Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 21, Image 21

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    Thursday. March 26,. 1958
, David (Chip) Crozier, Jr., 11-year-old, who, police laid,
admitted hacking his father and itepmother to death with
a hunting knife at the family home near Hermiston, Ore.,'
is with State Police Sgt. N. W. Smith. Smith said the boy
apparently was unhappy because he wasn't allowed to do
the things he wanted. (AP Wirephoto) : v "
Refuse to Indict
.Pendleton, ' W) A Grand
Jury declined Thursday, to in
dict David Crozier. Jr.. 11. in
41 t-i i -j iu. ui. -
uw aiouuiiig ucauu ui urn ym-
ems eariy xuesaay.
Instead, the' grand jurors,
after a two-hour session with
District Attorney George
Corey, recommended that ju
venile court take jurisdiction.
' Under normal procedure.
Circuit Court Judge William
W. Wells, . who called the
Grand Jury, will direct Juve
nile Judge James Sturgis to
study the case of the boy who
Said he wasn't allowed to do
things and got less affection
than hie. vniinffpr hnlf-hrnthpr.
Judge Sturgis was out of
town and David remained in
the custody of Slate Police Sgt.
N. W. Smith. While the Grand
Jury was in session, David sat
in Smith's office reading cornic
$60,678 Tax
The city of Salem has re
ceived, through the office of
City Treasurer Paul Hauser, a
check from the Portland Gen
eral Electric company for $60,
678.43 In payment of its gross
earnings tax from February 29,
1952, to March 1, 1953. ' .
This amount is 3 per cent on
gross earnings within the city
of $2,019,280.99 for the year.
It Is an increase of $4423.57
over) the payment made last
year, which was $56,154.86.
The city will, however, pay
the PGE company, according to
the tentative city budget, $76,
450 for street lighting during
the fiscal year 1953-1954,
which starts July 1. This is
$5771.57 more than the gross
earnings tax received by the
city from the company.
Whether the payment to the
company for lights will be by
direct appropriation from the
general fund, or by a special
legy of 2 mills voted on by the
people as proposed in a bill
now before the city council,
Is yet toebe determined.
Th 2-mill levy would raise
approximately $70,000. If this
bill and other millage measures
before the council are put on
a special election ballot they
will be voted on May 19, as
proposed in another bill.
nm vai wrtiv dad was in
' (37 Tr.j Assstlatts Prttt)
Admiral Corporation .. ...
Allied Chemical
AlUi Chalmera ....
American Alrllari
American Power it Liib
American Tel ft Tel ..
..... Mtt
.... JO 14
.... et
..... t
..... ny.
...... 71
..... Silt
..... I VI
..... 13
American Tobacco .... .,........
Anaconda Copper ' ,
Atcblion Railroad ...... ...........
i Bethlehem Steel
BMlrl, Airplane Co.
Bora Warner
Burrow Addlnr Macblr ,
California Packing ... ,
Canadian Pacific .....
Caterpillar Tractor . , .
Celanese Corporation .. .
Chrysler Corporation . ,
Citlea service
Consolidated Edison ....
Consolidated Vullea ,.
Crown Zellerbacb
Curtis! Wright
Dnugla Aircraft
Du Pontde Nemoura ...
Eaetman Kodak
Emerson Radio .1......
General Electrlo ......
General Fooda
1 Oeneral Motor.
Georgia Pac. Plywood
Goodyear Tire
Homestake Mining Co.
International Harvester
International Paper ..
Johna Manvllle
Kennecott Copper ....
Llbby McNeil
Lockheed Aircraft ....
Loewe Incorporated ..
Long Bell , ,...
Montgomery Ward ....
Haab Ketvlnator
Hew York Central ....
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Flan
Pacllle Om At Electric
Pacific Tel A Tel
Packard Motor Car
Penney. J. C
Pennsylvania R. R. ...
Pepsi Cola Co
Phllco Radio ,
Radio Corporation ....
Rayonler Jncorp
Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. .
Republle Steel
Reynolda Metali ;
Richfield OU
fialeway Stores Inc. .,
Scott Paper Co.
Sears, Roebuck At Co. .
Socony-Vacuum OU ...
Southern Pacific .....
Standard Oil Calif. ...
Standard Oil N.J. .....
Studebaker Corp.
..... 33
41 14
...... J8
, SB '4
Sunshine Mining
Swift At company ....
Transamerlca Corp. .
Twentieth Century Pol
Union Oil Company 41
Union Pacific "J
United Airlines ' 314
United Aircraft 37
United Corporation By
United States Plywood v..
United states Bteel
Warner Plcturea "it
Western Union Tel. .. 41
Westlnghouse Air Brak 37
Westlnghouse Electric 48
Chleago Orala .
Chicago UP) oraln raovea nooui
erratically within si narrow range an
the board of trade Tnuraaay, never
getting far from te previous close,
unat atrenath waa abown by goybeans,
which rose A oouple of cents In A mid
morning buying move on reports cash
soybeana were being shipped out of this
Urmlnal. Beana managed to now
part of thtie sains through to the close.
Wheat dosed tt lower to v nurner,
Mar 12.3814-41 corn unchanged to 14
higher, May HUM: oat 14 lower to
higher, Mar 7814-44: rrt unchanged to
ft higher, May 11.7474: aomeen 1 to
1H higher. Mar M.MU-Vi. And lard 3
cents lower to ( cents a hundred pounds
higher. Mar 10.17. y
Lloyds of London, one of the
great insurance houses of the
world, grew from a coffee
house where brokers me.t to
discuss business.
WE NAW? Did WJkhon
allerfat Tentative, subject te 1st.
mediate dungs: Prenlum guallty, mail.
mum .11 of one per cent acidity da
Uvered la Portland at-Tla lb 1 firai ami.
nr S7-70e; aaeond ejiuUltr, A4-g7g. valler
man country points, j gents Jeaa.
leer Wholesale f.e.e. bulk cubes to
wholesales grada AA N score, glei
A trade, M score, tic: te ecti,t, tu,
C, tl tcort. Me. Abore prleee etrlcuy
Cee Selling rke to Portland
wholesaler. Oregon alnalee At 14 Age:
Oregon t lb. loaf, tt 4-11 Ire; trlneu.
114a less than alntlas. - -
late te Wkahealoia Candled oaga
containing no lost, cases Included t.o.h.
Portland, A grada large, Mt4-ltti A
tradt medium, 41-U!mi trade largo,
4IH-I114e. ......
PertlaaA Datrr Market .
Iter Frleo u reuDtra: Grade AA
print, net A carton, 11c: A arlata, 73c
carton, He) prints. 44c .
Rage To retallere. Oradt AA lane.
tit! A lartt, ft-tMi AA medium, tto;
A medium, 11-Ue; A small, aeaalnaL
Cartons, It additional.
cacoat price to re teller e. PorUant.
Oretoa tlntlee, MVe-tOtl t-lb. loovee,
U-tlVtei trlplits. ,llti leu than tin
glee. . Premium brands slnaltt. Ulttl
loaf, tov4e..Prooeeeel Amerlcaa -ohNst,
-lb. laavta to retail. 4t 14-44 14. lb.
uvo vaiekeaa (NO.. 1' aoautr. , 3.0-1.
plants.! Pryert. 114-1 lbs., M-Ilci 1-4
let.. -tlc: r asters, 44 lbs., and avtr,
30-lle; heavy heau, all weltbU. 31-ltc;
light hens, all wtltbtt, St-ltti old rooet
ers. Il-Uci
OreeetA CMsktat PryeTt, 81.-3 lbs.,
43-4tc: roasters. tl-44c: light belli. 11
lie: heavy bent, It-lTel tut bp frytrt,
all wtlthtt, 41-44e.
Rabbits Average to' growers: Live
whites, 4-1 lbs.. 3S-17e: l-l lbs, 13-lse
lb., old does, lt-ltcl few hither. Praah
dressed frytrt. to rttatltrt, 41-44c; tut
up, H-080.
Ceaatrr Milled Meat! '; ' '
Veal Top tuslltj, ll-tle m.l rough
heavlee, 3ft-t3c.
Hege Lean blockers, ll-llc: aowa, tight
Lambs Top trade aprlntera, 4m4c;
other gradee, according to quality.
Mullen Best owes and wttbere, li
lac lb.
Beef Utility tows, H-lle Ib.l tauter-
euttert, 14-87C
rreek Dreeeet Meatt '
Wholesalers to retallere: Dollars per
twt.: ...
tef Steers, choice WO-700 ws.,
38.00-40.00; good, tommtrelal
IA.00-37.00: utility, 3I.O0-I5.O0; cowa,
commercial. ll.0O-84.00i utility, 30.00
13.00; cannera cutters, I8.0il-81.00.
cats (Choice steerti. Hind
duartert, 47.00-to.O0: rounds, 4o.00-tii.O0;
full loins, trimmed, . tl.oo-78.oo; trl-
anglss, 83.0O-lfi.0O: fore-ouartera, 33.00
38.M; chucks, 37.00-40.00; ribs, 4ITJ0
tl.OO. i
Vaal aood, 343-81.80; commercials,
caivee choice, 143-82.00; tommtr-
elan, 837-41.
Lames rrimt tprinttrt, h-h lbs.,
143-46; good, 840-44.
Mattoa Good choice, 131-34.
Perk Cate Loins, No. 1, (-13 lbs., til-
87: ahouldsrs. It lbs.. 138-38: sparerlba.
145-40; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., Wl-tO.
Smekei Hama Skinned. 457-53.50. Re
fined lard in drums, 811.80-181 tlab bac
on, 848-58.50.
Portland Btlseetlaartoai
Celery Cel. flat erate. 3-34 dog.,
33.3I-4.3S. Pew to 84.80. Ore., 43,36-
82.50. 'V
Onions 60 lb. aacka weat Oregon yel-
lowe, medium. 84.00-78 ; 3-lncb. 45.00-
5.50; No. is, aa-te; bouert, 10 lb. aacae,
45-47CS Idaho reUowa large, (4.80-8.00;
No. I, white, lane, 4.71-8.00.
Potaleee Ore.-waah. russets, No. 1,
(4.76-6.00; namt brandt to 38.36; baktrs,
35.O0-(.3S; 15 lbs., stte A, 41.36-1.50; 10
lb. mesh. 60-56CI piper, -83c; No. 3, 50
lbs, (1.40-1.80; Idaho baktrs, bales, 6-10
lbs.,; 100-lb. aacka, 44.00-4 J5
15 lb. No. la. 31.3b.
Hay u. 8. No. 1 green alfalfa, de
livered car lota f.o.b. Portland, nomisal
lr (35.00 ton; Seattle, (37-40.
Wool Willamette valley mostly nomi
nal at 46c lb. grease basis.
Bidet Calvte. lt-llt lb. according to
weight; green kipa, 17-ltc: bulla, 4-8e
ereen butcher cow hides. 1-Sc.
PUberla Wholesale selling prlct No. 1
largo Barcelona, 34-30c lb.i grower
nrieee. orchard run. 14-Ud lb. I
Walnuts Wholesale selling price, first
quality large Pranquettee, 33-33C lb.i
grower price, orchard run, 18-lse lb.,
few belt to 18e.
Complied from reverts of Siltaa wealtn
..far tbe gaiane or vsnwi jhn
readers. (Revises dally.) .
Retail Peed Prleee:
Rabbit Pellets 41.11 (0-10.) aw.
(4.60-5.70 (100-lb. bag).
Egg Mean
Dairy Peed (3.56-8.83 ((0 lb. kit).
(4.ffi-5.4t (100 wt.l.
roailrr Baying rweee uoioreo irere.
10c; old roostere, llo; tolored fowl, 18c;
Leghorn fowl, 160; roattera, 30c. .
Buying Prleee Kgga, AA, tec; lrgt A,
4(-62c; medium AA. 46c; medium. A,
41-47c: small, 18c.
Wkeleaal rneeo Itl wnoitsalt prices
finer ally 8-7t hlghtr than tht prices
above. Large tradt A ttotrallr quotod
at (6c: medium, (1c. ;
Battrft Buying price: premium, tj-
13c: No, 1, (8-70c: No. 1, 07c.
Butter Wbolesslt tradt A parcnmtnt,
71c lb.i rttail, 77c
PertUni Uveeloek
Portland J. cattlt: 1001 nnevtn.
generally tttady; towt weak to too low-
choMt 1301-1110 ID. 10 tteert 21-
31.80; good-low choice 1100-1135 lbs.
33.60-33; utllitr-commtrclal htlfera Il
ls; tannar-cutter tow; torn
iv SA. aheltt down to (: ntllltr cows
1440-lBt atUltr-commcreUl bull 17-11.
calves: lb: eteaor; gooo ve,
ealvet (6-31; choice to 31.
Hots: 100: auadr to wtak: aholct 1
tround lot lb. butchers 34; choice 3 but
chers 110-315 lbs. S1.35-31.T6i tholct
360-450 lb. SOW 30.80-31.
Sheep: 100; eholee-prlmt 106 lb. No.
1 pelt to full-wooled lambe 11.60: ethers
eeartt; good leeavre ...
oholce two tnotablo t-lt or abort.
Chicago "'. .
COKHB Lrv r jiv vr " t ,
k...wTWAiBht roturcMl to lh Hoc
Karktt ThundM lor tbt flrrt Mmt ttbit
bitbr with bow mtLkim i
Cattlt were mottlr ateadr to a tood
cutback In eupplr althouth ieirit ttm ,
showed weakness,
Sheep trading derelopmentt wtrt not,
reported up to lato In tht teaslon. I
Most salts of butcher weights were
from (30.TS to (to.71 but wtrtmsg went;
inoth dlrtttlont to at low a (10.00
and aa blah aa (31.00. Sow took (17.50
to (1( 60.
Oood to high-choice tteert and rear
lines sold readllr from 11860 to 813.50
but prime klnde were absent from the
mn W.lfara tnak 111.00 to 111.10 Ott O
ftw galea of tood and choke trades.
PerUaad Oral
Portland 047 OOaret graina unqugw.
Wheat (bid) to arrlvt market, betlt
N. 1 bnllr. delivered aotlt: sort nnuc
3.44i (oft Whltt (excluding Rtl) 3.44;
White Club .....
Hard Red winter: uvoinarr s.ev. iu
oer tent 1.44; 11 per tent 1.41: 13 per
cent 3.41. : . .
Ctr receipt: wheat av; oarier o, sivur
tl corn t; oatt 1: mill feed 4,
Caleagt Oalent
ChictgO gJJO avuppilts moueratv, we-
and moderate, market about ateadr.
Track talee (( lbe.): U. S. 1 aaullty:
Colorado Ttlrow Oanvtr (0 to 70 per
cent 3-lnch and larger l.7t; Wisconsin
allow Globes 70 per cent 3-Inch and
larttr 3.(0: Teres Tallow Be rm odea 3
to i-lnch ear 1.50, oranot 1 to j-incn
ear 1.50. Meilca Crystal White Wax 1
to 1-inch car 4.60; Idaho Spanish (0
per cent U. S. 1, 3-lnch and larger, ap.
proximate car 4.00.
atrial aalaa (ao lba.)! Idaho and Ore
ton Spanish 1-lneh .and larttr 4.38-4.50;
mldwstt mtaiura thiow uieooe a.ev-
eea. utahleaii aareone twelve 1-10. eel-
lot 8.75; Mexico crratai wmta was a-
Inch and larger beat aoctir 3.00, tome i
fair to tenrrallr good 4.11-4.30, 1 to 1- i
Inch 4.00-4.311 Yellow Bermuda! 1-Inch
and larger alto 3 to 1-Inch mostlr 3.71,
few best 1.(0: Oranot 3-lnch tad larger j
Jackie, a movie lion, appears somewhat bored at he is
presented with the top honors In the third annual Patsy
awards in Hollywood. The nam standing for "Picture
Animal Top Star of the Year." He won first place for his
performance in the movie "Fearless Fagan." Left to right
are: Trainer Mel Xoontx, Actor Robert Horton, owner.
Billy Richards, Dr. W. A. Young, Actress Barbara Rurick,
holding the "Patsy"; and master of ceremonies Chill Wills.
(AP Wirephoto.) ,
Habeas Corpus
Writ Asked
Application for a writ of
fiabeas . corpus , involving a
Klamath Falls man who is
currently . serving a term in
the state penitentiary on a
charge of statutory, rape was
filed in the Marion county
clerk's office Thursday. ,
Frank Leslie Snell is the
prisoner involved. ; He ' en
tered a plea of guilty to the
charge April 4, 1952, and was
given an indeterminate sen
tence not to exceed eight
years. , V :
In the application for the
writ, Snell's attorney claims
the Klamath circuit court did
not have Jurisdiction in the
case since the alleged crime
was committed on the Kla
math Indian reservation,
Circuit Judge Rex Kimmell
set April 6 as the date for
Congress Favors
Ike's Proposal
Washington, VP) President
Elsenhower's proposal to re
organize the Agriculture De
partment seemed likely Thurs
day to win congressional ap
proval without major trouble.
. ... Mim a--'" '
However, Sen. Ellender (D.,
La.) termed the plan almost
Identical with one submitted
three years ago by former
President Truman and shouted
down by the Senate.' -
Some republican senators
on the agriculture committee
agreed with this but said pri
vately that the chief stumbling
block then was ilie gtisulture
secretary - Charles F. Bran
nan. Brannan always had a
full quota of congressional
critics. . : ;
Senate Republican Leader
Taft. of Ohio said he foresaw
little opposition to the reor
ganization plan. He said it
followed principles suggested
by the Hoover Commission on
Reorganization of the Govern
ment. .. ' . .
The first atom bomb was ex
ploded at Alamogordo, N. Mex.,
July IS, 1945.
i ' , -:-'
Mid-Willamette Obituaries
Su C, Greent;..
Stsyton Mrs. Sue C.
Greene, H, of MiU City, died
ln a Salem hospital Monday,
March SS. Mrs. , Greene was
born at Webster, S.D., March
II. liie. .'
-Surviving are her husband,
Wesley Greene, Mill City; two
daughters, Mrs. Lee Kuhhnan,
MiU City; and Mrs. Raymond
Thompson, MU1 City; her moth
er, Mrs, Mary Flanders, Comp-
ton, Calif.; sis; brothers,, four
sisters and six grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
at the MiU City Presbyterian
church at 1:30 p.m., Friday,
March 17, with the Rev. Noble
Streeter officiating. ' Members
of the MiirCity Rebekah lodge
will take part in the ceremony.
Burial wiU be in Btlcrett
Memorial Park, Salem, under
direction of the Weddle Funer
al Home, Stayton, r; y
DennSe L Davis : " '
Jefferson Funeral tervicti
for Dennie L. Davis, a retired
farmer; who died at the Albany
General hospital Sunday, were
held at the Huston Funeral
Home Wednesday "at 3:30 p.m.
Rev.' Mervln McGill of Jeffer
son officiated and . Interment
was in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery
at Lebanon.
Dennie was a resident of Jef
ferson the past four years. Pri
or to that he spent 13 years in
Sweet Home area. He came to
Oregon from Iowa 17 years ago.
Surviving are his widow,
Mrs. Emma Johnson Davis, a
daughter, Mrs. Nellie Mont
gomery, and a son, Dennie Paul,'
both of Sweet Home; also nine
grandchildren, seven great
grandchildren and six step chil
dren. J. (Hv.Y't.;':-
Mrs. Philip Geschwill
Mt. Angel Word has been
received here of the death of
Mrs. Philip Geschwill, 69, who
died at her home in Buckman,
March 23,
She was the sister of Joseph
L. 'Faulhaner, Mrs. Cnnstuie
Kronberg and Sister M. Cather
ine, O.S.B., Convent Queen of
VM MOt OPfH fOU -4 36, BeVWeS. MS OK mtm-WltMtC9jM I stfTWfSr?'
that (tram to twc j wi m urn torn ... -. am" , I KSAx
k' HCAAT AS ArNW C43 AS (MM At4': la. 'TV If I lwSWTrH
Angels, aU of Mt. Angel, and
Mrs. , Michael Hopfer ef Me
MinnvUle. She also is survived by her
husband and nine children.
(Mn. Oltv Erickson
Sllverton Funeral' serv
ices for Mrs. Olive .Erickson,
84, wiU be Saturday, March
M. at the Trinity Lutheran
church at S p.m. The ,Ekmsn
Funeral Home, directing. '
Rev. Joseph A. Luthro will
officiate. Final rites wiU be at
Evans VaUey cemetery. '
. Mrs, Erickson was the widow
of Edward Erickson who passed
away less than a year ago. She
was born in Norway and, had
spent many years in Sllverton.
She died unexpectedly Tuesday
at the SUverton hospital. -
Survivors are a daughter.
Miss Amy Erickson of Salem,
three sons, Ernest, Sllverton;
Alvln Erickson, ScotU Mills;
and Edward Erickson of Sc'otts
Mills) also surviving are three
sisters, Mrs. John Ree, Silver
ton; Mrs. Caroline Wedin of
North Dakota, and a sister in
Norway; one brother, Gilbert
Johnson in Minnesota, and four
jrandchildren.. .' . i :
Daviij Ltaming
AlbanyGraveside services
will be held at Willamette Me
morial park cemetery Friday
at 11 a.m., forlHvld Learning,
15-month-old ton of Mr. and
Mrs. VirgU Learning, who died
in a North Bend hospital Tues
day. ; i'; -"
He was a native of Albany.
Surviving besides the par
ents and a younger brother,
Robert Thomas, are the ma
ternal grandparents, . Mr. and
Mrs, Stanley Baylis, Albany;
paternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. V. Learning, CorvaUis
and til a great-grandmother,
Mrs. Mary Blackford, Corval-
lis. -
Mrs. Ruth Hoffman
Woodburn Mrs. Ruth Vir
ginia Ferguson. Hoffman, .31,
daughter ef Mrs. C. T. Heiser
Whatever You Have fe
Scll .,v " ''.; '". ,- : .';.:;. ' !;!,.'- ' .- -4,
. .. i i .
Whatever You Have to
ft !...'."
. . ' . '. ' .
Chances are you'll find somsn
who is looking for just that veiy
thing through the Capital Iwrnai
classified columns. '
Try If NOW
Phone 22406 Before
10 A.M. to Place
Your Classified Ad
For the Same Day's Paper
of Woodburn, died tudjan!y
March U after an accident la
her home at Guam. She leave
her huibtuid, LC .John Hofft
man navy hospital in Guam;
one , daughter! Lynn, I,, .and
John, Jr., 3. . ''.Vj' :J;
She also leave ber Jnother
and stepfather,' Mr. and 'Mrs,'
C. T, Heiser of Woodburn; hat
father, Carl Ferguson of Wan
del, Idaho;- and three titters,
Mrs. Marshall Barrett of Sa
let, Mrs. Frank Helm ot Sat
Francisco and Mrs. Jay F.
Glatt et Woodburn,
Mrs. Hoffman was bom Au
gust 38, 1921, In Parke eourv
ty, Ohio. . She earn to Ore-.
gort In 1338 with her parents,
With' her mother and ststera
she moved to Gervais, Ore In
1930, where aha finished grade
and high school. r : - -
She attended Oregon Stat
college, studying to be a; lab-,
oratory- technician,; la tar rv-
ing at the Good Samaritan
hospital in Portland. ' She en-
listed in the navy, serving at
Newport, R.I., where she mat
and . married her . ' i)uband
December 16. 1944. V. ,,
In September, ' 1S3, Mr.
Hoffman, with the ehlldreo.
Joined , Lt. Hoffman In Guam
where she has lived since.
Funeral . arrangement .
be announced, later.'
Britain Takes Eggs
Off Rationing List
London. O '-- Eggs earn off
the ration In Britain Thursday
for the first time in 13 years.
The Poultry Association
celebrated by sending a doaen
new-laid eggs to Prime Min
ister ChurchUl , and the , tood :
and agriculture ininistera. .
Prices no longer will be eon-
trolled. The ' egg price now :
ranges between five astd tart-en
cents apiece. - "' : .
Seward naval
dward Havti. at tha
Urubeu ltd., Saleaa, Mareb Si, Saarrlvat
ar wue, atra. toei aaavti, aaueaei aav- .
oral brathart and autcrt, Incladlnt
Charlea Havel. Atenda, Ka., IBltK Savvt
and Jo Havel, both of Cuba, Ka. atrv- .
Ice will bo hold Friday, March si at
l'.M I I, la the VrrtU T. Oroldea Cbawel
with tht m. John j. My era omalaun.
By Ham Fishw
alto I to l-tatk mattlr IH ftw .7.