Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 35, Image 35

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    Thursday. March 26, 1953
? Radio-Television
Salem radio and television fans are already beginning
to respond to our call trying to find Red Skelton fans
in this area . . . Many think they should can Milton
Berle and put Red on more often . . . Others say Red
is funny at some times . . . Join in the poll, drop Tele
Views your ideas on Red . . '. .
. . . ' '
KPTV's contest for Miss TV of '63 is currently in full
swing . . Several hundred photos already entered . .
For further info write to KPTV . . . Maybe we can
have another Salem winner, following Mrs. Sarah Whit
ney's triumphf ul win Tuesday in the centenarian contest.
. , .
Local service station has a television set in their
office ... Service station operators don't have to miss
(their favorite TV show . . . Customer buying gas can
go in and watch Red Buttons, Mr. Peppers, etc., while
! gent is checking gas, oil, tires and so on . . . Wonder if
I they have a hard time shooing away the crowd?
THURSDAY " -. . ."- . s '
i Kate Smith Show, at 1 :00. The Kateds, DeMarco sisters
i and America sings. . - '
Matinee Theater at 3:00. "The Girl Who Dared."
jjLorna Gray, Peter Cookson. .. ' . ' '
I MY Hero at 7:00. Beanblossom's marvelous memory
wins him an important mission to Washington with a
"Top Secret." ... ," , i .
Burns and Allen at 8:30 A make-up man whistles in
;Geo. and Gracie's dressing room at they prepare to do
"Romeo and Juliet." The superstition prompts Gracie to
hide the car so George won't have an accident.
The Unexpected at 9:00. "Leopards in Lightning."
Group goes into the plateau country of Conge Basin and
members of the safari were never heard from again.
American detective unravels the mystery. ,
Ford Theater at 9:80. Dan Duryea, George Brent in
"Double Exposure." ' '.......?.;.,..-',....
Hollywood Wrestling at 10:30. Mr. Moto arid Hans
, Schnabel vs. Lord James Blears and Bobby Managoff.
(tag teams). . .' , ;
Friday '.. . ' . r -
k, Kate Smith Show at 1:00 Eddie Heywood trio; tcen-
age segment with four foreign students; singers from
Israel Cantor Samuel Malavsky and his six. children
presenting the Jewish Seder service.
Matinee Theater ' at 8 :00. 1 "Whispering Footsteps,"
John Hubbard, Rita Quigley.
Quix Kids at 5:00. Fran Allison of Kukla, Fran and
- OUie as guest star.
" Cavalcade of Sports at' 7:00. Paddy Young of New
York .vs. Ernie Durando of Bayone, N.J., 12-round mid
41eweight bout from Madison Square Garden. "
J Biir Storv at 9:00. Rudy Haas of San Francisco Ex
aminer finds a new angle to help solve the murder of
San Francisco's best-known women golfer.
Dennis Day Show at 10:00. Dennis discovers he is
the object of affection of seven-year-old Susan and also
'Susans teacher. y
Favorite Story at 10:30. "The Fury." Conflict on small
' Island off Italian coast. Poor fisherman is constantly re
buffed by girl he has loved since his childhood.,
Nite Owl Theater at 11:45. "It Could Happen to You."
Alan Baxter,' Owen Davis. ,
Salem Fringe Area
! Is Tops!
Yealer Appliance Co.
175 Chemeketa Ph. 3-4311
Open Wed.-Fri. 'Til 9 P.M.
It is estimated that 60,000
civilians in Britain were killed
bv Nazi bombs during World
War II.
' and '
Salem's Most Complete
Television Center
2140 S. Com'l
' Phone Day or Night
2-1611 or 2-4728 .
V t
Mrs. Shara Whitney, 1270 North 18th, was the happiest
woman in Salem Tuesday afternoon following a presen
tation' of a, trophy she won alter being announced ' the
, "most beautiful centenarian in Oregon." Mrs. Whitney it
103 years of ago. Jan Webster, public relations agent for
' Portland television station KPTV, is shown making the
presentation of the cup. ; ' ' ' ' . -
Corona Borealis Is Visible
On Clear Nights This Week
Ajlronomtr, Bxttralon Divltlon onion HlsbtrBtfaeaUonSnttm
At about 10 p.m. any night
this week look toward the east.
The skies above us glitter
with the stellar lights which
have since ancient times been
familiar to all who have learn
ed the art of looking up. From
the earth these distant stars
often seem to fall into natural
groupings which, according to
the more imaginative, outline
various inanimate objects, ani
mals and heroes. ' -We
still use most of the des
ignations . given the stellar
groups we call them constel
lations by the classical na
tions a few thousand years ago.
PerhaDS most of these groups
look very little like the objects
they are supposed to depict, yet
there are some in which the
resemblacne is quite marked
We shall atempt here to point
out one such constellation, Cor
ona Borealis, or the Northern
Crown. .;
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Only crotraral tcheduled tn advance
11:00 a.m. Freedom Blnil
11:30 i.m. Hollywood Rati - -11:45
a.m. carry Moora
11:00 U. Bit ParoII
13:30 p.m. Wtlcoma Traveler
1:00 p.m. Kate amUb
2:00 p.m. Feminine Anelt ,
S:U p.m Arthur Godfrer '
3: JO p.m. Strike It Rich
S:00 p.m Matinee Theater
4:10 p.m. earcb for Tomorrow
4:30 p.m. Love ! Lira
4:4ft p.m. fltranter Than Fiction
5:00 p.m. Howdy Doody
6:00 p.m. Range Rider
6:J0 p.m. Dou. Bowarde, Newt -:4o
p.m. Time for Beany
7:30 p.m. Dinah Shore
7:4ft p.m. Newa caravan
1:00 p.m. Qroueho lierx
1:30 l .m. Burn and Alien
1:00 p.m. The Unexpected
6:10 p.m. Ford Theater
10:00 p.m. Martin Kane. Detectlvi
10:10 p.m. Hollywood Wraitllns
11:30 p.m. Mitt Owl
13:00 a.m. Bit Parol! i
13:30 p.m Welcome Travalert
1:00 p.m. Kata Smith
3:00 Double or Nothing ' -
3:30 p.m. strike It Rich
1:00 p.m Matinee Theater
4:15 p.m. flearch for Tomorrow
4:30 p.m. Love of Ufa
COO p.m dull Kids
5:30 p.m. Roy Rocera
4:00 pjn. CHeo KM
1:30 p.m. Dout Kdwardt, Newt
6:45 p.m. Time for Beany
7:00 p.m. cavalcade of aporta
7:45 p.m. Newa Caravan
S:00 p.m. Abbott and Coatellt -
1:10 p.m. Ton Aned for It
6:00 p.m. Bit atory
6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrt. North
10:00 p.m. Dennle Day
10:30 p.m. Adolph Menjou
11:00 p.m-Club Xmbaity
11:11 p.m. Lilt of RUey
11:30 p.m. Nile Owl
11:45 p.m. Nltt Owl
High in the sky a bright star.
orange in color, will be easily
seen, It is the only one of that
brilliance in that general region
of the heavens. This is Arctur-
us. From this star, trace to the
left a short distance through
some fainter stars, then down
a little. If the air is qutie clear,
you will see a little half circle
of about halt a dozen rather
faint stars. The open part of
the figure is toward the left.
This" is the Northern Crown.
The brightest object is Alphec-
ca, the gem of the crown. It is
sometimes called Gemma. ;
According to one Greek
myth, this is the crown pre
sented by Athenian Thesseus to
Ariadne, daughter of the king
of Crete, after her scheming
had saved Thesseus from the
terrible monster In the labarin
thian cave to which her father
attempted to sacrifice him. An
other classical story name
Bacchus as the donor of the
crown after Thesseus .had des
erted Ariadne. ,
But surely more pleasing
legend is that of the American
Shawnee Indians. To them the
stars of this charming sky
group were the Celestial Sis
ters. One day White Hawk, a
mighty hunter, when in search
of game, suddenly emerged
from the woods onto an exten
sive prairie. He was greatly
amazed" when he came upon a
large circular path beaten . in
the grass but with no tall lead-1
ing from the outside. !
As White Hawk stood won-:
dering at the unusual sight,
suddenly there came siowiy
floating down from the blue
heavens a silver basket carry-j
ing a bevy of beautiful maid
ens, wnen ine oasxei genny
alighted on the ground, the
maidens leaped out and began
dancing around the circular
beaten path, one keeping time
on a silver ball.
White Hawk hurried toward
them, but the Celestial Sisters
for that was who they were
ran swiftly 'to their basket
and anon were on their way
back to the azure skies wheVe
now at night they shine in the
half circle of stars known to
us as the Northern Crown.
. , . v
J r (
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