THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Man, ttrefoa Convict at Prison Stabbed . A aoovict wu stabbed in tbt hMt at Oregon State penlten . Mary Tuesday afternoon but we daaerlbed a in pretty food condition Wednesday by prison aociors. no soajor veins or ar teries were cut. they said. . Warden Virgil O'MaUey aald ehst Harold Peak, 26, wu the eonviet who wai Injured in a flfM with one or two other onvletf about 4 o'clock In Cellblock D. Guards who heard aoundi of she Kufflt rushed to the icene to find Peak alone in hii eeU. A thin, narrow-bladed 'hand . made knife was found aearby and ! believed to be the wea pon wed on Peak. Prison officials are pretty 'aura they know who did it. CMalley aald, but lack proof a present The investigation is eoatinuing. ' Peak is serving seven years from Coos county lor arson and Ms-eecr. . .. ,r-..; Unions Accused Of Discriminofions .' Twenty-one per eent of tfae oaapliaata filed under the Oreejon fair ajMloyaaant praa- tiaea law . have bean against labor anions, Mate Labor Commissioner W. Z. Kimsey said Tuesday. -. The lew, passed hi 148, forbids employers, unions and employment ageneles from discriminating : against any person because of his race or religion. . ' . -; There nave been W eonv- plainta filed under the Uw, There have been IV eases filed against eight unions, Kimsey said.' Gibson Heads Senate Today Sen. Angus Gibson, the gen ial Junction City Scotsman not ed for his tightness with the taxpayer's dollar, was acting president of the Senate Wednesday. He was appointed to preside for the day by Senate President Eugene E. Marsh, who Is acting as governor while Gov. Patter son is in Seattle. When Marsh announced Gib son's appointment, Gibson rose and asked Marsh: "Couldn't you leave the state for s couple of hours so I could be governor? ..- j State Building Faces Heavy Cut Oregon's proposed SO million dollar program for new Build ings at colleges and state in stitutions faced the prospect Wednesday of being cut in half The Joint Legislative Ways and Means Committee will have only 10 millions or less for new buildings, unless the Legislature provides some more tax revenue. However, Chairman Lee Oh mart, Salem, of the House Tax Committee, told the House that "no revenue measures are before soy eommittaa, and aone are eon temple ted." -Bap. Henry Semon, Klam am rails,' chairman of the House Waya and Means Com mittee, added that his commit tee has "no Intention of ask ing for additional revenue, and we'll use most of the money for buildings that is left over from the budget." The amount left over from the budget will be around 10 millions, but Semon aald his committee probably would use a million or two o that for re serve. , The State Board of Higher Education - wants almost 10 millions worth jof new build ings, and an equal amount Is wanted for state institutions. QUICK CASH LOANS rtr kit nlavti swdwsti It's wkm you went to Sake quick edvantog. ei coin bargain or make a lait minute purcnaie mar our rair loan service b emt helpful. , 25 to $1500 In 1 trip on (I) signature) . . clone, (2) ear or (3) furniture) m. 100, ti "mt, 117 Cwrl M. .rtw - . 0. WMKMt, War. ' Bank's Trust Officers Talk Three trust officer of the United States National Bank of Portland told an audience that filled the main dining room of the Marion Hotel how to pass their estates to their heirs without paying more than the necessary estate taxes. Speakers ' were R. M. Alton, vice president and trust offi cer; LeHoy B. Staver and E. V. Overman, trusi officers. One of the susuroetiona was that married couples with large and fairly large estates take steps to avoid double taxation by reason of one of the couple leaving the property to the other, and the other leaving it to the children up-n aeatn. Jointly owned property that automatically passes to the other spouse works nicely when small rmounts of proper ty are involved but leads to costly double inheritance tax ation on larger amounts, it was pointed out. , : , , . ' .'. , ' Rex Putnam presided and introduced the speakers'. Light wnesr, March . 1B3 a .Mir Tuesday that 1t term - wouldn't sponsor any bills to lncresse tsxes. .!. -nhblv means that lliu y- . .n iiunn dollar program mo ev - - - , s.w " " , ,, r -r I ,)f PUUUH1-- refreshments were served at- Meges ana ine u..-.w ter adjournment The meeting te institutions wlU be on. of a aerie, being held) ; v Ban Ml Bilk for Increase in Taxes The house tax committee throughout the Ute. FIRST... for th fuel that is 1 n clean, fficient end jg l economical use ; : -.y.- "Proo-to-loop" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 5,000M In Wonderful FREE PRIZES Remember... every cus tomsr's a King or Queen d art ni CORONATION DAYS! Fab, 22 through April 4th. SIX IIG DRAWIN6S at the 1 Capitol Shopping Center Free Parking STARTS TOMORROW . . . SPECIAL SALE! ' t :$;LUt M : EASY TERMS TO SUIT V n n, ' t;;;sn1x:r-iY0URBUDGETl . ! ' S , -t.VVtfA: V Str-h Ywr Dollar, i ,' 4 5 'W1 V iV With These Specie I tew Terms rj'"t ju':; Nowyoucanownyourehoict .'.V O-i , Vrvt. f jthtreomplttt room out- J a i - i j -i,jJ. I fit tor only . ,mmmmTmm IZA L,LV : . V&M Balanc. on our long, HERE'S A REAL MONEY SAYING , EVENT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS! , i - Here it is! A complete bedroom outfit, enough to beautifully furnish your entire room priced lower than you'd expect to pay for just the suite alone! hnagine.all 11 bedroom pieces for only $139. Only by purchasing a carload of bedroom suites were we able to make this special sale possible. Plan to come early, take plenty of time to make your selection-because at this money saving price we're sure to have a sellout! If you do notdesire immediate delivery ask Woodry's to store your selection free . . . until needed. ACTUAL PHOTO ROOM CROUP NO. 1 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! Now Mocha-Tot Vonlty with Largo Vltw Plato Mirror Matching Hollywood Bockcaio Bod timmoni AN Stool Full Sho Spring Inner Spring Mattroit-Log Wearing Covtr 2 Foathor PMIowtWaihablo Stripod Ticking 2 Handiomo Boudoir Lompt-4mart Pleated Shades Night Stand Handy Storage Compartment Chenille Bed Spread Choice of Colors Washable Cotton Loop Throw Rugs Choice of Colors MevcMnf Cheet ef Oreweft $14.10 AaVHtronl OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. Balance on our long, low easy terms. SAUfl MfACKANTS rft CHIT I li-4 ?- - ' '.- $wn i x,l i. If . , , r 1t I I f " I Lew Terms !, i ' V,. 0 s! 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