Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 25, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page I .
Wednesday, March IS. IMS .
Capital ffiotrien
Told; June
Wedding Set
-, engagement announcements
continue to feature tocial new.
Mr. and Mr a. Lawrence
Lovelace of Coqullle are an
nouncing the engagement of
their daughter, Mist . Grace
Lovelace, to Dean Allyn Wal
ter, ion of Mr. and Mn. Jene
A. Walter of Salem. I
The wedding If planned in
" KAPPA DELTA alumnae of
: Salem entertained at an in
formal dinner Monday evening
at the Golden Pheasant to hon
or five Salem girls in the
' active chapter of the sorority
at Oregon State college.
The honorees included Miss
es Dorothy Miller, Leona Bur
goyne, Joan Fabry, Glenndorls
Floyd and Susan Steed. -
Somi Notations;.
- lyM. L F.
ing Thursday at 8 p.m. at the
Izaab Walton .. . club : house.
Hosomary Wiles is to. lead in
the Maxina and in a new mix
er. Guest callers will be Ray
i . Gould and Clyde Charters. On
the host committee are Mrs.
E. Donald Jessop and Clay
Rambo. Guests are Invited.
Rebekahs Meet
Entertainment at Salem Re-
bekah lodge Monday evening
was presented by members of
the FL club. During the busi'
ness meeting that followed,
Mrs. Fred Shafer was present
ed with the seal of perfection
by Mrs. Victor Koop, district
deputy president. A candy sale
will be sponsored by the ways
and means committee on Mon
day. ..' ..
; Ladies .Auxiliary Patriarchs
Militant will meet Thursday
evening at the temple and the
Three Links club will meet in
the club rooms at 1 o'clock on
Friday. A practice for the La
dies Encampment auxiliary
will be Friday evening at 7:80
One of the first children, to
be baptised in the new St. Jo
seph's Catholic church was
Shannon Mary Brnbeck, little
daughter ef Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas Brnbeck. ... The
christening was Sunday. . . .
stpnnpnrg wl9 Mr, and Mre.
Richard t. Logan of Eugene,
the Logans haying been at
tendants at the wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Brubeck. . . . Also
attending the baptism was Don
ald Brnbeck, brother of Shan
non Mary. . . . Following the
baptism, an Informal reception
was given at the Brubeck
home. . . . . The Logans and
their ' children, Robin and
Frank, were here for the day
to visit the Brubecks. , . ",
Dinner for
Two Groups
On Thursday
Dorothy F. Cooney, gradu
ate of Salem senior high
school, la listed among 239
students at New York univer
sity's Washington Square col
lece of arts and sciences nam.
ed to the dean's list for out
standing scholarship during
the fall semester. . .-. The list
of honor students represents
about six per cent of the col
lege's day fend evening enroll-
meht. . . ..To be eligible for
the dean's roll, students must
have an average of 90 or above
in all courses, . :,Tniss Cooney
Is a sophomore at the school
Why Sylvia
invui "I'm set the only prafe
lemln our family even If I
did try to commit saldaV
bat then the whole truth came
out Than an other woman who
don't look on me ml mntiy,"
Rad iht ArprUing truth-ani
mmwIw's MoUboak. Etrt
it Irw sow Malory. Oat sow
ftps As April Lamtr Mam
Journal today end wed "Can
This Marriafe B garsdr '-
Journal Want Adi Pay
' Leaders in the Santiam area,
Girl Seonss, are striving to see
that every girl who. can gets
an equal opportunity to attend
the Smith Creek ' summer
camp. . . . The group s eamp-
ership. program is under way,
organizations being contacted
to donate to the eampership
fund. .' . . The oamp season
opens June 18. . . . . Camper-
ship applications are 1 accept
able now and may be sent to
Mrs. G. B. Wynkoop, Smith
Creek eamp committee, 122
West First avenue, Albany. . . .
Each year, many Salem or
ganizations . donate camper-
ships, Salem district having a
large group of girls in the San
tiam area, . offices for which
are in Albany. . .. . v
REGt'LAR monthly lunch
eon for Salem Alumnae Pan-
hclltnlc will be Friday noon
In the Camellia room at the
Senator hotel.
Through Friday and Satur
day, the annual Easter lily sale
of the group is to be staged,
girls from the sororities on the
Willamette university ; campus
assisting. Proceeds go to the
Oregon Society for Crippled
Children and Adults; i
PLANNING to spend the
week-end In Seattle are Mrs.
William F. Johnson and Mrs.
James Zwaschka.
VISITOR in the capital, ar
riving lata Tuesday, is Mrs.
Marshall I. Comett of Klam
ath Falls. Mrs. Cornett is re
publican national committee-
woman from Oregon.
The Optimist club and the
Optl-Mrs. grpup will gather for
a joint dinner on Thursday
evening at 7 o'clock at the Pine
Inn. , ..';..;:;
The entertainment is to
provided by the ladies group,
Mrs. John Ahlbin if president
of Optl-Mrs.
Dinner Planned .
Mr, and Mrs, Jack M!Hr
are chairmen for a no-host din
ner for Salem chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, on Saturday
evening at 6:80 o'clock. Their
committee includes Mrs. Ar
thur Bailey- Mrs. Marc Jen
nings, Mr. and Mrs. Giles
Smith, Mel Grub and Mrs. Dora
Wallace. Decorations will be
arranged by Mrs. George Ed
wards, chairman, Mrs. Mark
Wilbur and Mrs. Don Cren
shaw. - A meeting will follow
the dinner at 8 p.m.
HOSTS to their bridge group
on Friday evening for dinner
and cards will be Mr. and Mrs.
Glade Follls. ,.
IN PORTLAND at the end
of the week were Mr. and Mrs.
Harris Lietz, visiting Mr. and
Mrs. William C. Smith, former
Salem residents. Mr. Smith,
who has been ill for some time,
is reported much improved,
Today's Menu
Baked Eggs in Tomato Sauce'
Salad Bowl Bread and Butter
Fruit r..;M ' Beverage 0:
Baked Eggs in Tomato Sauce
Ingredients: One 11 -ounce
can meatless tomato' sauce,, 8
eggs, Yt cup grated cheddar
cheese-, (lightly packed) '
Method: Divide tomato sauce
among 4 individual heat-re-
sistant glass pie plates or
shirred egg dishes; Break eggs,
one at a time,, into a saucer
and slide 2 eggs on top of toma
to sauce in each of the pie
plates or. shirred egg dishes.
Sprinkle with grated cheese,
covering as much- of the egg
yolks as possible. Bake in a
slow (825 deg.) oven until eggs
are urm tnrouan about 25
minutes. Serve at once. Makes
Peg in Washington
Washington. D.C., March 11.
..Dear Marian:
When I wrote you yesterday,
the Secretary and Mrs. Doug-
laa McKay had not returned
from their trip to the Virgin
Islands and Puerto Rico. They
arrived by plane last night,
and virtually on time, after a
bad experience a week ago in
taking off nine hours late in a
day of heavy rain and thunder
and lightning storms.
Mrs. McKay reports that
the only relaxation the Secre
tary bad in the week was a
15-minutc swim at St. John
where he was told that he
could "have" 15 minutes for
the dip in the warm waters of
the bay. The Virgin Islands,
especially the one on which
St Croix is situated is an is
land of great contrasts. Very
primitive living conditions,
with schools and hospitals
about what one might expect
in the interior of Africa,
was reported. More than 90
per cent of the residents are
Negroes and one of the prob
lems of interior is to Improve
conditions on the Islands. At
Government House, where the
McKays stayed, there was no
warm water available during
their overnight visit. Water
pumped by the navy from
the ocean and la not heated
for general use. By contrast
the ball where the recep-
tlon is held is the restored fur
niture and equipment provid
ed by the Danish government
as replacement for that taken
by the Danes when they gave
the islands. Beautiful
mirrored columns, with three
branch eandelabrums on each
column, gold leather stools re
flected in the mirror a great
long corridor - with the ele
gance of a Danish palace. And
just upstairs where the Mc
Kays' rooms were located,
badly marred woodwork and
very run aown structure. .
fours of the several is
lands were made by the Mc
Kays, . inspection . of sugar
plants, schools, hospitals and
homes. Howard Wall of Port
land, has a beautiful home on
Croix, and Mrs. McKay
had tea with Mrs. Wall one
afternoon while the secretary
busy with': conferences.
Walls - have restored an
home with- lovely , gar
dens and a comfortable and
attractive house. They spend
several weeks every year in
the islands. The Ward Can
day home where the McKays
were entertained wltn a large
reception and dinner party is
built in the round stone foun
dations of an old sugar mill, a
unique and beautifully furn
ished home. ;"'- .
A republican meeting was
held one - evening In St.
Thomas at Bluebeards Castle,
a hotel which has become the
property of the Interior Da
portment and which is leas
ed to an operator. I The secre
tary found that the opportu
nity for a first hand view of
conditions on the islands and
for discussions with local
groups and individuals on
problems of the - residents
made the trip necessary and
worthwhile. The social func
tions were an adjunct but also
made long days for him, as
even during ' evening recep
tions, he was being button
holed by local people for seri
ous discussions. y
At Puerto Rico, the McKays
were guests ol tne governor
at the rebuilt fort, . La Fon-
talez, which is more than 400
years old. Outside the love
ly gardens add enchantment
to the scene which includes
the beautiful blue, green
waters of the ocean as a back
ground. .: Inside solid mahog
any furniture, magnificent
staircases, massive canopied
beds with step stools, and
more flowers provide an at
tractive setting for the enter
tainment of visitors, the Mc
Kays reported.
Delta Zetas
- Delta Zeta alumnae met last
evening at the home of Mrs
Charlea Feike for a dinner and
social evening. Mrs. BJarne
Erlcksen and Mrs. Virgil Sex
ton were co-hostesses.
Special guests were neprc-
sentattve Maurine Neuberger
(Mn. Richard Neuberger) of
Portland, and Mrs. Donald R.
Husband of Eugene, wife of
Representative Husband, Both
are alumnae of the group.
Others attending were Mrs.
Lester E. Keller of Hubbard,
Mrs. Mark Thompson of Wood
burn, Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mrs.
B. L. Bradley. Mrs. E. A. Carle-
ton, Mrs. Albert Depenbrock,
Mrs. Charles Derthick, Mrs.
C. K. Fulton, Mrs. Norman
Paulson, Mrs. Robert T. Rus
sell. Mrs. Maurice Shepard,
Mrs. H. E. Smedley, Mrs. For
rest Stewart, Mrs, Erlcksen and
Mrs. Felke. ,- ,-;
ARRIVING from Shawnigan
Boys school in British Colum
bia on Friday to vacation- at
their homes, will be Jerry Berg,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O.
Berg, and Jon Warner, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Warner.
Initiation iyent
Initiated into Chadwlck
chapter. Order of Rainbow for
Girls, at formal ceremonies on
Tuesday evening were ,the
Misses Joan Osko, Sharon Col
lins. . Ann Bradley, Loraine
Ellis, Shirley Evell, Karen Hil
ton and Sherry Filsinger. . :
A cooked food sale ia plan
ned for .April 4 at th kitchen
center, and on April 12 the
girls will attend a service at the
Presbyterian church.,
The secretary was back in
the office today and at lunch-,
eon greeted Frank Beglrano,
Jr., of Portland, and Stephen
Chadwick of Seattle, both
well-known in Salem and ex
cellent friends of Mr. McKay.
Another visitor today was
Major Howard : Van Cleve,
who has farms near Silver
ton, and who has been at Fort
Belvolr near here for an in
tensive course with the air
JtVCft sVM-remfatV SCKKK
........ . "V ,. .... .
mF- .sssMMsSf
. M M
Km lite
See our
, colors. ,
TSe fccMpfi bat ftetten every women .
ass) beavsvsMar saadc Fool Welti
9hec)ow aaaple, eajocJoraod, etvtert
let avary occasion. TKit steel kttle
M7 Court fhena MISS
Once again KAILES' bring you a Tremendous Money Saving pre-
Easter Sale. Have your New. Spring and Easter Outfit now, .for
prices you would expect to pay
at an end ef the season clear
Reg. fo $29.95
Wonderful Fabrics In
Cfceckt, Molds, Combinetiofll
And Many Others. AH
Colors, Styles, Slies
?-lar $erV2 P"
....... Trt 59.9
VM.WI Cotts
Fall Length and lmokey
rleM' ift95
17 anu
320 COURT T.
force engineers. He is a re
Arve officer in the army en
gineers with . considerable
overseas service. Word from
a number of Oregonlans indi
cates a heavy Influx- of vis
itors m the next few weeks
and as usual I am anticipat
ing seeing the friends and
acquaintances from home.
Twelve at Party
For Miss Newbry r ;
A dozen friends will attend
the dessert party and miscel
laneous shower for which Miss
Joan and Suzanne Barnea will
entertain on Thursday evening
to honor Miss Shirlee Newbry,
who is to be married in June to
William Bissell. Guests are
bidden ajt 7:30 o'clock. '
' In the group will be Miss
Newbry and her mother, Mrs.
Earl' T. , Newbry: also . Miss
Newbry's house guest for the
college vacation week, Miss
Shirley' Damon; Miss Juanita
McCurdy, Miss Lorraine Well
ing, Mrs. Keith Farnam, Mrs.
Jack Loftus, Miss Jane Trojan,
Miss Alice Louise Ohling, the
hostesses and their mother,
Mrs. Chester A. Downs.
' IN GOBVALLIS Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen,
visiting at the home of their
son-in-law and daughter," Mr;
apd Mrs. Max Fowler, and
returning to her home their
granddaughter, Judy . Fowler,
who spent her school vacation
last week with the Jacobsens.
Musicale at;
Eason Home
A musicale ia planned for
Thursday evening at the home
of Mrs. David Eason at 7:30
Solos and twe-oiano num.
bers will be presented by her
piano students, Sally Bolllger,
violinist, accompanied . by
Glennis Allen Buehner, to
assist at the program. '
The piano students taking
part are Sandra , Wlscarson,
Ronnie Potts, Judy, Deacon,''
Gayle Geddes, Sharon Tcdrlck.
John Wood. John Hammer
stad, Stuart Goldblatt, David
Louthan, Phoebe Lou Braun,
Patti Claggett and Toni De
Sart, -.
VISITOE leaving todav ia
Miss Charlotte' Nelson of Ta-
coma, , who ; bas been house
guest of Misses Joan and Suz.
anne Barnes. Miss Nelson is a
fellow student of Misses Barnes
at University of Washington. ,
Beautiful New
f t fIMii ...
I I1 .. I,
I I MHiiw.MmI
2J 7roft '4
4-Yr.-01d l'rees SH.M Ea.
Maltewall Pioneer NurtariM
The world-iamous powder diet's ligfU as air
an your akin! Regular SL25 size is only one part of beauty "buy"! Ami tbereVa whole
new range of high fashion muted thadei direct' from Paris: .
aurrao Kicc, mutco stot, muted bbonze; mmo comtesE
, A miracle blend ol "Air.Spun and sheer Cream
make-up base. Make) lines and pores seem invisible
. ' v clings tot hours! Clamorous new muted saooVs lncluclct
won't dry out or irritate your lips
because it ontairu vitamins mi other protective ingredients.
.. In long-lasting Paris-inspired shades!
ruua no, KtnHU uuc, invrau ptmc, buby xed
. . .and a glamorous new purse-size
ApLicTavaryAteg-andciraTyymg fnittrJaoal'
This jewel-like vanity cafriee 'Crcani Powder (and
puff) ander nSe hinged mirror top, Indelible
uh-Deh Lipstick in the fluted handle. '
For a BmileS tnna, rota putbtse
yon ihtt j.OpbeturfwUot fat eel
2.00. Hrjf4tt)ipUet limited!
, Choose your fwotite fragrince ,
fwnksmM tnd CeftrnthlMI kr Ctr. IN. m V.t.A.
m'X:-'vX-Xu, - ' , : -
:..': ...
1 .5 .