Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Thursday, Marca 16, IMS
at Willamette:
Dances on
Of Week-end
"A Tight Little Itland" wUI
M presented by UNESCO to
morrow and Saturday nights la
waller ball. An English com
jedy. tha film will begin at 7:30.
Admission price It 80c.
." v, .
1 Baxter hall now has tele
j vision set The second one to
appear on the Willamette cam
pus, the set Is a result of funds
, gathered by the Baxter men's
association and gifts from alum-
nt associations.
' Bishop manor will present
' their dance tonight, and the
theme of the affair Is 1 Club
It Germaine." following
closely the French theme, the
decorations, planned-by Judy
Slack of Coqullle, will be in
. aplred by the paintings of Ma
tisse and Ficasso. The room wui
'resemble a Parisian night club,
and candles In bottles will dec
orate the table tops. Sally Che
: evens of San Carlos, Calif, and
Marilyn English of Hood River
are chairmen of the. function.
' i'. -'-J-' v.,' ii,' "f '::;- K .!""''f, .'
' "Spring Fever wUI be the
theme of the Beta Alpha cam
ma-8igma Alpha Chi annual
dance. The two sophomore hon-
cranes wiu oanca in juauwums
hall tomorrow night from 8:80
until 13. Preparations for the
event have been made by Judy
Fullager of Portland and Chuck
. Ruud of woodburn.
Monday was a blue day for
the senior das on the Wil
lamette campus this week, for
In the traditional Blue Monday
style, they swam the mill
stream. As the losers of Fresh
: man Glee, taking fourth place,
the class of 1988 presented
Blue Monday chapel for. the
student body. -
Roll in - Cocking of . Salem
reed the obituary of the class,
amid tears of the seniors. The
graduating ' class entered ' In
their caps and gowns, carrying
' a rowboat with two senior
women, Amaryllis Lilies and
Eleanor Oakes of Portland, In
It. Bob Miller of Pendleton,
class president read the senior
class will. To the sophomore
class they left the "shafted
glee" banner. The sophomores
placed second In the race. To
the Junior elass, who won the
contest for the third straight
year, the seniors left weir 140
left feet. The freshman elass
; placed third, and no mention
of them was made In the will.
After singing their songs for
the years that they nave par
ticipated in Glee, the seniors
marched out to the mill stream
and filed into the water.
THE CAPTTAL JOUKMAL, sum, urcgon . 1 1 1
stand-by. roNTKOLsuKGED';vr. ti Hnnrnrn I vacation souNP 2000 Jopanese Teste r..,cfMA?PER
n ' ' ' ' l0!IMeaSUre : V First Day of Freedom JT
IWinc FflVAr I J ..Maiiuru, Japan W Two if'
I If.lllJ IMIVI ' v1 'I I f thousand Japanese Thursday I V;
S I T seiuU highway com- I tasted their first real dsy of
IV MaM vntmA i.itin(mniti1 WakH. I I CI
nesday for the house-passed .. t
I bill to impose tolls on, the "
I highway - bridge across the . ' I
Columbia river at Vancouver. . V I
I The money will be used to I
Financier Bernard Baruch (left), who. told the senate
backing and currency committee that in a "world under
"seige" stand-by economic controls legislation mutt be en
acted, confers with hU brother, Sailing Baruch (right),
prior to the hearing in Washington. In the background la
Sen. Harry F. Byrd, (.Va.) (UP Telephoto.)
Gold Medal Awarded to
Youth Who Saved Lives
Howard Fitzgerald, 18-year-
old Scout of Dallas, received
the gold medal award for life
saving at the 82nd annual ban
quet of Cascade Area Council,
Boy Scouts of America, at the
Marion hotel Wednesday night.
The award was based on the
boy's efforts In rescuing two
brothers from a burning home
In Valsetz last September' 13
The father . and two -other
brothers lost their lives in the
flsmes. ''. '.,.
The mother, Mrs. Leonard
Fitzgerald, now a resident of
Dallas, was present to see her
son honored through the pres
entation - by Edwin A. Arm
strong, secretary to Governor
Paul Paterson. ,
Howard, now a Second Class
Scout with Troop 24, Dallas,
was a Tenderfoot at the time
he" rescued his brothers.
In recognition of their years
of service with the Boy Scout
movement four business men
were, presented with Silver
Beavers Wednesday. . ?-
Receiving the awards were:
Douglas Parkes, state highway
department engineering super
visor; W. W. McKlnney, Salem
attorney; 6. T. Moore, district'
forest supervisor of Detroit;
and F. L, Thompson, Albany,
president of the council.
The awards were presented
by W, L. Phillips of Salem,
long affiliated with the Scout
Miss Hays Bride
At Stayton Church
AumsvUle On March 11 at
the First Baptist church in
Stayton, Miss Thelma Hayes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Hayes of AumsvUle, was
married to Merle Beach, ton
ef Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beach
- ad Turner.
The Rev. Nick Neufeld offi
ciated at tha double ring eere-
- mony.
Mrs. Poole played the wed
ding music and Mr, M. Windsor
tang. Lighting the tapers pre
ceding the ceremony
Miss Norma Hayes and Mrs.
Barrel Hayes.
The bride wore a blue street
length dress and tarried a
white Bible entered with an
orchid. '
Her honor attendant Mrs.
Richard Price, wore a yellow
drees and tarried a colonial
bouquet. .
' Best man lor Mr. Beach was
Barrel Hayes, brother of the
bride, and ushers were Ned
Jensen, Elton Beach, Darrel
Dalke and Dalbert Dalke.
For her daughter's wedding.
Mrs. Hayes wore a black dress
and hat and a pink carnation
corsage. The bridegroom's
mother wore a gray dress with
matching hat and a pink carna
tion corsage.
At the reception following
the wedding Mrs. Harry Way
cut the cake, Mrs. Fred Ling
served. Mrs. Louis Killlnger,
Mrs. Alfred Schneider, Mrs.
Ned Jensen and Miss Donna
Hayes poured.
The couple left on a wedding
trip to California through the
Redwoods. They plan to live
ear Turner. Mrs. Beach it a
senior at Cascade Union high
school. . r
Shirer Says Nazism
Returns to Germany
San Francisco tut Wil
liam L. Shirer, veteran eorrei
pondent and authority en Ger
many, warned today that Natl
iam wat making "frightening
Ha said there ware "more
Nailt in tha West German for
its office at Bonn today than
there were in Berlin under
Shirer, who covered the rise
and fall of Hitler's regime as
. American newspaper and
raril.i correspondent said he
was 'alarmed over the repld
comeback of Natlsm in Ger
Dallas Sergeant to ,
Reach Seattle Today '
seatue, un Miutary per
sonnel from the Far East were
scheduled to arrive here
Thursday aboard the Navy
transport Jamet O'Hara.
Among those aboard it Sfc.
Herbert G. Lincoln, Dallas,
-New Delhi, India WV-The
Indian " parliament Thursday
approved a defense budget for
the coming year of 1,898,400,
000 rupees ($410,684,000).
This is a alight increase over
last year's figures.
' Seven boys were advanced
to Eagle -rank: Jamet Bo wen,
Leroy Grlebenow, Ronald
Brown, Robert Yunker, Julian
Thurston, David . Adamt and
Bruce Bleckert. The awards
were made by . Norman Frees,
member ef the Scout executive
board. ''y''-y,:iK:-'-'y.
Additional awards included:
Scouter keys: Carl Ander
son, Troop 80 scoutmaster; Rus
sell Harrison, 'scoutmaster
Troop 22; Herb Clark; Warren
Black, deputy council commis
sioner; Forrest Huntley, Troop
22 Explorer adviser; Lyle Gil
more, Troop 28 chairman; Or
ris Carnegie, Troop 22 assist
ant scoutmaster; Floyd Hope
man Calapooya, district chair
man; Osborn Shaw,' Post 63
Explorer adviser; Dwayne
Snook, assistant
Twenty-year veteran awards:
Maurice Keller and Edward
Gottfried; 18-year, Sam Calr
nes, Sweet Home. -
Guest speaker was Senator
Phil Hitchcock of Klamath
Falls and the "Scout Family"
was exemplified by the An
drew Rhodabeckt of Albany ef
five personi.
wB VftCtaiM C1IHMQ1
Ask for Tear
Lucky Penny
Yacuum Cleaner
481 Court St Fh. 4-88M
Shoes you'll love ...
ccntd with
MM 'X. V "t". '
with bha t- tt trim ,
Arr llaWOtWtM fit
The senate highway com
mittee oi tne uregon legisla
ture voted unanimously Wed
nesday for the house-passed
bill to impose tolls on , the
highway - bridge across the
Columbia river at Vancouver,
The money will be used to
finance construction of a par
allel bridge.
A similar bill was passed, by
the Washington legislature'.
The committee said it ex
pects the new bridge
completed in about five years.
When , it is finished, . each
bridge will carry one-way
traffic. , 4
Retail Price Index
Likely to Show Drop
Washington () The govern.
ment's retail price index today
was almost certain to show a
small average drop In the price
of food, clothing, housing and
hundreds , of - other ' consumer
purchases for the third month
in a row.: . - ;.v',' 1
, Sharply falling food prices.
led by cheaper meats, have' al
ready been recorded by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BUS) foro the month' ended
February IB. '
The index for January 18,
the last one out, stood at 113.8
Former President Harry S. Truman (left) talks with
'newsmen, on arrival in Los Angeles aboard the liner Presi
dent Cleveland from San Francisco. 'Truman, his wife and
:. daughter are en route to Hawaii for a month's vacation.
(UP Telephoto.) , ,
per cent of the 1947-48 average
index. Today's index, reflect
ing the price change from Jan
uary 15,was expected to con
tinue the decline from the rec
ord high reached in November.
Youth Admits Part in
Chicago Holdup Killing
Chicago (U.B A 19-year-old
youth gave himself up early to
day and admitted taking part
Maiiuru, Japan W Two
thousand Japanese Thursday
tasted their first real day of
freedom since the end of
World War n and UKea n.
Tkaii wAMt nsrt fit thfl fintt
v. vw tr- - - -
group of some 80,000 repatri
ates China is returning.
These 1,000 were the first to
t. unHsv the first to be re
leased from the processing cen
ter nere, ana w nt w
home free. .. . r
Would Put 49 Stars
In 7 Horizontal Rows
Washington (U.B Rep.
Thomas J. Lane D., Mass. has
introduced a bill to nut 49 stars
in the American flag after
Hawaii's admission as the 49th
state. ' : '''' ' . "
His measure, offered at the
request of the Veterans of For
eign Wars' Department in Mas
sachusetts, calls for aligning
the stars in seven horizontal
rows of seven each. ;
in the holdup of the Llbby, Mc
Neill and Llbby Co., in which
a guard wat killed and .five
men beaten. v'. ; ; ..r"-:
Hudson Tillman, accompahl-
Iw Mm miithw nrarfier and
an attorney, surrendered to Lt.
John Olsen, head of tne look
county state's attorney's police.
Ma. Gen. Arthur G. Tru
deau (above) took , over .
command of the U.S. Sev
enth division In Korea re
cently is directing the de-:
feme of Old Baldy, strategic
hill on the battlefront which '
is under heavy . Chinese '
communist attacks. (AF:
' Manila W Adlal Steven
son! arrived from Hong Kong
Thursday for a five-day visit
here on hit world tour.:
Beautiful crystaUelear glass
Moulded by famous Anchor Hocking
Useful 7" she for candies, cookies, snacks
Decorative table piece, too
Com meet Gof your Qih today I
)())? st.for. i
leaaaKTt n; ihbii . ' ir itrr tBtastttai gafget- mrmL. g&NS. at tta iiti h ph
aHBaaeea Ta-i4t).
PAM J. MYERS, home economist for the East
Washing Machine Corp., will demonstrate
Demonstrations at
1 1 a.m. -1 p.m. 2 p.m.-3 p.m.
7:30 p.m, Friday!
Come in . get this beautiful, .useful Bon-Bon Dish and
Cover made by famous Anchor Hocking Glass Corpora-,
tion. ABSOLUTELY FREE -just for watching a 3
minute .demonstration of this amazing value EASY
See how the speedy 2-tub Easy Spindrier does a whole
. week's wash whiter, brighter, in less than an hour. Watch
Easy'i gentle Spiralator washing action arid the thorough
Automatic Spin-rinse. See how Easy spins clothes 25
drier than a wringer. Theft you'll agree that dollar for
dollar, feature for feature, Easy 'f your best washer buyl
To Any Adult Coming Into Hogg Bros.
Friday or Saturday!
. . I . '
' ' ' ; " " ' ; ' )'.'-,
Free Balloons for the Kiddies!
Open Friday 'til 9 p.m. ;
) M(t with an Easy. There'i m
U ( mmmXtA nmi' 1
I nuimm nuni tuinit imuici i iohi rimsiiu I