local Paragraph! THX CAPITAL JOURNAL, tasJesM, Ortfoa BuUdlng Permits Theodore "vttiK 10 miua one-story uwEiung ana garage at 3220 Crestvlew, $22,220. En nit " w repair a one-itory dwelling at 431 North Front, 360. Innii Walt, to repair a viwiKuy aweuing at 443 North rront, $880. Gerald T. Hall, to build a one-itory dwelling and garage at 880 Stark, $12,. 000. Ernest Fletcher in root a one-itory dwelling at tv truuin IBin, SiZ. Cft AdvsjQee All egg prlc s were up a cent here Thurs ' day following limllar lncreatet on the Portland produoe mar ket The buying quotation! are M lollowi: AA, 48 cents; large A, 48-82 cent; medium AA, 48 i mreium a, as-47 cents; . wn. we wnoie ale nit, large grade A are quoted generally at 88 cent, tue meaiums at 03 centi. Vandals PlayVandals de etroyed some flower planti on the West Salem branch poit oxrice ground and broke tome tile facing on the adjoining building', according to city po lice reports Thunday. Bit by Dog Douglai Mor gan, 8, 1745 Fir street, suf fered two skin lacerations on the face Wednesday when he was bitten by a dog while at play at school. He was treat ed by a doctor for the wounds. Owners of the dog were or dered bf police to confine it Sam Brown House Story ouiry Oi uie otuu Brown . house, a pioneer dwelling on Highway 99E about 12 miles north of Salens will be told over station KOAC Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Mrs. Sam Brown. PRESIDENT f Street ' Vacation Bejected uyou recuumieuuttliuii u County Engineer Hedda Swart, the county court Thursday re jected a petition calling for the vacation of Brandon street from the west line of Clark for a short distance westward. The street is located in Carl haven addition of the Keizer district. Swart pointed out that if the vacation was granted the street would revert to the original owner and would be of no benefit to the adjoining property. Closure, too, would Interfere with any develop ment of land on Maine avenue. $60,000 Cut (Continued from Page 1) Elnora Pederson, who was elected president of the Sa lem Camera elub. Red Assaults . (Continued from Page 1) and mortar fire and bomb bursts since American troops abandoned it to victorious Chi nese. All day long the Western Front hill rocked under in tense fire as the Americans tried to root out the stubborn Reds who handed U. N. troops their worst beating since they were thrown off the Kumhwa ridges five months' ago. The U. S. Seventh Division pulled out in Thursday's early darkness, dynamiting their trenches and bunkers. The strategic fortress guard ing the Imjin valley route to Seoul was left to the Reds and death. Drew Pearson (Continued from Page 4) from Senator Tobey of New Hampshire to President Eisen hower that helped the White House decide on a finish fight W Amhaaaadnr Bohlen. . . . University of California scient ists are using a solution from the tropical fruit papaya, in 4hs battle asainst cancer. The new solution helps doctors dis tinguish stomach cancer xrom ordinary ulcers. (OopyrUht. IMS) MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thoraday, March U Uavtl Tl na Mir face division, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training ceraer. Company D, 162nd infantry regiment. Oregon National Guard at Salem armory. D battery, 732nd AAA.AW bat talion at quonset huts on Ice street. Scabee Reserves at Naval, and Marine Corps Reserve Training center, BORN jrnh miunder. Mill citr, a bar. "btaS; - Te Wr. end Mr. Olenn suite, JJ0 Jma at, a br-. BRIHKMAN - To Mr. tad Hn. Don ald D. Brlnlrasa, "iL .-a u n.o,.. coopir, 1 Moier Uni, a eirl, Mwch 35. KROHK To Mr. and M rs. Harleve Krohn. 15B Tin at "- KLLTNOS WORTH - To . end lire. Zarl C, Wllnsiworio, n. , - bo?, Mirch 25. BUTBCH To Mr. and Mn. Olem faaneral Extenainn r..... ine aeneral atvtn.ln . hiuwiiu uivs- slon of the Oregon State Sys tem of Higher Education is conducting a class in problems of business management at Salem senior high school. Classes art held each Tues day night from 7 oaa - a period of 10 walra ik c. ville T. Ford, assistant pro fessor of business administra tion at the University of Ore gon In charge. The class car ries three hour graduate sr undergraduate credit Wanted la Karen 8. Meyers, arrested here th week for obtaining money Under falsa sretenesta U mlmn wanted in Eugene for passing back checks, Salem police were notified Wednesday by Eugene authorities. Csn DlBUfld-firi ilrltun by W. M. Aaheraft. lan Lincoln street, and Jan Foul- er, 846 West Washington street, collided at the intersec tion of Fir and Superior streets Wednesday about 8:80 n.m. City police reported consider- aoie aamage to bow cars but no injuries to persons. Driver Fined Willi. AtW Hayes, Detroit was fined $280 aisrrict court weanesaay on charae of drunk drivlnff. A similar charge against Fred C. Anderson, Idanha, was dismis sed. Anderson was arrested on the charge in March of last year. . . . Rep. Alva Goodrich of Bend contended that $200 of the ap propriation should be eliminat ed because this sum would be used to send a couple of attor neys to the meeting of the American Bar association. The bill was defended by Senator Merrlfield and Rep. Francis Zleeler. i The Joint committee went on record favoring the teaching of elementary education in Ore gon's three colleges of educa tion as recommended in the so called Anderson plan. A bill carrying out this proposal was ordered drawn. Another bill reported out fa vorably would repeal a 1931 law making it mandatory upon the state civil service commis sion to study the state em ployes' salary situation each two years. In event the bill is approved by the legislature, the commission would make such a study only when it was deemed necessary. Increase in salaries of ap- nointlve state officers was ap proved by the committee and sent to the house. Singapore, built on what once was a pestilential island, is now credited with having a death rate as low as that In Britain. ' Rummage sale, Friday, March 27, 9:30 a.m., 193 N. Com'l. 'S Capital Unit No. 9, Ameri can Legion auxiliary bazaar and cooked food sale, Friday, March 27, Portland Gas andj Coke Co., 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 73 : Castle Permanent Wavers, 305 Llvesley Bldg., Ph. 3-8683. Permanents $5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. 73 I Tnr file Mahnffanv lli&no. reasonable. Phone 2-8725. 73 i Moving and storage across the street across the nation. Call Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co. 73 1aah killed Grade A han turkeys 49c pound. OrwigV Market 3870 Buverton ita., Phone 4-8742. 74 Benefit Plant Sale. Public in vited. Thursday 8 pjn., second floor TMCA. Salem Camellia Society. 73 Salem High (PTA) Rum mage Sale over Greenba urn's Friday, Saturday, 8:80. com mittee will receive rummage. plants, bulbs Thursday, 7-9 p.m. 73 Excellent rummage sale. sponsored by Washington school Mothers club, good clean rummage, Thurs., 9:30 to 3:30, over Greenbaum's: 73 The Knit-shop, Turner, will be close until further notice, due to illness. Ruth Nyberg Barber. 73 Rummage sale, all day Fri day, next to Fitts Market. South Salem Lions auxiliary. 73 End of Session ' (OontiiMMd from Page 1) The statement made it clear that the list submitted Is not meant to be an inclusive list of all bills yet to .be iteted upon. ,' "The Inclusion of any bill does npt necessarily Indicate that we both prove of such legislation for in one or two Instances we are not in coord as to the desirability of such legislation, r . The subjects listed by the legislative leaders, which does not include subjects already passed by both houses or de-J rested, art: Public ' Employees - Retire ment program; Constitutional convention; legislation to set county salaries at a county level; Timber severance tax; Interim taxation program: In terim tax committee to study the personal property tax; In terim highway committee to study tax structure and admin istration: Civil Rights law: School district reorganisation; Water resources legislation: Sex Deviate legislation; Unem ployment legislation covering employers of one or more em ployees; Workmen's compensa tion increases; Organizational picketing; Legislation to au thorize legislative counsel; Higher Education building pro gram including the problem of a new dental school; state in stitutions building program in cluding problem of an inter mediary penal institution and domiciliary hospital; Anderson report on Higher Education; Welfare legislation with regard to secrecy clause and financial responsibility; legislation in re gard to weather control and legislative analyst. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Ploronn Hrudta v Oltnn juihmb ad upon modem of eialstuf. . ' CaeU Marina Laasltr i Ivaa l Lua- Itr, Jr.! unm aoauuaiav auaiw aruol and Inhuman tnekmaat. afarrlad at Orand Rondo, on. Ana. 1, mi. rtmhoriino! ' ino- ia Xobark Braak: Vtrdlot of Hit ilTtn BlatntBt kr Jurr. Suit n for ll,3. ari w ehrun KoaidA Soral: St- voreo omnolftlnt. allorlnK aratl and In- nnnaa tnttmut. uurM at Devar, Uw, March IS, U44. Kjiaart v. Tirana n Marlaa X. Leo ana: DiTOrco doom to BlalatUC noMr- lof dffondanlia lonuar name m junu X Baldwin. vinini V. manor aa Kaaaatfc a. Banar: ordar at dotaolt eatorad aaaaut doiondant. VrtmAm. Outhrto TO KluUl S. and JoA& w. Manor, dba cnoea'a aioBa aoaio: roartn ameiMoa aompuuat. rnn v. cob urn n aiata ladattrlal Accident commUiloa: Oomplatnt. aook- Ina iadaawnl for an avara oi aomeonia tlon aaoal to oo par emt loos at aaa at a let. . Torn O. lforsan va Soatbom racino com pony and O. O. Xaah: Annrar by do fondanu la aonnoeUon vlth aaUUtoB batwoon 8. P. laoomotlva and vlalntnTa automobUo at Marlon and Slat atraatt Mar X, MSI. rrank LmIU sun va Oaorta AWi andor. tfportntondont. otata panlton. tlarr: roUUon (or writ of habaat aer- pui. . . Probata Court Thoroaa Hauslnfor praltod at 10,07JT. X S. Ooataa orttU: at te.MiM. Lorry Jar Oonrad auardlanabh: Or der appolntlnv Bonlab M. Marora as uardlan. BybU e. CatUn estate: Order admltt- Int will to probata and appointing Frank H. apeara ao admlnlltrator. Zi tata bu nine In aaoaia of 110,000. Donna Lee Vranela guardianship: An. naal report and aoooont approred. Jlnunr Dale 'Amos anardlanshio: i dor appronng animal report and aa- eouns. Marr . Don n aetata: Olaatas ardor. A. D. seott estate: Order for proof at will and appointment of executor. Prlscllla Aepar nardlanahlp: Pomrtfc annnal aoeennt. Delbert Freeman Toons aetata: Ap praised at siaii.es. READY FOR DEDICATION t; j , vr '--uV I HI II i I , tllil-Hll V 1 rs- a4 aC l!ic Dsfcnds : ' (Oontlnutvd from Page 1) N -.2a vl w i - Willing hands are putting finishing touches on the new $400,000 Santiarh Memorial hospital which will bo dedi cated at 2:30 pjn. Sunday. Top photo shows new hospital. Center photo shows two new incubators bought by the : Detroit Dam Recreation Association and a new oxygen air pressure lock, to save the lives of "blue babies," bought by proceeds of a concert by the Eugene Oleemen. Standing by the equipment from left are Mrs. Battle Schtles, Mrs. ' Tressa Van Nuys and Mrs. Maxine Wodely. In lower photo preparing drapes for hospital rooms, are Mrs. Ray Tom- . linson, Marion, X-ray technician; Mrs. Louise Wilt, super intendent; Mrs. A. I. Prugh, Mrs. V. D. Bryant and Mrs. Donna Frost, office manager. .. ; , , . ' aj f , a 1 lis "-v l'-o! v rl t., 'It ll 4. Doclared he does not be lieve any high government of ficial should accept pay for leavo earned but not actually taken. Ha was commenting1 on recent acceptance by Tru man administration officials, Including eight cabinet mem bers, of a i total of more than $700,000 sa accumulated leave. The sooner was paid to snore than S16 government officials and employes between No yam bar 1, 1951, and February IS, 1953. j Defease) Ipeatiiag 9. Sasarked that it ssd Secretary of Defense Wilson are trying In very possible way t get defense spending within manageable propor tions. Elsenhower added that deficit, spending has a des perate affect on the economy and that if military expendi tures csn be cut without hurt ing the combat situations In the world they will bo cut ; 0. Commented that a pro posed : constitutional amend ment sponsored by Sea. Brick er (R., Ohio) would in certain ways restrict his conduct of foreign ' affairs, but that he does not question the sincerity of Bricker. ' The amendment is described by Bricker as de signed to safeguard rights of the American, people and to sec that they arc not weaken ed through international or ganizations such as the Unit ed Nations. ' ' ' : : FccsaJctg NATO Program . 7. Said his current talks with French Premier Mayer and other top French govern ment officials would deal with the relative position of the North Atlantic Treaty Organ ization now aa compared to what the hopes had been for NATO achievement. He .said they will also concern ' the French position in Indochina with relation to the capabili ties of France In Europe, and the ability of France to do everything she should be able tt do to defend herself. ., Eisenhower was drawn into direct comment on Sen, - Mc Carthy (R., Wit.) In eonnec tlon with his remarks about Bohlen. ' :' A reporter told M McCarthy dntf Sea J--Oarr-a , (D., Ne.. had . CjUetstlpe-n ; whether Bohlen was ever la enhowcr'a personal choke Sot , the Moscow post.'' Behlca Case Dsawssssed The seoatsrt had rugs the reporter said, that state department lieutenant ef for mer Secretary of State Acoe- soa had "slipped one over" est him with respect to Bohlen. The president said that if anyone had put one over en him regarding Bohlen, that they must have found a blind side that he couldn't And him self. ; The president was reminded , that during the ejampaign he tww (MatJivUnn tsatweea McCarthy's methods and hit objectives. . At that time Els enhower said in effect that his endorsement of McCarthy , for reflection did not consti tute approval of his methods ' of Investigation, but that ttvey , were in' agreement on need for routing any eoannHanarta out of government. aWens Beard ef AteaJtete A motion ..picture, : entitled . "Hunting to Alaska" will be shown diving Friday's lunch eon - program of the Salem Board of Realtors at the Mar ion hoteU ., . i, . CABD OF THANES '-i t ' Our recent loss leaves ne with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Their comforting earpreaalons of sym pathy and though tfulness will ' always be remembered. , Mrs. Freda Johnson and , family. ; . . CARD OF THANK! Words cannot adaquataly cat- press our deep appreciation for the many spiritual ana soru -offerings and the kindness and1 sympathy extended to our fam-: ily during our recent sorrow. - Pauline Richaros ana aaugn-: ter ,-;':, -- -Willow DeNlsr and Family D. H. Herren and Family IV Dr. Will J. Ike.-r.psca Offlea Examination in Afternoon or - Eve. by Appointment F.AwWi.HrSJ.44057 NewSantiam ' (Continued from Page I) , Mrs. WendeU Weddle is pres ident of the Women's Auxiliary, which has assisted in the pro gram throughout and at present is providing drapes for all the hospital rooms. Merton Cox and Mrs. Ken neth Hanson arc in charge of special events for the dedica tion. The principal speaker will be W. R. May, editor oi tne Oregon Motorist. Louis Barr, who directed the original hos pital fund drive, is expected to be present , Traffic will be directed by Riders of the Santlam headed by Gene Teague of Stayton and Pete Peterson of Mill City. Ken Farwell is directing the "first baby" contest which will provide prizes and free hos pital care for the first baby to be born in the hospital, and its mother. The hippopotamus will sleep under water but rise for sir even when sleeping. (Continued from page 1) ; Under the plan, these public emuloves would retain 60 per cent of their state benefits, plus full federal benefits. That means they will get between B0 and 500 percent more bene fits, but at 15 to SO percent less eost to the employe. The federal government ap proved the plan Wednesday. Those already getting bene fits from the state plan would keep on getting them. The second of the bills probably will be passed by the house and sent to the governor Friday. Vagrancy Charged Riley Steve Bond was arrested Wed nesday on a charge of vagran cy by the Marion county sher iffs office. He told officers that he is AWOL from the army for the third time. The army has been notified. Bond has been living with friends at Brooks for the past six weeks, coming there from California. FREE FEStlVAl nam SPECIAL SPRING FESTIVAL OFFER THIS COUPON IS WORTH jan300 Toward the Purchase of Your ChoiceI of Any New Piano Wide Selection THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY DURING SPRING FESTIVAL rim WORTH Toward Purchase of Any New Piano One Coupon Per Purchase CLIP THIS COCPON iff in hi in m in in m it) mimuv m iti itihot WILLS MUSIC STORE 431 State Ph. 3-4959 IS wwi See This Amazing Heat in Actual Operation at Our FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., March 27-28-29 ' ' FREE DRAWINGS Portable Glassheaters, Hot Glass Trays, Infra - red Ray Health Lamps. Nothing to Buy Not Necessary to be Present at Drawing. INSTALL ROW NO "' - NO feyUMaWMMCf Before Spring Houseclesnlng NO DvtT-nn MAT MATTNO) f 1 - , mi ' 11 HA NT I aawiMyWV))Wl)(t - FOt UNssV SWI ON iat mm Costs Less Than Oil see No Maintenance . . , f-year eViaratrrea a a Can Inttollea Wrthln 14 Ham In Every City In the Northwest HND OUT TODAY AtOUT OtAtlttUn leaaasssWaje pesessassV ejul k &J&tof0f eeWfl COsVUIl TeVAKxATHU CONTBOU Mtis eXeaafaiaV WMtff leNsett fce tsatr leVesahl INC. OF SALEM 1540 Fairgrounds Road Phone 4-6263 lultaa, uu tain, aw.