Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 25, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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Ih the y alley
. Gates The regular meeting
of the Gatei Womui'i club wu
held Thursday evening, March
It, tat the social rooms of the
high tchool, with a group of
ladies, memberi of the Mill
City Women! club at gueati.
Mn. W. 8. Hudaon presided
at a ihort business session at
which it was agreed for the
elub to purchase drapes for
window in the Santiam Me
morial hospital.
Mrs. , lone Love Thlelke, of
Hill City was introduced by
the president, Mrs. Hudson, and
presented a group of musical
poems. Mrs. Thlelke is known
professionally as the "Musical
Poem Recorder" and before
coming to Mill City had her
own radio program in Idaho.
She has also appeared on TV,
Mrs. W H. Hutcheson, in
. costume, spoke on "My Trip
"1 mi
Ws have bad many eemplimanU
from people who have entertained
groups in our popular Oak Boom.
Groups from six to twenty have
keen la and enjoyed immensely
the wonderful ' charcoal broiled
steak for which the Oak Boom
at so noted. If you have birthday
er any anniversary dinner coming
tap 1 would suggest you get in
touch with me. You as well as
your guests ' will be more man
pleased with she fin food so grae
ktusly served m surroundtnp
equalled only la Ban Francisco and
Seattle and other . metropolitan
centers. The only difference being
In the price, ttus will be another
a tremble surprise especially,,,' to
those who have patronised like es
tablishments. Ladles, do not for
get your luncheon date April 10.
ta SttvM lfer ffc Hvffll Morion J4tJJ
Feurth ind Final
. Week
And Hit AH4tar
Harlem Revue
" Featuring
Tha I raw embihell
Juanita Brown
and Harlem lass Band
The New
Village Inn
Nil Portland Rd.
to Hawaii"
She danced the hula dance
to the accompaniment of Ha
waiian music, played and sung
by Mrs. Don Miley.
Refreshments were served
by the hostesses, Mrs. Hudson,
Mrs. Howard Means and Mrs.
W. T. Struckmeler to member
present and to the guests, Mrs.
Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. Clay
ton Baltimore, Mrs. Charles
Kelly, Mrs. Lester Hathaway,
Mrs. Kenneth Croslen, Mrs.
William Stewart, Jr., Mrs. Jess
Lee. Mrs. Anna Crook, Mrs. C.
C. Mason, Mrs. Ida Geddes,
Miss Daisy Geddes, Mrs. Her
bert Schroeder and Mr. Thle
A benefit card party, given
by the Girl Scouts, troop 52,
was held Saturday evoning in
the recreation rooms of the
high school. Nine dollars were
cleared as a start towards their
camp fund. The girls plan to
give a series of parties to be
held every other Saturday eve
ning at the school house, until
the dead Hne for camp regis
tration. Mrs. Walter Thomas is
lesder of the troop. .
Mr. and Mrs. Colls Heath of
Klamath, Calif., were called to
Gate by news of the death of
Mrs. Heath's brother, Curtis
Young, who lost his life when
the car be was driving over'
turned. Mr. and Mrs. Heath
are at the home of Mrs. Heath'
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Len
The Red Cross drive was
held here last week with Mrs.
W. R. Hutcheson in charge. As-J
slating ladies were Mrs.. Ken
neth Martlg, Mrs. Dan Mom
son, Mrs. Phillip Hess, Mrs.
David Earnhardt and Mrs Ed-
ward Chance.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pen-
nick and two children drove
to Salem Sunday to meet Mr,
Pennlck's uncle, Joe Pennick,
who had flown his own plane
to the Salem airport from his
home in Olympia, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleet
wood had as their week end
guests their daughter and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brlsell
and two sons from Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shelton
and daughter, Barbara, made
short visit at the Albert Mill
ssp home last week. They were
enroute to their home in Pen
rose, Colo. .
Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley
were Mrs. Miley' parents, Mr,
1 and Mrs. W. A. Bolmeler of
From Salt Lake at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means
this week are Mrs. , Mean's
mother and lister, Mr. W. H.
Kratzer and daughter, Kathy,
Mrs. Kratzer and daughter
made the trip alone by auto,
I Dallas visitors this week at
the home of Mr. and Mr. Roy
Taylor were Mrs. Taylor's
daughter, Mrs. Glen Henness
and Mrs. Burrel Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards
have both been quite seriously
ill, at their home with the flu.
At last reports they were re
coveting and able to be out
of bed. -
Wheatland Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Beaty of Wheatland were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Rudy Paetz and family at Rid
dle, Or.
Mrs. Joe Beaty and Miss Vir
ginia Magness of Wheatland
were Sunday afternoon guests
of Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler of
Miss Katherlne Morasch left
Monday morning for her home
in Kansas City, Kan., after vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
C. Stockhoff in this district.
Hopewell Mr. Widmer, of
Albany, brother of Rev. H. X.
Widmer, was gest speaker at
the Hopewell E. V. B. church
March S3, at the morning
service. He spoke concerning
the . work of the , Gideon
organization, of which he. is
a member. -
Those, attending the Gideon
rally at the Methodist church
In - McMlnnville, from Hope
well were Rev. and Mrs. H. I.
Widmer. Ellen, Harold and
Irvin Widmer, Mr. and Mr.
Delos Hopkins and family of
Tillamook, guest of the Wid
mer family, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Widmer of Albany, Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Waller, Mr. and
Mra. N. O. Viiiwe and Robert
and Dean Brown.
The prayer meeting this
week will be held at the Lee
Boaz home in Wheatland.
Mr. S. C. Waller attended
a committee meeting Monday
in Salem for the Women's
f i WWT 1J a . ail.1
OOCieiy m nwiu i .Mm In ihm nl.v
lv. which is to be held in T
Salem in April, with Mrs.
Dollar of, Unionvale church.
The Missionary Society of
the Hopewell E. U. B. church
held an election Wednesday
afternoon at the church. Mrs.;
S. C. Waller was elected presl- J
dent: Mrs. Charles Stephens,
Rogers, secretary: Mrs. N. O.
Pearse. treasurer; Mr. H. E.
Widmer, secretary of spiritual
life; Mrs. Howard Stephens,
secretary of missionary edu
cation: . Mrs. Marvel Brown,
young people's work; - Mr.
O c a r Lafferty, children j
missionary work.
The Ladies" Aid of the
Hopewell E.U.B. church are
sponsoring a sunshine bag for
little Barbara Sahnow, who is
an invalid with rheumatic
fever, and confined to bed at
least six month. Gift are to
be opened each day out . of the
John Geisler, and Mr. and Mr.
Fred Hatvanoa of Salem were
Sunday evening guests at the
same home.
Mr. and Mr. Lyl Tresham
and family of McMinnville
were Sunday dinner guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Roger.
Aa Easter sunrise service is
being planned for 5:45 a.m.
Easter Sunday at the Hope
well X. U. B. church. Miss
Hal en Ojua i in charge of the
program and with Miss Dor
othy Brown will plan for the
oreaaxatt to follow the serv
Mrs. John Ojua i to be in
charge of the ' kitchen for the
breakfast . -
The Hopewell Community
club meeting has been post
poned from April t to April 14,
when a . one-act play will be
presented, with a pie social and
candy sale afterward. The play
is in cnarge ol Mrs. Thelma
Van Dora and Mrs. Thelma
McKenney. The first rehearsal
was held at Mrs. McKenney'
home last Wednesday after-
non. Nine women are the char-
G e r v a i a Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Adams entertained with
a birthday dinner Sunday , for
their son-in-law, Vern Dobson
nf Gresham. Guests ware Mr,
president; Mrs. Ross. Vern Dobson and, daughter
Kathy, Mr. and Mrs: Earl Dob
son, Mr. and Mrs. Lauer of
Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Dobson of Portland; the grand
mother, Mrs. .Wynn, Frank
and Lynda Adams of Gervais.
Afternoon callers were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Seacat of Sa
lem and Mr. and Mr. Bob Ban
nick of Brook. ...
A 4-H club ha been organ
ized at Brook. Officer are:
President. Paul Zellner; vice
president, Nancy Buford; sec
retary, . : Charles Bergerson;
treasurer, LeRoy - Kuschnick;
yell leader, . Martha 'Sartain;
aong leader. Linda Sartain:.
The Hopewell unit of the, monitor, Paul Daniels: re-
Home Extension will hold its porter, Bob Doran... ,
10.00 Full
Price Special
Paul Armstrong
Open 10 .,'! (0 i.m.
15$ S. Llbartr n, 2 7523
Sat. 4 Suit.. March 28 & 29
St). 1 P.H. to 10 P.M. - Sunday 12 Moon to
AeWseiofi: AeSiHi 2Sc, Children e
March meeting at the home of
Mn. Stephen Tarter, March
25, at 10:30 a.m. with bud
ness meeting in charge of Mr.
Thelma Van Dorn, and lesson
on frozen foods-by Mrs. Thel
ma McKenney and Mrs.
Dorothy Tarter. ' '-
A traveling basket is being
circulated among the mem
bers of the unit, with articles
for sale at the funds raising
project for the year.
The Red Cross drive was
completed in the Hopewell dli
trict last week, and $65.90 was
turned in to the Yamhill coun
ty chapter by Mrs. John Geii
ler, chairman, Mrs. Thelma
McKenney and Mrs. ! Dorothy
Tarter, solicitors.
The Charles ; Warner house
on Oak Lane, occupied by the
Homer Millard family, burned
Thursday afternoon. . None of
the family was injured but all
furnishings' were lost except
the automatic dryer, . which
was in a shed behind the house.
The family moved to Salem
that evening, to the home of
Mr. Millard's mother, till they
could fine a house.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop cele
brated their 45th wedding an
niversary Sunday, March 22.
Mr. and Mr. Guy Freshour
and family of Pleasantdale
were the only members pt the
family able to celebrate with
them, as Ray and Eddie Ed
wards, sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Edwards of Toledo,
have the measles, and Dicky
Capron, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Capron of Toledo, has
the mumps. Donald Bice of
Portland was a. week-end guest
of the Loops.
Mrs. Leonard Hickerson, Mr.
Tom Klrkwood, Mrs, Ersel
Klrkwood of Sslem and . Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Klrkwood of
Amity attended the wedding
of Jerry Brog, grandson of
Tom Klrkwood, to Miss Mary
Armes of Bend, .Ore., at the
Methodist church in Bend, on
March 22. They all made the
trip in Mrs. Ersel Klrkwood's
Wayne Hickerson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Hickerson
who is a member of the naval
R.O.T.C. at Oregon State col
lege, went on a training cruise
to San Francisco during spring
vacation from school.
Miss Dorothy Brown is
spending spring vacation at
her home in Hopewell from her
studies at Oregon College of
Education at Monmouth. She
came home Thursday after
noon with Mrs. Emmett Wood
Jerry Wood, Leslie and Lee
Day of Dallas,'
Mr. and Mrs. Etzel Tomo
kins of Hlllsboro came to the
Brown home Thursday after
noon and took Mr. Tompkins'
mother, Mrs. Amy Smlthhart,
nome with them for a visit.
Gene Jaenicke and his fl
ancce, Miss Sharon Perslnger
oi Portland, were Saturday ev
ening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
-Union Hill Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Jaquet gave a travelog
and showed pictures of their
trip to New York, Washington,
D. C, Florida, New Orleans,
the Carlsbad Caverns in New
Mexico and many other points
in the. United States, at the
Friday night meeting of the
Kenneth Brown wu dropped
from the membership roll of
the Grange in good standing
upon his own request. Mrs.
Russell Grey and daughter,
Nancy, and James Gilliam
were visitors during the lec
ture hour of the Grange.
Lunch committee for the ev
ening was Mrs. Myra Fischer,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Fischer,
and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gil-mour.
The third1 of a series of card
parties will be held at the
Grange hall Thursday evening,
March 26. This is the last of
the series and prizes will be
awardeo the winner at the
close of the meeting. Lunch
will consist of pie and coffee.
Crystal Gardens
Old Time ond Modern
Music by "Pop" Idwardt
A meeting of the group was
held at the Doran home a week
ago Saturday.
- A ham supper, served cafe
teria style, will be given by
the S. H. M. club Monday,
April 6 beginning at' 5:43 p.m.
Mrs. Joe Doran is general
Games will be in play dur
ing and after the supper.
Dayton The four churches
of Dayton will join in the
observance of Holy week in
this city with a union service
each evening of the week with
the schedule arranged a
Monday Assembly of God
church; Keith , Watkins,
speaker. 1
Tuesday Baptist cnurcn;
Harry F. Ryan.
Wednesday Christian
church; H. C. Ryan.
Thursday Film: "I Beheld
Hi Glory." Place to ' be an
Friday Pioneer church; A
candlelight communion , serv
ice; Rev Abrahamson.
An Easter Sunrise Service
will be held at the Pioneer
ehurch at 6:35 a.m. by all
The worship service will be
follows: Prelude, Mrs.
Buna Remme; Cornet . solo.
H. F. Ryan; invocation, Rev.
H. C. Ryan; Hymn, "Christ
Arose;" scripture, Rev. AbrS'
hamson; music, Assembly of
God; prayer, Keith Watkins;
music. Baptist church; mes
sage, Richard Perry; music,
Christian church, benediction,
Rev. Harry Turnbull.
Miss Mary Francis Dawson
of Carlo Egypt and her cousin,
Miss Gertrude Acheson of
Salem, were recent dinner
guest in the Roy Will home.
Mis Acheson in YWCA
secretary in Salem and Miss
Dawson , is a teacher in the
American Mission college for
girls, in Carlo, Egypt. She is
in America on a Year's fur
lough and plans to resume her
foreign work next August.
She and the Wills , were
friend in Washington before
she went - to Cario about 30
years ago. -
The Dayton Reading club
met with Mrs. E. W. Budke
on 'Friday at one olclock for
dessert lunch. There were 15
present including Mrs. Carl
Francis, a new member.
The afternoon was turned
i.uninn.i oerlod. Mn. Clete
rn reviewed part of the
book "I Saw Congo" by Dr.
The next meeting April 16,
will be an all day work day
at the Christian church. There
will be potliKk at noon
Donald Monday evening,
Mr. and Mn. Ralph Pierson
and daughters, Eileen and Dl
anne, were dinner guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Friday morning, March 20,
Frank Gilles, father of Ray
Gilles, submitted to major sur
gery at Hutchinson hospital In
Oregon City. He is reported
to be getting along very weU.
Louis Racette, who has been
in ill health since Christmas is
Imnrovins somewhat
Sunday, March 22, Mr. and
Mn. Lade Koutny and daugh
ter Shirley of Salem and Mrs.
Eleanor Carty of Portland ac
companied Ray Gilles to see
his father at Hutchinson hos
pital and then returned and
spent the evening in the Gilles
home. Mr. and Mn. Ed Koutny
and daughter Cynthia of Hub
bard were also callen in the
Gilles home Sunday evening.
John Pelto accompanied by
Lea Grazier and Daniel Cun
ningham spent the week end
Stayton Attending a
dinner in honor of Mn. Rae
Ashtoif, national president of
the American Legion auxi
liary, was a delegation from
the Stayton auxiliary. The
dinner was held on Saturday
evening, March 21.
In the group were Mrs.
Harry Humphreys, District
No. 2 president, Mn. Otto
Lyons, president of the Stay
ton auxiliary, Mn. Earl Mil
ler, Mrs. Nellie Jones, and
Mn. Jess Wells.
Members of the auxiliary
have been sewing garments
for the new Santiam Memor
ial hospital The next regular
meeting will be on ' Wednes-
rfv Inml 1
The Acacia assembly Order. si wausiui,
of Rainbow for Girls made theu-old friends, Mr. and Mn.
plans at their regular meeting Mike Hovi. Mr. Hovl has been
to attend the state Grand in ill health for the past sev
eral years. Mr. ana can. ,
Blake) took
Wednesday. March 25, 195S
Donald and Richard Shober
Butteville, passed away
week. He was ill for about two
week. Service were conduct,
ed at Aurora with burial at
Butteville. r ; ,
Jean Ann and Judy Petersoaj
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Har.
old Peterson, were visitors in.
the home of their uncle, Ray.4
mond Peterson from Wednes.;
day to Friday of last week.
Their parent came for thenj
on Saturday.
Mn. Francis Ryan gave a
birthday dinner honoring her
mother, Mrs.' L. Peterson Sun-'
day March 22. Other guests'
besides Mr. and Mn. Peterson.:
were Mn. Peterson's brother
D. H. Schackman of Portland,-
a mmmmmmrm
j i TEED
Assembly at Tillamook March
26, 27, 28. .Special guests at
the meeting were Miss Sally
Stinnett grand worthy advi
ser of the State of Oregon and
Mrs. Sue Tuel, grand deputy.
Other guests were Lillian
Humphreys, worthy matron
of Acacia chapter, Eastern,
Star, Stayton; Laurel Johnson,
worthy matron of Marilyn
chapter, Eastern Star, Mill
City and George Huffman,
worthy patron of Marilyn
Serveral past worthy advi
sers also were present. '
Five new members were in
itiated, they are . Darlene
Westfall, Emma Joy Brown,
Jeanette Huffman, Cheryal
Elf, and Donna Ellingston.
The girls will help in the
drive for crippled children
by selling lapel lilies in Stay-
ton Mehama, Lyons, Mill City,
over to Mn. Hugh K.u. whc-IgS sub mUty? ' '
rlskmAnttroTSMl . at omits? In it a
" tvoinff to Brand flKumhlv
will be the official delegates.
Union Hill
Mesdame French, Shaw-
ver, Dower and Frink told
of their recent trips to Calif.
A business meeting was
worthy advisor, Philiss Mc-
Carley, associate worthy .advi
sor, Gerry Hamblin, and char
ity, Jackie Squires, also 20
The next meeting will be
-with - Mrs." Nelle Coburn
one olclock. - '
Norman Robinson and
Robert Reeder spent Friday
and Saturday with Bill Sher
man and Harry Reeder on the
Oregon campus at Eugene.
Bill and Harry came back to
spend Sunday here with home
Fairview Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Marley of Couer d'.
Alene, Idaho, were guests of
his brother and sister-in-law1,
Mr and Mn. W. J. Marley, in
irairview Thursday and Fri
day. Mb, Ross Rogers of Fair-
Mn. - Walter May and her i view district has been iU with
mother, ;Mrs. Harold Robin- after effects of influenza.
son, spent one day in Salem
last week on business and
pleasure. ' . '
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell
left last week on a trip east.
They went by the northern
route by train and expect to
pick up a new car before re
turning home. They plan to
visit relatives' and friends en
route and- expect to be away
three weeks. .
The Christian Woman's
Fellowship met Thursday !
afternoon with Mrs. Wiley
Emmert for-1 olclock dessert
lunch. Mn. Frank Foster was
co-hostess. i
There . were 25 members.
four visitors ahd three babies
- Mn. Carl Lofton led
Kabold (Carol
care of Mr. Pelto' tore while
he was gone.
Gilbert Koffler, the barber
in Donald was rushed to , k
Hutchinson hospital in Oregon
and was given a blood transfu-'
sion upon arrival, and he was
eiven another one on Sunday.
He is reported to be getting
along satisfactorily, and hopes
to be home sometime this week.
He was suffering from a stom
ach condition. :, '
Betty Solberg, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Solberg,
tore her hand on a nail in the
Barney Feller barn Sunday.
She was taken to Dr. Smith in
Woodburn and given a tetanus
shot. ' '
Joan Solberg, daughter of
Mr. and Mn. Bert Solberg of
Donald represented the North
Marion Union high school band
last week at the Northwest
Musical convention in Belling
ham, Wash. She rode up with
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Byers, the
musical director of North Mar
ion. James ' Shober of Portland,
father of Kenneth Shober of
Start Tonlfht 1
Open 1:45
8tewart Granger-Deborah Kerr
''; ,;;''. . Also ''-;
' Stanley Clement
phoni 2-7829 '
Gates Open 8:4S ,
Show at 7il
gUrla Tonlts (WedJ
In Trucolor
Jane Riuaell '
- Geerte Brent '
: Pins
Lex, Earner '
And tatrodnclng
Tommy Carlton '
1 Htil Mi O
They're So Good!!
A choice steak bathed in wine, oil and herbs with jut
a touch of garlic to produce a trnb fine flavor. These
wonderful steaks are an experience In food eatlnf and
priced no higher than ordinary steaks
Chuck's Steak House
3190 Portland Road Salem . Phone S-I99I
James Stewart ,
Janet Lelf h
Mickey Booney .
Peggy Ryan
- In Technicolor
Boaemary Clooney
Laorite Mekhlor
In Technicolor
."."'. SINGING"',,
... -- - I :
Peter Lawford
John Wayne : V
" Maureen O'Hara
In Technicolor '
"Abbott CosteUe
Meet Capt. Kldd" .
Tony Martin
Ann Miller
In Technicolor
.. Wendell Corey
In Technicolor
Lsltti dtpsrtun fwtUmi . . t n$rlitt mrrhsl Out ft
asrn ire
Lv. Peritonei 1:90 . m
Ar, Chicago 1 1:20 a. m, Sunday
Yon have a choice of Pullman accommodations ot
reserved, reclining coach seats with improved leg rest;
Relax In the homelike lounges. In the dining can enjoy
- delicious food, fresh from the Union Pacific West
If you need a car at your destination, ask your
. Union Pacific ticket agent about the convenient and
Inexpensive rent-a-car service.
Tmel-ihof)" Moedaf Hrtmh Friday at oar nam I ml) lsmii
Broadway and Washington Phone BRoadway 7771
ma e mi tvutr sriMauiMiii j
1 Carload Sale
100 Pure Canadian Spagnum
Peat Mss
10 Unit
2.75 to.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
10 a.m. to S p.m.
Why You Use Peat Moss
Because Peat Moss provides humus,
makes the soil easier to work. It has the
power to "fix" ammomnian and absorb
and retain the expensive element nitro
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tilizers, prevents soil baking, retains
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der plants, during winter and Spring