Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 25, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, March J5, 19S3 .
Retain Church
At Providence
Lebanon Huw wl .j
torm discouraged travel but
uia ran oeier nearly 100 Linn
county redden t whn i-
terested In the fate ol Joab
. roweiri frontier church at Providence.
Descendants of the pioneer
uans lormea such an articulate
opposition that those interested
in ueeamg tne property to Al
bsny's Bantist church .anii.
, lated with litil.
greed that Providence should
remain a community church
governed by no snecltir tmH
? "We will o b j e c t to Provl-
aence cnurch being 'owned' by
ny one denomination ' aa4
ne of the dissenters to the
deeding. "It is so strongly iden
tified with the history of early
Oregon that it has become a
pan oz ine public domain the
nrooertv of all.
"It was organized by com
munity effort, and persons of
u creeos nave - worshipped
here, for more than 100 years.
Its roots are as deep in the
land as the firs which Rlirrnnnri
it.-i We want it to remain as
free to all as the view of the
timbered Cascade slopes at
whose feet it lies.
"It requires no 'deeding' to
tw well pared frti- mil fraaaura
The people of Providence and
pioneer cians ox Linn county
will m in that."
Thus tiie .old Providence
cnurch samples the democratic
process of America,- and re
mains unowned, but possessed
by all.
N.Marion High
Annual "Daddy Date Night"
will be held by the North Ma
rion chapter of Future Home
makers of America at the
chool Wednesday evening,
March 25.
.Robin Berkey, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Berkey of
Hubbard, has been selected by
the students of North Marion
to reign over May Day festivi
ties this year. - :
Reigning with her as May
Day court will be crown prin
cess Lois Weinert; senior prin
cesses Shirley Burnham and
LaDonna Sather; junior prin
cesses, Bonnie Hathaway and
Frankie McLaren; sophomore
princesses Fay Paris and Myr
naFoltz and freshman prin
cesses Sally DeArmond and
Norma Foltz. .
Jack Rasmussen of the.North
Marion chapter FF A received
his state farmer award at the
state FFA convention in Cor
vallls last, week... The parlia
mentary team took third place.
Attending the convention with
their advisor, Elvan Pitney,
were Ron Barendse, North Ma
rion chapter president, Dale
Callaway, Jack Rasmussen, say
Pirkl, Merlin Kliewer and Bill
Mary anna Leikauf and Joan
Solberg represented North Ma
rion high school at the North
west Music Educators confer
nee in Bellingham, Wash.,
last week.
Miss Leikauf, first soprano
in the chorus, and Miss Sol
berg, saxophone in the band,
both participated in the two
concerts ' presented Saturday,
last day of the conference.
Hal Beyers, North Marlon
band and chorus director, at
' tended the session.
Ratings won by the contest
ants from North Marion in the
recent district solo and ensem
ble contest at Corvallis includ
ed 2 rating by the clarinet
quartet compared with a 3 rat
ing last year; the saxophone
quartet received a 8 rating, the
same as last year; the brass
' sextet won a superior rating in
the junior division and Dale
Callaway received a 2 rating
on his cornet solo accompanied
by Mary Wettstein who receiv
ed a 1 rating.
Central Point, Ore. (ff L.
J. Malarkey, former columnist
for newspapers In Southern
Oregon, is the new owner of
the weekly Central Point
American. He purchased the
paper from the family of the
late Arthur E. Powell which is
retaining ownership of the
printing plant
Sports Pilot
Lost Enroute '
To Lebanon
Lebanon Ray Welker of
PerUand, president of the
Oregon Sportsmen Pilot,
made an official visit to the
fliers of Lebanon Friday
night, but because of weather
he had to make the trip by
car.-, ., ,..
Long accustomed to flying
up-state along a coarse the
shortest distance between
two points, Welker became
confused at Salem and for
got he was grounded. He took
a compass reading and bore
west instead of following
the easterly meandering of
the highway. At the dinner
hour he had reached Mill
City and was forced to re
chart his course. .' (.
Lebanon pilots were on the
point of organising a search
and rescue mission for the
Welkers when they turned
ap at long last to refresh
themselves on pot-luck sap
per remains.
Variety Show
At Dallas Friday
Dallas The Variety show
sponsored by the High School
PTA for the purpose of pur
chasing additional books for
library will take place Friday,
March 27, at 8 p.m. in the audi
The Rhythm Makers will be
one of the featured events.
Tony Costa and Stanley San
ders, who have both played
professionally in eastern i and
western . bands, respectively.
will handle the guitars. Don
Costa (son of Tony) plays the
string bass and Maurice Adams,
who has played with orchestras
and bands here and In Salt
Lake City, will play the clari
net. : ' ' ?:' ' - .
Another feature of the eve
ning will be the Hungry Five
German band, composed of five
members of . the high 1 school
Dancing also will be featured
with Janie DeWitt appearing in
several tap dance numbers. Di
ana Lloyd will be seen in a
ballet number.
Dale Overholser will take
over the magic for the evening.
Overholser has been practicing
magic since, his own . high
school days and has presented
programs locally as well as, in
tne ihs Angeles area.
Bruce Burden (who is a
brother of Larry Burden, local
biology teacher) will present a
variety of vocal solos.
Ticket sala is being handled
by the high school students.
Mrs. Taft Entertains
For Mrs. Eisenhower
Washington VP) Mrs. Rob'
ert A. Taft, who might have
been first lady if the political
winds had blown differently,
is hostess today at a big party
in honor of Mrs. Dwight D. Ei
Sen. Taft will be on hand to
greet the President, Mrs. El
senhower and other guests.
Harveys Will Begin
Hiring Here Shortly
: Torrance, Calif. W A five
year research program to de
termine whether alumina can
be extracted from local days
will get under way soon at the
Salem, Ore., alumina plant
bought Tuesday by the Harvey
Machine company of Tor
rance. v'-'' , U "'''
' The firm bought the plant
from the' General Services ad
ministration. .., '
A Harvey 'spokesman said
hiring would begin atv the
plant as soon as now equip
ment is Installed and present
equipment overhauled.
. Arch W. Mtizger, general
manager of the plant since It
was built during World War
II, is to continue at that post,
Lawrence A. Harvey, execu
tive vice-president, of :. the
firm, reported. -. . ' .
. The Harvey company also
plans to build an aluminum
reduction: plant- near The
Dalles, Ore.
Dallas Kenneth C. Hoo
derhyde, Academy Apart
ments, 1 Dallas, was arrested
Saturday i night tor': driving
while under' the Influence of
alcohol. He was also charged
with driving while license waa
suspended. He was fined $100
and sentenced to 10 days in
the city jail. -
OaU as far atil aad capart
work on an apettaacies , ...
Mayes Repair
4-seU tM Hats UU
Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdo
minal Supports, Clastic Ho
siery. Expert fitters, private
lining rooms. . .
"Ask Tour Doctor"
Drcj Star
: 4a Mate M.'.'
':". I Gamer af Uberty
''.; MB Ofeea Itaaiia .
Earl A. Gooch Supervisor - Salt m Distriit
. 813 Msrtfc IHh S4tm, UUm, Oregon "' " ' ':';.":. Toiaphsia; 1-33I4
n't Sate Ixh, askiM.
No natter how many laaiadiat 70a aaa
Mai lor Hebinc aeacma, paorUaii, tefro,
Uoni. aUUata'a loot or wbatrrar foarakla
troabla nay be roUdn from kaad W
loot WONDER SAL VI and Woadar
Maaiaatad Soap eaa Mp aoa.
nalind far Mm kan ta n
ymm faSn at kaaw
WONDER SALVB la whtta, I ill 11.
aDUatatte. No nalr appearanaa. Bala to
ahltaran. Oet WOr7XBB SALVB - '
axr ranraoaa. Traljr waadrrfal
Tit tkaak
Said lit Salem tr Capital. Iral Mwar.
Owl, rarlaif. and Sehaatar Drav Starai;
ar raar hemttawil dranlat.
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
On of Oregon' Oldest Minerol Springs
Give yourself a real rest, late breakfast, Hot Mineral Baths,
lunch and delicious home cooked dinner at Hubbard Min
eral Springs Hotel. 142.00 full week, Sunday to Sunday.
Wear casual clothes ... for the bath, robe and slippers,
fireplace, TV. For reservations call Hubbard till or write
A. C. McCoy, P.O. Box 127
Drive-in Hot Minerol Baths $1.50
0 P
Imaaine! 1 . -
$750 TI5) AliVlf nin
U U UW trt W l MUM
Unbootoble Innerepring eonotriKtlon! Lonf-wearing Coverl V Pomona mm WtinJ
ritat Imji stood Hie tost of yean! J Twin or PuH slat! No Down Psrymowt! Juot n)mm
Mo Hogg Bros, ond pisk out Hie mottrots of your eWea amd wo wlH fkk ass your a4d .
motrreti, rogoroHess of oonJttlon, ot Hie down payment and yon eon pay Ho sMlonco tM
oonrenient easy terms. Don't miss this spociel it con bo'
Rag. Mottrois .34.95
Salt Prica i ....... .29.50
Lass Trade-In ... . . . , . 7.50
No Money Down!
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