TEE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mtn, Ortfott of Several Hoop Stars Hit by NCAA Ruling By NOBM AN MHAEB New Tork, Ol.PB The (coring record of such basketball "fremta" as Psal Ariiin Johnny O'Briea, . and Dick Great were either erased or lowered today by the NCAA'i aw "antl-Bevo Francis" rifle. When the nation' cage coache voted laat week that only pointa scored in competl tion between vanity team of four-year, degree granting col- wins Change Uniforms Johnny (left) and Ed die Otrlen, ' famous basketball twin-from Seattle University, talk baseball daring backyard workent at home of their parent In South Amboy, N.J. The twins, recently signed by the Pitt burgh Pirate, are wearing aniforms at Sonth Amboy seml pro team,. They are scheduled to report to the Pirate training camp in Havana. Eddie 1 an outfielder, Johnny a shortstop. (AP Wirephoto.) ' ; ; SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys AOTOMOTIVI UUOVI filler Meter Ouui'll) J. Far In 417. a. schrorar 444. A,Holmee Ml, t. Myeri 411. B. Bullock 471. Meeter ServlM lUttoM a) n. Dutoit . B. wukln m. B. Keen M, O. Ponehue n a aonraeaer 4. - , Un Aram tfrvlM (I) T. Barber ' Ml. J. HoDlinnr 471. el. Hammond an, X. Ballon ill, X. Bam Ml. lJa Alia a-aria w r. oners . ear, b. apence i Sat, V. . Btetraad H XV etelnke in, ' 9. Want 147. a., Craerafl nun ( B. Omaroft Br. 441, J. ADDT 4l, Da BWOT 44J, B. Crarorolt Jr. Ml, 1. Craaro't 4(1. Sa- leee AuteateMIa Ceaweur (1) D. Douihertr 44S, D. Walt Ml, a. Ouan Ml. B. Deuahertr 474. D. Bueoh HI. - Later Brelbere ( D. Baumiart am, r. cuatarao m. a. Bauer 4W, r. Solum 444, a. Sumtt 4U. Staadard Stallone ti J. KopUchke 4, JT. Melon 117, T. Cannon 414, X. Benkel KM, X lUMB 171. . ; Hlcb team same -r Loder Brother, M. Hiih team earlea Lana Aranue Mila, lew. HUb lad. lui and will T. Berber at Lena Arenae Serrlo HO and. M.,.r i.v,. ft Ajoa uun ftaaUk Oreem (!) X Clark Ma n. Barler tot. T. Oannon 111, -. DtBow w. wan ih. Meraaeue 1 Camera J. owana 411. n. ounn 4. x Tar 441, o. easier en, b BrKtaard tit. Mariaa Matata ( e. fehroeder 14, R. Sommer 471, W. Oardaar Ml, J. Doerfler 461, O. Donahue 415, Thrift ar Olaaaara (U t. Baal 41, It, lie. Farlane 137, i. Otaer Ml, T. Staler IN, r. Bvani M. Bnaaa Ttw aarrlaa T. Braa aaa 141, U Oaland Ml, T. rrndnta 444. B. ValdM loi, U Andanan all. Barn ( W. Clina Jr. Ml, o. Paalia M, f. Karr ,40a, fL WUkeraaa 4K, X Hrt WtU Ml. - HarikwMt munr t ) M. ktnra .Ml. H. Brala Ml, 1. kllndar 111, B. UiUr 441, o. Oladt 471. Walaat Mir Bawl II) X achulla 111, B. Frta 41I. O, Bulttt lit, J. ADdtnoa Ml, . bla 170. OaallM (I) a Laiaa Ml. X Llad atr 191, F. oinan Ml, X wllkalU Ml, B. Wblta MO. Hirtaa BaM aal Car rark (1) T. Vltloaa Ml, W. Maktm HI, I. Irani IM, B. rata 47, B. straw M7. Hlth taam lama and anlM OaadlH, MM and MM. HUn lad, tana An DaBow at Builek onura, tn. Hlib tad. aarlaa Frank Bnna . at ThrUtwar atanart, we. University Alleys ' STAT BOV1I UUOTJl VO. t latratarr af Mala Ha, 1 1 Ulnar 441, wood! 441, ralanon 414, Bluilit 470, aehultaa 103. taratlrr Fralaetlaa (1) Walktr 411, Pnlppi IM, Morrlion 4M, Barari MO. atom 4M. i Aallla (I) atrlklln l, Damatu 41, riahar 414, Jooanaan 4W, Oculd an. raranrr wnaa ( swini all, Bannaman Ml, Aanruda 4M, wood aaa, ataoar an. - m ralrriaw Roma' (I) Oanribn M4, Smrari 4, Luka 117, DlTohn 111, Nel aon 404. BJurhwar Matarlato (1) Brown a, Van Palt Ml, Bbun 410, Plana an, noita an. : Bltkwar Oaattraatlaa IIU) Andar. an 111, Karaar Ml, Hollman 441, Wolfe Ma, Tandr 401. (lata Tai oamm. (iu Johnaaa Ml, Bobk all, Drapala 411, vraioa Ml, jaanaiiar aao. Vauraai Aftaln (4 MorHkr M4, Raad 411. OaaranttroorA 471. .Claln im. Biliarloh 171. rrlatara ( Waller 4)4. aaiuivr , afHioa aat, nuaor aae, mn aaa 140. lau rallaa (I) Morrill 417, Weami 44, Alford Ml, Bunt 117, Ruaekar 471. aeralarr af (lata N. (I) oill 4M, MaQuaaa Ml, Pranka 4M, Prania Ml, Blaalar 140. Bub taam serial B acre tar? af (lata Bo. 1, 1717. Blah taam karaa Vatarani Affalra, Ml. BUh lad. aariaa-. Hlllerloh, p ia, aao an, aaoia uunoan, azi, 1TAT1 BOUSk Lnotm MO. 1 (lata Tax Caaui. (1) Johneon 3a0. Berper 411, Banian 174, Canlteld 401, Sear 414. Banal (4) Bell Ml, Tount 46. BlrbT Mi. OOuM M7. BUlarleh Ul. Dawt. at Aarlealtara (4) Orltfltha Aaff. Xanlpa Ml, Pateraon 4M. Slroh kaha 4M, Tanaalll 111. tTnataalaraient , tai ntraan an, Aaron 445, at km? IM. aataamlar Ml. Barter 4m a. I. A. C. (I) Alhbr Ml, Lanktraa 47, Prknaa 414, Sanaa 4M, Ouitation 41. Aailla (I) Corrlian m, Baia law, roioamrta m, 4waar9a 474, strlak Un 471. Brilta BuiaMft (1) Frederick ton CM, Bartar 411, Munion 434, llarchant 7I, Boaka M7. Okawter M D Luthl a. Lamm no tn, Quarrr 431, Baarr wia, namowa vrv, Orrtaa Baataaara l StatUan 4U. Burton 444, Sura Ml, Seott Ml, Touna Ma. wnatrr (1) stacar III, Udd 41, waoda in, Bwini ail, rowan . P. O. O. Rlnilend 417. BnalUh 7, Woadbnrn 441. straw 4M. Meffert 04. B tea war Aaeaaatlna (1) Tarlor Ml. xeienam in, mrr 471, crane all, Malum ear. Hkfh taam lerlei Dept. af Airlcul tar. 3TM, Blah taam lama Bonua. til. Blrt Bid. lariat Luthl Ml, UUh Bed. I aaa sain, lit. If. Nalnait Ml, B. Lenta Ml. P. JflUar M7, X Davli 111. T. wood 441. Hlah team ferlea and lama Brtek aom Ifarket, 103 and 751. Blah lad. aerlea Rum Zlnk. Ramagea. 411. Blah lad, lima Mel atorr, Kriakioai, Ul. lid May Get 7-1 Basketball Star Gary Nelson ' Elma, Wash, 0M9 Seven-foot. one-Inch basketball star Gary Nelson of Elma high school to day said he was "quite sure" he would enroll at the Univer sity of Oregon next fall, 1 ' The all-itate center, -who broke both the single game and tournament icorlng records in the 1953 Washington state high school tourney, today told Web. foot Coach Bill Borcher he planned to attend Oregon, Mrs. Ann Reed, Nelson's aunt, said. She said the 18-year-old piv ot man planned to take up coaching, but would enroll Sn the school of business admin istration. ; He sttill had not made up hit mind definitely, she added. . . Nelson ha been sought by Kansas, Seattle university and the university of Washington. as well - as by many .other SChOOlS.'"" ;"; Mrs. Beed said "he hasn't had minute to himself since this whole thing -started. I hope this relieve the pressure a lit tle bit to he can get back to hi school work." :.-?. The Oregon Journal said Nelson made the announce ment he would go to Oregon aner talking to friends in Eu gene where he has relatives and where he has spent summers. uorcner said, "it's been, a tough wait, we've been hoping ukb everyone else." ' Duck Pins . OOMK1HC1AL UTAOTJl Partial! Baa Blekfteld (a-L IXMi in e. Ollmer 141. Br IM. B. Maaulra 107, P. Haaia J71. Caaeada Maato (4) Ih wanner aai, m. u aaan Ml O. Oamar M5, H. Wtliner 171. mtt'n r- Paraaaa (I) J. Holm an -u a Ummim ana. B. rvaanwood 171. , J. Poetar IM. saaraet I4J. Blaj Lake aakaia IS) - a. wavaar ava, u Ert. 111! 4. Tkal-a. Ml, O. Barnaul Twaiaraftrt laa aIS) - "all at- v. Ttirt. mm, v imatsw il'i.J ai. mat Ml. Baawrea (l Sink Ml. Bra 111. rattaa 17. a Netnaii m B-i.k. ,ii v Melton ear PCC Boxing Campionships Start Today Sacramento, Calif. WV- For ty-four boxer representing nine college itart 'punching away Thursday night in' the three-day Pacific Coast Inter collegiate boxing champion, ships. . ,,. !..;: ' San Jose State, Washington Stat and Idaho State, each with - lighters in every . divi sion, rate the best chance for team honor. Idaho, Cal Poly, Stanford, California, Nevada and San Francisco State have partial entries. . Leading collegian is expect ed to be Ellsworth Webb, 186 pound Idaho State Olympic participant defending the title he won here (last year. ' i The alwava-potnifar heaw- weight 1 a include Jack Shaw of Cal Poly; Dick King, California; Ronald Kalaf at, Washington State; Paul Relter, San Jose State, and Hal Solon sky, Idaho. lege would be counted in th records, the fabulous Francis of little Rio Grande College of Ohio was the obvious and first victim. Out the window went bis all-time record et ; l,f S point rolled up this easea in '39 games. The NCAA found that the six-foot, nlne ineh "phenom"- had played Araujo Easy Winner Over Red Top Davis Cleveland ' W Methodical George Araujo, an easy win ner over Teddy "Red Top" Davis, took a spectator's seat Thursday to await his turn at trying for the lightweight box ing championship. . : . Tommy Collins gets his chance April 24 in Boston when he battles the champion, Jimmy Carter, Araujo has been promised a crack at the winner within 60 days. Araujo left little doubt Wed nesday night about his right to a fisticuffs Ph. D. while win ning a unanimous and easy de cision over Davis In a national ly televised bout at Cleveland Arena,-. , Ranked No. 1 in th light weight division, Araujo raked Davis with lightning lefts and amaahlna- right to tha hf-srl.. The steady pounding opened cut over the Hartford, Conn,, battler's right eye in th sixth round fend blood streamed down his face and onto th canvas from then on. . - Grimm Thinks His Braves Has Chance for First Div. By LEO H. PETERSEN -Bradenton, Fla. U.R The Milwaukee Braves , probably won't win - the National League pennant, but Mana ger Charley Grimm think hi clnb ha a fighting chance to finish In the firtt division. His own analysis of the is: .;-, .. .-.'.-;, "Loaded with pitching and a lot of power." , Jolly Charley recoenirei the team has plenty of flaws of the type which can't be corrected in a short time. - The big imprvTenent fat flu Brave I tlte aettitiea f right Budrd hittinr stoeturtk. They bmgBt Andy Pafka freca Braeklya and Joe Aeeck from Ciada atL Theae tw with left fielder Sid Gerttai will give them three long ball fctt tlng right luader aaa iaerc will be fear la the Uaeap whea Walker Cooper catch es. . Last year the drives saw more left handed pitching than any club in the league for it power was predomin antly from the southpaw aide et the plate. Now, Grimm ex pects to see more right hand ed pitching and he believe It will b a big help to two or Ms youngsters, Ed Math ews at third and Jack Ditt- mer at second. The Braves infield will be a youthful one. Mathews Is 21; Dittmer 28; shortstop Johnny Logan 26 and Adcock, wno win play first base, 28. 'The outfield wil be on the oldish side with Gor ' don S4 and Pafko SI. A rookie, ' Bill Broton, who hit .SIS at Milwaukee last year, ' may win the center-, field Job from San Jethroa and rookie : Jim Pendleton. Another reason for Grimm's optimism is the return from service of catcher Den Cran dall and pitcher Johnny An famelli. Crandall will be the No. 1 catcher and Antonelll a smarting pitcher. Both yormcster -were just coming into their own when they were tailed to duty by Uncle Sam. Grimm is banking on War ren Spahn, the best southpaw in the league with a 14-19 rec ord; Vera Blekford (7-12); Jim Wilson (12-14) and Max Surkont (12-13) as his other starters In addition to Anton elli. But he must develop some second string hurling. Lew Burdette , (fl-11), Ernie John son (6-8) and Dave Cole (1-1) are possibilities among the holdovers. SB SEAGRiir.2's MD BE SDItE h- WnnuWEHTOOQO aaBIMSVia too snnt OWt "- IV : 4vl 1X7 ' I m 1 Ivy Sm mostly asalast Jaaier ol leg, eatioBal schools and tervle team. But right out th window with Franci' record want lev ral other marks long accepted a 100 per cent bona fide, a de velopment perhaps not f orseen by th coache. . r Arisin, th former Villanova tar now (erving in the Ma rine, was victim No. 2, right behind Franci. . For four year now, th 88 point (cored by "Pltchln Paul" agslnst the Philadelphia Naval Station team in 1949 has been accepted a th all-time (ingle gam (coring record for major colleges. Under the new rule, that's out and the au tlme record becomes the 76 points scored by Bill Mlkvy of Tempi in 1981 against small but acceptable Wilkes college of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. . O'Brien, th plnt-lised, keek-shot from Seattle TJnl veri.' will have hi slngl eacoa scoring record of 916 points trimmed a bit but h till will be on top. Striken front his collection will be th 14 point he tallied against th Peoria, 111., Caterpillar, th Industrial team that hold the national AAU championship. Groat, the former Duke star now military aervlce, will hiiv hla for!?'' f!r!g!ai-i??rT! mark of 881 point, et in 1980 61, trimmed by an undeter mined amount to ' eliminate point he scored gainst Indus trial team. . --i FAN FARE lyWartDfrsiM Hardened Course In Store for Grand National London Unless there Is some relief In the meantime, Saturdav'a running of the Grand National Steeplechase at historic Atntree may b the toughest In at, least IS years. That is the judgment of vet eran horsemen who have, seen the course grow nara as con crete and hazarous under a steady sun with no rain In the last five week. 7 The race will be run over a four-mile. 886-yard distance, twice around the bell-shaped course which produces the toughest test in the sport. The ground has never been harder, old-timers say. It1 hard enough to split a horse's hoof, jar loose his shoes and TVylr. hs -rlrlPl- fnnat from W stirrups after every Jump. A highly doubtful start Is Old Kentucky, the only American-owned .jumper in . the field. Gerald Balding, trainer for Jock Whiteney' entry, say he doesn't feel th horse will be ready. Not counting Old Kentucky, 41 horse remain in the field. Two Albany Tourney Teams Share Honors Albany The 1920 Albany high school baiketball- team, the only other team to .be en tered in the state playoff in the school history, shared hon ors with Albany's 19BS team, district No. 7 champion. The 1920 team' coach Frank Brumbaugh, now superinten dent of schols for Wasco coun ty sat at the head of the "Old Timers' table." Th two team were guents of the Albany Exchange club. . Brumbaugh wa called upon to introduce his former team members, he fire introduced T,a,arranra Moorev Albany, th only Bulldog ever (elected on a state mythical ' basketball team; Jay Willard, head foot ball coach of . Eureka high school in California, where he has been continuously coaching since 1920; Russell Reeves, Al bany, Russell Bustard, Bill Wilkinson and Fete Miller all of Albany. ' Only two of the 1920 quad were not present. Ernie Haller, Seattle, and Dr. Hubert C. Fortmiller, Waben, Ma. - The 1963 team member hon ored were Captain Neil Cauc bie, Ron Hall, Eugene Webb, Claris Poppert, Harold Pontius, Dean' Sorenson, Dave Shelby, Dick - Moore, Ray Cerrah, Frank Burford, Ted Aberson and Pete Wilfert. . Why Suffer Any Longer Whan otberi fall, we our Chilian remedial, Amaitnf meet,, for MM Tear In China. Bo matter with what allmenti roa are afflicted, dUorderi, ilnuiltn, heart, lunil, llrer, kldneri, saj, aonittpatlon, . uleera, diabatat, rbaumatlam, sail and bladder ferer, ixm, ximaia aominainia CHARUE ! CHAN ' CBH4IBI BISBCa. Ofliea Bean 1 la Tae. and Sat, aarr IM N. Cammaralal Phaaa SUM OBI. tf yAik k;'",, J) mm taaiallav- . ., I ... ..!:' iiajOjIr .;: . .; Lastg Ufa, enty "AV "" ' flTT ' , en atarhir satrt, . i S I J OparatM with f Only M-vumb tank, JW i r- : ; : SF8tn't7Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 85 train Neutral Spirits. Seagrim-Distillers Corp, N. Y. 2 Pumps in 1 Ho mart Convertible JET PUMPS Now an 12.06 Down, 10.00 Month on Sear Easy Payment nan (Usual Carrying Charge) Ontrirtaral pomp and Injeotor pnmj to give maximum efflelencyt Boand InvetU ment for owners at shallow wells eea vcrU easily to deep well operation. Ante ; matie pteaame switch, air eon trot Cuts Installation Costs As Much as 50! Ho mart FLEX-O-PIPE For Any Cold Water System size Easy to Handle Cerroeion-proof Easy to Install Acid-resistant FaaUr, aasiar way te pipe ooM water to roar garage, bara ar any detached bnlldlnfl Beqnlras bo plnmb Itag iklll all yen need Is a saw, Bewaring tape, wrench and smwailiwl EUmlnata tedkms arltoh lewcmtgt 1 1 IWall " M iySS'&3Rr&!i v Homart Jet Pumps MuW-U-l HP Heavy Duty i-si.g..... 154.50 Dellrtra Tolome capeclUee af water from well down to 130-teet. Bean datr motor with ararKad arotae- Cellar Drainers Basement Flood Inaurancel Vi H.P. Motor 45.50 Hen'ttolow wi protteUoo lo ke. tout coUtf drr. XniUnt ctlon. ha. nntui uni I . V I I . I I , I ! j I t I PurcfraM Totafing $20 or Mora Con la Mad an - SEARS IASY fAYMENT (IAN Sean, Boebaek and Co, 55 N. Capital, Salem, Ore. Please lend me complete Information on: (Items you an Interested In) NAME STREET PHONE STATS Plenty Free Parking Phon 1-91 91 -for Complete Information STORE HOURS w pjn. a yiVB nWyW, other Day 9:30 to 5:30 550 N Capitol, Salem