Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 25, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, March 15,
Club Against
Closing Fire
The Salem Business and Pro
fessional Women's club hit
gone on record a opposing
elimination of the city fire sta
tionj in, north and aouth Salem,
a plan discussed earlier thli
week In the city budget com
mittee. The club voiced ita di.
approval of the propoaal at a
meeting Tuesday evening.
"On Returning to Oregon"
was the title of the talk given
by Bernard Mainwarlng, editor
and publisher of the Capital
Journal, at the meeting.
Piano selections were played
by Miss Rebecca Hong of Wil
lamette univeniity. Guests in
cluded Miss Marlyn Ludlow,
Mrs. Jack Snow, Mrs. Marion
Roe, Mrs. Anna Loewen, Mrs.
Helen Staley, and from Alba
ny, Mrs. Jack Howard, Mrs.
Lee. Warnke, Mrs. Maryan
Howard and Mrs. Kathleen
Emblem ceremonies wilt be
conducted by the Salem group
at the Dallas club meeting
Monday, April 20, and a no
host dinner is planned for April
14 at the Salem Woman's club.
The recreation and hospital
committee will bo in charge of
the event.
' .
Appointive Officers
Named in Auxiliary
Appointive . officers - were
named by Mrs. Dale Brooks,
president-elect, at the Mariop
auxiliary mptin." yMffimm nf
Foreign Wars, Monday night
They are: Secretary, Mrs. Edna
Prince; assistant secretary. Mrs..
David Furlough;' patriotic in
structor, Mrs. Charles Hage
man; historian, Mrs. Ada Kub
lshta; musician, Mrs. Virgil
Bolton; assistant musician, Mrs.
Lloyd Kennedy; color bearers,
Mrs. Bill Kelso, Mrs. Gordon
Bressler, Mrs. Dorothy Michels
and Mrs. James Muckridge:
banner , bearer, Mrs. Douglas
Parkes; and flag bearer, Mrs.
Ralph O'Brien.
Reports were given, finance
byMrs. Mike Becker and mem
bership by Mrs. Dale Brooks,.
Mrs. Dale Mauk, Americanism
chairman, said that. 36 flags
have been given to schools and
Scout troops during the past
year and 45 essays had been
turned in. for judging. . The
theme of the essay contest this
year was "Democracy Is What
You Make It." First prize wiU
be $25.00, second prize, $15.00
and third prize $5.00. Winners
will be announced In' the near
future. A total, of 210 hour
was spent on Americanism
work during the"year C .' ";
Mrs. Genevieve Olson men
tioned that a total of 0,021
hours were spent on community
service projects by the auxil
iary members the past year, the
outstanding project being -the
presentation of the minstrel
show at the state penitentiary,
state tuberculosis ' hospital,
Fairview home and the - vet
erans administration hospital
in Portland. A total of 12,133
hours was spent on rehabilita
tion work the past year accord
ing to Mrs. Charles Hagen.
Mrs. Dorm an Crowe, reported
301 hours given by auxiliary
members to hospital work and
that 2,013 magazines had been
donated to the state hospital.
Mrs. Barney Barnet told of
work with youth groups and
Mrs. Don Stupka told about
candles that were mailed to
Korea. Mrs. C. M. Briggs gave
her yearly president's report.
After the meeting the auxil
iary presented the post with
birthday cake in honor of their
32nd anniversary and a check
uour cliurcli
have tlit
lovefinedA of
Organ ifji
Yes, ot o surprisingly mod
est cost, there is a Baldwin
organ perfectly suited to
your church, regardless of
size. And its inspiring
tones, truly worthy of sac
red worship, will add to
your every service for years
and years to come.
Write or Call for
Complete Information
Telia Engagement Miss
Kathleen Bauer, above,
daughter -of Mr. and Mrs.
George Bauer, has announc-i
ed her engagement to 'Jay
B. Surgeon, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Baer.
, -.! Is Bride-elect Miss Rox
ann Hussey, above, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hussey of Eugene, formerly
of Salem, has announced
her engagement to ( Arnold
Lindstrand, ion of Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Lindstrand of Sa
lem. A late summer wedding
is planned. (Jesten-Miller
studio picture)
Engagement Told
Lebanon Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Grahm announce the en
gagement and . approaching
marriage of their daughter.
Miss Clarita Grahm, to Wil
liam Allen Cartens, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Cartens of Rose-
burg. ' ' :':'')'.
Both Miss Grahm' and her
finance are on the faculty of
the : Sutherlin 1 junior : high
SChobl..-' ":
.The wedding la planned for
eariy summer.
,, i - . : ;''
eners are meeting Thursday.
luncheon to be at 1:80 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Ed Ziellnski.
Mrs. George Beane is to talk to
the group and will demon
strate flower, arrangements. ;
for $287.00 toward the building
of a new stage at the hall.
Joint installation of officers
wiU be April 13 with Mrs. Carl
Oberg, department president,
as installing officer for the
auxiliary. . i
nl f "atn Jf ?
T41 - WAY " SATURDAY , '
' '' I 11 Vwi teautifu! Arroy of Fobricj, ' ; fly
I if 1 11 ty' 'or ' ill
M -Ml lilir $2.95 - $8.95 3u
'r TJ SpecialGroug ef I
I SUITS... f, W
I I A lovely telection of tuirt, beautifully V 1 1- v
I I styled in variety of fabrics and colors j raM
11 Reduced to OD ond HD K lj;m U ff
I oCitlie Jrenck Shop flu
Star Meetina
At Woodburn
Wood burn Degrees were
conferred at the regular meet
ing of Evergreen chapter, No.
41, Order of the Eastern Star,
Monday evening, at the Mas
onic temple. Three petitioners
were elected to membership
and will be initiated April 27.
Invitations were accepted to
visit Trinity chapter at Salem
April 17 and Acacia chapter
t Stayton Apr! 31. -Invitations
to reception tor grand
officers were read from Ionic
chapter at Helix, March 28,
Aloha chspWr at Klamath
Falls, April IS, and Ut Scott
chapter at Portland April 25.
Invitations to golden anni
versaries were read - from
Troutdale chapter at Gresham
April 29 and Bethlehem at
Moro, May
The sum ot $37.11 was vot
ed to the worthy grand mat
ron's project at the Masonic
and Eastern Star home.
Gervai chapter of Gervals
and Ramona chapter of Sil
verton were Invited . to be
guests of Evergreen chapter
for "friendship night" May
11, when Mother's Day will
be observed.
Refreshments committee for ,
April IS wiU be Mrs. Harold
Ticknor, Mrs. Harold Schiel,
Mr. ' and Mrs. Lafe Peterson
and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C.
Beers., The ' decorating com
mittee for April will be Miss
Lnura - B o n n e y and .Mrs.
Arthur Burt. '
Under "good of the order"
members having birthday an
niversaries in : March
and visitors.
Refreshments were served
by Mr. and Mrs. P. L. LaBarr, j
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Mrs.!
Charles Cornwell and Willard
Atwood, featuring two birth
day cakes for the worthy mat
ron and worthy patron Mr.
and Mrs. Gail Wengeroth, who
alto celebrated birthcxy anni
versaries in March. A meeting'
of the social club was held in
the dining room with Harold
Leighty presiding.
A meeting of the. Evergreen
Social club was Monday night
after .the. regular chapter
meeting with Harold Leighty
presiding. Plana were made to
hold a tocial evening Monday,
March 30, at 3 o'clock at the
Masonic temple for all Matont,
Eastern Stai members, fami
lies and friends.
Mr. and . Mrs., Arthur ' M.
Burtj. ' Mr. -and Mrs. ' Lester
Ifenn and Mr. and Mrs. Percy
H. Seely were appointed as
the ' committee in charge.
Those attending are asked to
bring either sandwiches or
cake" - r
Garden Club
. Liberty Mrs. Ray Alderin
entertained the "Wee'weeders"
Garden club on Tuesday after
noon at a dessert luncheon at
her home oa Boone road.
Mrs. A. J. Schalk conducted
the business session and the
group accepted an Invitation
from the Little Garden elub of
Salem Heights to attend a
luncheon on April t, at the
home of Mrs. John Ramage on
Croisan Creek road. It was
announced that the nurserymen
and the garden clubs of the
state would put on a garden
show on April I to 12, at the
Multnomah fair grounds at
On the program each mem
ber answered roll call by tell
ing about her favorite flower.
Others present were Mrs.
Roland Seeger, Mrs. Helen Gra
benhorst, Mrs. John Marr, Mrs.
Wilbert Kurth, Mrs. W. K.
Hughes, Mrs. Robert Norrls,
and Mrs. Louis Kurth. ; Mrs.
Helen Dasch was a guest.
Benefit Party of
Group on Tuesday
High scorers at the benefit
card party given by Chadwick
chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, an Tuesday afternoon
and evening were Mrs. J.
Wharton, Howard Pickett,
Mrs. E, Brown, Albert Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Steinbeck,
Mrs. Vera Savage, Mrs. I
Starke, Mrs. M. Ward, Mrs.
M. Norwood, Herman John'
tton and Everett Holt. .
Mr., . and Mrs. Joseph B.
. C! 11 11 . 1 M
nm. w. ii
chairmen for the event which
attracted nearly 200 . people.
Mrs. - Albert ,C. Gragg was
hostess : for -the . afternoon
period anf Mrs. Charles Fowl
er was committee chairman.
Hostess for the evening was
Mrs. Mem Pearce with Mrs.
Herman Johnston as commit
tee chairman. Mn. C. ' L.
Weber and Mrs, E. Witting as.
isr memoers neipeg wun ine
serving. ; . .-; -
Proceeds from the affair
will go for redecoration of the
Masonic and - Eastern - Star
home at' Forest Grove.
Visit From South s
' Woodburn Mrs. Helen
Guiis, who has been at LosV
Angeles since last November, !
was in Woodburn Saturday to
visit ' her sister, ' Mrs. Maude i
Mochel, ; Mrs. Guis drove )
from Los Angeles, Monday '
of last week to Salem in com
pany with a friend, Mrs. May
Forman of Ft. Worth, Texas,
who stopped at Corvallis.
Mrt. Guitt will tpend, the
next month or more in Salem
atthe home of her son, Dr.
Russell Gulss. She will not
open her home in Woodburn
until later in the spring.
""You Can Keep the'
Handicapped Employed
ly Sending: Clothing, Fur
niture,. Toys, and ail sorts
ef Household Article to
Goodwill Industries
'' Telephone 4-2248
Pleknps on Tuesdays and
Journal Want Ads Pay
Mrs. Morris
Here Thursday
An event for Thursday . af
ternoon will be the Town and
Gown club tea and program
in the First Congregational
church tocial rooms. A large
group is , assisting with ar
rangements. ...
Mrs. Victor P. Morris of Eu
gene is to be the guest speaker.
Mrs. Louise GerUnger is pro
gram chairman.
Mrs. James T. Brand la gen
eral chairman for the tea. Mr.
William L. Phillips, Sr., is ar
ranging the decorations. -
Mrs. Wayne Loder is recep
tion chairman and is being as
sisted by Mrs. R. H. Baldock
and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze. v
Mrs. James B. Young la
chairman for the dining room
and assisting are Mrs. L. O.
Clements, Mrs. Francis Drys
dale, Mr. Vera . Shay, Mrs.
Harry S. Dorman and Mrs.
Richard Rawlinson. ' y
Mrs. A. A. : Schramm and
Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce are to
pour. .-. i . , i '
ENTERTAINING at dinner en
Sunday were Mrs. ' Herman
Bergner , and daughter. Mist
Betty Jean Bergner, the affair
honoring the " birthday anni
versaries . of little Krittine
Carnathan, , Mrs. . Bergnor's
granddaughter, Portland, and
F. H. Weir. . .. -
Attending the dinner were
Krittine and her mother, Mrs,
Frank Carnathan, Jr. of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Weir,
Mrs. Laura : Johnson, Mrs.
Bernice Sulivant. and daugh
ter, Ricky;. Mr. and Mrs. Roy,
Curnnthsn " TV ? PAt
land, Mrs. : Bernice Smith of
'Portland and the hostesses. -
You're looking at
,, '. . ; : , - ; :.. y '; . : .... ;-, ------ ,., .... ,... .,. , J
':. '. ' - ' . ' ii ip i iip ii ii in .iiiii i ii i.- mm- '-f.:
i ' i r piiii.i.1. i . H.1I..I i i ! i i i -i i ! ii i. ii . I.,. .i i i i ii .i ii i i i " r '"' " y''''1"''1'1 " ''
Ever since thtt ribbon of paving outlined it, it hu
been a challenge to motor cars. - (
For mile and mile it winds up the tide of a
mountain; and it has sharp curves, and tteep grades
that spring out of the curve to driver can't get
start. ' - :
' Half-way up, there a watering place put there
so drivers can stop and refill their radiators.
Yes it ha been quite a hill. But not any morel
.' The driver ef the car in the picture above took off
at the base and saiied-right up to the top and never
gave it thought. . ' a'
You see, he' driving a 1953 Cadillac with it '
great high compression 210-horsepower engine
end it vastly improved Hydra-Matte Drive, .
' We heard recently of two men who drove from
Florida to Detroit in 1953 Cadillac.
The driver had made this trip before and as they
left Knoxville he said to hit passengers "Man, are
we going to find hill between here and Lexington!"
7 1''
405S!f Sf.
Poor Little M
very discouraged hill!
wi mvirt yob to mt m udiiuc choral jyhnony wry wednuday at mo f.m. ovu uin
510 North Commercial Sr. Salem, Ore.
Xagdar $1 JS aiet k mm Mag ef
A sairaelt Uemi el "Air Spaa tad slss
etesaa aaskxHsp Urn at km mmi sleaoW
i ?r?f
; ; h
After an hour or to, the eeeeeagar taidi "Where
it the hill?"
And the driver taidt "Just wait!"
So they waited and presently they taw a tiga
which readt "Lexington.
The driver was dumbfounded.
, "I can't understand it!" he said. "There usti to be
hill there iig one! 1 know from experience."
' . , - '
Naturally, this great car give you more than the
ability to master hill.
When you float along with t tremendous reserve
like this, you have the easiest ride imaginable. .
It gives you confidence, too and help you to
relax for you know you have the power tor any
emergency that may arite. " .
It makes the whole car a symphony in motion.
In fact, the ride is to smooth and toothing that, not
infrequently, passenger deep as they ride.
Come in and try it for yourself. The ear It watting
and it' an experience you ought not to forego.
Cerissr f IHssriy
1280 State St.