n Thursday, March 26, 19S3 ' FOOD SECTION Pi t n.uMH r 1 DIT A I YflfTBNSr: CafMI nMMH . . If you like old-faihloned hot potato lalad, you'll certainly go for this "Hot Dutch Lima Salad." It hat Just the right blend of vinegar and onion to contract with the bland, creamy flavor of the large dry limai. Topped with hot frank furter! It make a ipicy and complete main diih. Hot Dutch Lima Salad 4 allcei bacon V cup diced onion V cup vinegar 2 tablespoon water 2 teaipooni granulated sug ar. .. , S cups hot cooked large dry llmas salt ' Pepper .... ... t tablespoon chopped green sweet pepper or parsley. : Dice bacon, and fry slowly until crisp. Add onion to pan and cook until golden in color. Stir in vinegar, water and sugar. Heat to boiling and pour over drained lima, beans. Mix well and season to taste with salt and apper. Sprinkle green pepper or parsley over the top. Serve hot. Top with hot frank furters for a full meal. Serves 4. Try This Neptune Salmon Bisque Good A thick creamy soup that's pretty enough to compliment ' your treasured soup tureen or chafing dish is Neptune Sal mon Bisque. It's filling and nutritious and may be served as the focal point of a light meal or in small serving pre ceding a simple or elegant i dinner. Neptnne Salmon Bisque 1 pound can salmon Vt cup butter or margarine Vi cup chopped celery 1 tablespoon chopped onion , ' 2 tablespoons flour 1 quart milk . I teaspoon salt dash of pepper lemon slices chopped parsley Drain salmon, saving liquid; remove skin and mash salmon to smooth paste. Melt butter In heavy saucepan; add celery and onion and simmer until both are soft and yellow. Stir in flour; add milk and stir until mixture thickens slightly. Add salmon, salmon liquid, and seasonings. Heat thoroughly, stirring constant ly. Serve steaming hot. Gar nish each serving with a thin' slice of lemon that has been sprinkled with chopped pars ley. Serves 6 to 8. , : i Salad Sandwich Thin slices of raisin or prune nut bread are well-known ac companiments for fruit salad, but did you ever think of this combination? Cut a thick slice of the fruit bread and place it on a lettuce-garnished salad plate. Cover with a layer of cottage cheese and finally top with a large canned peach half. You have a pretty open-faced salad-sandwich. - Unionvale Unionvale Honoring Har lle Noble for his seventh birth day anniversary, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Noble, entertained a group of small children at their home Sat urday afternoon. Attending were: Lonnie, Lar ry, Sandra and Vicky Lynn Ledford. Gene and Kenneth Dixon, Richard and Milton Demaray, Jack and Joan Laun er. . Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble left Monday for clam digging at Capalls, Wash. At Kelso, Wash., they were Joined by Floyd Buffon. They returned to Kelso Wednesday and were overnight guests of their aunt, Mrs. Archie Stoutenburg, returning to their home Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Loren zen of the Neck district were week-end guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Xrsel Gub ser, and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gubser and grandson, Danny Gubser, to Portland, where they were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gabrielion. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and family of Days Creek were week-end guests of her moth er, Mrs. M. Braat: Butteville Butteville Ida Stewart and Judy Smith represented Butteville school In the semi final spelling contest In Canby Thursday evening. North Marlon high school students who visited the Butte ville grade school during their spring vacation were Elva Stewert, Rebecca Smith and Laurel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Quimby and infant daughter, Lori Dea, of Corvallls, were Sunday din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt. St. Alexie Rebekah lodge No 233 met Thursday evening, March 19. for its regular meet ing. Mrs. Alvin A. Price was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blerly and son Marlin of Hanisburg were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hot Dutch - .. llSf JS ' 7 " Z 11 , Lima Salad 1 J5a cfP Cn fT) Q r-fe, TQ "Ca .I. U v! IGA Evs;crs!:d W I iMOWlii . lb. IU ft i V PN cks m ho iwB- -( r nr(Xmc 1 I lllillll II G,'Bd ltrMh "' U II Sill )j jLvl V j S?? AS ADVERTISED IN PATHFINDER AND FARM JOURNAL jt . ., ................. ,. . , .. ,,. . Special prices effective March 27, 28 and 29. IGA Stores reserve the right to ; 1 1 '";.WV limit quantities. II ' ik u Pure Freeh Dflllv l A l .,:.- yl S" "V " x I ILN. rrcan rurc rum iim a u v v -- fnifnl r3" JUKE 4 5 Inll B Kraft's Cheese Food VELVEETAft IGA Pineapple White Star Bite Size m i i ! - - . -' - X 1 lk-';' "k-V WITH THIS ) I jeilt C eou,,ONONlY )1 I dZZZ DELRICH f IGA STORES Hi aJViJ Ollsr Expires riarci: 31 l-f TUNA ' 29 DOG FOOD 659' With Conpon Attached to Display ' . ; IGA Red Alaska Salmon 69c . . i !' ' . .,. : J '. . ..'- . .- .f Aged Cheese .S-fieedGrada Wad Cut U. Wall Trimmed Sharp Cheddar Fine Flavor - Lb. IFresli l?iivrs'r $1.3f M - Mb.14-ei.te2lbt. "' f . - ? i' ....' 'v' ' ''. ' ' .' ' Large 4fl Fancy Florida Pink grape Jumbo FRUITsize Fancy Winesap a la Bring Your Coupons to Your IGA Food Store Ivory Soap '4K25' Ivory Soap 2 Large 0j Bars Camay Soap 3 '35' Camay Soap 3 Reg. Size CM Joy Bottle Ivory Soap 3 Med. OC Bars v Ivory Flakes Large OQ Pkg. Spic 7n Span Small OC Pko. CmJ Red Ripe Tomatoes 2 RED RADISHES GREEN ONIONS fi(l)C Bunch "TUlKfl OTif TREAT" Sunshh HI-HO pkB vaHwui : HYDROXYS?' 33 COOKIES IGA Ripe 'n Raffed PEACHES Peter Pan Cream or Chunk ' PEANUT BUTTER . .lZ-os. tlaas Underwood DEVILED HAM Haley Chicken "J SANDWICH SPREAD ,.M.u 1U L r 39 Butterscotch Chocolate Vanilla emon Pe , KREMEL 3.25' Mazold Oil Full Quart Bring Your CotiDont : To IGA LUJCQ .No.Han Sfainfeld Kosher DILL PICKLES .'4-oi.ea PAAS 21' I1 Ivory Snow Large 901' Pko. C TIDE Large bf Pko. DUZ Large 'Jflli ti. fin. i . . 1 . . i I IGA Reserves the Right . I 10 Limir vuonrrries VISTA MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL Morton's Plain or Iodised SALT ..... . J large 16-os. pkf, Uncle Ben's Converted RICE 28 ci. pk(. EGG DYE Package DREFT Pkg. State Street MARKET CRISCO f3c can With 10c Coupon Towards Next furchaie I " . 1 ' rmi Cheer OXYDOL large 4A Pka. VfV Large Urge Aft Ml. OUt YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET ORCUTT'S MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY ' IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD Breithaupt.