! Tharaday, March It, 1953 Green Thumb AfSilverton Grand Opening; of the Green Thumb florist hop in Silver ton will be held Friday itb a premier showing of latter flowers and gift of free flow er for visiting women, Mr. and Mrs. E..J. Harm, owneri, announced from their Salem hop thii week. -'. A complete itock of flower and plant will be handled by the Sllverton store, they said. The shop will be under the supervision of Mrs. Etta Schultf, Salem, asiiited by Mrs. Elaine Harriett, Sllverton. The new florist shop will be epen from 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. Friday for the grand opening, the Harms said. It is at 218 Oak street. Harms has nine years ez- rourv uian two ux mem in nil Green Thumb shop in Salem. Originally from Wisconsin, he .was stationed at Camp Adair and came to Salem immediate ly after the war. He is a grad uate of the Northwest Florists school. , . ' He has won first prize in the Oregon State Fair floral shows two of the part three years. Ask Paving Bids On By-Pass n The State Highway Depart ment will consider bids on highway and bridge projects' aggregating $4,800,000 at its April S and 9 meetings in' Port land. Forty-seven projects are included. Among them: Marion Paving 9.37 miles , Salem by-pass section of Paci fic Highway. . Clackamas Grading and paving 4th avenue in Canby, which may be bid in combina tion with a Hubbard paving project in Marion county. Lincoln Paving and deliv-1 try of material in Siletz. j I Marion Paving on Hub-1 bard "D" street project. ! Clackamas Grading and : paving and construction of concrete bridge on Molalla JuncUon-Marquam 'section of Cascade Highway. - . Glassheaf Company Doing Business Here Radiant Glasaheat, Inc., of Salem Is a new company that has been formed, here, bring ing a new type of home heat ing to the community that Is new here but not unproven, since its success has been es tablished. The company has set up of fices and headquarters at 1540 Fairgrounds road, and it is un der the management .of Wil liam G. Welsse. At that ad dress it has 3000 square feet of floor space for warehouse and offices, and will stock a complete : line of Glasaheat products. Electricity is the heat me dium used by Glasaheat. Top efficiency is claimed for it, with operation as much as 15 per cent less than ordinary elec tric heat. Four Corners THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa Four Dance club will meet Friday at 8 p.m. In the Community hall. Guests call ers will be John and Ethel Geialer of Dayton. UnaAu and fcnatMilPl. will he Mr. and Mrs. Art Woelk, Mr. ' end Mrs. Clayton ratterson ox Four Corners and Mr. and Mrs. Doel Garver of Aums ville. Hostess to the Hobbyists club on Tuesday evening in her home was Mrs. Ernest Walker. Textile painting was the diversion. Present were Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mrs. Ruth Chrisman, Mrs. Warren Shrake, Mrs. Harold Snook. Mrs. LeRoy J. Stewart, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Dale Jeff ries. Tuesday at an 11:30 oldock luncheon Mrs. C. R. Osborn greeted the members of the Jolly Eight club in her home. The Easter motif was used in the table decor. Coming for the pleasure of the hostess were Mrs. Stanley Braden, Mrs. Jack Fosnot, Mrs. Henry Knight, Mrs. Arid McLaln, Mrs. Dave Holmeger, Mrs. Margaret Willis and Mrs. Earl Kasson. Visitors in Four Corners homes during the school va cation were Mrs. Vernon Sin clair and children Anita, Richard and Eugene ef Port land. Mrs. Walter Kleen and children of Redmond, Oregon, visited her parent Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Corning. Spending the holiday week end at the coast were the Jess Mcllnay, Waldo Miller, Dale Jeffries and Ernest Walker families. Mrs. Rebyl LenUch is sub titute teacher this week at Lincoln school In the third grade for Mrs. Emelyn Branson. SAVE to en Ui -7 1 Vs WW What a buyl less men a dollar for these lull length pleslU bags that hold eight garments, Skzzr fcftoy EASTER NYLONS II Oemae. II lulir. rfeci. afl raialsasd taears wt ssan. See Ha tavery tatter shade la steer view 0 SMKkeeeel Not seconds, but FIRST quality et this low price. i look ef sheer nylons et tins Eniov the eatre Owl saving! These are hete for ments in glamorous shades for tetter.' Comport with nylons mt We nil ts si si a Hknnnuu v- a aw - m m lesHrlg.wrr. CM Uff X' iflV : laaHfal !f I VB r. 1 Vit-k . I 111 . I IT fTH ' rata- 1 IT VXTVtJn' . ( A "p- ; i u err - .. IB BEnil J "UMIVal W VAUKS" HIV. t& A,. rXJbAt aaaae M- $ WK7m I am " .at.r a 7tAi CidaVy SJsm ar Wlafataf Headers la ear teWesWea af : , A PLUSE1 DUMMS Mfty 4VyM 0)tW HbbM sWlf itsMa aAssI issM Jl0ffto) 0(1 psOJoJ ttflAo1 01 aaWA(0 EASTEn! .SVEETS s aw lem r CfcM.Lt. swalM - tf tW wHkj tmm : V y tWrtr rtf- T - " $1M iroMt-Tawi tol SPOT BED uunr. ot In someone s eye. I ain 3 FOR I With headboarociom Beosty VsJael ' Um. KSOP N-$tir LIPSTICK TRIO Ptak ImI, ImI tmi Cw h snM In D GUt - BiAIJTY DOUILE 3 appucaiors " 'tiVkSt maaaage! On-otf 95 switch; cord. J Approver. $2.00 Valae SOTH HI eWoJWtT" ftsMHly Mil 4 , . i 3 PERFUMES 3 COLOGNES , 3 Stick Ceio?! Evening' In Paris, Mais' Oul and Endearing fragrance in trios! For purse or boudoir. 11 JO Valaes 300 Tear Choice I each I Ilf Tr1 '"' sf- aea-lft SJ.AJ wa thh UtUi CfcH. 1. PaawtasJ aUstttr Eoi OCe Fralt axd Nt iwtu. Dtoftd k- . X3 .Mmi. II. -lb. mI ,, Pilled with Oaediesl Tied wfth Calarfcl laws! EASTER BASKETS "X.fQC frrtlSjC Tvorni rmva tv irraj 1 I 1 1 ok I brim with candy 1UI nj) eggs ether treat. X '. Swoot-FHlod EASTER SAND PAIL f 29 SwMfc to w lw hM Me, I Jt ' I wo A APi I 2C VIGNY .,. Catcher- Eos tor Gift COLOGNES CDC $1.71 Volaa Year .Choke Saraddesltatei FOAM PILLOW itif h 69 New oefy 3 Fref raaee 'Paris in too Spring" COLOGNE SET 12.25 Votel TEZA COLOGNE F"i 'a , . ASXETS I IASTEX I WAXED PAPER " f'O ft Q fJJ s10c SffHaiik S!Mft? 90i- li fe A .. IMPORTED Tfy M . NerMmtlrliM.1 If Mala- Clear Amber HwUl'c TIF W W I C K E R Jill5 ffASKETS 49' fl Htttu-r - X '-l J 70 0THFD VlllllRIF I Woodbury grS?29 CREAM 69' DOESKIN T&iuE 2-69e INSTANT $1.00 t5M Look! 3-Speed ELECTRIC HEATING PAD $4.49 Value tW I Woodbury 981 FtEEFCUB FREE! a ff Hike fear Hair ) I Now In Specially Dnignta UnbraaliabU ..ox. PLASTIC BOTTLE Uia lha paarly wkit. boHl. aaln and tgalnl mi. eual 4o 'tl 17a beHlai. iS lartalnl ' Gel- Your Coronation Day Tickets Now Win This 1953 Mercury 4-Door Custom Sedan Bllf Pure li.Mcalar law a... eiAFT I rMW Food BlfHW 15C T" a L'l-fcA 111.h 69' rinw"GRHNDSUM"RaiEF IHM(YST6EIIFtl)u 65 lSC"i 39c SSTASS . )C 'n AYDS FOR REDUCING MONTH'S SUfKY OVER K4 OFF! "JHT annBoiHno 2.98 a. I . A JfaJ.. paow ranuce wirnoui ainnH .u iuk.uk,. .. with this toiy plan. No drug.A " -"- ","r, laxativei, or massaga. REG. $4.95 Heavy gauge white enameled metal with red or yellow top s f y YeuSave Nearfy 'A OFFI Psxrrlliad Top, Wicker dothat ' HAIH?GC2 $9.93 VALUEI Owl's super family site hamper In choice ef love ly paileli. Woven wicker tides provide ventilation and won't snag clothes, fearllied plastic tepl ' nsfAlAfVNEn r ueiwHif puffs r If irii uj aa 09rMirnrTi!0 rrvva. (UIIDLiyUUS 100 rrr n.