Ptg JO Thursday, March 26, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mem, Oregon HE DIED ON OLD BALDY Pleasantdale " ? . 13 T'V " ; Utter bearers (right) carry the body of a UN Midler who died in the fighting on Old Baldy in Korea from an ambulance at a forward aid itation ai other soldiers check clothing and gear discarded by other caiualtiea brought, down from the bloody mountain. The Chinese communists launched their heaviest assault in months over the week nd and heavy fighting till continues. (AF Wlrepboto via radio from Tokyo) . .:' - ' - - Grand Ronde ' Grand Ronde Mr. and Mrs. Jvan Call g an had as their guest this past weekend their grand' daughter, Miss Linda Baunach xrom poruana. i ... r tir 1 1 1 1 T jxuy una ituti. tvuucuu kins and son, Tommy, were en ' tertalned at dinner Sunday at in, nnma ni lwr. aim mrm. lino Caligan. The affair was in hon or of Mrs. Larkins birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lockwood gunman are viautiitf weir mother, Mrs. Josephine Weber. The Grand Ronde Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Cecil Smith last Tuesday with nine members present.- Prizes wet given to , Mrs. Claud Booth, Mrs. Emma Kochls, and Mrs. Lorraine AshwelL A birthday party was given Mrs. Lewis Galllgher last Sat urday evening when 18 guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Littlejoluu Host esses for the occasion were Mrs. P. E. Davis and Mrs. Llttlejohn. The Stitch and Chatter club held its regular monthly meet ing Thursday at the the home of Mrs. P. E. Davis. A potluck dinner was enjoyed at noon, followed by the exchange of secret pal gifts.- Mrs. Hugh OXeary was a guest. The next meeting will be held April 16 at the home of Mrs. : Ted E. Smith. Sublimity Choose Your Mental Diet Tho Scionco of Mind . EVERY PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED - v. Lawn Hit Law of Mind in Action ; i Why you think. How you think. What to think. . , ' i jCtosse conducted by , Toni Arloa Van Ornum Friday March 27, Salem 1320 EDGEWATER i 1:00 P.M. Personal Charm . 2:30 P.M.TaJent Development 7:00 f.M. law of Miroclt 8:30 P.M. Your Unusual Power FIRST CLASS ATTENDED FREE Classes in Eugene, Mondoy, Eugene Hotel Posses In Portland, Wednesday, Congress Hotel Sublimity The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters held their annual election of officers Thursday with Miss Margaret Loux being re-elet ed as chief ranger . Other officers are vice-chief ranger Mary Ducnateau; re cording secretary. Mar Ma Norman; financial secretary, Isa belle Ditter; treasurer, Kathryn Toepferj trustees, Bernadine Schrewe; Anna Wolf and Mamie Laux; con ductors, Grace Ditter and Mayette Ducnateau: sentinels, Marie Klecker and Catherine Busch. , The Stayton and Jordan courts are to be invited to a' joint installation of officers to be held at Sublimity Thurs day, April 18. The court voted to donate $19 : to the Stayton Memorial hospital for drapes., Norman Rouscher and Jimmle Reiser are home for their spring vacation from O.S.C. Mrs. Lenard Neal ia spend ing the week-end ,. in Calif. Mrs. Margaret Halfman was hostess to the Woman's club with Rose Besker assisting High score was won by Rose Riesterer with. Mary Ducha teau drawing the door prize. Time , and place for the next meeting to : be; announced later.-'v.v,;, ;-:V-"' Lawrence Rlpp, service station operator ia enjoying a vacation trip In California and Mexico. He spent some time visiting Lenard Neal and the Herman Hoeachlns, ae cording to' last report ' from him. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hot tlnger, Mary Louise and Char les and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DKter, Mary Jean and Miss Teresa Ditter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Loo at Verboort SMALL CHANGE WON'T BUY A CAR BUT IT SURE WILL SELl ONE V With a Low-Cost Quick-Action Ad! Any time you have, something to sell .... Auto . . . Homes Furniture . . Advertise it in bur Low-cost ad section. Sell it The Easy Way! Phone 2-2406 Today! Advertise Where People look! Pleasantdale Mrs. Glen Mc Farlane. assisted by Mrs. Ad olph Schutz, collected $78.50 for the Red Cross in the Pleas antdale district. This exceeds the amount collected last year, Mrs. Elwyn Dorsey and chil dren, Janle and David of Orick, Calif., called on her husband parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dorsey, this week. They had flown here to be with her moth er. Mrs. Luella Vincent, wno underwent surgery at the Mc Minnville hospital. i Mr. and Mrs. Alvln McFet ridge of Enterprise came to stay for awhile with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gubser. and Mrs. McFetridge entered St. Vincent hospital in Portland for surgery on her left knee to correct a condition which' has troubled her for long time. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Murphy spent Friday in Salem on busi ness. . . Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Zentner, Jr., went to Portland Sunday, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Timm, and her grandmother, Mrs. Martha Nogossek, all of Dayton. They had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dlssmore. - Mrs. Adolph Schutz and sons Johnny and Dolph, and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Shepard, spent Saturday in Portland with a friend, Mrs. A. F. Black erby. On Sunday the same group visited Mrs. Frank Tey ton in Salem. Merlyn Gubser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gubser. under went minor plastic surgery on his lip at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland and was there for two days. He is back in school now. Mrs. J. G. Penland has been ill and was taken to a Salem hospital for observation Satur day. ..' . . s; Mrs. Carl Rutschman is home from the hospital with her new daughter, Janice Margaret, who was born March 16. s. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Launer and daughters were her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wel don of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. B1U Mills went to Eagle Creek on Sunday and had dinner with his brother, SAD QUEEN, GRIEVING WINDSOR J fir- -i ( , a i-" Vi v ' ?e l . V ' ' VKrer Dayton Bob Mills and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winger went to Salem Sunday, visiting with friends. In the afternoon they saw Mr. and Mrs. George Ster- rett at Chemawa, and in the evening they visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tharpe' and her mother, Laura Henjum, at Sa lem. Saturday guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Michael Gross were his sister and brother. Miss Betty Ann Gross of Portland and Pat Gross, who is in the navy, also Mr. and Mrs. Don underwood of Portland.' ' Mrs. W. J. Jones and chil dren, Grant, Suzanne, Greg and Doug, spent Sunday in Dallas with Mr. Jones' mother, -Mrs. George Gossard. , - . Mrs. C. W. Sloan spent two days at Turner last, week and attended the Victoria chapter, Eastern Star. She was the house guest of Prof, and Mrs. J. O. Russell, with whom she board ed during her years as a teach er in that city. .. . . ,-. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graben- horst were Sunday dinner guests of her sister. Mrs. H. N. Butler in Portland, and visited her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Smith, who is a patient at the , Sadler nursing home there. Queen Elizabeth II is accompanied by her husband, the Duke of Edmturgh (left) and the Duke of Wtadw (right , eldest son of the dead Queen Mary, depart from Marl borough Houhe. The 85-year-old grandmother of Queen Elteabeth died after a prolonged battle with a gastric ailment. (AP Wirephoto via radio from London) : Falls City Falls City Rev. Lashowski, a missionary of South America, was the gueBt speaker at the Falls City Methodist church Sunday evening. All churches were represented. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson andjamily of Roseburg were visitors of Mrs. Wilson's 'par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cooper, over the week-end. Junior Amos of Sheridan visited his cousins,' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamprecht. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brech- tel of Newberg were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gran ville Wilson. - Mrs. ' Orlo Frink and Mrs. Faye Frink were in Dallas Saturday. i Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cooper were Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wilson of Seat tle, Mrs. Erma Cooper and Mrs. Wetch of Independence, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson and family of Glide. Mrs. Eva Burbank was hos tess to the Past Noble Grands club at her home recently. A short business session was held by vice president Faye Wilson. Mrs. Lillian Kitchin won first prize and Mrs. Ruth Lorimer won second prize. Refreshment were served to Mrs. Rheta Strauss, Mrs. Maude Brown, Mrs. Faye Wilson, Mrs. Lillian Kitchin, Mrs.. Jessie Moyes and Mrs. Eva Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cummings and family left for their home at Thorn, Calif., Friday. , ,. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper of Roseburg spent the week-end with home folks and friends. George Kitchin and Leon were in Dallas Saturday. . Violet and Rose Lamprecht spent Friday and Saturday in Valsetz with Mr., and Mrs. Frank Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cum mings and children of Ocean lake were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Letterman re-, cently. ' : : Mrs. Steve Taylor was taken to the General hospital over the week end, forv observation. Miss Vivian Newcomh came home Sunday after spending about three months with rela tives in San Francisco. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Newcomb, ' , , ., LaMont Matthews is home for spring vacation from Ore gon State college. Ho is the' son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Matthews. . James Hedgecock Is ' home from Klamath Falls. ; He will return to Ore tech school in the fall. - "'.-.;. Miss Relta Green and Miss Marlene Paris spent Saturday In Portland. , - . ' Sunday evening, March 2 at the Dayton Christian church a play, "Because of This," will be presented . by the high school class.1 . The cast will Include Norman Robinson, Arthur Foster, Mike Hough, Jean Paris. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sher man attended the 21st wedding anniversary of friends, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sayre in Portland, recently. .;.., Alc Jack Sherman of Cha, nute Air Base, 111., came home Monday and surprised his par. -ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sher. man. He will be able to be home about 18 days. His broth er Bill la now home for his spring vacation from the U of O. M. A. Palmer, Adolph Schuti - and Earle Coburn spent tb week end at Milton-Freewater whfr they ittenrteij g recep tion for the Grand Master of Masons in Oregon. Master Sgt. Russell Hadlev of Spokane, Wash, is spending the week here with his moth- and father, .Mr. and Mrs. Uller Hadley. Mr. Hadley, Sr: has ' been very ill In the T. B. hos pital in Salem for some time, Other members of the fam ily were home also: Martha of Southerlin; Mr. and Mrs. El wood Hadley of Hanford, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hadley of ' Tulare, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Vie Martin of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs, - Deis and . Sherry Hadley of Portland. ' Another son, Bruce, was here three weeks ago from Califor nia. ... 155 N. Liberty Phono 3-3191 Gapitalyjournal COMPARE WITH 165 FT. PORTABLE ALUMINUM DRYER SjHcialat' 13.88 Buy now i - 19.95 DRYERS You'd poy dollars more elsewhere for a Dryer like this. A special purchase makes this exceptionally low price possible. Llghrweightf for both indoor and outdoor use. Won't rust or corrode and never; needs painting. The dryer revolves, bringing line right to you. (!) Regular 3.29 Dryer Stand. For Indoor use. Now only. ... .2 8" REGULAR 10.49 100 FT. DRYER. (Not shown) Reduced to. . . .. REGULAR 17.49 PARA-LINE DRYER , . g) lightweight, eaiy-to-handle aluminum Dryer has 150 ft. of drying space. Will hold 22 full-size sheets. 15.88 ; REGULAR 6.95 LAUNDRY CART Strong metal cart Is mounted on easy-rolling rob ber wheels. Cart, basket fold for easy storing , 5.88 REGULAR 78c BAG OF CLOTHESPINS A combination sole. You get (1) 72 spring-typo mmk clorhrnse2)Moslindorhebogtoror.. 58C REGULAR 3.00 BASKET, WITH UNER 0A fin Imported Willow Basket with on eosy-to- r. tu loop "yjiMMn , , , ,. Aefl