Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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12 Schools Now Signed
s Auuwwnmjf mmicn ZD, 1958
v ;
. . i
To 5ee Movie of
' By VIC
Hey, Kids, have you teen
the Derby movie yet?
Probably only a few of you
have, but don't give up hope.
Dick Roger tella me he has
more than 12 schools ligned
up to see the show this week
and next and that probably
others -will still be able to sign
up or see It later in the month
when It is scheduled to come
back Balem way again.
Already it has been shown
to the Soap Box Derby asso
ciation, the Chamber of Com
merce, the Optimist club, South
Salem Lions, and Lincoln, Kel
ler and Richmond arhnnl.
Thursday evening It will be
shown at Albany,' Friday at
sue junior high and at Cor-
VaUIS. Next mk ahnnt 11
Schools in the Salem iru will
see the movie, in addition to
the Junior Chamber of Com
merce, Kiwanls club and
and ETOuna of Sweet Hnm anil
Dallas fans. Some of the schools
Lives in Fire
Troy, N.Y. ( Two boys
were burned to death early
Tnursday as they stood help
less at their bedroom window
amid flames that razed their
farm home, v Eight persons
were injured.
; The parents, two brothers,
sister and three half-broth
era of the dead children escap
ed with minor cuts or burns.
All were brought to a hospl
: tal here. :
Donald ' Clickner, 10, and
his brother Lawrence, 9, were
trapped upstair by the fire
In the two-story frame dwell
ing 18 miles southeast of Troy.
The fire apparently started
in the kitchen, but the cause
was not determined. ; -
The stepfather, Robert War
ner, a machinist, and a half
brother, Warren Clickner, 17,
were . driven back by , the
flames when they fried to res
cue Donald and Lawrence.
Clickner, an air force man
home on leave from his sta
tion at Portland, Ore., said.
Church Women
Commend Senators
' The executive board of the
Salem Council of Church
Women, meeting this week to
hear committee reports, direct'
ed that a letter be sent to the
Oregon . senate commending
the members for their . "out
standing work" in regard to
passage of the civil rights bill,
The communication was sent
at the request of Mrs. Dennis
Patch. .'
1 Mrs. Cec'l Wickline gave
report of work at the state
hospital which is sponsored by
the church women. .'
The annual state meeting of
the Oregon Council of Church
Women, held in Forest Grove
Wednesday, was attended by
Mrs. L. H. Randle, Mrs. E. P.
Goulder, Mrs. E. A. Collier and
Mrs. Cecil Wickline, all of Sa
lem. May Fellowship day will be
observed May 1 with a meeting
to be held at St. Mark Luth
eran church with Mrs. Willis
Dallas as chairman.
Say kids, tf year dad
hasn't had a chance to see
the Derby movie yet, .tell
him be can tee it this week
end at the beak Walton lea
gne sport show at the lea
gae clabhoase. Dick Begets
called jost before press time
to aay that Walter Morse at
Klasle 1-heto ihop has asked
to show "Where the SON
Shlaes" along with ether
pert films and the Oregea
vaeatloa film, "Yoa'U
Kem ember Oregon." The
films will be shown all dat
ing the twe-day shew.
will show it two or more times.
A number of other showings
may be scheduled. Dick says
he also hopes to get the film
back here about the first of
May for some more showings.
So you can see the movie Is
really making the round and
those who have already seen It,
say it's really great.
The name of the movie.
"Where the SON Shines,"
means just what it say. This
is the big event where the son
is the big star and dad is Just
an onlooker. Of course, the
dads can have a lot of fun too,
giving advice on building the
racer, helping with Inspections,
working on Derby committees
and so forth, but the two big
days, Saturday and Sunday,
July 11 and 12, belong to you
boys. Ana believe me, It's go
ing to be a lot bigger two days
this year than It was last year.
When you see the movie, you
will see how one town In Amer
ica started its Derbyjust like
Salem did last year. It shows
the boy building their racing
bugs and racing them In the
home town Derby; It shows
champs from all over the na
tion arriving in Akron for the
All-American Derby and then
the race itself a it Is won by
little Joe Lunn. with his taped
up "rambling wreck from
Georgia.". ? ,fc,--'-' .fv
Doug Adam. Salem's
champ, get in on the show as
he admires a huge hunk ol
beet at the big barbecue for
the champs. The Capital Jour
nal also gets in on the act
with a picture of. Pressman
Chester Duncan -taking a copy
of the paper with the Derby
announcement from the press.
So that' it the story of the
Soap Box Derby in a movie
with full color and sound. You
don't want to miss it
Portland u.ra The Oregon
Journal reported today that Dr.
William A.. Pearl, assistant to
- the president at Washington
State college, was under con
sideration for the post of
Bonneville power administra
tor. .
.T: ' AT ,':' ": .
a $1.00
Machine 7C
Packed "
Sundaes 25c
ShakeS Cherry 25c
Shortcake 25c
Shoot they'll lov . .
TTeaaaeai--. w
. Also all whit
H to, 11
iato s-
Atlanta' ail S2.B8
Itbertr treetcrt street
llSerty treetcrt street
v .... nefvisv"aa a v area a ? . f
Host of Prizes
Tickets at Roberts
f I iss I w I f s jr i . y r l ,
1 V2XM(MJ r v
It2ea7 street -cert tircel
100 Wool! Men's Gobordine
SpecjeHy purchased, eeWwieo they
weuM so wawi 14.95 to ).!,
Waal far saw-, mmmrnt mm '. t i 7rJ
(Key'r aaol. eraaaa-iaaiJlaiil astd I V
the Itsta smpaccabto tottoswie; aaVds va
etoa-dkjeMlaar v--J
fesa, Imm, SH, 6eaai, ay. ' I J
je vvaiat.
Men's Clethlni Main floor
For School, Vacation Wear!
Puckered Nylon SHIRT
Cool, eomfortoble, ond
they require just a mini
mum of care! "Boys like
the smart look, tho easy
. comfort of theso sport
shirts! Generously cut to
be worn inside or outside
: trousers . . . has a lined,
-spread collar; breast
pocket; short sleeves.
Comes in White, Maize,
Powder, Red; sizes 6-18.
leys' Shop Main Floor
, , W m m. 4u ry!yArA,(l Sift
mmii . i i : r j. . i
PS Mb. 7 X w a
imr a urn i mi. sa l i
VSX 'if I :i ii K
. aVj aw u m tr r Mfw in aiiiiiui xw&svr
mL iiir Km
. Ill i V
Swttt,,IM9 Fresh in
V. 'i ,B :' -t'ti li-.j.-i-i;,'
,i! v.; ''- .v!-"L'i.uifV,-tf'
't l.ks1'?? '.KK'Vf ). sis?:-
fo;aflswm).'.tjl Cattv'.:
: atinf eotton to aowl
;:i:.t') color", and ' eaady i
,. . stripe et
i'f-v,;. ; . .-.Tiny. evea
ftlux'f.sipv'f wl nnpea extnoii
V;,r :iwVri.ktrt la cMUhV
. suuy .suu . snaam ;
. v". wooer a sweet aaen.
' v sise . -r . v .: - .:v:.
"-.i.i'jrt'vl...- ? ; ,. . . ; ..-:ai.--'..i:.-t-j1-:!'
i1! ;;: win, .''Iit;'y'''i:5'.'WW'i
Draarny-looking dresses'.'.', but truraVf
''practical, posifivoly washable! .Sure to
i'--;-'''-;;;.." '-j-;--' .;'.f-.!;ii1 ' ir.V'liV-V-V::':'-i'?' "W:i-.:-A?.V"'' .4,Kea.rf-.eae "iMraieMlsOTicS' rwJ
Grown-tp Styles in Girls' SZZSiX&S2St
. . . . , " , , ' . V .' : T ' r , ''piptnfl'. bid oshes"! Sizes S-4. (Qthan'.
frm AI Wool I oppersf -. :'; - - --
Nylon Print Sport Shirt
Look ot your savings;. . . $3.96
on each of these oood-looklng
shirts! 100 Nylon, with on at
tractive print in choice of Grey,
Navy or Brown print. Has regu-
lor collo'r,' long sleeves, double
yoke back, two flop pockets!
Lounders in a flosh. S-M-L
Men's Furnishings Main Floor
Reg. 7.95
W to W
Coats with the very latest style news! Kitten-soft leece
with twirl-about swing backs . . . single and double
breasted styles ... In gumdrop colors: Pink, Gold, Brown,
Dusty Pink, Blue; also in checks. Sizes 7 to 4.,';' .-'i p ;
. tr.j,
Lj '1 V'VjV.rf ;!iT':,ii.-i j-!ijr'i. &i ,M-i -,vV I
-..if : tu',-.', .
(Many other styles and fabrics to choose from in sizes v y j i
3 to 6, starting 10.98 to 17.98.) ' , , 'i
- fjirls Shop Oowwstelrt . :. ,.' '
Guaranteed . . . No Holes for 1 Year!
, Short Length-Elastic Top
Sbek Cemel : Mei.e , 'j' ,
U.Slue U.Sreen Lt.tJrey vCOlC
Mareen ,: Nvy ,irown lUj V
Dk.Ofeen M.Crey
Long Length-Ribbtd Top ;
Reg. SI .23 pi. "
DerktVeen Meroon
Dark Srewit Dark Orey
We Give and Redeem
Green Stamps
;yv'tKl 11.000 pair of the same brand of socks sold
.''' : so far this year . . . with 108 replacements
afPI , , , aihv aa'H wllllna in hat vnull
never wear a "hole-in-one" for one whole
. , , . yearl , Men like the sof tniu and ab
' aorbency of the cashmere-soft Vicara
''' blended with Spun Nylon..; the 9x3 rib
Is one of their favorites. ;.the colors
are the ones they prefer, too. Furthermore,
, n they're guaranteed against shrinkage,
I mildew and they are eolorfast
. Bites 10-18., Buy a dozen pairs.
U '
i u,