Wednesday, March SB, 158 102 Year Old Bachelor To Give Bride Away oeuuuni, nun, vnVilw a pretty girl 77 years his junior . on bli arm, Charlei W. Thlery, 102-year-old bachelor, will walk down a church middle aiile In a wedding ceremony Saturday. . The girl ii hli grandnlece, Miss Joan Batchelder, and he will give her away in mar riage at the Harvard-Epworth church, Cambridge. - The girl's mother is widow ed and her three brother! are away in the armed force, 10 Thlery will do the honow. APRIL t BATAAN DAT Manila W) Freaident Elpl dlo Quirlno hai proclaimed Ap ril 9 BaUan Day in commem oration of the heroic defense of Bataan by American and Fi lipino forces In World War II. CompUt novel In ; fh April Journal, MaeKINLAY KANTOR Bore's a brilliant sequel ss tur bulent and tender u Kantor'a tint immortal story of hill folk and their dot. It's eompltte in the April Ladies' Home Journal. TheDiiigliter oiBudeMa in for Easter! Qacony suits with the wonderful rib knit waistband at a piggy-banker price Tha word it getting o round. The bunnies art whispering it and the birdlings are chirping it. The smartest little Easter-parading suit in town is here! Carefully tailored by Sacony, it's In tiny-check, rayon 'gabardine and has the famous elasticized Sacony waistband that makes self-dressing so easy. See it, in red, navy and brown. Sizes 3-6x, 1 0.95; 7-141 2.95 He can icirlaa Mm saw, yon can be sued by somaone who suffers ,' Injury or has property damaged through some fault or . carelessness on the part of you or your-family. The coat might easily be your life aavinff, perhaps even your home. m.-. lw Jmna AiwwnM Mali th k-inil aftiroad liberal insurance offend by Alletate's Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy. For leas than three cents a day, it gives n vnnr fumilv 110.000 in nrotection as ainet literally nunareas 01 everyaay icaaraw. Letthesama Allstate agent who handles America a . hrtifr naiuM auto insurance give you the 'm cginpivw taut. You'll see why vou're in food hands with Allstate, the insurance company founded by clears, Roebuck . and Co. . 22 You're h 0x) Hoedi wl fame by Seats, iMMtyrraHOlM . PX a j . f"l h mm rt ir 1 a fm R. H. ALDERIN and R. A. PARKS 550NO. UPnMST. PH. 3-9191 Increase Cost The Dalles Dam Washington t Tfc. Public Works Committee ap- provea a bill Tuesday to in- creaae oy a muuon dollars the cost limit on Tha n.ll. ru and other federal works pro ject in tne Pacific Northwest. Involved In addition to The Dalles nroiect on tha fnlnmHI. River are Detroit Reservoir. Lookout Point Reservoir and bank protective work on the Willamette River In Oregon. ' Congress to data has author ized construction totaling 1192.800.000 on then imll. but appropriations have total ed jhi,b7,1U0 leaving only aoroxlmatelv 10 mlllinn dot. lars against which appropria tions may be made. . For The Dalles dam alone, however, former President Truman asked in his final bud get for. 188,400,00 In the IS months beginning this July. Reps. Mack (R-Wash.) and An 1 til (R-Ora.l authnriud similar bills to increase the authorizations. 1 IS CASUALTIES TOLD . ' Washington OR The De fense Department Wednesday identified 18 Korean War cas ualties in a new list No. 778 that included three killed, eight wounded, one missing and one injured. Cherry City Electric lit Chemeketa Meae 34763 KLaCTIK LRIATlfL fUMliti 10.95 yoo! leeks m Ceaajaay A 41 e?v i i i Ksa- wJ? 14 r. .- v MM 1 t;- PLOTTING REVOLT .. -i null rV-.i. Apostol Taanefi, a former mathematics teacher who boasts the support of 80,000 guerrillas, Is reported to be plotting revolution against Moscow directed commun ist government of Albania. Taanefi, an Albanian com' muniit by spirit and training, is said to be - making his plana from crude peasant home In Yugoslavia. (AP Wirephoto.) Oregon Population I Up 4.8 Since 195t Washington', tfl The Census Bureau said Tuesday that SB states and the District of Co lumbia have increased their populations, nine states have lost population and one state remained virtually unchanged. Of tha four main geographi cal regions of the country, the West, with a gain of 6.8 per cent,, ran ahead of the S.4 per cent average national popula tion increase in the 27 month period, i . , The bureau gave these de tails: " California had the largest population Increase from April 1, 1930 to July It 1952808, 000. Other states with large numberical increases Included Texas, 477,000; New York, 848 000; Michigan, 337,000 and Florida, . 320,000. Arizona, Nevada and Florida led In per centage . increases, - each gain ing over 10 per cent. , : - . Six- of the nine states that lost population were in the South, two in the Northeast and one in the North Central region. The states were Ala bama, 'Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, . Tennessee, West Virginia, Maine, Vermont and North Dakota. ;. : , : The states, and their percen tage of change from April 1, 1060 to July 1, 1952 included: Pacific Washington 3.7; Oregon 4,8; California 7.6. Atomic Guinea Pig No Longer Fears If By ROBERT BENNYHOFF . Las Vegas (UJD One of nine human "guinea pigs" who vol unteered to crouch in a trench only 2,500 yards from the cen ter of an atom explosion said today he now knows "I could lead men in battle In the face of an atomic blast." : His eight comrades, officers from all branches of the armed services, agreed it would be safe to go even closer In future detonations. " Troops Conld Attack They qualified their collect ive opinion, however, by add ing that they- meant they would have to be properly pro tected in a trench or foxhole. The volunteers gained the distinction of having been clos er to an atomic blast than any human being since A-bombs were dropped on Nagasaki in" 1948. . brndtCBCOLDt So smooth it lesWyou breathless " VODKA Wjwoof Med fromlOO rn ntutnl splflftv W. Pierre wnirnon n. irH.,neruoi.-wti. mm Smirnoff THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Um, OrafM Alcoa Process Heats. Ingots Pittsburgh' 11 The Alum inum Company of. America aald Monday it has succeeded in using ordinary household power to beat a giant alumi num ingot to working temper atures is tunes faster wan could be done in a conven tional furnace. Alcoa has been searching for 10 years for better ways to heat metal. Donald L. Bonn, chief electrical engineer, said the new technique of 60-cycle induction heatisg will greatly aid the production of big air craft aluminum forgings and extrusions. -.:' Heating a 7,700 pound Ingot to 700 degrees for further processing usually requires 11 hours. Alcoa ssys It now does it in BO minutes with the new method. It's done by placing the ingot In a specially de signed electrical coll. As elec trical current flows through the coll, it Induces heavy current in the metal. That heats the metal. 4TH CENTURY CHURCH Haifa, Israel (ff) A Chicago university archaeological mis sion has unearthed a Fourth Century church and made oth er important finds at Belt Yer ah near. Lake Galilee, it was reported here Tuesday. . k -REAL MF A $2295 QUILTED SATIN 100 WOOL COMFORTER WITH CHOOSE FROM FAMOUS NAMES IN BEDDING: Open Fridays 'til 9 P.M. NeverRecc:cil:df3 Edward's Marriage ' London t)JB Queen Mary died unreconciled to the mar riage for which her eldest eon, the Duke of Windsor, gave op the British throne. It was the more than any other individual who kept the Duke and Duchess in their eelf lmpoeed! semi -exile from Britain- :-j : : ,.; ' There was bo Immediate in dication whether her death would permit the couple to re turn .to make. a home in the British Isles eventually. Through the Influence of Queen Mary the Royal family refused to grant to the Duchess of Windsor recognition as her Royal Highness after her mar riage to the Duke in 1837. The American divorcee nev Ii Bh ANNUAL '-' ; f SCHOOL MILK FUND SHOW Sponsored by Cannery Leeal No. 171 'V MARCH ?5 f.M. ' ; ' ' ' . . USUI M. HIGH SCHOOL ; V,?- , i WM(--CkUrM Mtr 12) 2Sc AMti 75c -' AU Freeeeda to Go far Milk for Needy CbUdren ' ; ; EVERY f.UHRESS AND BOX SPRING COMBINATION THESE Simmons Sealy Rest Well er was received at court after the marriage nor was aha ad mitted to Royal social circles. Although the Duke visited his mother from time to time, Queen Mary never received the Duchess. And this was be lieved largely responsible for the fact that no other member of the Royal family did, The former walils Warfleld Simpson usually remained in France or the United States when her husband came to Bri tain. She stayed in New York when the Duke went to the bedside of his mother two weeka ago. ,. A cable from the Duke in formed the duchess ei Queen Mary's . dea. -:.; Zo'Ketps Keal.and Cliir ITCHY SKIN RASH! Tint appUeadoos of Zamo doctor's aauantte promptly nUave ItehlBf of surface aUa and scalp Inttatioiia. Zen etepa acratshuif and ao alda laatar haaV lac and claarins of Irritated aUnl . i . I VV mm A $39.50 INNER5PRIKG MATTRESS A $39.50 MATCHING I0X SPtflKS A $22.95 100 WOOL COMFORTER $ 10195 Kingfisher 70MiltWind.Uproott Trees in Bend Areo Basel vDTreee were Bp rooted and ranch outbuildings collapsed Tuesday by 70- mile-an-howr windi - which struck the 'Bend area. A the storm moved east ward, the wind subsided but picked up quantity of dust During the height ei the storm In the Friaeville area, visibil ity was cut to only a few feet several atreet eigns . were knocked down and there was other minor damage 1 there from 10-mlle-an-hour wind. The brief blow ended abruptly and was followed by suiuuune. MODERN GLASSES FOR VISION AND FLATTERY Look batter ... see better with modern eyeglasses that flatter, while they give you perfect vision. Come In now and let us check your eyes scientifically. We never prescribe glasses unlets you need them. USE YOUR CREDIT Optomtrhis AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory - ooawu uth at onmn -; , - . OUL3-MM - . Dr. Sam Hag has mm.- -mm Herds What Ynn Rt fAr ' WW! IWI ' AS LOW a e YOU SAVE $S2W r tlrlklngly relleveJ b 3-SOBaaf eases bideeten'leais roUTe mlsarahta from the "h4 flaahaa. and aocanpanyine Irrltabia, sfttj eeeitrM .f 'idwnm m Hf" you saay be suffering unneoessarflyl ' ror...hs tests by doctors. j.Lydl Plnkham's Compound and Tmblrta brouchtrellet from such functionally- eauaad suHering to t3 and tO (re- spseUrely) of the women tostedl Complete or ttrikhtf reiutt Twl lUaauch baa prorad thaai aua lautaa SaorevalUy modr in action . . . -aaa ataowa ou wntre to look lot nUat tnm tbcai dlatrawlos. ncnoua, "out of aorta" foalloss ot mtd-Ule 'ebans"l Lrdla n. WnWiaia'a Vcftttbla Oonpound or nw, Improrad Tablaia, with added iron I ( Wcndirful, too, lor tin nwonoasi lawna oi nminw pnss.j BaaaaaaaM " Ibaafk a mtfl I 1 ormitltMlttmnmjitum Dr. E. E, Boring . tfrTi bk,Vk $34.50 . . e e . $34.50 e e FREE a e . e e 69.00 275. North I Liberty I -i f - in ii- I? en to, x ! f I