Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    rt it
Friday, March 27, 1953
Mission Series
"Christ's Call to Minion and
to Unity" is the them for
aeries of meetings to bt held
t the First Presbyterian
church each Wednesday night
during the next few week. The
program has the backing of the
"j.' Cuuucii ox entireties.
Wednesday night April 1,
Br. Herman N. Mont, modera
tor of the general assembly,
will speak. He Is now com
pleting a national tour of the
church and will fly to Salem
from Alaska.
Other services will Include:
' April : Motion picture
Challenge to Africa, dealing
with missions in Axriea. .
April IS: Dr. Ralph C. Lew
Is, long time Chinese mission
ary, v
.. April 12: Korea will be the
subject, with Dr. Harry A.
Rhodes of the Korean mission
since 1908 as the speaker..
April 29: Motion picture en
titled "African Panorama."
Combined Choirs
To Sing Cantata
John Stalner's cantata The
Crucifixion" will be sung dur-
tag Holy Week by the combin
ed choirs of Central Lutheran
- and Grace Lutheran churches
. tinder the direction of Raymond
W. Dahlen, Central Lutheran
choir director.
The first presentation of the
cantat will be at the Grace Lu-
eheran himh a SusEyrfCw"
- and Lansing Avenues Palm
Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock.
The Invocation and benediction
will be given by the Rev. G. B.
- Rundstrom, Central Lutheran
pastor. The accompanist will
be Miss Mable Toss. The sec
. end concert will be given at
Central Lutheran at N. Capitol
, and Gaines on Thursday, April
: S at 8:00 p.m.
1 Soloists Include Thomas
3f ommsen. Ellina Halverson,
Diane King, Mrs. Paul Bramble
and Raymond Dahlen.
Christ Lutheran
Sunday Festival
' Holy Week services athrtst
Lutheran church will open with
the Palm Sunday Festival on
Sunday with double services
and reception of members. The
pastor, Rev. T. M. Gebhard will
deliver the first of the series
of Holy Week sermons under
the theme, "Christ My All" and
conduct the Sacrament of Bap
tism for children.
On Thursday, the candlelight
service of Holy Communion
will be celebrated for the en
tire parish at 7:43 p.m.
The Litany Service will be
wed on Good Friday at a spe
cial service at 7:45 p-m. with
the choir participating under
the direction of Mrs. Lyle Glax
ler, director and Mr, Wilson,
organist ..
Pre-Iaster Rites
At Christian Church
Silverton First Christian
church, special Pre - Easter
announcements by the pastor,
Rev. Arthur Charles Bates,
11 a.m. "Sermon The
Promised Comforter."
Bible school 9:4.3 am. i
Evening Youth meeting
Will be at 8:30 olclock.
Slngsplratlon will follow
the sermon.
On Atirll 1. TiiurarijiT am.
BUI Good Frldav service will
be at the Christian church
with Methodist, Baptist,
Christian Missionary Alliance
ana Assembly of God Joining
In the union worship, i
Baptisms Slated
At Faith Lutheran
ADDroxlmatelv SO ehtMrm
. and infants will receive the
sacrament of holy baptism at
Faith Lutheran church, In the
Keizer district Palm Simitar
morning. A goal of 82 young
sters was uit goal Tlx id by
kov. ueorge u. Holmqulrt and
ine congregation.
Rev. P. W. ErlelMnn. K1m
has been secured to assist with
the service and the preaching
Pastor Holmaulst will arlmin.
Ister the sacrament of baptism
ana conauct the choir. Mrs. T
A. Scholtz will lead the 10
piece orchestra.
Nazarene Services
To Be Continued '
The series of evanselistlc
services which started last
Wednesday at the First Church
of the Nazarene will continue
eacn night through Easter.
Rev. and Mrs. C William Fish
er, evangelists from Kansas
City. Missouri, arc in charae.
Rev. Mr. Fisher has spoken In
most of the states of the union.
A world tour In 1948 took him
ot IT foreign countries. Mrs.
Fisher ' assists .. to the music
ana in giving readings.
A duck-billed platynus in
captivity will cat 800 angle
worms a day besides other
food. -
At Free Methodist
Rev. R. T. Fine, the Oregon
conference suptlntcndent of
the Free Methodist churches.
will conduct quarterly meet
ing services thie Sabbath at
the Salem Free Methodist
church, of Market and Winter.
He will apeak at the 11:00
olclock morning worship
hour and at the 9:80 evening
service- 35a BKCISES m
will be followed by the Sacra
ment of the Lord'a supper.
Babies Dedicated
Alliance Church
Palm Sunday at the Chris
tian and Missionary Alliance
church observed with
several .special features. A the
11:00 o'clock morning worship
service Communion will be ob
served. This la an annual ob
servance when all Alliance
churches around the world in
20 mission fields observe Com
munion on the same Sunday
morning. Also, featured in the
morning service will be the
dedication of babies. The Palm
Sunday sermon, "Jesus, Pro
phet, Priest, and King," will be
preached by the pastor. Rev.
Paul W. Gunther. At the 7:80
p.m. service the day will , be
observed with a service of wa
ter baptism. ;
Easter Rites at
Lebanon Drive-in
Lebanon County-wide sun
m iiivioi' master morning
are scheduled at the Motor Vu
drive In theater at Lebanon
commencing at 8:80 a.m. The
service this season will be un
der the direction of Our Sav-
viour's Lutheran church with
Rev. M. E. Nesse delivering the
Residents are invited from
every city and rural area in the
county, . theater owner Tadd
Nelson stated.
A staff of ushers will meet
arriving autos at the gate, es
cort them to parking and place
an individual speaker in each
car. .'. . .
Our Saviour's choir will nre-
sent the Easter music. Rev.
Nesre's topic will be "Dawn of
a New Day.",-, ,. ,.
(With Applicator)
Why suffer the discomfort
of irritating and itching
of plies?
Sold Only at
Opto Dettr, lis am 8 pas.
Bimaara, am e pm
133 N. Commercial
Youlh to Hold
Easter Service
Silverton Members of The
Methodist Youth Fellowship,
of which Nancy Foote is pres
ident, win conduct the annual
sunrise service for members
and friends of the Silverton
Ssomooist church, Easter saorn-
mg at 7 cm. ,
The service will be bald in
the new church sanctuary.
Youth win conduct the entire
serviee of worship.
This is an annual observance
that haa been conducted by the
Methodtet youth for more than
SO years.
' Sharon Beakw is worship
chairman of the group and is
to charge of details for the
Special musle . has been
planned. . .... ..
Chart Holy Week
Rites at Albany
Albany The Rev. William
Coates announced Wednesday
that the Albany Ministerial as
sociation will sponsor Holy
Week services each day, start
ing March 80 through April 8,
from 12:08 until 12:25 pjn. in
the First Methodist church.
Ministers of Albany will
Third and Ellsworth,
have charge of the services on
successive days. On Good Fri
day the services will last from
nonn -tjt!l 1 pjn. . . .
The Rev.' Coates announced
these services are designed to
unite persons from all Protes
tant churches in Holy Week
worship, and to give working
persons . an opportunity for
prayer and worship during the
noon hour.
Lutheran Churches
To Give Cantata
The Easter cantata "Cruci
fixion" by John Steiner will
be presented by the Joint
choirs of Grace and Central
Lutheran churches at Grace
Lutheran Sunday night at 8
o'clock. .
Wesleyan Methodist church
at South 15th and Mill Streets
announce revival meetings to
continue over the week end.
Evangelist Pearl Poe of Iowa!
is preaching the old fashioned
gospel message of our Lord and
Savior each night at 7:80. Sun
day services at 11 a.m. and
7:45 p.m. Visitors are urged to
SMMSmj yirnsi tm
liberty street
"The Talk of Hi
Town!" ,
Roberta' One Price
' Hundreds and
hundreds of gay,
colorful Easter
bonnets, and
very one ot this
tiny 2.98 price!
New creations
arriving doily
millinery value
worth much,
much morel
Get Your Spring Festival
Tickets at Roberts!
Il&erty street tr
' J '
Pre-Easter Sale New Spring Toppers
. . . . made to sell for $35 to $45
y ' :' ':'"" V '". : . ''. '-"'.r.'-v. ;.'!r: 'S;''-
" " : '' '.',, . . v. '
Beautifully tailored ... fully lined choice, all wool fabrics these trim top
pers give you so much for your money! Styled in the new-look for Spring . ; . .
. Jtraighrer, narrower, slimmer ond you can choose from new, important lengths!
, Jacket-type 22-inch model, 32-inch finger-tip shortie; and three-quarter style.
jl ' We've poodles. . . suedes .:. fleeces .. . worsted checks kashas ... boucles
in Navy; WhiteRed, Pink, Coral, Beige or Lime. Sizes 8 to 18.
7 9 5
A dream come true! Really washable! It bears the "Sanforlan"
trade-mark which means that it can be washed repeatedly
without loss of original fit. Constructed for active wear com
bining 85 wool with 15 nylon making the cloth wool
warm, nylon strong and kind to the most tender skin. A selec
tion of six multicolor plaid combinations, 2 large patch pock
ets, yoke, action back, four large pearl buttons,' slender pleats
and wide generous cuffs! Sizes 12 through 20.