Thursday, March 26, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm. OrtgM r. it- Red Propaganda Books J In U. S; Foreign Offices Washington ( Loitla Bud enz, the self-styled reformed Communist, Mid Wednesday " concealed Communlit must have" had band in placing the work! el American Com munlit writers in State Depart ment libraries oversea!. Budenz, now member of the faculty of Fordham Univer sity, told the Senate Investiga tions tub-committee he has found that book written by Social Credit Regime Out Victoria, B. C. fl British Columbia's conservative Social Credit government, votedout of power after nine months in office, took steps to dissolve Wednesday and prepared for a general election to be held at an unspecmea xuiure date. The minority government. which unseated a Liberal ad ministration in a general elec tlon last . June 12, was turned back Tuesday night when a Liberal bloc in the Provincial Legislature joined other oppo sition groups to defeat an edu cation costs bill. Premier W. A. A. Bennett announced '. before the votes were counted he would consid er the result a test of confi dence in his government. ' ..- After defeat of the bill, Ben nett said ; he would ask the Lieutenant oGvernor to dis solve the government when ararngements are completed to finance operations of the pro vince until another election can be called. Bennett and opposition party members scheduled a Wednes day meeting to work out the details. The education bill and Bennett's government went down to defeat when the six member Liberal group cast its its- votes with the Canadian Commonwealth Federation and Progeasive Conservatives. One Social Credit member also vot ed against the bill.. Keizer 'at least 75 Communlit." ar. in those libraries. So. ha said. are books by four authors who 'had very close connections witn we communist Party." Budeni was called ai the SUb-COmmlttM imuil mwt In. rvestlgation into reports that books ey communists have been placed on the shelves nf libraries the State Department operates overseas as part of Its coia war propaganda effort The one-time Communist ed itor and member of the Com munist National Committee Identified the witness who fol lowed him, Lawrence K. Ros inger, as a man he had known to be a Communist. The subcommittee staff said it had found that six books by Rosinger are In use in some 39 information centers over the world. Rosinger conceded auth orship of the volumes after taking the witness stand but re fused to say whether be was a Communist Party member. Budenz also said one of the committee's earlier witnesses, Sol Auerbach, better known as James S. Allen, gave "utterly false" thestlmony Tuesday in .denying that he knew of any Communist activity - in this country controlled by Moscow. W. B. Shuey Honored Upon Retirement Mill City William B. Shuey, who is retiring from the employment of the Moun tain States Power company, was the Honored guest at a dinner party held in the Bank Cafe banquet hill Friday ev ening. , . . Mr. Shuey was presented with a 'plaque in recognition of his' nine years of service to the company. Presentation was made by Robert Stewart of ' ' Stayton, district manager, who acted as master of ceremonies at the dinner. '- A gift of luggage was given Shuey from : those present. Presentation was made by Wesley Greene. . . Attending the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. William B. Shuey. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhl- man,, Mr. and Mrs. weuey Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mundt, Mr,, and Mrs., Leland Bassett, Mr. end Mrs. Curtis M Cline, Mr. ' and Mrs. u. A. Bruder, Mr. and Mrs. George Arthurs, Mr. and Mrs. R. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason, Mr. vandrMrs. - Ri B. s-McClain, Mr. and Mrs. R. U Stewart. , , .... , ' 0$ FOShlOnS ( 'X' ' ; ' 'I AT MILLER'S : $ JrUU0& i FREE! THIS 1953 Now! X, V 1 i M : e tar- w v Keizer A shower honor ing Mrs. Ralph Hammack was given at the home of Mrs. F. I Rose. S320 N. River Rd. Fri day, March 20. Joint hostesses with Mrs. Rose were Mrs. Jess Jones, and Mrs. Otto. .Yunker. Games were played ' and re freshments served after the lifts were opened. . A reception honoring the new pastor of the Keizer Com m unity church, the Rev. Rob ert Goertz, will be held in the church parlors Friday, March ; 17. starting at 8 p.m. Rev. Helmer Hiebert of the Salem Heights Baptist church and Rev. Walker L. Penner of the Mehnonite church of Dal las will be the speakers, vx, .' A program will be given with a solo by Mrs. Charles Ronk, a violin solo by Mrs. Peter .Abbott and a duet by Janet Smith and Charlotte Kil-day. Welcoming Rev. Goertz will be, from the church depart ment Lee Wiens, Sunday school Paul Geil; Womens Mis. slonary society Mrs. Charles Ross and from the Young peo ple David Adams. A surprise double stork shower honoring Mrs. Gar field Morse and Mrs. Marshall Jacobs was given at the home of Mrs. Roger Morse on New- berg Drive Wednesday, March 18. Those present were Mes dames Harold Swenby, David McRae, Maude Collins, John Collins, Burdette Collins, Wayne Collins, Gordon Gettis, Charles Church, Oscar Phil lips, Richard Sears, Allen Luke, Norman Humphreys, Keith Wilson, Kenneth Horn, Misses Eleanor Brown, Ruth Holmqulst, Dorothy Morse and , . j ,,:, Mrs. Garfield Morse and the 1 Wfflt lieW DP 3110 Villi? hostess Mrs. Roger Morse. ; Ss&ljg9i5 ivin. uacoDB provided me sur- tiiiy. try oiiri Tonw tbm. bw prise by giving birth to a son, aS,Mj: orreK Aian, on ui mornmg oi, - ,l()rM ,, , tne party. Istiim. t rttd mmi ud riui. linn Post, VFW, , Names Dixon Head Albany Election of offi cers was the highlight of the business meeting of Linn post, Veterans of Foraign Wars Tuesday at the Veterans Mem orial hall. , B. E. Dixon was chosen com' mander, John Strunk, senior vice-commander; Harry B. Dix on, junior vice commander; Boyd Bennett, quartermaster; Frank L 'Folsom, post advo cate; John W. Niccoli, chap lain: Donald Dixon, surgeon; Orris Carnegie and Arcnie Gee, trustees. Clarence Herrington was re appointed adjutant and Archie Gee has been appointed officer of the day. The post will Install officers with the auxiliary April 14. Faces Arson Trial Albany Trial of Edward Hawley Christian on a third de. gree arson charge has been set by Judge Victor Olllver in cir cuit court here for May 8 at 9:30 a.m. Christian had plead ed innocent to the charge, in volving the grand jury accusa tion that he set fire to a south ern Pacific railroad car. Husbands! Wives! J. R. Williston, Bruce & Co. ' Established 1889 ' MEMBERS ' New York Stock Exchonoa . American Stock Exchonga -Chicago Board of Trada Los Angelas Stock Exchonga Edmonton Stock Exchange 1 ond other exchanges New York Son Francisco Seattle Los Angeles Portland . Salem Office 203 Oregon Building Phone 3-4106 Miami Beach Arthur W. Smlther Ralph A. Smlther Harold F. Smlther Henry A. Willecke Choice of Our Entire Stock of Portl Made Luggage rilCk A kt A V DV ar a I bAl'V r DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS iltl Jl..' I nH! 1 1 1th - A mui lOS'l PrtrUnrA ' CWnnmr will be given the lucky ticket holder in this event. Many other So gat your tickets and place them in the containers which may De seen on every srrecr corner cownwwv :- ' i- for your best Easter wear. Furnishings for your home, new gaagets ror ine,Kircneri ana Tin unens ana mine iw wm table, tome shop now wniie stocKs ore or tneir een. GET YOUR LUCKY NUMBER HERE! 2 PRICE! ' hiiu M- now rvl lave HALFI WardrobetteSt ovemltes, bus cases, ' cosmetics and others In an assort ment of wanted luggage. ' , Solid leather bindings. Satin linings. O RAYON CREPE SUPS; . UCE TRIMMED I ,J . . $2.89 - Reg. $4.98! A fine quality nationally known brand of rayon crepe slips go on EOM sale Friday at; - only $2.89! Straight cut style with lace in profusion. ' Sec them in the lingerie section, second floor. v Q 54-INCH ALL WOOL FABRICS ... . . . $1.19 YD. Reg. to $5.50 yard! Now is the time to save! These fine wool coatings, wool suitings in plaids, checks ' or plain colors are being cleared quickly at a low '"' price. Make your own and save. - 0 PLASTIC GARMENT . HANGERS . , . : 6 FOR $1.00 Notion department offers EOM clearance of plastic 1 , garment holders for your closets at low price. i Several colors . , . holds coats, tuitt, skirts, slips, dresses. q E.O.M. CLEARANCE FIESTA POTTERY -3 PIECES FOR $1.00 ' Discontinued patterns In Fiesta Pottery at less than - factory cost! Dinner plates mostly. ; Downstairs N ' kitchen wares department. Also 'a close-out on :, y candles, oluminum foil for cooking, Sunbeam dry : irons. ' , t' V'i.;'.;.;.-!'; ,' V--1 V. w' 'Vl", '-' i't':.- rii- '.t-n-'i.'-: 7 14 95 r Nancy 1 V W v ' Cotton r. ! ;,lV . I -. .!": CHARGE IT NOW - PAY IN MAY! TIP" ' alpMg Momtt bagoy kneei? 9ht toptt THE FINEST FOR EASTER WEEK. bwouttful iniwir v to stocking . pe)r(ct-fitrrfig IELIEI H ARME ER eg-iirl .... ... . oo-shertit loo-longil $135$1 95 pr. bfv mediu eJuehm fourak miaA ,' (arMn dfl) (rwl (do) fefslsedsf . Ieswsfesje Mlst014 fsrtaH, Stan IH fell lksssjttni Classic (pMx 4f) hr lerftal be thm H to 11 Valentine Dresses , All this feminine accordion pleating is permanent in Nancy Valentine's Alluring newcomer whiffed at the deep-throated card igan neckline with snowy pique above a tremendous self bow. Big-wheeling skirt yoked with accordion ' pleats finished with a row of faggotting. Silky tex tured, orlon ond cotton. Looks at least twice its price , tog. A cinch to wash. Black, brown, or navy. V " . 2nd floor