Pag. 8 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon" Thursday, March 26, 1953 mmmmmmmmmmm Sunshine Drink for Easter Time v; ;i There'! a promise of spring in the air, the long-awaited Easter season has arrived and all nature is showing signs of new life. It's a wonderlul.tlme for giving little parties, bright spring flowers and Easter bun' nies making gay table decora- , tions. Many times at such gather ings a cake and a flavorful beverage ' are sufficient to serve. . You can depend on serving delicious drinks if you use fruit juices, fresh, frozen er bottled, and ginger ale in combination. Quick - frozen Canned Foods Good , For Thrifty Meals For thrifty meal planning, you can't beat canned foods because they provide such fine quality for so little money. Now is the time to stock up on all canned foods. Corn Is one of the very best buys because last year was big corn crop year. The addition of canned inex pensive Vienna sausages makes this a satisfying main dlih. Mexican Corn Pudding 1 No. 303 can golden sweet . corn, cream style 8 eggs, slightly beaten Vt cup fin cracker crumbs ' 1 teaspoon grated onion i2 tablespoons chopped green pepper . 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento Vt teaspon salt ' Vi teaspoon pepper Vi teaspoon dry piustard 2 cans Vienna sausages Combine corn, eggs, cracker crumbs, onion, green pepper, pimiento and seasonings. Slice contents of one can Vienna sausages and add. Pour Into a Ready-to-Eat Cereals , Give Lenten Dishes Lift concentrated fruit juices and ginger ale are excellent to anther and iDeedilv made drinks may be offered at any well-greased X-quart casserole. time if these simple Ingredients Bake in moderate oven, sou ae are on hand.- gres, about 1 hour. Arrange re- Yo,. mieht like' to irv this malnlng Vienna sausages over drink for your Easter party. Sunshine Cooler ; 1 6-oz. can quick-frozen lemonade concentrate 1 No. 2 can unsweetened . pineapple juice , 1 Combine lemonade concen trate and pineaple juice. Stir or shake until well blended. Di vide among 6 tall glasses. Add casserole ton for the last IS minutes of baking. Six serv ings. Grand Island '. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH 1 Do falia teeth drop, slip or wobble ' wben you talk.- eat, laugh or eneese? Don't be annoyed and embarraiied by auoli handicaps. FAfirrEeTTH, an alka line (non.acld) powder to sprinkle on your plalee, keeps faUe teeth more firmly aet. Gives confident feeling of se curity and added comfort. No. gummy, ' gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Get Teeth today at any drug store. - Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sargeant of College Place, Wash., were Friday and Saturday guests of his mother, r,. !Z. f fi .w..' with Mrs. George Sargeant, 90, and ice cubes. Fill glasses with ... .,, ,j -i-rr in n ice cold ginger ale, to mix. When you are buying a new shade for a table lamp, it's wise to buy one with a white lining. Lighting experts say that the bottom diameter of the: shade should be about two-thirds the over-all height of the lamp. 79sa (1 for "Qiiick-tnggtf iwgy KRVI IIAflll MIA AltiMnV!i HIIKall ll.ilej l.flIIII t. ivi ruaViiM wnwwiv w r FAVORITE TUNA! I J ' TUNE IN HOP ALONG CA&S1DY, KPTV Monday, 5:30 to 6:30, Porliand, Channel 27 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sargeant Misses Lola Mae Palmer and Leona Morris left by bus early Wednesday morning to visit relatives at Santa Rosa, Calif. A letter received by Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley from their son, Lt. Donald Wiley and wife, Monday, stated that he is now making solo flights. He is sta tioned at Moultrie, Ga. The Yamhill County Jersey Cattle club held an all day meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum Fri day. . v Mr. end Mrs. E. W. Burnett of Salem showed pictures. Mrs. Frank ' Finnicum and daughter, Lavonna Finnicum attended ' Pacific . university. Forest Grove, Mothers Day Sat urday as guest of her daughter, Delores, who came home and remained over night. Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat and daugh ter Lynell, of Wheatland; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and fam ily, Days Creek;. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum and family, of Webfoot, and Mrs. M. Braat of Unionvale, were Sunday din- r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler. Many people complain that meatless meals lack sDarkle. rney say they're dull, flat tasting and generally uninter esting. But you can dress up egg oisnes, fish, vegetables and macaroni with product found on your pantry shelf ready to eai cereais. xtiey add flavor and texture to meatless meals but, in addition, cereals are a high protein food and so add valuable nutrients as well. Here are a few, choice recipes to prove tne point. Lobster Chops 1 tablespoons butter or margarine : 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup light cream, heated teaspoon pepper Vt teaspoon salt i lVt cups (1 7-oz. can) lobster ?! meat, shredded 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 3 cups, corn flakes 1 egg, well beaten 2 tablespoons shortening Melt butter in frying nan: stir in flour and cook until lightly browned. Add cream, salt and pepper; cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Fold in lobster meat. Stir small amount of hot mixture into egg yolks; add to remaining hot mixture and cook over low heat about 3 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Spread Vt inch thick in greased shallow pan, 8x8 inches. Cool; shape Into cnops. crush corn flakes into fine crumbs. Dip chops in beaten egg, then roll in corn flakes crumbs. Fry in heated shortening until lightly crown ed and serve immediately with lemon slices dipped in paprika. Yield: 8 chops - , Creamed Eggs and Shrimp ' 6 tablespoons butter or margarine ' 6 tablespoons flour teaspoons salt Mi' teaspoon pepper , 2Vi cups milk Vi teaspopns melted butter 1 Vi teaspoons grated horse- ; radish -4 hard cooked eggs, coarsely chopped 2 cups broker! shrimp IV cups corn soya - 1 tablespoon parsley . Melt butter; stir in flour and seasoning. Add rrr-ilk slowly, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently until thickened. Place over hot water. Add horseradish, eggs and shrimp. Serve in a casser ole; top with slightly crushed heated corn soya which has been mixed with melted butter and the parsley. Yield: 6 servings. Vegetable Cheese Towers . " 1 medium sized eggplant 4 cups corn flakes Vt cup milk 1 teaspoon salt ' Vi teaspoon pepper 'v;fc RttUY CIMfW' AEOUT OUR LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY FOODS Fruit -Vegetables If it it in season, you will find it ot The Model. CALIF. BUNCH l C CARROTS .. . . I I3C LABI3H ONIONS Km 3 lbs. ................. TOMATOES 3s. Tube. . . .. X3G NEWTOWN APPLES Q 2 lbs. .... wC Eggplant Zucchini - Asparagus Fresh Peas New Potatoes . Endive Romalne - Hd. Lettuce Watercress Parsley Spinach Solid Cabbage Celery - Celery Hearts Turnips White Cauliflower Gr. Broccoli Parsnips - Rutabagas . Hubbard Squash Peppers v Green Onions, Radishes - Beets Sweet Potatoes Rhubarb Housecleaning Needs Parson's Ammonia OTa Quart Soil-Off 7 Q Half gallon ... v.. 'V Jubilee Furniture IQ, Polish WTC Pride Furniture $1 AA Polish..... IVW SOS Pads 09. IV:'. Hatch Cleanser OK 2 nana " Scratch Remover Ol, A.m. can . . ' Brown Beauty Brooms $1 QC Kp.h , I J Wring Mops 70 Faoh. V Glocoat KQf, annllcr TP M.J.B. TREE TEA 16 b.. 19c 48... 49c Cm th Conpon toward Jherurehas Good Grocery Buys Fancy. . . 1 lbs. .2 lbs. ..2 bot. . 2 cans .. 2 lbs. 29c 33c 25c 39c 33c 39c 33c 55c 95c Church's Grape Juice Bottle . . (Pure and Unsweetened) Del Monte Prune Juice n ... Wonder Marshmallows Pound (White or Assorted Colors) Columbia Dill Pickles (Full Quarts Plain or Kosher) Small White Beans ancy Large Limas Dennison's Catsup ... Nalley s Chili Con Carne Yelveeta Cheese . ... Baker's Cocoanul . .:.. . . ..; 29c Schmuker's Grape Jam ,2o, 33c C&H Sugar . . . . .. .10 Ib, Elsinore Cove Oysters 39c Gillneller's White Tuna . 39c Boned Chicken Swift's 2e..89c Solid Pack Tomatoes Hunt.-. .v. 2 49c Friskies Dog Food 6 ea,89c Easy-Oil Oven Cleaner i0,. ..... 98c (With Brush) Paas Egg Colors 10c Candy Easter Eggs . 29c Pompeien Olive Oil p)nt, .. . 85c Qu.rU fl.S Birdseye Frozen Food We Have the Full Line PEAS. STRING BEANS, ' J . SPINACH 4 (or "3C Sliced Strawberries 39c Swill's Frozen Chicken .KAr RfAadt . tilt round I Model Food Market 25 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 l-Dy Accounts The Store of Friendly Service No Charge for Delivery You're missing some thing if you haven't tried the famous JONES SAUSAGE LINE We have Link Sausagt, Bulk Sausage and of course, their famous Lirer Sausage! Try soma today for a real traat in tatingl Country Style Meaty SPARE RIBS Really Good - 1,59' U.S. Choice SWISS STEAK Boneless Any Siia lb. 3 Fresh Dressed FRYERS Pan Ready ib. 65" U.S. Choice BEEF ROAST a. 5' V cup shortening 6 thin slices sweet onion 6 thick slices raw tomato 6 thin slices processed American cheese Pare eggplant and cut into 6 crosswise slices about Vt Inch truck. Crush corn flakes into fine crumbs. DiD eeEDlint allr zirst in milk mixed with salt and Deoper. then in trumha Saute in heated shortening un its goiaen Drown on both sides. Place slices on a baking sheet. On top of each slice of eggplant, put a slice of onion, then a slice of tomato, then one of cheese. Bake in. moderate oven (350 F.) about 30 minutes or until cheese is melted and brown and onion is tender. Serve at once. xteid: 0 servings. . ' Tuna and Potato Casserole 8 tablespoons butter or ; margarine t tablespoons flour 4 teaspon salt Vt teaspoon pepper v 2 cups milk : . 'A cup minced onions ' 3 cups thinly sliced raw potato 1 can tuna fish (7-os.) , 1 cup popped rice cereal 1 teaspoon melted butter ' Melt butter, stir in flour, salt ana pepper. Add milk and minced onions, cook over low heat stirring constantly until thick and , smooth. Arrange sliced potatoes and flaked tuna fish in alternate layers in greased casserole. Pour cream sauce over mixture. Crush rice cereal slightly, mix with melted butter. . Sprinkle over top of creamed mixture. Bake in mod erate oven (350 F.) for about 1 hour. Note: Cooked potatoes may be used in this recipe. Reduce baking time to about 30 min utes. Yield: 6 servings (2 quart cas serole). Salmon Cutlets Simple and Hearty Since they may be made in advance ot the meal and stored in the - refrigerator until time to prepare dinner, Salmon Cutlets have much to recommend them. They are filled , with energy-building ingredients. Salmon Cutlets ' ' 1 pound can salmon 2 cups thick white sauce. using liquid from can of salmon ' 1 tablespoon' grated onion Vi teaspoon celery salt . 2 teaspoons Worcestershire - sauce :...,-.; : 2 teaspoons lemon Juice Prepare white sauce,, using Vt eup cooking fat, 6 table spoons flour and 2 cups liquid from salmon plus milk, Vi teaspoon salt, , few grains black pepper. Add onion celery salt, ' Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice. Mix well. Flake salmon and add to sauce. Chill well. Form into six cutlets; roll In fine dry bread crumbs; place on greased pan. Bake in hot oven 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with lemon sections or parsley sauce. Serves 0. Choose either a thick piece of beef round or a rump roast when you plan to prepare pot roast. If you want rich brown gravy, be sure to brown the meat adequately before add ing any liquid. Olive Clam Cocktails For Holiday Dinner We like to plan the menus for our holiday dinners so they're easy, yet elegant. For the apptizer course this "Olive Clam Cocktail" is ideal. Big pieces of ripe olives, celery and smail whole clams are blended with a piquant tomato sauce. It tastes its very best served well chilled in frosty cocktail glasses. Olive Clam Cocktails Vt cup ripe olives Vt cup small whole clams with liquor Vt cup coarsely cut celery 3 tablespoons chili sauce 2 tablespoons tomato catsup 2 tablespoons lemon juice Dash Tabasco sauce Cut . olives from pits into quarters or large pieces. Com bine with remaining ingredi ents and chill thoroughly. serves 4. ..-.! " This Is Very Good Sandwich FUVng We:ve come to rely on chop ped ripe olives as the backbone ingredient for many of our fav orite sandwich fillings. "Best Ever Sandwich Filling" is an example of, what you can do with them. Best Ever Sandwich Filling Vi cup roasted, nuts - -Vi cup chopped ripe olives , Vt cup grated American cheese Vt cup mayonnaise Vt teaspoon salt Dash cayenne pepper. Dash black pepper Chop nuts ' fine, or put through food . chopper using medium knife. Combine with Salt Creek Salt Creek Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bartel and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Bartel and Joyce spent the weekend in Abbots Ford, B. C, as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pauls. . Weekend guests at the Clif ford Britton home were Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Bahnsen and Greg. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brit ton and Cherie of College Place, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and children of La Grande, Frank Parker of Wal lowa, Mrs. Tom Downing and Miss Izetta Downing of Salem. remaining ingredients. Makes about 1 cup tilling. i '(niter lrm ol Ihlg Special Offer! Good onlu until . Mprch M. IMJ. (Limited oni packagt pgr amity. e 1-MINlf Pit U to easy it's almost magic. Saves assembling inert ditntt . . laves measuring; . . , saves mixing. While your.pie shell ' btktt you set the rilling mix ready. In a few short minutes a deli cious, eresmy-smooth pit is reidy for your tsmlly to enjoy! THE TREAT'S ON US! SO TREAT YOURSELF TO THE QUICKEST... EASIEST PIE YOU'VE , EVER MADE... ANP THE BEST! "'Today while offer holds buy 7-M1NIT Ready-to-Make Pie t your grocery store. Send us the top of the package showing price mark: along with a letter of Atteen words or more, telling why your family liked 7- MIN1T Pie. We'll tend you back the price you paid, plus post It's like finding mon ey ! Be sure to include your name and address. Litter must be postmarked on : or before March 38, 1953. Hurry! Don't miss this wonderful opportunity Offer limited one to a. family. Use the handy: toupon below tttXJ BOTH, tts'mia SAM I MM CRUST wi. !"" MINIT. BOX 2382 luscious taesea Creamy Cacaaat ttllcltui tMsae treses Smooth CaeeaLttg (tier taaatla - Templing tsilM Creaa 8-5 I enclose letter telling why my fsmlly 7-UINIT s Pie . . . alio pscseie top showrnf eTice. neasa 1 return my money, plus postage. emsg smtti ITT tSNI Stltt ! Void if taxed, prohibited or otherwise I a oy ttate or municipal laws. g er. expires March 3S, ISM. . ! on quality foods! We Reserve The Right to Limit ot the SAVING CENTER TUNA KP Luncheon Meat 12-oz. can 35' 53 Nucoa 2 lbs. ALL BRANDS CANNED MILK (IIS $669 C&H imp mW Naiieys ' Quart TAfiK H 43' Kitchen Queen feS lbs. 25 enl'fhAlu.J LIBBY'J ROAST BEEF . . . ,12-os. can 53c CHILI . . . . ,16-oz. can 33c PORK & BEANS . 303 slse 225c CORNED BEEF HASH can 31c Snowdrift 3-lb. con IB -W FISHER'S BISKIT MIX 40-oz. (Ql Pkg. OBI CAMPBELL'S SOUPS All Reg. 18c 6 for 95c All Reg. 14c 6 for 79c PUREX 1, Gallon 29' Pictsweet Frozen Foods Peas, Corn C S'llOO Spinach l pkgs. U Mixed Veg., Peas and Carrots NEW QUALITY PRODUCE SO. 50 POTATOES FRESH CARROTS TENDER MEATS Cascade Sugar Cured Slab Bacon ... 49' Armour's Picnics Beef Roast Boiling Beef UK6E JUICY FRANKS .39; lb. 39 !b. 19' .29' CoIqvos2.9c grapefruit 8-lb. bag 49 HOT HOUSE CUCUMBERS Each 10c WEST SALEM '""S&ff- .". . :,"..f"''',v:"eV-lj , 7 a...; t-Tr- T'