it THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salaa. Orafon inureuny, Columbia Has Enough Hatcheries, Day States 'Wublnfton The lowtr Columbia river has juft about reached tha aaturatlon point In hatchery construction, in tha opinion of Dr. Albert M. Day, director of tha U.S. fish and wildlife aervlce. ; Day expressed this view in the course of a discussion with Clark Lauds French Job in Indo-China By PHIL NEWSOM f ' (United Tna rortltn AiMnt) United Nation Far Eaiiern commander Gen. Mark Clark came away from c visit to Indo China the other day enthusias tic over the "magnificent" job the French have been doing in building up their native forces. He said he would recom mend that the United States help equip 80 or more batttil ions of Vietnamese. It is more than a passing pos sibility that Clark's Indo-Chinese visit had something to do with the forthcoming Washing ton conferences among French Premier Rene Mayer and For eign Minister Georges Bldault and President Eisenhower ana Secretary of State Dulles. We now are pouring some $300,000,000 a year into th. Indo - China antl Communist fiaht. with the possibility that the amount will increase rather than decrease. It may be assumed that both -President Elsenhower and Dul les will be interested in Clark's opinion. ;i'-';;." - , 1 I'. I I '' ! .' " 1 , ' Rep. Jensen (R., Iowa), chair man of a house appropria tlons subcommittee, about tha possibility ct transporting hatchery-raised salmon to . a spot below Columbia river dams. Day was before tha committee in quest of a 1260,' 000. appropriation for salmon research. Day said Jensen's idea was possible with fish raised in hatcheries in the vicinity of Bonneville dam, but that the death rata among flngerllngs would be too great if trans ported from hatenerlea farth er away. There are hatcheries on virtually every stream having suitable water in . the lower portion of the - Columbia river," Day said. - a "There is no more suitable water for this purpose and I am sure that it would be eco nomically unwise to attempt to raise fish in hatcheries to liberate and try to maintain tha fishery, which ia worth at present 10 million dollars year." OIL MAN DIES i) Ike and Bob Talk Shop During Reception Lulls Washington U.-, President and Mrs. Eisenhower were entertained last night by Sen and Mrs. Robert A. Taft. It was one of the social events of the season. But the two hus bands couldn't resist talking shop. . DUCBJKINATION BIT Tampa, fla. ) Charging discrimination in pay "solely because of race and color," 11 registered nurses of Tampa's Negro Municipal hospital have filed a civil rights suit against Msyor Curtis Hixon and the Board of City . Representatives councilman. n budget scale for white nurses is S8.20-8.68 a day com pared to $7.60 for Negro nurses. I i Day and Night ... at any time . . . in any weather, you can depend upon ear prescription service to give you the utmost in professional perfection . . . And here are soma good reasons why yea can de pend on na Day or Night. Experienced Fharmsclsts handle your prescription. Ten get aha finest drags available. We put yenr prescription, first la im ports nca. ' CAPITAL DOTS STORE 405SMtsrajre1Uir1r ; We Giva JWf Oraen Stamps James A. Moffett, first ad ministrator of Federal Hous ing Administration, who died Wednesday,;. ; First Head of FHA Passes New York () James A Moffett. 66. executive of oil companies and the first federal housing administrator, died Wednesday after a long illness. He died at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Barker, where he had lived recently. Moffett was chairman of the board of the California-Texas Oil Company from 1936 until 1843. Among his other oil son? nections was the post of senior vice-president and operating bead of the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. In 1834 and 1838 ha was federal housing administrator and, after resign ing, he returned to tha oil busi ness. ' : :;..,.'':. Moffett was a friend of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt and for' several years acted as an unofficial ad viser to Roosevelt on Far East ern affairs. . . Industry-Wide Strikes Attacked Washington W) The Nation al Association of Manufactur ers asked congress today to outr law industry-wide strikes and to atop forcing employers to negotiate health and welfare plans with unions. George w. Armstrong, Jr., president of the Texas- Steel company ana cnairman oi xne NAM'S Industrial Relations Committee, said in a statement prepared for the Senate Labor Committee, which is consider ing proposed amendments to the Taft-Hartley Act: "Compulsory bargaining over employe benefit plans can im pose an Intolerable burden on the collective bargaining proc ess, threaten its effectiveness, magnify the problems of con tract administration, and open up addition areas of labor-man' agement conflict." -r t I 405 JW Crw a( Uterfr I II rates a private jail . que L T1 , , : ; i i ' n I Fravel looked today for a "pri- I I I vat. Jail" for Lowell Walton. J I Vi Walton, a prisoner, has the j: -. . :, , .... 1 mumps. ., ... L.,,. $1199 WloHhi... 1 Slim. .4 . rrrow... HUa.S.95) m.dium. m " i. 1 Powder Hue ' V X -- whwcif C "N. kSuti. 1 'u, . "Johnny Belindo" . The perennial favorite of our J ; entire generation , . from a i famous maker . . . comes this aW glove soft Ballerina that M moulds to yonr foot . . . "like i. , , , , , . F ,!', th. akin ef a sausage" . .. AfJ IW ' ' Hand-flexed aoles ... pegged " mWmxtm JJf flat-tie heel . , , no gaping ... jsaV" 11 W i : Bo slipping . . . these lltUe I 11 II H dtV I shoe. . . . BJEALLT FIT . . . JT lii If II , Citizens Voice Zone Protests John Fallen, 1140 South 15th street, asked members of the city planning and zon ing commission Wednesday night If protests by residents against the proposed new zon ing code would really be con sidered, or if "we are just waiting our time." Robert T. Stanley, chairman of the commission's subcom mittee on rezonlng, answered: "Not an objection hss been made here tonight that we haven't -' heard before, and thought about In drawing up this tentative plan. Your ob jections snd petitions .will be considered." ,- He added that residents would still have opportunity for further hearing before the commission and before the city council, which has the final word, before any definite ac tion is taken toward adopting the new code. . The subcommittee met in ah informal hearins Wednesday night, with a large group of southeast Salem residents at Richmond school. It was one of a series of seciional bear ings, the first of which was held a week ago in West Sa lem, The next will be next Wednesday night ' at Leslie Junior high school. Most of the objections were against encroach ment of business and industry into residential districts. Among them C. H, Holcomb presented a petition . from property owners in a new res idential section south of Ox ford street and east of South 22nd opposing making the area available to heavy In dustry. ; - .'; . '. Coupe Rams Truck, 2 Teen-agers Killed Portland w.R) Two teen- aged brothers were killed and three other persons injured here late yesterday when the teen-agers' coupe slid broad side into a truck. , ; ! . Dead are the) driver, Donald Norman Harvey, 18, of Port land, and his .brother, Jay El don Harvey, 16. , : Earl Austin. Bryen, 64. of Portland, driver of the truck, and his passenger, David Sitz man, 47, of Portland, were re covering today at Providence hospital her.. ' Attendants de scribed the condition of both as critical. - ; Th. Taf ts invited almost 280 guests to their big brick Victorian home in fashionsble Georgetown for a 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. reception in honor of Mrs. Elsenhower. Mr. Eisenhower, who aDDar- ently didn't want to ateal th. spotlight from his wife, wait ed until 6:80 p.m. to dron in. It was the first time either couple had entertained , the other socially, although the Tafts and Eisenhowers have attended the same functions seversl times - before. They knew each other only slightly before the bitter Taft-Eisen- hower fight for the republican presidential nomination last summer, . , Whatever rancor that flsrht niay have raised certainly was not in evidence last night. xne two couples ehatted al most constantly between handshakes with arriving guests. But, despite Mrs. Els enhower's expressed dislike for "shoptalk," the conversa tion was almost entirely be tween the two husband on the one hand and ' the two wives, on the other. Jaycees Active AtSilverton Sllverton At the Tuesday evening program of the Junior Chamber of Commerce meet ing, Bob Sites presided. Jim Jones arranged the ini tiatory ceremonial program for th. induction of Dick Beesley into membership. ' With Bill Duncan as pro gram chairman, Rholin Cooley showed colored travel films and told of 'the recent visit to the West Indies, South America and Mexico. Under project reports, Olaf Paulson announced a "Come to Church" plan for the month ot April, ine-saie oi oumper Scotch Lite is to be emphasized prior to the Salem- Silverton baseball game, April iv. Bob Edgerton, ; under the them, of "Toy Hi Lites," an nounced that Nu Method clean ers would serve as collection agency for all tops, a phone call to 741 will bring them to your door to pick up used toys for the esrly Christmas mending program. " The members voted to act as directing guests fpr a trip to Silver Creek State park for a vjew of the falls and grounds, for delegates and their wives attending tha state convention, and tq serve a picnic dinner there, May 24. i Jim Nelson ia pubUclty chairman for the junior forum. ADLAI BEACHES MANILA Manila U.R) Adlal Steven son leader of the Democratic party, arrived in Manila today for a three day visit to tht Philippines. Sevenson f 1 w here from Hong Kong. fRK SWING FESTIYAL TICKETS! , SPECIAL PURCHASE BOY'S ZEPHYER CALSHEEN SOME REVERSIBLE CHECKS Rayon Lined 6reen, Navy, Brown Special for This Event " ww ISII0PS NTT wi. 10) (45 N. IIKOTY REFLECTION - 4ft, m an . svi 1 1 VNNTI WTCKOfn Road tckUd StatLury is our latest offering m fine ' writing papers. Cemt l mi St Qm Widt Antrlmtnlt Boxes for gills as well a for yvn awn person al correspond ence for seen as well r$i79 si.2.S0 Yoa may have year choice of an attractive monogram or your name and address printed right on the sheets aatd coveJofws. A choice, too, of several aMhwent aian aod shades of peper and envelope strict. SPECIAL DURING DOWNTOWN FESTIVAL 14 Sheets and 50 Envelopes Handspun Fabric, t Colors Rer. IIS.50 for $1.70 Imprinted with your name and address on both sheets and envelopes, Regularly f 3.75, now 01.7I Edward Williams Home of Hallmark Cards 130 COURT STRUT He, os? Tftra taftafry -f red Maytr CcWy awef Variety SWirleat i 1 4 Sumrise Easter Gifts For the Kiddies at Fred Meyer tat Assortment Lowor Prlcos 4 V4 if,-' V " ' " 1 1 Slumber Bunny lovablt t Soft Cuddly Old Fothlonad Picture Easter Egg 35d5? Old-fashioned treat of crystallized sugar with Easter scenes' inside. More than candy . . . also a keepsake! Cmdy Stctieni Cute plush bunny that sleeps all the time. Avail- ' able in vivid colors that stay briaht. Noisemaker in tail squeaks realistically. A cute, cuddly playtime toy for any little tyke. Vmitty Stctiom ; 2M '"TP Candy FHUeJ Plastic Toys Assorted toys filed with templing; sweats CaWtrfy Stcttons o lis i 1 Star -1 I 1 i'.. Attortad Plush' Easter Toys OO $0.98 7 to Mm Reckwoed Chocolate Rebbit 39275 Pure milk chocolate . . . individually gift boxed. Cmt&y 5ecrieiu Lovable Kttia Bunny Rabbits of cuddly plush, in an assortment' of springtime colors. The kid dies will adore these charming Sttle playmates. Vmritty Stctiom Easter Baskets trimming over with toys, Easter eggs and novelties. Baskets to capture the hearts of little folks and arouse their gleeful shouts. : ; t .( Fill Your Own Easter Baskets 10V69 A vivid assortment of fiH-your-own baskets to brighten your Easter. ,. it ' ' Vmitty Stttimu : Jolly Easter Eggs L 2 2 55 Easter Table Cover, 29 Easter Dinner Napkins, 17 Easter Plates, 17 Easter Hot Cups, 19. Easter Crepe Paper, 15 Easter Crepe Streamers, 15 Easter Grass, 10 , Ptss Egg Decorating KHs 25 and 39 Assorted Plastic Easter Toys 10, 25 & 39 Vm'nty Stctitnt Novelty Easter Candles 10 Assortment f An gels, Bunnies, Eggs. Vmitty StelioM Decorated Chocolate Marshmalkw Easter Egtjs Individually 1At boxed. IU ' Cindy StttUu Pkutlc Singing Bird A gay; bright toy t h a t $ i n g i 98" Vmitty Sttliom imn ij mm m a Ma a mm f f UCaf f'ffaWy&l MJtUU rat iHiirir avnii m - mg v 148 N. LIBERTY Irack FoJkWropptd Easter Creme Es 6 to package. Fruit Qfi and nut. cocoanut. M. in ..J i jfj ' y o"o mapio cremes. .mmi ittcnmu