Cbuurno AonRTUuxa -:NWiri,iiiM tu Ptr Jin, t llaee . 'V'p.v-V'.. 1H Par wni 1 atata ' ' ' ate He Refaade-Mlaiaaa IS Wttde. READERS la Local Mm Mn Oalr. Per Will f Mlalaaae 11 Watte T Flaw Ad la Sum Dy"i : , Xper, Phong 1-tW ,., . Betare It BJn. KM SALE HOUSES IJBOrCS CORNER, loll M. CAPITAL " 1 furnUhtd partmenta, beth room., . All electric, lit, 000 tub. moat Betep, M7M. 1J ' AUBURN ROAD I bedroom home. I a and 1 down, tatt of pi tannine. Hardwood floor, up M down, Mil aowir decorated. At 1 leaned fereu, lam lot. Tula komi Bag a tlO.aoo eppraliel br P.H A, Make : at at ohm. . an on call nuim rujao - , S-M10 OB 4-1670 McKillop REAL ESTATE Ml Cntar it., Biltra fcUTCll COLONIAL sM. toutlon Bmrltwood. ' all-built bxraat a two lou. Lit. j , with fireplace, din. rm, br. book, Ite. ball, au room, I alt. bdnnf .. Ita. bath itu awaarata tbowtr, pull baamL, at. t..Mitfn, landaeeBed rard with bb- d grand aprink it tretem. Ther hut don't build tham Ilka tbli anr mor.. . , A lor Boo eon in. 4-B.R. IN XNOLXWOOD Jail itdattd kl trial. -B. hoot B Bnaawood aloat to aahoou, atortl fan keomt.. al Horn., lit. mi. with nrtplaat, dtuitle, kit., bath. J B.R. down, 1 B.. BP, bean, back raid with frail nut trite, t temjir bane, ean arrant, terma. a,vw . iauratkr aWarland. ONLY $800 u. au i aniut ft., tnod Wat. alia tor bom.. M-. at MaSAtn Are. OaU Peoer McFarland. NORTH "' pu too, with tJOOO down, bun U aw 14 Jt, Boat Wltn iirepieo... wonderlal bomi la prload to atll. 1 ; M, tatt, 1 bl. north of -atttr tchool. BB Paekr MeTerlend for an appt. . IN PBATUM - : , at tatt ol Selem, flu 4-B.R. homt, aim. lierr .. aid. mil ft,, forced- alr wood tan. OloH to ttort, locktrf a tabool bat Blct ahop on back of toll n aort or tood ground, ruu prut talr INK. Call Burt Plena. , JUST1800 If rat Art looklrut for A Mdg. tlU tma aa aaatUant tltw, tat Ihu on,, t art. kllltldt lou wltn conerttt ft- ' twit bout. Ilaoo. Allan 71 etcnar, 2-B.B. NORTH '; flood feoaat on lit. lot, north, trait titrate, onrr tteoo with tltoo down. AMIan ntttbir. Burt Picha t 7, Hits Bt. ' ' ' Off.: 1-4MT BTtt.: Packr UcParland l-Mlt, Burt Pleha t-llll, Allan PUtchtr i-im ' a7i SOUTH SALEM . badrooa borne, tomblnatloa Iltlav rota aad dlnlni room. Kltchta and Book. Inald, utllttr. tltotrlt ranta and rofrlitrAtor goat. Cloat to trade tohool. Tbli it ua older houw bal a mt . Prat M.1I1 u . an on call i c. pord 1-8620 OR 2-0011 McKillop REAL ESTATE ' . ttl Ctattr aalem a7l WILL TAKB CAB, truck or cltr lot At aowa parmaBi tor i-badroom home. Belter dlitrttt. Phoat elm. a74 IF YOU ARE LOOKING Win bailt homt, t badroomt, den, .:. Book apaca, full batemtnt with flre Plata, Baglawood dutrlet. Priced to tall. Call Pal Kemper, for as- ratmant. L. HllfUaTL, RkALTOR . I-1IK a7l" 605 CANDALARIA DR. Owner laarlag, muit atll Ihla lortlr : : tMttt. 1 badroomt, dtn, ipaciout car- : peted Urlng and tUnlnl room, nook, : Mil bath, doubla garatt, call Pat . atampar, 1-US7, for appointment. , t. L. HTMMKL, RBALTOR - 1-1114 , a73 HDtJCBD for aulck Bale. Modern 3 . bedroom houM, good ttrmt. Ph. 4-1310. 073" ITmNlBHID i bedroom, alectrle heat, awta ta athooL ttorat. Walking dla- tanee to town. Corntr lot. lmmtdltu aotttttlOB. KIM. Call 1-II3I. a7f ALL BUECTBIO, 1 bedroom homo, 3IBS - rerrr. raona i-ion, 1-3473. a7n' PFra SALX br owner, 10 Beret with : , orttK and tprlnt. 1 bedroom, lirlng room, dining room combination. Part It furabhad. Woo down, tiuo Balanca. awaui. vau t-ttio. aT7' amNTJALABIA, New I bedroom, double ttrtplaea, double ttrtte, plaatered wattmaae. lu.too, ill Bokt. Ph, allot, 077 bwowooo HnonTS wa fortot to ear vtathtritrlpped. Inaultted. at- ' laariad taratt, hardwood floort, rtr tteal grata fir to badroomt. Semt-au- tamatw aunwaaner not Included; tome along with rett of fatnllr. 101 Caacadt Drive. a73 , aW OWMIX Acrtate, l-bdrm. homt In , ta,,i, eonauion. Aut. eloed ou fur. aee, aloat to aohooU Pnill and nut tree,. But br door. 1 mil, out ol anceeter ur. on Biiverton Road. Rt I, BI. m. Ph. 31011. 111,700. a7l laVOSC IN, SPACIOUS and BRAND NVW, AT. UTInt rm. with fplaet. teparate dlnlnt rm mahotanr kitchen with areaiitit tret, l lit. bdrmt. a bath, full baaemt. pith 3 bdrmi. and bath. partr rm. with fplaea., Iron Plreman turn. All tor, onlr 111,160. Xve. cell , fH. MtTMIH. 4-1711. BD LUKIN- aauiu JtKAIITJH, att w, mOH. PH. -otto. g74. awjTK nOltX on creak, electrlcttr. water. tchool. 1 1800. Term,. RL 1, Box 194A cHirerton. a74 INSULT COST $2.65 - Madison, Wis. (U.R) It cost law atuderit Allan Schneider $1.85 extra for wilting on a $S heck the words, "I hate you you SOB's." The check was for a parking ticket and officers ordered him , Into eourt The extra fine was Imposed by Judge Roy Proctor who called the note "uncalled for Insolence." pr. r. T. Lam, NJ. Dr. O. Chen, ND. DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS CtMtaln, Ml North Liberty Ofdct open aaturdar onlr 10 a.m. to I p.m.. 1 to f A.m. Coneultatlon. blood preiauro and urine teett trt free ot chert,. Prtetlctd llnrt 1117. Wrlu for eltrectlTt gilt. No obll- FOR SALE HOUSES KLUMPP'S BEST BUYS! "Spve Your Finance ' Cost on These Homes" '$500 DOWN ' ' M par month laeludlnt tnltrtit lor uut oiotr ttpt i-para. nomt par Ualtar furBltbtd. Lotatad alait t Atom aad tehool. Total prlct luoo. $780 DOWN wul kandlt thU oandr l-kdra. aub mrbaB boaa with hardwood Cotrt, oil noor nrrnact, ooo-tuaa lot. $2900 DOWN AM ptr month laeludlnt mtirttt At 1 win Klvt ion tblt S-btdrooa homt with una mm mm. una aau poom, A Blot aonttBlant kttabap,, with B lor, It oaa. wllti flrtplaat far pour ttarrltloB roan, clot, to tabool, but bp door. Total ptlct m,K. HIGHLAND DISTRICT l-btdrooa homt, Htlat loom, Aln kw toom, kMaban, tall katamtat, Aaw Aaat htat ptpad taoh room. All at thit for talr Ill.KO. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor tow Portland Boad ' rboaa t-Wtt Brt. t-IIM aft" lutk roa km wokhv for that thrtt- raar-oM a-oam. noma witrt au bowo. lloottr l aompiata aatat, iuu aatmt., I flrtplacaa, bratatwar Ar carta,, It, aattr ra. Lr. lot approx. M acrt. cuta at. at to,, rou'll ttop lookmi aittr aatuui thU oat. Onlr 111,750. P.B.A. ttrmt, aval, aal bat davw, 4-H17. XD IA7SINBBAL, RBALTOR, tat at. auah. rn. totto. m-iv wiBT partr am. di raraplact! forcad-alr all prpod tar., t nice br,.. aloat to aah. Afoot, apau down. bal. too mo. Brt. aall PBox, l-Mll. BD urnrjfB-AL, louiyroR, on u. satb, fh. 1-aaw. B7f al imnaa, a w ram, immwi, tawduit taraaoi, twn, Hit Bood St. Ph. ttoto. an riCIOCI l-BKDBht. bomt jutt 1 block octild, titr llffllu rl.a. ltxai nr. rm. with Urtplact, din. na art. kltchta a nook, art. bathroom with colored tub and atp. ahowtr a tall, rmutr rm. A attoh. garatt, Manr mora fcaturtt to aumtrout to mtntlon. Price, 916.000. 1 CtH l-im for appoint, to mi a79 FOR SALE LOTS Bt OWNEE-lol,, ii down and ak ptr mo. 4-IMI. a,l7 ON PAVID ST., Tltw, id. dlttrlet, n i in. ittBo. rn. a-tnt, wait vocoionKr. Rtal Bitatt. . , aa7l LABOI LOT, alow ttrmt. Owner, 1P7S canter. aa7J FOR SALE FARMS M A, U4M, tint farm bat 1 A. peachi. 7 rra. om, a a. cnerritt, t a. rount btrritt, 1 A. fubertfl, I A. ntw ground rtaor lor crop, met j-b.h. pitittred homt with ndwd. flrt. onlr , rrt. old. beau, rard with thada treat, Yei, and A machine ebtd full of tqulpment, tractor, plow, dlio., cult., power tprarer, lou ot orchard ladder,, etc. A rtal buy. See Burt Ploha. tti A. In Pelk Caaatn Old home but In gooa conation, 1 A. prunti,- tome timber, arteilan wall. am. alias Pltlthir. ... W A. talr, ll,ol. WtU-pltnnad rouni prooucint oronara, ontmu, prunti, wtlnuti, peer,, patent, 7 A. elorar, flat mod. homt, terete a maehlnt lhad. att Don Wall. M A. gaad Minlta BetUa lata, I mod. aomet, a tntat, irntation poailBUltlea, duck pond, good bur. 111,100. Sea Don Wall Burt Picha m if. aiih at. : on.i -uti Brtt.i Burl Ploha 4-I1M, AUaa Plateh- or 1-tTM, Dob Wall 4-tMT. b7l- ATTRACTIVl PABU Located 1 ml, aait. ThU 17 ac. Jut a lood lit of bulldlnlt and creek. Out if ttite lntefat, force, tale at tblt Blot place rou would 4ook a long time for a nicer tetup for ttock or trtdt A dalrr. Thl prlct It rtiht, aad ttrmt arauaoit. WH. BLTVBN a CO.. RIALTOFUI M7 North Bhjh at. Ph. 33117, Brt. 14773 bTw" FOR SALE ACREAGE M CCLTTVATKD ACRES onlr 1(4 mllet mint rrom oitr nraiti, pnrtu laao ana au-rttr ttriam, oiautuui buiid Int apot amoni attire treat. ' l00. Additional Jolnlnt land arautblt. Bre, call Xd, 1-1701. XD LTJKINBEAL, IWALTOR, 411 N. Hllh at. Ph. 1-tWO. . bb7 BY OWNER Two acrea beat toll with 4. room modern Jiouu. OtU 17713 mnintt. bMS- BT OWNER, 44 acres, clcao in WaUace no. Fertile loll, to It. well with pump ing intern. acrat fruit, nutt, oood building lit,, oood ttrmt, Phont -737. ' bb7l' WANT GOOD trtller homt ta ptrt par- men, on a tores. Bet walla, 453 N. Hlch titer 1 P.m. bb7t a,''ae''1aaaaaaaaaaaa'aaa. REAL ESTATE WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES t; SEVERIN REALTY 17 TKARB OT BATTAFACTORT arRVICK ' ' Little Farm Home 1H acrai of itrden, fruit, irtpii, duck pond. Well-built homi of 7 roomi. It li lootted cloee In end eea be pourt tor onlr Ill.KM. Ttrmi. 4585 Center Street Xaat ot Lanoaitir. Lortlr l-room homt on landtetptd U acrt. Uvlnt and dlnlni room, flrtpleeo, cheerful kitchen with nook, 1 tood-tiied bed roomi, utllltp tnd ttttched aarita. Onlr 110,100, Morttait can be ar ranted. Severin Realty Co. Mt N. Hllh 4-1141, Xvtll l-IIPl Mr. Klang l-3m Mr. Moon 1-7111 ' 074 $50.00 Down burs a small home Ideal for a handy man. Oood district at Kl. Salem. Paved street Close to school. Only 99 IW DtODin. 4-BEDROOM Richmond dUtrtet. An ouUUnding specigui noma m a peaceiui neish borhood. All lane rooms with ar abundance of storage -pare. 9 full DBKirooms. Mrgt dry and light bate- nmoii, A frwa ouy at 911, soo. $730 DOWN only 9H per month buya a reslly waua itciiraia smaii noma in Leslie school dUtrlct. Urae living room. A oharmlng kitchen, teeming with cab fnete. Ideal for newlywcd or 'older couple. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSTJRANCE 101 South Hllh etrttt Phont l-liol Phont trtnlntt: 4-1471, l-MM, 4.1311, 44111, MM4 071 RIAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials LATB-BUILT BMOUTWOOO BCAIB Loralr Irr. ra, with flraplaat, ' atparata dla. im., room to oat la kltthtn. $ tpaawul bdrmt., utllltp , looa, wtU-ltDl u.Uiiuviuuwl. CALL FTTiat S. OZaaM, AAi-BMAJI OHOIC1 xom IN CHOIC1 LOCATION Outlltjr. ahara. toattaltata . la tali l-bed i. homt, partlallr flporad attic that aould ba flalabad Into 1 mart bdrmt. bath. Loralr llv. ra. wlta Boman brltk flrtplaoa, -kltchta with din. area, full bath with tbowar. wlllltr nam, Ita. MUM trait. Auto. oU forcad-au- inraact. CALL i. B. LAW, It aam. wm-VHTT APARTWtENT Complttalr turnllhad. Tbla la a ptoatrtp tor aa uratmant-mlndad purahatar. It la at aood aoadllloa, raadr ta accupr. and will makt rot a food komt and a prafltakla laaoma. Alaa v pottntlal incrtaat in ilta ralut. Tha proptrtr a prlcod for aulok aala. CALL H. K. hAYUOS, aULBJUAN : ' Kl OBIA BTORI And Utht luaahtt. Ounriat dlitrltt, tood lata Won, dol alat btltlnttt. Two ptoplt tan oparata. Pilot lasot ptai to Ttatorr. CALL O. JL OBABBNHORBT, Jit, CO-OP. BrtOW.BR. . tort BBDUCED . CANDALAIUA BOUB-All ta aaa Door, I bdrmt., Br. ra. 11 a 10, din. ra., lt. kltchta, wonderful uUlltr toom, tlrtpiaca. hdwd. fir,., oU htat. Prlcad now at IliTM. CALL P1TBR H. OXalBB, ,. BALBWMAN . ;i GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Ml . ttatrtr Bt. Ph. -in nalau a Bundarl aaQ Pattr H. oilttr !-am 3. X. Law l-liu H. T. Xarmaa 1-atH aTl' BETTER-BUILT HOME Bur with oiaipdeDo from on of auetn'i bttttr kalldin. Vry wU plauuitvd l-btdroom horns with 1490 q. It. floor apieo In oo of ttoltn'i ; .'; moit dMlrabit locutions in Xniltwood. ThU nttrutlv tbomt it ofttrtd " kt a Hit prle of IIS.SOO. CiU TibbetU. ' MANBRIN SPECIAL Ifttrly ntw i-bdroora noma, wr lood floor pla with Itttldt ltlilty, nli Itratr fonotrl lot. Th owntv will otuldtr tvadt for l-b)droom horn. OrlTtt br 91 Mtrlnt, thtn mU for ftppolntmtnt. Frlet onlr ; 800. 0u Tlbbeltt). BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPING ThU ft-mr-old l-4droom bom It on a srand to. with flowm utt tpfcrubf favloro, nleo nU flih pond, cood trcw. homt hu nleo Hln room, kitchen and dlntttt, tvttMhtwd iithi, hudwood floors, Vtnttlan blindi, lnraUtlon, U for 99000. OtOI Jim. . , SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM SUBURBAN : Out whr thi lunahlnt tn bo ftlt, tbli l-bdroom homt of fin ml cuburban Urlnr. Large living room with tood t in plaet, big dining room. , nlc kitohin with loti of bullt-lni. Bxcellint both and a drum comb, utilitr and piar room. 1 oomplito baths, wall-to-wall aarpotlnf, homt li 1 rears old nd U on a big lot on on of th but ralraxban its, $13,000. OaU Jim. . ,. . ,:... 8-BEDR00M, WALL TO WALL CARPET, : $7900 Located northtait luburban. Terr nice 1 -bedroom wltn wtll-ta-wtU aarpet In llalnt room and dining room, lot It HO ft, dllp. Make aa ta offtr on down payment. Hum and tall Chat. 3-BEDR00M, KEIZER irr Blca l-btdroom home In Vaittr; owner wanta to mora fnto town. Will accept amalltr 1-bodroom In trade. Better hnrrr. Pull price IIO.SOO. - Call Chet. , 5-BDRM HOME WITH FULL BSMNT. Thla lent homt will tin rou loti of flat lirlng. acre, double garatt, 1 block to Hoover tchool, cltr wtttr. iThli fine home will aot lait, to hurrr. Call Dale Harburn. 3-BEDR00M WEST'SALEM Thla home hat 1 bedroomt down and one up, hai ntw Yountitowa link and cabinet, living room 11 x 13. Pull baiemtnt, garati, lot M x 100, on paved atreet. Por appointment to lei, call Dale Rarburn. : RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) ' MM K. Capitol- ; offlet phone: 1.4664 or 4-1111 . Bvonlni phones TlDOettS S-74H Jim 1.M78 Ohel REAL ESTATE NELSON $500 DOWN WHY PAT RXNTt Plattartd home with bdrm. as unf. attic. On pvd. it. cloit to but. oood location for iidirtr ooupla. Onlr HMO, Call Mrt. Wootten. LESLIE DISTRICT Sen with attractive fplace, open beam ceiling, outside entrance to patio, bdrm. with adjoining bath. oomo. ait, cining rm., nwa. iirs., dble. gar., pvd. st. Priced, to sell, rreflO; I15O0 dm. Call Mrs. Wootten. JUST LISTED SUBURBAN' GROCERY Well located neighborhood store. gerrlng a large territory. Profitable . family operation, living twarters on , premises, inventory IWOO to U0O0. Total prtea 930,000, mlshfe consider trade, call Mr. Schmidt. 3 BDRMS. - 1ST FLOOR MeKINIXT DUSTRICT ThU nevlr-deeorated l-year-old home is located with a view of the valley aad mountains, flun-flooded 11t- ug rm. un, inside utility r Toangatown kit. wllb refrigerator ft eicc, jwi uciuoec, au lor I10.B0O. SPECIAL TODAY . 4 ACRES Al ROUK 4 aarat with a lood l-bdrm. homt, Inildt utllltr room, attractive 'Place., oak floon, dblt. ttr., ttmllr orohtrd, chicken houie 1000 oapacltr, barn 13 x 31, Owner earl till, reduced from 111,000 to 113.000 todtr. aomt termt. iau air, otllainir. NELSON & NELSON eVBOIALIZINa RXALTOR T04 N. Hllh at. ' Ph. Mill , C731 DUPLEX & HOUSE Buyer could have a nice home and very good Income. All I units are fur nished tte always rented. Attractive appearance beautiful shady 150x100 iv. joi. Bargain price. HARD TO PLEASE? if you want a late built I br. home with lie. bra. ft apaclous closets st bulltlns, fireplace, din. rm., breakrait nook, floored attic, basement with extra bath and I car garage for 93000 UU., War HatVf II, IMMEDIATE . POSSESSION Out of town owners. ThU U a grand. almost new 9 br. home In Zngiewood diet. Fireplace, wall to wall carpet, lie. kitchen, garage, carport ft small snop. neavwui yard. Priced right. Call Bon Clear. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS UU Bdttwattr HIM, Brt, 10911 07t AVERAGE 1 acre on Hollywood Drive, t bed rooms with It x 17 living room. Com b .nation kitchen and dining area, Oood condition Inside. Oood soil and your own water system, price M.tOO. 10 ACRES But of loll. NorthraiL All In aul. tlvatlon with 1(4 acrea In Orchard. It't oetutuul hert In iprlnttlmt. 4-room houie, Iruulated and wiatheritrlpped. Small barn a poultry houea. Prloa u,aDO. 30 ACRES Pimllr firm. School but pauta br tha door. 7 mllei from Salem. Tear 'round itratm led br tprlnit. All In cultlvttlon. Bulldlnii an In fair hipe. Lam ftmllr orohtrd. Prlct 11,300. E. J. Zwashka Phont 1-40)1 Mentor 1141 Ortnt at. 174- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortsoa REAL ESTATE i M9II TtaU ttaihii 4.1 (UK .) REAL ESTATE C. W. Reeve GROCERY STORE Oood up and coming town. Oroit over IM.000 In 11 montht, foooo ttock. Walk-la cooler. Lartt bldt. with living quartan. 1 cablni, room for mort. 191,000 full prltt. Owner win takt In tmall farm or good rental propartr, ' 1 RESTAURANT Well located, with good builneii. Oood equip. Neat At oletn. Can bt handled br man a wife. , WANTED GOOD FARM Wa have a auatomer with a good l-bdrm. home., burnt. 4 pennanint rental!. II trallir hook up.. iV, A. buiinet lont, who wantt a good Itrm. What do rou havtf . . . t ' TRADE ; rour lata modal tar at put permint on tblt l-bdrm. homt looated B.B. and priced at onlr 13300 ' LOT " ' , H x 101 to paved it. a.X. HOC. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 1M0 Million at. Ph. Klto Xve.: 1MII or 4N4 c7l- nun mill llllllll Mllllll lllltllllll lllMMIIt Ulllallll lltlllllll FarrtiH atttittitsi TJnrrlnc a aims ,uiuutiii,i nomes IllllilllllllllUIIII llllllll II IIIIIIIIM llllllll II llllllll . M HUM SULLIVAN AORKAQX Hen te tht acraaie which rou've been waiting for, t acrea near Prlntle. Verr modern raneh-itrlt home. 3-bdrm. with Ilrtpltet, optn blamed ctlllnl and knottr Pine kitch en. Thl total price onlr 111,300. Call Eob Davli, evei. I-17B4. . THE THRIFTY BUYER will want to is, thla 3-bedroom recentlr redecorated hoem In the Richmond ichool dletrlet. Thla li the older trpe home that avei rou moner. Verr neit with lou of ihrubi and bullt-lna. Thla house onlr It.soo. Call id Brlatoi, avei. l-ttll. , BUSH SCHOOL LOCATION Hare 11 mt oiotr roomr noun rou'vi bun looking for. Pull drr baatmtnt. Quiet, ahadr itrtet. 1 BR and a tlttplng porch. Price 19,100, or will trade for a oupiex. tan need Helton, tree. 4-W31. : , NOTICE TO FARMERS-Wa Bled farmi to trad, tor California proptr tr. If rou would llkt to llvt la the mnnr louth, iivt ut a till. Aak tor Reed Nelton. N ACRBS Turkir. poultrp or dalrr larm. aniir m wiuamtttt 1011. north ot aalem, eloie la, Tht houn It at txcelltnl aondltlon. 1 bdrmt. with a full baamt. Oood bam and toao aq. ft. ot brooder houn. Onlr tst.ooo. call ar. Aiiiewm, tree, a-iiar, ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 34t Portland Road Ph. 4-ltll Branch Offlet, 347 N. Hllh Ph. 4-H1I t74 NORTH ' It Acret near Woodburn, all eult. 1 ac. caneberrlea bearing good, tam. fruit, bat of aolat. J.D. trtctor and attachmenta. 1-rm. mod. homt, al. rantt, ell circulator. Barn, hen hie., ttc. A dtndr lltllt ftrm aeldom avail able, lllneat forrea tail. Al Htuth Real Kitate, Main itreet, Mt. Ante!. Phont Green 44 or Blue II. e73" NEAR BT. VINCENT A good 4 bedroom home with bail ment and I tele of plumbing. Thlt It 1 wtU kept home, and priced low. 11000 3000 dn. TRADE OR SELL l-bedroom home toulh, on pared road ana near eonool ana atore. owner wtihea to reduce hit tnr, and will trade ror uraaie nome on email accr ete. Belter jet tbli todtr. Pr. HI.100, terma. WM. BLIVBN a CO.. REALTOR A 141 North HUb at, fa. SMlt, Bit, 14773 REAL ESTATE COLBATH HAS THE BUYS 14950 FULL PRICE otr lum put. plat lam La, DB, bath, aaflaubad aaalalra. Vtlutp porth, lartt tarata At Ut. Partd at. A CTTT BOMB. LOW IWUCB. TP3UIA. Brt. Pa, 417N. MAYBE? Mat alowB win toova reu fata tblt lortlr auburkaa koaa lull aatt at aha aitr 11ml u. Poaturta 1 adrmi., alee att, uiaaaa witn aaox, aowa, nri. an heal, bit roomr attached gar ace Panted. ONLY 17MO. arc ph. ,173, WHOPPER BUY t POtt TBX PR ICX OP OHI. TO WANT A BDYI TRXN aaB THIS. ; hoaaa, bath saw. Baeh aaa a karat. Bdwd. Cat., ajtad aaautrattlaa with pieater aatorlara. Beat at eleen. Bath reataa m income a att per taeatk. tail TtxiTo, ring garage, tu, 1 Post 17M1, Berth leeatloa. Bra. 41 Ttl. ALMOST NEW ABO UADB TOUT POB TOOI 1 Blaa aaad aedrooana. loralr III with oared aaurag praatn corner aaapboardt, wee, re., aaui wn ma a aaewar. kitchen with manr hwllt-lni, atiutr rm. in uir aa paraa at, ohlt stim, . TBRMB WH down. BVa. Ph. 4 17M. DON'T HESITATE MAXH A DATS TO BBX THM loralr l-bdrm. homo, large lirlng ra. with tlrepleoe, din. rm., kltchta A brkfit. rm., fall burnt., il heat, double plot. Pared aUer At garage. TBia IB ZONB I AND CLOSX TO lOBBR PBANK'B LOCATION. ONLY Brt. Ph. 11171 BUNGALOW en W ALLAH ST. -ith a larte kdrau aa Btata fir. met LR, DB, be lb, large baamt., all faraaae. oaratt. THIS IB ONLY ATPM. POBTBLB tloot , ra, ar.ae, A 2-YR.-OLD WITH a bdrms. Combination trr. sin. rooms, ou neat, ndwd. firs., atll Ity na. extra storage rm. Attached garage. ALL POR 9890. POMIBL1 giwv sown. awe. rn 30171. , Store Bldg. - $500 Dn. PLKNTT PRXB PARKUfO aTPACTX ruia urtt triantit lot, ttort build ing, Urlng quirttn, attached garage. THIS PMOPXRTT IB aUTTABLB POtt HUT OlFFERBnT TXTXB OP BUB INBBS. TO BX BOLD POR LaBS THAN ACTUAL VALUE. PRION 4MO. NO rauna uvrorugATION. awB TAN aunt, MAGNIFICENT A BRgATH-TAmvQ BXAPTTPPL TUSW nwa A JOEAUTlFUb BOltX, plua loralr rard, patio with aatdoor fireplace at waterfall. Doubla lima connected to home br breeiewar with Dutch doora. Burnt, haa extra partr tu., pipra 011 lurnaot a launorr rm. 1 bdrmt. on main fir., 1 bdrm. on Snd. LOVBLY LIT. RU, with tlrtpiaca. din. rm., brkfit nook oa new tide. Won- eriiu aitcnen a oetn. xva. h. nuei. BVX. PHS. 41711, SII71 or 41701, FARMS & ACREAGES Opportunity, Knocks bxtond bxuxp. Thlt nice t aorta at 3 Norway at. In ailverton, plua dandr, neat, aim oat new tmall home with car port, aotilda fireplace, nice treenhouae 35x52 it. Loti of flowtre, PUU Included in greenhie. builniel. PRICX ONLT 11110 POR ALL. (WILL TAKB 1-BDR1I. SALKU HOIII Bl TRADB DP TO 111,000.) . .. . 20 ACRES NICX LAND (ao hint), l-bdrm. older borne, bath, hen bee., garatt, tprlni water. Price I MM. Include, tractor at all equip, plua milk cow. 314 ACRES ' NO BLDDOUJ. I mllll N.W. Oa ei.(. win ttuo oown. 130 ACRES : DATRT FARM aXTDP. t mllll BX. Price reduced to 111,000. , XX T. T. ANDXRSON POR A PARK ' ' XVX. PH. 4S714 VAN HORN - 41711 ANDXRSON - 41714 OOLBbBKI - 11371 LAZXNBT - 41701 orncx dial ROY TODD REAL ESTATE ENGLISH STYLE Nlct living with fireplace, dining, kitchen, bullt-lni, den, lie. mtittr bdrm. with ltt. cloaett At bath with tile floor down. 3 nice bdrmi. and half bath up. Pull baimt, oil turn., tunktn gtrden. Abundance of thrubi. 4 bl. ta ucKlnler ich. Price 111,000. Trade for l-bdrm. home. caU Mr. Blmpaon, aaliimtn, INCOME PROPERTY Two apartmanti, aeoh comUUng of llvlnt, kltchentttt, bedroom, which are reotlng tor 141.00 per mo., plui own tr't 3-bedroom home with living, kitch en with plentr ol eat. tptct. utllltr. Lot 11x311. Hie, onlr I m. old. Make an offer. 114,000. Terma, Call Mr. Vandarvort, ttltimtn, HOME AND BUSINESS : Nice 4-bdrm. home with llvln. Inr, kitchen, bath. Site well back on lot which hat 130-ft. frontate on hi-! war and U 330 ft. deep. New 40x11 1 bulldlnf on tht front of lot for rtdloj a TV repair ihop. This li a tood burl tt 113,100. CtU Mr. almpion, itlet man. ; ROYTODD REALTOR IM atttt Strut Offlet phont Mill Mmpeoa 3-1331 or Vtndtrvort 1-I3H ' 071' Coffee Shop with Bottled Beer Privilege One of the oldeit tittbllahed toffee ihope la aalem. Loceted in excellent innte area, tttot, no ttltphont in, formltlon. Liquor by the Drink Modtrn rtataurant with Hub prlvl. leu. Out of town on weU trtveled hithwtr. Oood leatt, or rtal proptrtr aaa ot puroneeeo- Garage with Gas Pumps excellent atulpmint. Loceted In tood terming communltr. Houee with acre vi iniwn alio oee. IJI.OOQ, Sew Shop and Dry Cleaning Agency . ju runt for elderlr pirlon. ttu than VUV. SMALL HOTEL roomi, in lotting tommunllr. Oood leaao at reaionabit rent. luoo. Term. FOR RENT amtll furnlihed houie, no per month. 3041 N. Ctpitol II. Baiita, Ore. ' tel. I-IIM Ire. Mill a 44494,24552 y J REALTOR . REAL ESTATE QUICK WOBBINO Inratmtnt woptitr. Lot aa Union itratt attwttn Church aad Cotteta. In the thadow of Mcltr PrankTl ; wlU aaU for 111,101 UM prltt) Bat II. Capital Journal. CTO lt4i SX Wt Specialize in Trades I'M A DARLING Tou'U at happr with ma. I bed. 1 fiaa- juflt la aew. Bolt meat, ou fotcM-tlr luratce. Plre ataca. Terr nktelr madaeapad. atoraat apace upttalrt. Pvd. drlvawar. Ther aalr want H4,aoo for ma . liberal HOUSE ABOUT IT 1 hadraaaaa an 1 Boor. aatk. atenarate utllltr roeaa. Oarage. Lorehr rard. . Smeller lot. Mat the thing tor a rental proptrtr or older aoupw. Offered for aaia to aoea ae tata, pan prlct onlr SUM. WHAT A BUY! WHAT TERMS 1 : ': -bedroom noma onlr S rra. old. Bap, Hlltr room, tt-etrt lot. Oood eon and aood diet. Oaraie. Blacktop at. Pull pnef atrto. 11000 aowa. GOOD LIVING Plat 4 badroomt. Ntar hoepltal. Terr altaa. P.H-A. term,, pirepltee. Att. garage. Orapta, barrlet. Xxtra lartt lot. aood toll. Pull prlct onlr MU0. Englewood Special Pnah lilting. Wall-to-wall oarpeta. Oil heat Iniulatd. Onlr S rrt. old. Pvd. at. Lawn and ahrabt. Pull price woo. p.BJt. tennt. CALL POR 1SR. rHOOINB, BVX. PH. 4-804, or in. CRAWPORD, XVI. PH. 41 bo antwar, aau a-xtet, - IDEAL NIGHT CLUB LOCATION ' Plat a beautiful new bldg. wllb tht no eel equipment atoaer can bur. i aerta plua hlghwar frontage. New br pen wlU aot afftot thlt proptrtr lr anr war. Tarr deelrable living quar tore. Oood aita for motor court 01 another kuiineit, PuU prloa 183,710. LADIES APPAREL In a select location. Verr clean atoek. .Reasonable rent. .Equipment In food aoadttlon. Squlpment 93000 plus ; anrentoTr enown M appointment Income $650 Per Month On this almost new bldg. Very dsslr able location, corner lot. Tenants are ' wcataiatUAC. auum VI yuvt BlabM, rerms. ruu price aos.ooo. CALL POR MR. OAK IB AAK, IVt, PH. 4-reej. ii bo answer, call e-M, 15 MINUTES ' . Prom town. 4 it ecru all under cul tivation. 1 acre etrewberrlii. Fruit, nutt. eratbtrrlet. Modtrn l-room houie. Barn, chicken houie, S-car t race. Prd. rd. Onlr Mil down, PuU pnet 17PO0. SECLUSION Bldg. lite. Nice new. Verr deelrable location. Cloae In. 11 acrce tottl. 11 under tultlvatlon. Thla a an excellent ilta If rou want a htdeawar. Pun price MM. NEW HOME On this 18-acre tract. Only 4 miles from flalsm. This Is an ideal aour.try home. Oarage. Tool house. Good spring. Pull price 90350. EXTRA SPECIAL Lovtlr ntw bomt. 1400 tq. ft. floor tpacf'. apaoloua 3-ear garage. I acrea htihwar frontage. Verr deelrable for motor court, nltht elub, drive-In or what have rout offered for quick aala at 111,100." CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, XVX. PH, 3-4718. it bo antwar, caU 4-3341. ' Mortgage Loans : : ."' ( ' M-TXAR MATURITY Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonal; 4-1111, or 1-7131 1031 PORTLAND ROAD : Bra. Phonat! 1-4711, 4-1414, 4-t030 or 1-9611 " It bo antwtr, phone 4-1341 THE RIGHT INVEST MENT - V ' X EQUAL TO A UP1TIMI OP TOIL Business Building See this, Mr, Investor) It returns 9497 per month. Heating plant Is au tomatic, building steel reinforced con crete, 7 yeara old. Oood business loca tion. Proved returns. All you do is swipe some tar on the roof once every two or three yeare, check In on the furnace once every month or two, col lect the rentals, and pay your Income tax. Bit back and relax, let this j building do your work for rou. $700 Per Month , Salem's best residential court. Top notch close in location, 4 yri. old. Vacancy almost unehard of. 3-bdrm. apts. partly furnished, extremely low overhead. Investigate now. No phone Information. Shown by appointment. Beat the Rumors ' Buy EffPORK net AFTER. Large business bldg. around floor leased and returning the Investment. Entire Snd floor vacant and suitable for good lodge hall or government offices. In come will far exceed Investment cost when fullr occupied. See thla building now while the price Is light. Home and Income Do you want your own home and ' Income? AU on one lot. Business sone and potential building area. This property has two homes, one com pletely furnished and paying 95.00 rental. Live In one, rent the other. 910,600 buys It with 9-000 down BUY a good piece of .Real Xstate. IT end It will keep rou. 9AJtg"f-l.al 1110 Wllriroundf Road Kl. l-llto, Xve. S-IOII, 4-17M, 4-4173 a71 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE; If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds ot cash buyers, STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 193 8. High St. ea WE ABB badly in need of I and l-bedroom homes, In Leslie Diet, Also need nome anywhere with small down pay ments. What have you AL 1ft AAK, REALTOR. PH. 41311 If no answer, ph. 4-3249 a- JIM ' BAM SET wlU formally open his Ramsey Real Estate office Wednesday, April 1, at 3094 North Commercial. Uitlnis of all kinds being taken now. Phone 4-1999. Prompt and courteous service, ca77 WANTED ROME or acreage In Salem lor ear cash. 3310 State Street. ca79 GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms and acreages. List yours with Colbaih Land Co. see T. T. Anderson. Perm Agent Phone 4-4494. Ere. 4-1714. ca CASH Wanted to bur l-bedroom and dta, ar l-bedroom home with baetmint and doubla garage. Call 1-1031. t7f WB ASK 1b need of tood houeci to nil. In or Beer Aalem. tt rou wlih to lit! rour propertr for talr, lee ORABENHOR8T BROS.. REALTORS. IM . Uteris a. 1-1171 aa. EXCHANGmAJESTAT ro Valiob TBADl for older home Ttown-f-rear-ol- WJ- Ib jumr, ret 1 RESORT PROPERTIES VUAel CABCi. S lots, !. TTtdt TW ..jjj;."Vri -IKIMCSS OPPORTUNITIES rNIT apartment houtt. conauer en- - . st.-.. ten canter. bote Bronilnt babr ahoti. amaa Inveil- ment-- bit Proflta. Peraoaal tattruo uIm. mittmu included. You tart mlat, Bxciuaiva ,,..w. - - -... an Unarlew. Waih, ad7l on butr hUhwar tood butlnatt. Ball for 111,000. vfln'.TmtMT Ph. ed7l 'on autr Inureectton In tltr. well equipped a good leaao at low reoi. Ideel apot doing good butlnatt with atctUent ohanee of big tneraaii. WaU worth uklnt prlct of 1000. Aak for Bob conxun. r amre. rnntA m x. iith at. Off! 1-4047 od71 ZONB 8 LOT . aniM. on weU-trAreled thorofare. HIM. ll,oot down, tu mo. owner win take lata model car. ; : BUILDING a. llth atreet. 1 bulimia renttli. apartment., brlntlnt 1371 mo. Prlct 136,000. Owner will oontldir aalem raldence or email farm In trade. CHAS. HUDKINS ttSON Realtora 1 ' MO N. Hllh at. Ph. 1-4111 Ph. tret.: 1-lltO , ' 0d7l AXDWABE 13 mllll from aalem. Clean ttock, low orerneao. owntr naa other buelnut and will makt a good ditl on tha atoek. Rent building At fltturei. CaU 131 arenlntl, Aumivlllt, Ore. 470 WB HAVE a aood MAJOR OIL COM' PANT eerrlce atatlon for leatt. can 4-4411. Cd77 BUSINESS & INCOME 8-UNIT APT. ' ThU one la a Terr good lnTestment. Owner shows W gross return. Near bus, stores, school, park-playground. All apts. completely l'urnlshed. Pacific Newspaper Brokers. ROY R. COLE, BROKER 497 N. Capitol Bt. - J-IOT8 ce74 FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOtJTE OPEN FRIDAY rVININO d71" MAPLE BED, mahottnr book cut, email old fathloBcd armlait roekert, ttblt radio, (No dtalera pleatt), 1-4404. d7 BARGAIN HUNTER'S SPECIAL 1- drawtr htrdwood cheat, eaitern - eon etructlon, dovetail jolntt, center tlldei, while ther Hit, 117.10. Trader Louie, 1170 Lane Ave. ATM WANTED FURNITURE MIDWAY AUCTION We buy and sell raone e-eso.. da78 Oood used furniture and appliances. Phone 3-6098. da AUCTIONS MIDWAY AUCTION TONITE - 7;30 O'CLOCK Rock Maple Twin Bedroom Set. Sllvertone Radio-Phonograph, Thermador Blec. Range with Heater. L-cH Electrlo Range. ABO Washer Hotpolnt Washer O.E, Mantle Singer Vacuum. Hand Carved Camphorwood Chest. Tables it Chairs, Cheat of Drawers. Springs A Mattresses it many other pieces of furniture. 3583 CHERRY AVE. Ph. 4M63 Ralph Alaman. Auctioneer . 4071 Furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-6908. ddTS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, Reg. three quarter Morsar , ftorrell Gelding. Oood drill horse. Ladles horse. Phone 4-3930 eve. e73 9 GOOD Jersey and Ouernsey cows. AU coming fresh within month. No Sat urday calls. Phone 3-3162. 7B POR BALKt Young Tamworth boars ready for. aervlce, sired by "Copper King," and reslitered, If you want good lean meat hoss that grow very fast, TamworUis make an excellent cross. Priced at S76.00, S100.00 and lias.00 ea. P. 8. Reed, Rt. 1, Bx 99, Clackamas, Ores. Phone Oreson City 9918. . e74- CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or young mated pairs. Easy terms. Write or phone for free literature. Visitors welcome. Crest Chinchilla Ranch, 9090 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4069. e93 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford. 30c. Locker pork, 3Sc. nothing down, 1 moi. to par. Ouitom killing, Trailer loaned free. Selem Meat Co., 1131 S. 35th. Ph. 3-4IS8. RABBITS WING MEEDS 43811. ' BABBITS lilt State, obll CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doee. Phone 4-3091. alio Clatter Rd. ebl7 BABBITS WANTED. Anr tut and outn tltr. Alio purebred breeding ttock for atie. pnone ?-7i07. eb7l aafce a..aa.e.. PETS MOOBE TROPICAL PISH, tuulpment, tuppliee. I mllu from Lancaater on Maclear road. Phone 4-1771, Cloud weoneioart. ecll 1 MALE DOas 1 ipenlil, I ahepherd, to live awar. Want good home. Pond of cniiqren. pit, e-ioti. ,C74 GOOD ROLLER, orange canarr. 3 -88. Phone 0C7I1 CHOICE CAN ABIES 1340 Chemeketa It. rn. a-uae. tci MALE BOSTON BULL puppr, I week! old, no. see it 3311 Broedwtr. tc74 Sprinter pupplee, ritht ttt for fall iui.,u.. . eooo .rortiand nu.M. oiicu, flu WO. 0CT5' PART COCKER PUPS to llvt IWIT rnone a-.ius. M74' TWO MALE PEKINGESE pupe. Ill each" ... ..!., pumwii, . vnt on. ecu BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1131 McCor'.' ont block eeet of N. Ctpitol, lu. blockt north ot Meduon, Ph. 3-8897. . ; ec78" 1 FEMALE SIAMESE kltlana, lubleeTto ret., tio each. Phone aalem ton Oreenwood Road. Helen Baron. ec14 Van? istaa- da Thursday, March 26, 195S FUEL Hiway Fuel Co. aawduat tuba aervlce, all statu) at wood. Phont 1-1441. tt WALNUT SHELLS, 10 laokl tot 11, ar 11 ton. 13 ton delivered ta town. Mor rlt riorftlB Packing Co. 4M North Pront. '. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 11" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V Pickup Wood lilt Bdtewattr Phont Selem l-H BUY ANDXBSON'S handplcked allb wood. bow a tordi 114.10. Phone 1-7711, or 4-4311. at7a Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. pick up pour Pre. to-Lot a. Brlauata aad wood, wi ao. vom i, 1-Ttll. Oregon Fuel Co. BLAB AND BAWDUBT S. & H. Green Stamps Phont S-llll :, 0tt Broadwar ot Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. . SPECIAL POR St DAYS Pltntr irlmminu, 11 load. Phou 17731 tt toat'aaataat FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD aad Ntw Hampanrra chlcki. batched everr Monder and Thuradar. Our chlcki ' grow fatter. Pox'f Hltchtrf. lUt Stlta 8t.fPh. 1-4111. ) t DRESSED FRYERS PH. 4-1090 . m WANTED Colored trrert, oolored and latnora none, nem., . . -Hateherr. phone 3-3111. f POB SALX Twice wetklr, day-old Ohlokl In Ntw nampanire, rarmcuKr., Red, White Lethomi, Auilra-Whlta, White Rocki, White wraadottaa, Ptr monter tockerelt. Ltt Hatclferr, phono 1-1811. 1 WHITE LEGHORNS, Auitra-'Whlte, and Ntw Hampihlra chlcka. 111 hundred. Ph. l-tlll. Palmer's Poultr Parm, n-nnv. f7S aaaaa'at'a'oaa' PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TBEI BTPKNID orantet and graptiruis. rowww, un ions, tpplea tnd nutt. PHffPIP BROS. PARM MARKET, Mil Lenceiter Drive. Phone aVllM, ia.e.oaaaaa'i HELP WANTED WANTED Male or female eiperlenced cry cleaning sojiciwr man mwup " delivery. Own truck preferred. Call in person at fleamiter Cleaners, 399 71. HiBh at. c7i HELP WANTED MALE BODY AND fender man. Must be Jour neyman, flee Harvey, ma mree. koqt BhOP. 1098 BO. 12th. gall' WANTED Married man with college training (21-36). Position recently haa become available with national organisation. Gar necessary. Must bi the type thai can work without watching the clock and genuinely ambitious to get ahead, phone 3-W72. ' - j gale' S machinists. Top par. 41 hour week. Steady job. Phone not wuiea, Cali fornia. sa74e WANTED an on ahara crop bent for tertral acrea of oucumber atraw berrlet, beam or other cannerr trop. W. T. Lord, R. 1, Box 31, Hubbard, Ore. taTI aaaa'ae'aa HELP WANTED FEMALE MISS HOLMES, pleaae call Mr.. 1-7700. V Mohr, lt)7e HOUSEKEEPER for tountrr. 11 -ilea from Balem, J. D. Hartw.il, phont 3-1348. Ib74. KECEPTIONIST-aeerettrr. needed for doctor'! office, write Box 31 Capital Journal. . Bb74 ELDERLY LADY or girl to live In, for room and board. Phone 1-7733. gb74 VACATION WITH PAY . Counielore wanted for Smith Creek Qlrl Scout,.- camp. ' 1 weeka ttaeon. Good opportunitr for collect rlrlt and teacheri who can quallfr. Write Ban tlam Area Olrl Scout., 131 Wul Flrit, Albanr. tb77 PERMANENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE 1. Bookkeeper for Auditing Dept. 1. Credit Interviewer . 1. Credit Curlier 40-hour, l-dar week. Slecount prlr Uetei. Group hotpltal aad turtlcat pltn. Oroup lift lneurence. Prollt aharlng plan. Applr Personnel Offlet SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. ' 850 N, Ctpitol '- gh74a housekeeper wtnted for dtr work or llvt In. 1-0774. tb7l EXPERIENCED chick-out girl. Applr In ptrion. Ebntr'i Park and Market. Corner of Park and Market. gb7l STENOGRAPHER for Itato Office. Tel. 4-3171, Ext. 381. gb75 GRADUATE nurses lmmedltte open ing P.M. tt Relief ehlfti, Ill.4l-I13.il - per 1 hour ihlft. Mt. Shatta Hotplttl, Mt. Shaitt. California. tb74 WANTED SALESMAN 1 WANTED Additional man with car ta aupply 1500 families In central Mar lon county with Rawleigh Products. If you like outside work and a profit able business of your own, write ma at once for Information and inter view. Will be In Salem for that pur pose. Please give complete address and phone number if possible. Ed Walker, PO Bx 3818,, Portland 9. ' ga-75 PUBLIC RELATION9 FIRM wants local representative for Salem. Dallas, sil verton and Woodburn. There will ba no out of town travel, but cat re quired. Those who are Qualified for thla type of work will be given Im mediate training. If you are Interested In making 9500 per mcgitih or more write Don Pichter, 914 Llvesley Elds.. Selem, or call 44933 from 9:30 to 13 noon, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day. W79 WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING. Free eitlmatei, 31 reart ex. perlence In Salem. Phone 3-7853. hll GOOD CHILD care, not crowded, near ittte bulldlnta. Phone 4-5881. .-h78 DRESS MAKINQ, tlio men't thlrtt, ttc. pwib aueranom. mono 44901. h71 CHILD CARE Bniltwood dlitrlct, Mrt, nertit uonnaon, 1080 X. II, 1-8163. h78i CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, dieting, aeedlnf, Phont 1-3041. his.. ROTO-TILLER WORK. Phont 3-OI70. ' h7t BABY SITTING Sir, mr home. Phone .-Joee. b7fi. PLownro, ISIMKDIATI aXRVICK, hll- ataoo.. EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE Afa to I rear., mr nomt. 1310 Wllber St. h73 IUILDINO REMODELING, plaittrlniT brick work. No Job too .mill. 4-1348 h7l WIEMAL'S DAY NURSERY Lletnied and ttttt Imptcted. Intinti up to I. Phone 1-501S. nBn. WILL DO ROTO-TILLER work end f rail cuttlnt. Call nooni or trt., ph. l-3oi. 074 SPECIALIZED CHILDREN'S aewlni, IN HOUSEWORK br hour. Ph. I-48M. h74 EXPERIENCED LADY to menu, or work ; . v uwi. rnone seiora PLOWING and dlKlnt. orovtr L. Hat mann, 3415 Blouom Dr., Salem. Phone '- hll" NEW lawni. Roterr hoemt. Free Mti. YToicon. fnone 1-1137, h!7 PATCH PLASTERING. h...m.. .... MMlu, k 1 ..... I. , .. """ rrent t aerv ice. Phone 1-1541. hue GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 2-3041 h74t n.Rnve nni. . . . . ;-,T,, .rlow,"t, dHclnt. lavellnt, rototlllng. Servlci Center. Phont 4387l! BTja