Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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ital Women
Miss Lowder Announces
Engagement in Seattle to.
Glen W. Widdows, Salem ,
The engagement of Miff
Elaine Lowder, daughter of
Mrs. James lewder and tha
late Col; Lowder of Seattle,
Waih., to Glen W. Widdows,
on of Mr. and Mm. W. O. Wid
dowa of Salem, wu announced
recently. .
The wedding ia planned for
June SO at the St Andrew1!
Episcopal church In Aberdeen,
MIm Lowder told number
of her Intimate friends, all
members of Alpha Delta PI
rority, of her engagement at
a recent party at her home in
Seattle. The announcement wu
made by patting the traditional
box of candy.
When the gunti arrived
large red heart featuring tne
silhouettes of a girl and boy
was on the door. Small red
hearts bore the name of each
girl Invited. The names of the
affianced couple were kept
secret until refreshment time
when the centerpiece on the
table was a large red and white
cake Inscribed with the names
"Elaine and Glen." White snap
dragons and red candles were
used to decorate the rooms and
the table.
Miss Lowder attended the
University of Iowa and later
was graduated from the Uni
versity of Washington. In addi
tion to Alpha Delta Pi, social
sorority, she Is affiliated with
Zeta Phi Eta, speech honorary,
and PI Lambda Theta, educa
tion honorary. She Is mem
ber of the teaching staff al
Ridgecraft school in Seattle.
Mr. Widdows attended the
University of Oregon before en
taring the service and later
was graduated from the Univer
sity of Portland. He was presi
dent of Intercollegiate Knight
and a member of Uptilon Ome
ga PL He Is a representative
of General Petroleum corpora
tion In San Francisco, Calif.,
where the couple will, make
their home. -
Two Speak Before
Soroptimist Meeting
Community service was tfie
topic lor a talk by J. A. .
Dodd, manager of Portland Gas
and Coke Co., at the Soropti
mist club luncheon Wednesday
noon at the Golden Pheasant
Mrs. Paul Geddes, Roseburg,
wife of State Senator Geddes,
also was a visitor and gave
talk on conversation, also read
some children's poems.
Mrs. Virgil T. Golden was
welcomed as new member,
little daughter of Major and
Mrs. James L, Svejkosky, re
cently ' observed . her fourth
birthday and party was giv
en by her mother at their home.
A large "circus take" featured
the luncheon.
L Sharman's guests Included
Paula Thompson, Terry
Thompson, Jimmy Thornton,
Mary Beth Thornton, Sandra
Thornton, Ton! Russell, .Jane
Cbetwood, Jeri Campion. As
sisting Mrs. Svejkosky were
Mrs. James Thorton, Mrs. J.
W. Thompson and Mrs. R. W.
Mrs. Holt to Head
Camp Fire Leaders
Dallas At recent meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Hollis
Smith the Camp Fire Leaden
association elected Mrs. Eve
lyn Holt as chairman. Mrs.
Roy Wickttrom was elected
secretary for the group. Regu
lar meetings will be on the
fourth Thursday of . each
tenth between the hours of
1 and S p.m. The nest meeting
will be at the home of Mrs.
Evelyn Holt
During the afternoon Miss
Sold Wolcott executive sec
retary of Willamette area
Camp Fire Girls, and Mrs.
Opal Gardner, regional rep
resentative for Camp Fire,
discussed the birthday project
of Camp Fire Girls for the
present year.
Mrs., Hollis Smith, Polk
County district chairman, in
dicated that the following
leaders were in attendance:
Mrs. Wayne Page, Mrs. Roy
Phillips, Mrs. BUI Bowden,
Mrs. Neale Povey, Mrs. Eve
lyn Holt Mrs. Roy Wickstrom
and from Salem, Miss Wol-
eott and Mrs. Opal Gardner.
. . .
At Meeting
Dallas Attending the area
board meeting of Willamette
area Camp Fire Girls on
March 23 were several Dallas
representatives: Art Woods,
halnnen of the area board;
Mrs. Robert Kelley, Mrs.
William Young and Jim
Lundy, representatives; Mr.
Xeale Povey, Polk county
board member; and Mrs. Hol
las Smith, Polk county dis
trict chairman. At the meet
ing, preparation for the camp
ing season at Camp Kllowan
waa discussed.
To Fete
Justice and Mrs. George
Rossman are to be hosts for a
luncheon at their home Friday
noon honoring Dean Edward
Levi of the University of Chi
eago law school and Mrs. Levi.
The Levis are In Portland for
two days, ho addressing
meetings there, and they will
be In Salem for a few hours,
Guests at the luncheon will
include Desn and Mrs. Levi,
Circuit Judge and Mrs. James
Crawford of Portland, and the
other supreme court Justices
and their wives, Justices and
Mesdamea Earl C. Latourette,
James T. Brand, Hall Lusk,
Walter L. Tooie. Harold War
ner and William C. Ferry.
Mn Al J.hobten were hott-
... to the P.L.E. & F. club
of Pvthlan Sisters on Wednes
dsy evening at the Hansen
home. Card games followed
the meeting, and taking non
on were Mrs. Herman Bert
ner, Mrs. Earl Burk, Mrs.
Lennle Irvine and Mn. Hugh
Gatts. Mrs. Ralph WUlcox won
a special prize.
e .. ' .
Minerva Club
The regular meeting of the
Minerva club was at the Sigma
Alpha Epillon fraternity house
on Monday evening. Plant
were made for the rummage
sale to be in Msy. The nomi
nating committee, consisting of
Mrs. Theodore Adams, Mrs. a..
Morgail, Mrs. Garland Simp
son, and Mrs. G. N. Verdleck,
dlscusted candidates for offi
cers of the coming year. Re
freshments were served by the
hostesses, Mrs. Robert White
and Mrs. S evert Swanson.
Lists New
Alnha Znsllon chapter of
! Beta Sigma Phi met last eve
ning at the borne ox Mrs. oy
Hoibrook and elected the fol
lowing new officers:
Mrt. Eldon Lindhortt, pres
ident; Mli Bernice Ettner, vice
president; Mrs. John Ames, re
cording secretary; jnus rau
line Fugate, correiponding sec
retary; Mrs. Lawrence Fitz
gerald, treasurer; Mrt. Wilder
McNeil, executive officer; Mrs.
William Habernicht, Mrt. Roy
Hoibrook, representatives to
city council of Beta Sigma
New officers will be Install
ed on May 18. .
Plans were made for a Moth-
Thursday, March 28, 1958
era day iuncneon on way h,
Miss Beverly Leboid as enair-
For entertainment lasi eve
ning, a skit "Overtones," was
put on by Miss Shirley Miller,
Mrs. John Ames, Miss Bernice
Ettner, Miss Pauline Fugate.
Mrs. Ames and Miss Marcla
Summers were co-hostessea
with Mrs. Hoibrook for the
meeting. Mrs. James Marshall
and Mrs. Andy Foster were
guests. The next meeting Is to
be Aoril 8 at tha home of Mrs.
Lindhortt at which time tha
chapter's "Beta Sigma Phi girl
of the year" will be named.
s5I'2ECa)iX33: Q aca
'JfEKOuOtr 03
Open Friday -Night
Til 9
b Bride-elect Announcement Is being nude of the
engagement of Mis Elaine Lowder, above, daughter of
Mrs. James Lowder of Seattle, to Glen W. Widdows, son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Widdows of Salem, a June wedding
being planned. (Keonett-Zllie studio picture, Seattle)
Todos Menu
Friday Far
Delicious Corn and Tomato
- Soup
Egg Sandwiches
Crisp Crackers ,
. Beverage
Delicious Corn and
T ornate Soup
Ingredients: 1 cup lightly
drained canned tomatoes, 2 thin
slices onion, 1 teaspoon salt
(about), 2 tablespoons butter
or margarine, 2 tablespoons
flour, 2 cups milk, 1 cup cream
style corn, ft cup ripe olives
(cut from pits In large pieces),
pepper. -
Method: Put tomatoes, onion
and salt in saucepan; cook un
til very hot Force through
sieve; return to saucepan. In
another saucepan melt butter;
stir in flour until blended. Add
milk all at once and cook end
stir constantly over low heat
until thickened and bubbly.
Stir in corn and olives. Reheat
tomatoes; stir tomatoes slowly
into corn-olive mixture. Add
more salt if necessary and pep
per. Makea 4 servings.
, GAIETY HILL Garden elub
met on Monday at the home of
Mrs, J. N. Bishop.
Catholic Women
Fleet New Officers
Following a no-host dinner
on Tuesday evening, members
of the Women's Catholic Order
of Foresters elected new officers.
They are Mrs. B. F. Dimeter,
chief ranger; Mrs. Eunice
Smith, vice chief ranger; Miss
Pearl Balrey, financial secre
tary; Mrs. George Gruchalla,
recording secretary; Mrs. Mike
Innocent!, treasurer; Mrs. Phil
lipa Xrecter, Mrs. Philip Lutz
and Mrs. Edward Payseno,
trustees; Miss Mary Wruble,
inside sentinel; Mrs. John Mel-
chel, outside sentinel; Mrs.
Dorothy Zelinikl and Mrs. Joe
Henny, conductors; Mrs. May
Bach, ways and means; Mrs.
Axel Donnelly, entertainment;
and Mrs. Joe Reynolds, remembrance.
Birthday Party
Celebrating her sixth birth
day on Tuesday was Sharon
Lee Fitts, daughter of Mr. and
Carl Fitts of Bend. The little
girl was honored with a party
at the home of her grand par
ents, Mr. arid Mrs. F. E. Ward.
Attending the party were
Phillis and Stephen Hill,
Cleone and Marilyn Welty,
David Singer, Snarl La Hof
stetter, Tommy Rehfuss, Billy
Johnson, Judy and Johnny
Coomler, ' Judy, Jimmy and
Barbara Whelan, Mra. James
Whelan. Mrs, Hofs tetter. Mr,
and Mrs. Carl Fitts and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Ward.
From California .
Visitors arriving this week
from California are Mrs. How
ard Arnot and son, Michael,
from Bur bank, and Mrs. Peter
Hauser and children, Karen
and Melissa, from Oceanside.
They drove north.
Mrs. Arnot and son are with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El
more Hill, and Mrs. Hauser
and children are with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Mof
fitt The visitors will be here
several weeks. -'v-
ON FRIDAY evening, Mr.
and Mrs, Wayne Hadley are en
tertaining aa dinner guests,
Mrs. Hadley't sister, Mrs. Let
ter D. Green and little son,
Danny Green, the day being
Mrs. Green's birthday anniver
sary. .- j
- lUlMrKbc
: ana chilorj
trem Ncle rrvloy
Toe eta lose pounds without
losing friends, tea can seek te
mar diet at parties without
stank Bke a snek-ta-thwnud,
new Ufa, irne miracle party
manaa that eatkfy hungry nwn
and gratify dieting women.
Read them In the big. new
Apnl ladies' HnrasJowmall
Va Everything new and exciting it
W l , here . . . Priced o modestly thof
I Vl V yu r)0V very parkling
II llAk P0 yu or ase
lUd. aw Hd Vs ift . mm aO
Valral NOtl fcOQcj1 m
aW hM
405 Court St., Corner Liberty
Open Friday Ironing Until 9
1S5 N. Lfterty . C Mc
' Iks ' waa 'Si-af
t I 111 "
foil l AliJJ 1
(A) Reg. B.98 4.88 (B) Reg. T.88 6.88
(A) Little sister's rayon-acetate in- tailored ch'eck-and-solids
with matching bag. (Fed. tax incl.) 3-6X.
(B) Girls' Easter Suit buys in pastel check' rayon
acetates with Bag to match. (Fed. tax Incl.) 7-14.
Brown, blue, green 4.98 llzei 8-8
For Easter and long after. A well tailored outfit of
long-wearing, crease-resistant rayon-and-acerate
gabardine. Boxer back longies with zipper fly. Fully
lined coat with front of contrasting slub-weave.
Jacket 8.98 - Slacks 4.79 ;
(A) Bright, colorful houndstooth check Jacket of
50 wool, 50 rayon. Fully lined. Gray or brown.
(B) Gabardine Slacks of long-wearing nylon and
rayon. Four shades. Saddle-stitched seams. 1 J-20.
mU MfcJ 6fe''
0 1.98
Drets Shirt 1.98 Slacks 3.98
(A) Cotton broadcloth Shirt with wide spread collar,
removable stays. Sanforized. White. Sizes 6-18.
(B) Gabardine Slacks of crease-resistant rayon-acetate.
Brown, blue, gray. 12-20. Sizes 4-10 .2.98.