu almoat entirely con fined to fractlone with an oeeatlonal tuua puehlm up between ' I and I point,. Loaiaa wer, fractional. Tradlni came to an aetltnatad 1,100.- MO anare aharply eontraattn, with Tnuraaay, two muuon "hare tola). Parllaad Eaelelda Market Portland UD No. 1 Willamette taller cauliflower add for 13-3.31 a crate with No. S a olni at 7fie-ll today on the Port-. land Saitalda Parmera' Wholeaala Pro duce market. . Mld-columbla ireon onloni broutht U-M cent, a doien bunchee. Dr. Y. T. Lam, KJJ. Dr. O. Chan, NJJ. ' DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS UpaUira, ta Nsrth Ubcctr . Office open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 B.m., I to 1 p.m. Conaultatlon. blood preasura and urine taet, are free of eharte. Practiced llnea 1117. Write for attractlre lift. No cwll- latlon. J. R. Williston, Bruce & Co. : ' . , . Established 1889 V MEMBERS : .; ; ' New York Stock Exchange ' . . ' American .Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade . Los Angeles Stock Exchange , Edmonton Stock Exchange ' : and other exchanges New York Los Angeles San ; Portland ' Salem Office 203 Oregon Building . Phone 3-4106 Arthur W. Smither Ralph A. Smither By Kttcham Alaska Solons End Session 1 Juneau. Alnakn IJPj snt adjourned at 0 a.m.,' today end ed the 21it session ot the Alas ka legislature after an ; all night session. -.-.Vv':- The house adjourned a half hour earlier, but the senate de layed the final gavel until ar rival ot outgoing Gov. Gruen ing to receive notification' per sonally.;.:,. '. 'yr . House approval of senate re visions in a 23 V4 million dollar general appropriation bill and agreement on membership, of two interim investigating com mittee to probe all levels of territorial government and boards came shortly before ad journment. Anoint session ot the houses refused to confirm any of the anointments submitted by Gov. Gruening for various boards and commisisons. This permits the new repub lican Governor J. Frank Hein tzleman, to make Interim ap pointments after he takes of fice. ' Portland Uratock Portland uuo-catUe: Tor week 3071; uneven. caivee: Por week aifii ateaoy. Hoc,: Por week sisoi iteady but closed weak. Aheep: Por week not ateady to ctroni. Pertland Grain Portland (AV-Coarn iralna unquoted. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, bael. No. l bulk, delivered eoait: Soft White 3. 14i Soft White (eacludini Rex) 3.44V4I White Club 9.44V4. Hard Red Winter! Ordinary 3.4IV4; 10 per cent 3.4614; 11 per cent 3.tevi: 13 per cent Lett. car receipt!: wheat 711 corn 31 mm feed 3. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Sam Culweli Lyons Sam Culweli, 66, of Lyons, died in a Salem hos pital Thursday following a stroke suffered 10 days ago. Mr. Culweli was born at Seymour, Tex., Aug. 20, 1887. He came to Oregon In 1835 and lived in Fox Valley until coming to Stayton to live re cently, i , , V Surviving are his wife, Au gusta, Lyons; two daughters, Mrs. Florence Naue, Sandy, and Mrs Jessie Short, Salem; three sons, Elmer and , Her chell Culweli, Lyons, and A. B. Culweli, Portland; ' and three brothers and four sisters. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the Wed dle Funeral Home at Stayton. Earl Allen Haven Albany Eait Allen Haven, 20, died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Haven, 332 E. Second Ave:, Thursday following a long ill ness. Services are being ar ranged at the Fisher Funeral home. The deceased was a na tive ot Sherwood and came to years ago. Surviving, besides the parents, are three brothers, Walter, Everett and LeRoy Ha ven, Albany; a sister, Mrs. Ir ene Lamb, and his grandpar- Francisco , Seattle Miamt Beach Harold F. Smither Henry A. WUlecke MA RKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PBOPCCS UIT BalUrf.l Tentative, aubject ta 1m madlato thania: Praautim uallty. aiaxl mum J of oae per cent acidity 4a- uverea in roruana a-T3o ia.l lira, eraai Ity 47-10c; aeeond auaUty. It-He Valley routea and country point,. eeoia laa,. Batter Wholeaala f.o.b. bulk eubat ta wholaaale, arade aa 13 acora, net A rrtiz. it iziZi. K.; s. SS 4e: C. M acora. He. Ainn pricev itrtctly nominal. Ckeoae aeuin pnefi ta iwtlana wholeealem, Oreioa alnalu 43 .tec; Ore, on I lb. loaf. IJta-llMo triplet,, 10 leee than clulea. laaa ta wuieaaiara candied em eentatnlns lou, caaea Included l.a.b. Portland. A trade Una, MVk-a7Viei A and, medium. WVt-Mttai B arade laraa. Ilre-Sltae. Pertlaad Dairy Mattel utter pne, to retanerei oraua aa print. Tie; A carton. 71c; A prtnta, 73c; aarton, 73c i B prtnta, lie. ieTo yetaiiera. cjraua a tarn, lei A lane, ta-ttci AA medium, ate: A medium, 17-llci A amall, namlnal. Cartone,.3e additional. Ckaaaa Prlca to ntallart, Portland. Oraton alnll.e, 4IV4-Mo; l-lb. loavel. I3-I3i4e: triplet,, IHa leu than aln aiee. premium brand, atulea, lltte; loaf, enita. proeeeced American chaue. l-lb. loana to r.tall, alH-MVia. Ja. : t ... . u . t uvo. muaieu ino. x nuantr, i.o.o. nlanti.t Pnara. 114-3 lb,.. 10-llei 1-4 Ibi, 50-3lc; oraaten, 414 Ibi, and over, 10-Slei hear, bene, aU welahU. I7-3S01 Uiht nana, all weunta, n-mai cm roset- are, ll-laci .-. Draeaed tmieaena rryera. sr.-, 43-H; roaatari, 43-44CI Uiht bene, 31- siet neavy nana, ,o-,Tei aue up irrvra, all wellhta, tt-ttc. abbiu u Averare to irewera; uva whltee. 4-5 lb,.. 1S-37C1 t-l Ibi, ll-Iac lb., old dou. 10-ltc: few hilh.r. Praah droued frrere. to iitallara si-Ma: cut up. M-aaa. -Caratry KlUad Meate ' - - -- vaat Tap ouallij,. H-aie .i rouan heavlea, 15-llc. Hoaauaa wocaera, ai-wi aowa, uanv 1I-3IC. ' lv-: - '! Lamaa Top arade epriueri, ai-tic; other arade,. accordlna to oualtty. Mattan Beet ewe. anu wetnera, - lie lb. . . ?-'i- J t . Beel utility, cowa, ,i-hq in.l.. oanner- cuttere. 3I-37C . . - - rraak Draeeed Meate 1 ,f j Wliuieeama to euiiera; Uiiaia per Real Steer,, choice HO-700 lbl., Il.00-40.oo: good. II.W-II.00; aommeralal ls.00-t7.oo; utility. II.O0-li.O0: cowa, commarclal, 31.00-34 M; utility, ' 30.00 11.00; tanner, cutter., Sl.09-ll.0o. , Beer cam tcmoiee .weref. mno Quartan, 47,00-10.00; round,, 41.00-11.00; full loin., trimmed, II. 00-71. M trl anile,, 13.0C-3S.OO; fore-ouartera, Sl.00. 11.00: chucke, 17.00-40.10; rlbi, 41.00- li.oo. .. . veal oood. iu-ii.io: commercial. 137-41. j . , vaivee . cnoioe, it,-B,.ao: commer- claU, II7-4I. ' umbt prima eprintara. ao-ao .. 141-41; sood, 140-44. . Maitan-uooa cnoice. a,i-,e. Perk Cute Loine. Jlo. 1. 1-11 Ibi., Ill-' 17; ehouldera, 11 lb., 131-31; ipareriba, 141-40; freih ham,, 10-11 lbl, Wl-ll. Bmokea name Skinned. aei-.io. Re. fined lard In drum,, Ill.M-lli ,lab bao on, 141-11.10. Pertland Mieeellaneoue Celery Cel. flat orate, 3-114 doi., I3.3i-4.3t. Pew to 14.10. Ore, 13.31- 3.10. omana oo lb. aacae wen ureaon yei- lowa, medium, 11.00-71: 1-Inch, 11.00- S.so; no. as. ii-ii; oouera, 10 u. aacae, 4i-47ei Idaho yellowa, lane, I4.to-l.oo; No. 1, white, lane, 4.71-1.00. : Palateae ore.-waen. rueaete. no. l. I4.7S-6.00; name brandl to It lil bakere, ia.00-B.S51 31 lb... alia A. ll.3l-l.IO: 2U lb. meih. to-llc: piper, 4I-I3c: No, J, 10 lbl., Il.oo-l.l5i. idano nakere, naiee, e-iu lba, I3.I0-3.OO; 100-lb. lacka, Sl.0fl-S.3l: A Ih. KB. 1.. ll.Bh. ay U. B. No. 1 ireen alfalfa, de livered car lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal. i ais on ton: Seattle. 137-40. naol 'Wiuamette vauer moeur nomi nal at .Is lb. area., baila. Id. calve.. 11-310 lb. accOTdinf to wellhta; ireen kip,, 17-llci burn. 4-ia: treen butcher cow hldee, 7-lc. riiBcrie wnoieiaie aeuma prico no. i lane Barcelona!, 34-aso lb, i irawer nrlr... orchard Tun. 14-110 lb. walnuti Wholeiaia icuini price, xirn quality lane Pranquettei, 33-330 id. rower price, orchard run, lt-lto lb. few beat to lie Chicaia LlvllUek I ohlcaio (Pi In the face of continued lack ot buylna demand from outside Interests, Ulhtwelaht butohere edted ahead price-wise Prklay in a moderate lr active and ateady to 10 cents hither ents, Mr. and - Mrs. Barnes, all of Albany. J. i A. DEATHS Hark a. riihap Hush a. Pleher, late resident of 1111 s. Liberty, at local nospltal. March ,7, Survived br dauihters, Rolorretta O. Fuller, Salem, lira, Ruth Slnlhofen, Portland: arandion. Alford Rolen. Jr. Saleml creat-lrandeoni, Timothy and Daniel Nolan, Saleml lister, Mrs. Orpha Coneklln, Sin Jose, Callf.l brothers, Fred D. Fierier, Fort Lauderdale, na Earl L. Plihcr ot Salem. Service lion- day. March 10, 1:30 p.m. with Interment City -View cemetery under direction of Clouih-Barrlck companr. Albert C. (Jack) Baker Albert C. (Jack) Baker, i March 97, lata resident of 1711 S. Winter, Survived by wife, Harriet Biker; aons, Oeraid it. and Jack L. Baker; mother, Bessie A. Baker, all of Saleml brother!, An drew O.. Donald M. and Robert S all of Salem: brother, Clifford A., Euiene; lister, Elliabeth Warden of Indepen dence, Ore. Rituallstlo cervices by EPOE No. 138. Salem. Services win be held Saturday, 1:30 p.m., at the W. T. Ala- don cnapei, witn interment seicreit Me morial park, the Rer. Omar Berth olfl clauni. Baby Girl Wneadon Baby Olrl Wheadon- passed away March 91 at local hospital, survived by parents. Leo and Beetrlce wheadon or Monitor, Ore.: brother, Ronald of Moni tor; sranaparenti, Mr. and Mra. D. R. Wheadon of Brownsville, Ore,, and Ur. and Uri. O. N, McTilret of Aumivllle, Ore. Oraveslde service, will be held Seturder, March II. at 1:10 p.m. at Belcrest Memoriel park under direction or viouxn-narrici. Pearl Either Kahn Pearl Esther Kuhn, at local hospital, March 37, late resident of 171 Oerth Ave. Survived br huiblnd. Pred Kuhn. Selomt daulwter, Mrs. Either stone ot Mansneid, Ohio; lister, Mra. o, w. Needham of Salem. Services will be held In the Vlrill T. Oolden Chanel Satur day. March ll. at ain trm. Hi In,... 'merit In City View cemetery, the Rev, , H. W. Bieck otflcletlni. Rltuallatlo .erv. lcee by Hoi Hlbberd Spanlah-Amerkan Veterans' auxiliary. Ida Lynea Ida Lynes, at local hospital, March 17. Late resident of Jefferson, Ore. Sur-. vlved br dauihter, Mr,, w. B. Skelton of Jefferson; eon, Edwsrd Lynee ot Lonirlew, Wish. Announcement of cerv ices litsr br thi ViriU T. oolden com panr. WANTED WALNUT MEATS All Gradas Any Amount Highest Price MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 N. Front THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8k, Ortgon market. laavltr welabu and aawi, kaw. am, alumpad SI to M oenta. cattla Activity waa ratnar ape re hHp had o aaatuate market teal darina aarlv houra. A top price on note ( 111.11 waa the peat level r tna week, aaoea wutener wellhta were from 130 to 130.11. aowi took 117 l III in moat caw.. Chm4 to low-choleo ateere and mtaed yaarllnii aold from S1I4 to II I. II and at load radian averaia-eboloa to nun- aholco went at 131.31. Beet prlci an eewe waa 111 lor low-oommoMlal. Cfeveof Oniana . Portland am SuDDllee medarata. de mand firm, market weaker foe. lallowi. bout ettady tor bait white. Track aaiea SO &.; US. 1 nntoai aut adt Colorado and Ore, on Tallow Daa- vara To to aa par cent i-inen and lariar 3 ear S W: MlnnaioU TeUow Olobae around 71 par cent S-lnch and Inner car S.aOi Texae aranex 3-lnch and Ian- ar car l u, l to j-mcn u par aani vm. I ear 1 11. - street aaiea aa lbi.i Idaho and oraton Spanlah 1-inch and laner 4.0-4.1l; mid weu medium yellow oiobaa IM-3.71; Mexico Crrital Wblta Wu S-tnoli and laner l.oo, to 1-lneh 4.71-4.11. few 10; Texaa Tallow Bermuda, and Oreo ex 3-lneh and laner, alao S to 3-lneh, 3 31-1 to, Oranoa S to J-tnch mut 1.00, tew 1 11. - el ii f . Calewe Qratn 1 Ohloaxo UPI Oaina moved op, the board of trade In .doaiinne watch pop, tlued very elow Friday.' Moil of the lain waa recorded riant after the openlnx. . Some . llttlnf of hediel developed in wheat and corn, roneeunx overnwnt export oueineaa, an than aim wu buyimr baaed em con tinued dry weather in the winter wheat belt. ,, Wheat cloud 1 cent, hlatiar. Mar 11.101-. com M-k hlihor. May l.tsH4i.a, , oata - hliher. May 7tr.-ve, rye miner. -pier iirrtw- H. loybeaw -l hither, Miy 11.01 3.tlV4. and lard 1 to 11 cents a hun dred poundi hlihor, May 110.17. . SALEM MARKBTS Cemplled from reparta Salem dealer. tor at laioanca ae vapitai aanrnm vaaaera. evlaed dally.) etall Feed Prleeel aaoit reneta 3. ik-io.i nail, I4.M-M0 (100-lb. ban.. '. X Mailt 11.10-ai ii. , Dairy Peed U.ll-a.U IH lb. bed). tl.-l.n (100 t.l. roaitry Burma Prleea Colored fryerl, too: old rooatere, He; colored fowl, Mo; Leihorn fowl, too: router., 10c Bin: sarin, pr oat Bn, aa. no: una A. 4S-llc: medium AA, Ifici. medium A, 4I-47CI amall. lie. wnaieaaia prleea xutf wboiaiaia prleea enerallr t-7e hlaher than the prleea above. Lena arade A senerally quoted at tic; medium, 58c. Bntterfat Burins price: Premium, 11 72c: No. 1, 11-7001 No. 1, 7c. Salter Wholeiele arada A parchment. Tie lb.: retail, 77c. FOR SALE HOUSES WILL I ARB CAR, truck or city lot at sown payment xor a-oadroom home. Kelier dlitrtct. Phono 11133. a74 PURNISBEDS bedroom, alectrle heat. oioea to acnooi, store,, welkins dis tance to town, corner jot, lmmoaiate pojiemion. tetso. Call 3-M19. a7it FOB SALB by owner, 10 acre, with ems . ana eprme. a oeoroom, livutl room, dlnlni room combination. Part lr furnlihed. lloo down. I31B0 Balance. South. Call 4-1111. , a77 CANDALARIA, New S bedroom, double fireplace, : double saraie, plaitered buemeni. 111,100. sit Bolco, Ph. 31111. a77 BY OWNER AMD BUH.DBR Now la tha time to obooaa your color acnemea for tbla new t-bedroom plae- tered home. 1 block north of huh lehool. Fireplace, oak floori, auto matic xurnace, lane lot. extra iter ate room. Located looo N. llth, ... WM. T. J. FOSTCt , ' ' - Home Builder ' 1141 Olive Phono 3-3100 a7i BZ OWNKR Acraaaa, l-bdrm. home In mmu . conaitioD. Aub pipea ou fur nace, oloea to achooL Prult and nut treee. Sua by door. 1 mile., cut ot ..ancestor 1 vr. on euverton repad. Rt 2. Bx. 411, Ph. 33O01. 113,701). a7i CLOSE W, SPACIOUS and BRAND NEW. 11. llvlnr rm. with fplace, eeparate umna rm.. manorany kitchen with oreasiast area, I lie. bdrma. o bath, full basemt. with 9 bdrmi. and bath, party rm. with fplace., Iron Firemen turn. All for only 115,310. Eve. cell jure. e-S71C. ED LUKIN BEAL, REALTOR, 411 N. HIOH. PH. 9-1630. ,74 CUTE HOME on creek, electricity. w.t-r ichool. tiSOO. Terms. Rt. 1, Box 294A euverton. .71 Mnw la thai vl ov. At Al u... a- - "io j cat t su taPPre" elate thu type property. Ill ft, alon, wooded creek bank, l-bedroom ranch home with full basement and party . .VWu., ..rail, n.ra 1! real V.l- u.. CiU. Ralph Maddy for appointment , anytime. Eve. 93411. , .?UABT CALABA, REALTORS 477 Oourt St. Phone 94111 . 94111 a. -r-rrrr.rsff, JS. DIRECTORY ' ADDING MACHINES All make repaired. used machines .old. rental Roen, 411 Court, ph. 1-1773. o' BULLDOZING Bulldoalni road, clcarlna Uath, Vlrsll Huakey, 1010 ralrvlew. Ph. 1-1141. oil BUILDINO MATERIAL O. W. KLANO, Wrecklni Co. Builder. ..bpm euuii... j-yjvs eventnis. oil" CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash realiterl. All rr.ikei. sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 411 Court. Ph. 3-t771. ' ' 'O" DRE88MAKING Alterations, hemstltchlna, buttone, bucklee covered, buttonholee, Uri, H. M. Allender, 9-M1I. OB0- DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" war. Call or aea Mr. snelUni, Valley Mo tor Co., Salem, phone 1-1117 or 4-3074. o EXCAVATING Ben Otjen Aj eon. Exeavatlna. trad. Ini, land clcarlna. Phone 3-3010. oil INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Pork-llft trucks. Inalde and outside work. Hyster, Clark, Mobile lift, 3000 and 4000 lb. machines. By day, week or month. Ph. 1-3111. capital city Transfer. o INSULATION Insulation, weatheritrlps, screens, Pres eitlmstet. T. Pullman. Phona 3-1119. oil MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlni, renovates, rull line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4089, o OFFICE FURNITUHI ft lUPPLftS Desk chairs, files, fillni supplies, sefes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer standi. Roen, 466 Court. o PRACTICAL NURSES REGISTRY Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic. Call 1-6072. oBt SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D rooter cleana sewers, drains. Phone 3-64 fll. o84 Hamel'a scptlo Unit cleaned, line service. Oaaranteed , work. , phone 1-7404. oot Bewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Bewer Service. Phona 3-6337, TTPK WRITERS Bmltb, Corona, Remtneton. Royal, Un derwooj portable!. All makes used machine. Repairs fc rent Roen, 4bt Court o TELEVISIO.V TV Aales, Service, Antenna, 117$ Lana Ave. Phone 4-5931. oti VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Laundry, Repairs, Refinlsh fnr 1440 8. 13Ui. Ph. 4-6403. Pick-up, De I lveriN eoo WINDOvV CLEANINO Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor wsiint. housecleanlnc. Phona J-J337. 147 Court, POR ULI HOUSES Country Living Gity Conveniences . Ban all tna aomfort of ally llvUt, rat anJoy the retreehiu eountry air, peace and contentment, Have view aver city, valley and mountain,, and ami be within tlx mllea of eltr. It'i ail your, an thl, little eountry eitaie. Lovely ranch-ttrle home of t.aoo ee. It, Lane llvlnr room with fireplace that takal 1-foot loxa. Thanaopana alow window. Dlnlna roam . with fireplace. Knotty plna On. t lam bedroom, and two (omplet betha. The kitchen to tope with Una flaw kfoakfael nook. Utility. Patla with fireplace m barba.ua. Th ttouaa la double ineulatad and weathentrlpped. All Iloan have aipenalra wall-to-wall carpet, except kitchen and betha, The liable contain, S lana box atalU, knotty plna lack room, toilet, abowar .and heat. Oorrele. chop, itoraia kldaa., chicken heuaa. About acre. In permanent nocture for horeea or cattle. Teuna orchard with thirty aholea fruit treaa. The lawna have 1M aprtnklar heada, ample xood taatlnx water, owner will aell for conilder able under oaab inveatmant. A eh, oca that aeldom comae. Will trade for modern city homo In load location e bu.lneu property to S3t,0M. anuance, i,an aaertsaae. cau trwnar, areninxe, i-,em: care, 4-eeu. OPEN HOUSE : Dandy home In very convenient location. Large Lr-Dr comb., fireplace, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms down, finished attic 3 br. up. Bath, kitchen with breakfast space. Nice corner lot Double lot. Garage, pvd. St., part .basement Come and see this good buy at 2190 Broad- . way St., 1 block north of Highland school. Open house Saturday, March 38, from 1 to 0 p.m. . , '' ' CHAELES D. SUMMERS .1728 STATE ST, REALTOR PH. 2-.802 ALWAYS TOR SALE IOTS LOTS -A LOTS LOTS ;i It'a lima to Build your Home. We have s line miction at Mow lots In the casdalarta diilrkt. , i "Vi y."w ""oxlhf tha Oily . and Wait View ovcrleekln, th . ; , local Oolf CourM. , ' . : P.-tcei r.niefrom moo up. Drop In and lit om of our Salman chow ..; Tou UUem1 No. 1 Rwldentlal OUIrlci, .. GRABENHORST BROS,, REALTORS 114 S. Llbortr atrial, Salem, Oraioa . . Telephone 1-1471 aa74 FOR SALE HOUSES POR BALK, br builder, not S-bedroom noma, o soutn Lancaater, x oiocu : ..it on Munkera Street, P.HV com mitment. Phone 3-1738. - 7 - HOTJSBS I1S0OI HALT ACRB I At 1130 ORCHARD Hi. ltd. 11 toot ouMidi city Lrurrsi CITY WATBH I Smart new dletnctl 111 ft. frontaia I vnrw I Cute, plumbed and wired 4 r. laraee-houiol Semi-completed 1 b.r.- ranch houaa to boot I BAROAINI C. W. eyrULLBS, nitr., in (diewater St. Phone t-1117 or 4-1111 a71 ALL electric, 1 bedroom homo, lilt perry. Phono 1-1013, 1-171. a71 1710 DOWN, 150 A MO. 9-bidroom home, plaAsant llvlns room, attic, comer lot, paved streets, HTM. Verr well built, B. A. McOLAUPLTN, REALTOR 444 Center BU 9-atll. Eve. s-llll a7l By Owner AND BUILDER , tl.tOO. Will accept lata model cer aa down payment. New, Insulated, s badroom with attache! saraaa. Beat, la plastered, hae hardwood floor,, nu tomatla oil heat, larva kitchen. 1 block to but and achooL Reatrlcted area. Phone 4-S325 after 4 p.m. or all day Saturday and Sunday. a7t 4 BCDROOUS ' Tt' tttw tnd In top crtdt loottlon, t bedroonu down and 9 up, utra nlc iirepitce, on oeac nj att. tange, elos to ichool and but. Call Maddr, 477 Court fit,. PiiOSt 14116 34110 74 ENOLEWOOD DlST.-eXew 3-bedroom house, utiuty room, double saraie, ltoo . ft. Phone 37471. ,70 INGWOOD HEIGHTS Elsbt camellia! and early pink axalea are In bloom. tha Quince haa been In flower elnce Januarr, the botanloal tulips are say. 9-bedroom house, easy to clean. Enloy inui aaroen in dune, flu. peonies in may. soi caeoado Dr. a74' KLUMPP'S BEST BUYS! "Save Your Finance Costs on These Homes'9 $500 DOWN 144 per month Includlnt h lntereat for thla older type 3-bdrm. home per ttallr furnished. Located eloie to itoru and school. Total price $4600. $750 DOWN will handle this dandy 9-bdrm. cub urban home with hardwood floor, oil floor furnace, cood-ilied lot. $2590 DOWN 169 per month Includinc Interest at 6 rlll give you this 3-bsdroom home with lane Uvlnf room. Laree bath room, a nice convenient kitchen, with lovely den, with fireplace for your television room, close to school, bus by door.; Total price $10,400. HIGHLAND PISTRICT 1 -bedroom home, llvlnr room, din Ins room, kitchen, full basement, aaw duat heat piped to each room, all of thke for only 1 1.500. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 305tJ Portland Road - Phone 3-7843 - Xve. 3 )881 a74 HAVE you been looklnv for that three- year-old 4-bdrm. noma wiui an nnwo. floorsf 3 complete baths, full basmt,, 3 fireplace braeseway is tarate, lie. party rm. La. lot approx. U acre, close In. If so, you'll stop look Ins erter aeelni this one. Only 111,750. P.M. A. terms. Eves. csU RAY DAVIS, 4-.917. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 433 N. Hiih. ph. a-eeao, a.74 BABEMENT with party rm. M fireplace, forced -air oil piped fur., 3 nice brs., close to sch. eo&oo. $3290 down, be). SsO mo. Eve. call PECK, 1-5411. ED LUriNBEAL, REALTOR, 432 N. Hllh, Ph. a-flfiflo. a?4- BY OWNER, I room home, baaement, sawduit furnace, I007B, 1180 Hood St. Ph. 3H80. a78 SPACIOUS l-BEDKM. home Just 1 block outside city limits N.E. 14x31 Uv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., lie. kitchen it nook, lie. bathroom With colored tub and lep. shower a tall. Utility rm. tie ettch. aerate. Many mora features to numerous to mention. Price, 816,000. Call 3-7434 for appoint, to see. a78 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS Wiin, no reitrlotlens, ttSO, tlo Dn 110 a Mo. 1-1111, l-tlll. aa74 ON PAVED ST., View, id, district, 11 111, 11410. Pt. 1-ltll, Walt aooololikr. Real Estate. aa71 LA PGR LOT, eloii In, tsrmi. 1111 Center. Owner, e.7. FOR SALE FARMS ATTRACTIVE FARM LoeiUd I ml. ent. Thli IT ae, hu a lood act of butldlnia end ereek. Out or atete tnuraate foreee aala ol this - nice place rou would look a loni time lor a nicer letup lor atock or arade A dalrr. Tha price la runt, and tarmi evillible. WM. B LIVEN A) CO.. REALTORS tIT MotUl BUB at, PH. 91117, Ell. 347T1 k7t POR SALE HOUSES T4 FOR SALE LOTS aeeaawawai'aapwa. FOR SALE LOTS BT OWNIB Lota, lit down and 130 per ' mo. 4-1133. A077 LOTS, lit DOWN, 111 month, with wa ter, electricity, near achool and atora. General Real Batata, SM Center, Phone I-3III. aa7i aaaaoo. FOR SALE ACREAGE , M CULTIVATED ACRES only IVk mllea muoe irom city umito. private lake ana ..u-reer etream, beautiful buUd Ini mit am on, native tree., tlsoo Addition.- lolnlu land available. Eve. call ?d, 9-1701. ED LTJKINBEAL, REALTOR, i N. Hllh St, Ph. 1-1110. bb7l EY DWNir.R Two acrea best soli with a-room modern house. Oaii 17711 avenlnaa. oove BE OWNER, u acres. Close In Wallace Hd, pernio soil to It. welt with eim. Ini eystem. 9 acru fruit, guts, aood ou"?i"l , II". , Oood uru Phone WANT OOOD trailer home ai part nay- acre,, sea WSUi, til N. Hllh after t p.m. bb7l REAL ESTATE NELSON ' .jiooo down: ' ' Mckinley district t-Mrm. home, lana kit., util. rm. ar,, eicelleot rlew. Here la rour op. portunltr to pick up a lalrlr new nome sor onir toago. oau Mr,, Woot- .eo ; TfeADE CLOSE IN Owner want, to move closer In and a aooa traaer nere mlsnt get an ai- oepuonai oeai. neat, -clean 3-bdrra. noma, oil fir, furnace, lot to x no, util. rm., ear., Inlul., al cltr limits. s-noa rmu. vau airi. woottin, $8600 - 2 BDRMS. Attractive ibaka home on E. Rural, cioie to man acnooi now unaer con atructlon. Jul! a few minuter to down town. Thla attractive home offer pleasant living at a prlca rou can anora, to par. cau ai. watte, I-7M1, DUPLEX Beautiful a-bdrm. home and 1-bdrra apt. View location, highly rassrleted neighborhood. Prlco 111,800. Call Mr. camiaw. 1063 OAK STREET, ' NEAR UWUORUh H06P1TAL Opportunity to combine 6-rra. home tv a nice lnootne ,espeolally suit ed for retired couple close to down town eepltol. A nice apt. rental in baeement on around level. Owner leavine city. Priced to aell, I ISM; only $1600 down. CHICKEN RANCH 4 ACRES A MOUI , Close In 4 acres with aood f-bdrnt. home, Inside util. rm,, Attractive fplace, oak floors, dble. far family orchard .chicken house 1000 capacity, barn 12 x t. Owner says sell, reduced from $10,000 to $15,000. Some terms. Call Mr. Oallaiher, . NELSON & NELSON Specialising Realtor : -701 N. Hllh at. Ph. 1-lttt ........ ,71. NEAR BT. VINCENT ' . A good 4 bedroom home with haia ment and I eete or plumbing. Thla Is a well kept home, and priced low. ,0000 3000 do. TRADE OR BELL S-bedroom home south, on paved road and near school and atore. Owner wishes to reduce his Inv. and will trade for livable home on smill acer aie. Better aea Ihii todar. Pr. Ill, tM, terms. WM. BLIVEN A CO.. REALTORS) 147 North Hllh Bt Fh. 91117, Eva. 34771 C7l Coffee Shop with Bottled Beer Privilege One of the oldest established coffee ehopa In Balem. Located In excellent frlnn area, aitoo. No telephone In formation. Liquor by the Drink Modern restaurant with club prlvl leee. Out of town on won triveled hlshwar. Oood lease, or real propertr can be purchased. i Garage with Gas Pumps ' Excellent equipment. Loceted In good farming communur. House with acre of around also goes, tn.too. Sew Shop and, Dry Cleaning Agency Juit right for elderlr person. Last thin 1600. SMALL HOTEL I rooms. In loeslnr eommunltr. Good laasa at reasonable rent, moo. Tirmi FOR RENT Bmell furnished houit, ISO per month. REALTOR 1011 N. Capitol St. ' aalem, Ore. . t-liol Eva. l-lltl 74 QUICK WORKINO Inveitmint propertr. mi on union atreet between Church and Cottaie, In the ehadow of Meier as Erank. I will aell for lll.tot (full nice) Bog II, capital Journal. a7t it nr M 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SALES We art aecaptlas a few Ustlnaa tm tor paw R. CaclUI at. atflae. U pan ar. aerlossly planalns ta aaS pawr preperty. will be wtae la sua oust tha property problem with s aaiaamia who hee keen aalllnf u wall aa llstlns property. : Why not eonault net . -.v , If wa eec.pl your lUtlni wa will laaranUe ta advert 1m and put forth more than reaaanaKe .ffart to produce a aala. Ovar 4M aaiea ' , iu list two rears. Peraana we ean aU raur prepertr. Claude Kilgore ". 1 Realtor & Auctioneer 300 S. LANCASTER PR. 4-6063 aenaaalllilil tie'lliaaaej ft. NEAR ST. VINCENT ; dePAUL . , Pint that for sale, lane modern S-bedroam homo-cell HOW Mr op pottlmaat.114.tte). . .... ,t .... , L. ottmart . YES A GOOD HOME FOR $7600 1 Kit 9 badrooma with unltniihed up, flriplace and U hett, lecatod at. tha edre of Iowa yeare aid, 3-BEDROOM FAMILY HOME 68500 1 CompleU with hetemanl and eaonomleal aawduat furnace, flraplam,. :i nice back yard, wall-to-wall larpetmt la ttvtw room and drains room, " Ecslewood Disk BBS pr TODAY. . .. . . . A BEAUTY IN EAST ENOLEWOOD . I nice bedroom,. Ilvlnt room with flrapleoa. aenerous-itud dlaJnt room. Una kitchen with nook opaaa, forced-air heat. If you or ' wan Una lomathlns nlo SKI XeTBt oars. 111,000. . , , - . ' BIG VALUE HERE FOR $18,000 -, ' In a wall located l-bedroom noma, there ta a full hlfh banment, now ,l,l.fu"iu-1 b""001". bath, larae kitchen, dlnlna room. Ilvlnt room ; with fireplace on main floor, tad S nice bedroom, up, plus part bath, . ' rase ' " "a IPrthkler tyattm and double ,a- : NOT JUST ANOTHER HOUSE A HOMit" a vioimikiui noma in tee Eaatmoraland dletilct. Many estrts. bedrooms, attractive irounds, Let Ul show pou thru today. -(- Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Ceurt St. Eta.; Louis Loreni tttM ItalpB 14 MorrUoa not! ; RktAL ESTATE $2750.00 1M11 price for a taandr man apeclal 8maU home Iniida ettr needs a little tiling up. Cloaa to but line. I HQ will handle. - DOWNTOWN RENTAL ' Only ttioo bun an older place, claea to new Meier As Frank ahnanlp. mm. ter. aood corner lot, Let thu pap for Itself and rou hive a good Investment. $790.00 DOWN Now l-bedroom noma balng sunt now. F.H.A. Inspected and low month lr payment,. Inside cltr on waved atreet, close to bue. Order naw and vnoosa rour own colore. - REIMANN ' REALTORS LOANS tt INSURANCE 101 South Hllh Stret Ftione Da, 1-ntt . Ft'one evanlnia: 4-1171, I -till. 4-llsi, 4.1111, 3-ntl a7t IK ii iMi ft j We Specialize In Trades I'M A DARLING ; You'll be happy with me. s feed. roomi on i noor. auit like new. Baae. ment. OU forcad-alr furnace. lira place, Verr nicely landscaped, aloraga apace upstairs, pvd. driveway. They onir wanit 111,000 lor me. uoerai terms. I HOUSE ABOUT IT t bedrooms on 1 floor, Bntlewood Stat, asperate utility room, oaraae. Lovely yard. Smaller lot. Just tha thine for a rental property or older couple, ottered lor sale to aiost oa- tate. Full prlca only B600. WHAT A BUY! WHAT TERMS! ' ; t-bedroom home onir t n. eld. Sen. utility room. ft-ara lob. Oood soil. and ood diat. oaraae. Blacktop at, Full price IS7S0. iiooo down. . GOOD LIVING Floa t bedrooms. Near hospital. Terr cleen. .H.A. terms, fireplace. Att. aarase, arepee, berries. Extra lerge lot.' Oood aoll. roll prlca onir 11100. Englewood Special freih lilting. Well-to-wall carpale. OU heat. Iniulatd. Onir t yra. old. rvd. at, Lawn and shrubs, rull prlca 11700. r.H.A. terms. CALL FOR MR, noOINS, EVE. R. e-oeas, or een. crawtohd, eve. th. t-toio. If no answer, cau 4-1141. IDEAL NIGHT CLUB . LOCATION ' Plus n beautiful sew bldr. with the finest equipment money can buy. f acres plus hlshway frontate. New by pass wilt not affect thla property In any way. Very desirable livlnf quar ters. Oood site for motor oourt or another business, Full price 119,760. LADIES APPAREL In a select location. Verr dean atock. Reasonable rent. Bquipraant ta ood condition. Equipment $3000 plus Inventory. Shown br appointment only. -Income $650 Per Month on this Rlmoit new bldf. Very desir able location. Corner lot. Tenants are very desirable. Loti of plate tlaaa. Terms. Full srlca aflft.OOtl. CALL FOB UR. DAN X8AAK, XVI. FH. -jd. ii no answer, cau 4-aau, 15 MINUTES From town. 44 acres all under cul tivation., 1 acre trawberrlca. Fruit. nuts, caneberrles. Modern l-room jiouie. earn, omenta house, a-car a- raae. Pvd. rd. Only aoso down. Full price e'voui : SECLUSION Bldi. alte, Nice view,- very desirable location, Olosa In, it acrea total, 11 under cultivation, Thla Is an excellent elte It you want a hideaway. ruU prlca e..ow. , NEW HOME On thla lt-ecra tract. Only 4 miles from aalem. Thu la aa Meal country home, aaraie. Tool houie. Oood .prins. fim price erase. EXTRA SPECIAL Lovily new homt. ltoo iq. ft. floor pace, spacloue a-eer garaia, I acru hlihwiy frontaia. Vary desirable lor motor court, . mint club, drlve-la or what have rout Offered for aulck tele at 111,500. CALL EOR MR, LEAVENS, EVE. PH. a-eiss. it no aniwsr, cau 1-3141. Mortgage Loans 90 YEAR MATURITY Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Otflee Phones; 4-1111, or 1-7110 1011 PORTLAND ROAD . III. Phonill 1-1711, 4 ttt4, t.ftoao or l.lllt If no aniwar, phona 4-iatt .74' ;..tl'.',;;-. Pitt 11 REAL ESTATE Rudy calaba PUone 14111 . still Bout Torvend 1H39 laVMr nut REAL ESTATE WE NEED $10,000 ; to $20,000. HOMES SEVERIN REALTY . SI TEARS OF aATIBFACTORT " , antvioa ...Little Farm Home 1H acres el garden, fruit, grapea. duck pond. WeU-tuUt home at 1 noma. It la located close In and can be foura tor onl, $11,100. Terme. ( 4685 Center Street Baat at Laaeaster. Lovely s-room ' home on lanaoaeped tt acre. Uvlng Ad dining room, fireplace, cheerful kitchen with nook, S good-alied bad. rooms, utility and attached garage, only SIMM. Itartiaga can be ar yangad. , r. ,. . Severin Realty Co. sit n. hi$h t-wis, avail s-tttt) . Mr. Kleng s-MM Mr. Moon I-7M1 74 DUPLEX & HOUSE Bum could have a nlca homa and terr good Income. All I umta are fur nlehed a. always ranted. Attractive appearance as beautiful ahady 110x101 ft. lot. Bargain prlca. HARD TO PLEASE? If you want lata built s br. homa with lie. bra. es ipaoloue closets aa bulltlna, fireplace, din. rm., .breakfast nook, floored atue, passmen! with -. extra bath and 1 car garage for IMOS dn, wa have it. . . ; IMMEDIATE , POSSESSION Out ot town owners. Tbla la a grand, almost new t br. home In Enilewood dlit. fireplace, wau to wall carpet, lie. kitchen, aaraie, carport at ameU shop. Beautiful yard. Triced rliht, OaU Boa Oleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS till Edtewater . snot. Era. Stilt . ' 1 ' C74 AVERAGE - t acre an Hollrwood Drive, t bad. roomi with 11 x IT living room. Com bination kitchen and dining area. Oood condition lnilde. Oood aoll and yeur awn water aratem. Prua 11,100. 10 ACRES But ot loll. Northeast. All In gut. tlvatlon with lit acrea In orchard, lt'g beautiful here In aprlnitlrie, t-roont house, Insulated and weatheratrlpped. amall bars and poultry houaa. Prlca 111.100. ........ ... . v .. 30 ACRES ' invUr farm. School bue paseu VP tha door. 7 mil., from aalem. Tear 'round etream fed by sprints. All In cultivation. Bulldlnaa are In fair shape. Luge family orchard. Prlca 11,100. E. J. Zwashka Phone l-Mit Kealtor 1741 Grant ah .: ,74. WANTED REAL ESTATE ndtioei It your propertr le for aala. rent or aicn.nil, use ti with ua. Wa have aU klndi of cash burera. aTTATB ETNA NCR CO, REALTORS lit 8. Hllh St. ca WE ABE badly In need of 1 and 3-betl- room nomas, in Leslie cut. Alio need homa anrwhere with amau down par mente. What have your All ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41111 If no answer, ph. 4-J2I1 ca. JIM RAMSEY wiu formally open hu Ramsey Real Estate olllce Wednesday, April I, al toil North Commercial. Llitlnn ot all klnda being taken now, Phona 4-ltil. Prompt, and courteouo aervlca. ca77 WANTED HOME or ecrease In Salem lor car As caah. alio state Street. ca7t WE HAVE BlIXEBS (or desirable sslim tiomea, that are priced In the mar ket Hear about our advertising pro gram. ' E. A. McOLADPLIN, REALTOR 144 Canter St. 9.1011, Eva, l-Mll 0174 OREAI BUXINO DEMAND tor farms and acreaias. Lilt roure with Colbata Land Co. Sea T. T. Anderson, Perm Aient Phone 4-1404. Eve. 4-1714. aa. CASH Wanted to bur l-bedroom ftnd den, or l-bedroom home with basement and double terete, cat) J-P0M, calO WB ASK In need ot aood bouses to aell, in or near Aalem. If you wish to list your property for aele, too ORABENHOHST BROS., RKALTORS. lit . Liberty Pn. j-3tli