Thmflay, March 18, 1953 tct IX i It fflBlV " ""T "i mimiMM rr ri m ....LL men's Pilgrim shirts with the famous Formease collar Mt erer wu own patterna 'tl UaeCredit 1 J J f f I In $10, 115, 120, J 11 I l -jl I P denominations, i. if like earn In any V 1 1 2.98 Compared in our own laboratory for quality, try! and value. A proven btit buy at this low Sear price. All slut. BfcopMie tlrww Jh ffti9 f leefclng gases lv)to)S90jre. weiHlerlane'el Easter Fasliion J with versatile color combinations and styles to suit a man's taste ... . Comt to Stan if you're the type. . ; who takes pride In your personal . appearance ytt hove a budget to consider. Take your pick of crisp Pilgrim shirts, "tall-look" neckwear and many other things a man needs to herald In the new spring season! " VL Vtarea y lj r i JTfc. y.;.;'' ' I resistant finish! , I y.l v I - Frffferrify Prep I Jfi dCSy VI I $port ceils ; ;;U . 'tVm ' I J ifw V I It's ton faahloa... k l 1 . 1, 1 : '-"V-'' ' train good taet.. IT 1 ' S 1? IV andeenetblyprleedl 1 I - 1 X ' Rayon and cotton box 11 ' I ". X; check patterns In blue . I I 1A t'X r&TOo. I I Smart Hat Trick specially if it's a Pilgrim , "embassador" 10.00 There's poise, character in the lines of this famous hat . . . distinction In Its mellow "sable finish fur felt. In grays, tans and . fer&J blues. Innerband conforms to the tf5KS contours of the head... means ' !. it r miracle all' -rayon flannel cresss . resistant dress trousers .Tailored with a breathe-, eaiy continuous waiit band and pleated front 3 In tray and tan. Blies Z9-I1. 4.90 wrinkles bounce out, smoothness locked in, Wrinkl-Shed Pilgrim sport shirts wear and wear . 2.98 It's different! Dirt can't penetrate the fibres tildes right out In suds. In sport denimi, cotton lingnams All sixes. iW-wi mil. li.i-IZ n . S3;:: ' Boys' Corduroy Sport Coats 8.50 ' 'Traternlty Prep" younf -eaan tailorinc In plnwale ' eorduroy. Maroon, green, admiral blue or finger. SlseelOtelS. Pilgrlnj rayon . Sport Shirts Treated with X-2 . Ctieose Hie new "tell-look" Neckwear for Spring - . . famous Pilgrim brand to Sm Kandtome sereen printed dobbyi, euards, foulards end woven repp stripes. ; - In an array of Spring colors. Excellent knotting and draping equality. 4.70 nradamark of Dan Wrar lOUe, me., for Tcxttli Treattof Chen- N laanderinc mcrlw absa hrteir BMhliw wuhaH Smut hand-aiekMI rimiiii widwpnad apart ullar Permanently color fiat aal , wrinkle mutant Mora than twice the aeraul fabric life with X-f Formeue Hned eelUr ehraa r Tom permantnt fold S-button diamond pointed cuffs ore adJuiUM Graduated aloere lenfthi tmt like dreoa ihlrta Mm'i Argyle Socks 89c Wuttfaji, lookad-ln pat ttrna, will not nraL'Suea 10. 13 and IS. Cotton Plisse Shirts Terrycloth Shirts 'Boys' Dress Shirts aaforuea waauan a, g Broadcloth, 1 CO mimMm .... I.Oy , 0, 9, 10. . . " Slue i 1 . . . u . . I, bnllU twmf OM .JiWhlti. toft ptey-Sra with uaorted Bnu. mUn, Uc topped Max. ahrlnk, 1. blue, (Teen, red trims. PLENTY FREE PARKING We eomfy and ouual Blses 6-11 eombed eotton alack aoeka. 29c iS-, 1.49 Oool, need no Ircninc. Ban. forlaed. eoiora, S-M-L. Men's Sport Shirts 1.98 Oay-ai-a-party prlnta and oolors in Tavoyed, pre ahrunk eotton pilaaa. SVU- Dress them In the smartest Boyvlile Jr. Sport twosomes ... In time for Easter. Mi' aaart bolo .t Mra H-ob bo Mi, 49c Mm tun bt eaaforUoa ottos kroMklotb onirt 1.9S Woshfast Socks Mykm Reinforced Heels, Toes Washable Rayon Trousers 2.98 Boyville Jr. all rayon pants. Elastic waist inserts, continuous waistband. 4-10. Crease resistant. Bom' all wool Mt tt.T JT raai baL toatr kond I 1.70 VStZW WJ ; l-l l7 10 93 A. Contr atting rayon gabardine peate with sport eeata. 1A CjC Creaee reetrtant puss. 4-11. 1 Vl7' . t pair ef pants with this rayear and aeetate salt., ' C 99 9. M weel II rayon aatks, Oreeae taatttant pante J IT Store Hours: Si".' 550 N; Capitol, Salem - Phone 39191 i . 1. :V U an r !:: tw e re till: i i .f ft IIs !! v. I f ( i ; , e.-J' ,( r; ('; .'v.' t...-.1- t. trt- -,,!