. y ' r t,v -ft Thuwdiy. March 26, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SoJea, Oregon ; rr.CE$eCCDTKIUSAT.i Fresh Cut King Alfred Cunch of ! ) in8 Dozen: 49; Creml I Hair Tonic Oalf jj) ' 59' All Metal Waste Basliel Decorated In fright, Cheerful Colon Variety 31 45Li$ferineToollipa$fe2 ,r5S) Tllome Permanent T T 29' Filch Shampoo 229' 25Kfriolipsficrs lb V 25' 5 Piece Comb Set 5 a S' 1 Hg)' Xf ,. fluA r u 125 Ft. Roll 25' Ponds Face Tissue box 300 ; Toiletry Nw J difftmt fttmntto fur - sUdiffrnnttyptstflmir! NEW TONI TRIO tlfrflf Twi-faoooatlktu.Now - bomr rhto ttir wits for ate , Saillioat of mat who hm hnj Ota gOOQ KMKI WttB TO&ii '.- SlOW Tlrf-eofec. fat hud-to-arm bill H ether pauM dida'C Mkc Of didn't ktt, Scptl Tool li )MCright fct VOS. .. - 'V -; VWy Borbt !.- 6ra.wm bur. Abo woodtrful ft Mttdwd or timtd fcJr or bur with torn omnlcmL USE NEW WHITE RAIN LOTION SHAMPOO 'TONIGHT kWMioU $150 1 b1" In"' V iTTTT I Hi lodooShunpoobyToBi. I- J 1 Thty'rt iwics h sur-twlct u I I T bttl lun ud mldiM nrlm II IJ I , , 11 . TOHETTE byTonl Now mtj link gltl'i htltMitfaadJaUfi lmhwt. $150 Urn Hm PROM HOME PERMANENT NEEDS NO NEUTRALIZER Bo tujl And From U gutna ntd to nkt btwdftUlr trtry rime, oc your moMybtdc In S trptt, fbc difltitet tfpet of but. , $150 ' lUai $4.95 Value Plush Easter Bunny tMNMf to 4$JIqM $298 Variety Filled Easter Baskets 39c . W Assorted varieties ond tiiet, ooch . filled to Hie brim! Candy Prize Brand 2-Yr.-Old Rose Bushes 3- $t to fctowiwB SO wtoMM iVwi wtkiktkeM. Variety Chocolate Manhmallow Egg Crates OMttlMh oh critM, feed Nttae, far tU, 29' Candy 35c California r RAISINS 2f 2r ToUetry" Regular 25c Nalleys Chili 15z. li: H $400 Tins LI J for I Toiletry food Mayor Oman Pen Fri- , iiirff Titi of 3r , Till 9 141 N. Ufcorty Wo KoMire the Rhrht to Limit Qnantltiet Child Behavior Woodburn At the meeting of ) the . woodburn Parent- Teacher oJfoc'ation Tueadoy nlfht at the Wathinfton school, Mrf. Mae Engle, treao urer of the carnival held lait Friday nlfht, reported ap proximately $400 "net pro ceeds for the FTA treasury. Mrs. Ralph Pickering presid ed la the absence of Robert Hunt. -: .' Bptmktt of the evening wai Or. W. G.' Burrows of Salem, psychiatry consultant for the Marlon county health depart ment and member of the staff of the Oregon state hospital Mr. Harmon Yeary of the health department opko briefly and Introduced Dr, Burrows who spoke on the subject of abnormal behavior of children. : . . Dean Blshoprick, chairman of the school board, discussed the problem of the hot lunch program for the Woodburn schools which cannot ' be set up at present duo. to the cost, Mrs. tana nodding of the seventh grade' room won the troweling mirror for the highest percentage of parents present A nominating committee was appointed, consisting of Mr. Lyman, - Beely, Mrs. Vrsal Livingston, Mrs. Char les Tyler; with Mrs Harry VanArsdale as avcemate, in preparation for the i annual election of officers to be held at the next . meeting, April 26. The program . will be by the Washington school band. Mrs. Pickering announced the executive board meeting to be held April 8 at the homo of Mrs. Mae Engle, 609 South Front' street. .:Vi v, . olifornia Company; Low on BPA Bid Here Bids were opened this week by the Bonneville Power Ad ministration for the construc tion of a part of the Detroit- Albany 230 kv transmission line and terminal facilities at the Detroit powerhouse. This line will complete major link in BPA's high volt age transmission grid serving the Southwest area. The fol lowing bids were received in. the opening: ' Midland Constructors, ; Inc., Huntington Park, Cel., 1124,- Key Construction Company, xacoma, wash., fiH.BBO. M. A. Pithoud, Vancouver, wash., XI79.01S. Western Line Construction Company, Kalispell, Mont, Lee Hoffman,' Portland, Ore gon, 201,177. Power Line Xrectors, Inc., S p o k a n e, W a s h., $85,407 (Schedule n only)., , . . Bids ore under study prior to award of contract i;i?iiRi8 ' Vewr Chleks IXTRA fOOi VAlili C11 ,, . ' M fjosw staJenssnw 1 I O III TrlmiU Cklek. Ouitw k fefUM, with Vltinla Bo wt AmiUoUa M tmm m iraMk a IWabdltr mt OHvMMSrTS mto Itm kMch- 0 l hath CkkO tMmr, twlh m ' 1,1 mnim wmm&i far war lavOas AtYavrlocoil f-i TRIANOll lS-aui WUAWTTfrratnmT i..wiiiti(sb. rb iran 4 son it. AS YOU r ; 3 iri $tl Etflw Ccstef Table. Evcf , B, So tei kT sfcc??iR1 Y0Bf ! PiYori:- tsslck Market. 1 V. I W '-if iMiitrfully MorfcUd, rroporry Aged, ' . . Freshly Cut Prime Bib of CHOICE tTHrfa BEEF lb. Short Ribs Of This Choice Beef lb. Ground Beef ftr oosod It isn't just o happen so that you get good neat every time you huy at your favorite Busick market. Government grade choice is the finest quality you can buy and you get just that every time you shop these markets. Leo of Genuine LAMB BvmIiIw 4eJIMMaMl j1ltltltWl Jt r Mir taltr Ho wota' . bother; oven reooy. I 39c I Breakfast Bacon 59c PORK LOIN ROAST FroM Tamg Kg srkM W (id 65c Here are two of the most stylishly dressed, delightfully plump young chick ens seen in Salem in many a day. x YOUNG HENS .., eT Fashion Plate Fryers 30-34 oz. Each ,b. 55' HI 39 In our meandering around the store we have selected the following items at random while in no way giving you a picture of the thousands of fine foods it does however show you that you can. live well and do. it easier at your favorite Busick market. v-iv. - : ''-v.: HEINZ SOUPS Vegetable, loan, Green Poo, Split Faa. . . . 3 for 39c FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLES Heinz, of court! Pickle Fork Free! 29c HEINZ FAMOUS CA lyadtR'S IP aw Urje Mo. 2'2 Sbo Jit S&WPineapplec . 3k63c Kippered Snacks 2 25c Lady Fingers 39c Crushed Pineapple iS 25c Marshmallows ....Wc Pears tSS;? 29c Chicken Noodles Pabst-ett Cheese 2 Grated Tuna Honey Butter Nescafe 4., .... Glamorine n Easy Aid Nu. Fickigt I (rMMT m (leifttr Of all things in our meandering around with this ad we al most forgot to mention our fruit and vegetable department. Shame too, for if there ever was an eye and taste appealing display of young spring vegetables our vegetable depart ment has them for you this week. New, Young, Tender Wine nkiik-ivk Fair Chubby Stalks itiiuuaiu Not Too Sour Big,' Juicy California Navel Oranges I Young, Tender, Crisp Carrots I it,. 29' dozen S) I bun. Field Grown, Rod Rip Tomatoes And now if in our rambling around with this ad we haven't listed just the items you would like at the moment just remember there are thousands of desirable foods at real money saving prices available to you either by telephoning or shopping in person. Always free delivery at your IfnnQnTirv7 0Cf Marion St. Telephone 3-7962 Court Sf. 1 Telephone! 3-9176