Thursday, March 26, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon - " ' ': ' , I STEVE KOPEK ' .1 .... fip.ii.imw i ii i I' MTMWPaPWTI W ' i n 1 1 i i n.--.n , ,,,n .,, Ptgi 10 FOOD SUCTION Gunf ighter's Return ly LESLIE IRNENWIIN ' ' isr mwatiaturai) CHAPTKR 12 Jim Rimbaud crouched motion less for a moment of bewildered disbelief. What would a woman be doing beref He turned his heed and saw ber atandinc In a cleft of rock above the creek. Her imUlnt face, be neath toe upcuffed brim of a fray bat, was not familiar to him, and now an expression of aetonlth sent iwUUy altered It. 'Why, you're not 6am llalbenr gbe exclaimed. "No, ma'am," be laid, and wait ed Impatiently for her to leave. A girl like that deserved a food Sick In the pent. He bad nil pant on and was using nil ahlri to dry his feet when ahe came down, leading a addled bone. - "You must be ttte Jmt Rimbaud they're talking about," ahe 'laid, anullng. "I misted aeelng you In town last night" Rimbaud ignored ber. He pulled en has boots, shook out bis damp shirt, and shrugged Into it with the casual ease of a man dressing in the privacy of his own home. - But be was seething with resent ment. He wondered who she was. "8o your the one who shot Zrnle Link and gave Hugh Jubal a beating," she said with seeming satisfaction." Rimbaud nodded, now convinced Hut she was a Spanish Strip bomesteaderls daughter. He met her bod lnspoctlon with an ap praisal equally deliberate, seetog that she had brown eyes and black hair and pouty, full-lipped mouth. There was a dust smudge on her nose, and tiny beads of peraplraUon on ber temples. Young, be thought; not more than nineteen or twenty. One wore den im rating pants ana a man's cot ton shirt that seamed a trifle too . large. .. "Who are youf" he asked. -; : "Delia Stromberg." Not Lew Strombenrs daiuh ter?" Rimbaud demanded in dis belief, and when she nooded, he till couldn't believe it. "Surprised, went you?" ahe sakL Then her lips curved into a zainuy cynical amue ana sne ex plained, ''Roman Itour comes first with mr father., but not with me. Theres more to living than grass ana water ana vie sue ox a can crop. I ride where I please and mace rrtenas wnere I please." "Ii 6am Uaiben a friend your?" Rimbaud asked. "A very good friend," she said amiungiy. . j Jim Rimbaud stared at her. "What kind of a brat are you?" Rimbaud asked with the Hunt honesty of a man wholly puzzled; "Dont you call me a bratl she objected. Rimbaud watched anger stain her cheeks. It was an odd thins. She had seemed so completely self-contained a moment ago, but now she was all tire and passion. Even ber lips seemed redder and fuller. She reminded him of the Carol Curtis Pattern hot-yed dancer who bad be trayed uurango. mere was tne same sulky look to her now, ss u sne would sue m toe euncnes. Rlmbauld grinned at her and aid. "A brat if ever I saw one. . "Why you you dirty trail tramp I" she raged. And then she alaoDed him. Rimbaud reached out and grasped her by both arms. Her bat fell back to bang by Its throat thamr and ber hair came down in disorder. There was nothing self-contained about ber now. Squirming and twisting, eyes flashing, she was the living Image of Durango's Sonora woman do ing ber dance In a candlelit can- una. "Pretty," Rimbaud said. "Pretty enougn to uss. "Take your hands off me I" Del. la insisted, ber voles shrill with outrage. . , Rimbaud pulled her in, and missing her mouth, drew bis lips across ner cneex, "Dont you dare I" she nan ted Rimbaud laughed, and used bis soulder to force ber face around. When she bit bis ear be loosed a gusty chuckle, saying, "Just like Bonora." Then he found ber lino. V. wssnt much of a Mm, for she continued to struggle. Rimbaud released bar and stepped back. Her face was frusbed and she was still breathing hard. "Do you make it a habit to kiss brats?" she asked scornfully. "Onto when they slss me." Rim baud said. Hs took out his Durham sack and. absently shaped a dga rett while watching ner rear- nn her tumbled hair. "Were you looking for Kalben when you louna mer ne mqwea. Delia nodded. "I wanted to warn him that the headquarters crew is strung out between nis piece ana Charley Bonnl. They figure hell make a try for supper tonight. I brousht him some sandwiches." ' "So." Rimbaud mused, thinking about the engagement ring on Eve Odecarde's Anger, and what this girl could do to a man forced to hide out in the brush. - flhs had backed awav from him keeping a safe distance, and seemed on the verge of flight. "Does your lather know you s aociata with Mutant" he asked "No. and he'd be furious if he found out. Which he will, of course, sooner or later. But I well. I like Sam a lot." she ad muted, very irank about tnu. Then she added, "Sam Is a born rebel and so am I." Rimbaud orlnned. and Quoted a line from a twem that had been a Texas schoolboy's favorite: "Reb els ride proudly in the sun." -counting trie victory aireaoy on." Delia said, all ber anser fsding. It wss Ilka a brides between them, that nosm they both liked. A mutual strand of fellowship trial made it seem ouite natural tor ner to accompany nun on me nae up tne west wau or ine can- von. as mey roue up tne trau ne asked. "Is the cave nearby?" "Well pass K before we rim out at the too." Delia said. Nearlng the top now, Rimbaud kept his eyes sharply focused on the rimrock ahead. Delia's report that the Roman Four posse was concentrated somewhere beyond Malben's place dldnt mean a thin?. There was no telling- where Inoulsitive man -hunters would prowl. There might be one walt nig up there now, wanting a tar get be wouldn't miss. Rimbaud was steadily watching the sky lined crest when Delia said. Timet Calico Cave, off to your left." And at this same instant, as Rimbaud turned to look, she ex claimed, "Sam!" (to Be fjsniinaeai 506 Dayton fioldea Glow Silencer. A urovo catlve, flattering lltUe heart shaped knitted shrug Jacket done in SOI t, ligiuweigiu yarn snot wiwi golden threads in fashion tops Just now I Made in two pieces, the spencer is sewn up the center back. Make it in white and gold, white and silver, pale yellow and gold or shell pink and gold for party wear In fuchsia, love-bird green, dark turquoise for day wear. Send SOc for Golden "Spencer" Jacket (Pattern No. 506) complete knitting directions for small, medium and large iltes included, vnim NAME. -ADDRESS. PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, Capital Journal, W2 Mission Street, Ban rraneisco o, vaiu. Dayton A birthday dinner was enjoyed by Diane Green, 3, at the home of her grand parents, , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green and Relta, Sunday. Diane Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green of Portland. In the afternoon Mrs. Green, Sr., brother Wilbur Foster and family of Portland Joined the group. , Mr. and Mrs. E. R. ZInsll and daughter enjoyed a birthday party last week in the Martin Gail home in McMInnvllle. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart of Mill City spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. Mri. Lyman Stone of Lot An geles, Calif., ipent the weekend here with friends, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Richardson on the Neck Road. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Graham were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kurrssch in Portland. Arthur Mosgrove was taken suddenly 111 Saturday night and wai taken to the General hos pital where he Is under obser vation. ' ROOM BOARD By Ahren lLV vlliii II PllaTliriiJ W you sum n n Btorxrw ME FOR YAPPIN', BOSS -BUT THAT CHICK HAS VOU OVEB THE BIG .BARREL I ssl SHE KNOWS WHERE VOU GET THE LUGEBS AND HOW VOU M DISTRIBUTE EM- AM IF SHE EVER CRIED COPPER-- .v MtnvtKro I M DONT WORBY, WHEELS-" A I iWJZat: LLIGER LOUIE WILL I I ' II II L IJ bwwTKOINl II - 11 I aw - i. P3i 3 WSS. I IE "Bl,. J ' T11 II I 1 I . i . "i i 1. .:r--rfW II roao CL,Wf HAVf WKWWmOrJ HUM THAT KAItT (VMHCNT. tV-tfTl t MS A5T- MMICNOeWM TMff Oil naez wuafANP I 1 KVHITt rrJAY!! Abird summers it J it i vei lauess ssnu TSit ORPHAN ANNIE e futiuty CIHPLE W1U.'" J LEFT MX He HAD Vl FT W6 HeWSPflPEH- I I "It - 3-27-SS i Im avew si I yOUS? ROtTHBR LE I TO Y0O. EXCEPT ' oAND HE BEQUEATHED ONE-HALF HTEREBT M TrerDrrmjHTovau i THflT HC LEFT TOMR..OB PO0C9. I ITHEPReetrfT 11 , 1 tohjmT'V. I TlDlO PROGRAMS aw "ir:7i-i-j Mia IWlaW aWWPia" So it BtmM MM rHj iiutw Bu- r. r. MWki'"r a, jn dm'i win Wiutm Tratr nr. VhI QUTawtr Mult W MuU at' Mult Btl Lh Ptrtlt Nnt rtrtSt U HtCtD l. VtttrtM Ixtr wttt ,t w WmS Istr Wtrt lotutr lotifitr kitifrar IflaAfrtV Sill ' ii.. Wtktlf T.otltUr VJ MUM Btlni Ntwt mm ,lw sac ine sracl T nSw NW Ktws lo.r as MtlU KGAE 14 K.C. KOCO ism tai UHiwmS trkwMS . O Suit Urt una Kllltuw ltalt ItTU BUI SM Irtr ouu Ttr Olrlt Klltnl tM U..lnJ Du ir Ti" Htirr Clrtlt mutr I OiritS ItUtr StUtr SvKtr IvIStr ilStr iulm WMlkua Nawa Htt Otlra rail. Uwtt HtMlantar In BTM Mailt ,(tb Will suit Mr Cum Litir Cum brlUtttUt. I. C lu Bnl.-a Li 'Mil: Wttll Ntwt Irorllm Bll rtrilt LIL ABNER I'D UKC TO GIVE VOU JOB. SHOPTTV, BUT SLO&&OV1AN RASSLC WITH i GOALS. THIS PROTBXTS BOVS , CUSS TH UXKf.'- BJF "T YOU OMLV AM WAS A GAL, AH) STAR FINK? OJULP 5UPF"UKT WIFE TH' WAV A MAN J 1 a... - na aSisSBBsa eli ii ntr -m i -rvrr t tL i 9i LaaT eawee-r - VOU PUT THIS MAD CU tOU HOUSE. AND SOwE ONE. RIBI I BIFF STEAK TO HANVOME Kl'JKiv t0 HAMSrtJVt- rut. aSTTSA' rwonu TKXCTS TO WATCH MV BCAtTrFUL DVJGhTSR TRMNM67 OS WfF THISRXXC HOP ALONG CASSIDT TH16 STOREROOM 16 THE STRONGEST PART . OP TH16 OLD PflNY . EXPREAo STATION .' . THERE'6 NO WAY ?UT EXCEPT THROLkSH THAT POOR. l AN' TH' POOR'S IWEDdEP TUSHTERt A BANK VAULT.' WE'RE TRAPPED, HOPPYf MUTT tc JEFF i MONKTHAT IT 6H0ULDMT MUST BE THE ) TAKE MUCH RIVER PAM I 6HARSE T' TRAIdHT BLAST AWAY, AHEAPtTHEtl JUA! LETo AwHATb Y5UR oET I HURRY f WE AT rr.40T ALL XNL5HX AN' 1 1 no&soy mm I IV WHAT WE'RE 10 Hi . , -- 1 -JIV WHAT DO V THEY DONT WHAT ARC (a DROWNED J THEY WANT WfltfTONEl iif ' Sill 1 f WELL-j THEN. WHY ARE THEV , LOOKIN' FOR ONE THEN WHY r- hCS. V ONE THEN ?J 9HT I HEy 1 CAN'T swim ; 5 REX MORGAN, M. D. I MADE ENOUGH TD PERFUME a ti m if a a in jrii na e tm t-.-. - .. fA 1 MERELY MIXED UP All THE V AROMATIC EXTRACTS 1 HAD AMD J FOUND THE ODOR WAS STRONG ENOUGH TD OVERPOWER THE AWFUL ; 5MEU Or HIS LINI AEnT MART WORTH I THIS IS WUNNERFUL, Vf t3 aUD6E.'...YER POIFUME Z 5MOTHER5 W SMtLL K? OF MV LINIMENT.... 4 sv- i " " . 1 'l NOW IT SMELLS SUMPIN LIKE BETWEEN A PAIR I V Of BRAND-NEW SHOES j A'HOrMtrCEPIE 1 y iii ' afl JLi lv, Vai''il IT rintixyMcw.stN,....BLiT t-oMAvt MtNjisT m la-nli AO. iVh - CT ' '1 I NOOyKAOtVtR'IOlDMt 1 A SKtPTKAL.CLirF. If 1 yJvvOairKA S -A I I AMMtRtD CONVERSATION T ANYONE HAD 5AI0 I'D iliTOL 7 Alttltar L KOmOSATBrHUKtACARtSSiJl riNO-IHtTOPOf AHtAO. f PID VOU NBA ME, BAKU 7 I H I I I PO TUB FI3T TIME IN , I III I MV UFCoI'M IN LOVHy '' t 'VOU DlONT THINK IT COUIP HAPRBN,") I PlD VOU? YOU PIPNT THINK THAT KNIK INKINfl THE COLD. CALCULATING SHEILA TUKNIK COULD TURN SOFT AND START TMINKINo OF A HOUSE AND GARDEN ANP ALL THfi REST OF IT, DID VOUT 3-27, DL-J I aC ; h IT WELL, I PlDNT THINK SO 1 F r P; il tnuvtl mrr rrs hapfbned ( rlliilaw - ' ' ANP XM MISERABLE 1 DONALD DUCK -r WHV UWBLL.l'LL EXPLAIN... NOTr If PIKisT TMEKe la A UAPaON TVIE IMTECRUPTli SuT you'VE AL-vvaysAiP IS THE BESTVfHUHf OH.WELLJ 1 tW-MSK,-J (wiwv ON,") r s im : foATER A.SO,NOVVy'KNOVV fcr v wxyy dont put . 'V KETCHUP ON , . . CREAM PUFF3J t WISH WtCOULO MEET ) FATIENCE!-.. ...JOMEWHtRt.. -ALONE COMMENCEMENT DAY ..JUiTONCEI COMES CL05ER WITH . r I IVCRV HOUR-"AND"K VfTV FAR'NOONC 5U5PECT5 Yia BOUT US! IlilUi Sttnuu Mtsiuuta J. c. latttr Jtritl f.TttaaaU in- Baai Maala la Air' Mult la l Inrrt NlfMtl Mtai Nlthltf rrttsn rtr Mariaff Ittrtt rut iptnitrtu AtifBaut. Nttri ibiir CtutU KHrCratU raalhtraiu km Illlita kS.UiUlmi BUekbara Iruiti VlrhU Irubu rum Imbtattlt van Itr au lr itt ah Ir. It lltlltrl Ir. Wh Ik II. p Vla.l laltrrltwt Cllr Cltl TtAi "ICwHiI ClMferi ffHuan SAaSltuI U:tlsii. MI 'Slim. Hlcktk Otk. Httttr NW Mtin Suwtt Hta km Hwm INnt hu BtVtl Vvtak rb.V.11 SUUklt Jlaa BaaJ." Jlra Dulr Jial vtaar Jlat Dulr Mult Hut Mail. Hari Mult auri lHaala Havl fult Hut lit Miri ult Mart mm. Utinr IMW. Miltlt Mia-. Ba.t.a- Mw. IkMl jut. aieltar Hu. Mtltlr mv. Mtitar Mit. Mtltir rrwrl Mtnk Itttnl Ltok Ilai'r rillM Ulllltll'l CUet an cum an AdttBttrtr AlTtnlartr Din. CtBttrt lOiilt-. irrMII CtrUn Artatr MIL Daatt Tim Dtatt Tint Dtatt Tim laaaa Tlaaa Diatt Tim naaat Tiw Dtatt Tim; Duat Tlmlnttlt niaa HarlY rraliaa lAwIt UbM G1BHI Uad Otntvt Beklal SMrjl Ntwtrwl Ntwt Mtlllt Mtlrlt Mult Nm Mull IShlWtiaa IshtwttM IV.Ut atnrt -ruBtantr - Cltllitk BiBdltUtth Ntwt . RSKtn ptirr Mull .. Nnra IKIIahl tui. Nlihl Brai Mult u WtBl Ntetarat IN tetania (Ntttarnt iNattarBa Sin Off IV' n avar dawn Dflvmant. W teka most anything en a troda for beautiful v llaylhcon St Rat. lea Us Flnt for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 187 Lsns Ave. ' J . . st5St Open Monday and Fridaj ETenlnfs k - a - 1 SATURDAY A.M. TO 11:45 A.M i-aa Mult Tim CBS Km Irai Htu Nm '". w"l!, :B Mailt Tim EOIN Kltlk rana Btar TlmkMPtr Silala MtltUta :H Mult Tim COIN Klttk Fana Htar Mtnk Tim Salardar Fr Ntm M Mailt Tim KOIN Klttk rana Btai NW Ntwt Silate Ntwt "Via Niwi KOIN Klttk 111 Edltlta HtBtaimr Bllarlar KOCO Klu V.W Ntw Ktar Ntwt antBlkr Brttklut Itlatt KOCO Klttk Thli Ntwt. Vtll Ntwt Briakfui B.lnrd.T KOCO Kliek K. Mmnhit CtBiamr Btb Haitn Ntwi lilatt SittB Btrr. 1- Mailt Btl Ntwi SmUlnr II Cirltr Show Bitardar '"'' 5!! :Ti Mailt Btl QriBl Ctat. MeCtBBtU Mult Stltt Pn.dlT H.U Mail! Bz Girt aal Na Seat! Btrta al StltrdaT Concert :g AlrtBtart Takt Ttdaj But Balatt Ctneerl "TTTT Htwlr Dttl TUtattr f - Itrlaal Ntwi rtlk Ctaatr Ntwt X:Te Howdr DmS Tatar Tut Martk That Platttr Pitt! Bcltac 1:12 Btwdr Dttl IUn Orar Saaet ralrtl Fultr't Call Platter Farli SiLStrtnadt "twa PttS Btllnrttl 8m ritrtl Btrtala PUtttr Farli Kldl Ctratr iiiaa Btallaa Faa rra lar AU Mara af . Glen Bardr Halter .Parti Aant Battla K.Tt Bk. Carelral ria for All Ttattrraw Carltr Sbtv putter Fart Aant Battla l!:U lillmel Clip BtralUI Start tf BLfk Sekttl Pl.lter Parti Meltdr 11:0 Brtaklart Cltr HteplUl Ttattrraw Clue. Antell Pletter Part; Sat. BertnM laa Marr Lot Mult wltk Mtt. Optra Mailt Btar Platttr Parti Satardar ll Tafrtr OlrU Mtt. Optra Mult Htar Platttr Parti Btrtnada lis Farm aal Matt Ml mi Mtt Optra rana Prtu Platttr Parti Satardar 'it Htm Btai Moot Mluu IMoL Optra Irartt Prtu fruiter Party! So remap FM Mtc.i COIN IS LI. I a.aa. to IS .m. KIX Pl.t. S It S p.BV DIAL LISTING KOAC, (5( trldap F.M. - Mill, KtwailKOAC L ' "'t. "" K'H1 - ai,m.ui i.i n-aaon, . i Concert Bill! 12:00, Ntwtl 1:00, Mailt af Muttril 4:00, Exeaniont la Science. tffif rwnw UllJi tr. Tm ajaari 1:00, Narp Star Tlmn MS, KrattlaUr fir Waav tn: 1:00, PatpHj TJalar CapjmanltLat 4:00, Sparto Paratatti 1:00, ChlUrea'i Tkaalarl 0:00, Ntwt, Waalhtri 0:44, Slatt Lttiilatarai 1:11, ran Htarl 1:15, NCSA PUrtfl. Bethel Park Bethel Park Harold Johnson and Janice Firtle are on the sick list this week. Mrs. David Phelllps and sons, Dale and Terry, spent the last two weeks visiting in Eugene where Mr. Phelllps is employed. They were guests in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelley and Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Fowler. Many park residents at tended the Regional Sunday school convention at Portland recently. Among those in attendance were Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Pirtle and daugh ter Janice. Rev. and Mrs. Lester Young and daughter .Becky, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Swope and son Bobby; Rev. and Mrs. Edward Edmond and : family; Rev. . George Bacon, Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Spers. - Rev. and Mrs. Fred Synder,' Mrs. Amy Fete and daughter April, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and daughter Norma Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Sardner Johnson, Mrs. Laura Goffries and Miss Mary Goffries, Rev and Mrs. Clayton Beish and son Junior, Mr. and Mrs. R. Huhpherys and Mrs. ft. . Cather and children. . The Wright brothers' first, airplane was smashed to pieces after its fourth flight and al though it never flew again, it was rebuilt and after being ex hibited in England for many years is now in the Smithson- . ian Institute in Washington, D. C. - ACRAII 14 a - - 1. Black viscous Si. Ascend llmtM 4. Too B. Without hair 12. Bourn of metal 13. Fertile oll 14. Musical In strument 15. Legible 17. Glacial now Alia 18. StUDld nraan IS. Tlrr 19. Male goose 49. Signifying a. Imitate, 38. Coarse cot ton clotb 38. Of the side 40. Rent again 4i rust 41 Dish of soaked bread crumbs 48. Turkish title SI. Genus of the maple 14. Coax . Deiired ss-tuior 54, Evergreen tree S3. Ireland M.Pastur 87. Malt bev. orooao 58. Agreeable OlA TflT I iMlEtSflAlSlHI IIINITIEIRiPIOlLIAlTlimiNl Solution ef Yesterday's Puxtls ihsrpeasr 39. Pitch DOWN ' l.High rocky Mil lExIst 8. Turmerls 4. Alack LSheUUsh I M P I4 P H V h I"" ::fe:::i-: !r- 3- rr "TZZW -p- jrH-rf-gg- w tzw& 5T ff;w 1 sr 6. Salt 7. The end .Hat . ; 9. Retired 10. Affection 11. An tiered animal 18. Venture 50. Item of property 51. Sour 22. Central part 23. Smooth 23. Ancient Roman official 27. Domesticated 29. Underdone 30. Jewel 31. Skin 34. Devilish 17. Turkish decreet 39. Send forth 41. Burdened 43. Daddy 44. Seed cov ering 45. Baseball team 47.Solltary 30. Silkworm 51. Kind 32. By birth S3. Marry tilt till