it : $ ' is ; I M II ! 4 Faft U IMPERIAL CROWN BEING REMODELED " 6 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,' Sale, Oregon Ttwrfay. Marth 2, Loyalty in Department Has Secretary Dulles Wondering Br J AMIS HARLOW 1 H. G. Goodibip, diamond mounter of the Goldsmitns and Silversmiths company in London, flti the Black Princ' ruby into on of the four crone abov the circlet ' of the Imperial Crown of 8tat which is being remodeled for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. On the bench before Ooodihip are the arche and the diamond mound ' which surmount the arche. In all the crown contain 1 J.78I diamond, 3TT pearl, XT spphlr, U emerald and ' tiv ruble. (AP Wlrephoto.) ' ! Second Convair Salem had Jt second vliit Thursday from on of United Air Line ltet model two engine Conv air passenger plane. - The plane, which will not be among thoi operating in- i to Salem for som time, at least, will be used at time by United in th plac of a DC-G, ' : Salem has been visited by th plan , to familiarize the local station' personnel with th plan in event on of them eome in her when forced to us MeNary field a an alter nate for th Portland airport because of weather conditions. Th Thursday flight was a ' practic flight for Salem sta tion personnel and coming in with th plan were som of , th company' official, ln eluding Walt Carson, assistant flight manager from th com pany', operation base for th whole system at Denver, and Bob Ashley, flight manager from the Seattle office of th company. - Friday will find th plan back in Salem again, this time for survey flight with th civil 1 aeronautic ' authority. This flight i to test th local personnel in th handling ef the plan. Progress Made by Ham Operator Bill - A House-passed bill to giv apodal license plate to ama teur radio operators was ap proved Wednesday by th Sen te Highway Committee. - -Th . plate would bear th all latter of th operators. . The committee voted to charge $5 extra for pair of th special plates, while the House had voted for only a f S eatra charge. Willamette Dam Bid Far Abov Estimate " Portland, W) Th low bid for th Dexter re-regulatlng dam on th middle fork of the Willamette River waa $4,151,-1 083, Army Engineers reported here. Th government estimate for th job waa $4,109,757. ' Th low bid cam from com bination of two Portland firms, McNutt Brothers and C. J. Montag & Son. Th job calls for construction of th dam. three mile downstream from Lookout Point Dam, plus con struct! oa of a power hour at to re-regulatlng dam. . Kaep Spits Away from Dying A" Scientist San Tranclsoo CUJ Care- i faliy-soreeued attendants hov rod near th deathbed of I ferllhan. atoms scientist to make oartaio unauthorised per son could not hear hi delir ious babbling and learn vital William C. TwiteheU, who died Monday, "probably knew a much about atomic energy a any on man," a spokesman , tat th Atomic Energy Com mission said. As th 84-year-old ehemieal engineer lay dying of a brain tumor at th Army' Letterman - hospital n was under survell lanoa by the attendant for 34 hour a day. . Workman Saws Off i Thousand Telephones Independenc, Mo. W) A workman sawed off 1,000 tel ephone Wednesday. Whil doing som work for plumbing firm, th work man sewed through what he thought wa a large tre root ' It turned out to be cable containing 400 pair of tele phone wire. ' Cable splicers worked throughout th night putting back in service 1,000 tele phone served by the cable. : Neighbors Will Advise Oregon Legislative budget invest! gators from Washington and California will be here Friday to advia th Oregon Legisla tur on how to set up legisla tive budget controls similar to theirs. They will talk to the Joint War and Means Committee about a bill to create the office of ; legislative "analyst. ' He would ,rlde herd on departmental- spending between leg islative sessions. The Washington State offi cials coming here are Robert M. James, legislative auditor, and Dr. Paul W, Ellis, assistant auditor.1'--''"' '-; ' -'v Those from California are budget committee chairman; Ralph N. Kleps, legislative counsel, and Alan Post, legisla tive auditor. May Be Extended The Senate Labor and In dustrie Committee voted Wed nesday to extend unemploy ment compensation coverage to small Businesses. Th bill probably will be considered by , th Senate Frl aay. , v j t ' f '"Ht ; Employer of fewer than four persons now are exempt, and th bill would remove ya exemption.' i ! v t r .V An attempt to take away the exemption failed in the 1951 Senate by a single vote. Sens. Phil Brady, Portland; S. Eugene Allen, Portland; Paul Geddes, Roseburg, and Philip S. Hitchcock, Klamkth Falls, are the committee mem ber for the blU. s , Those opposed ' are , Sens. Stewart Hardie, Condon; War ren McMinlmee, Tillamook; and George Ulett, Coquille. mere are now 18,000 em ployer under th law, and th bill would add 18,000 more. It also would bring 33,000 more worker under the law. 13 Ounce Baby Lives VA Days in Incubator Portland, W) A premature. 13-ounc baby managed to stay alive ltt days in an incubator, but then died here Wednesday. Doctor mid it was rare for th baby, born after five months, to survive beyond the first minutes. The baby, a girl, was born at McMlnnvllle, then brought here to the Doernbecher Memorial Hos pital for Children. The par ents were Mr. and Mrs. James HarUell. Washington ( Secretary of State Dulles has csuse IO won der whether everyone in the t it deDartment besides D ln loval to the country, 1 loyal to him. Sen. McCarthy claims to have enough information about the department's inner workings in at least on cas, that of Charles E. Boblen, to call Dulles untruthful. Because the 48-y r-old Bohlen, with 24 year foreign experience, is one of th de partment's best specialist on Russia, President jsisennower and Dulles decided to send him to Moscow as American ambassador. ' . 1 Sine. Bohlen couldn't hav th job unless the senate ap proved, the senate foreign re lations committee would hav to check on him first. This meant Bohlen ' and Dulles would hav to answer .ques tions on Bohlen's background and fitness. But for som. unexplained reason which ' originated be fore Dulles' time secretary, Boblen bsd never been Inves tigated by th FBI. Several weeks ago Dull asked th FBI to examine Bohlen' 11. He got the report last week and discussed it with R. W. Scott -McLeod, who Is in charge of security matter for th state department. Dulles hired .- McLeod only a few week ago. ' Before that MaLcod had been admlnistrativ assistant to Sen. Bridges, New Hamp shire republican, who, with McCarthy and Sen. McCarran, Nevada democrat, have been the main opponent to senate approval of Bohlen. , , . .,. ,,V.:. The FBI reports all th In formation, good, and . bad, which it picks up on a parson under investigation. But th FBI draws no conclusion. It leaves that to 'a high official, like Dulles, in th department where the investigated man works.' ' .'..'.. - ' -,' So Dulles went before the foreign relations committee. He didn't show the report to the members. He aummarized it for them, saying th report contained som derogatory In formation about Bohlen. But none of it, he told the committee,: waa of the kind that could throw doubt on Bohlen as a loyalty or security risk. After questioning Dul les for three hour, and talk ing with Bohlen, the commit tee unanimously' approved Bohlen. Dulles said that when Ma Lcod looked over th FBI re port and found th derogatory information n naa told Dul les: "This is not a cas which can automatically pa be cause wherever there 1 de rogatory information of this sort I think It i my duty to bring it to your attention." Dulles told a new confer ence later that there was no difference of opinion between nun and McLeod on Bohlen and, in answer to a question, he said McLeod did. not sug gest that Bohlen not be approved. This is where ' McCarthy steps into the picture, i Until this point McCarthy, McCar ran and Bridge had argued against . Bohlen mainly be caus ha had worked so close ly with former Secretary of Stat Dean Acheson and had taken part in th Yalta and Potsdam conference a Inter preter. McCarthy, McCarran and Bridgea are not member of th foreign relation commit tee, before which Dule testi fied. After th unanimous vote for Bohlen,- McCarran said Dulles had misrepresent ed the situation to th com mute, that McLeod, instead of not differing with Dulles, had actually told him he "could not clear" Bohlen. , McCarthy .' said th sam thing, adding that what Dul les had told th commute bout himself and McLeod wa untrue. , And, he said, he knew what was in Bohlen's file. Sine th FBI Investigation was not made until after the Eisenhower 'admin istration took office, McCarthy must have meant he knew what was in Bohlen's regular per sonnel file, although he didn't ssy how he knew. i - He ' went beyond .' this. though, by saying there' were were IS page of derogatory information about Bohlen in the FBI report. This might hav been told him in som form by a senator who was on th foreign relation com mittee and beard Dulle tes tify.,, . . But McCarthy also said that Bohlen was a bad security risk.' He didn't explain how ha and McCarran knew Dulles and McLeod differed and how he could be so positive that the FBI files, which he wasn't supposed to sec and didn't act ually say ha saw, proved Boh len a bad security risk. The Rio Grande originates in I springs 12,600 feet above sea l level. Union Official '. Charles R. Smith, organizer for the American Federation of l-aoor aenied that he had threatened Dwlght C. Battey, Grant Pas restaurant owner, for hi support of a number of lanor bill In the legislature. Smith, in a letter to James T. Marr, executive secretary of the State AFL, said that whil in Grant Pass he called on Battey and that in a friendly conversation. Battey had told him that be had no personal grievance against union labor. Smith said ha asked Battov to place his view as expressed' in writing but the restaurant owner told him that he first wished to consult bis attorney. "Mr. Battey wlU. I believe, confirm the fact that I offered no threat during th course of our conversation and aa I told Mr. Battey, upon leaving him early that evening, that I had hope that the relationship he had with organized labor in this state, .which h admitted was favorable to him, would continue to be favorable." In a letter made public by Rep. H. B. Weatherford, Wal lowa, Battey is said to have ac cused Smith of threatening a boycott on his restaurant if he did hot write a letter giving favorable comment on the unions. This letter was read on the floor of the house Wednes day. . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Merchant Ship Out of Mothballs I Portland, OF) The Maritime Administration ordered a mer chant ship taken out of the mothball fleet near Astoria Wednesday for the first time in more than a year ; .' f ' Shipping interest expressed hope this was sign govern ment shipping would Increase, and other ships would be re ctivated soon. . . The ship to com out of th mothball fleet is the SeUn Victory. It will b. at Portland, th Job taking about 12 days. .... KILOCYCLES CHANGE Washington, -A chang from 1,590 to 1,240 kilocycles wss authorized Wednesday by the Federl Communications Commission for radio station KTIL in Tillamook, Ore. r NURSERY SPECIALS Reel Flowering Currant Bushy 30-36" Plants This Week Only , M.00 each For Quick Shade i Ore on Maple '-..1 P Lombardy Popular ; ft re I ft. Trees r ; . Special This Week Only. Fruit and Shade Tree Flwering Tree Berry Plant . Roe Bnshes--Jt'f Green Stamps, Too! KNIGHT PEARLY. NURSERY Sale Yards Open 7 Days a Week ' Tewn Yard, IT 8. Liberty, 3 Blka. South of Stat '. - . i - Country Yard en ME, 1 Mil South of Brook : , . DOWNSTAIRS DBPT. SPECIAL PURCHASE -OR THIS EVENT j k t ill All Sizes Great Array of Colors ALSO AT .THIS PICI,ONGOW LIvEsR WARM-UP JACKETS Formerly Sold at S16.9S FRI.UT. ' ONLY BISHOP'S 145 H mem Kj t-J r- I a ii mi Of (I. KlliTlJlTl m 1 1 ill -!! ' wRinnTnrr) nrrYTTR) " ... W'7Pf -1 a4trf 1 flSD (5!QHiV (ffiZXMSGft sllDQlPJ syJr VV . I I HMaWHalaMHMHMMBw iaaaaaasssBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaBaaaBasssssssssssssssssaBBa Bsssssassssa mmmmmmmmammm mi jCMr m II ; ipNSCK f'M Ktrt Ato cup legs ano jis - 0lJ i ,ftlL DneAT cbi i vi iff S OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 SaSmTk fS I 10th REPEAT SELLOUT! i S-TajT Gui5 I OURS EXCLUSIVE! yffi lr" ;(S5- I NONE TO DEALERS! UJL:j.mnH I am v s i-g j-ii ii i M. w I m m mjri mtmrttxts i fnTM-PTTT t limiteo niiAMTiTY i CArWK I ri.iuai uSil " . vu,. I miij i. ...i o.i .ia i. ii . lVM'i'.l I I vnmmmmmmmmmimmmmi sraii d i idii I "" '" ' IC7 Mttel I . . ' nn. .,..-. A1 ' KTT'T' rnPP SPRING FESTIVAL TICKETS - i, - t.7w, - jio.xw in g i rurr xx,.. ...... m m jw m m bwsjbbb ww rm iaLUiLi pkumi Eimydropmadt,mUouriaruibottUd$oUyby ' Mt ITinK-Wltlll CUTILLIRTi IITAHIIHIO lOffltVrUlj ITllfl SALEM'S LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS AND , . OPTICIANS A WEEK U6XT WEIGHT PROFESSOli SIZE AOMAEtE STROKE COIU com & mi mm : . HANDY HANGER LOC? FWfiER-TI? SWTCH Hav you tvst wed vakto? You lew on tlw first eett and yott sav vry tint yoj atfMfuly qtMrilt afW-B9lr Kair C6ppf. SfWpfMag Crfjf of fmft tmeri ttl. Rpr p cootrok. What ,buy...itd fh mttrvcrwsi book and barW comb ar indudod at no arira cost, ( you act NOVV1 Don't dklay-ttart hair cut laving todayf fU? Phone 3-4129 or ii'iFl!lkHriillJK',V,MJ I WOWH'S HWHRY, 184 N. Liberty 1 W Stj AMteu. efyfwl , 172- . ! o inn --"el FREE SPRING FESTIVAL TICKETS -,x..,T,i..r.,r ,.....',....,:'' v ... .1 '