n Pag 4 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, March 16, 1953 Italian Pizza Easy Now With Hot Roll Mix Veo7 Birds -i Now you can' easily make Italian Fixzat One icrved only in Italian restaurants, it has recently been stmpuilea with hot roU mix. With this modern short cut, delicious Pizza Fie is quick and easy. A zeatful tomato and cbeese top ping bakes right on the dough. Pizza (pronounced reet-za) has natural American appeal. It's delightful and fun eaten as "linger food" or can be eat en with fork and knife. Serve it anytime, for almost any oc casion. Cut large servings for mealtime main dishes; smaller servings for coffee-time snacks. Tiny, bite-size strips made wonderfully easy, hot canapes. ! Tne tenner, :ji.iivi;; crust is sprinkled with sharp Spaghetti With Shrimp Easy Dish ; ' Savory, hot spaghetti din " iters are meals to remember. If the spaghetti is cooked ac- cording to directions, and the sauce is exceptionally well- ., flavored, you have a dish worth remembering. There's something so gay and informal bout spaghetti' dinner that -' everyone has a good time. For a sauce to remember, here's one made of shrimp a recipe from the Shrimp Association of the Americas, specialists on all kinds of shrimp cookery. This recipe will make four servings when included with other main-dish, foods. - For a twosome, -you need add only ' salad, bread and beverage. Shrimp Spaghetti K teaspoon garlic salt- teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 Pinch crushed red pepper teaspoon sugar teaspoon oregano teaspoon basil tablespoons chopped pars ley cup .olive or other salad oil No. Stt cans tomatoes pound shrimp, fresh or v frozen , Thoroughly ' blend together In a frying pan first eight in gredients. Stir In oil and to matoes and cook over low heat until liquid is reduced and mixture is slightly thickened, about 45 minutes to an hour. (Overcooking doesn't hurt this mixture.) Meanwhile, clean shrimp. About 8 minutes be fore serving time, and shrimp, cover the pan and simmer gently. Serve over spaghetti, cooked according to directions on box. Makes 4 servings when served with other maln-dlsh foods; or makes t servings when served with a salad and bread as a one-dish meal. 1 S . S 1 Italian white cheese. Then comet the peppy, he-man sauce a tempting medley of tomato sauce, onion, tomato paste, gar lic salt and oregano (an herb often used in Italian cookery.) Top it with more white cheese, parsley and Parmesan cheese. You can add variety with sliced mushrooms, sausage, salami or anchovies. The Fizza filling is easy. It requires only a little cooking and chopping. And the ingre dients are easily obtainable in local grocery stores. , Hot roll mix Fizza dough needs only one rising! So this recipe fits nicely into busy day schedules. An hour after you open uie iiui tuil fiuz cscsss?, your Pizza is in the oven. You serve it fifteen minutes later. And you can count on its being good. -There's no - difficult shaping of dough Just pat in into piepans, or roll It flat to fit baking sheets." Italian Pizza ' 1 package hot roll mix Vt cup minced onion 1 tablespoon olive oil i 1 can (8 ounces) tomato ; -, sauce . ; ' lean (8 ounces) tomato paste . . 4 . .: 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon oregano 'f teaspoon, garlic . , f Vt teaspoon pepper ' 1 ' pound Italian or other white cheese, sliced thin or grated. " cup finely-cut parsley Parmesan cheese. Additional toppings; ' ' Mushrooms: 1 cup. chopped or sliced. . f : Anchovies: 12 to 14, whole or pieces. ' iiauan sausage: l cud dcd- .. per'oni, diced or sliced thin. Salami: 1 cup, cut into thin strips. Pork sausage: 1 cup, cooked. l package Hot Roll Mix Prepare Hot Roll Mix as di rected on package. Let rise un til light, 80 to 80 minutes. Saute minced onion in olive oil until golden browa Add to- mato aauce, tomato paste, ore gano, garlic salt and pepper. Divide dough into four parts. Flatten each piece and Dat into bottoms of four 9 or 10 inch piepans. (Or divide dough in half, roll out and place on ungreasea baking sheets . Brush with additional oUve oil or salad oil. : Arrange half of the Italian cheese on top of dough. Cover with the tomato sauce. Top with remaining cheese and ad ditional topping desired; see above. Sprinkle with parsley and Parmesan cheese, if de sired. Bake Immediately in hot oven (400 deg.) 18 to 20 mln utes. Serve hot. 1 Vi pounds veal cutlet, (aik your butcher to pound thin) Vt pound sliced bacon 1 medium onion, grated About Vt package crack ers rolled fine (In cupi crubs) Vi teaspoon pepper 1 cups water . 2 tablespoon flour 4 cup sour cream Cut veal in pieces about 4x8 Inches. Fry bacon until crisp; crumble. Combine with onion, cracker crumbs, pepper and 2 tablespoon bacon fat; mix well. Place stuffing in center of meat. Roll meat around stuffing and fasten with tooth pick. Brown on all sides in hot greased skillet. Add cup wa ter; cover, Simmer about 40 minutes, or until meat is ten der. Remove meat. Blend flour and remaining 1 cup water. Gradually add to gravy in pan. When gravy begins to boil add sour cream. Heat to boiling serve with veal birds. Serves 8 to 8. Here's a soup for The Hungry Family Hungry, growing boys and girls and their fathers, too. will enjoy this soup made from a can of baked beans. A good thermos botua packer, tool ' Hearty Bean Sonp , 2 medium size carrots 2 tablespoons margarine 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper ' 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 cup milk 1 can baked beans Cook carrots, reserving liquor. Melt margarine in saucepan, saute onion and green pepper until golden brown. Add flour and season ings and mix well. Add enough water to carrot liquor to make 2 cups. Combine with milk and Avocado Salad for Easter Menu This "Avocado Perfection Salad" Is a molded salad per fect for springtime menus, col orful for Easter dinner.. Make the base with a package of lime-flavored gelatin and when the mixture gets syrupy fold in one diced medium-sized avo cado, crushed pineapple, chop ped pickle and pimiento and finely shredded cabbage. This is an extra good salad to serve now when fresh salad greens are scarce.' Avocados are at their best this time of year. Avocado Perfection Salad 1 package lime-flavored gel atin ' 1V4 cups hot water Vi teaspoon salt 1 (9-or.) can crushed pine apple 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 2 tablespoons vinegar from . sweet pickles 1 medium-sized avocado 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickle 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento 1 cup finely shredded cab bage Salad greens Dissolve gelatin in hot wa ter. Blend in salt, pineapple, lemon Juice and pickle vine gar. Cool to consistency of un beaten egg white. Cut avoca do into halves, remove seed and skin, and dice fruit. Fold avocado, pickle, pimiento and cabbage into thickened gsla tin mixture. Turn into indi vidual molds and chill until firm. Unmold on crisp salad greens to serve. Serves, 6 to 8. For Wedding Brunch Making plans for a wedding and looking for a good idea for a wedding brunch? We sug gest serving chicken a la king in a half a avcoado, garnish ed with watercress and a spic ed canned peach half. Looks very pretty and tastes wonderful. add gradually to flour mixture. Heat until slightly thickened, stirring constantly. Add carrots and beans and heat thoroughly. Pour hot into e vacuum bottle for sending to school or to work ... or serve It to the folks at home for lunch. ' ( iff n sweat : ' U.S. Gov't Inspected HORSEMEAT! ontlesa - Tender - Nutritious CUBE STEAK RIBI STEAK : SIRLOIN STEAK WAST BURGER STEW MEAT PET FOOD ' ib. 45c ib. 45c it. 35c ib. 35c ...29c ...29c 2 .u. 39c BANANAS 25c LETTUCE -J0c FRESH CARROTS 3 25c FRESH EGGS DAILY Large Dosen 60c Under New Management John & Marlene Gaul CENTESStAAarket 1667 Center St. Phone 39002 Supper Snack For a Sunday super snack there's nothing easier than an old-fashioned "Dutch lunch." Arrange an assortment of bo logna, llverwurst and cheese on large platter. Have lots of rye bread, pickles and ripe olives ready too. And for a special addition, serve buttery large dry limas, either hot in baked casserole, or as salad marinated in a sharp French dressing. Tele-fun by WstfM fioodrick "Ilia aav chene, anytime, Fewey. raa yWr tmort enewflh to eM property."... You'll avoid wrong numbers ! If you dial eawfuUy keeping Telephone. 1288 STATE ST. SALEM, OREGON PHONE 3-6489 RANDALL'S FINE MEATS ALWAYS THE BEST MEAT VALUES i P'J f."!otlve lur,h" ot'c e B" wlh confidence! We guarantee you the best BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER - FANCY EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter 32I2y 36' . 3SP2' . FANCY U. S. GRADE A GOOD LIGHT STEER BEEF Front Quarter 40' , Half or Whole I Hind Quarter mi 5i' ib. ABl.drmner'0rt Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Bl.de Rump s)A( Round and -Bone Bafts! BEEF ROAST Lb .39' BEEF STEAK Lt 59' RIB STEAK SPECIAL Wh. ThtT LMt , Lb,49c Freshly Ground O Oc I FrMh Conntr 8t Ac HAMBURGER t 391 SAUSAGE ,39 BEEF HEART or TONGUE Lh 39c Ground Round , h 59' I BEEf'cUBES 59' PLUMP YOUNG HENS Pressed and Drawa -.,.L,49c -1 Fruit Jewel Salad' With Cottage Cheese Every one in the family likes an attractive fruit, and. cottage cheese aalad, especially when the fruit is canned peaches. To make ' these "Crown Jewel Salads" top a mound of cot tage cheese with a shiny peach half. Then cut another half into quarters and arrange petal fashion around the plate. Bright bits of maraschino cher ries and watercress form the "Jewels." Crown Jewel Salads 1 pint cottage cheese' Salad greens 8 canned peach halves ' . Maraschino cherries . . Watercress. Arranse mound of cottage cheese on each garnished salad plate. Top with drained peach half, cut side up. Quarter sec ond peach half and .arrange petal fashion around peach in center. Garnish with cherries and sprigs of watercress. ' Serves 4. Novel Desserts That Use Apples Listed Ma arc two novel. Interest ing apple desserts which offer an inviting cnange irom me usual pies, dumplings and pud dings. These require only a minimum of preparation time. If you like the gourmet fla vor of sour, cream, this makes a delicious' topping for the creamed apple slices but, If you prefer, you can serve with plain or wnippeq cream.. . m hrnwn mear sDDle crumble. served warm, may also be top ped with cream or whipped cream.' Creamed Apple Dessert 4 red apples 1 Up. cinnamon 4 tbsp. sugar Cut un peeled red apple in. , to half inch slices. Spread with sugar and cinnamon and 1 dot with butter. Broil under moderate heat until tender, . about 10 minutes. Top with sour cream, plain or whipped cream. Serves 4. Browa Bngar Apple Crumble , red applet cup flour cup brown sugar : 4 tbspe. butter or margarine Core applet and cut into thin slices. Arrange in baking dish. . Combine flour, brown sugar and butter or margarine to make a crumbly mixture, and spread this over the apple slices. Bake in a hot oven (425 . F.) 35 minutes. . Serve warm. Serves 4. Swift's Prmm o wra Juamb IFirviis The very finest chicken that money can buy. If you have been buying small fryers you have been misin' good chicken. Drop bv this weekend and invest in some mighty good eatin'. Uuc-chic-chic-chicken. 2-LB. 6-OZ. AVERAGE SWIFT'S REPRESENTATIVE, AL TORGERSON, will be her thit Saturday with hit tap recorder, and will play some selections on Hie Hammond organ. Al will alto help you with your Eotter menus. . Another "Peoples Choice", a Swift Premium Red Label rnnifFn ham ims wrk' ujs shrinkae' IUUI lEI LI Ar I Most Tender, More Flavorful EACH $(179 WORRELL'S BEEF Steaks Round, Switt, Sirloin m ; THE FLAVOR'S ALREADY THERE! The Finest Beef and the Beit Selection Roasts (hucli Bonelett Pot Roaett 69Y- ror Hoaire 49' T-Bones Ground ,b 89c Rib Sleaks Beef 2 JD, 85' ib. 65c Standing Rib LEAN SHORT RIBS ib- W BOILING BEEF W5c CAPONS -TURKEYS - CHICKENS WANT AN OVEN ROAST? SELECT, : oVMiREtiS0B,in9 R' Ro"e' Ruk"p' Sir,oin' Uin' U9of Lamb' Us rf f'' aM Umb Loi"' Po u1' Ls WANT A POT ROAST? SELECT: Chuck Roost, Round Bone, Crott Rib, Boneless Chuek, Heel, Sirloin Tip, Park Shoulder, Lamb Shoulder, Veal Chuck WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT? ASK FOR- : ; ' : ,1 f Polith Samagf, Ham Patriot, City Chicken, Pork Cutlets, Veal Cutlets, Umb Portias, Chop Sway Meets, Canadian Bacon, Veal Liver, Pork Hearts, Ham Loof, in fact, otk for anything .... K. Al I CUfFrT MADfiADIMF UUJOltOMARGARINEI MhfleH tail. I I IKftIA WfHIVIIlla SNOWDRIFT WESSON OIL . . . BEGMORE DOG FOOD The Wesson Oil Shortening FRESH PRODUCE HO. 1 DESCHUTES . rmtff potatoes E;diO . 59 Grapefruit r 639' CARROTS FN, o i-231 tomatoes rz.2 1 29' 10 SNOIOY CELERY (rlip end SrHn LB. Also: Danish Squash, Fresh Pineapple (Hawaiian) Zuc chini and Summer Squash, Rhubarb, Corn. Savoy Cabbage, Nappa Pineapple Juice ,.., ., SPECIAL OFFER 2 ibs. 33' SipS . Oairl 9 2 for 29 .4 far 99c 2Pkt,.Roman Meal Muffin Mix BatfB 49c lunar Speekels Hear Al Torgerton play your favorite selections on the Hammond Organ Orian Courtesy of stone riano Co. 4 A-1K Uk . Fine Granulated ill bar "C Buffer SA'TJ ........Ib. 69c BisWf MixW-. .. 39c Lumberjack Syrup ttEgS..-..M- 29c Barfleff Pears rt,,rMd.. 25c 4 for 99c Peas Z.Yr&?'..a?itn. ; .5 far'l00 Sunshine Crackers ,.,.,, 25c ClOrOX Half Gallon 29C Qnsrt 1 7C SURF 2 (Or v pkt.3Jfc LUX fOFFFF Shurlint e). IVITtE Freshly Ground lb. C Paas Easier Egcj Dyes Pkr. ...10c Sea Our latter Uliet at the Bait Buy in Town BtW WW H intM Fj U iv BF M t WBIBa 1 UMl Bbb aft I nrif sw DW - I t wrxn., I If I I MEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKER?) jSBSESXSSSm CiftotTaariqiP ..,.-.(M'