Wednesday, March 15, 1951 DENNIS the MENACE Ytefe Peter? And whre earn FHy Pm.? Mo vvnos IWu.? WANTED POSITIONS BXPKKIXVCKD CHILD CASE AlU to I rears, mr home, 1HI Wllber at, Ml MJILDINO REMODELING, Piesterlnl, brick work. Mo Job too num. 4-1346. h70 WSEMAL'S DAT NURSERY Llcenaed and state lntpeeted. Infants up to I. Phono 3-60I6. W WILL DO BOTO-T1XLEE work and rass euttlns. Cell noone or eve., ph. 1-3801. h7t nOIAIJZID CHILD MVS sewlns, al terations. Fh. -001l. h03 ODSEWOBE by hour. Ph. l-4too. h74 BXPEBIENCED LADT to HIDHI or work In mottl or hotel. Phone 32908 before J h74 PLOWING and dlsclnt. Ororer L. He- moan, 1401 Blowom Or. Bolero. Phono 1-1111. h86 rw lawns. Rotary hoami. Free eatl nstes. Duans Woleott, Phono 3-1117. h87 PATCH PLASTERING, baiementi water PTMfed by plasterlns. Prank's aervlce, phone l-664t. h61 f APEB BANDING, palatini, free eetl mates. Don Lueero. Ph. 1-8833. h73 GARDEN PLOWING PHONI J-804,1 h74 AAEDEN, Flower bad and lawn pre paratlon. Flowing, dfcclns, lerellni, rototlllnf. Strike Center, Phone 48873. . Ml f 1UVO WITH new M.I. ROTARY TIL LER. phone evenlns 1-1933. hB4 lIOHT CRAWLER, doitnt, dirt lovel lu, sredlns. Phone 3-3330. h77' LANDSCAPE malntenaneo, prinlnt, Irlmmlni, plantlni, lertUudnf. Serv ice Center. Phono 4-3873. HI" ejTJSTOM WORK plowlnt and dlsclns. Phono 1-4340. 1338 Blrohwood Dr. ht4 BEE WORE. Topplns, trlmmlnf, te movlnf. Inaored operator. John Payne. Ph. t-tm. h78 eTABPENTBB Cabinet work, home ra aaodeUU, fops wtlmates. Ml 3-M11, 4-1833. h80 FOR RENT ROOMS WITH HOT J oold water, heat, Bleelr furnlihed room. 388 center. ja JrXWLY DECORATED, flrit floor, alio second floor eleeplnt room. Hot and old water. 481 N. Hlfh. Jk75 '. 'ow ROOM BOARD BOOM AND BOARD Family atria. Ph. 1-7030. JflT WANTED, oldarly Vadlea to room "and board. Phone 4843. JI71 .oooooo.'0'.. WANTED TO RENT COUPLE AND baby daalro 1 bedroom houae. with a tore, refrlt orator to 180, Hlihland district, 3-47t. Ja73 FOR RENT HOUSES A ROOMS, bath, oturtlee. Call After 1. 34 B. Hth (gar). 3-8314. ImTI FMTL'RNIHHED HOUSE, for rant, 333 Btei Jm73' JtBWLT DECOBATED I bedroom, Urlni room, kitchen, dlnatta. Partly ntmlah od. Attached taraf a, -117.80. CaU momlnxi. 11333. Im74 t-BEDBOOM HOUiB-Modam. all-eleo-trie, tneloaed t araaa, with laundry fa - eUlUaa. tH Pine. Im74 tPSTADU DUPLEX, 4 lana cheerful rooms and bath. 881 per month, wa ter. Uaht, aanltary eerrlea paid, nice yard. Ph. S-T877. imia' ttlCELT LOCATED, t room and bath homo, baaamont, forced air oil fur- ' a ace, 848 nor mo. Call Bawllna Boalty S-48S4 or 4-1741. 1m FOR RENT Faunlahad duplex, 3MS 8 -bedroom hooao, IW. A one-bedroom now oot taac, alow In, 188. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 111 aw vodu. - Jm78 4MIB-BBDBOOM wnfurnlahad houao. Water furnUhed. Adulto. 17M Market XEWLT DECOBATED ' houit. Uderly lady preferred, couplo conaldercd. In quire 780 N. Cottaie. - Jm7 t-BOOM HOUSE, 1118 Ifebraaka, for couple and one child. 180. Phone 37184 atonlnia. 178 FURNISHED OB anfurntahed I-bedroom cottace, garafa. Jnqulra 3848 Port land no. S ROOM furnished home. Adultt. No pets. No drinkers, partrs. Inquire 1188 N. 14th after 3:30 p.m. nnn' ' t NICELY furnished, strictly modern, 060 and 856 per month. Alto small 1 bedroom, dean unfurnished house, ttt block south of Colonial House. Call 38766. Jm78 I-BIDBOOM furnlahed rental, newer, clton and neat, only 080 par month. Call Bawllna Realty, 1-4884 or 41761. Jm CLEAN AND neat 1 bedroom unfurnish ed house, attached laraie, larce llv tns room. Venetian blinds, electric heat, 866. No peU. U mile East 4 Cor ners. Phono 4-1076 or eak for kero at 4676 Stat.. ln73 Shall five room house at 1440 Che meketa St. No saraioj 1"! OLSAN, S bedroom, llvtns room, kitchen, dinette. Partly furnUhed. Adult!. No pets. Utilities, 143.80. Phone Sl"': )m78 . aev'eoooo,',se', OFFICE FOR RENT a OR S-ROOM SUITE. 3 tlnlle. Orecon Bulldlni. Phone 8-4114. lo" FOB RENT! Room 0 aultabie tor Office Finance Co. Ferry Street, r etero. State Jo77 GROUND FLOOR ofllce or Btora space for rent. Call at ntte Market. )o oo...o......J. FOR RENT APARTMENTS S ROOM apartment, private Datn, wo month. Call after I p.m., 1180 N. win. ITEW BOOM court apartment. 18381 or 48431. Phone 1P73' FURNISHED S room basement apart ment. Private bath, entrance, relrl .a! aaa rtnlaa. Phono 16148. By Ketcham ROB HIM AW FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLOSE IN, nice modem l-loom furnUh ed apartment. Adults only. Phone HUO. - JP7S MAN AND WIFE to Ulu over roomlns house, lor oxchanse lor utuiuee ana apartment. Close la, write Box 1? Capital Journal. JP73 BOOM furnlahcd, bath, refrlierator, laundry, f. 888 N. Liberty:. 34818. Jp73 FINEST lorn 1 bedroom, unfurnished except ruga. Phono 1-1117. IP74 t-BOOM furnished apartment, 181.80. 070 N. winter, mono l-sstl. jp7i liilQI TWO bedroom unfurnlahad apartmsnt oxcapt etove and refrlser tor. Oood deal to ritht purtr. Alao nlcelr furnished dean apartment. Dtllltlee furnished on both. SO South Hth. JP76 NICE FURNISHED apartment, reason- able. Phone 4-1730 or 1-6448. ;p7J" BEDROOM unfurnlehed apartment with tton, ratrlterator ana T.v, an. tenna. 807 I. 13th. ip78' 8-UNIT APT. TWj , to a rerr lood tavwtnent Ownr Jhowi 13 trou return. r but, itoru, ftchool, ptrit-plftrirouDd. All apU. wmplftelr furnished. PMlfto Ntmpkper BrokeM. ROY R. COLE, BROKER m if . cPitoi t. - t-toa MICE. COURT apartment, furnlihed. Ideal' lor worklnt sin, pneno irai. . Jp7t FURNISHED APARTMENT, 138 and 938, 1383 H. Com'a. Phone c-bobs eveninss. Jp77 for COUPLE, or 1 slrla. modern apt. near tolephona onice, state pmiainse and ehopplnt enter, utilities paid, laeludlns waaher olectrle dryer, plenty of hot water. AOS N. Winter. STATE AT 13 th, 3 room fnrnlahed apt. 147.00. TO ece, pa wra. .,- 1-ROOM NICELY furnlahcd apt. 388 Center Bt. w VERT ATTRACTIVE aonrt apartment, t room, and Datn, ou ncai, ciecm. ranaa and refrlierator furnlahed. Community TV aerial available. 304 Mn. 17th St. Phone 33130 daya, 33713 after p.m. . JP7 BEAUTIFUL furnlahcd apartment. Pre fer permanent resident. 444 n. cot tage. Phono 3-1887. IP" CHEAP BENT, clean apartment, wood range, sround floor, rn. x-vbbm. Jp'I' UNFURNISHED, 1 bedroom, modern court apartment. Cloac to dub. elec tricity, water, laundry, facUlUea fur nlahcd. Ph. 1-1830. Jpn CLOSE IN, honaakceplnf room, m utiuucB nrniaooa. oai waww. 4 ROOMS rllcdr furnlihed, aula! nelxbboThOOd. 1 oiocx caa. annonai hoapltal. 008 Bo. Bummar. 1P73" vwivatc three ROOM furnlahed court nartmanL clean. Adulta. 04B. loco Portland Rd. WO' SEVERAL furnlahcd apartmenU. food location. Inquire n. b. suit nnuiun. ft BEDROOM turnUhod, electric heat, adultt, Hollywood ouincK pa on. moo. vitrnuhed aoartmant. 084.00. J Hit re decorated, 1 bedroom, aitcnen, urinx room. bath, electric heat, electric clothe! dryer, all utuitlca paid. WALTER IIUBORAVI, REALTOR Ph. 3-8108 TC 3-030 pl4' NICELT FTJBNIBHED apartment. Am- baaBador kpartmcnu. no n. cram' mcr. iPV'1 Lee Apts. aalem'a Moat Dettlnsulahod Addraas Followlns rental! can be ahowa now: 3-Bdrm. Available Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. AvaUable Row TI .00 ' For luxury llvtns at moderate retea oall at 680 N. Winter at. Ph. 4-1041. )P jojeo'.ooo' miscellaneous BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF BAVE PICKUPS STAKES TANS TEXACO STATION 010 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1081 PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bids., State or Commercial Bts. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m' HAVE YOU aomethlnt to Belli Wa wlU sell It for you wad., uar. re, i:iu p.m. at AUCTION. Call 17316 or 41738 or brine to KJEIZER AUCTION, 1080 Chemawa Rd. SOW MR, SLAT HAPPY SEZ we take 'em Sows At put 'em ap ALL YOU DO B3 STALL 4-1401 far Laundry, Itepalrlns Reflalshtnc . Service for Your VENETIAN BLINDS Maw Tapes ar Cords too at the VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 1440 8. 13th ' h. -601 SALEM SAND Ai ORAVBL COMPANY Mr. Slat Haw Contract Work Road Clearlns Ditch Ins Sewer and Baaement Ecolpment Rental Ditching by the Poo Phone Days 3-0408 Bves. 3-4411 or 3-7411 i asJem, Orasoa lUHDINa MATERIALS GARAGE 14x13 toaulatt aa roar 1st, til 38 par taoath, ac deva aarmeat. Taa eaa rut thu dta add that extra bedroea the aamo way. Ttalt with aa aooal Portland Road Lumber Yard OPBN ALL DAT SATURDAY 41 Portland B4. Phone 4-44U ma WE NEED TO MOVE IT ; TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Ocdar Bidlnt Snorta 18.00 to 38.00 (lood for email buUdlnt). Hem. adj. Rdm. lentth (not bad) Yta 88.80. I 1 4i tixio N.o, 1x1 1' Bran rolaa It few) IHc each yon haull 1 Baked Cedar aanoli 18x10, acme rcry ood, eome bad, from 8e ft. to 13c ft. Hop Pom 1.00 yov haul. Oar don stakaa. at what As row need! To fence aa the doc or child "tlcka for pleketa" l(ic Mn. ft. "TOUR BUILDINO 8UPPLT PRIBNDcV Portland Road Lumber Yard K48 PorUand Rd. Phone 4-4433 ma WRECKING.HOUSE at 400 Center at, LoU of ahlplap, 3x4. 1x0 and 1x10 a. 13a. AUo aldlo and floorlnr. doora, wlndowe. Lota of other material. Lath 40c par bundle. BRICK! lc. ou prat. . Madson Wrecking Co. Taa7l Price War Rettrow trip toilet M M ao"xii" Wuh btiln lii.M Cut Iron bath tutat, tomplil ..W-B0 40 gu. Vktir betiter 973.00 N.W 4" 10U pipe 70 Htw Jhower cablntU eompleU ..$43.00 Medicine cavblocti, 14"ii''. ....I 1.M 800 leptic tanlu 443.60 Unpftlnttd owlar thakei ...! (.15 Painted eedar bake t 9.75 Overhead Karate hardwart .a.llB.SO Waterproof wall board, 4xt ,,k IM Plywood, interior k exterior ... Cheap I tab comp. rooting teat garage doon complete Mo. 1 doore, ra"x'l" ...t I.U Xew door jambs $ 1 M Chicken home, bam wlndovg, .ipeclal New picture wlndowe 1.00 C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 450M (1 mile North of Kelier) ma" BOOF1NQ complete line. CaU WeiUrn Auto, s-7177, tor tree aituaaH. aam ble's Wutern Auto Supply Co., Ml N, Commercial. maTt Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. u. It mchea clear. 06: No. I, 0 lnohea dear, 34. No aap wood or oulla. Coma and set them. Tad Ilullar, aalam-rndependenoe Road, Ph. Salem 3.11&S. - ma NURSERY STOCK COME IN and aee our line of sarden aup- pllea, ahrnba and aaddlns pianta. aaia Sa Orovo Nuraery, 4030 ailtarton Bd. nu73 For Sola MISCELLANEOUS FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compute, the can auelltr aa laat year, for homo ar ardn. Flaaatonaa. red lava atone and other typea for walla or serdene. Roo tle cedar fcnclnf and trams -wore PhllllDB Broa.. Rt 8. Box 433, aolem, Ph. 4-3001. n Roll.r and ball beerinsa for tracks and tractors. 3770 Bllvertoa Road. n PLATE MTRRORB 4.78. OlCTm WOOdry'S. R73 TOP SOIL Blvar ellt and fin dirt, saramptty delivery. Phone 3-174S. i an OSED waahtnr machines, M M sad wp. TXATEXt APPLIANCE CO, 378 Che maketa. a CM ALLOTTED for your old water heater on tnia new ai-saupn .mum,.v mnv trio water heater. Teater Appuancc 378 Chemeksta. Ph. 3-4311. n NEW 1-DRAWER Kh.ehOl. SCBka 14.80. woodrr. 1008 N. Bummer. nOl RAROAIN HUNTER'S SPECIAL - drawer hardwood cheat, eastern con- atruotlon, dovatau joinua, eenwr iwa, while thay laat, I17.S0. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. v7 BIKES 10.00. Qlenn Woodrr'a. nT3 M.CULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, SOS Edie - water, West Salem. Salem Loss Ins Bup nlr. Ph. 4-1641. n DRT POULTRY FERTILIZER 11 very sood for lawns and eaay to opraad. Br aack ar yard. PhDllpa Bros., Ph. 43081. BARGAIN HUNTER'S SPECIAL S drawer hardwood chest, eastern con struction, dovetail Joints, center sUdee, while they laat, oil.H, Trader uouie, 1070 Lana Ave. nr. FOR SALE or trade 1040 Bulck push hntton radio. 808. or 30-30 rule. at 3744 Brooke Ave. &74 Sewing Machine Buyers When burins new or weed coins machine call or write for our tree colored catalor. swtar ajewina uraier, 130 N. commercial, Salem, Ore, Ph. 33813. nTJ FEBTTLIEEB Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 3-0774 or s-0073. n7t Gravel and Sand Anvthlrur In sravtl. wholeaalo end retail. VALLEY SAND Jt O RAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003. PIANO Baldwin Acroaonlc Spinet, blonde cablneL one rear old. In per fect condition, only 607S. CHUCK'S STEAK HOUSE. 3100 Portland Rd. n73' CERAMIC FIRING Wc per 3330 Liberty Rd. Inch. nai1 FREE Westlnshouea Bewlnt machines on all floor Samples, save up to 40. TEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 37 ChC' meketa. n PLASTI-KOTE reculree no waxlnt. For vour floors or linoleum, ykater at. PL1ANCE CO, 376 chemekela. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric Poles. fence costs, bean posu and itakes. Phillip. Bros., Bt. C Eos 401. 1 miles east of 4 comers. Ph. 4-8081. n GIRL'S BICYCLE, tood condition: boy's blcrda. excellent condition, 346 Winter. Call after 4 p.m. " nU REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 371 cns meketa. COW rERTIUZEB 08 yard, 80. load. PhMi. 18031. U76 DEEPFREEZE home freeiere. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 chameketlL n REDUCED! tlo ner dav until sold USED ONE S INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR BANDER. 100 SHEETS OF SPEED OBIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH Bice. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 26, $329 pTeith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT STB., PHONE 8-IUI IW0 Olve bah oreen avemp. BABY BED, complete, 810. USED mer chandise MART. 178 So. Lrbertr Bt. mono 48171. Tamo of sous, all' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, faka, Own AUTOMOILU MAJOR MOTORS 18th and STATE 1948 CHEVROLET ' 1 "Thia la the Mack twe-door FleeUrne. fuBy Mreid with eaaveaa ' CbenolM aaoaaaortaa incladm tender oklrla and white wall Urea. This la datlnltehr too claaneat and meat ordinal 1848 aa j town. . Your for only .. . $365 DN. MONTHLY PAYMENT OF $35.7e 1947 CHEVROLET ' i A two-toae sren 4 -door fnaetraastar aasaa with tsUansoei : heater, aad pnah-knttea raale. A eleea oar, tor eeuy ... $245 DN. MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $S1.T$ 1946 FORD , .. A iWht trer two-door mdtn with radio, neater 4va4 mtm , A nae ax r wee ww urnu $1H DN. 1946 BUICK A modlam sreaa sapor 4 -door sedan, tally aemlpped aad hi ear .client mechanical eocKUttoa. This clean, luxurious ear a be bousht for . . , - $265 DN. MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $34.16 MAJOR MOTORS . 18TH .V STATE " PHONE f-Mll MONTH - END Jw USED CLEARANCE SALE! A LOT FULL OF REAL BARGAINS IF YOU "ARE THINKING ABOUT TRANS PORTATION COME IN NOW TAKE YOUR PICK MAKE US AN OFFER MCLUSIVE - WITH EVERY CAR YOU ENJOY if S.E.I. Warranty in writing '. good for 6 Mos. or 6,000 Miles - Established Dealer. , . r Reconditioning that satisfies if S & H Green Stamps with your purchase (this week only). ' if "Eye Opening" Low 1 . , Prices. . HURRY! HURRY! VALLEY MOTOR USED CAR MART CENTER AT HIGH PHONE 8-8147 VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCK We have an overstock of late model used pickups. These units will be reduced In pries , ' . for the balance of this month. 1 lOTl'rORD H -TON V-8 PICKUP. 4-SPEED 1950 rORD -TON PICKiJPS ; X 19B0 FORD -TON PICKUP I 1B50 STUDE. Vi-TON PICKUP 1 1949 STUDK. 1-TON PICKUP " 1 1949 FORD tt-TON l-CYL. PICKUP 1 1949 FORD H-TON 8-CYL. PICKUP. 4-SPEED I 1948 FORD Vs-TON PICKUP ALSO NEW 19SJ Vi-TON PICKUPS. VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCK LIBERTY MARION ST. for Salt MISCELLANEOUS DRESSED FRYERS PH. 4-1090 Ml O NTT MAN sarden tractor with plow and disc. 3018 tTncmawa noao. m. 3-1100. a74 SWINO BOCK SBA, 6114. IIBSD MEN- CRANDB5E HART, 370 ao. uoervr Bt. Phono 44371. Terms of eouree! n73 DIN1NO TABLES, from 310. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 SO. uoerir St. Phone 40171. Terms of courss. n7l APEX IBONEB, areellent condition, 076. Ph. 1-0016. we- BATENOS. DEED. 18 80 P. DeVCnoB, new, 00.06 up. Olenn wooorr a, ma N. Summer. nra1 tranrtNlaaED TABLES Cocktail, and. lamp, 0000. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 Bo. Lebertr St. Phone 4437L Terms of sovras. an AUTOMOtrUS ti on or , MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $SI CAR .7, DEPT. 1 8-CYL. cV 1 8-CYL. DEPT. PH. 1-8147 T4 For Salt MISCELLANEOUS NEW FURNITURE la cheaper el Olenn woodry'a. Trade-Ins. Terms. Pros De livery. Davonoc Bed Suites, Russ, Lampa, etc. Shop todar the Woodrr Way, 1608 N. Summer. 73 Hits WILTON vslvet rue. sod Hoover vacuum cleaner. 1-4083. , SSI Haw thorns. alt SINGER ELECTRIC PORTABLE aewlns machine, late model, A-l con dition and susrsnteed, 16.60. Slnaer aewlns Center, 130 N. Com'l. m' NEW I PC. Chrome Dinette Sets Lars, aril Betttrll Chaaperll 30.60. Term. Trades. Wens Woodry'a, 1S00 H. Bum mer. 73 SINGER TREADLE Drowhead. seed eewlnt eondiuon Cd rusraatsecl. Oolr 1S. rawer stss Osatsr, MS B. Oeaa'l. srte Fa SU MtSCgLLANtOUS LAWN CBAnta MS. 4Meaa Woodrr a. BTl HO a PIT AL BED for sola or rent B, L. atlff Furniture oo. raoas i-oiss. a- imniawooo. NOISELESS, appewritar, raw ,f -reoe ww a . (Pa MEW sr. Hardwood Crib 4i tn- aeraprlas Mastreca m m. weaua vrooo na, isoo N. aoaamet. T3 SINGER ELECTRIC waOaut aaalaol aewtns aroheae, wast las preaecr foot, knee eoatm u4 aaw toe llehl. A-l condition, suaraaload, only T.M. ainser aewlas Center, 130 H. Commercial. nTi' SMALL PIANO Mahosaay Player, A-l, Plain ceee sae.00. Terma-Traooa, ui Woodrr. 1000 M. Summer. 8 sthers 80.00 upll n'3 SINGER TREADLE drophead aewlns machine, folhv auar- anteed. ruu pnee ois.v. auneer ru center. 110 N. Commercial. an ADDrNO MACBINE 4 each Drawer 30.M. woodrr, loos . summer, mi- s-PIECE sun cabinet; tl-ptaea sot eootine uienBuar weec machinal new Infra-red Bollywood broiler orani aacrlflce. Phono 8-468 alt COMETS O'DSAWEEA AOS. clleaa Wood. rr a. 1000 N. Bummar. on- . Car Radios Brand new Motorola Custom 1-Heee IMah-button, 40-61. PonUac special price 618.06 InstalleC No down pay ment. OS pet weak, approved credit. BeiH Oreen Stamps, too. MASTER SERVTCB STATIONS, INC. BTS LAWNMOWERS 1ST Clue 10.80. fUena Woodrr'a. 1008 N. Summer. an NEW SMALL alee portable sewtas ohine. Phone 140SS . alter r:ss s.m. aTl OAK OFFICE Typewriter Deek 80.00. Oak swivel Chair 17.80. Manosenr Bnaehola Deak. hi srada 44.60. See at Olenn Woodry'a Bsrsaln Furniture Store, 1008 N. summer. Terma-TradeB. . . . " , BTl ORGANIC FERTILISER. Free of weed aMdB. end odorless, el CI or ouut d.ra delivered. Phone 1-8117. all wooe Wanlad MISCtXLANfOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnut, to ahell. HlshcBI eaah price en cttlivtrr. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKINO CO. 480 K. Irsnt St.. S!"!! fi, l-w na WOODRt WANTS Pianos. Phone 1-6110 . na- WANTED Matal lathe, small alao. MUMUMOD. BO. NV OIH. .11 0 to 8. aetl LOGS WANTED ' atud Mill. Lanatha r 4" or If f, Diameter 4" to 14". aawmlD, Lrattha 11' and lonser. Diameter 6" os ac Top prlcea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Tmur. era. Phono 114 .-..''. Ba BLECTRIO 3-6110. BANQES. WOOdry'S. SPORTING EQUIPMENT a- HP. jotUfSON outhoard run 188 hours- Ph. 1-3481. BCTS ooj.ete'W' FINANCIAL : LOANS? ' UP TO $1600 aa Slsnature, Burnlture, 4Hr AT PKRSONAL B's "Tea" promptly emoloyad mn m women, I 1-vatlt loss . '. , shone first STou aelsct beat payment data, -Between payday loans. Phone, writ or some tot TODATI Personal Finance Co. . lot 8. STIOB ST., SALBM 'BUI Ueens Bos. S-1U, M-iaj Loans over 8300 up ts 81600 and up lo 10 months 0 repay mode by personal Finance Oo. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Orel on. 370' STATE FINANCE CO, 5 SIMPLE WATS TO IND TOUB MONET WORRIES ' 1 Furnlturs Loaa : i Auto Loan I Livestock Loaa ' 4 Co-Maker Loaa .: 8 lsnatur. Loan . Matlmum Small Loan 0300 Maximum Auto Loan 0800 141 So. Blah St, Pboas 1-411J -111 af-ttt no PRIVATE MONET ' Special Rates and Terms '. On Larser . . Lens end short Tims Payments BOT B. SIMMONS H4J Sc. Commercial St. Ph. 3-0181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT SO, , 103 South Church Parkins s-Pleatr Ph. 1-8467 Lie No. M-160, S-164 BE ITS FOR FARM, CTTT OB ACRBAOB . LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUT Reel Batata mortsasos as sontraets . State Finance Co. I So. Blsh St Ph. 3-4111 1 5 Interest ar von have Idle funds seeklns fa. vestment, then you are the type of acraoa to whom we esn be of servte. For over Twentr-flve Tears we have been helplns people In thla community find nroflteble work for their money. Durlns thle period we have promptly peld SS eeml-aanaal saletsel aarvecate totelllns many Thouaanda of Dollara. We era currently peylns i INTEREST an funda from 1600 to owtoo. General Finance Corporation 136 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem. Oreaon Phono S-F101 f tjl.f rti WANTED 88000 from private party, on 133 scree Willamette son sna onion land north of Salem. Phone 1-4091 bslween 10 s.m. and 1 p.m. rTI Lie. S-133 and M-330 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradea" 11:06 Dally KSLM 1300 Bo. - OENERAL P1NANCB CO. LOANS IM So. Commercial St, Tot, 1-011 4 PERSONAL ALCONOUCS ANONTMOVS, Oron Ho. I. 3044 a. SommsraiaA aa. a-oaio ar aaar. ' al AUTOMOOIUS 141 POXT1AC aedeastte, laatraaa Jatr. 010. csaa. meal, l-em oars, are 40 PONTIAO I -door BiOaa or, hydreaaatle. wis 4S to 'OS ChevrekH. tvr A wultr fee s-SSOl af- era Hudson $645 SHROCK MOTOR CO. aaa Os FOB SALE t 4T)E flaod 1SS0 Bulak sedan, eater, nctte, crafroeist aaa apotllshi. 0140. Fhoao 4-Srol. CUT '41 PLYMOUTH Clak coose. 1H miles Baal of Totem Few so ru. A aoa sis. sas aaamjixa . fVArXF. E.dast Fully ocjulpped. clean, peneei con dition. Cheap. Terms avallaale. Phooa FISSl. ir- 46 OLDS Sodautte, radio, keaiar, a oar per fooallr tBanapartarlea $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. "Where ekostoketa dress is Ornrreh" lass FOBD PICKUP. For awpclacment. phono .1-4061. Location, ists saeet Ave. T '41 BUICK SiWisl aeeaaette. To aheae. Bee at SS0 center or paone s-s. '0.T4 loo BUDSON Buper t. Teiy sood 4on lunn. aicaa. hi Maraas aner e. :. . - .. -. .. T1 MUST SELL Maks any offer. '40 BAlser Traveler, rsadro, aeatar, s-osce. are '46 Ford V-8 Sodas aad a nitomlaa body wMk creel arses. $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. "When (XMSHket Ooes t Church" 'as mm VA dak Coo.. Beta. esruMate. Ir blaakad oak Lowered back aad. New black ftntah. call 4-1141. cjtl SACrUFICE 1047 Fentlac Toreode dan. ixacj. Boater, eanra on leas WantlaB A-door aedu heater, very eloaa, 88. T40 liadUon. Phono 1-03T0. 13 '47 FORD 6 Bedaa. with redee, healer aad sat -anaaloa IMS $595 SHROCK MOTOR CO. -Where Chnaekrta Ooae Is TEST BBASONABIB 'OS Mercery with extras. I-STT1 attar I wab. TI 4-BOOB sedan. Terr sood condition. Onry 3E.000 miles. aaitan. t -aw alrae. . Phono 3141 ' " cm' "47 BUICK BedenBlte, ndlo, heater, sow atcrt ,. SB skis for eaJr $695 SHROCK MQTOR CO. "Where Ohem.keU Ooes 8 eShureh" 0 FOBD, M tea rAckmp. On of She best. Phone 4-1BC7. e AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING BADIATOB TROUBLE? TallaF Motor Co. encrts will solve roar prob lem, snd save yon money. Pros e. ti met. , speedy servic. Ceatsr at Llb- rtv. ao- oooa'wspe'c'. TRUCKS IMS WOLTS 4-wbocl strlv pUkcp. Al most sew tires. Phase ssisi. ajcrnr- IMS OBIT, track, vaa typo boar, con dition sood, 0800. Phono 8-441. M13 oo'. SPECIAL AUTO USED-PARTS Molon, radiators, fenders, ax les, bodies, gears, osuenei, tw. Acme Auto & TrucK " Wreckers 8558 Portland Road NEAR BAH aSFOP IxRITS-TJf TRAILERS 1 wheel Trallar X4.80. 4lsaa Woodrr, 100 N. Bummar. its 8-WIIEKL TRAILER, 84 Oak street. Ph. HOUSE TRAH.ERS larjITT 161 31-ft Ubsrtr teas ersllar Ph. 4-8116. 84 DIRECTORY ADDING All makes ased machtnea sold, raatecl, repaired, Boca, 400 Court. Fh, 3-4771. CABB reoisters Inalant daUvery sf new RCA eel resistors. All make., sold, rented, n paired. Boon, 480 Court. Fa, 3-4771. DREBSMABtNQ Alt.ratlons, hemaUlchtns, battens, backlsa covered, kattonholaa. Mrs. H. M. Alleadcr. 3-0011. ooo DaiTINO instruction Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. . Call or see Mr. Sselltaf. Teller Mo tor Co., Sclera. Phone I-314T ar t-3074. EXCAVATINO Ben OUen a Son. Ricavetlns, Brad Inc. land elaarlns. Phono 1-3080. OSS' Radiant Glassheat, Inc. WILL INTERVIEW SALESMEN FOR SALEM BRANCH tnASSHEAT, Amsrrca't Rawast ttid merit pnodern hooting motkod (f HA fpwi) h opening S Utr) 4fffs and worehotiM, Ixporiorxed Ml trim olmbrHou toleiman with oar will horo tMollont eMoortuntty for unlimited Mmlngl e e e UH rn MrMn. 6LASSHEAT, INC., 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. WUrCTCTY crsrjSTaiAL T work, yaaoy, curb. aSektlo left. aad ssee 3a. eaileaa Bt aj. k mmm. ft S-3-S. .flas.- 4. DfSCLATlON BurraaAsM (Maltal BcaldavE, raj offtci FuaNiii'aa a suppum Desk shalra tiles, fnias emUea. swfas. daiaiealotrs, straswtaa, deck assess, krpe. wrtter Maads. Boca, I FBACTICAL NTraaBB BBOISTBT aaraee, sr docaeeuc. Call l-dSTI. sew SEPTIC TANKS . . Bamers emtio banks. rlauaoirBsa eS lo. Owen Mod work. Psoas 3-7404. atika aeutia Barries Vrsetar eteaas sewerc arena. "sewer, sepsis tonka. Arorai leleasad 18. TELE TIS ION Ave. Phono 4-411. .' WDfDOW CLEAXTNO Vsastraifeg Hmm f&3T. Acme Window Cleaaars. waains, ai 847 Court. iCILPINO MATUtlAL A wr .axArto Wreckras o anoap aappiiea o-ww TEXniAN BUND 1APKDBT CanfUld'a InrtcT, Bapalrs. sftoM- lns. 1440 S. 11 m, ra. .---r Delivery. " TTrawmrrams . . Smith, corona. Ramtniton, BoyaL Ua- derwocd portables. All machines, mpaira Court. . : - " a reat. BCLLDODNO Bulldoslns road, eloerhM tsstrk yirsa wuriey. 1010 rslrvli rview. fa, a-14S. SALEM LODGE No. 4 A J. ft' A.M. Wad., Mar. . LKALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bide will be received by JdW. J. Bell, Clerk, at the OiTIco of aha Frba dual in the SUyton jarsde school JUr Ion County Dtst, TTCJ waUl April S, 1001, S:00 r a for sow emeteF School BuUdlns for said district, cad will thca and trutre be osenod and pus- - Uclr read. Blda noaivoa slier ue tmm fixed for ononlns will not be ooc4red. ; Plan sad Spodllcatlona, tntludlas Contract Docnmentt mar b conualaed ! or sasy so oataraoa ai eow oeuw . LouJa 4kuuarber, Architect, 6041 North Hirer Road, aaiem, orosoa, aswa - poalt of 8U.0 for each act. ssevoau aum win ae rexuiKMa mu kaldor poa the return of all aocuacnta aad drawlnu ta sood ondltloa wlthta tea (10) days stter Oat of . ewemas kids. . - ... -. Boca ata anau aa aocompauew or MrtHled ahack. Oaahler's Chock ew bid bond (with authorised Surety fMaaaaaur aa surety) aveae paraoui w Mrm . County School Dlst. TIOJ, OKaytoa. ore- son, ta tao eSBOUni as ev. ea soe wnvn at each bad. Surety bond, will be rs- eulred la aocoroanea wi rnxmrn aa aontrael documents. The school aaatnci reeerves aoa im ta relect ear r U bid end I watvo toferaulltlea. ' ' o atdoer atap wiwaraw oia mm 4w Lima act for oawnlas Oaercof. unless the award Is delayad tar a period asodias thirty o says,,) .v, ay uroer or ana aoarw oi uncma ' , Staytoa School, Dlitrlet No. TTCJ,, . Marlon Oounty, Orosoa. ' Bdward 3. Bon, Clark. . March n sad lo, 1163. - , , Mt. Angel Man Given Reward Portland () A $1,000 re ward check was presented here Tuesday to the man whose siert work resulted in swift capture of the Mt. An gel bank robber. - ' Clifford C. Clarkjon, on be half of rhs Oregon Bankers' sssoclstlon, handed the check to Peter F. Gores, manager for the Marion County farmers Union Oil eompeny vt Mt At ;''' . Gores said at would ' gvn half of the money to his saslst- ant, Joseph N. Wagner. Less than rive noun alter the bank was robbed of 118,- 000, Glen Roy Sulisky was captured and the money re covered. He was picked rp because Goran and Wagner had bean suspicious of him few days earlier, Bad made not, and when the bank was robbed, had told the FBI. When Japanese to written Chinese characters, It asm be read by a Chinese although ho docs not speak Japanese ana he would give the characters a totally difforrent phonetic rslus from what they had m Jap- BSae. A: i br. r. T. Lara, NJ. Or. O. Chan, 9Xt DBR. CHAN . 4 . LAM CHINESE NATVSOFAIHt Csertain, Ml Nerth Ukarty Office an Saturday enrr M a. to I p.m, t I 1 pjn. Oonstiluuoa, blood atoaawr and arts tsate ar free of .her... Practiced stnos 101T, WrIU for attracUvo sift. Ms obll- satlon. i i ; . 1 a. KM I ' JT3