Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 26, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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East Salem Groups Form
Red Cross Drive Teams
; East Salem The Red Crou
drive in East Salem communis
tlei will be conducted the Utt
1.0 days of the month.
' Leaden for the drive have
been named In Swegle, Hoo
ver and Washington commu
nities and tome one in Au
burn and Middle Grove will
be named this week.
: In Swegle district Mm. All
don Sockwell, B040 Sunny-
view avenue, will be chair-
' man; Mrs. Harvey Page, Mri.
Jordan Johnson, Mn. Samuel
Pahl, Mn. John Harger and
Mrs. M. O. Buxton are work
ing the streets north and
south of Sunnyview that are
In Washington district, and
workers in the east residential
district of the city are work
ing out to Lancaster drive for
Hoover district.
l Social evening meeting for
Swegle Community Builders
elub this month was observed
t a shower party Monday
night In the home of Mn.
Richard Highberger on Birch
wood drive, with Mn. Arthur
Masters the honored guest.
Guest xooms, refreshment
trays and gtfts were all In
pastel colore ef yellow, pink
and blue.
v Attending the party were
Mrs. Verlt Klampe, Mn.
George Shull, - Mrs. Conrad
Hofstedt, Mn. I. F. Rowland,
Mn. Leonard Odom, Mn,
John Zwemke, Mn. R. Jipp,
Mn. Melvin La Due, Mn.
Fred Smalley, and the hostess.
Mrs. Albert Sunn was host
ess for a morning coffee Tuea
day at her Fisher road home.
In for the social hour were
Mn. Don Ms us, Mn. Jerry
Orton, Mn. Fred Smalley,
Mn. Virgil Miller, Mn. Ever
ett Laweronce, Mn. Carlisle
Filer, Mn. Harvey Page and
the hostess.
The Thursday meeting of
the Lansing Neighbors Gar
den club has been postponed
one day to Friday, March 27.
The program will have guest
speaker on peonies.
Albany Found guilty of
shooting and killing a dog, Ira
Cox, 422 Montgomery street,!
Wednesday, according to police
records. :
Edward Havel
. Funeral services will be held
at the Virgil T. Golden chapel
Friday afternoon at 1:80
o'clock for Edward Havel,: 73,
late resident ef 280 Hrubetz
road, who died Tuesday after
an illness of several weeas.
Rev. John J. My en will of
ficiate at the rites.
Havel, a resident ef Salem
since 1008 and a fruit farmer,
was born at Cuba, Kans. He
was a veteran of the Spanish-
American War, serving In Cuba
with the Third Nebraska regi
ment of volunteers command
ed by William Jennings Bryan.
Havel was a member of Hal
Hibbard post, Spanish-Ameri
can Veterans ef Salem. -
Survivors include his wife,
the former Elsie Clover, to
whom he was married March
14. IBM. In Crookston, Minn.;
and several brothers and sis
ten, including Charles Havel
of Agenda. Kans., and Milek
and Joe Havel, both of Cuba,
Kans.' - .
For Friday ranch or supper
sometime, serve clam fritters
with catsup or colli sauce,
Mother, Children Di
In Blazing Cottage
Sturbrldge, Mass. W) A
mother and two children she
vainly tried to rescue perished
in their blazing cottage home
early Thursday after she saved
her three other children.
The dead were Identified as
Mn. Rita Gauthier, 81; Con
stance, C, and PrlsclUa, IVt. v
Rescued by their , mother
were Theresa, 4; Jacqueline, 2,
and Robert, 2 months.
When drama was first tele
vised in 1B28 by WGY, an ex
perimental station In Schnec
tady, N. Y., only the heads of
the actors showed on the screen
because of the limitations of
the TV medium at that time.
Cordon fo Try to
Release Aid Funds
Washington (U.B Sen. ' Guy
Cordon today assured Ore
gon's administrator of public
welfare that efforts would be
made to release federal funds
for Oregon in time to meet
public .. assistance payments
due April 1. ; . - .
Administrator Loa- Howard
had expressed alarm that the
welfare commission would not
be able to . make April pay
ments for old age assistance,
aid to the blind, aid to depen
dent children and aid to the
permanently disabled because
the federal funds were not
Cordon said he had put the
.hi.rn to the Wlhte House
and federal security Mency.
He said legislation provid
ing $840,000,000 for public as
alitance arants to states had
been approved by congress
and sent to the White House
for President Eisenhower's
signature. y.
Junk Dealer Accused
i Los Angeles (fl A retired
Junk dealer is In jail today ac
cused of murdering his sister-in-law
and hiring a man to
murder his wife of four months
so he could acauire the' worn-
en'$180,000 property.
Arrested yesterday ana
booked on suspicion of murder
and suspicion of soliciting the
commission of a murder is
Francisco Marlani, 42, of near
by Pasadena, ji;';'--
Coon Would Lei Ore.
Lf. Bring Back Chi
Washington fllB--Rep. Sam
Coon (R., Ore.) has Introduc
ed a bill In the house to help
a Baker, Ore., couple to bring
their part-Japanese adopted
child back to the United
States. ;
The bill provides that for
purposes of the immigration
and neutrality act, the little
girl would be considered the
"natural-born alien child" of
Lt. and Mn. Andrew J. Dick
lson.. The bill is a companion
of V measure Introduced In
the senate by Sen. Wayne
Th flair nffliw WSJ
scheduled to return from duty
Thursday, March M, 1958
i. Tnn hut obtained an SX-
u wmym
i i ,tiiHr hMMiiue he was
unwilling to leave the child.
His tour of duty Is up In July,
and Oregon lawmakers hope ;
for fast action on the bill so
the family can return home.
Hildebrand to Head
Academy ol Doctors
St. Louis UJB Dr. William
B. Hildebrand of Menasha, f
Wis., was 'named president
elect of the American Academy
of General Practice last night, j
He will succeed Dr. U. R. j
Bryner of Salt Lake City, as
president oi the family doctors ;
group next year. Bryner will .
assume the presidency tonight (
at the convention's annual din- ,
fa 9i
N O W !
or xadier
These are only a sample of the
lovely Easter fashion values to
; be found at Kays! Come in to
day and save!
Specially priced for your Eas
ter wearing enjoyment
Values to $49.00
Other Oreupt Slightly Higher
ool JAf
In Very Smart md Up-ro-the-Minute Fashions
TIL 9 P. M.
in. v if ii ni iaii
DcsrsxTm ron woxa jn
u liny bvtwi ui
ackip tm
Charming Costume Jewelry
Lovely New Earrings
Smatt, dainty, flat
terinf . Screw type
and for pierced ears.
Fancy stones. , Un
usual designs.
Ladies' Rayon Panties
Special Boy
Values to 69c
Small, Med., Large
-J I
solt, twuir
bumlM .
raining, tou
mxa rtrlti.
AatorttS pi-'
Ul solort. .
Wen aiadc,
Now for Summer
Ladies' Hankies
Assorted prints and
olid colon. Scallop- ,
ed edses, emboMcd '
effects. Erery pos
sible eolor. -
Hungry Bunny . . . 49c
Danble plastic. BabUt with earrat
Roly Poly Bunny . . 49c
Weighted botton, Soft, cuddly, rastel colon.
Chocokta Covered
: Marshmallow
Ego Crates
men, , fan maranmallaw
center covered in rich,
pare chocolate. Packed In DM.
en carton, Dos. errs for r,
X9c. W
Marshmallow Choc. Cov. Eggs, Ig. aa. 5 C
Marshmallow Turkey Eggs,
Bulk, lb. 35c
Reg. 1.19, 8-piece
Crystal Snack Set
Perfect for snacks
and parties. Includes
4 plates and 4 cops
to -nateh. Crystal
per for stoffinf baskets. Kg,
ana- '.
1? (0 I tnmvdfi&te
I iiiw liuuniv IS VMM V SS IIIISTIWil'WI
SrVl l . ., . I 1 V'T SB KM B Y B S I B -. J M ' .
IW ! an If 11 IXMFl "aorwq pnnis mm d , r 1. II MM I 1H d'l I
Q7 I Ml I"! Adorable tittle frocks for the
V M I W I miss of 1 to and 4 to Sz. J
M m X . Bk; lM Colorful prints and soft pas- rv M
mmgmfgf ' X W f tel solid tones. Choose from
sju . v ' auiiioa tuque, imtnuiciuui, uu-
, N ! Wj velty embroidered cotton, FVy '-
1 ' ' I polished broadcloth, shadow pX
giSaTSWaawssaasnggji i sheen cheeks, etc, etc. -r i
mtWkMBkj Kvery new wanted style.
S " W Real Tames ...
f7l Tennis Racket
Is 7 VLAMh . - 15-lh nunlatur; ton- I
Jinn I " -V 1 "e J,,. ka I
If ' - , 1 ed STass. Completely J Jf '
'I ..J : TjkS.A . 1 m. eellophwe. I
rrn Easter fstsr 'r i
aaaafjfflCESZ!I!Zj IU : . VvanluulT llkca delielans I Bis?aiasfsi?sisWBWBiiiiiiiSBsl
7 . rnllM- fJP I $198 I
sortment of colors. Each egg I M 1 I larltles SS not affect l I
highly polished with a I T f I wearing. Ton save at
' tender Jelly wx- 1 1 AfL I BiiiMiiiMBHMHMBiiM I
r: V; -T. " VV I sBa,Yc;i3h $198 1
Anniv.r$bry Specials! I .... '.- 1 I
1 I Sauea ran wCavar Double toiler CftllO
I!ffK ' Cl olAVan" IV'
bT -11: nllllj ValMfl.49 KACH
e! ?$jSSm
I 136 N. Commercial
Cemplete assortment ef conventional and
noreity cards. Large assortments. -
aster Napkins . . . Eahter Table Cloths
Easter Candles . . . Easter Novelties
Open Friday Nite Till 9 P.M.