Page 2 FOOD SECTION Oregon Rockfish Rate High; Nutritious and Provide Many Dishes . J " A' 5 DUhef Oslnf fish Today w get better acquainted with abundant Oregon rockfiih; suggest easy, delicious ways of preparing these white fish of superior flavor, texture and appearance. They're bargain-priced right now, tool By ZOLA VINCENT irota Wrtttr) Now Is a fine time to get better acquainted with abund- ant Oregon rockfiih which ap propriately enough are those fish, which live among the rocks offshore. There are - many species. Among the beat known and most valuable are blue perch, red snapper, black and red cod and tne compara tive newcomer in name only, Pacific ocean perch. Some commercially classify them all simply as "rockfish." In quantity of production, along our coast, rockfish are surpassed , only by sardines, ' mackerel and tuna which are mostly consumed salted, smok ed or canned., ' Oregon Staters Help ' The seafoods laboratory of Oregon State college, at As toria, has worked closely with ' the fishing industry during the .-- past few years in the develop ment of rockfish and have car ' ried on an extensive test kit chen project. E. W. Harvey who is in charge of the food technology department told us that rock fish is one of Oregon's most abundant marine foods and that its delicately flavored flesh Is a valuable addition to any list of seafood favorites. Mr. Harvey also noted that the tremendous popularity of the rockfish family has developed within the past 20 years. We give you today a few of the fine recipes produced under di rection of Margaret R. Lun ning, who reminds us that care should be taken to enhance and not detract from the na tural fish flavor. The judicious ' use of spices and herbs Is sug gested and she heartily recom mends adding mono sodium glutamate to accent and ' en hance the natural flavor. Many good cooks now use a popular brand of mono sodium gluta mate right along with the salt and pepper as a matter of course. This recipe makes six serv ings or enough for only four persons because It is so good the men will, come back for "seconds." Oven Sauteed Rockfish VA pounds fillets, cut into serving pieces or 4 to 6 small fillets .... 1 teaspoon glutamate 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoon milk 1 2 eggs 4 tablespoons melted butter Cracker crumbs Sprinkle fish with salt and glutamate. . Beat eggs slightly and add lemon juice, milk and salt. Dip each piece of fish first in egg mixture.- tnen in cracker crumbs. Repeat pro cess. Shake off excess crumbs after each dipping. Place broaded fillets in large shal low baking pan containing the melted butter. Baste well with butter and cover pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 33 minutes, Baste once, Remove cover, baste well with pan drippings and put under broiler 3 to 5 minutes lo brown slightly. Broiler rack should be lowered a bit. ' - ,. ltt pounds fillets Vi teapoon each salt and glu tamate 1 slice dry bread, crumbled 3 tablespoons shredded cooked shrimp V4 teaspoon each salt and thyme ' y - 1 tablespoon milk 1 tablespoon melted butter 3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil Juice of 1 lemon ' Stuffed Fillets I Season fillets with salt and glutamate. Mix bread, shrimp, salt,-thyme, milk and butter together for dressing. Spread evenly on fillets. Roll the stuff ed fillets and secure with toothpicks or tie with string. Sprinkle with lemon juice' and baste well with olive oil. Bake 30 to 40 minutes at 400 de grees. Serve with horseradish sauce made by combining Yt cup mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons drained horseradish, . dash of salt and pepper. Tartare Sauce Oregon State college's test kitchen at Astoria makes it like this. Combine Vt cup may onnaise, 1 tablespoon each of chopped onion, chopped green) pepper, minced parsley and chopped .plmiento. Very good on any baked, fried or broil ed white fish. ' Easter Ham A la Forbes Tasty Meat; From our valley editor, at the Capital Journal, Mike Forbes, we submit the follow ing Idea to bake that Easter ham: , Baked Ham By Forbes - 1 ham (or picnic shoulder) Blackstrap molasses Whole cloves Brown sugar " If the ham is not tenderized simmer it for an hour before you make the following pre parations for baking: First, use a carving fork or an ice pick to punch holes in the ham, all the way to the bone and about -lnch apart (With the two prongs of the fork you can do the job faster than you . can with an ice pick.) Then insert a clove in each hole. . , -Second, moisten the ham well with molasses. Third, , pat .. a . good coat of brown sugar over the ham, and bake it in any way that best suits you and the charac teristics of your oven This recipe is Intended to saturate the ham with season ing all the way to the bone, and to keep the brown sugar on it for the glaze instead of letting it drop off. into the drippings for the gravy. 1 don t need to tell you what eats well with ham sweet potatoes, string beans cooked with bacon cubes and onion, applesauce, jelle , Porterhouse Steak- Tomatoes With Cheese Beef porterhouse ' steak, ' cut l to 2 inches thlsk salt . . ' pepper ' 2 large tomatoes '' H cup grated Cheddar , 'Cheese ' Set regulator to broil. Place steak on broiler rack. Insert broiler pan and rack so the top of 1-inch steak is 2 inches from the heat. When one side browned, season and turn. Slice tomatoes in half and sprinkle tut surface of each with grated cheese. Place on broiler rack with . meat. Con tinue broiling until steak is browned on second side and cheese is melted.' Season steak. Steaks cut 1 Inch thick require 18 to 20 minutes for rare steak and 20 to 25 min utes for medium-done steaks. Steaks cut. 2 inches thick re quire 30 to 35 minutes for rare steak and 35 to 40 min utes for medium-done steak. 1-inch porterhouse steak; 2 to 4 servings from a 2inch steak. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon For Easter Breakfast- Bacon and 'Golden Eggs' -f r'v WW fir m . j t. . m v. v V c Xv 1 At Crisp strips of bacon and toast cups of Eggs Goldenrod present a grand combination for your Easter breakfast. Start with a bright fruit cup or broiled grapefruit' halves. Be Sure your menu includes hot cross buns and plenty of coffee. , Breakfast takes on a special importance on Easter Sunday. Ideal for this occasion is tempting combination of crisp bacon strips with Goldenrod eggs in toast cups. This is combination simple to prepare, yet one that makes a gay ap pearance on your table. Here is the menu: ' Breakfast Menu .' Fruit Cup . ( ' Bacon .... Toast Cups with Eggs Golden- , rod - Hot Cross Buns ' Butter or Margarine Coffee Tea Milk For the best results in cook ing a small amount of bacon. place the strips In a single lay er in a cold frying-pan. Let it cook slowly, turning the meat occasionally so that it will be evenly cooked. Spoon off the drippings as they accumu late so bacon will not cook in its drippings. Cook until of the doneness your family likes, Sundae Topping Chopped walnuts make any sundae topping taste better, and for extra good flavor try roasting the walnuts before chopping them. Put the shelled walnuts into a shallow pan and slip into a 400 degree F. oven for 15 minutes. They're de licious ' sprinkled on cake frostlngs, too. CHEESE RAREBIT SOUP , So hearty that it will make wonderful main dish with crackers and dessert and bev erage. Make 1 cup thin white sauce and add 1 cup cubed American cheese, stirring un til cheese is melted. Pour in bouillon cubes dissolved In cup boiling water. Add 4 ounces cooked elbow maca roni. Recipe serves four. then drain on absorbent paper. If you're preparing a large amount of bacon, , then the easiest method is to roast it, says Reba Stagg, home econo mist. Cook the same as a roast, that is, place it In a single lay er on a rack In an open roast ing pan. Set your oven regu lator at 300 F. and let it cook until crisp. This way you can go on about preparing the re mainder of your menu, giving little attention to the bacon. Toast cups are simply made. Lightly butter thin slices of crustiest bread on both sides, then press -down into muffin pans. Let the corner extend above the ban. Toast in a slow oven (300 F.) until crisp. Serve filled with Eggs Goldenrod' Prepare by hard cooking 6 eggs for 4 servings. Separate egg yolks from white. Add chop ped egg white to 1H cups of medium white sauce. Place in toast cups, then sprinkle with egg yolk pressed through a sieve. . . '( mzmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm Liver and Bacon l pound sliced beef or pork liver . . pound bacon Yt cup flour" '' ; , Salt and pepper ' Start bacon in cold frying pan and fry slowly until crisp. Drain on absorbent paper. Dredge liver in flour and brown slowly on both sides in bacon drippings, turning oc casionally. By the time both sides are browned the liver will be done. Season. 4 to 6 servings. Mayonnaise So Versatile; Vary Uses for It Mayonnaise ' is so versatile that one wonders if anyone ever uses It just as it comes from the jar any more. Well, anyway, here are some com binations to add to your col lection. For Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Greens. To 1 cup real mayon naise add any of the following foods: 2 to 4 tablespoons horse radish. V4 cup finely diced cu cumber, Yi cup cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons , chopped chives, 2 tablespoons anchovy paste, 3 tablespoons chill sauce, 1 cup chopped fresh toma toes, Yt cup shredded sharp cheese, 2 tablespoons bread and butter pickle juice and tt teaspoon grated onion, Vi cup mustard with horseradish. Fruit Salad Dressings. To 1 cup real mayonnaise add your choice of the following good things: 1 egg white beaten stiff and Vi cup shredded toasted almonds, 2 tablespoons orange juice and 1 teaspoon grated orange rind, 2 teaspoons lem on juice and Vi teaspoon rind, Yi cup chunk-style peanut but ter, Yt cup crushed pineapple, Vi cud fresh strawberries crushed with 2 teaspoons con fectioners sugar, Vi cup orange marmalade, Yt cup sour cream. Barbecued Breast Of Lamb Delicious Excellent lamb supplies are now reaching the market and should be used in menus often for it's been a long, long time since weve found such low prices and good quality. Breast of lamb sells for surprisingly little. Look and see. Barbecued Breast of Lamb ' 2 pounds breast of lamb 2 teaspoons salt s 1 medium onion, sliced Vi cup chili sauce Yt teaspoon red pepper 1 tablespoon vinegar Vi cup water Cut lamb into four pieces. Season. Brown in heavy frying pan. Pour off drippings. Add sliced onion, chili sauce, pep per, vinegar and water. Cover. Simmer or bake in a moderate oven. 350 degrees, about IVi hours. Uncover and cook about 20 minutes or until barbecue sauce is almost absorbed. Gelatine Sglad With Pineapple The bridge club and the fanv ilw teem never to tire of pine apple gelatine salads and here is probably the very best of them all. It cenainiy snomo be. Just look over that list of Ingredients, Well, anyway, crushed pineapple is reasonable in price now. Froxen Crushed Flneapple Salad J No. 2 can crushed pine apple 1 teaspoon unfavored gelatine 2 tablespoons lemon juice ' 1 3-oz. package cream cheese Yt cup mayonnaise Yi teaspoon salt . Vi cup whipping cream ' Vi cup sugar - Vi cup chopped nuts . ; Vi cup quartered maraschino cherries Drain pineapple. Soak gela tine in lemon juice; dissolve ov. er hot water. Blend cream cheese with mayonnaise and salt. Stir in dissolved gelatine. Whip cream until stiff, adding sugar gradually during last stages of beating. Fold in cheese mixture, nuts, maraschino cherries and drain ed crushed pineapple. Pour into refrigerator tray that has been lined with waxed paper. Freeze until firm with refrigerator set at coldest setting; about 4 hours. Turn out on a platter, remove paper and cut into thick slices. Garnish with salad greens. Makes 8 servings. . Be sure to let stand at room temperature for a few minutes before serving. Flavor and tex ture are Improved. Thursday, March 26, 1953 Asparagus Dish Fresh asparagus Is appear ing In the markets now and if the price is still a little high for your food budget, here's t way to stretch each serving. Make a cream sauce, then add diced hard-cooked eggs, heartv wedges of ripe olives and a pinch of dry mustard. Serve the sauce hot over cooked as- paragus spears. Coffee Bread Try this with your next package of 8 brown 'n' serve clover leaf rolls. Spread the bottom of a loaf pan with a mixture of 3 tablespoons each melted butter and chopped roasted nuts and Vi cup brown sugar. : Put the rolls in the pan upside down and bake In a 400 degree F. oven about 25 minutes. Let stand 1 minute. Serve rolls right side up. Good comDanlons are irpam mashed notatop tn urMnh ..... . add the spicy flavor of crlsn a 1 c , . . irean uppieo.. oimpiy peel and erate the ancles, and hpat the potatoes. Add a pinch of cinnamon, salt and pepper and, 11 aesiren, a uiue extra milk to make the potatoes smooth and creamy.- , oca LOOK FOR THIS LABEL ' Any burned-on food on the floor of your oven? Het a small amount of ammonia in the oven and leave it there for several nours or ' overnight; the ammonia softens the burn ed-on food and makes removal less of a chore than It usually Is. A date with an aoole Is a flavor combination to please both youngsters and grown-ups. Mart by baking spicy red ap ples, then fill the centers with sliced dates. Heat and serve warm. - iNucoa Is the one to buy- ... trie Urst yellow margarine with food value (n every single Ingredient! ... r ' 1 Everything In today's Nucoa Is good for you! No benaoate preservative, no synthetlo Bavorl Even ' Nucoa 's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene, rich in vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-taittng . Nucoa margarine Is made by the makers of Best Foods Real Mayonnaise. Nest time you buy, buy NUCOAI FIRST IN QUALITY &L Nutrition I Natural Flavor! Iay Thrifty! I BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Aged Cheese Chicken oUts u 25 C Fg wlc Chicken Livers u 39c ti'llJV?.. Ground Beef : &;XJAK' .... ... .u. 49c Round Steak Lb. 39c J PUP" For your locker Guaranteed OC L " 69c Plenty Good 1 D C C T Vi or Whole Lb.39C Boneless SAUSAGE Leg of Lomb Lb 59c SPARE RIBS Pur Pork BEEF ROASTS u.47c 3ur Famous Rib I GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS 0- ORANGES -yO GRAPEFRUIT M ft. Wa Will Hove 2 1b JmfC A dot. ....... TC Doien HfC p - ISISsa calavos 4)c potatoes oo , new OC- cascer tines 3 for X7 C No. 2, 10 Ibi.. 7C Potatoes, Slbi.JJC Lowest Market Price MILK TANG SARDINES Tomato Soup 6.flH.87c $AL'NV 3eon,25c canlOc All Popular Brands Qt. iSwC Maine Coast Campbell's Cove Oysters SALMON CATSUP Mok- You' CoM can 39c PSe 29c 2 29c Beverage Stop Cottage Brand Columbia River Chipoek Capitol Brand - Emptyt Welcome TUNA COFFEE Country Fresh 1''' BXd 50 Sav.25, PftfiC TODAY HOT , wu29? . 2,b eo" Master, Bread L.9M Meat-Cot. Brand CHASE 1 SANBORN EVERY EGG Evtry Day at 4 p m Tomato Juice BISQUICK guaranteed E,c.Pt Tu.. . sat.' "?C - & BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market JELLO MARGARINE Store Hours 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day t pkgi. 3 JC Xlbt.HJC Prices Good Fri., Sot., Sun. 3 FlowerSeed OF EXTRA COST whin you buy this special Giant Economy Six Rinse at your dealer's now I HOWIM m TO PAY m m B & HO COUPON TQ MAf SUO PACKETS At I0M INSIDE THIS SPECIAL . HIHSO BOX! HERE'S WHAT YOU GIT . . I -I. WnMtstrftll ' aloe price 10. BtirMont on parado- Choice pric25. 6to 6X in. taam. Strong pUmU grow 3 to 4 feet tail. . Catalog price 26. Special offer lo users of Rime, famous package soap that makes your wash leek whiter than new I Here's an offer you won't want to miss just in time for spring planting! Three generous packets of fa mous Burpee seeds with a verified catalog value of 605 . . . right inside this special Giant Economy Size box of Rinso at no extra cost to you. Think of itl Hundreds of flowers for your garden because we want you to try Rinso and prove to yourself, as our scientists have, that Rinso gets out more dirt than any detergent. You can safely wash almost any fabric in Rinso with SOLIUM. This secret "sunshine" ingredient makes your wash come out whiter than new . . . even on rainy days when you can't dry it in the sun. And Rinso is cheaper for your family wash you usually pay about 20 less for Rinso in the big economy box than for most detergents! HURRY! Gr your special food packs) box of Rinse while they tastl I