Thursday, March 28, 1953 Pace 6 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon For He-man appmiih Mushrooms in Salmon Custard Canned broiled mushrooms are invaluable for adding 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk - i . . . ' 3 -ounce can chopped broll - ed mushrooms 1 chicken bouillon cube Vt .teaspoon salt H teaspoon Tabasco aauce 2 eggs, slightly beaten lVk' cups cooked peas and carrots -' 7-ounce can salmon 'Melt butter in saucepan. Add onion and cook about 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in flour. Add milk, con tents of can of mushrooms and bouillon cube. Bring to boll, 8-inch shallow round baking dish. Bake in moderate oven, Silo den-eea F. until mixture SciYalfe?fsFaYcril3TU:iA! Cheese Bowl : Have pound American or Gingerbread Boys Good Cookies it barely set, about 33 min utes. Serve topped with small fish-shaped pastry cut - outs which you have baked sepa rately if you wish. Accom pany with a tossed green salad. Ovnto for ounto wort body-twWing proHlnt vmmmmmm msmm: Cheddar cheese at room, tem f amy of tho 731 bask toedsl perature; put through the meat grinder. Blend in V cup port flavor and heartiness to the V V", meatless dishes which are such a problem In many fami lies during Lent. This salmon wine, 2 tablespoons cream, teaspoon paprika and a dash of onion salt: beat until smooth casserole it a case in point. Any diced cooked "vegetables can be used. However, if you do not have any suitable left over cooked vegetables, cook a package of the quick-frozen peas and carrots or mixed Cake Topping Sprinkle this topping on your cake before you put it in the oven to bake. Stir to gether 2 tablespoons each pea nut butter, granulated tugar and flour until crumbly, add 1 tablespoon strong coffee and Vi cup broken pieces of walnuts. Spread over cake batter. WJien your cake comes out of the oven if t frosted and ready to eat. and creamy. Heap in a bowl and dust witn papnsa. serve with thin hHppj of rve or pum pernickel bread or crisp crack ers. I vegetables to use in this mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm stirring constantly. Add salt and Tabasco. Gradually ttir recipe. Salmon Custard With Mush rooms 3 tablespoons butter or margarine i ' .. V cup minced onion ' . iTnhakpd douchi and bread. hot tauce into beaten eggs. Add peas and carrots and the salmon which has been drain ed and broken into . small flakes. Pour into a greased as a rule, should not be stor ed in a food freezer for more than tlx to eight weeks; bak eri innHi iyihv be stored, usu tii me IN HOP ALONG CA&SIDY, KPTV Monday, 5:30 to :30, fortlond, Channel 27 ally, for two to three months, jr : 4 1 fc ti-r fewNtwrtMSsasesimiiiasi a. . - .5 i .1 ! ' Remember the itory about the gingerbread boy who ran " away irom the little old woman and the little old man and ' the cow, horse, threshers and moweri only to be gobbled ? up finally by a fox? The perky gingerbread fallows pic , tured here are of the same dashing Style and molasses flavor. 'Tls doubtful, though, If they'd escape the young cowboys and space cadets of today.- . --; i Instead of sulphur and mo lasses, make gingerbread cookies as a spring tonic. The sulphur potion went out when a year-long supply of fruits and vegetables was assured. Nor is it necessary to have sul phur in molasses . . . it gets there only when molasses is a by-product of sugar making. "Unsulphured" molasses i s sugar cane Juice which has been clarified, concentrated and aged. It's rich aromatic flavor is that from sun-ripened cane. ,; ' '. ... : . . ; Unsulphured molasses i an energy food and a very good source of iron, but its flavor makes ; gingerbread : cookies popular; : ; ' .i Gingerbread Boy i cup shortening ) Vi Cup' sugar ' f -"'IT i' ' ; r cup unsulphured molasses I 1 egg : ; : ' ','V:;;-v"..: tVi cups sifted all-purpose ; flour ! , . , teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder J . 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoons cloves 1 teaspoons cinnamon H teaspoon nutmeg ' Cream together shortening, sugar and unsulphured molas ses. Add egg. mix fell. Sift together flour, soda, baking powder, ginger, cloves, cinna mon and nutmeg. Add to mo lasses mixture; mix well. Chill in refrigerator 1 hours. Roll out on lightly floured board or pastry cloth. Cut with a 6 inch gingerbread man- cookie cutter. Bake in a moderate oven (380 F.) 10 to 12 minutes. Yield: Approximately I doz en. ; ;, : -,. Cabbage is company fare when you team it with spicy red apples as a vegetable accomp animent with meat, fish or chicken. In a saucepan mix 4 cups coarsely grated cabbage with 2 red apples, cored and chopped but not peeled. Add 1 cup boiling water, cover tight ly and cook, covered, for 10 minutes. Drain and add 2 tea spoons butter, H teaspoon pap rika, Vi cup sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.. Cook 5 minutes. Serves 4. ::, midget markets 351 State 1128 Center TRIED and PROVEN For QUALITY, for VALUE, for SERVICE, there Is no substitute for The Midgets. Thousands of satisfied customers it proof. No semi-froxsn package, with the lest desirable tutt hidden. Ton sec whai iuu dui. ot the Midgets. : YOUNG STEER BEEF lest Crodot Tender and flavorful Arm Roasts 53c Blade Roasts v - " 47c Boneless Cubes i 59c Swiss Steak v - 65c Corned Beef u 50c Try a 'Midget' Top Sirloin Steak ; They ore boneless, no waste. Tht kind that are served in the best cafes. Lb bjc GRAIN FED PIG PORK Midget Pork it noted for freshness and flavor. You can taste tho difference. PORK ROASTS Pics Lb. 35c CENTER CHOPS Loin. . ...... .Lb. 65c LOIN ROASTS .. . Lb 53c SLICED SIDE ... ; Lb 49c SPARE RtBSM Thick ...Lb. 53c PURE SAUSAGE...... ....... ,,. 45c PORK CUTLETS To Bread ... .Lb. 60c WHOLE PORK LOINS Lb. 54c PURE LARD SLICED BACON Dixie. ,2 lbs. Lb. 25c 35c WEINERS Skinless ,,, Lb. 45c WEINERS Old Fashioned Lb. 55c POLISH RINGS Lb. 49c MINCE HAM Sliced Lb. 45c CAPITOL FISH CENTER In our Center Street Location, across from the Owl Drug Salmon, Halibut, Crabs, Oysters Sole, Cod, Clams, Catfish, Kippered, Salt and Smoked Varieties. A Real fish Market. Our Centar St. Market it open until 7 p.m. ' Friday ovtnlngt until 9 p.m. Closed Sundayt BBsssssssssnsssBtMssMe 'attl" ,:" I Xs-Sf Americo'i .Favorite 6 Delicious Flavors WSiJO I piUsbury's 1 With 10c Coupon on Can ' Cherry, Lemon, Ai?! I fie Crust Wix 1 (7(7 .Ipii 1 I PV9 V Col 7 Sfil Strawberry, Raspberry f 0. ' T No. 303 Q" ' n"i Ml ""Tn?" 1 ; - , : - -' vtT'V' Rettrve the Right fM 0. 0ft a" Pure Ground Fresh . ,imit .; mLr'Z 'Lq . II SPARE RIBS . 9' r ? M Cj) T.11 )tSc y SPRECKLES' BROWN I Maket S Qtt. Non-Fat Milk J Tasty Pak heedless I Fancy CELERY HEARTS spoPcocro t7ME U m wesson la H m ropntA Uf Arrnn All Oo nMWII VII OL VJlt HT IT ?OP Salt Morton's 2 for 21c Plain or Iodised JOLLY TIME POPCORNS.'. 23c APRICOTS Hater, FRUIT COCKTAIL PEACHES Freestone CVmin Highland JlliUr Ca FRISKIES No. Vh can Elsinore No. Vh can No. Vh can Cane and Maple 12-oz. bottle rafll(lfMl BAKERS DOG FOOD Pound tin 35' 25' 29' IT PITTED DATES CHOCOLATE CHIPS DROMEDARY Pasteurized 6-oz. pkg. Pound pkg. 19' 39 Highland Market BERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twice Daily 800 Highland Ave. Call 3-9403 Lemmon's Market ORAL LEMMON, Owner S98 N. Commercial Carter's Market REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Doily 17th&Morktt Coll 3-6171 Wourm's Market GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Stoyton w iJi