1 V Fare 8 TUB CAPITAL JnTTKNATx. sUIcm. OreM ; - J- . - " ' i Wednesday, March 15, IMS damsel in distress! We'll open e charge account for tfie domsel in distress. Who's more unhappy than whom? Was Napoleon sadder on Elba? Was Samson gloomier when he got his hair cut? No. The saddest thing In the world is the lad without a new Easter bonnet . . . or o new suit . v . or a new spring dress.' That's ' real tragedy, man! Trouble is, now is the time the racks ore bulging with whofs new for Spring but NOW probably Isn't the time when your wallet . Is full of money ... so who comes CHARGING to the rescue? Roberts,- of eourse. Open a credit oc count today . .. , it's surprisingly simple . . , will lave you time and it to convenient. take just 60 seconds ; . . fill out this coupon and mail! F 'tux. S4C Court Street, Silent, Oregon ,. -i I I I Name.. , Mr. Mrs. Miss J Address. I I I I I Wife's maiden name. ...... ... . .', . Phone. .............. n Kent. , . Own I How Jong. Employer........... Position... Two food references. I I Bank SilMtlirV ".. T '! ''" '.".! " '. " I DERBY DOPE " ' , . DERBY DOPE NuSMUCMI tOWSMSU sraaaws SHAW mmwm ' notmnww tIx Ji CUTAWAY VsxW Of A I 1 J mmn.'miAua . 'III toim.mHum, ww mum . seACt uu mm won wwr nutmom v mm' mm . mmtm mmrecumM. mwmi: kmiwiiw hwiw Tonight try Eiuild ESne 100 Pure Grape Bottled In California Cafifornt Port Shcrty Muscatel Guild WINE A eut-away view of a typical Soap Box Derby racer ' hows the necessary parts for a strong, safe ear. Derbyiste ' should clip this for reference as they build their bugs for Salem's 1983 Derby. It may be used as a basic design er the chassis pattern may be used around which to build a racer of your own design. Originality in design and con struction is encouraged, but remember, safety is 4 must. -Tor more detailed views of all phases of construction, regis ter now at Douglas McKay Chevrolet company and get your official rule book. , tty 85 45 assart wm ewtw evna. mm, akuraMiia Legion Birthday AtSilverion Silverton Dallas E. Nollsch, vice-commander of the depart ment of Oregon, American Le gion, was state representative, and program speaker for the Delbert Reeves post's observ ance of the 34th Legion birth day anniversary, and honoring the past commanders. Mr. Nollsch stressed closer touch with legislative activities in both congress and state ac tivities; keeping well posted on the veteran's program; favored an increase in veteran aid; and cited a near tragedy to veteran help during the past congres sional period. . , , :' Mrs. .' Nollsch accompanied her husband to Silverton and was honored during the aux iliary business meeting and at the Joint supper hour of the post and unit. Roy Davenport was master of ceremonies. Earl Baker, commander of Delbert Reeves No. 7 post, was official host. Both unit and post members met for the initiatory ceremon ials, directed by the Salem Post, No. 9, team. Seven can. dictates were inducted as Le. glon members. Members of the Salem , team were sergeant - at - arms, Don Apperson; bugler, Mike Castel- lano; chaplain, J. W. Turnbull first vice commander, Paul Gemmell; second vice com mander, John C. Kerrlck; past commander, Al Feiien; and commander, A. M. (Art) John son. . Mrs. Charles Mason, vice president of the unit, presented the candle lighted decorated cake to the commander who cut the cake and served each guest with' the assistance of Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Ralph Francis, im mediate past unit president dee orated the cake. Members of she unit were supper hostesses to the more than 100 guests. RABBIT BREEDERS The Marlon-Polk County Rabbit Breeders Association members will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 38 in May flower hall. , Members will bring senior and Junior Cali fornia does and bucks for the judging contest. ROOSEVELT TO MEDFORD Medford () John Roose velt, eldest son of the late Pre sident Franklin D. Roosevelt, will speak at a Jackson County Democratic dinner here April 14. , Hendrickson Homed Secretary of Alaska Washington () President Elsenhower appointed Waino iri tfandriekson of Juneau Alaska, aa secretary of the territory of Alaska Monday. A White House statement said Hendrlckson's appointment was recommended by Secretary of the Interior McKay. a .... a Juneau. Hen- drickson was born in 1898 and was educated there. . He has served as mayor of Juneau for approximately 10 years. He also has served as a member of the territorial legislature. FOR EARLIER PASTURE! . LOWER FEED COSTS! Apply Norwegian CALCIUM NITRATE ...NOW! Early posture end mere ef H means fewer feW eeeh end more . profit to you. , . . . ' CALCIUM KHTJtATI goes right t went to promote pasture growth in eeld, wet weather! It doesn't need to be converted by soil bacteria; it's in the form your pasture grosses need ; ' and use ... Nitrate! v ' . ' ''.''''. 1 By applying CALCIUM NITRATI now, you'll get the jump on . cold weather ... start your pasture grasses growing right v- away. CALCIUM NITRATE contains 20 water-soluble calcium ... Imp roves sell and leaves no acid residue m your toll. , ''."':'.' Readily available ... Easy to apply! SEE YOUR FERTILIZER DEALER - TODAY. 1L ' OSLO I 3 - vroie? ce-9esi s money f more engine-power! Advanced Lotdmuter engine standard equipment on 5000 and 6000 Series heavy-duty and forward-control models, optional on 4000 Series heavy-duty trucks. more braking power! la 1933, all Chevrolet trucks np to 4000 Series heavy-duty models have Torque-Action" brakea. Series 4000 and above use extra- large Torque-Action" brakea in front, Twin-Action" type in rear. more staying power! Now, heavier, stronter. more du rable frames increase rigidity, add to ruggedness and give more sumioa than ever to all 1953 Chevrolet trucks. more economy! The new stamina of Chevrolet tracks, plus extra gasoline econ omy in heavy-duty modeli with Improved Loadmaster engine, re duce hauling costs per ton-mile. rl i a II t '.'m khi emvaoip Ttuejn as i (ContixmtioH mtndtri tqidrmnt tnd trim Ulutlrtlti U iirxndint en tvilMUtt e mutrlak) DOUGLAS f.lcKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 No. Commercial St, Salem, Ore. e're as as a cat with kittens Uf net puityfoot, friendi. Left admit It Vhen you're handling big things like freight trains, hauling as we do 88 million torn a year of every thing from steel, lumber, and perishables to crock ery and Christmas tree ornaments, you'll now and then bust a thing or two. But, Met) cat with kittens, Southern Pacific is treating your goods with a lot of tender care. Sta titic$$how that we'vtrtduced Lot & Damage by mart than one third in the pott thee yean. '. And, sine) ovary parson in the United States (whether shipper, consignee, or you, the consum er) eats, wears, or uses goods carried over our lines, we've thus been doing a better job for you. Va i f 1,'cr z causosni pjSJo T2l asizona rT'',' WW MIXICO S J i IQUISIANA i i s Ta A f i i i ii'i i aim mMWMsI How did wo do HT Yfe have a Scent Weapon, ' It isn't that clever little device that records rough handling, the Impact Register, though we we a lot of these. It's not Stop-Watch Timing or Three Way Ride Recorders, though these too are S.P. weapons. It's not the fact that our Packaging and Loading experts are ready to help and advise every shipper, though they are. It's not even the thou . sands of on-the-job Careful Car Handling meet ings, or the motion pictures, visual aids, and other ; means of training employees old and new, used by our Freight Protection Experts No, our secret weapon is simply the spirit of S.P. people, the way they've taken hold with these scientific methods and devices for Careful Freight Handling. From train and engine crews, yardmen, ' agents, Clerks, car inspectors, and handlers all the way to phone girls and "top brass," it's a team of 95,000 men and women devoted to better service for our S.P. territory, and thus for all Americans wherever they are, from Maine to Korea. , . flililit wins Pacvic Company, D. J. Rusaau, fruident, San Francisco Vit :