THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTION Idltsd by Marian Lowry Fischer . t s.' Capital '.j ftMfe Tkmar iMk WMb Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March 26, 1953 Markets 'Bloom' With J Spring; Plan Now For. Easter Feast I Hot Cross Bun Time Again! Rolls Favorite During Easter Period Hot Cross Bant Old-fashioned treat. (AP News Feature) Your family probably has been enjoying Hot Cross Buns from the bakery all during Lent. But if you would like to make batch of the buns at home, here is a tried and true recipe. You can use compress ad yeast or the newer pack ages of active dry yeast in it. When you bake the buns their good yeasty fragrance will fill the house, and of course until doubled in bulk. Bake in they taste wonderful hot from the oven. The frosting given in the recipe made from egg white and confectioners' sugar keeps its shape well enough ven when It is spooned on the hot buns to mark the tradition al crosses.1 If you have some of the frosting leftover, let the small fry in your family make, their own version of Hot Cross buns by using it to mark crosses on graham crackers. Although,, this excellent re cipe has no spice in its dough, the lemon- rind and raisins it aloes call for, give the the buns . a delightful, flavor. : i ' . OLD-FASHIONED HOT CROSS BUNS .Ingredients: 2 medium-sized potatoes, V4 cup milk, Vi cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, cup butter or margarine, Vi tup water, 2 cakes compressed yeast or 2 packages? active dry yeast, 2 eggs, 4 cups (about) sifted flour, grated rind of 1 lemon, cup raisins (rinsed with hot water and drained), cup (about) sifted eonfec- tioners' sugar. . , - Method: Pare and boil po tatoes; drain and put through ricer or food mill or mash un til smooth. Scald milk; stir In sugar, salt, butter and H cup of the mashed potatoes; cool to lukewarm.' Measure water In to a large mixing bowl; use lukewarm water (near 99F) for 'compressed yeast; use warm but not hot (near 10SF) for active dry yeast; stir until dissolved. -'; Add lukewarm milk-potato mixture. Beat two of the eggs Just until foamy and add to yeast mixture. Stir in half of the flour and the lemon rind. Beat with spoon until smooth. -.-., ' Add remaining flour or en ough more to make an easily handled dough. Turn out on lightly floured board and knead quickly and lightly un til smooth and elastic about 8 to. 10 minutes. Turn into a greased bowl; grease surface of dough;- cover with tea towel and let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled In bulk. Punch dough down and Jam Tart Goodies : - Can't think of an easier to make dessert than these Jam tarts, and they're certain to please. Take your choice of any Jam or marmalade at hand. Jam Tarts Wia aorta . . . Combine ltt cups sifted flour and hk teaspoon salt. Cut in cup margarine with. pas try blender or two knives. Stirring with a fork, add 4 or 5 tablespoons cold . water. Shape into a ball with the hands. Place pastry on a. flour ed pastry cloth or board.. Roll out to a 12 inch square. Cut into sixteen 1-inch squares. In the center of eight .squares place a. heaping tablespoon of marmalade or Jam.- Wet . edges with water.- Cut a cross in centers of remaining squares with a sharp knife. Place over pastry covered with marmalade and press edges to gether. Bake In a hot oven, 425 degrees, 20 minutes. ': Eight tarts. .? ; -i turn out on lightly floured board. . Knead -raisins - into dough in half; from each half into a roll about 12 inches long. Cut with sharp knife so each roll makes 12 equal pieces. Form into smooth balls. Place Jn two greased 9-inch square., cake pans about. Inch apart. Separate - remain ing egg. Beat egg yolk with 2 tablespoons water and brush buns with the - mixture. Cover buns with tea towel and set in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderate (J75F) oven about 25 minutes.- Put remaining egg white in mixing bowl; add cup confectioners - sugar; beat with small whisk or mlx tac fork until smooth; beat in more sugar if necessary. When buns are either hot or. just cool, drop frosting from tip of demi-tasse ' spoon, making a cross on top of each one. Makes 24 buns. .' ; Note:; If you do not have two 9-inch " square ' cake pans, " yotr may . use two 1-inch square pans, or one 9-inch and one l- inch pan. The pieces of dough put into the 8-inch pans will have no space "between but this is all right; these buns will be a little higher when baked than those in the 9-inch pans. Good Buys' In Marts at Week-end There are good buys In the markets. Plentiful frozen fish fillets of various varieties of our own west coast rockflsh family en courage more often serving of these marine delicacies. They 're ideal for poaching, pan frying, broiling or baking. Salt and pepper any of them and sprinkle generously with grat ed Parmesan cheese and chop ped parsley added before final cocking. , , Cheese is in unusually heavy supply ' with surprisingly low prices for building a main dish such as macaroni and cheese, for -a- rarebit, grating and sprinkling over vegetables, for adding ' to vegetable salads, making cheesecake and melt ing (by broiling) over a home made apple pie or pie from the bakery. , : - meal delight at moderate cost. Turkeys are genuine bargains for eating right up and for storing in the freezer. Consider a turkey now or for Easter if company is expected. Beef prices continue to de light shoppers who remember that the less expensive cuts have all the high protein and good nutrition of the scarce and higher priced steaks. Sea sonally, now is .the time to en joy lamb. Pork, due to rise sea sonally,- is still a good buy. Frozen fruits and fruit juices have attractive prices because the 1952 pack was the largest in history, totaling an estimated 985 million pounds if you're a figure fancier. Canned tomato juice is ox high quality generally and pri ces are the lowest you've seen. Buy the large economy size can and serve chilled or. - try it steaming hot with a lemon slice at any meal of the day. Ideal in. cfuntlas recipes where to mato flavor is desired. 1 -XJ6WBUyriWmtIesraaln dishes include dry limas and Frozen Fillets Always at Hand Buying packages of frozen food has become so common place that it's easy to select from an ever-growing variety without giving a thought to the research and experimentation that have made possible a shortened time ut the kitchen. Take fish fillets, for instance. For years now, It's been a mat ter of a few hours between the time the fish Is unloaded at the docks and frozen solid in neat packages all cleaned, boned, and filleted.. -Vv,: Oven-Fried Fillets 2 pounds frozen fish fillets 1 teaspoon salt : 1 tablespoon paprika t . V teaspoon pepper 1 cup fine, dry bread crumbs 1 cup milk 4 tablespoon melted butter or margarine ; " Let fillets thaw on refriger ator shelf or at room temper- pieces. Add seasonings to the bread crumbs. ' Dip the fish in milk and roll in crumbs. Place in a well-greased baking pan. Pour melted fat over fish. Place pan on shelf near the top of a very hot oven (500 de grees) and bake 10 to 12 min utes, or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serve immediately on a hot platter, plain or with a sauce. Makes six servings. . ; .-. pea beans: also peanuts and peanut butter. Make a good size-pot; serve as main dish to day, ' as soup tomorrow. Jtver toss a tablespoon of mixed pickling spices into your home cooked beans or split peas? . Plenty of margarine, vege table shortening, lard and salad oils at reasonable prices.';. Vegetable buys are many; include cabbage, celery, cauli flower, -carrots, winter squash, bunched vegetables. Reason able prices mark cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, - tomatoes, .po tatoes, onions. Summer squash,. corn, peas arc available if you want to pay the luxury prlce Loose apples, small -oranges, grapefruit are best fruit buys, Good Marketing! , Colorful Cake for Easter Day, As a colorful cake for tcr day, try this Orange Mar ble Cake a combination" of two favorite flavors,. Oraage Marbla Cake . IK cups of sifted all-purpose flour . '2 teaspoon ef baking aow- der teaspoon salt " . H cup of margarine -or but ter , ' 1 cup of cane er- beet sugar ,egis 1 teaspoon of vanilla . . .14 cup of milk . 1 square chocolate, melted ' 2 teaspoons of grated orange rind ' Sift flour, baking powder and salt togetner. ' Cream' roe shortening. Add sugar gradu ally and beat until light and fluffy. ' Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each tiauiun. aiir in vanilla. Aad Sour mixture alternately with milk, : . stirring-, smooth after each addition. Divide batter In half. Gently fold melted cho colate into one-half the batter and orange rind Into . other half. Spoon batters alternately into a greased er t-lneh tube pan which has been, lined en the bottom with waxed paper. Bake in a moderate even (980 degrees)' 50 to 90. minutes. Let stand in pan five minutes, turn out and cool. Frost with Cho colate Frosting. . - Mix-1 can condensed bean soup, 1 can, condensed vegetable-beef soup, . 1 can con densed '.- beef-noodle ; soup, 1 (No. 2) can solid-pack toma toes, 4 cup burgandy er clar et wine, H cup water, tt tea spoon dried basil and salt to taste. "Bring to ;. boU, then cover ; and simmer -gently, stir ling occasionally, for 15 min utes. Pour. into, heated soup bowls' and serve with grated Parmesan cheese. Serves 0 This is a delicious main-dish soup. A1 green salad and crusty French ; rolls ;arc ideal accom paniments -v ' ' Lift for Soup' Creamv Dnssina t'v: If you're a irult salad lan der, here's a delicious creamy dressing to - serve on fresh, canned or dried fruits. Soften a S -ounce package of cream cheese with -a fork and ' blend in cup apricot whole fruit nectar,, beating until , smooth. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Vi cup mayonnaise: and a dash i Of . Salt.-' iiiS- jrr ' 'tP:1' -vi - Give canned cream of chick en soup a face lifting this easy way: 8 a u t e 1 .tablespoon minced onion in. a tablespoon butter.!'; Stir in 1 can cream of chicken soup., and an equal M&Ur5 -.Of Sullk. . !:.'1I41' 2utl smooths. Htat thoroughly. Just before serving, add a diced half of avocado,rv,tv-. .'- ii Raspberry MalloGood Quick, heavenly dessert that Is simply luscious. - "" . X 12-ox. package frosea . raspberries ii pound marahmallowa 1 tablespoon lemon Juiet " - X cup heavy cream .' :. . . Thaw frozen raspberries, la a saucepan, ' combine raspberry. juice and marshmallows. Cook slowly, folding over and over -until marshmaUows are almost -dissolved. Remove from heat; add i raspberries ' and lemon juice; stir until - thoroughly blended. Beat heavy . . cream . until stiff; fold into raspberry mixture. Spoon Into refriger ator tray; set control for fast freezing. Frcese until almost firm. . , , -Salad in. cabbage cups Com bine - 2 cups chopped- cabbage ' with 2 red -apples, unpeeled, and . chopped into bite-sized pieces. Mix: with 4 tablespoons iimjiOunjniHi imil 4 UtijlMyuGns. cream, the Juice of ,1 lemon, 1 teaspoon-sugar and a dusting of paprika. Serve in cabbage cups. ('fr Jem Nrai) i 'asSkaAsssJsVsstae 9aV . l sfff 1 V-' sJ"aaay BPly Jf ,ns..' 1 4 ejl I X7IUsUrssdsl ! 1 i- TllkUIUUMllKWUlAlHnV VVTU ''' ;! : ' 7 C 3 E H E l"J C L E A D CJ 6 VJ CJ D E 3 ( REMOVES BURIIT-OII FOOD fl Jill ( and GREASE in a JIFFY 1 the only way le remove baked- SSSt 3 F sT?T sTi ' ' "l Sm 'if' m en food from even interior with- Ma I Vf 1J 1 1 QJ r I I M eut scraping and scrubbing. A r Q Cfl V I . V J I Good-bye razor blades end reel wool. EASY-AID works fast end easily. $r-e- 'a- "' 1 Oeeni bumsr grids quicker, bet ter. No chipping or scouring. IstW wssHi. 9VM ftl HMl CfMlYf Cltant ovens, grids, bvrnwt, all poretlain-Mamtt. iron, and $t surfaces, rh asy, fast modtrn way. letier 69c uln98c fEAWRtD WHEREVER YOU SEE nnnn . I 1 1 1 1 If I ' ;"-- -W'-1' .','" .,. ' ' I It IV II V I , l--wij'iL!W&?..FW SAW. $z&m feW A Johnsons nBTJ ws i ixif jis i av i ii i i ii ii. . Another work-taving product f Johnson's Wax Rtusrth mil m U'S:I-r ii "it mt i i k,a P, feUs ijllsrej tar, ;;'. n.'f..': 1; :ib ml -an :.Hf -) i tfee - - 'ii' -:::Ms:'. 1 ; S ' t i v,-- i ! V '- f l.5i. ii