Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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THrtAPlWL -JOURNAL, Salem Oregon
Thursday, March 26, 1833
Edited ty MIKE FORBES '
Donald Mn. Ethel Parrls
celebrated her birthday 1 a t
week with a family get-together.
Attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Danny Zellnka and baby
of Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Art
Parrls, and Mr. and Mn. Roy
ionnson oi Oregon uty, an
Pearl Pruitt and family and
Faye and Donna Parrii. Faye
ParrU returned ' to Newport
with the Zellnka for a ihort
visit. ', - o iv; s: ;(,.
i Thuriton Yergen hai receiv
ed word that his grand niece,
Mra. Richard M. Olson (Aileen
; Yergen) has just become the
mother of a baby boy. Mrs. Ol
son Uvea in Beaverton and ii
the granddaughter of Mr. and
Mri. Boyd Yergen. '
Evangelistic services have
been conducted during the past
week at the Methodist church
in Donald with the Rev. Harold
Burleson of Myrtle Creek, Ore.)
Fourth and Final
. : WeefcJf
: Dusty Brooks
And Hit All-Srer
Harlem Revue
Featuring ,
The Brawn Bombshell
I , '
' JaanlU Brown
and Harlem Jan Band
The New
Village Inn
' MS7 PerUand Bd. '
assisting. The pastor If Rev
Glen White. -i V -.Joanne
and Thelma Lowrle,
sranddauffhters of Mrs. Mae St
Helena of Donald, spent part of
their spring vacation with their
grandmother.- . n
Cheryl Scherette, four year
old daughter ox Mr. ana can,
Virgil Scherette, celebrated her
birthday last week with the
traditional eake and ice cream.
Helping her celebrate , were
Mra. Warren Teller and sons,
Shawn Peter and Douglas, Mrs.
Barney Feller and Lift and Jim,
Betty Lou and Freddy Bilker,
Mrs. W J. Aurand, Mrs. Paul
Eaton and Paul, Jr., oi si.
Louis, and her older sister,
Vickie Scherette. .
Mrs. Aline Quinn has been
aoendina most of her time at
the home oi ner siiier,
n 1. n..ftAultl mnA Ml.
turns to her home in Donald
occasionally. : .
A silver tea was held in we
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thurs
ton Yergen last Wednesday for
the Women's Society of Chris
Man Service, which is an af
filiate of the Methodist church
of Donald. Mrs. Robert Malt
land, daughter of Mrs. Yergen,
was co-hostess with Mrs. Louis
Unterseher. i Those s attending
were the Rev. and Mrs. Glen
White of Canby, Mrs. Mae St.
Helens and . granddaughters,
Joanne and Thelma Lowrle,
Mrs. Horace Cook, Mrs. Myron
Anderson. Mrs. Dewey McMil
lan, Mrs. E. E, Miller, Mrs.
Lars underland, Sari Ann IV
erson, Mrs. W. H. Kruse, Mrs,
J. A, Bush, Mrs. Hershel Driev-
er, Mrs. Carl Glanella, Mrs.
Grover ' Bennett, Mrs. Ole
Stormo and son Frankie, Mrs.
William Groshong, Mrs. Leigh
ton-Whitsett; Mrs.. Grant Erb,
Mrs. Orval Bartram, Mrs. Ruth
Maitland, Mrs. Mary Yergen,
Thurston Yergen,. Mrs. Louis
Unterseher, Mrs. Ray MaXfield
and Mrs.' Mary Froom.
Grant Yergen of Newberg
was a guest last Sunday even
ing in the home of his uncle,
Thurston Yergen. : ' ' i 1
Sunday afternoon: March 22,
the small frame house on the
property of C. E. Beckwith
was destroyed by fire, only the
shell or outside frame remain
ing. The house was occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fowler
and two children. The fire was
of undetermined origin. Mr.'
and Mrs. Fowler had left home
only a short time before the
fire broke out.
Mr. and Mrs. . Beckwith
were eating lunch and Mrs.
Beckwith smelled smoke and
looked out and saw the house
enveloped in flames. Both the
Aurora and Donald fire de
partments responed to the call.
The Fowlers lost all of their
belongings and are being taken
care of by relatives for the
present. Mr. Fowler is an em
ployee of the Kauffman Lum
ber company in Donald. .
. Scio Tbe.PTA held its
regular meeting Monday
night. J
The following officers were
elected: president, Mrs. Ron
ald Sommers; secretary, Bill
Chandler; treasurer, George
Krause. - . i '
The officers will be install
ed at the next meeting in
. MJis , Anne Riches had
charge of the- musical pro
gram. . . . ,:,'
Jerry Lamatha is able to
be . un again . after . having
surgery in Lebanon recently.
Joe Marlng is recuperating
in'. St. , Vincents ! hospital in
Portland following surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Long and
children of Eugene and Mr.
and Mrs. King Thurston and
two granddaughters of Salem
visited Sunday, afternoon . at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Thurston and at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sims.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Thur
ston of Newport visited rela
tives here Sunday.": ;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wag
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Nel
son. Mrs. W. B. Shuey entertained
In her home Sunday, with a
buffet dinner in' honpr of her
husband, who was celebrating
his birthday anniversary.
; Assisting, with the dinner
was Shuey 's ..daughter, Mrs.
Que Haines.
' Invited were; Mr. -and Mrs.
William Norris and son, of
Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Rugg, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Cllne, Mr. and Mrs. Clay
ton Baltimore, Mr. and; Mrs.
Fred Duffy, Daron iDerks, and
the honored guest and hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Que Haines of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Shuey.
Bob Snelton. whose birthday
anniversary was Saturday, was
surprised when a erouo of hi
friends dropped in at his home
to spend the evening with him.
party arrangements were
planned by Miss Vera Loucks.
Miss Loucks and Bob Shel
ton announced their encase
ment during the party to then
friends. :
Honoring Bob were: Dolores
Poole, Arlone Kuhlman. Alona
Daly, Dona Cooke, Bob Balti
more, vGaiy Peterson, David
Keyes, Maxine Scott, Hazel
Lvons Mrs. Ethel Hi
and Mrs. Leola Phelps were
hostesses for a bridal shower
honoring Mrs. Kenneth Lewis
at the Catnouc community nau
Friday evening. ...
Refreshment were served
to Mrs. Lewis, the honored
guest, G lends Lindemann, Beu
ahl Lewis. Bea Hiatt, Cora
Jt nner, Basel Lewis, Joyce
Kimery, Eulalia Lyons, Eva
Bressler, Alta Bodeker, Cheita
Lande, Elsie Lands, Doris Roy,
Inez Ring, Ethel Huffman and
Leola Phelps. Those sending
gifts that were unable to 'at
tend were Bonnie Wagner,
Violet Smith, Dorothy John
son, 'Janet Huffman, Mabel
Downing, Modena Carleton,
Ruth Edwards, Carrie Naue
and Doris Kelly. '
The Santiam Valley Grange
held its social meeting Friday Macleay Mrs. M. M. Magee
evening at tne nau. mgn scores' wu hostess to memnerse oi tne
went to Luella Nealson and( pratum-Macleay Home Exten
Bob Draper. Low score went to i mioa unit at her home for an
Rose Coffman and Frank Basl, 1 all-day meeting Tuesday.
and Que Wagner won tne -The demonstration xor uie
fmm Lonsvlew, Wash,
moved into the house recently
vacated by the John Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker
and Elmer Hiatt were Sunday
evening visitors in Salem at the
Earl , Hampton and Normal)
Johnson homes. Mrs. Hampton
and Mrs. Johnson are daugh
ter, ei the Bodekers.
Mrs. Alta Bodeker, operator
at the Lyons telephone office,
reports that the new director
ies are now ready for distri
bution. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett
and little son from Fort Mon
mouth, N. J, arrived Saturday
evening at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Bassett. Dale, wno naa oeen
with the U. S. army, .recently
received his discharge,
Butteville -- Valjean Engle
man of Portland spent his
spring vacation from school
at the home of his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Engle-
01 Sunday his parents, Mr. and
and Mrs. L. S. Engleman, were
dinner guests and took their
son home. j '
Mrs. Edward Jones and chil
dren, Gerry, Carta and Janice,
were luncheon and afternoon
guests of Mrs. David Jones at
Needy on Thursday.
Mrs. Karl Engleman was
luncheon guest of Mrs. Claude
Brown of Elliott Prairie Thurs
day. 1 Together they attended a
regular meeting of the Belle
Pass! chapter of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolu
tion at the home of Mrs. Ray
Baker, also of Elliott Prairie.
Mrs. Engleman and Mrs.
Lester Keller gave their re
ports of the recent state con-
ven at Klamath Falls.'
Plans were perfected .for a
silver tea to be held on May
A. Yergen. Mrs. Jones
children prepared the dinner
BlUie Engleman has finished
his basic training in the slgnil
corps camp at San Luis Obit,
po, Calif.,, where he is contln,
ulng study courses. He expects
to get a June furlough
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Yer.
gen attended the Willamet..
university freshman glee club
program in poiem Saturday
night as guests of Lyle Yergen.
senior student at the imi
Butteville members who tl
tended the Venus chapter
aoswau a uicvtuig ui Don
aid Friday night were
Karl Engleman, Mr. and Mrs.'
Bud Yergen, Mr. and Mrs RT
trill... a- w . '
ivuuui, nu. iuu jura, itay Yer
gen, Mrs. Earl Mohnlng, m,"
and Mrs. Harmon. Yearv.
and Mrs. Alt Nelson and Mm'
Winn, :
ner and two daughters of
Dallas visited friends here : Neal, Wilma Jull, Billy Shep
herd, Ralph Jull, Ellen Shelton
ana vera Loucks.
A farewell party was given
for Mrs. Sefert,- Friday after
noon by the mothers and
pupils of the third . grade.
Mrs. H. Robertson will
finish the term. t ':
On Monday night March 16,
uraar cuapter j. r,. , o. was j grade school gym
nosiess to a aiaincj meeung 1 marcn 27, 7:30 p.m
' Hubbard-r-The Hubbard Par
ent-Teachers association win
sponsor a social evening hi the
at the L. C. B. J. hall here,
held with Marguerite, Leba
non and Sweet Home chap
ters. v v. '" '.''
Mrs. Stewart,' a member of
the Eastern Star in Scotland
was present, as she is visiting
her-sister at Lacomb.
The orocram will Include a
band concert by the grade
school band and a basketball
game with the Aurora grade
school team. -A pie social and
coffee will complete the eve
ning .-;
- Four young hosts and host-
u tt. 1 TT .... I eSSeS Of thfl RllHV Ralrtti. A-U
visited her parents, Mr. and ' ""0 "elected by drawing names
m- i- it.., received guests at the tea eiv-
She -helped her father cele-! S,Sf tb'aotb
brate his 71st blrthdav. daf fternoon . thegrade
Gail Botes, , Don Bell and
Don Sledge have enlisted in
the army and left Friday for
Portland. , , "... .
The Thee Links club is
iponsoring a cooked food sale
March 4 at Thurstons' market.
emonsiruuuu v . u.k.
traveling prixe. Refreshments day w "Herb, for VMZmrZt?.fJZZZZ'
were served at the close of the , and Accent," with Mrs. Virgil ":"". " 1 , .
evening, with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Stevens hosts,
Mrs. Ivan Smith was hostess
for the meeting of the. Lyons
Extension unit, ' held at her
home Friday afternoon.
Following the business meet
ing, Mary : nances (Kelly)
Mlnette from : Albany gave a
demonstration on the" project,
"Becoming a Better Buyer,1
after which Mary Frances was
presented with a surprise wed
ding gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Corn-
forth and children from Seattle
were recent visitors at the home
of his father, Jack Cornfortb,
and grandfather, Allen Corn-
Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Dalles of
Portland were Sunday guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Roye. ; ..
Mr. and Mrs. George Kim
ery of Portland were Saturday
ana Ai-ecm, prk
ourson ana m. . ( . and M c,yde Gotcha
MMX"egeUbies, salad and J Mrs Raymond -Gotchall
4" I-V...irUith herbs 'and on Steven were Sunday
MuiSH lum v... " -
were demonstrated.
The food was served at noon.
At a business meeting in the
afternoon, Mrs. Earl Murry re
ported on the county meeting
for planning the 1854demon
stration programs. -
Mrs. Cornelius Bateson talk
ed on the coming Homemakers
Festival and the chairman, Mrs.
John Feldschau, announced
that the local unit would dis
play functional , housedresses
and furnish one auditorium
hostess at the festival.
The exhibit committee will
be Mrs. John Feldschau, Mrs.
Albert Mader, Mrs. Donald
Mader, Mrs. Dave Ramseyer,
Stewart Granger-Deborah Kerr
. i, . . ."
Stanley Clements
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Gotchall.
A new 4-H food preserva
tion club was organized Satur
day at . the Russell Gotchall
home. -. .
Mrs. Melvin DuRette was
elected leader, ' with Mrs.
Russell, Gotchall as assistant.
Officers elected were: Presi
dent, Marilyn Rasmussen; vice
president, Judy Feller; secre
tary, Marie DuRette; news re-,
porter, Judy Gotchall; -song
leader, Donna Miller.-
Oother members are Dlanno
Miller, Carolyn - DuRette and
Barbara Raymond.
Edward Jones was honored
Bit I t Wl
school gym: Janice Nelson, I evening dinner guests at the he Mrs. M. M. Magee,
Tana ITam T 1a..' Dl.l a n? - I- KsTwa A IhoM . Affofl
fe'KLJSft.ZS01! ""with a surprise birthday din-
jure, vuniciim ..n. n,,,.
The auditorium hostess will " " . -"Z?
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Kimery. They also visited his
mother, Mrs. Minnie Kimery,
and sister and husband, Mr.
Jane Van Lieu, Richard Wood
and Gary Barrett.
Mothers preesnt V included
Mrs. J. J. Van Lieu. Mrs Rov
T : were, luu uus
Levens, Mrs. George Downs,, and Mrs. Art Ayers,
w.JnrViJ.'; The Pre-school mothers heldj
The Odd Fellows and, Troudt. Mrs. Leon Graham and I cM meeting at to. ' home n't
Rebekahs will have . pie Mrs. Marvin Barrett, adviser TS? gHuL JTata I
upervisea xne lea.
The executive committee of
social at the I. O. O. F. hall
March 28.
Mill City
the Hubbard Parent-Teachers
association has called a special
meeting for Monday evening,
March 36, at 8 p.m. at the grade
scnooi gym.
Mrs. Alice Huber, with Mrs.
Jack Duggan assistant hostes.
The next meeting will fear
ture election of officers.
The pre-school mother will
have a home cooked food sale
on Saturday, March 28, begin-
Mrs. C. R. Suit will be host- v1? ,at pm-;. Lyonl
ess for the Hubbard Woman's
club Wednesday afternoon.
April 1, at 2 p.m. Election of
Variety store.
Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery
was her cousin, Mr. and Mrs.
, ' , 5th ANNUAL '
V.'I-V. I J , ' ' I
Sponsored by Cannery Local No. (71
Ttdh-4NI(lr tsaaer 11) 25c km T5c
All Proceeds to Go for Milk for Needy Children
Mill City Visiting in Mill
City this week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas
are Mrs. Thomas' sisters, Mrs.
Relnnlri ft1cnn fDtivlll,
has been in training at Camp ,?r"e"'"n "-"v"00."" J
. ... - . - uvvn lunur . mm nars a na Liiiius nciKiiu. vinprsi n m
KODerts, left last week for
Fellowship. Attending from
here were Kathleen Morrison,
Norma Foltz, Mike Burns, Mike
were Mr. and Mrs. Karl En-
. J M ' J, . n.
Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. I "v
A. C. Spranger and Mrs. Dave
Ramseyer, Jr., were appointed
on the nominating committee.
The April meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Vir
gil Burson.
The. project will be care of
rugs and upholstered furniture.
" George Washington was born
Feb. 11, 1732, but on the adop
tion of the Gregorian calendar
by England and her colonies
in 1953, the old-style Feb. 11
became Feb. 22 under the new-
style calendar. ;
. Try a Lesson : "
. Private or Class
Paul Armstrong
155 J. IsWtr Pk. 2-7523
Korea and Mrs. Crass plans to
work in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Her
man and three children have
returned from a trip to Seattle,
Wash., where they visited rel
atives. ' . -
Mrs. Cecil Lake was in Mill
City last week and attended
the regular meeting of Santiam
Rebekah lodge while here. Mrs.
Lake spends most of her time
in Crescent City, where Mr.
Lake works.
Mrs. J. F. Potter has re
turned to Mill City after spend
ing several months in Fresno,
Calif., with her sister, Mrs.
Gladys Trask. ,
Mrs. Olga Nelson of'We
coma, Ore., is spending sever
al months in Mill City at the
I home of her son and daughter-
Cooper, John Friend, Jack Ber
key, Bill McNary, Roy and Ray
Miss Arlene Strawn, A 3c,
attached to the 567th medical
squadron of the U. S. air force
and stationed at McChord air
base in Washington, is on a 20
day leave, at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Garren
have purchased and moved into
a new home in the Plank ad
dition in Woodburn. :
. Rats sometimes kill all the
baby chicks in a brooder in a
single night, apparently for the
joy of killing.
Crltus Heights, Calif., where he
is employed.
Mr. and 1 Mrs. Saxton and
family from California, wno
recently purchased the newly
built house of Jim Lande,
moved in tne last of the week.. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spell-!
They're So pope
A choice steak bathed in wine, oil and herbs with Just
a touch ot garlic to produce a truly fine flavor. These L
wonderful steaks are an experience In good eating and
priced no Usher than ordinary steaks
' t
Chuck's Steak House
3190 Portland Road . Salem Phone 3-3992
Shop Marilyn's Friday 'Til 9 P.M.
Vk' JtM O V hiPPr,Athom...,or U J Cy-Ssj )U
- JC ' v A to vr I 1vyjT Robert RYAN X rVximftexe platform W Wala POWERS Suzan BALL ;
uuisi t J ! ' - z . .
'., ft luscious (tiers . X ' yOA "'c filMK mml-4 ' " - - '
iF aim AiXm3&Bm c"l0" .
' ' t iai iiivifTtT w s as-"1 a m agf ar sr m
daii mi man
Gates Open 6:45
8how at 7:15
In Irncolor
. Jane Russell
!.:. Plus , .,
They Are Coming!
' James Stewart
Janet Leifh .
. Mickey Smmtj . .
PetsT Ryan ,
In Technicolor
- Tony Martin
Ann Miller "
In Technicolor
' Wendell Corey
In Technicolor
I El
Mat Dally from 1 P.M.
Cent with
Deadly Cum...
end s RopulaHse
to Match)
f Charlton I